Monday, March 28, 2022

Police attack commemoration of Kızıldere massacre in Istanbul

In Istanbul, a commemoration rally of leftist youth groups marking the fiftieth anniversary of the Kızıldere massacre was violently broken up by police. At least six participants were detained.

Sunday, 27 Mar 2022, 


In the western Turkish metropolis of Istanbul, a rally by left-wing youth groups to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Kızıldere massacre was violently broken up by police. At least six people involved in the action were taken into custody, some of them by force.

The organizations Dev-Lis (Revolutionary High School Students) and Dev-Güç (Revolutionary Youth Forces) organised the commemoration in front of the Süreyya Opera House in the district of Kadıköy. Initially, the gathering was surrounded by police with reference to a ban on assembly issued by the district governorate. As the group refused to leave the square, the rally was broken up by the police.

"Kızıldere was not the end, the struggle continues" chanted the demonstrators as some of them were taken to the ground and dragged across the asphalt by security forces. Handcuffed with their hands behind their backs, six of them were taken away and taken to a police station. They are likely to face charges of violating the Turkish Assembly Law and resisting state authority.


Internationalist Berxwedan: The experience of Rojava can be used also in Italy

The Rojava International Conference so the presence of internationalists speaking 27 different languages. Zeryan Berxwedan said that "this conference can be an inspiration not only for Rojava but also for my country, Italy."

Sunday, 27 Mar 2022

VIDEO 10:00 MIN 

Internationalist Zeryan Berxwedan said that they are trying to carry the ideology of the revolution in Rojava to their countries and emphasized that ideological solidarity is extremely important to defend the revolution. Stating that the foundation of the Rojava revolution is the philosophy of Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan, Zeryan Berxwedan said: "As Leader Apo said, we have to analyze our societies and find humane solutions for our society. Therefore, Abdullah Öcalan's thought is that internationalist studies are as important as those in Rojava. It is extremely important for the continuation of our lands."

Zeryan Berxwedan, one of the delegates to the 1st Rojava Internationalist Conference, which saw the participation of all internationalist structures and institutions in Rojava, talked to ANF about the conference.

What did the first Rojava Internationalist Conference mean to you?

The conference was very emotional for me. First of all, because we came together as internationalists to talk about issues that are important here or in our countries. Another impressive thing was that you had friends speaking 27 different languages ​​at the conference. Personally, I have never met so many comrades from different parts of the world in Italy before.

This means that as society and comrades we need a stronger unity in the world to go beyond the system and create something else. The conference was definitely very emotional. It gave energy and strength on an emotional level to continue a work that is not only in Rojava but also in our countries. In contact with other countries in the world, we understand that the fundamental problem is always the same, the system that oppresses and kills various societies in different parts of the world.

What was discussed regarding the role of women in internationalism?

The role of women is extremely important. Because women have been oppressed by this system for 5,000 years. As a result, women experience this system much more severely than men. In internationalism, women can be pioneers both ideologically and practically. The role of women internationalists is very important to convey the values ​​of humanity and equality that we do not usually find in our countries.

What were the key points that emerged at the conference?

It was important that we got together. Because we deepened the internationalist work in Rojava. There are different plans. Here in Rojava there are more ideological formations; trying to connect more internationalists from various structures. But above all, one of the most important points for me is to try to understand how we will transfer the energy and ideology of the Rojava Revolution to our countries and how we will continue this work. Because most of the time, when we return to our countries, we feel lost and cannot understand how to continue this revolutionary work.

Because we change. We change our perspective; we change our personality. When we return to our world, to our societies, we often do not know how to continue revolutionary work. One of the important points of the conference, one of its plans, was how to continue the revolutionary work here and take it to our countries.

What kind of international revolution experience did the Rojava Revolution reveal?

The Rojava Revolution has had a great impact on internationalism and internationalist comrades. Because it is a new hope for a new society and a method of social organization. Not only that, but through the ideology of the Kurdish movement, as internationalists, we can work on ourselves to be better, more humane people, disconnected from the individualism and capitalism of our society.

The values ​​of internationalism are definitely one of the core values ​​of humanity, with the desire to create a better humanity, free from wars and repression. As a result, many internationalist comrades are trying to live together a new form of society, deciding to fight against the system we live in every day and, especially, to provide solidarity with oppressed peoples. The basic values ​​are to remain human, to be able to feel the pain of others, because the pain of oppressed peoples is also our pain. Because even if there is one person, the world is not free, a person cannot live freely but continues to live in a violent state.

We need to create international ideological solidarity

Of course, internationalism in Rojava defends the revolution not only with weapons, but with the most classical form of defense; but at the ideological level, we are trying to carry the ideology of this revolution to our countries and lands. Defense is, of course, physical, but also ideological. In order to defend this revolution, it is extremely important to create ideological solidarity not only in Rojava but also in our countries. Internationalist solidarity is very important in these times. Because, as we see in the world, the system renews itself against society and the peoples.

As you can see, a war broke out between Russia and Ukraine in Europe. Therefore, internationalism is extremely important to bring together the various existing ideologies and different societies around the world. Comrades must work on this, understand how we can create a new society free from wars, free from the state and capitalist powers, killing whole communities and people for economic and political interests, as we have seen better lately.

So where does this revolution come from and can it be applied everywhere?

Of course, the basis of this revolution is Abdullah Öcalan's thought, a revolutionary thought based on humanity and differences. It can be applied anywhere in the world, even in our societies. Of course, it should be applied with many differences. As Leader Apo said, we have to analyze our societies and try to find humane solutions for our society. Therefore, Abdullah Öcalan's thoughts are extremely important for the continuation of internationalist work here in Rojava as well as in our lands.

Could you feel your own international identity at this conference?

As an Italian, I felt that this conference was important. I started to think about how I could transfer the values ​​of this experience to Italy, to my comrades, friends and family. I think Italy is a country that is very open to change. This conference can be an inspiration not only for Rojava but also for my country. I definitely felt that the problems raised by many of the comrades present at the conference were my problems, as we came from similar places and from the same system.

Therefore, we can create something else. I have hope that we can create our own organization inspired by the Kurdish movement in Italy. Abdullah Öcalan's ideas are conveyed in a different geography, a different society, a different history, and we can.

Do you have a message for your country or the world public opinion?

I want to tell people around the world that there can be another society, another method of social organization. Here there is hope for everyone, because it is a humanistic organizational system based on differences, love of life, peace, a human ideology that starts with people and society, and is not based on power and the state. What I want to say is that in order to understand where we can find common ground, it is necessary to try to analyze our struggles, analyze our lives within the system, continue this struggle and continue to hope for a different world free from the violence of the world.

Spanish activist Tekoşer: The Rojava Revolution marks a new beginning for internationalism

Internationalist Tekoşer is from Castilla, in the Spanish state and has been in Rojava for approximately three months.

Monday, 28 Mar 2022,

Internationalist Tekoşer attended the conference organised by the internationalists in Rojava. He is from Castilla, in the Spanish state, and has been in Rojava for about three months.

Speaking to ANF about the conference, he said: “This conference has been a series of very important experiences; it has been a historic moment for all of us, it’s the first time in the history of Rojava that all the internationalists working here, in Rojava, can come together. There have been able to open a lot of debates, to talk about our concerns, our desires, about the problems here, about the problems in our own countries, the doubts about our role here or in our countries. The truth is that it has been a very, very enriching experience. It has been a great opportunity to live it, and above all, it has been very nice to meet colleagues from all over the world and see that we are fighting for the same thing.”

Tekoşer added: “I think that the revolution has had many successes, it has brought many improvements. I think that there is still a lot to be done and that should be the main driving force for us to continue working in the same direction, because it is the right direction.
The Rojava revolution has had a very big impact on all internationalist struggles. It has meant a before and an after, I think that internationalism was not at its best before the Rojava revolution and the call that began during the liberation of Kobane and was extended to all the comrades who came here. For example, you can see that less than a year ago the Zapatista comrades came to Europe to strengthen internationalism, so I think that the experience of Rojava, of so many people who have come here, have learned and have returned to their countries of origin is bearing fruit.”

For the Spanish activist, “internationalism should be based on unity. At the end of the day, here in Rojava, we come to Rojava with very different ideologies and we learn to coexist, to talk, to exchange experiences, we learn methods from each other, we learn to review ourselves, to generate self-criticism, to improve our own tools. This is a very important value, unity.
Another very important value is the value of dedication, learning to leave everything to give everything. This is another of the values that we learn by coming to Rojava and I think it is one of the most important values as well.”

For Tekoşer, “internationalism plays very different roles in the defense of the revolution, not only the physical defense, which is perhaps often the most visible, but also the spreading of ideas in our places of origin, the transmission of the values of the Rojava revolution, the diplomatic work that is done, an example of this is how a region within the Spanish state, Catalonia, has recognized the self-administration as a legitimate actor with which to dialogue, to exchange. This is how the work that we internationalists do here is materializing and then returning to our countries of origin. It is essential, internationalism, as I mentioned before, means learning and sharing. If we are not willing to learn from other cultures, other ways of doing things, other values, we will always repeat the same mistakes. For me, it is very clear that it is necessary to travel, that it is necessary to learn from the revolutions around the world in order to improve ourselves, our collectives and our struggles.”

Tekoşer continued: “The truth is that I arrived at the conference without knowing very well what to expect. I have not been here long, but as the days went by I noticed how the feeling of community was growing, how the illusion was growing inside me to finally end up very happy, re-signifying and re-knowing what I want to do here and why I am here, so it was a very important moment.

For me, the role of women should be that of the vanguard. I believe that women are, in the end, as Öcalan said, the first oppressed nation, therefore they should be the first to liberate themselves. I believe that women, not having been so influenced by the state mentality, have the key to liberate all of humanity and I believe that we men have to do much more work, because we are much more influenced and we cannot allow ourselves to let our comrades be the ones who come to liberate us, but we have to be the ones who do the work of following them in this struggle.

For me, the most important decisions that were taken during the conference were those that were aimed at facilitating the organization of internationalists here so that we can develop projects that later have an impact on our places of origin or that allow us to have a more protagonist role in the Rojava revolution.

I have to tell you that revolution is possible, that Rojava is not a dream, it is a reality. That together we can reach a new world. I believe that Rojava can teach us how to give us tools, methods to achieve it, but I believe that throughout Europe a revolutionary current is emerging and I think it is our duty to know how to read the moment and to know how to act accordingly.”

First Internationalist Conference of Rojava releases final declaration

The First Internationalist Conference of Rojava was held with the participation of all internationalist structures and institutions in Rojava. The meeting established the road map for the new period.

The Preparatory Committee of the First Internationalist Conference of Rojava, emphasizing the world's expanding crisis and war, as well as the world's widening system crisis, urged all anti-system forces to fight within the framework of the Democratic Confederalism of the Peoples of the World.

The Internationalist Conference of Rojava was held for the first time. After the meeting, the Preparatory Committee issued the following final declaration:

“Today, crises are rising around the world, and an imperialist war is underway. In Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East, this crisis has already existed. With the war between Ukraine and Russia, this situation became more visible on the European continent as well. These wars and crises, it appears, will worsen, and their contradictions will be seen more all around the world. This crisis is not limited to the ruling classes. This war's purpose is to shatter and destroy the resistance wave of women, environmentalists, revolutionary movements, youth, anarchists, and popular organizations.


Today, there is a serious system crisis that is becoming increasingly severe. Today, humanity is confronted with issues of freedom, class, democracy, and ecology. The system that devastates peoples, cultures, women, youth, workers, countries, and nature was met with relentless opposition. From Spartacus' resistance to Bruno's, from witch hunts to Zapata, Mandela, and Rosa, it has survived to the present day under the guidance of Arîn, Ronahî, and Bager in the twenty-first century under the leadership of Abdullah Öcalan. Today, there is a growing global resistance, and this opposition is taking on an international dimension. People’s international self-defense organization is the most powerful response against fascist, reactionary, and racist attacks all around the world. Because the problem is on a worldwide scale, resistance and battle must be international and global as well.


The political system in charge is waging a war against the peoples, movements, and circles that are resisting today. It captures and murders freedom fighters and pioneers, criminalizes movements and resistances, liberalizes the stances they have set, assimilates cultures, and tries to break optimism by weakening their will. In response, there is a Democratic Confederalism-based revolution in Kurdistan, and all over the world, women, ecologists, cultural resistance, oppressed peoples, and all anti-system identities and movements are growing. The rising wave of socialism in Latin America inspires hope like the Rojava Revolution, while women's and environmental radicalism strengthens the resolve to oppose the capitalist system. The Zapatista movement, like the guerrilla resistances in Kurdistan and the Philippines, is carrying out their freedom struggles in Mexico City with revolutionism against occupation and colonialism all over the world.


We successfully organized the First Internationalist Conference of Rojava with all the internationalist structures and institutions in Rojava with the motto "Greeting the tenth anniversary of the Rojava Revolution in internationalist spirit" to assess the revolution's achievements. We commemorated all the international martyrs in the persons of martyrs Ronahi, Avaşîn, Dilsoz, Bager, Lêgerîn, Sara, Andok, Paramaz, and Partizan. With the promise to fulfill the dreams of martyrs, the conference was dedicated to all international martyrs and fighters.


The opening speech was followed by an assessment of the political situation in Kurdistan, the Middle East, and the world. Panel discussions on the development of foreign experiences were held. According to the conference evaluations, the self-proclaimed success of capitalism modernity over socialism, which announced "the end of history" following the collapse of the Soviet Union, was similarly in vain. On the contrary, capitalist modernity has been observed to be increasingly harmful in the previous 30 years, destroying society as well as nature. Although revolutionary movements have been suppressed to varying degrees over the last century, the pursuit of freedom has never diminished. On this basis, societies in Latin America, the United States, Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Middle East have today stood up and rebelled under the leadership of women and youth against oppression, labour theft, and colonialism. The democratic flow of history is alive and here.


With the emergence of the Rojava Revolution, a new chapter in the history of the oppressed peoples' struggle in the last ten years has been written. Tens of thousands of martyrs of this revolution wrote this new chapter with their blood, declaring that the oppressed peoples of the world, particularly the Kurds, will define their own destiny in the twenty-first century and defend the legacy that has been passed down for thousands of years.


With its 50-year history, the Kurdish Freedom Struggle serves as an inspiration and source of strength for all anti-system movements around the world. We must unite under the Democratic Confederalism of the Peoples of the World to start a new international liberation struggle against all forms of imperialism, colonialism, occupation, patriarchy, and plunder. Let's brighten the light of revolution against reactionism and fascism, broaden the radical struggle against liberalism, which has infected humanity like a virus, and weave the web of a communal, equal, honorable, and free life.


Our conference covered a wide range of topics concerning the role of international struggle. The international fight served as a bridge of solidarity between peoples in the defense and development of the revolution. During our conference, we came to the conclusion that the 10th anniversary of the revolution is a success for the hope of a free life. Without a question, the area of an internationalist struggle for the defense of the hope of a free life is strategically significant. The internationalists will successfully fulfill their duties in protecting the revolution's values and promoting the hope of a free existence in the new period.


Discussions and assessments based on these foundations have resulted in a significant amount of power and emotion. At a time when capitalism violates all human values, Rojava emerged as a source of hope, enlightenment, freedom, equality, friendship, and love. The conference will finalize the revolution's defense with an international struggle alliance, because internationalism is the best weapon of revolutionaries. We, as conference participants, will defend and develop the Rojava Revolution through international alliance and struggle.


The conference also put emphasis on the role and pioneering mission of women in revolution defense. The conference determined that the women's revolution in Kurdistan, led by women, was the revolution of the age, and established women's resistance culture and jineology as a set of criteria and roadmap for them to transform the twenty-first century into a century in which the gender conflict was resolved.

In this context, our conference decided on joint plannings to expand the international fight against occupation, colonialism, and the patriarchal system, as well as to promote the Democratic Confederalism of the Peoples of the World and internationalist efforts.


Our conference hailed Rêber Apo's [Abdullah Öcalan’s] resistance against Imrali isolation and emphasized its determination to broaden the campaign for the freedom of all prisoners of liberty, particularly Rêber Apo's physical freedom.

At the same time, the conference demonstrated the tenacity required to fight for the liberation of occupied areas such as Afrin, Serêkaniyê, and Girê Spî. In this context, important discussions were made to expand the 'RiseUp4Rojava' and 'WomenDefendRojava' campaigns, and it was agreed that an International Anti-fascist front should be developed to fight the global fascism wave all over the world.


Our conference concluded that Rojava should play the required role in order to become the core of global anti-system movements in the next era. In this framework, and inspired by the conference's commitment and enthusiasm, we call on all revolutionary, socialist, anarchist, feminist, ecological, and democratic movements and organizations to ‘come to Rojava’. Let’s all work together to make the tenth anniversary of the Rojava Revolution a reason for growth and expansion. Let's unite under the banner of the Democratic Confederalism of the Peoples of the World to expand the struggle for freedom. Let's elevate the future's hopes together. Let's work all together to beautify the planet in the spirit of the women's movement."

Kurdish youth organizations to rally for Öcalan in Duisburg

With a demonstration through Duisburg, the Kurdish youth organizations TCŞ and TekoJIN will demand the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan on April 2. People in solidarity are invited to participate in the action.

Sunday, 27 Mar 2022,

The Kurdish youth organizations TCŞ and TekoJIN are calling for participation in a demonstration for freedom for Abdullah Öcalan. The NRW-wide event under the slogan "In the year of success - take part in the struggle for freedom" is to take place in Duisburg on April 2, the organizing committee announced on Sunday. In addition to the local groups of TCŞ and TekoJIN in Duisburg, young people from cities such as Cologne, Düsseldorf, Dortmund, Bochum and Münster will also participate in the demonstration.

"Our goal is the physical freedom of Abdullah Öcalan. We will be on the streets of Duisburg on April 2 for this demand," a spokeswoman for the organizing committee told ANF. “The current phase is marked by the desire to demand accountability of the Turkish state, which is acting in a fascist and genocidal" manner. We want to make it known that the Kurdish youth movement will oppose isolation, occupation and fascism in Kurdistan everywhere. We call on like-minded people and people in solidarity to join the demonstration," the activist said.

The youth demonstration in Duisburg will begin on April 2, next Saturday, at 15:00. The starting point is the Duisburg main station.
Rich Russians flocking to Dubai to escape sanctions
The UAE has not followed western governments’ sanctions on Russia after the invasion of Ukraine


Settler leaders launch campaign calling to topple government

Yesha Council heads torch coalition's decision to 'freeze' Jewish construction in the West bank while ignoring illegal Arab construction, a move they say 'endangers national security'

Elisha Ben Kimon|
Published: 03.27.22, 

Settler leaders launched a campaign Sunday to bring down the coalition and force a new round of elections due to what they deem as biased government policies vis-à-vis construction in the West Bank.
The heads of the Yesha Council — an umbrella organization of municipal councils of Jewish settlements in the West Bank — said that the move was prompted by the government’s decision to “freeze” Jewish construction in the West bank, all while effectively ignoring any illegal Arab construction.
מסיבת עיתונאים מועצת יש"ע
Yesha council presser
(Photo: Amit Shabi)
"I supported [the government's] lines when it was established,“ said David Elhayani, the chairman of the Yesha Council, during a press conference launched in front of the Jerusalem office of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett — himself a former chairman of the Yesha Council.
“The agreements said that the status quo would be preserved as it had in the past.
Elhayani added that “recently, it became clear to us that Defense Minister Benny Gantz violated all coalition agreements, and in fact froze all [construction] plans. This reality cannot continue,” said Elhayani.
תיעוד המתנחלים לפלישות בנייה של בדואים בשטחי C
Illegal Bedouin construction in the West Bank
(Photo: Forum Otef Yerushalayim)
The Yesha chair accused Gantz of ceding Israeli territory to the Palestinians and endangering national security. “Thus this government has no right to exist and should be toppled," he concluded.
The head of the Shomron Council in the northern West Bank, Yossi Dagan, added: “The government is destroying [the Homesh outpost] and freezing construction in the West Bank, all while abandoning the Negev. Such a government will fall.”
The settler leaders added that the Civil Administration’s planning committee — which issues construction permits in the West Bank on behalf of the Israeli government — has not convened in several months.
תיעוד: כוחות מג''ב, מחוז ש''י והמנהל האזרחי מפנים מבנים ארעים בחומש
Police officers tearing down makeshift housing in the northern West Bank outpost Homesh
(Photo: Israel Police)
In addition, the Yesha heads claim that the Defense Ministry’s policy regarding the demolition of illegal outposts has become more aggressive.
"The prime minister was once the director-general of the Yesha Council… I remember him explaining how very important construction is in the West Bank,” said Yesha Council Director Yigal Dilmoni, who added that the settler movement “will not give up until the freeze is over or until the government falls.”


Areas held by Autonomous Administration | Teachers go on strike for salary increase in Al-Raqqah and Al-Hasakah

With increasing numbers of teachers striking the educational process in Autonomous-Administration held areas in north and east Syria, SOHR activists have reported that teachers in Al-Qahtanyah area in the western countryside of Al-Raqqah have announced their strike to exert pressure on Autonomous-Administration and demand a pay increase.

This coincided with a strike initiated by teachers in Al-Arisha educational complex in Al-Hasakah countryside to demand a pay rise too.

On March 25, SOHR sources reported that teachers in the western countryside of Al-Raqqah issued a statement on March 24, announcing starting a strike and suspension of work until the Autonomous Administration fulfil their demands. Meanwhile, teachers at schools in the countryside of Al-Tabaqah started a similar strike, where they demanded salary increase, equality, improvement of their living conditions, dissolution of the Teacher’s Union and restructure of the education commission.

This development coincides with strikes by teachers of schools in Deir Ezzor and Al-Hasakah countryside, where the teachers have also demanded an increase in salaries and improvement of education.

On March 23, SOHR activists reported renewed popular protests in areas controlled by SDF in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor, where residents in Al-Jarazi Al-Sharqi town staged a protest, condemning the deteriorating living conditions, poor services and the lack of fuel. The residents also set fire to tyres.

While on March 20, SOHR activists reported that teachers and employees in Al-Shafa’a town in Deir Ezzor countryside went on a strike, protesting against low salaries, and in response to a call to strike in Deir Ezzor countryside, where people in several villages and towns participated in the strike.

Teachers demanded higher salaries and called to activate the role of organizations in the area and provide these organisations working freedom without imposing taxes on them, and appoint school guards in different SDF-held areas.

“This was a systematic machinery of death”: Syrian eyewitness details crimes against humanity

A key eyewitness to Syrian crimes against humanity is speaking out for the first time on CBS News, describing the atrocities he witnessed at a pivotal moment — as the West sounds alarms about civilian deaths in war-torn Ukraine.

“The Gravedigger,” a codename he is using because of ongoing threats against him and his family, described in an interview the wrenching details of the Russian-backed assaults on the Syrian population, and said they provide worrying indications of what is to come. 

“I see the news coming out of Ukraine, my heart hurts because I know what Russia has done in Ukraine — what it can do — because I know what it’s done in Syria,” he said. 

Russia’s support has been critical for years in keeping the government of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad in power. The human cost of the more than decadelong civil war has been staggering: United Nations estimates put the number of Syrians dead at 400,000 in the conflict that followed the peaceful Arab Spring pro-democracy movement.

“As far as Putin and Assad are concerned, they should go to the trash bin of history for what they’ve done in the world,” the eyewitness told CBS News. 

Earlier this month, he spoke to committees on Capitol Hill about the heinous crimes in Syria, including the dumping of thousands of bodies in mass graves. CBS News has learned that he also briefed officials at the White House and the State Department. He is working with the advocacy group, the Syrian Emergency Task Force.

In a landmark decision in January, a German court found former Syrian colonel Anwar Raslan guilty of crimes against humanity, based on the Gravedigger’s account and other evidence.

“Twice a week, multiple trailer trucks would come and each truck would have upwards of 100 to 400 or more bodies,” he said. “They were tortured to death, you could see clearly the signs of torture on their bodies. … This was a systematic machinery of death.” 

At one point during the interview, he put his head in his hands, saying one prisoner dumped at the mass grave was not yet dead.

“When the intelligence officer saw that this person was alive, he ordered the bulldozer driver to drive over the body and killed him on the spot,” he said. 

He pointed CBS News to a site called Al Qutayfah near the Syrian capital, where satellite images show its transformation from a barren field to a series of trenches. 

“Everything that was going on, the mass graves, were systematic and were part of what the Assad regime wanted to do,” he said. 


Envoy terms Iran president's visit to Moscow turning point in bilateral ties

Tehran, IRNA – Russian Ambassador to Iran Levan Dzhagaryan said on Sunday that a recent visit to Moscow by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was a turning point in Tehran-Moscow ties.  

Dzhagaryan made the remarks during a meeting with Governor-General of Iranian eastern province of East Azarbaijan Abeddin Khorram.

Noting that after a meeting in Moscow between the two presidents, three Iranian ministers also visited the Russian capital, the ambassador expressed hope that the two countries will witness further expansion of ties in the Persian New Year.

He said that he had frequently visited Tabriz, the capital city of East Azerbaijan Province, during his 10-year presence in Iran and is thus fully familiar with the capacities of the province.  

Currently there are good relations between Tabriz and Russia’s Tatarstan, the ambassador said, adding that the head of Tatarstan Chamber of Commerce is scheduled to visit Iran within three months.

Dzhagaryan said that visiting Tabriz will be on the agenda of the visit to Iran by head of Tatarstan’s Chamber of Commerce.  
