Saturday, August 06, 2022

Dozens injured as lightning sets off fire at Cuban oil storage tank

6 August 2022, 

People watch a huge plume of smoke caused by a blaze after lightning struck an oil storage tank in Cuba
Cuba Oil Fire. Picture: PA

Faustino Perez Hospital reported it was treating 49 people, two of them with critical injuries.

Lightning has struck an oil storage tank in the city of Matanzas in Cuba, causing a fire that led to four explosions which injured more than 50 people, authorities said.

Firefighters and other specialists were still trying to quell the blaze at the Matanzas Supertanker Base, which began during a thunderstorm on Friday night, the Ministry of Energy and Mines tweeted.

The official Cuban News Agency said the lightning strike set one tank on fire and the blaze later spread to a second tank.

The accident comes as Cuba struggles with fuel shortages. There was no immediate word on how much oil had burned or was in danger at the tank farm, which stores oil used to fuel electricity production.

A huge plume of smoke caused by a blaze after lightning struck an oil storage tank in Cuba
A huge plume of smoke caused by a blaze after lightning struck an oil storage tank in Cuba (Ramon Espinosa/AP)

Officials at Faustino Perez Hospital reported 52 injured, according to the provincial government’s Facebook page.

The hospital’s director, Dr Taymi Martinez, said one person was in an extremely critical condition, three patients were in a critical condition and 10 in a serious conditions.

“I was in the gym when I felt the first explosion. A column of smoke and terrible fire rose through the skies,” said resident Adiel Gonzalez.

Authorities said the Dubrocq neighbourhood closest to the fire was evacuated, while Mr Gonzalez added that some people decided to leave the Versailles district, which is a little further from the tank farm.

A helicopter carrying water flies over the fire in Cuba
A helicopter carrying water flies over the fire in Cuba (Ramon Espinosa/AP)

There were many ambulances, police and fire engines, he said.

Matanzas, which has about 140,000 inhabitants, is 62 miles from Havana, on Matnzas Bay.

Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel travelled to the area of the fire on Saturday, officials said.

By Press Association

Firefighters missing, dozens hurt as fire rages in Cuban oil tank farm

Cuban authorities say lightning struck a crude oil storage tank at the Matanzas Supertanker Base, causing a fire that led to four explosions which left dozens missing and injured.

The accident comes as Cuba struggles with fuel shortages. (AP)

A fire set off by a lightning strike at an oil storage facility has raged uncontrolled in the Cuban city of Matanzas, where four explosions and flames injured nearly 80 people and left 17 firefighters missing.

Firefighters and other specialists were still trying to quell the blaze at the Matanzas Supertanker Base on Saturday, where the fire began during a thunderstorm on Friday night, the Ministry of Energy and Mines tweeted.

The government said later that it had asked for help from international experts in “friendly countries” with experience in the oil sector.

The official Cuban News Agency said lightning hit one tank, starting a fire, and the blaze later spread to a second tank.

As military helicopters flew overhead dropping water on the blaze, dense column of black smoke billowed from the facility and spread westward more than 100 kilometres (62 miles) toward Havana.

The Facebook page of the provincial government of Matanzas said the number of injured had reached 77, while 17 people were missing.

The Presidency of the Republic said the 17 were “firefighters who were in the nearest area trying to prevent the spread.”

'Smell of sulphur'

The accident comes as Cuba struggles with fuel shortages.

There was no immediate word on how much oil had burned or was in danger at the storage facility, which has eight giant tanks that hold oil used to fuel electricity generating plants.

“I was in the gym when I felt the first explosion. A column of smoke and terrible fire rose through the skies,” resident Adiel Gonzalez said. “The city has a strong smell of sulphur.”

Authorities said the Dubrocq neighbourhood closest to the fire was evacuated, while Gonzalez added that some people decided to leave the Versailles district, which is a little farther from the tank farm.

Many ambulances, police and fire engines were seen in the streets of Matanzas, a city with about 140,000 inhabitants that is on Matnzas Bay.

Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel traveled to the area of the fire early on Saturday, officials said.

Local meteorologist Elier Pila showed satellite images of the area with a dense plume of black smoke moving from the point of the fire westward and reaching east to Havana.

“That plume can be close to 150 kilometres long,” Pila wrote on his Twitter account.

Viktor Orbán, heroically engaged in crusading against phantoms

Senate parliamentarian kills key part of Democrats’ prescription drug plan in the Inflation Reduction Act

The plan would allow for manufacturers to rebate Medicare if they increased drug prices higher than inflation.

Eric Garcia

The Senate Parliamentarian killed a key aspect of Democrats’ proposed plan to allow Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices on Saturday.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced on Saturday morning that Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough released her guidance saying that the inflation rebate aspect of Democrats’ legislation, called the Inflation Reduction Act, should be more limited in scope.

“While there was one unfortunate ruling in that the inflation rebate is more limited in scope, the overall program remains intact and we are one step closer to finally taking on Big Pharma and lowering Rx drug prices for millions of Americans.” he said.

Mr Schumer and Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia announced their agreement on the legislation last Wednesday, with a key part of the legislation being that Medicare would be allowed to negotiate drug prices.

In addition, the legislation would have required drug companies to pay Medicare back the the difference between the inflation rate and the drug price increase if it raises prices higher than the rate of inflation.

Democrats, who have only 50 Senators, hope to pass their legislation through a process called budget reconciliation, which would allow them to pass the legislation with a simple majority and sidestep a Republican filibuster. But this requires a unified front from all Senators, with Vice President Kamala Harris serving as the tie breaker.

To do so, the Senate Parliamentarian must subject the bill to a “Byrd Bath” wherein she determines if the legislation is germane to the budget or if it is considered an “extraneous matter.” The Senate Parliamentarian’s guidance is non-binding, but it requires the vice president to overrule the parliamentarian, which is unlikely to happen.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said he kept the Senate out of session on Friday to give Ms McDonough a chance to thoroughly review the legislation but that the Senate would vote on the motion to proceed, which would begin debate, on Saturday.

Democrats are currently waiting for Ms McDonough to release her guidance on Senator Raphael Warnock’s legislation in the bill that would cap the price of insulin for people with diabetes to $35. Mr Warnock faces a tough re-election in Georgia this November.

Dems lose key piece of health agenda in spending bill

Parliamentarian nixes Democrats’ plan to lower drug prices for Americans with private insurance.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called the parliamentarian's ruling "good news" in a statement Saturday. | Mariam Zuhaib/AP Photo


Democrats’ plan to control drug prices for 180 million Americans with private health insurance has suffered yet another setback.

The Senate parliamentarian ruled Saturday that a core piece of the party’s plan can’t pass the chamber with fewer than 60 votes, following arguments from both parties last week.

Albeit a blow to the majority party, which had hoped to campaign this fall on lowering drug prices for all Americans, the nonpartisan parliamentarian’s vetting means the core of the plan Democrats are trying to steer past the GOP filibuster is finally cleared for floor debate, more than a year after they began crafting the far more sweeping version once called Build Back Better.

Yet the plan will now move forward without a provision that would have penalized drugmakers for hiking costs faster than inflation in private insurance plans as well as Medicare.

The exclusion of the private insurance price limits means there is little left that will reduce costs for the vast majority of Americans who receive health insurance through their private sector employer. Democrats are still waiting on a separate parliamentarian ruling on their policy to cap the cost of insulin both inside and outside of Medicare.

The decision also means tens of billions less in federal savings in the bill overall, a potential threat to Democrats’ hopes of offsetting the cost for shoring up Obamacare’s subsidies.

Still, Democrats argue that the bill will move forward in the coming weeks with its most important provision intact: a repeal of the longstanding ban on the federal government directly negotiating drug prices with pharmaceutical companies.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called the parliamentarian’s ruling “good news” in a statement Saturday.

“Medicare will finally be allowed to negotiate prescription drug prices, seniors will have free vaccines and their costs capped, and much more,” he said.

Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vt.), a key negotiator on the House version of the bill, said the provision “would break the iron curtain Big Pharma has maintained against negotiating drug prices, and that’s game-changing. If it passes, Pharma won’t be able to continually stick it to the consumer at their will and whim. And that’s especially important with inflation hammering folks at the pump and the grocery store.”

But Welch, who is running to replace the retiring Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), acknowledged the parliamentarian’s ruling is still a big win for the drug industry.

“It would essentially mean that pharma companies could raise price increases well beyond inflation,” he said in an interview in the days leading up to the vote.

Drug companies and Senate Republicans had planned for months to target the inflation caps provision — through a process known on Capitol Hill as a “Byrd bath.” Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, told reporters that they went through the bill “line by line” in an effort to bring every challenge they could find.

Democrats who have pushed the policy for years had been confident it could pass under the Senate’s strict reconciliation rules, which limit what kinds of bills can pass with a simple majority. Only proposals that are primarily related to federal spending or revenue can fly, but not those that make major policy changes and only have an “incidental” impact on the federal budget.

Democrats argued that the bill needs inflation caps for drug prices across the board in order to function, warning that failing to do so will mean that pharmaceutical companies can hike prices even higher for people with private insurance to make up for what they lose from the cost controls the bill still imposes on Medicare.

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) said such points are “normally the kind of argument that is persuasive with the parliamentarian.”

“You can’t untangle the private sector from the public sector — one doesn’t work without the other,” he said.

Backers of the provision also pointed to the Congressional Budget Office’s finding last year that the inflation caps provision would save the government around $80 billion over a decade to argue that it should be allowed to remain in the bill.

Yet reconciliation experts and industry insiders were equally certain that the provision would get knocked out of the package.

“A lot of people think that if something gets a significant CBO score, it can’t be considered incidental — but it’s more about whether the policy implications outweigh the budgetary ones,” said Stephen Northrup, a lobbyist who previously worked as the health policy director for the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions. “If the inflation cap were limited to Medicare, you could draw a very direct relationship between the policy and the score. But when you extend it to the commercial market, the relationship becomes more tenuous. It looks less like you’re trying to save money than you’re trying to extend a policy that has impact beyond the federal budget.”

Democrats do not currently have a backup plan for the policy, though some advocates are now pushing to try to apply inflation caps to other federal insurance programs such as Medicaid and the insurance for federal employees.

Even if they are able to do so, progressives who originally pushed for much more sweeping drug price controls are disappointed that their already watered-down plan has become even weaker over the past year.

Senate Finance Chair Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), who worked for months on crafting the drug pricing language and wrangling the votes to pass it, blamed the pharmaceutical industry’s influence on Capitol Hill for the inflation cap provision’s demise.

“The special interests always work against us getting relief to hard-hit Americans, particularly seniors,” he told POLITICO ahead of the parliamentarian’s ruling. “So what a surprise that the special interests — and you’ve seen the numbers on how many lobbyists they have — are trying to protect their profits.”
Bill Gates promotes climate measures in Democrats’ economic package

Caroline Vakil - THE HILL- 9h ago

Microsoft founder Bill Gates touted climate measures included in a major reconciliation package Democrats are seeking to pass, saying on Friday that the U.S. “can’t afford to miss” the opportunity to tackle climate change and bolster American energy security.

Bill Gates promotes climate measures in Democrats’ economic package

He wrote in an op-ed for The New York Times that the sweeping climate, tax reform and health package, referred to as the Inflation Reduction Act, “may be the single most important piece of climate legislation in American history. It represents our best chance to build an energy future that is cleaner, cheaper and more secure.”

He referred to some of the incentives included in the bill, such as strengthened tax credits to businesses making solar panels and wind turbines, among other electricity sources that would be emissions-free, over the next decade.

According to the Times, the legislation would offer such companies tax credits over 10 years, compared with tax credits previously provided by Congress that lasted just one or two years.

“These incentives would also provide the private sector with the confidence to invest for the long term. This legislation would begin to transform the parts of our economy that are hardest to decarbonize, like manufacturing, which we must do to reach net-zero emissions,” Gates wrote.

“As many Americans face summer blackouts, power shortages and high electricity bills, these measures would help build a modern, reliable power grid so all can have access to affordable, abundant and clean energy,” he added.

Last week, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and centrist Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) announced they had reached a deal on a tax reform, climate and health package, considered a major feat after Democrats were unable to overcome an impasse on passing a social spending bill last year.

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), a critical vote on the legislation, which will require the backing of all 50 Senate Democrats to pass through budget reconciliation without GOP support, signaled she approved the package on Thursday after reaching a separate deal with Schumer.

Gates credited both Schumer and Manchin for reaching a deal on the package while also warning that “although it appears the legislation will pass, success is not guaranteed, so it’s critical to keep pushing for it.”
This is how Chinese criminal empire spread in Nepal

Krishna Timalsina
July 28, 2022


KATHMANDU: A team of police deployed from the District Police Office Rupandehi raided a suspicious call center in Tilottama-2 Janakinagar on July 24.

The call center named Blue Sky Business Solutions was found involved in fraud business.

Police raided the call center and nabbed a Chinese national, the accused of the crime, an Indian national, and 258 Nepali youths being used in the fraud business.

According to the police, thousands of Indian citizens including Nepalis have been cheated by this call center.

The police informed that the gang had been running a fraud business for months sending messages through social media saying that they have won a lottery, hacking other people’s social networks including Facebook, and asking for a certain amount of money to collect lottery tickets and goods.

The police are now investigating using the details they got from the laptop, desktop, CPU, mobile, pen drive, various hard disks, iPad, etc. recovered from this call center. Chief of Area Police Office, Butwal DSP Thug Bahadur KC shared that the recovered goods and gadgets have been sent to the forensic lab for investigation.

After the arrested Indian citizen Niranjan Kumar stated that their head office is in China and they also have call centers in Kathmandu, Pokhara and Chitwan, the police raided a call center run by another Chinese citizen in Gairigaon, Tinkune, Kathmandu.

Those Chinese citizens who have been living and working illegally in Nepal for a long time were producing and selling liquor called ‘Chinese millet local liquor’ in that inn without government permission.

The main planner of this call center running under the name of Sky World Service Pvt Ltd was also Chinese. Kathmandu police have detained 41 people including one Chinese citizen from the call center. It has been found that this gang gives loans through various mobile wallets and takes all the details from banking to three generations of borrowers.

It has been found that this group, which gives a maximum loan of 20,000 for a day, charges interest up to 5,000. For debt collection and fraud, the gang used ‘honey trap’ girls in Kathmandu.

A Chinese gang that used technology in Nepal to cheat millions through Nepali youths was also arrested on the dam side of Pokhara on June 30. Two Chinese men and one woman were operating this call center through a company called New Diamond Technology.

The frauds had used the citizenship of Suman Tamang of Kakani-7 of Nuwakot to run this company. The police seized Rs 4,597, 180 along with 89 Nepalis who had been used in their (Chinese) fraudulent business.

The Chinese, who came to Pokhara on a visit visa, had been cheating Nepalis in the name of a software company by renting a flat in Bajra Inn Hotel on the dam side for 6 months.

Series of Chinese nationals’ crimes in Nepal

The police arrested 22 Chinese including 10 men and 12 women from Budhanilkanth in Kathmandu on April 25. They came to Nepal as tourists and were involved in illegal work.

According to the Department of Immigration, the Chinese who have overstayed their visas and are involved in activities such as online gambling are now in jail.

Soon after, on June 7, Nagadhunga police arrested 4 Chinese and one Nepali driver with 38.9 million rupees procured through an unknown source. According to the police, 4 Chinese tourists, including 50-year-old Chinese citizen Aung Jai King, were returning to Kathmandu with undisclosed money collected from a call center and an online gambling house operating outside the valley in a vehicle numbered BAB 5710.

The Department of Money Laundering has confirmed that the source of the money recovered from them has not been disclosed.

Similarly, on February 13, Chinese citizen Zhang Li was arrested at Tribhuvan International Airport with 4.840 kg gold. A 36-year-old man with passport number EJ 0248131, who came to Nepal as a tourist, Li was arrested while checking near the airport customs office arrival tunnel gate.

On October 29, 2021, Sankhuwasabha police arrested Wu Ching Ling, a resident of Sichuan, China and Zhang Fuhen, a resident of Shandong, were arrested with a tool to mold Rudraksha in various shapes.

It has been confirmed that they had been cheating the people and selling them the artificial one-faced or multi-faced Rudraksha the business of creating one-faced or multi-faced Rudraksha for a long time.

37 people, including Chinese nationals, were arrested from the Mid-Baneswor area of ​​Kathmandu on February 22. According to the Kathmandu police, they were involved in online illegal transactions, call bypass and gambling.

Later on the same day, the police raided a building in Sanothimi, Bhaktapur. At that time, 81 people including Chinese nationals were arrested. They were also involved in online fraud and call bypass business.

Similarly, on 7 July 2021, a team deployed from the Metropolitan Police Complex Teku and Lainchaur recovered the remains of endangered wild animals from a hotel run by Chinese nationals in Jyatha Galli, Kathmandu. Four more Chinese nationals arranging gambling there were also arrested at that time.

Staying in the hotel as tourists, they had 2 electric tables used to play gambling, 410 pieces of plastic balls called ‘mahjong’ in Chinese.

Police recovered Rs 889,155 in cash, 7 mobile phones from different companies, 1 piece of tiger skin, 1 piece of cow skin, 1 piece of a skin-like object, 20 pieces of the shell-like object, 900 pieces of Bodhichitta, 20 kg of rudraksha from there.

According to the police, 2 passports, 35 ATM cards of different banks in China, 250 voucher sheets (written), 68 voucher sheets (unwritten), 2 items that looked like tiger teeth, 2 sharp iron knives, and 1 sharp iron sword were also found there.

On May 9, 2019, 49-year-old Wang Chun Yan was arrested at Tribhuvan International Airport with Rs 100,000, US$ 13,000 and INR 8,000 while he was about to leave for China.

On July 30, 2021, Kathmandu Police arrested 56-year-old Shi Jhiwi from Jiangsu Province, China, from Thamel while producing alcohol illegally. Those Chinese nationals who came to Nepal on a tourist visa were running Home Sweet Smell Hotel and Restaurant Pvt Ltd by renting the house of Chinta Lama in Thamel.

On 20 September 2017, police arrested Chinese citizen Li Wan with 50,000 US dollars in Rasuwa. Likewise, earlier, a Chinese citizen Wang Chung was arrested from Timure in Rasuwa with 18,432 US dollars on 20 January 2017.

Those Chinese citizens who have been living and working illegally in Nepal for a long time were producing and selling liquor called ‘Chinese millet local liquor’ in that inn without government permission.

Similarly, a team of the Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) of the Police, with the help of a special team of the Chinese police, arrested 122 Chinese citizens from 9 different houses in Kathmandu on December 26, 2020.

They were arrested with the help of a special team of the Chinese police on the basis of information that Chinese citizens were cheating Chinese nationals through cybercrime from Nepal.

747 cell phones, 331 laptops, 98 CPUs, 99 monitors, 22 pen drives, 327 SIM cards and 67 passports were recovered from 9 houses in Tarakeshwar, Manmaiju, Maharajganj, and Budhanilkantha then.

As the Chinese security officers took away all the equipment seized from the arrested Chinese nationals, the Nepal police did not find any trace of the Chinese fraud.

Nepal police had handed them over to the Chinese officials after the Ministry of Public Security of China made a written request to return all those devices. At that time, around 230 Chinese security personnel had come to Kathmandu with weapons in two planes of China Southern and China Eastern to pick up the Chinese involved in the online fraud.

According to the police, these Chinese entered Nepal after China launched an operation against its citizens in Vietnam, Cambodia, the Philippines and Laos. Therefore, Chinese security officials came to Kathmandu with a special plane to pick them up.

Likewise, Sohrakhutte police arrested two Chinese nationals on May 30, 2020, for teasing, cheating and abusing Nepali girls in Dhalku, Thamel. They had been living in the Thamel area for a long time as tourists.

According to the police, the Chinese men ran a business of tempting the Nepali girl in many ways and trafficking them to China where they (the girls) would be used as domestic slaves.

On January 3, 2021, Chinese citizens Li Weiping and Li Xiangjiang were kidnapped while staying in a hotel in Gaushala, Kathmandu. Wu Chaw and Zhang Wei, Chinese citizens who came to Nepal as tourists, put them in a taxi and took them to Marminga in Sindhupalchok.

After a week, Nepal Police rescued the kidnapped Chinese from Sindhupalchowk.

On March 13, 2020, a Chinese team armed with swords and homemade weapons suddenly attacked a Nepali taxi driver in Jyatha Galli in Thamel, Kathmandu. After Thamel merchants and bankers retaliated against the Chinese, the police arrested Wang Yun Feng, a Chinese merchant who led the Chinese crowd.

On August 8, 2076, 2 Chinese citizens who were going to Istanbul by Turkish Airlines were arrested on charges of theft inside the ship.

The Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) of police arrested 13 doctors working at Apollo International Clinic in Thamel, China Great Wall Health Center in Bouddha, China People’s Hospital and China Dental Hospital on 28 February 2018. They were doing medical work in Nepal charging expensive service charges and without legal permission.

Similarly, on August 25, 2019, Nepal Police arrested five Chinese nationals who were illegally withdrawing money from ATMs.

Metropolitan Police Complex Kathmandu arrested 4 Chinese nationals who were staying at Maya Manohar Hotel on Durbarmarg along with one person who had withdrawn money from the ATM of Nabil Bank on Durbarmarg in the middle of the night.

The police recovered 1.26 million Nepali rupees and more than 9000 US dollars from them.

From dollar smuggling to human trafficking

On 20 September 2017, police arrested Chinese citizen Li Wan with 50,000 US dollars in Rasuwa. Likewise, earlier, a Chinese citizen Wang Chung was arrested from Timure in Rasuwa with 18,432 US dollars on 20 January 2017.

Similarly, a Chinese woman named Yan Kun Duan was arrested on September 29, 2017, while trying to go to Bhutan from Nepal with 46,480 US dollars. On June 15, 2015, Chinese woman Yang Hong was arrested at the airport along with 98,500 dollars.

On 14 January 2017, three Chinese people who were going to Rasuwa with 260,000 US Dollars, 180,000 Euros, and some Australian Dollars were arrested in Nagadhunga. Earlier, On Yi Wang, a Chinese citizen was arrested at Kathmandu airport with 74 thousand US dollars, 76 thousand Euros, and 48 thousand Swiss francs on 27 August 2015.

Looking at the data of the Nepal Police, it has been found that the Chinese were initially involved in illegal dollar transactions by smuggling gold and red sandalwood. The police had increased their surveillance on the Chinese after arresting Kovin Li, a Chinese national with 40,000 US dollars from Bhaktapur, for the first time, on 4 October 2010.

Later, in the same month, the police arrested three Chinese from Swayambhu in Kathmandu with three hundred thousand US dollars. Then, in December 2011, another Chinese was arrested for smuggling dollars to the Tatopani border. Police recovered 97,223 dollars from him in Jagati, Bhaktapur.

Similarly, on 30 August 13, 2019, the Human Trafficking Investigation Bureau of Nepal Police issued a notice in this regard.

The notice stated that Nepali girls were trafficked by Chinese nationals in the form of brides. After a long investigation, the police concluded that under the pretext of marriage Nepali girls were being trafficked. Four victim girls were rescued from Chinese marriage bureaus operating in various places in Kathmandu.

6 Chinese human traffickers were also arrested in this connection. It was found that they cheated Nepali girls of 20 lakhs by showing them the temptation to get married to a Chinese young man and to go to China easily. The gang of Chinese youths choosing Nepali girls at the Marriage Bureau office and taking Nepali girls to China by making marriage registration papers at the district administration office is inactive due to the coronavirus epidemic.

Nepal is becoming a transit for smuggling

According to the police, the Chinese have now made Nepal a transit point for wildlife smuggling.

There is a record that the police also seized 162 kg of pangolin from the Chinese who brought it to Nepal from the Congo, Africa via Turkey.

According to the police report, on 29 January 2018, Chinese citizens Que Xiorong and Que Liba O were arrested at the Kathmandu airport with the pangolin. Soon after, on 21 August 2018, the police caught three Chinese people in a hotel in Thamel with a sea horse and a tiger skin. The owner of the Kathmandu One Hotel was the Chinese citizen Chen Kang.

According to the police, the presence of Chinese in the crime network of Nepal was very little till 2004. There was no need to monitor activities other than the Free Tibet Movement. But now the Chinese are spreading the net illegal activities everywhere. They have become a headache for the police.

The Chinese are at the forefront of smuggling yarsagumba, sunakhari, tiger bones and various herbs. In addition, the Chinese have expanded their crime network in the medical sector in Nepal.

The Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) of police arrested 13 doctors working at Apollo International Clinic in Thamel, China Great Wall Health Center in Bouddha, China People’s Hospital and China Dental Hospital on 28 February 2018. They were doing medical work in Nepal charging expensive service charges and without legal permission.

According to the police, even now, some Chinese are involved in the business of operating similar hospitals by pretending to be Nepalis.

The Chinese even beat up the police

The activities of the Chinese were not limited to illegal trade. At a time when the whole world was in shock due to Corona, on 8 May 2020, the Chinese staged a gherao in front of the gate of the main administrative body Singha Durbar with the demand to be allowed to return home and beat up some policemen.

DSP Hari Bahadur Basnet of Metropolitan Police Circle, Singha Durbar and a female police officer were injured when 33 Chinese nationals who gathered in the restricted area pelted stones at police.

Soon after, on 10 March 2022, a 28-year-old Chinese citizen named Chong Zhenjian, who was doing suspicious activities in the northern area of ​​Sankhuwasabha, was arrested. He was running illegal trade from the restricted area of ​​Kimathanka, the border crossing between Nepal and China.

The details are the evidence to reveal the level of a criminal network that Chinese citizens are spreading in Nepal.

Chinese networks have spread everywhere from gold, dollars, wildlife parts, herbal smuggling, hacking, human kidnapping, attempted murder, human trafficking, drug trafficking, online fraud, gambling and game centers and illegal medical practices.

According to the police, the presence of Chinese in the crime network of Nepal was very little till 2004. There was no need to monitor activities other than the Free Tibet Movement. But now the Chinese are spreading the net illegal activities everywhere. They have become a headache for the police.

The police have handed over all those arrested to the Chinese government except those involved in serious crimes.
Taiwan Dominates the World’s Supply of Computer Chips – No Wonder the US Is Worried

In recent years, Taiwan’s autonomy has become a vital geopolitical interest for the US because of the island’s dominance of the semiconductor manufacturing market.

Representative image. Photo: Unsplash

Maria Ryan

One aspect of Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan that has been largely overlooked is her meeting with Mark Lui, chairman of the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (TSMC). Pelosi’s trip coincided with US efforts to convince TSMC – the world’s largest chip manufacturer, on which the US is heavily dependent – to establish a manufacturing base in the US and to stop making advanced chips for Chinese companies.

US support for Taiwan has historically been based on Washington’s opposition to communist rule in Beijing, and Taiwan’s resistance to absorption by China. But in recent years, Taiwan’s autonomy has become a vital geopolitical interest for the US because of the island’s dominance of the semiconductor manufacturing market.

Semiconductors – also known as computer chips or just chips – are integral to all the networked devices that have become embedded into our lives. They also have advanced military applications.

Transformational, super-fast 5G internet is enabling a world of connected devices of every kind (the “Internet of Things”) and a new generation of networked weapons. With this in mind, US officials began to realise during the Trump administration that US semiconductor design companies, such as Intel, were heavily dependent on Asian-based supply chains for the manufacturing of their products.

In particular, Taiwan’s position in the world of semiconductor manufacturing is a bit like Saudi Arabia’s status in OPEC. TSMC has a 53% market share of the global foundry market (factories contracted to make chips designed in other countries). Other Taiwan-based manufacturers claim a further 10% of the market.

As a result, the Biden administration’s 100-Day Supply Chain Review Report says, “The United States is heavily dependent on a single company – TSMC – for producing its leading-edge chips.” The fact that only TSMC and Samsung (South Korea) can make the most advanced semiconductors (five nanometres in size) “puts at risk the ability to supply current and future [US] national security and critical infrastructure needs”.

This means that China’s long-term goal of reunifying with Taiwan is now more threatening to US interests. In the 1971 Shanghai Communique and the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act, the US recognised that people in both mainland China and Taiwan believed that there was “One China” and that they both belonged to it. But for the US it is unthinkable that TSMC could one day be in territory controlled by Beijing.

‘Tech war’

For this reason, the US has been trying to attract TSMC to the US to increase domestic chip production capacity. In 2021, with the support of the Biden administration, the company bought a site in Arizona on which to build a US foundry. This is scheduled to be completed in 2024.

The US Congress has just passed the Chips and Science Act, which provides $52 billion (£43 billion) in subsidies to support semiconductor manufacturing in the US. But companies will only receive Chips Act funding if they agree not to manufacture advanced semiconductors for Chinese companies.

This means that TSMC and others may well have to choose between doing business in China and in the US because the cost of manufacturing in the US is deemed to be too high without government subsidies.

This is all part of a broader “tech war” between the US and China, in which the US is aiming to constrain China’s technological development and prevent it from exercising a global tech leadership role.

In 2020, the Trump administration imposed crushing sanctions on the Chinese tech giant Huawei that were designed to cut the company off from TSMC, on which it was reliant for the production of high-end semiconductors needed for its 5G infrastructure business.

TSMC factory in Taichung’s Central Taiwan Science Park. 
Photo: Briáxis F. Mendes/CC BY-SA 4.0/Wikimedia Commons

Huawei was the world’s leading supplier of 5G network equipment but the US feared its Chinese origins posed a security risk (though this claim has been questioned). The sanctions are still in place because both Republicans and Democrats want to stop other countries from using Huawei’s 5G equipment.

The British government had initially decided to use Huawei equipment in certain parts of the UK’s 5G network. The Trump administration’s sanctions forced London to reverse that decision.

A key US goal appears to be ending its dependency on supply chains in China or Taiwan for “emerging and foundational technologies”, which includes advanced semiconductors needed for 5G systems, but may include other advanced tech in future.

Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan was about more than just Taiwan’s critical place in the “tech war”. But the dominance of its most important company has given the island a new and critical geopolitical importance that is likely to heighten existing tensions between the US and China over the status of the island. It has also intensified US efforts to “reshore” its semiconductor supply chain.

Maria Ryan, Associate Professor in US History, University of Nottingham

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
US: Outrage after Indian-origin woman, tortured for not bearing son, commits suicide

Mandeep Kaur was found dead after releasing a video on social media explaining how she faced daily beatings, infidelity for 8 years

Published: Sat 6 Aug 2022

The suicide of 30-year-old Indian-origin woman Mandeep Kaur, who went to New York after getting married and was tortured by her husband for not bearing a son, has left millions shocked in India and abroad.

Kaur hanged herself, but not before releasing a heart-rending video narrating excruciatingly painful details of the torture she faced at the hands of her husband Ranjotveer Singh Sandhu, sparking a storm on social media.

Many questioned why Sandhu was still allowed to keep the couple's minor daughters, while the Uttar Pradesh Police registered a case of abetment to suicide and domestic violence against her husband and in-laws. American authorities have also begun their own probe.

Speaking to ANI, the victim's sister Kuldeep Kaur divulged the horrific details of what Mandeep went through on a daily basis for nearly eight years, since the day she was married.

"My sister was married in February 2015. Soon, they went to New York and he started torturing her. He wanted a son and wanted Rs50 lakh in dowry," said Kuldeep Kaur.

An FIR has been registered at the Najibabad Police Station of Bijnor in UP against the husband and her in-laws. A case has been registered in Najibabad Police Station of Bijnor District on August 5 at 6.33pm under sections 306 (Abetment of suicide), 498-A (Domestic violence), 323 (Punishment for voluntarily causing hurt), 342 (Punishment for wrongful confinement) and Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961, a police official said.

The FIR was filed by Jaspal Singh, father of Mandeep Kaur, wherein he accused Mukhtar Singh, father of Ranjotveer Singh Sandhu, Kuldeep Raj Kaur, mother of Ranjotveer Singh Sandhu and Jasveer Singh, brother of Ranjotveer Singh Sandhu for the suicide.

The 30-year-old Indian-origin woman was domestically abused by her husband Ranjotveer Singh Sandhu for close to eight years. Another video also went viral on the net, which purportedly showed the victim being beaten up.

She is survived by her two daughters, aged four and six, whose custody currently is with Sandhu.

Social media platforms went berserk after the incident was reported.

According to Instagram page @TheKaurMovement, the New York Police Department is investigating the case as a homicide rather than a case of suicide.

In one of the videos posted by the user, Mandeep is heard narrating her daily ordeal. She said that she tried her best for eight years and that one day everything would be fine. She charged her husband with extra-marital affairs and daily beatings in an inebriated state. All through the video, she was seen sobbing and saying how she couldn't take being abused anymore right before she committed suicide.

Tired of her husband's harassment, Mandeep made a video narrating her painful existence. Shortly after the video went viral on social media, she was found hanging by the fan of the house in New York where she lived.
AR-15s to Be Stored in County Schools to Protect Against Mass Shootings
ON 8/6/22 

A North Carolina school district has taken a controversial step to increase security in the wake of recent school shootings that have happened across the country.

On Friday, Madison County Schools in Western North Carolina announced that, in collaboration with the county sheriff's office, it would be outfitting every building in the district with an AR-15 assault rifle, according to the Asheville Citizen-Times. The move comes in response to the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, in May, where a gunman killed 19 students and two teachers.

In the wake of the tragedy, a national conversation about gun violence and safety reemerged, with some advocating for stricter gun control laws and others pushing for stricter security in schools. Madison County Sheriff Buddy Harwood said that the decision was made to help his deputies be prepared to take action in the event of an active shooter situation in the district.

A school district in North Carolina has outfitted all of its buildings with AR-15s to provide extra security in the event of a shooting. Above, a shot of an AR-15-style rifle at an NRA convention.


"Those officers were in that building for so long, and that suspect was able to infiltrate that building and injure and kill so many kids," the sheriff told the newspaper. "I just want to make sure my deputies are prepared in the event that happens."

In addition to the firearms, Harwood said that each school building in the district has been outfitted with a safe, which will store extra ammunition for the rifles. The safes will also be stocked with "breaching tools," which could be used in the event that a shooter has barricaded themselves in a classroom, as happened in Uvalde.

"The reason we put the breaching tools in the safes is that in the event we have someone barricaded in a door, we won't have to wait on the fire department to get there," Harwood said. "We'll have those tools to be able to breach that door if needed. I do not want to have to run back out to the car to grab an AR, because that's time lost. Hopefully, we'll never need it, but I want my guys to be as prepared as prepared can be."

Madison County Schools currently has six locations: Brush Creek Elementary, Hot Springs Elementary, Mars Hill Elementary, Madison Middle School, Madison High School, and Madison Early College High.

Gun safety experts and advocates have decried the decision in Madison County. Allison Anderman, senior counsel and director of local policy at the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, called the move "horrific" as a response to mass shootings, in a statement to USA Today.

"Where there are more guns, there is more gun violence," she said.

In a tweet, Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action, a gun safety advocacy group, also criticized the move, echoing Anderman's sentiment that more firearms are not the solution.

"What problem are these North Carolina sheriffs solving?" Watts wrote. "The hundreds of officers in Uvalde had access to AR-15s but chose not to engage a gunman with an assault rifle and a death wish. 'MORE GUNS' is not a solution - keeping guns away from kids/teens is."

Newsweek reached out to Madison County Schools for comment.

Dark Money Groups Are Pushing Disinformation to Downplay the Overturn of “Roe”
Abortion-rights protesters march around the Indiana Statehouse building during a demonstration on July 25, 2022, in Indianapolis, Indiana.

BY Alyssa Bowen
August 3, 2022

As underscored by Kansas voters’ resounding decision this week to reject right-wing efforts to strip abortion rights from their state constitution, the deadly overturn of Roe v. Wade is wildly unpopular among many voters across the country.

But the same right-wing groups that helped to capture the Supreme Court — backed by ultra-wealthy donors they keep secret from the public — are working overtime to convince us that the overturn of Roe isn’t as dangerous as so many of us know it to be. Using dark money, they are mobilizing to reframe and cover over this anti-democratic, Christian-right coordinated effort to dominate our political system.

The far right faction of the Supreme Court that handed down the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision overturning Roe was put in place by a massive dark money web coordinated by Federalist Society fundraiser and right-wing Catholic lawyer Leonard Leo. His network has raised nearly $600 million in secret funding since 2014, not counting the past year. Leo himself hand-selected for Donald Trump three of the five justices that ruled to overturn Roe, and worked to get the others installed on the court. All the while, his affiliated dark money groups worked intensively to push the Trump nominees onto the bench, despite widespread and deep concerns about their fitness to be judges.

Leo predicted the success of his agenda in a speech to funders of the secretive Christian-right Council for National Policy in reversing precedents and turning back Americans’ rights to the pre-New Deal/robber baron era. He bragged that “no one in this room has probably experienced the kind of transformation that I think we are beginning to see” in rulings by the court.

Leo’s network cannot be entirely separated from the dark money web of fossil fuel billionaire Charles Koch, who is a major funder of the Federalist Society and many of the groups that have filed amicus briefs with the Supreme Court this term and in previous terms. Koch’s Americans for Prosperity organization spent millions to support the confirmation of Trump appointees, including Amy Coney Barrett, the daughter of a man who worked for decades as a fossil fuel industry lawyer. It’s no great mystery why. Koch’s company, Koch Industries, will likely reap untold billions from decisions favoring the carbon industry, like the reactionary edict recently handed down by the Court’s right-wing faction in West Virginia v. EPA.

Some of the same dark money groups that helped overturn Roe have their sights set on attacking other fundamental rights. At the same time, however, some of the groups belonging to these dark money networks are strategically attempting to market bogus ideas to the public that downplay the severity of the overturn of Roe, even as it will result in a wave of forced births and maternal deaths. Here are some of the bogus claims they’re trying to push:

Bogus Claim #1: The Overturn of Roe Won’t Hurt Anyone

Research has shown that abortion bans, like those that went into immediate effect in 22 states following the overturn of Roe, could lead to a 21 percent increase in pregnancy-related deaths in a country that already has one of the highest mortality rates in the industrialized world.Some of the same dark money groups that helped overturn Roe have their sights set on attacking other fundamental rights.

Yet, dark money actors like Erin Hawley — an anti-abortion zealot who is co-counsel for the anti-LGBTQ hate group Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) in its legal assault on Roe — are being given national platforms to convince the public otherwise. Hawley recently testified as the GOP minority witness on the impact of Roe’s overturn before the Senate Oversight and Reform Committee where she peddled disinformation.

One example was her medically false claim that abortions for nonviable ectopic pregnancies are not abortions. She also claimed that women and other pregnant people will not be harmed by being forced to carry a pregnancy to term, even though doing so is riskier than an abortion. Moreover, Hawley ignores the psychological harm that would be done to rape victims forced to carry their pregnancy to term, the economic harm done to those who would otherwise choose to abort a pregnancy, the harm done to those forced to stay tied to abusers due to a forced pregnancy, and many other harms.

Hawley, who is married to insurrectionist Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Missouri), has taken in $617,000 from the Koch-funded Independent Women’s Forum (IWF), where she is a legal fellow. IWF and its sister organization have received more than $5 million from Leo’s dark money network since 2014. Hawley’s other employer, ADF, also received six-figure Koch funding, according to the most recent IRS filings.

Meanwhile, right-wing dark money actors are working to discredit the horrific implications of the reversal of Roe. Perhaps the best-known example is the effort by dark money groups to discredit the true story about the 10-year-old rape victim who was forced by the Ohio abortion ban (that went into effect after the overturn of Roe) to travel to Indiana where abortions are still legal.

Right-wing pundits, like IWF fellow Emily Jashinsky, threw doubt onto the veracity of the story that was published by the well-established Indianapolis Star paper. (The Washington Post also questioned the story.)

The story was quickly proven true, but despite the veracity of this and other cases where lives were endangered by abortion restrictions, Christian-right reactionaries are denying any harm is being done by the bans. Alexandra DeSanctis Marr, a visiting fellow at the dark money Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC), which has also received funding from the Koch fortune and Leo network, accused “abortion supporters” of inventing “horrifying hypotheticals” to undermine abortion restrictions.

This appears to be an attempt both to deny reality and chill accurate reporting about the dystopian reality of post-Roe life. (Notably, EPPC’s senior fellow Ed Whelan promoted his own wild conspiracy theories about Christine Blasey Ford in his support for Kavanaugh’s confirmation.)

Bogus Claim #2: Anti-Choice Zealots Will Secure Comprehensive Aid for People Forced to Give Birth

Some dark money court capture groups also appear to be trying to salvage the reputation of the GOP and the Christian nationalist movement by claiming they will secure aid for people forced to give birth against their will. Going into the midterms, the GOP’s strategy appears to center on fomenting a culture war in which it claims to be the party of “parental rights,” even as it blocks people from choosing abortion and determining if and when they become parents. Its legislative leaders have also repeatedly blocked popular, common-sense measures like comprehensive paid family and medical leave, increased child care access and credits, and expanded access to health care.Research has shown that abortion bans could lead to a 21 percent increase in pregnancy-related deaths.

Since Roe was overturned, various GOP politicians have rushed to announce proposals that are promoted as “pro-parent” or “pro-woman.” Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life (SBA), a powerful anti-abortion group, even sent a memo to GOP lawmakers with talking points urging them to “demonstrate that the pro-life movement cares not only about the unborn child but about the mother as well.” (SBA spent big backing all of Trump’s extreme Supreme Court nominees who were hand-picked by Leo, and Leo’s network has contributed millions to SBA in recent years.)

One example of such posturing is the “earned leave” bill of Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida), which was reintroduced the same day that Roe was overturned. A “messaging” bill peddled by the Independent Women’s Forum, it is intended to provide a right-wing alternative to paid family and medical leave. In reality, it would punish parents by acting as a loan from Social Security to take time to care for their newborn or newly adopted child, which would force them to retire later or take a lifelong cut to their retirement benefits if they cannot pay back the loan sooner. As the Los Angeles Times reported, Rubio’s plan would even require the Social Security system to “claw back any leave benefits that haven’t been repaid from retirement checks — say because the beneficiary died before reaching retirement or before the full amount was repaid.”

Unlike IWF’s messaging bill, the progressive paid Family and Medical Leave proposal is not a loan and does not borrow from Social Security. Moreover, it provides access to financial support not only to those caring for new children, but also in situations where a parent, child, spouse or oneself becomes seriously ill.

Some of the dark money-funded anti-choice groups are also trying to rebrand “crisis pregnancy centers,” which are well known for spreading anti-abortion disinformation and otherwise pressuring those seeking abortions to continue the pregnancy, as “pregnancy help” centers.

Answering such calls, a coalition of anti-abortion groups — including the Leo-tied Students for Life, the Koch-funded Alliance Defending Freedom, and the Koch-funded Turning Point USA — will host a virtual event this month highlighting all of the “free services” pregnancy crisis centers offer, such as free ultrasounds (which are often used to pressure women out of abortions), “parenting programs” and “sexual risk avoidance education,” which is more widely known as abstinence-only education.

Notably, Senator Hawley introduced the “Pregnancy Resource Center Defense Act,” which would make it a felony crime to deface “pregnancy centers.” ADF and Erin Hawley promoted that bill. By contrast, Senator Hawley has taken no steps to hold accountable those who defaced the Capitol, including urinating and defecating in its halls and causing millions in damage, and has even fundraised off of his fist pump in support of the insurrectionists.

Bogus Claim #3: Dobbs Isn’t Part of a Broader Assault on Our Rights

Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life and Students for Life have sought to make abortion illegal nationwide, and leaders of Students for Life and Alliance Defending Freedom have pushed to ban abortion even in the case of rape or incest. But if that weren’t extreme enough, right-wing dark money agents are also trying to convince the public that the outrageously unpopular overturning of Roe is not the beginning of the destruction of other constitutional rights.As right-wing dark money groups try to whitewash the very real and truly dangerous consequences of overturning Roe, it is more important than ever to shine a light on their detrimental efforts.

Heather Higgins, the Vicks VapoRub heiress and chair of IWF (a group launched to defend Clarence Thomas’s nomination to the Supreme Court as he was accused by Anita Hill and others of sexual harassment), has claimed that “the left is deliberately misrepresenting both what conservatives believe and what the Supreme Court said in the Dobbs decision,” as “it in no way affects the availability of safe contraceptives, which GOP voters nearly unanimously see as a good thing.”

Despite Higgins’s claims, the reality is that Justice Thomas made clear that destroying other constitutional rights was his objective. In his concurrence on Dobbs, he argued that Sam Alito’s majority court decision to attack the “right to privacy” doctrine that undergirded Roe means that other constitutional rights, like gay marriage and access to contraception, should also be considered for reversal. The right to privacy also protects interracial marriage from state bans.

Higgins has also publicly attacked the Right to Contraception Act that would create federal protections for birth control, claiming that the bill is about “redefining contraception so broadly that it includes abortion and sterilization.” IWF, a documented pay-to-play group, has tried to position itself as pro-contraception because it has backed Big PhRma’s effort to make birth control pills available over the counter, even though its key leaders and fellows celebrated the Dobbs ruling.

Higgins’s talking point that access to contraceptives is not at risk based on this ruling has been echoed by other anti-abortion zealots, like Students for Life, even though they have attacked the availability of birth control pills and IUDs, taking the position that devices and pills that can prevent implantation of a fertilized egg are so-called “abortifacients.” (Notably, this issue came up in the hearings on Kavanaugh’s nomination, because he had accepted a litigant’s argument that the Affordable Care Act could not require businesses to provide employees with access to contraceptives that it believed to be abortifacients, which would limit constitutional protection for the most effective forms of birth control.) The overwhelming majority of Americans strongly support protecting access to birth control pills and devices like IUDs.

As right-wing dark money groups try to whitewash the very real and truly dangerous consequences of overturning Roe, it is more important than ever to shine a light on their detrimental efforts to invalidate Americans’ concerns about abortion access and the likelihood that this is only the beginning of the right-wing efforts to turn back our rights.

Note: True North Research Executive Director Lisa Graves and fellow Ansev Demirhan contributed to this report.

Alyssa Bowen received her Ph.D. in history from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. She is managing editor and senior researcher for the progressive watchdog group True North Research where she tracks and writes about dark money in U.S. politics. She has bylines in The Nation, Rewire New Group and Ms. Magazine and is a regular contributor to Truthout.

Biden’s Assassination of al-Qaeda Leader Ayman al-Zawahiri Was Illegal
President Joe Biden speaks from the Blue Room balcony of the White House on August 1, 2022, in Washington, D.C.JIM WATSON / GETTY IMAGES
August 6, 2022

Human Rights and Global Wrongs

President Joe Biden’s assassination of al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in Afghanistan was illegal under both U.S. and international law. After the CIA drone strike killed Zawahiri on August 2, Biden declared, “People around the world no longer need to fear the vicious and determined killer.” What we should fear instead is the dangerous precedent set by Biden’s unlawful extrajudicial execution.

In addition to being illegal, the killing of Zawahiri also occurred in a moment when the United Nations had already determined that people in the U.S. had little to fear from him. As a United Nations report released in July concluded, “Al Qaeda is not viewed as posing an immediate international threat from its safe haven in Afghanistan because it lacks an external operational capability and does not currently wish to cause the Taliban international difficulty or embarrassment.”

Just as former president Barack Obama stated that “Justice has been done” after he assassinated Osama bin Laden, Biden said, “Now justice has been delivered” when he announced the assassination of Zawahiri.

Retaliation, however, does not constitute justice.

Targeted, or political, assassinations are extrajudicial executions. They are deliberate and unlawful killings meted out by order of, or with acquiescence of, a government. Extrajudicial executions are implemented outside a judicial framework.

The fact that Zawahiri did not pose an imminent threat is precisely why his assassination was illegal.

Zawahiri’s Assassination Violated International Law

Extrajudicial executions are prohibited by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which the United States has ratified, making it part of U.S. law under the Constitution’s supremacy clause. Article 6 of the ICCPR states, “Every human being has the inherent right to life. This right shall be protected by law. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life.” In its interpretation of Article 6, The UN Human Rights Committee opined that all human beings are entitled to the protection of the right to life “without distinction of any kind, including for persons suspected or convicted of even the most serious crimes.”

“Outside the context of active hostilities, the use of drones or other means for targeted killing is almost never likely to be legal,” tweeted Agnès Callamard, UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions. “Intentionally lethal or potentially lethal force can only be used where strictly necessary to protect against an imminent threat to life.” In order to be lawful, the United States would need to demonstrate that the target “constituted an imminent threat to others,” Callamard said.Extrajudicial executions are prohibited by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which the United States has ratified, making it part of U.S. law .

Moreover, willful killing is a grave breach of the Geneva Conventions, punishable as a war crime under the U.S. War Crimes Act. A targeted killing is lawful only when deemed necessary to protect life, and no other means (including apprehension or nonlethal incapacitation) is available to protect life.

Zawahiri’s Assassination Violated U.S. Law

The drone strike that killed Zawahiri also violated the War Powers Resolution, which lists three situations in which the president can introduce U.S. Armed Forces into hostilities:

First, pursuant to a congressional declaration of war, which has not occurred since World War II. Second, in “a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.” (Zawahiri’s presence in Afghanistan more than 20 years after the September 11, 2001, attacks did not constitute a “national emergency.”) Third, when there is “specific statutory authorization,” such as an Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF).Willful killing is a grave breach of the Geneva Conventions, punishable as a war crime under the U.S. War Crimes Act.

In 2001, Congress adopted an AUMF that authorized the president to use military force against individuals, groups and countries that had contributed to the 9/11 attacks “in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons.”

Zawahiri was one of a small circle of people widely believed to have planned the 2001 hijacking of four airplanes, three of which were flown into the Pentagon and World Trade Center buildings. But since he did not pose “an immediate international threat” before the U.S. targeted him for assassination, he should have been arrested and brought to justice in accordance with the law.

The attack against Zawahiri violated Obama’s targeting rules, which required that the target pose a “continuing imminent threat.” Although Donald Trump relaxed Obama’s rules, Biden is conducting a secret review to establish his own standards for targeting killing.

Biden Continues to Launch Illegal Drone Strikes

In spite of the Biden administration’s claim that no civilians were killed during the strike on Zawahiri, there has been no independent evidence to support that assertion.

The assassination of Zawahiri came nearly a year after Biden launched an illegal strike as he withdrew U.S. troops from Afghanistan. Ten civilians were killed in that attack. The U.S. Central Command admitted the strike was “a tragic mistake” after an extensive New York Times investigation put a lie to the prior U.S. declaration that it was a “righteous strike.”The attack against Zawahiri violated Obama’s targeting rules, which required that the target pose a “continuing imminent threat.”

Biden declared that although he was withdrawing U.S. forces from Afghanistan, he would mount “over-the-horizon” attacks from outside the country even without troops on the ground. We can expect the Biden administration to conduct future illegal drone strikes that kill civilians.

The 2001 AUMF has been used to justify U.S. military actions in 85 countries. Congress must repeal it and replace it with a new AUMF specifically requiring that any use of force comply with U.S. obligations under international law.

In addition, Congress should revisit the War Powers Resolution and explicitly limit the president’s authority to use force to that which is necessary to repel a sudden or imminent attack.

Finally, the United States must end its “global war on terror” once and for all. Drone strikes terrorize and kill countless civilians and make us more vulnerable to terrorism.

Marjorie Cohn is professor emerita at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, former president of the National Lawyers Guild, and a member of the national advisory boards of Assange Defense and Veterans For Peace, and the bureau of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers. Her books include Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral and Geopolitical Issues. She is co-host of “Law and Disorder” radio.