Friday, November 04, 2022


Daytime sleep enhance fear memories of emotional trauma and anxiety

New research will help shape strategies for the rehabilitation of people with anxiety disorders

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Yuri Pavlov 



Scientists from the Ural Federal University (UrFU) and the University of Tübingen (Germany) studied the effect of sleep on the formation and consolidation of fear memory into long-term memory. The neuroscientists have found that a short nap enhances the memory for disturbing and fearful events, but a similar effect of enhancing memory was also observed after a period of wakefulness. The results of the study will be useful for developing strategies for the rehabilitation of people who have received emotional trauma during natural disasters, military operations, and acts of violence. The research published in Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral neuroscience.

Memory consolidation is the transition of memories from short-term memory to long-term memory. It occurs primarily during sleep. Different studies show that sleeping after learning can have more positive effect than being passively awake. This happens through the reactivation of important memories, which may also be reflected in dreams. The positive effect of sleep can be observed even years later. However, at the moment there are no studies that investigated whether sleep enhances fear memory. The study tried to shed the light on the question what happens with fear memories after a period of sleep and wakefulness.

“Understanding the effect of sleep in situations where emotional trauma occurs is important for developing effective strategies for coping with disaster victims, people with panic or post-traumatic stress disorder. If we found that the effect of sleep on fear memory is similar to other types of memory, such as episodic memory (memory of life events), then it would be more beneficial for victims not to sleep after the trauma. In our experiments, we determined that a two-hour daytime nap reinforces the memories of fear learnt just before sleep. However, a similar effect was observed after wakefulness - watching an emotionally neutral movie or a computer gaming similarly enhances fear memories”, says Yuri Pavlov, co-author of the article, researcher at the laboratory of Neurotechnology of UrFU and the Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology at the University of Tübingen.

Before and after sleep, the participants went through a fear conditioning paradigm. The participants in the experiment first heard a neutral tone, and then it was always paired with a loud noise, another tone was never paired with the noise, says the scientist.

“After multiple pairings, the neutral stimulus evoked an equally strong emotional response on its own. Interestingly, people typically rate the loud noise as more unpleasant than even electric shocks, also often used in fear research. The comparison between tones paired with the highly aversive noise and the other tone - ‘safe’ cue – allowed to investigate neural processes behind fear learning. We found that the neural signatures of fear learning enhanced after a nap, and in equal measure after short rest” – explains Yuri Pavlov.

The fear conditioned responses were studied by electroencephalography before and after a 2-hour daytime nap or an equal period of wakefulness in 18 healthy young people. The researchers are now moving the study to the clinic, where they plan to test patients in a vegetative state and a minimally conscious state to determine how sleep will affect their levels of anxiety and the formation of fear memories. They also note that further study of the effect of a longer sleep period is needed.


Anxiety disorders, such as panic, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or specific phobias, occur in response to stress. They are characterized by a constant feeling of anxiety and fear, which can increase over time.

Memory consolidation is the process of transforming primary labile memories into a stable long-term form. Studies of declarative (memory for facts), episodic (memory for life events), and procedural (memory for skills) memory show that sleep after learning has a positive effect.

A person's sleep cycle is typically approximately 1.5 hours long. At night, people sleep from 4 to 6 cycles, during the day they rarely sleep for more than one full cycle.

New model can detect long-COVID’s effects using simple, 2D chest X-rays

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Long-COVID lungs 



For patients dealing with lingering respiratory symptoms from the novel coronavirus, a chest X-ray can reveal only so much. The two-dimensional (2D) scans simply can’t distinguish compromised lung function. For that diagnosis, a more expensive, three-dimensional (3D) technique called a CT scan is necessary.

Yet many medical clinics in the United States don’t have CT scanning equipment, leaving so-called long-COVID patients with little information about their lung function.

That may change. In a new study, researchers at the University of Iowa have developed what is called a contrastive learning model. This model “learns” from composite 2D images constructed from 3D CT images to detect compromised lung function in long-COVID patients. Another technique, called transfer learning, then conveys lung diagnostic information from a CT scan to a chest X-ray, thus allowing chest X-ray equipment to detect abnormalities the same as if those patients had used a CT scan.

In the study, the researchers showed how their contrastive learning model could be applied to detect small airways disease, which is an early stage of compromised lung function in long-COVID patients. Of the long-COVID patients, the models were advanced enough to distinguish the severity of the compromised lung function, separating those with small airways disease from those with more advanced respiratory issues.

“The new element to the model is taking information from 3D CT scans showing lung volume and transferring that information to a model that will show these same characteristics in 2D images,” says Ching-Long Lin, Edward M. Mielnik and Samuel R. Harding professor and chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering in the College of Engineering at Iowa. “Clinicians would be able to use chest X-rays to detect these outcomes. That’s the bigger perspective.”

The researchers based their modeling on CT scans of 100 people who were infected with the original COVID strain and went to UI Hospitals & Clinics for diagnosis for breathing problems between June and December 2020. Many of these long-COVID patients had small airways disease, a diagnosis reported by Alejandro Comellas, clinical professor of internal medicine–pulmonary, critical care, and occupational medicine, in a paper published last March in the journal Radiology.

Small airways disease affects a network of more than 10,000 tubes at the nexus in the lung where oxygenated air mixes with blood to be carried throughout the body. People with small airways disease have many of these vessels constricted, thus limiting the oxygen-blood exchange in the lungs, and impeding breathing overall.

Lin and his team collected data points at two intervals in the CT lung scans—when the patient inhaled and when the patient exhaled. The researchers compared their results with a control group that had not contracted the virus as they created the contrastive learning model.

“Our models successfully identified decreased lung function from long-COVID patients compared to those who had not gotten the virus,” says Lin, whose expertise is in machine learning and computational fluid and particle dynamic simulation.

Lin’s team advanced the model so it could separate patients with small airways disease from those with more advanced complications, such as emphysema.

“The study demonstrated in an independent way that patients with post-COVID have two types of lung injuries (small airway disease and lung parenchyma fibrosis/inflammation) that are persistent after having recovered from their initial SARS CoV-2 infection,” says Comellas, a co-author on this study.

“Chest X-rays are accessible, while CT scans are more expensive and not as accessible,” Lin adds. “Our model can be further improved, and I believe there is potential for it to be used at all clinics without having to buy expensive imaging equipment, such as CT scanners.”

The authors note the study is limited, in part because the sample size is small, and the patients are from a single medical facility. A larger sample size, they write, may uncover more variations in lung function stemming from long COVID.

The study, “Contrastive learning and subtyping of post-COVID-19 lung computed tomography images,” was published online Oct. 11 in the journal Frontiers in Physiology.

Co-authors, all from Iowa, include Frank Li, Xuan Zhang, Eric Hoffman, and Tianbao Yang.

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, a branch of the U.S. National Institutes of Health; and the U.S. Department of Education funded the research.

New study reviews evidence of racism in emergency medicine, sets research agenda

Evidence-based interventions to address and eliminate racism and other systems of oppression in health care needed

Peer-Reviewed Publication


(Boston)—In 2021, the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) held a consensus conference, From Bedside to Policy: Advancing Social Emergency Medicine and Population Health, which included identifying priority areas for future research and implementation science related to race, racism and antiracism in emergency medicine (EM).

In an effort to identify and summarize existing research and set the agenda for EM research in these topic areas, researchers from institutions across the country, including Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine, conducted a literature review of articles that addressed how race and/or racism affect emergency medical care, including access, utilization, treatment, outcomes, patient experience or provider experience in the emergency department.

“Although more overt forms of racist rhetoric are less likely to be observed in the 21st century, many treatments and guidelines in use today were developed based on research that conceptualized race as biological rather than a social construct,” explained corresponding author Emily Cleveland Manchanda, MD, MPH, assistant professor of emergency medicine.

Among their findings:

  • EM and adjacent fields have extensively documented racial inequities in access, utilization, diagnosis, treatment and outcomes over the course of many decades. Despite this, very few studies have explicitly studied racism or anti-racism in EM in any capacity.


  • The majority of included studies were observational. Methods for reporting racial and ethnic inequities varied between studies, and many did not clearly report methods of collecting racial and ethnic data.


  • Of the 187 studies included in the literature review, only six evaluated an intervention aimed at reducing racial inequities.

According to the researchers, key research priorities were informed by this review and refined through a robust consensus process that included input from community organizations around the country.  The research agenda presented in this article provides a roadmap for addressing and eliminating racism and other systems of oppression in emergency medicine.


“While the harmful consequences of racism in emergency medicine have been well documented in nearly every facet of our literature, the research agenda proposed in this study will help us move beyond identifying the problem and toward developing solutions that get at the root causes of racial health inequities. In particular, we identified an urgent need for researchers to focus on developing evidence-informed interventions to address and eliminate racism and other systems of oppression in health care,” added Cleveland Manchanda, who also is assistant program director of the Ravin Davidoff Executive Fellowship in Health Equity at Boston Medical Center and the Director for Social Justice Education and Implementation at the American Medical Association.

These findings appear online in the journal Academic Emergency Medicine.


Yeast fungus with the potential to become global health problem

Peer-Reviewed Publication


The story of Candida auris starts in 2009, when a 70-year-old Japanese woman is a patient at the Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hospital. Something discharges from one of her ears, and the doctors routinely take samples of it with a cotton swab. They analyze the sample to find out what is causing the infection.

It turns out that a yeast is at play, and it's different from other known yeasts. We are all familiar with baker’s yeast, a friendly microorganism, which is used to make beer and bred. Candida auris and other Candida yeast species are very different; they cause harmful and persistent infections, which are difficult to treat with known antibiotics.

Break out in a London hospital

Against all expectations, Candida auris turns out to be unusually stress-resistant. The discovery is so unusual that the doctors decide to describe it in a scientific journal; they name it Candida auris after the place where it was found – auris means ear in Latin. Since then, the yeast has spread to all continents. Patients are almost always weakened people, and cases are almost always recorded in hospitals.

In 2015, for example, an acute infection with Candida auris has run out of control at the Royal Brompton Hospital in London . For three months, the staff have tried everything to get rid of the infections, and finally they attempt a week-long spray attack. All surfaces in infected rooms are sprayed with hydrogen peroxide in the hope that the spray will reach all crevices and corners.

The spray device runs for a week, and to test if any microorganisms have survived, a gel-coated plate is then placed in the middle of the room. If any micro-organisms have survived the week-long spray attack, they will be attracted to the gel and thus reveal their existence. Only one organism appears on the gel plate. Candida auris.

The first case in Denmark

In 2022, a Danish person returns home from South Africa to be admitted to a Danish hospital. The person has several wounds that need to be treated, and the South African doctors have discovered Candida auris on the patients’ skin.

The presence of a fungus on the skin is not in itself dangerous - it becomes so only when it enters the bloodstream -, but the Danish hospital takes extra safety measures to ensure that Candida auris does not spread to other patients in the hospital: The patient is admitted to two rooms, so that there is also room for the equipment needed for examinations. This ensures that the patient does not have to be moved around to other departments.

To get to the two isolated rooms, staff has to go through two locks. The patient recovers and is discharged, and over a 24-hour period everything is disinfected in the rooms and in the locks.

Four cases in Denmark, so far

The next patient admitted to one of these two rooms stays there for only five hours – but that is enough for the patient to become infected with Candida auris in the bloodstream.

- It is difficult to understand how this could happen, said Maiken Cavling Arendrup, professor and head of the Unit for Mycology, Statens Serum Institut in Denmark, who has followed the cases.

To date, four cases of Candida auris have been registered in Denmark, all from 2022. The three cases are on the skin of people who have returned home from abroad, while the fourth – the patient who was infected after five hours in the hospital room – was infected in the blood. Both the three carriers and the infected patient have recovered.

Need for better treatment

 - The problem with this yeast is that it is very difficult to kill. It is multi-resistant, and thus you risk serious infections that cannot be treated, said Maria Szomek from Daniel Wüstner’s research group, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, adding:

- There are many types of medicine on the market that can fight fungal infections – including Candida auris.  But they are becoming less and less effective, because Candida auris is extremely good at developing resistance, so the challenge now is to develop better medicines that work. This means medicine, which not only inhibits growth of yeast but actually kills any remaining yeast cells.

Existing medicines against Candida auris and other yeasts with the potential to kill the cells are often based on so-called polyenes. Polyenes are a group of substances found naturally in certain bacteria as part of their inborn defense system. Polyenes can be extracted from the bacteria for medical use.

Can we improve nature’s own defense system?

But, as Maria Szomek points out; the mechanisms by which the polyenes kill yeast are not very well understood. This, however, is essential for developing new and improved polyene-based drugs.

- Therefore we are working on understanding how nature's own polyenes work, Maria Szomek said.

This work takes place in Daniel Wüstner's research group at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. In their laboratory, the group uses advanced microscopy to study what happens to a yeast cell when attacked by polyenes. The group has teamed up with colleagues in theoretical and computational chemistry, Peter Reinholdt and Jacob Kongsted and is also working with two German research teams at Leipzig University and Humboldt University Berlin.

Precision attack in the cell

The researchers do not work with real Candida auris cells, but instead with harmless models, which they expose to polyenes from the fungicide Natamycin.

- We are interested in things like: how do the polyenes get through the cell membrane? How do they bind to and interact with ergosterol, which is a subgroup of steroids and the target of the polyenes' attack, Maria Szomek explained.

The group has described their latest study of this mechanism in a scientific article, which can be viewed here


Study: Schools’ social media posts may be compromising student privacy

US schools have shared an estimated 4.9 million Facebook posts with identifiable images of students

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Washington, November 2, 2022—U.S. schools and school districts have shared an estimated 4.9 million posts that include identifiable images of students on public Facebook pages, unintentionally putting student privacy at risk, according to a new study. Around 726,000 of these posts are thought to identify one or more students by their first and last names. The research was published today in Educational Researcher, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Educational Research Association.

The study examined publicly accessible posts on U.S. school and school district Facebook pages from 2005 to 2020. During that time, schools published about 18 million posts, with the annual frequency of posts, and the proportion of posts with photos, increasing each year. Public Facebook posts are accessible by all visitors to the platform, including those without a Facebook account.

Video: Coauthor Joshua M. Rosenberg discusses major findings and implications of the research

“While the percentage of Facebook posts that identified students was small, the sheer volume of posts meant that hundreds of thousands of students had personally identifiable information shared by their schools,” said coauthor Joshua M. Rosenberg, an assistant professor of STEM education at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. “These findings suggest that student privacy may inadvertently be threatened by the social media activity of schools and districts.”

While previous research has looked at how social media sharing by individual educators may place the privacy of students at risk, Rosenberg notes this study is the first to consider the privacy implications of social media activities undertaken by schools and districts.  

Rosenberg conducted the study with Conrad Borchers (Carnegie Mellon University), Macy A. Burchfield (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Daniel Anderson (Abl Schools), Sondra M. Stegenga (University of Utah), and Christian Fischer (University of Tübingen).

Using CrowdTangle, Facebook’s tool for scholars and journalists that provides access to data on the platform’s public posts, the researchers accessed public Facebook posts from all public schools and school districts in the United States. They found the posts by searching for links to Facebook pages from school and district website homepages. Thus, only schools and districts that linked to their Facebook page from their homepage were included in the sample.

The researchers found that of the 18 million posts, approximately 13.9 million included images of individuals of any age. Extrapolating from an analysis of a randomly selected sample of posts, the researchers estimated that 4.9 million of the posts had identifiable images of students, and 726,000 of these identified students’ first and last names.

“The posts we studied may represent the largest existing collection of publicly accessible, identifiable images of minors,” said Rosenberg. “It is likely that the photos are being accessed by a range of actors, including government agencies, predictive policing companies, and those with nefarious intent.”

The study notes that government agencies in the U.S. and other countries regularly access public social media data for purposes ranging from monitoring immigration and predicting crime risks to documenting social connections. It also notes that the Australian government’s online safety agency has reported that tens of millions of harmless images of minors originally shared on social media have been downloaded and saved on child exploitation sites.

“The threat to privacy will continue to grow, perhaps quickly, due to expanding facial recognition technology,” said Rosenberg. He also explained that a simple reverse image search on Google could link a student to other sources of personally identifiable information online.

Rosenberg and his coauthors said there are practical steps that school leaders could take to mitigate risks. These include not including students’ full names in posts; asking parents to opt in to, rather than opt out of, the sharing of their children’s information on school social media; making it easy for parents to request that photos of their children be removed; and making school or district pages private.

Media companies, Rosenberg added, should consider changing the default settings for schools, automatically making pages private, which would drastically reduce the risk that student information is collected at a large scale for unintended secondary uses.

He also noted policymakers and government regulators could do more to reduce the risk that schools and other organizations that serve children will inadvertently compromise children’s privacy.

“As a nation, the U.S. needs to devote greater attention and resources to mitigating the potential downsides of the pervasive sharing of children’s information on social media, particularly when it is organizations such as schools and districts that are doing the sharing,” said Rosenberg.

The study’s authors acknowledged the importance of parent engagement efforts, including the use of social media by schools. However, they noted this must always be balanced with safety and privacy protections on multiple levels.

“While parents and schools can take steps to protect student privacy, it is also the responsibility of social media platforms and the wider society to ensure that policies and regulations keep pace with rapidly evolving technology, Rosenberg said.

Study Citation: Rosenberg, J. M., Borchers, C., Burchfield, M. A., Anderson, D., Stegenga, S. M., & Fischer, C. (2022). Posts about students on Facebook: A data ethics perspective. Educational Researcher. Prepublished November 2, 2022.


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The American Educational Research Association (AERA) is the largest national interdisciplinary research association devoted to the scientific study of education and learning. Founded in 1916, AERA advances knowledge about education, encourages scholarly inquiry related to education, and promotes the use of research to improve education and serve the public good. Find AERA on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

UiB and Wild Space Productions collaborate on new Netflix documentary

The University of Bergen, Norway, proudly announces a unique collaboration agreement with Wild Space Productions.

Business Announcement


Kronprins Haakon 



The University of Bergen proudly announces a unique collaboration agreement with Wild Space Productions.
The collaboration involves the University of Bergen, Norway, as scientific advisor for the episode that deals with the Arctic Ocean in the new five-part series “Our Oceans”, premiering globally on Netflix in 2024.

The University of Bergen has world-class academic environments in marine research, and therefore it is with pride that the university can present the collaboration with one of the world's largest platforms of film and television content.

“It is an amazing feat that the University of Bergen has pioneered this collaboration with one of the best nature documentary teams in the world. This project has proven to be an incredible way for Norwegian scientists to serve the public need for factual story-telling from the fragile and fascinating ecosystems of the Arctic to the living rooms of millions of people around the world”, says Rector at the University of Bergen, Margareth Hagen.

The production team at Wild Space Productions has collaborated with UiB researchers since spring 2021 and will continue while the filming of the new series is ongoing. UiB researchers contribute with their knowledge and expertise about the Arctic Ocean and arctic ecosystems.

Dorothy Dankel, adjunct associate professor at the Department of Biological Sciences at UiB, has hosted bi-weekly meetings with Wild Space Productions for over a year to examine new animal behavior observations from the field.

“It has been a wonderful experience to develop new, never-been-seen ocean stories with Wild Space Productions. This collaboration has brought out the best of our unique science observations from our marine networks in Bergen and our extended scientific family around the Arctic. Wild Space Productions has been a trusted partner through this whole journey; it has been a true pleasure to share and discuss marine science with their dedicated award-winning filmmakers”, Dankel says.

In early November 2022, Wild Space Productions will participate in field work with the University of Bergen on board the marine research vessel "Kronprins Haakon" in Svalbard.
“Our Oceans” is executive produced by EMMY Award-winning television producer James Honeyborne.

“Wild Space Productions is always keen to collaborate with leading scientists and institutions to better represent the natural world. The University of Bergen is on the front-line of scientific research on the Arctic Ocean, its ecosystems and its wildlife. We've been fortunate enough to partner with the University to better understand, film and pass-on meaningful stories from the wild that will help us all to better connect and care for this wondrous but fast-changing environment," says Honeyborne.

IPK researchers use Cas9 gene scissors to establish new resistances of winter barley to viruses

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Winter barley 



Besides fungi and insects, viruses are also serious pathogens of crops. In the case of cereals, viruses that are transmitted to the plants via microorganisms in the soil are becoming increasingly important. For barley, these are mainly the barley yellow mosaic virus (BaYMV) and the barley mild mosaic virus (BaMMV). Both are transmitted to young seedlings of winter barley in autumn and can cause yield losses of up to 50 percent.

Resistance breeding plays an essential role to cope with these pathogens. Although almost all current European winter barley varieties are resistant to these viruses, some virus strains have already overcome this widely used resistance through genetic adaptation, so that a broad breakthrough of the natural defences is only a matter of time. Given the tediousness of breeding measures, there is an urgent need to identify new sources of resistance and deploy them to breeding in an accelareted manner.

In search of such new resistances, a research team led by the IPK Leibniz Institute screened material from the Institute's gene bank. In 2014, they found what they were looking for in old landraces and wild relatives of cultivated barley. "These investigations have shown that the PDIL5-1 gene, which is involved in the formation of 3-dimensional protein structures, also plays a central role in the resistance of plants to viruses," explains Robert Hoffie from the "Plant Reproductive Biology" research group. This is a so-called susceptibility factor host-dependent viruses utilise to reproduce themselves in the plant tissue. "A decisive finding for us was that resistant gene bank material contained variants of the PDIL5-1 gene that had lost their function through mutation and hence can no longer be used by the virus " says the IPK scientist and first author of the study.

However, crossing such resistance-mediating gene variants into the existing breeding material of European winter barley is laborious and time-consuming. "Therefore, we used the Cas9 gene scissors to switch off the PDIL5-1 gene in two susceptible barley varieties by targeted mutagenesis, thus achieving success much faster and without any additional genetic changes in the barley varieties," says Robert Hoffie. The results were more than promising; "the targeted plants were resistant to barley mosaic virus (BaMMV) infection in the greenhouse trial and there were no negative effects on growth or yield."

"The study exemplifies how we can take advantage of our gene bank material for plant breeding today with extremely efficient and precise biotechnological tools such as the Cas9 gene scissors," comments Dr. Jochen Kumlehn, head of the study and head of the "Plant Reproductive Biology" research group. At the same time, the new findings also open up further perspectives of research. For example, we assume that the modification of PDIL genes may also lead to virus resistance in other plant species.

Researcher raises awareness on the health of rivers and lakes — by swimming in them

Reports and Proceedings


By swimming the length of the Danube, chemist Andreas Fath hoped to bring attention to the condition of the rivers that affect communities, measuring pollution and performing outreach activities along the way. At the same time, other researchers are working to understand the impacts of this summer’s high temperatures and droughts on lakes and rivers. Read more in a cover story in Chemical & Engineering News, an independent news outlet of the American Chemical Society.

On April 22, Fath jumped into the Danube River in Ulm, Germany. He would spend the next eight weeks swimming over 1,600 miles along the river, writes Senior Editor Laura Howes. Passive sampling membranes stuck to the legs of his wetsuit absorbed persistent organic pollutants in the water, while scientists traveling with him took samples to measure the water’s chemistry and quality. One risk Fath particularly cares about is microplastics in the water. They can soak up pollutants and are then eaten by fish, concentrating the pollutants in their bodies. But that’s not the only risk to the wildlife in lakes and rivers. This past summer, a toxic algal bloom in the Oder River in Europe killed hundreds of thousands of fish. Other researchers have found that the river was susceptible to this ecological disaster because of warmer water temperatures, changes in the oxygenation levels of the water and lower water levels. As lakes and rivers globally suffer from the effects of climate change and pollution, there are also potential consequences for human health and the economy. Dust containing arsenic is being blown aloft as the Great Salt Lake shrinks, cargo transport on the Yangtze and Rhine Rivers has been disrupted, and low water levels limit the amount of power that can be generated by hydroelectric plants.

As he traveled the Danube River, Fath stopped at towns along the route to perform workshops on environmental risks — including Belgrade, Serbia, where Fath received significant attention from the media when he paused his swim because the water quality was so poor. In other countries, scientists are also raising a red flag regarding the health of rivers and lakes, with policymakers and the public beginning to take note. Fath has now swum the lengths of the Rhine, Tennessee and Danube Rivers, believing that public awareness will be key to inspiring people to protect these bodies of water.

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Enhanced observations for better forecasting tropical cyclones over the South China sea

From the surface, through the sky, and into space

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Tropical Cyclone Mulan 



The South China Sea is where most tropical cyclones (TCs) attack the Chinese mainland, but a lack of observational data has for decades hindered our ability to forecast them. In August 2022, a successful field campaign during TC Mulan boosted confidence in forecasting similar events in the future. The results of the campaign were recorded and published in Advances in Atmospheric Sciences.


The campaign, starting on 5 August, collected observations simultaneously using China's FengYun-4B geostationary satellite, aircraft equipped with dropsondes (weather devices designed to be dropped from aircraft at specified altitudes), and balloons equipped with radiosondes (a small instrument suspended below the balloon). The project was a collaboration between the China Meteorological Administration (CMA), Institute of Atmospheric Physics (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Fudan University, and the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO), the latter of whom has a six-year history in collecting meteorological data using aircraft.


“We at HKO were honoured to have the chance to collaborate with the CMA and other scientific institutes on the Chinese mainland for this project”, says Mr. Pak-Wai CHAN of HKO, who arranged the aircraft flight into the TC in collaboration with the Government Flying Service in Hong Kong. “This joint effort is a landmark in enhanced meteorological observations over the South China Sea.”


“We were excited to find that the enhanced observational data displayed positive impacts on both the track and intensity forecasts of TC Mulan”, explains Prof. Wei Han from the Earth System Modeling and Prediction Centre at the CMA, who arranged the satellite observations and the subsequent operational forecasts. “Moreover, rainfall forecasts along the South China coast were more accurate with these data”.


These results confirm the findings of the team's previous research in which dropsonde data were used to observe four TC cases in 2020.


“We hope to conduct more such field campaigns in the future to collect evermore useful observations of TCs. Not only operational forecasting but also basic scientific research will benefit greatly from these data”, concludes Dr Xiaohao Qin from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, who identified the optimal observation area for both the satellite and aircraft measurements in this campaign.

Researchers show how network pruning can skew deep learning models

Reports and Proceedings


Computer science researchers have demonstrated that a widely used technique called neural network pruning can adversely affect the performance of deep learning models, detailed what causes these performance problems, and demonstrated a technique for addressing the challenge.

Deep learning is a type of artificial intelligence that can be used to classify things, such as images, text or sound. For example, it can be used to identify individuals based on facial images. However, deep learning models often require a lot of computing resources to operate. This poses challenges when a deep learning model is put into practice for some applications.

To address these challenges, some systems engage in “neural network pruning.” This effectively makes the deep learning model more compact and, therefore, able to operate while using fewer computing resources.

“However, our research shows that this network pruning can impair the ability of deep learning models to identify some groups,” says Jung-Eun Kim, co-author of a paper on the work and an assistant professor of computer science at North Carolina State University.

“For example, if a security system uses deep learning to scan people’s faces in order to determine whether they have access to a building, the deep learning model would have to be made compact so that it can operate efficiently. This may work fine most of the time, but the network pruning could also affect the deep learning model’s ability to identify some faces.”

In their new paper, the researchers lay out why network pruning can adversely affect the performance of the model at identifying certain groups – which the literature calls “minority groups” – and demonstrate a new technique for addressing these challenges.

Two factors explain how network pruning can impair the performance of deep learning models.

In technical terms, these two factors are: disparity in gradient norms across groups; and disparity in Hessian norms associated with inaccuracies of a group’s data. In practical terms, this means that deep learning models can become less accurate in recognizing specific categories of images, sounds or text. Specifically, the network pruning can amplify accuracy deficiencies that already existed in the model.

For example, if a deep learning model is trained to recognize faces using a data set that includes the faces of 100 white people and 60 Asian people, it might be more accurate at recognizing white faces, but could still achieve adequate performance for recognizing Asian faces. After network pruning, the model is more likely to be unable to recognize some Asian faces.

“The deficiency may not have been noticeable in the original model, but because it’s amplified by the network pruning, the deficiency may become noticeable,” Kim says.

“To mitigate this problem, we’ve demonstrated an approach that uses mathematical techniques to equalize the groups that the deep learning model is using to categorize data samples,” Kim says. “In other words, we are using algorithms to address the gap in accuracy across groups.”

In testing, the researchers demonstrated that using their mitigation technique improved the fairness of a deep learning model that had undergone network pruning, essentially returning it to pre-pruning levels of accuracy.

“I think the most important aspect of this work is that we now have a more thorough understanding of exactly how network pruning can influence the performance of deep learning models to identify minority groups, both theoretically and empirically,” Kim says. “We’re also open to working with partners to identify unknown or overlooked impacts of model reduction techniques, particularly in real-world applications for deep learning models.”

The paper, “Pruning Has a Disparate Impact on Model Accuracy,” will be presented at the 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022), being held Nov. 28-Dec. 9 in New Orleans. First author of the paper is Cuong Tran of Syracuse University. The paper was co-authored by Ferdinando Fioretto of Syracuse, and by Rakshit Naidu of Carnegie Mellon University.

The work was done with support from the National Science Foundation, under grants SaTC-1945541, SaTC-2133169 and CAREER-2143706; as well as a Google Research Scholar Award and an Amazon Research Award.