Saturday, December 24, 2022

Michigan State University researchers uncover potential climate change-nutrition connection in plant metabolism

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Michigan State University Assistant Professor Berkley Walker 





  • In a new paper published in the journal Nature Plants, MSU researchers show that increasing atmospheric carbon could affect how plants produce proteins and other nutrients.
  • Elevated carbon dioxide levels, which help drive global warming, were found to affect how plants metabolize carbon, including a process known to make amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins.
  • Although more work is required to understand the ultimate impact on a plant’s protein content, the researchers have introduced a new way to probe plant metabolism in a changing environment.

EAST LANSING, Mich. – A new study from researchers at Michigan State University underscores that we still have much to learn regarding how plants will function — and how nutritious they will be — as more carbon enters our atmosphere.

That same influx of carbon is helping drive climate change, meaning this new work, published in the journal Nature Plantsmay be revealing an unexpected way this global phenomenon is reshaping nature and our lives.

“What we’re seeing is that there’s a link between climate change and nutrition,” said Berkley Walker, an assistant professor in the Department of Plant Biology whose research team authored the new report. “This is something we didn’t know we’d be looking into when we started.”

Although elevated levels of carbon dioxide can be good for photosynthesis, Walker and his lab also showed that increasing CO2 levels can tinker with other metabolic processes in plants. And these lesser-known processes could have implications for other functions like protein production.

“Plants like CO2. If you give them more of it, they’ll make more food and they’ll grow bigger,” said Walker, who works in the College of Natural Science and the MSU-Department of Energy Plant Research Laboratory. “But what if you get a bigger plant that has a lower protein content? It’ll actually be less nutritious.”

It’s too early to say for certain whether plants face a low-protein future, Walker said. But the new research brings up surprising questions about how plants will make and metabolize amino acids — which are protein building blocks — with more carbon dioxide around.

And the harder we work to address those questions now, the better prepared we will be to confront the future, said the report’s first author and postdoctoral scholar, Xinyu Fu.

“The more we know about how plants use different metabolic pathways under fluctuating environments, the better we can find ways to manipulate the metabolic flow and ultimately engineer plants to be more efficient and nutritious,” Fu said.

Michigan State University researchers may have found a link between climate change and plant nutrition.


Hermann Schachner via Wikimedia Commons (plant cells)/Mike Erskine via Unsplash (arid land)

If at first plants don’t succeed, there’s photorespiration

The basics of photosynthesis are famously straightforward: Plants take water and carbon dioxide from their surroundings and, with power from the sun’s light, turn those ingredients into sugar and oxygen.

But sometimes this process starts off on the wrong foot. The enzyme responsible for collecting carbon dioxide can instead grab onto oxygen molecules.

This produces a byproduct that, left unchecked, would essentially choke out the plant, Walker said. Thankfully, however, plants have evolved a process called photorespiration that clears out the harmful byproduct and lets the enzyme take another swing at photosynthesis.

Photorespiration is not nearly as famous as photosynthesis, and it sometimes gets a bad rap because it takes up carbon and energy that could be used for making food. Inefficient though it may be, photorespiration is better than the alternative.

“It’s kind of like recycling,” Walker said. “It’d be great if we didn’t need it, but as long as we’re generating waste, we might as well use it.”

To do its job, photorespiration incorporates carbon into other molecules or metabolites, some of which are amino acids, the precursors to proteins.

“So photorespiration isn’t just recycling, it might be upcycling,” Walker said.

There’s a reason Walker used “might be” instead of “is” in his statement. Photorespiration still holds some mysteries, and the fate of its metabolites is one of those.

Metabolic sleuthing

When it comes to where amino acids produced by photorespiration end up, one established theory was that they remained in a closed loop. That means that metabolites made in the process are constrained to a select group of organelles and biochemical processes.

Now, the MSU researchers have shown that’s not always the case. In particular, they’ve shown that the amino acids glycine and serine are able to escape the confines of that closed loop.

What ultimately becomes of the compounds is a lingering question and one that could become increasingly important as carbon dioxide levels rise. 

Plants photorespire less when more carbon dioxide is available, so scientists will need to probe deeper into how plants produce and use these amino acids overall, Walker said.

For the time being, though, he and his team are excited they’ve reached this finding, which was no trivial feat. It involved feeding the plants a special type of carbon dioxide in which the carbon atoms had one more neutron than the carbon typically found in the atmosphere. 

A neutron is a subatomic particle and, as such, it has a very small mass. If you took a paper clip, cut it into a trillion pieces and then cut one of those pieces into a trillion more, the smallest pieces would have roughly the same mass as a neutron.

But the MSU collaboration had the tools and expertise needed to measure that subtle difference in mass. Those measurements, coupled with computational modeling, enabled the researchers to follow that slightly beefy carbon and see how plants integrate it at different metabolic stages when conditions favor photorespiration.

“This new technique enabled a better and more quantitative understanding of important metabolic pathways in plants,” Fu said. “With the new flux approach, we have begun to reveal the dynamic state of metabolic pathways and understand metabolism as a whole system.”

“I said that my lab could do this on my job application, but I wasn’t totally sure it would work,” said Walker, who joined MSU in 2018. The fact that it did work is a credit to the team on the paper, which also includes graduate student Luke Gregory and research assistant professor Sean Weise.

But other colleagues at MSU also helped, including University Distinguished Professor Thomas Sharkey, Professor Yair Shachar-Hill and the team at the Mass Spectrometry and Metabolomics Core.

“Coming to MSU uniquely enabled this to happen,” Walker said.

This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, with contributions from the MSU Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research, the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center and the National Science Foundation.

By Matt Davenport 

Michigan State University has been advancing the common good with uncommon will for more than 165 years. One of the world's leading research universities, MSU pushes the boundaries of discovery to make a better, safer, healthier world for all while providing life-changing opportunities to a diverse and inclusive academic community through more than 200 programs of study in 17 degree-granting colleges.

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HAARP to bounce signal off asteroid in NASA experiment

Business Announcement


An experiment to bounce a radio signal off an asteroid on Dec. 27 will serve as a test for probing a larger asteroid that in 2029 will pass closer to Earth than the many geostationary satellites that orbit our planet.

The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program research site in Gakona will transmit radio signals to asteroid 2010 XC15, which could be about 500 feet across. The University of New Mexico Long Wavelength Array near Socorro, New Mexico, and the Owens Valley Radio Observatory Long Wavelength Array near Bishop, California, will receive the signal.

This will be the first use of HAARP to probe an asteroid.

“What’s new and what we are trying to do is probe asteroid interiors with long wavelength radars and radio telescopes from the ground,” said Mark Haynes, lead investigator on the project and a radar systems engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. “Longer wavelengths can penetrate the interior of an object much better than the radio wavelengths used for communication.”

Knowing more about an asteroid’s interior, especially of an asteroid large enough to cause major damage on Earth, is important for determining how to defend against it.

“If you know the distribution of mass, you can make an impactor more effective, because you’ll know where to hit the asteroid a little better,” Haynes said.

Many programs exist to quickly detect asteroids, determine their orbit and shape and image their surface, either with optical telescopes or the planetary radar of the Deep Space Network, NASA’s network of large and highly senstive radio antennas in California, Spain and Australia.

Those radar-imaging programs use signals of short wavelengths, which bounce off the surface and provide high-quality external images but don’t penetrate an object.

HAARP will transmit a continually chirping signal to asteroid 2010 XC15 at slightly above and below 9.6 megahertz (9.6 million times per second). The chirp will repeat at two-second intervals. Distance will be a challenge, Haynes said, because the asteroid will be twice as far from Earth as the moon is.

The University of Alaska Fairbanks operates HAARP under an agreement with the Air Force, which developed and owned HAARP but transferred the research instruments to UAF in August 2015. 

The test on 2010 XC15 is yet another step toward the globally anticipated 2029 encounter with asteroid Apophis. It follows tests in January and October in which the moon was the target of a HAARP signal bounce.

Apophis was discovered in 2004 and will make its closest approach to Earth on April 13, 2029, when it comes within 20,000 miles. Geostationary satellites orbit Earth at about 23,000 miles. The asteroid, which NASA estimated to be about 1,100 feet across, was initially thought to pose a risk to Earth in 2068, but its orbit has since been better projected by researchers.

The test on 2010 XC15 and the 2029 Apophis encounter are of general interest to scientists who study near-Earth objects. But planetary defense is also a key research driver.

“The more time there is before a potential impact, the more options there are to try to deflect it,” Haynes said.

NASA says an automobile-sized asteroid hits Earth’s atmosphere about once a year, creating a fireball and burning up before reaching the surface.

About every 2,000 years a meteoroid the size of a football field hits Earth. Those can cause a lot of damage. And as for wiping out civilization, NASA says an object large enough to do that strikes the planet once every few million years.

NASA first successfully redirected an asteroid on Sept. 26, when its Double Asteroid Redirection Test mission, or DART, collided with Dimorphos. That asteroid is an orbiting moonlet of the larger Didymos asteroid.

The DART collision altered the moonlet’s orbit time by 32 minutes.

The Dec. 27 test could reveal great potential for the use of asteroid sensing by long wavelength radio signals. Approximately 80 known near-Earth asteroids passed between the moon and Earth in 2019, most of them small and discovered near closest approach.

“If we can get the ground-based systems up and running, then that will give us a lot of chances to try to do interior sensing of these objects,” Haynes said.

The National Science Foundation is funding the work through its award to the Geophysical Institute for establishing the Subauroral Geophysical Observatory for Space Physics and Radio Science in Gakona

“HAARP is excited to partner with NASA and JPL to advance our knowledge of near-Earth objects,” said Jessica Matthews, HAARP’s program manager.

New analysis maps out impacts of marine chokepoint closures

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Shipping vessels on the Suez Canal 



DURHAM, N.C.— When the mega container ship Ever Given ran aground and blocked the Suez Canal for six days in 2021, it caused disruptions in international trade for weeks and in global supply chains for months afterward.

The far-reaching impacts drove home how important the Suez Canal and other marine chokepoints, or shipping straits, are to global economic security and how blindsided and ill-prepared for a closure businesses and governments can be.

A new analysis by a Duke University researcher should help.

“This study provides a forward look at the impacts that could result if any of the 11 busiest marine chokepoints was shut down because of geopolitical instability, piracy, marine accidents or other causes,” said Lincoln F. Pratson, Gendell Family Professor of Energy and Environment at Duke’s Nicholas School of the Environment.

Pratson used GIS data of global marine shipping lanes along with international trade data from 2019 to simulate closure scenarios in the Panama Canal, the Strait of Gibraltar, the English Channel, the Danish Straits, the Bosporus Strait, the Suez Canal, the Bab el Mandeb Strait between Yemen and East Africa, the Strait of Hormuz, the Malacca Strait between Malaysia and Indonesia, the South China Sea, and the East China Sea.

The simulations allowed him to estimate not only the types and amounts of trade that would be disrupted by each chokepoint’s closure, but also how the closure could lead to the redirection of trade flows globally.

“When international trade through one of these chokepoints is impeded, transiting ship traffic gets backed up and subsequent shipping often gets redirected along longer routes to avoid the blockage. This leads to increased shipping times and costs,” Pratson said.

“Ports that initially experienced lulls in cargo-handling because of the closure become backlogged as the delayed cargoes arrive along with ensuing on-time shipments.”

The economic impacts of these changes can reverberate for months as international supply chains for everything from electronics, vehicles, and pharmaceuticals to crude oil and food are disrupted, and just-in-time delivery of critical goods is no longer a bankable bet, he said.

“Having a pretty good idea of what to expect if there’s a prolonged closure of shipping in one of these 11 chokepoints would help governments, businesses and seaport managers develop strategies for reducing potential shipping and port delays or losses,” Pratson said.

Cargo ships move about 80% of all international trade by volume and about 70% of it by value. Much of this trade passes through one or more marine chokepoints enroute to its destination. Pratson estimates that value of trade through a number of these chokepoints, such as the Malacca Strait and South China Sea, rivals the GDPs of the world’s largest economies.

Furthermore, some chokepoints, such as the Danish Straits, Bosporus Strait, Strait of Hormuz, East China Sea, and South China Sea, provide the only access to maritime trade for a large number of countries.

If these chokepoints are shut down or if traffic through them is reduced for a prolonged period, as has happened in the Bosporus Strait during the war in Ukraine, the disruption can block or severely limit affected counties’ ability to import or export goods their economies and world markets alike depend on. This can cause volatility in global supplies and prices and spur a scramble by nations and businesses on both sides of the chokepoint to secure alternative sources or markets for critical goods.

Other chokepoints, such as the Suez and Panama canals, provide shortcuts between ocean basins that significantly reduce shipping costs and times.

“The closure scenarios suggest that if chokepoints used to move trade between the Atlantic and Indian oceans are closed for an extended period of time, more shipping may be redirected towards the Panama Canal then it can handle, which would end up causing a second source of shipping congestion, cargo delays, further rerouting.” Pratson said.

“Given that the operation costs of container ships have been running around $2 million a day, having an idea of how closure of a chokepoint could affect maritime trade globally should be useful information to have in advance,” he said.

Pratson published his peer-reviewed study Dec.21 in the journal Communications in Transportation Research.

Funding for his study came from the U.S. Department of Defense Minerva Program.

CITATION: “Assessing Impacts to Maritime Shipping from Marine Chokepoint Closures,” Lincoln F. Pratson; Communications in Transportation Research, Dec. 21, 2022. DOI:


What drives decline of East Asian dust activity in the past two decades?

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Dust storm 



Dust storms can be miles long and thousands of feet high. It may cause various environmental consequences including severe air pollution, land degradation, and damage to crop and livestock.

Dust entrained into the atmosphere serves as a major aerosol type, exerting effects on weather and climate system via aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions and delivering nutrients from continents to other continents and oceans.

Recently, a research team led by Dr. Chenglai Wu from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences investigated the factors driving the recent decline of East Asian dust activity.

The study was published in Nature Communications.

"It is important to understand the evolution of dust activity in the past and project its changes in the future," said Wu. "In fact, because of its natural origin, dust can serve as a mirror to understand the evolution of Earth System."

In recent decades, East Asian dust activity has decreased greatly. In particular, there is a strong decline of dust activity after a dusty period of 2000-2002. What are the reasons for the recent decline of dust activity in East Asia? How will dust activity change in the future?

"Dust emission depends on various factors including surface winds, soil conditions, vegetation cover, and human disturbances," said Prof. Zhaohui Lin, co-corresponding author of the study.

The essential part of the study was to use a physically-based dust emission model (DuEM) to reconstruct the dust emission flux from 2001 to 2017. Results showed that the model reproduced well the interannual variations and decreasing trends of dust activity in East Asia during 2001 to 2017.

Furthermore, the researchers conducted several sensitive experiments with one individual factor varying during 2001-2017 but other factors fixed to the level of the beginning year (i.e., year 2001). By comparing these experiments, they isolated the impacts of surface wind, soil moisture, and vegetation cover on the temporal variations of dust emission during 2001-2017.

"We find that the weakening of surface wind and the increase of vegetation cover and soil moisture all contribute to such dust emission reduction. The relative contributions of these three factors are 46%, 30%, and 24%, respectively," said Wu. 

"Overall, changes in meteorological factors are the main drivers for recent decline in dust activity over East Asia," said Wu.

In fact, the weakening of surface wind can be ascribed to the reduced meridional temperature gradients due to the polar amplification of global warming. The weakening can also be partly explained by internal variability in the climate system such as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). Increase of vegetation cover is closely related to the increase of COconcentrations and temperature as well as ecological restoration in China. Soil wetting may be mainly ascribed to the increase of precipitation in the source regions.

"We have got to take into account the evolution of all these relevant factors for projecting future dust change in this region," suggested Wu.

This study provides a reliable clue for future prediction of dust storm activity. The data of simulated dust emission is available at Science Data Bank repository.

A reactive strip is developed to detect and quantify allergens in foods quickly and easily

A team from the UPV, UV, and the CIBER on Rare Diseases has prototyped the test. "We want anyone to be able to analyze a food just before eating it," say the researchers

Peer-Reviewed Publication


A reactive strip is developed to detect and quantify allergens in foods quickly and easily 



"Food allergy or hypersensitivity is estimated to affect about 520 million people worldwide. These reactions occur mainly through the consumption of foods containing trace allergens. Therefore, identifying and quantifying them before the food is consumed is essential, and this is what the test we have developed allows," says Sergi Morais, professor in the Department of Chemistry at the Universitat Politècnica de València and researcher at the Inter-University Institute of Molecular Recognition and Technological Development (IDM).

The prototype has been developed as a proof of concept for simultaneously detecting almond and peanut allergens and has been validated with everyday commercial foods such as biscuits and energy bars.

Among its advantages, the researchers highlight the reliability of the test, which contains multiple internal controls and calibrators integrated into a miniaturised 36-point array. "With microarray technology, we perform 36 assays in a single step. The derived information allows us to identify whether the result is a true positive or negative. In addition, with the internal calibrators and the smartphone, we can quantify with high precision traces of allergen in the food," says Ángel Maquieira, full professor in the Department of Chemistry at the Universitat Politècnica de València.

Regarding the extraction method, the UPV, UV, and CIBERER team stresses its simplicity, which means anyone can carry it out at any time.

"Current extraction methods consist of multiple steps and require sophisticated equipment for grinding, degreasing, extraction, and purification of allergens. Therefore, the analysis is carried out in qualified laboratories. The aim is to decentralise the analysis, as has been done with the COVID-19 test. We want anyone to be able to analyse a food just before consuming it," adds Sergi Morais.

The extraction method developed is based on the use of a portable grinder, which is used to grind and filter the sample in a single step; 5 mL of a solution is then added to extract the allergen, and, once the sample is prepared, the test strip is immersed in the solution. And in just 5 minutes, the result is obtained, which can be read with a mobile phone.

"At an estimated cost of €1 per strip, the developed test has great commercial potential, for example, in the food sector for rapid identification of allergens in situ and in the pharmaceutical sector to quantify the potency of allergenic extracts used in allergy testing," says Amadeo Sena, a postdoctoral researcher at the Inter-University Institute for Molecular Recognition and Technological Development (IDM).

Future development

Looking to the future, the UPV, UV, and CIBERER team points out that, given the characteristics of the test strip, it could easily be adapted for other allergens, as the group has specific antibodies for a wide range of allergens and biomarkers. "Our challenge is to develop a test for the simultaneous quantification of the 14 allergens that must be declared according to Royal Decree 126/2015. " concludes Patricia Casino, a researcher at Instituto Universitario de Biotecnología i Biomedicina (BIOTECMED) -Universitat de València and the CIBERER.

Polarity proteins shape efficient “breathing” pores in grasses

Peer-Reviewed Publication


One of the two “compass proteins” (POLAR, in pink) orients the future cell division. In grey are cell outlines on the developing leaf. 



Grasses have "respiratory pores" (called stomata) that open and close to regulate the uptake of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis on the one hand and water loss through transpiration on the other. Unlike many other plants, stomata in grasses form lateral "helper cells". Thanks to these cells, the stomata of grasses can open and close more quickly, which optimizes plant-atmosphere gas exchange and thus saves water.

For the current study, Prof. Dr. Michael Raissig, Dr. Heike Lindner and co-author Roxane Spiegelhalder from the Institute of Plant Sciences (IPS) at the University of Bern investigated the development of helper cells in the grass Brachypodium distachyon. They discovered two proteins that accumulate on opposite sides of a cell, acting like a "compass” to ensure the correct development of helper cells in grasses. The research results were published in the journal eLife.

A cell compass for the development of helper cells

Helper cells are formed by unequal, asymmetric cell division. In this process, a cell divides into a small cell, the helper cell, and a larger neighboring cell. For this division to occur in the correct ratio and orientation, the cell needs landmarks. These landmarks act as points of orientation and are given by so-called polarity proteins, which accumulate on opposite sides of the cell and can thus define, for example, left and right or top and bottom. In this study, the Bern researchers discovered two polarity proteins that accumulate on two opposite sides. "In a sense, the two proteins act as a cellular compass and control the orientation of cell division and the development of helper cells. We found that helper cells do not form properly when one of these proteins is missing. This negatively influences the efficient and water-saving gas exchange of the grass," explains project leader Michael Raissig.

Plant respiratory pores and climate change

"I am always fascinated that the lack of a cell compass in a single cell type can affect the gas exchange dynamics and efficiency of the entire plant," says Michael Raissig. He says this is particularly relevant in light of climate change, which causes longer drought period and excessive heat. Grasses play a central role in human food security; cereals such as corn, rice and wheat are all grasses and together provide more than half of the calories consumed by humans. "Therefore, it is of utmost importance to understand how plants “breathe” and how and why grasses form more efficient “breathing” pores," adds Raissig.

While this study focuses mainly on developmental biology, these findings could nonetheless be relevant to improving agricultural crops. "Stomata are the cellular gatekeepers between the leaf and the environment and are the first to respond to changes in climate," says PhD student and co-author Roxane Spiegelhalder. Therefore, she says, it is imperative to understand how and why grasses form the most efficient "gatekeepers" in order to "breathe" in a more water-efficient manner. How and whether these findings can be transferred to other crops, however, requires further research, Spiegelhalder concludes.

A grass “breathing pore” consists of two central, dumbbell-shaped guard cells and two lateral helper cells. (IMAGE)



Zhang D, Spiegelhalder RP, Abrash EB, Nunes TDG, Prados IH, Ximena Anleu Gil M, Jesenofsky B, Lindner H, Bergmann DC, Raissig MT. 2022. Opposite polarity programs regulate asymmetric subsidiary cell divisions in grasses. eLife, Dezember 2022
DOI: 10.7554/eLife.79913


The Institute of Plant Sciences

The Institute of Plant Sciences at the University of Bern is dedicated to understanding how plants function, grow and develop. Basic research at the Institute spans many areas, from physiology to ecology, from molecules and cells to whole plants and vegetation. Michael Raissig's Stomatal Biology / Plant Genetics & Development department explores the cellular, developmental and physiological aspects of stomata in grasses and other plants.

Read more


People sleep the least from early 30s to early 50s

Peer reviewed | experimental study | people

Peer-Reviewed Publication


People sleep less in mid-adulthood than they do in early and late adulthood, finds a new study led by UCL, University of East Anglia and University of Lyon researchers.

Sleep duration declines in early adulthood until age 33, and then picks up again at age 53, according to the findings published in Nature Communications.

The study, involving 730,187 participants spread over 63 countries, revealed how sleep patterns change across the lifespan, and how they differ between countries.

Study participants were playing the Sea Hero Quest mobile game, a citizen science venture designed for neuroscience research, created by Deutsche Telekom in partnership with Alzheimer’s Research UK, UCL, UEA and game developers Glitchers. Designed to aid Alzheimer’s research by shedding light on differences in spatial navigational abilities, over four million people have played Sea Hero Quest, contributing to numerous studies across the project as a whole.

In addition to completing tasks testing navigational ability, anyone playing the game is asked to answer questions about demographic characteristics as well as other questions that can be useful to neuroscience research, such as on sleep patterns.

The researchers, led by Professor Hugo Spiers (UCL Psychology & Language Sciences) and Dr Antoine Coutrot (CNRS, University of Lyon) found that across the study sample, people sleep an average of 7.01 hours per night, with women sleeping 7.5 minutes longer than men on average. They found that the youngest participants in the sample (minimum age 19) slept the most, and sleep duration declined throughout people’s 20s and early 30s before plateauing until their early 50s and increasing again. The pattern, including the newly-identified key time points of age 33 when declining sleep plateaus and 53 for sleep to increase again, was the same for men and women, and across countries and education levels.

The researchers say the decline in sleep during mid-life may be due to demands of childcare and working life.

Professor Spiers said: “Previous studies have found associations between age and sleep duration, but ours is the first large study to identify these three distinct phases across the life course. We found that across the globe, people sleep less during mid-adulthood, but average sleep duration varies between regions and between countries.”

People who report sleeping the most are in Eastern European countries such as Albania, Slovakia, Romania and the Czech Republic, reporting 20-40 minutes extra sleep per night and the least in South East Asian countries including the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. People in the United Kingdom reported sleeping slightly less than the average. People tended to sleep a bit less in countries closer to the equator.

The researchers found that navigational ability was unaffected by sleep duration for most of the sample, except for among older adults (aged 54-70) whose optimal sleep duration was seven hours, although they caution that the findings among older adults might be impacted by underlying health conditions.