Thursday, February 02, 2023

Physicists observe rare resonance in molecules for the first time

The findings could provide a new way to control chemical reactions.

Peer-Reviewed Publication


If she hits just the right pitch, a singer can shatter a wine glass. The reason is resonance. While the glass may vibrate slightly in response to most acoustic tones, a pitch that resonates with the material’s own natural frequency can send its vibrations into overdrive, causing the glass to shatter.

Resonance also occurs at the much smaller scale of atoms and molecules. When particles chemically react, it’s partly due to specific conditions that resonate with particles in a way that drives them to chemically link. But atoms and molecules are constantly in motion, inhabiting a blur of vibrating and rotating states. Picking out the exact resonating state that ultimately triggers molecules to react has been nearly impossible.

MIT physicists may have cracked part of this mystery with a new study appearing in the journal Nature. The team reports that they have for the first time observed a resonance in colliding ultracold molecules.

They found that a cloud of super-cooled sodium-lithium (NaLi) molecules disappeared 100 times faster than normal when exposed to a very specific magnetic field. The molecules’ rapid disappearance is a sign that the magnetic field tuned the particles into a resonance, driving them to react more quickly than they normally would.

The findings shed light on the mysterious forces that drive molecules to chemically react. They also suggest that scientists could one day harness particles’ natural resonances to steer and control certain chemical reactions.

“This is the very first time a resonance between two ultracold molecules has ever been seen,” says study author Wolfgang Ketterle, the John D. MacArthur Professor of Physics at MIT. “There were suggestions that molecules are so complicated that they are like a dense forest, where you would not be able to recognize a single resonance. But we found one big tree standing out, by a factor of 100. We observed something completely unexpected.”

Ketterle’s co-authors include lead author and MIT graduate student Juliana Park, graduate student Yu-Kun Lu, former MIT postdoc Alan Jamison, who is currently at the University of Waterloo, and Timur Tscherbul at the University of Nevada.

A middle mystery

Within a cloud of molecules, collisions occur constantly. Particles may ping off each other like frenetic billiard balls or stick together in a brief yet crucial state known as an “intermediate complex” that then sets off a reaction to transform the particles into a new chemical structure.

“When two molecules collide, most of the time they don’t make it to that intermediate state,” says Jamison. “But when they’re in resonance, the rate of going to that state goes up dramatically.”

“The intermediate complex is the mystery behind all of chemistry,” Ketterle adds. “Usually, the reactants and the products of a chemical reaction are known, but not how one leads to the other. Knowing something about the resonance of molecules can give us a fingerprint of this mysterious middle state.”

Ketterle’s group has looked for signs of resonance in atoms and molecules that are super-cooled, to temperatures just above absolute zero. Such ultracold conditions inhibit the particles’ random, temperature-driven motion, giving scientists a better chance of recognizing any subtler signs of resonance. 

In 1998, Ketterle made the first ever observation of such resonances in ultracold atoms. He observed that, when a very specific magnetic field was applied to super-cooled sodium atoms, the field enhanced the way the atoms scattered off each other, in an effect known as a Feshbach resonance. Since then, he and others have looked for similar resonances in collisions involving both atoms and molecules.

“Molecules are much more complicated than atoms,” says Ketterle. “They have so many different vibrational and rotational states. Therefore, it was not clear if molecules would show resonances at all.”

Needle in a haystack

Several years ago, Jamison, who at the time was a postdoc in Ketterle’s lab, proposed a similar experiment to see whether signs of resonance could be observed in a mixture of atoms and molecules cooled down to a millionth of a degree above absolute zero. By varying an external magnetic field, they found they could indeed pick up several resonances amid sodium atoms and sodium-lithium molecules, which they reported last year.

Then, as the team reports in the current study, graduate student Park took a closer look at the data.

“She discovered that one of those resonances did not involve atoms,” Ketterle says. “She blew away the atoms with laser light, and one resonance was still there, very sharp, and only involved molecules.”

Park found that the molecules seemed to disappear — a sign that the particles underwent a chemical reaction — much more quickly than they normally would, when they were exposed to a very specific magnetic field.

In their original experiment, Jamison and colleagues applied a magnetic field that they varied over a wide, 1,000-Gaussian range. Park found that molecules of sodium-lithium suddenly disappeared, 100 times faster than normal, within a tiny sliver of this magnetic range, at about 25 milli-Gaussian. That’s equivalent to the width of a human hair compared to a meter-long stick.

“It takes careful measurements to find the needle in this haystack,” Park says. “But we used a systematic strategy to zoom in on this new resonance.”

In the end, the team observed a strong signal that this particular field resonated with the molecules. The effect enhanced the particles’ chance of binding in a brief, intermediate complex that then triggered a reaction that made the molecules disappear.

Overall, the discovery provides a deeper understanding of molecular dynamics and chemistry. While the team does not anticipate scientists being able to stimulate resonance, and steer reactions, at the level of organic chemistry, it could one day be possible to do so at the quantum scale.

“One of the main themes of quantum science is studying systems of increasing complexity, especially when quantum control is potentially in the offing,” says John Doyle, professor of physics at Harvard University, who was not involved in the group’s research. “These kind of resonances, first seen in simple atoms and then more complicated ones, led to amazing advances in atomic physics. Now that this is seen in molecules, we should first understand it in detail, and then let the imagination wander and think what it might be good for, perhaps constructing larger ultracold molecules, perhaps studying interesting states of matter.”

This research was supported, in part, by the National Science Foundation, and the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research.


Written by Jennifer Chu, MIT News Office

Free research materials at a click

Open Science Spotlight opens the treasure chest of research: The University of Konstanz's new online section presents free and open data, publications as well as educational resources.

Business Announcement


Are you looking for free learning materials or texts because you want to expand your knowledge in your spare time? Are you a journalist or researcher who would like to dive deeper into a topic and therefore need access to the original data? Or are you a doctoral researcher about to write your first paper and are searching for authentic examples of the peer review process?  Then you should definitely browse through the University of Konstanz’s new Open Science Spotlight. The OSS showcases open access (OA) publications, open research data, software and open educational resources published by the university’s researchers and lecturers, thus making it easy for everyone to explore the university's research.

“Many of our members are very active in the field of Open Access publishing, following highest open science standards. There is a real treasure trove of open science materials at the University of Konstanz, and the Open Science Spotlight will help to lift it and bring it to light,” says Christine Peter, Vice Rector for Sustainability, Information and Communication Technology at the University of Konstanz.

Well-structured and in two languages
The OSS is available in an English and a German edition. Short features describe what kind of materials on which topic are freely available and contain direct links for downloads. Filter options on the home page make it easier to search for specific formats. Currently, selectable formats include different OA text formats (articles, books and entire journals), freely available datasets, software and code as well as open educational resources and open peer reviews.

A few examples:

  • The free data from a survey provide information on how people in Germany have been dealing with the social and political consequences of the coronavirus pandemic.
  • A freely accessible platform with software applications allows the processing, analysis and display of complex animal movement data.
  • A video collection of over 200 physics lecture experiments explains physical principles. The material may be reused.

Open Science: a key issue
Open Science is a key issue for the University of Konstanz: It was one of the first universities in Germany to adopt an Open Science Policy, and in the renowned CWTS Leiden Ranking it has consistently been ranked as the German university with the highest proportion of open access publications. Together with other measures, such as the university's own document and research data repositories KOPS and KonDATA, the OSS will further strengthen the University of Konstanz's pioneering role in the field of open science.


Key facts:

  • The University of Konstanz launched the "Open Science Spotlight" (OSS), a new section of its online magazine
  • The OSS showcases open access publications, open research data, open-source software and open educational resources published by the university’s researchers and lecturers.
  • Materials can be filtered by eight categories:
    • OA articles
    • OA books
    • OA journals
    • Open research data
    • Open educational resources
    • Open-source software
    • Open scripts
    • Open peer review
  • The OSS is available in an English and a German edition.



University of Konstanz

Communications and Marketing




Tel Aviv University establishes the first satellite observatory for quantum optical communication

An Israeli first: One of world’s most advanced satellite observatories

Business Announcement


The ground station's telescope 



The Center for Quantum Science and Technology at Tel Aviv University has built the first ground station in Israel – and among the most advanced in the world – for tracking, sensing, hyperspectral imaging, and optical and quantum communication with satellites in orbit around the Earth. The station includes a satellite observatory dome with a diameter of 4.25 meters, a tracking system, a primary high-speed camera and secondary tracking cameras, laser equipment, single-photon detectors, and a tracking robot that can carry two telescopes simultaneously. At this stage, the robot arm holds a 24-inch telescope, and in the next stage, the observatory will be equipped with another telescope designed for photography in the infrared range, as well as thermal and hyperspectral cameras.

Video about the ground station:

“The ground station is designed for observing satellites, which are small bodies 400-500 kilometers high that move at about 30,000 kilometers an hour,” says Prof. Yaron Oz, head of the Center for Quantum Science and Technology at Tel Aviv University. “The ability to track satellites is a very precise skill. The satellite passes by very quickly, and during this time you have to photograph it in the center of the image and in several different ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum in order to learn details about it. This is the first and only satellite observatory in Israel, and it is among the most advanced in the entire world.” 

In addition to regular optical communication, which uses lasers or LEDs of different wavelengths, the new ground station will also enable the conduction of experiments in quantum optical communication. Advanced communications use the quantum properties of individual photons to transmit encrypted information.

“Theoretically speaking, quantum communication is completely encrypted,” explains Prof. Oz. “It is impossible to launch a cyber attack and copy the information, because in quantum mechanics there is a principle that prevents copying. As soon as a third party tries to intercept a message, they destroy the original signal – for example, by changing the polarization of the photons – and both communicating parties will know that someone tried to listen in on them. That's how it works in theory. In practice, there are quite a few research questions that need to be answered. For example, what do we do with interference in a signal that is not created as a result of attempted eavesdropping, but rather, for example, from the weather? Should we use qubits or qudits, photons that have more than two states? And more generally, how much information can be transmitted this way within the limited transmission time in which the satellite passes over the ground station? The list of unanswered questions is long. It must be understood that quantum communication is a completely experimental field. There are protocols from experiments conducted in laboratories, but the only country that has successfully demonstrated such communication is China, which did so already in 2016. The Americans also apparently succeeded in this, but they published nothing about it in scientific journals. Apart from these two superpowers, a few countries like Germany, Singapore, and now Israel are preparing to demonstrate this capability.”

In the first phase of the project, the Tel Aviv University researchers will try to establish optical communication followed by quantum communication between ground stations, between ground stations and drones, and then between ground stations and a satellite of one of their international partners. Within two to three years, the researchers hope to raise the funds to build a dedicated “blue and white” quantum satellite.

“We are employing the ‘tower and stockade’ method,” says Prof. Oz. “In the beginning, we will place a transmitter on the roof of the second building of the School of Physics, in an attempt to produce an immune quantum key with a rate of hundreds to thousands of bits per second, with the aim of learning and improving the positioning, switching and synchronization capabilities of the light sources and the single-photon detectors. Later, we would like to reduce the size of the transmission system and integrate it into an airborne system, initially with drones, and establish a network of quantum communications. Ultimately, we would also like to launch our own satellite, which will try to establish quantum communication with the ground station and with a similar satellite in Singapore.

Prof. Ady Arie of the Fleischman Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Haim Suchowski and Prof. Erez Etzion of the Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics, director of the optical ground station Michael Tzukran, and research students Dr. Georgi Gary Rozenman, Yuval Reches and Tomer Nahum are also participating in the groundbreaking project. The project is being funded by the university’s Center for Quantum Science and Technology, led by Prof. Yaron Oz and under the administrative management of Ms. Ronit Ackerman, and by the Israel Space Agency under the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology.

Left to right- Dr. Georgi Gary Rozenman Michael Tzukran


Tel Aviv University

Genomic methods aid study of Seattle 2017-2022 Shigella outbreak

Analysis of the outbreak shed light on its origins and transmission patterns and helped assess treatment and infection control.

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Shigella colonies on chromagar plate 



A genomic study of a sustained, multidrug-resistant Shigellosis outbreak in Seattle enabled scientists to retrace its origin and spread. Additional analysis of the gut pathogen and its transmission patterns helped direct approaches to testing, treatment, and public health responses.  

The genomic reconstruction of the 2017-2022 outbreak and a review of the patient care and public health interventions used are reported Jan 30 in The Lancet Infectious Diseases.

“The aim of the study,” the Seattle researchers noted, “was to better understand the community transmission of Shigella and spread of antimicrobial resistance in our population, and to treat these multi-drug resistant infections more effectively.”

Shigella outbreaks are more frequent in countries without sufficient public health and sanitation resources.  But the researchers called Shigella an opportunistic pathogen that can also emerge in regions of high-income countries when conditions allow.

They explained that sustained Shigella outbreaks in urban areas pose a substantial public health challenge for populations trying to cope with harsh living conditions and lack of hygiene facilities.

The lead authors on the paper are Dr. Giannoula S. Tansarli of the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, and Dr. Dustin R. Long, of the Division of Critical Care Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology, both at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

The senior and corresponding author is Dr. Ferric C. Fang, professor of laboratory medicine and pathology and of microbiology at the UW medical school.  He oversees the clinical microbiology lab at Harborview Medical Center and conducts basic science research on how bacteria cause disease. He was assisted by his UW Medicine colleague Dr. Stephen J. Salipante, a molecular genetics pathologist and an expert on next-generation DNA sequencing technologies.

Shigellosis is caused by Shigella bacteria, which can produce inflammation in the lining of the intestine. Its symptoms include fever, stomach cramps and diarrhea, and, in the worse cases, dysentery and dehydration. Some people with Shigellosis become severely ill and require hospitalization.  Shigellosis is highly contagious. The transmission of just a few bacteria is sufficient to cause disease.

From 2017 to 2022, all 178 cases of Shigella identified by the clinical labs at Harborview Medical Center and UW Medical Center were characterized by species identification, susceptibility testing, and whole genome sequencing. For the study, the researchers retrospectively examined the demographics and the clinical outcomes of the infected patients.  

Of the 178 cases, 78, or 45.6%, were in men who have sex with men, and 88, or 51.5% were in persons experiencing homelessness. About half of the Shigella isolates were resistant to multiple antibiotics.

The researchers also had data on 143 patients who received antimicrobial therapy. Despite the high presence of drug resistant Shigella, nearly 70 percent of patients were found to have received suitable antimicrobial therapy for their Shigella infection. The researchers added that rapid diagnostics and culturing of the bacteria for patients seeking care for severe diarrhea, along with assessment of risk factors and detailed local understanding of the populations affected, led to high rates of appropriate treatment. The approach to care improved over time, as clinicians gained more experience with the disease.

The genomic analysis portion of the study revealed sequential outbreaks of several distinct lineages of two species of ShigellaS. flexneri and S. sonnei. The various at-risk populations were found to carry Shigella of different lineages with different drug-resistance traits.  This information helped clinicians develop effective treatment guidelines.

How did this Shigella outbreak appear in Seattle? The researchers’ genomic findings suggest that it came originally from international travelers from areas where Shigella was common. It then spread locally and quickly among at-risk groups.

The researchers explained that multi-drug resistant Shigella has become a growing global health concern with many outbreaks worldwide. Most of these have affected men who have sex with men. A variety of gut pathogens can be transmitted between men in this way.

However, in the past few years Shigellosis outbreaks also have occurred among people experiencing homelessness in West Coast cities of the United States and Canada.

Whole-genome sequencing enabled the researchers to determine that new S. sonnei and S. flexneri  strains first appeared in Seattle among men who have sex with men. This was quickly followed by transmission within the local population of people experiencing homelessness. This was evidenced by the significant increase in Shigellosis after 2020 in the Seattle-King County area among this population.

The outbreaks were worse in winter, a seasonal characteristic of Shigella which might be due to greater overcrowding in shelters and other locations during cold weather. Dr. Fang noted that Shigellosis cases caused by a different S. sonnei strain are now being encountered in Seattle this winter.

The Seattle outbreaks followed patterns characteristic of those reported earlier in other countries.

Several public health measures were instituted to limit the spread of Shigella. The first was to check for possible sources for contracting Shigella. Signs were placed to discourage people from drinking water from decorative fountains in downtown Seattle. Local homeless service providers received prevention resources and guidance. Outreach teams visited encampments and overnight shelters to offer health education and improve the availability of clean water, toilets, handwashing stations, and other sanitation measures.

Many public facilities, such as restrooms, sinks, and drinking fountains, had been closed as part of the COVID-19 pandemic response. Public health officials requested early re-opening of these facilities near encampments and districts where people lived on the streets. They also increased environmental cleaning of alleyways in downtown Seattle that had been used in lieu of restrooms.

The authors noted that the study of the Shigella outbreak in Seattle represented the collaborative efforts of local health-care facilities, clinical and academic laboratories, antimicrobial stewardship, infection control, and public health teams.

The study received no outside funding, and the researchers declared no competing interests.



UBC Okanagan engineers examine drinking water management strategies

Climate change, economic sustainability can impact water distribution systems

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Dr. Haroon Mian 



While residents in California are still dealing with damage from last month's floods—after years of devastating droughts—UBC Okanagan engineers are looking at better ways to manage the delivery of safe drinking water to homes.

Things to consider include a changing climate, costs and sustainability.

Dr. Haroon Mian, a Postdoctoral Research Associate with UBCO's School of Engineering, says municipalities and water utilities all have drinking water management strategies to ensure the water they provide is safe and plentiful. However, a natural disaster, a breach in the supply or contamination at the treatment plant can put water supplies—and human health—at risk.

"Freshwater is essential to sustain ecosystem health and our survival," says Dr. Mian. "But Earth's once plentiful freshwater resources are now under increasing pressure due to population growth, urbanization and climate change."

As water supplies become more threatened, not only is providing safe water a priority, but suppliers must also ensure that doing so will have low environmental and economic implications.

"The quality of drinking water is contingent on several important attributes such as water extraction, treatment, delivery, cost and the disposal of used water," says Dr. Mian who conducts research in UBC's Life Cycle Management Lab. "Those factors can all be impacted by climate change. And they have a significant environmental influence in terms of natural resource depletion, waste generation and greenhouse gas emissions."

Dr. Mian and his fellow researchers have developed an integrated assessment framework that combines water quality with lifecycle assessment techniques. Working with data from small and medium-sized communities, they provided a way to assess the long-term applicability of water systems that can provide safe drinking water to people.

According to Dr. Mian, the framework provides a different lens into a more holistic view of drinking water management and its components.

"We measure factors such as water quality, changes to the environment and potential costs to determine performance data and benchmarking, thereby providing important tools to ensure these systems experience long-term effectiveness and sustainability," he adds.

By considering these key factors, water can flow to a community at a reasonable cost while conserving natural resources and ensuring environmental protection.

The study evaluated the overall performance of several water distribution systems by combining the above-mentioned criteria. Water distributors can apply the framework to determine the best distribution management system that will provide safe drinking water to their consumers with minimal environmental and economic costs.

The framework continues to be tested to ensure it is flexible based on any setting, community or system.

"There are no perfect decision-making techniques. The results often vary based on the available data and assumptions," Dr. Mian adds. "But this framework can be useful for all water distributors."

The research was conducted in the School of Engineering's Life Cycle Management Lab in collaboration with Universite Laval with funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. It was published in the January edition of the Journal of Environmental Management.

University of Alberta and Amii usher in a new wave of broadened AI research with the recruitment of 20 new AI Chairs

Global hiring initiative will lead to new discoveries in the fields of Health, Energy and Indigenous Leadership

Business Announcement


New research chairs will help shape the evolving landscape of AI 



The University of Alberta and Amii (Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute) are ushering in a next generation of Canadian AI research through the planned recruitment of 20 new Canada CIFAR AI Chairs at the U of A.

Amii is investing $30-million over the next five years in support of the initiative, with a special focus on next-generation science in health, energy, and Indigenous initiatives in health and humanities. The funding is made possible by the research investment of the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy through the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR), a Canadian-based global research organization, for Canada’s three National Artificial Intelligence Institutes – Amii in Edmonton, Mila in Montreal, and the Vector Institute in Toronto.

“The exponential growth of artificial intelligence is transforming all areas of our society – from energy and food security to healthcare and Indigenous initiatives,” says U of A president and vice-chancellor Bill Flanagan, “This historic investment in AI keeps the U of A and Amii on the leading edge of this worldwide trend, and positions us - and all of Alberta - for continued success.”

Two of the CIFAR Chairs in AI focused on health are also being funded through generous philanthropic support from The Dianne and Irving Kipnes Foundation.

Artificial intelligence is one of the greatest technological advances of our age and already has a significant impact on the daily lives of Canadians. The hiring initiative builds upon the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy, a federally supported program aimed at recruiting the world's leading AI researchers to Canada, while retaining existing top talent. 

Anchored in the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy, the global hiring initiative will see Amii and U of A deepen its collaboration; where Amii is tasked with advancing Canada’s AI potential, and U of A is a primary driver of Amii’s AI research excellence. By focusing on globally impactful domains, this research will accelerate opportunities for responsible commercialization of AI to propel Canada to the global forefront of applied AI and drive future economic growth.

“Our position as leaders in fundamental AI research is known globally,” says Cam Linke, CEO, Amii. “With this investment, Amii looks forward to growing this model to include a focus on areas that can be transformed by breakthroughs in AI and solve the world’s biggest problems: pandemics, food insecurity, climate change, and healthcare. Our collaboration with U of A continues our ambition in research, and Amii is positioned to translate this research into industry for maximum impact.”

The U of A has a long history of excellence in the field. It launched Canada’s first computing science department in 1964, and over the past 25 years has ranked first in Canada and in the top three globally for AI. 

Since Amii’s inception in 2017, it has worked with more than 300 companies to translate knowledge, talent and technology into industry. In that time, more than 200 technologies have been created, including algorithms, architectures, theories, methodologies, approaches and applications.  In addition, Amii alumni have secured $600M+ in venture financing, including $450M raised by Canadian-based companies. 

The continued focus and investment in AI is paying dividends in Edmonton, which has been cited as North America’s fastest-growing tech market over the past five years. U of A alumni and CIFAR AI Chairs are helping drive that growth, with multiple innovations and AI-related companies having spun out of the university. 

Recruitment for the new Canada CIFAR AI Chairs will be ongoing.

Entrepreneurship and urban research the focus of new centre launched in Mumbai by University of Toronto with Tata Trusts

The new centre brings together leading scholars and innovators from Canada and India to develop ground-breaking research and innovation to benefit people in India and around the world

Business Announcement


The University of Toronto launched The University of Toronto Centre in India today in Mumbai in partnership with Tata Trusts, one of India’s largest philanthropic organizations.

Tata Trusts has been a longstanding collaborator with U of T, supporting researchers across the university to address health care, water, energy and poverty challenges. The new centre will give focus to this collaboration with an emphasis on urban research and entrepreneurship, bringing together leading scholars and innovators from Canada and India to develop ground-breaking research and innovation to benefit people in India and around the world. 


  • As part of urban research at the centre, the University of Toronto School of Cities will establish an alliance to build a network of Canadian and Indian researchers who will collaborate on addressing critical urban issues in India and around the world.
  • The centre’s entrepreneurship hub will help connect innovators and entrepreneurs from U of T and India, offering opportunities to share knowledge and resources and providing access to new markets. 
  • The centre will work closely with Tata Trusts and Social Alpha, an initiative supported by Tata Trusts, to co-ordinate reciprocal student exchanges and competitions, support emerging startups and develop networks in both innovation ecosystems.
  • While the centre will not be a satellite campus it will open doors and create opportunities for students, researchers and startups in both countries. 


As the first expression of the U of T Centre in India, U of T President Meric Gertler announced its launch at a Feb. 1. roundtable in Mumbai on urban transitions, held in partnership with Social Alpha, a multistage innovation curation and venture development platform for science and technology startups supported by Tata Trusts. The roundtable discussion highlighted key challenges faced by Indian cities in their journey towards net-zero emissions, and outlined the role of research-backed deep science innovations in enabling cities to solve for the most pressing environmental challenges of our time.


R Pavithra Kumar, chief programme director, Tata Trusts, says: “Collaboration for development and to magnify the effects of innovation has been at the heart of the Trusts’ strategy to bring about sustainable change for communities who need it the most. This partnership with the University of Toronto and the establishment of the University of Toronto Centre in India will amalgamate new research and innovations with historical knowledge of community engagement to develop skills, address urban environmental and economic issues and develop a model for success that can be replicated across communities in India.”

Meric Gertler, president, University of Toronto, says: “Our faculty are deeply engaged in partnerships with academic and industry leaders here in India and across the globe. The University of Toronto Centre in India will play a vital role in expanding and building on these collaborations, creating new opportunities for scholars and innovators from both Canada and India to share knowledge, collaborate on research and develop solutions to pressing social development and economic challenges.”

Diedrah Kelly, consul-general of Canada in Mumbai, says: “I am pleased to witness the launch of this collaboration between the University of Toronto and Tata Trusts. The focus on urban research will provide great value to both Canada and India, which will grow into engagement between Indian and Canadian innovators, entrepreneurs and researchers. I look forward to following this initiative and the contributions it makes to the shared goal of sustainable economic growth with environmental consciousness.”


  • U of T welcomed more than 2,000 undergraduate and graduate students from India last year, including high-achieving, low-income students through our partnership with Karta Initiative, also one of Tata Trusts’ partners.
  • More than 300 U of T students travelled to India for academic, research and professional experience over the past five years.
  • U of T has an ongoing educational partnership with the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay that includes the Indo-Canadian Entrepreneurship Exchange, an exchange program that aims to develop a two-way innovation talent pipeline.
  • U of T partners in IC-IMPACTS, the only Research Centre of Excellence dedicated to the development of scientific collaboration between the academic and corporate sectors in Canada and India.
  • The India Innovation Institute at the Rotman School of Management is a hub for researchers focused on how India is using innovation to transform itself
  • The Canada India Initiative on Sustainable Rural Development (CIISRD) is a joint multidisciplinary research effort between U of T’s Centre for Global Engineering (CGEN) and the Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas (CTARA) at IIT-Bombay, which tackles pressing issues of sustainable development in India such as sanitation, nutrition, and water supply.
  • A partnership between U of T, IIT-Bombay and the Pune Smart City Development Corporation Ltd. to find technology-based “smart solutions” for the city of approximately six million.


Since inception in 1892, Tata Trusts, India’s oldest philanthropic organization, has played a pioneering role in bringing about an enduring difference in the lives of the communities it serves. Guided by the principles and the vision of proactive philanthropy of the founder, Jamsetji Tata, the Trusts’ purpose is to catalyse development in the areas of health, nutrition, education, water, sanitation and hygiene, livelihood, digital transformation, migration and urban habitat, social justice and inclusion, environment and energy, skill development, sports, and arts and culture. The Trusts’ program, achieved through direct implementation, partnerships and grant making, are marked by innovations relevant to the country.


Founded in 1827, the University of Toronto is Canada’s best university and Top 20 globally, with a long history of challenging the impossible and transforming society through the ingenuity and resolve of its faculty, students, alumni and supporters.