Thursday, February 02, 2023


The nose knows: study suggests it may be wise to screen for smell loss to predict frailty and unhealthy aging

Peer-Reviewed Publication


In a study using data from nearly 1,200 older adults, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers have added to a growing body of evidence that loss of the sense of smell is a predictive marker for an increased risk of frailty as people age. Building on previous research showing that olfactory dysfunction is a common early sign of brain-linked cognitive decline, the new findings suggest the link to frailty is likely not just in the brain but also in the nose itself.

If further studies affirm the findings, the researchers say, screening older adults’ ability to smell various scents could be as important as testing hearing and vision over time.

Results of the study, published Jan. 10 in the Journal of Gerontology, looked at the prevalence of frailty, an age-related syndrome of physiological decline, along with two different ways of assessing the ability to smell: olfactory sensitivity (the ability to detect an odor’s presence) and olfactory identification (the ability to detect and name an odor). Olfactory identification is a central measure of smell function, which has been linked to frailty and relies on higher-order cognitive processing to interpret and classify an odor. This suggests that neurological function may help to explain the relationship between smell and frailty. However, researchers say the ability to merely detect an odor without having to use higher-level neurological processes and the relationship of the ability to detect odors alone with frailty have been understudied.

“We use our sense of smell to identify the threat of a fire or to enjoy the fragrance of flowers on a spring day. But just like vision and hearing, this sense weakens as we age,” says Nicholas Rowan, M.D.,, associate professor of otolaryngology–head and neck surgery and corresponding author of the study. “We found that both impaired olfactory identification and sensitivity functions are associated with frailty, which is interesting because it shows that it’s not just your aging brain at work here, but it may also be something peripheral, like something at the level of your nose that is able to predict our impending frailty and death.” Rowan remarks that although these findings in older adults add to a body of literature that suggests the sense of smell can be a bellwether of frailty and impending mortality, the relationship of these unique sensory losses with unhealthy aging over time is unclear.

What is clear, he notes, is that common consequences of smell loss include a loss of appetite, difficulty monitoring personal hygiene, depression and an inability to detect toxic fumes. In older adults, this may be associated with weight loss, malnutrition, weakness, inadequate personal care and even potential injuries caused by gas leaks or fires.

In the United States, the population of older adults is estimated to double in the next three decades, driving efforts to sort out which older adults are most likely to experience frailty, a strong marker of impending death compared to those without it. The new study used a standard assessment of frailty (called a Physical Frailty Phenotype, or PFP, score) that looks at five markers: weight loss, exhaustion, weakness, slow walking speed and low physical activity.

To examine the relationship between frailty and olfaction, the research team analyzed data from 1,160 older adults enrolled in the National Social Life, Health and Aging Project between 2015 and 2016. The mean age of subjects was 76 and 55.7% were female. Participants were exposed to five scents to measure olfactory identification and six scents to measure sensitivity levels. Results were then matched to a subject’s frailty score.

Researchers concluded that for every one-point increase in both olfactory identification and sensitivity scores, there was a significant and meaningful reduction in frailty status, implying that improvements in smell were associated with improved health status and resilience of older results. Conversely, the worse the sense of smell, the frailer a subject was, suggesting that smell loss can be a measurable biomarker and potential risk factor for frailty in older adults.

As a matter of practical medical care, Rowan says the findings mean that smell tests could become part of routine screenings as a way to identify someone’s risk of unhealthy aging, and a tipoff to whether additional tests of cognition and other conditions are needed.

“We already do tests to assess how well we can see or hear, and it’s just as easy to conduct a simple smell test that takes only minutes, which could potentially be used as a valuable tool to assess the risk of frailty or unhealthy aging,” says Rowan. “For example, if someone flunks a smell test then maybe this patient needs to improve their nutrition or undergo a more detailed neurological or medical workup.”

In an effort to answer this question, Rowan and his colleagues from the Johns Hopkins University Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center are actively investigating how more detailed smell tests may help researchers and clinicians alike in identifying physiologically vulnerable older adults. Rowan notes that these results are especially important in the setting of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has caused lasting smell loss for millions of individuals. “The really interesting question, though, is what happens to these novel relationships when you seek to treat the smell loss,” he says. 

Other researchers involved in this study include Nimesh Nagururu, Isaac Bernstein, Kristin Voegtline, Sarah Olson and Yuri Agrawal. 

Funding from this study was supported by the Johns Hopkins Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Data Management (BEAD) Core; and the Johns Hopkins University Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center funded by the National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health. 

No authors report any conflict of interest.


Does the risk of stroke from common risk factors change as people age?

Peer-Reviewed Publication


MINNEAPOLIS – High blood pressure and diabetes are known risk factors for stroke, but now a new study shows that the amount of risk may decrease as people age. The study is published in the January 18, 2023, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

“High blood pressure and diabetes are two important risk factors for stroke that can be managed by medication, decreasing a person’s risk,” said study author George Howard, DrPH, of the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Public Health. “Our findings show that their association with stroke risk may be substantially less at older ages, yet other risk factors do not change with age. These differences in risk factors imply that determining whether a person is at high risk for stroke may differ depending on their age.”

The study involved 28,235 people who had never had a stroke. Of this group, 41% were Black and 59% were white. Participants were followed for an average of 11 years.

At the start of the study, participants were interviewed and given physical exams to assess risk factors. Risk factors included high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, atrial fibrillation, heart disease and left ventricular hypertrophy which is the thickening of the heart’s left ventricle. Because of the well-known higher stroke risk in Black people, race was also considered as part of the assessed risk factors, Howard added.

Researchers followed up with participants every six months, confirming strokes by reviewing medical records.

During the study, there were 1,405 strokes over 276,074 person-years. Person-years represent both the number of people in the study and the amount of time each person spends in the study.

Participants were divided into three age groups, which were then compared. The age ranges for those groups varied slightly depending on the data being analyzed by researchers. In general, the younger group included participants ages 45-69, the middle group included people in their late 60s to 70s and the older group included people 74 and older.

Researchers found that people with diabetes in the younger age group were approximately twice as likely to have a stroke as people of similar age who did not have diabetes, while people with diabetes in the older age group had an approximately 30% higher risk of having a stroke than people of similar older age who did not have diabetes.

Researchers also found that people with high blood pressure in the younger age group had an 80% higher risk of having stroke than people of similar age without high blood pressure while that risk went down to 50% for people with high blood pressure in the older age group compared to people of similar age without high blood pressure.

In addition, when researchers examined race as a risk factor, they found a higher stroke risk for Black participants in the younger age group compared to white participants in that group. The race difference decreased in the older age group. For stroke risk factors such as smoking, atrial fibrillation and left ventricular hypertrophy, researchers did not find an age-related change in risk.

“It is important to note that our results do not suggest that treatment of high blood pressure and diabetes becomes unimportant in older age,” said Howard. “Such treatments are still very important for a person’s health. But it also may be wise for doctors to focus on managing risk factors such as atrial fibrillation, smoking and left ventricular hypertrophy as people age.”

Howard also noted that even where the impact of risk factors decreases with age, the total number of people with strokes at older ages may still be larger since overall risk of stroke increases with age. For example, in the younger age group for high blood pressure, researchers estimate that about 2.0% of people with normal blood pressure had a stroke, compared to 3.6% of people with high blood pressure. In the older age group, about 6.2% of people with normal blood pressure had a stroke, compared to 9.3% of people with high blood pressure.

A limitation of the research was that participants’ risk factors were assessed only once at the start of the study, and it’s possible they may have changed over time.

The study was supported by the National Institutes of Health, including the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and the National Institute on Aging.

Learn more about stroke at, home of the American Academy of Neurology’s free patient and caregiver magazine focused on the intersection of neurologic disease and brain health. Follow Brain & Life® on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

When posting to social media channels about this research, we encourage you to use the hashtags #Neurology and #AANscience.

The American Academy of Neurology is the world’s largest association of neurologists and neuroscience professionals, with over 38,000 members. The AAN is dedicated to promoting the highest quality patient-centered neurologic care. A neurologist is a doctor with specialized training in diagnosing, treating and managing disorders of the brain and nervous system such as Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, migraine, multiple sclerosis, concussion, Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy.

For more information about the American Academy of Neurology, visit or find us on FacebookTwitterInstagramLinkedIn and YouTube.


From grave to cradle: Collagen-induced gut cell reprogramming

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Epithelial cell plasticity induced via Collagen Type I 



Researchers from Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) find that collagen deposition at sites of intestinal injury activates inflammatory and regenerative signaling in both mouse and human cells


Tokyo, Japan – Most cells have a pretty normal life: they’re born, they grow, they get old, and they die. But the Benjamin Buttons of the cellular world can go from old to young again in the right context. Now, researchers from Japan have identified a physical cue that sparks this change in cells in the human gut.


In a study published this month in Inflammation and Regeneration, researchers from Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) have revealed that the accumulation of a thick, extracellular material called collagen at injured sites in the gut stimulates cellular reprogramming.


When the intestine is injured, an inflammatory response occurs that is often associated with regeneration of the injured tissues. This process involves converting some mature intestinal cells back into fetal-like cells that can then generate new healthy tissue to repair the injured area.


“We previously showed that deposition of collagen at the site of intestinal injury promotes the conversion of intestinal/colonic epithelial cells covering the wound bed towards fetal-like progenitors in mice,” says lead author of the study, Sakurako Kobayashi. “However, the detailed mechanism by which this occurs, and whether this process also occurs in humans, remained unclear.”


To explore these questions, the researchers created collagen spheres, which are tiny balls of epithelial cells grown in purified collagen, from mouse and human intestinal cells. They then assessed gene expression in these spheres to clarify the mechanisms of inflammation-associated reprogramming.


“The results showed that culturing in collagen induced the expression of inflammation-associated and fetal-like genes in both human and mouse intestinal cells,” explains Shiro Yui, senior author. “As previously reported, the YAP/TAZ-TEAD axis definitely plays a central role in the induction of this distinctive gene expression signature, but this time we identified the cooperative transcriptional activity of Fra1 and RUNX2 in the process, which hammers the gene network centered on Fibronectin.”


Importantly, the representative genes that were activated in the human collagen spheres were also highly expressed in tissue samples taken from inflamed regions of the gut in patients with ulcerative colitis.


“Taken together, our findings demonstrate that collagen has a significant influence on inflammation and cellular reprogramming in both mice and humans,” says Kobayashi.


Given that some of the genes that were upregulated in the collagen spheres are also overexpressed in conditions such as colorectal cancer, it is possible that there is a link between the regenerative cascade and colorectal carcinogenesis. Thus, investigating the mechanisms of cell fate conversion using this model may enhance our understanding not only of how inflammation is influenced by the extracellular environment, but also how other disease processes occur in the gut.



The article, “Collagen type I‑mediated mechanotransduction controls epithelial cell fate conversion during intestinal inflammation,” was published in Inflammation and Regeneration at DOI: 10.1186/s41232-022-00237-3

Good news for athletes who are slow to recover from concussion

Most need just one more month to return to play

Peer-Reviewed Publication


MINNEAPOLIS - A new study suggests that athletes who recover more slowly from concussion may be able to return to play with an additional month of recovery beyond the typical recovery time, according to a new study published in the January 18, 2023, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Slow recovery was defined as taking more than 14 days for symptoms to resolve or taking more than 24 days to return to play, both of which are considered the typical recovery times for about 80% of athletes with concussion.

“Although an athlete may experience a slow or delayed recovery, there is reason to believe recovery is achievable with additional time and injury management,” said study author Thomas W. McAllister, MD, of the Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis. “This is an encouraging message that may help to relieve some of the discouragement that athletes can feel when trying to return to their sport. While some athletes took longer than 24 days to return to play, we found that three-quarters of them were able to return to sports if given just one more month to recover.”

The study looked at 1,751 college athletes who had been diagnosed with a concussion by a team physician. Of the athletes, 63% were male and 37% were female. Male athletes participated primarily in football, soccer and basketball. Female athletes participated primarily in soccer, volleyball and basketball.

Participants were evaluated five times: within six hours after their injury, one to two days later, once free of symptoms, once cleared to return to play and at six months.

Participants reported symptoms daily to medical staff, up to 14 days following injury and then weekly if they had not yet returned to play.

A total of 399 athletes, or 23%, had a slow recovery.

Researchers found that of the athletes who took longer than 24 days to return to play, more than three-fourths, or 78%, were able to return to play within 60 days of injury, and four-fifths, or 83%, were able to return to play within 90 days of injury. Only 11% had not returned to play six months after injury.

For the slow recovery group, the average time for returning to play was 35 days after injury, compared to 13 days in the overall group.

“The results of this study provide helpful information for athletes and medical teams to consider in evaluating expectations and making difficult decisions about medical disqualification and the value of continuing in their sport,” McAllister said.

A limitation of the study is that participants were all collegiate varsity athletes and may not be representative of other age groups or levels of sport, and the results may not apply to other types of mild brain injuries.

The study was supported by the Grand Alliance Concussion Assessment, Research, and Education Consortium, National Collegiate Athletic Association, and the Department of Defense.

Learn more about concussion at, home of the American Academy of Neurology’s free patient and caregiver magazine focused on the intersection of neurologic disease and brain health. Follow Brain & Life® on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

When posting to social media channels about this research, we encourage you to use the hashtags #Neurology and #AANscience.

The American Academy of Neurology is the world’s largest association of neurologists and neuroscience professionals, with over 38,000 members. The AAN is dedicated to promoting the highest quality patient-centered neurologic care. A neurologist is a doctor with specialized training in diagnosing, treating and managing disorders of the brain and nervous system such as Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, migraine, multiple sclerosis, concussion, Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy.

For more information about the American Academy of Neurology, visit or find us on FacebookTwitterInstagramLinkedIn and YouTube.

‘Ghostly’ neutrinos provide new path to study protons

Scientists have discovered a new way to investigate the structure of protons using neutrinos, known as ‘ghost particles.’

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Particle accelerator at Fermilab 



Neutrinos are one of the most abundant particles in our universe, but they are notoriously difficult to detect and study: they don’t have an electrical charge and have nearly no mass. They are often referred to as “ghost particles” because they rarely interact with atoms.

But because they are so abundant, they play a large role in helping scientists answer fundamental questions about the universe.

In groundbreaking research described in Nature—led by researchers from the University of Rochester—scientists from the international collaboration MINERvA have, for the first time, used a beam of neutrinos at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, or Fermilab, to investigate the structure of protons.

MINERvA is an experiment to study neutrinos, and the researchers did not set out to study protons. But their feat, once thought impossible, offers scientists a new way of looking at the small components of an atom’s nucleus.

“While we were studying neutrinos as part of the MINERvA experiment, I realized a technique I was using might be applied to investigate protons,” says Tejin Cai, the paper’s first author. Cai, who is now a postdoctoral research associate at York University, conducted the research as a PhD student of Kevin McFarland, the Dr. Steven Chu Professor in Physics at Rochester and key member of the University’s Neutrino Group. “We weren’t sure at first if it would work, but we ultimately discovered we could use neutrinos to measure the size and shape of the protons that make up the nuclei of atoms. It’s like using a ghost ruler to make a measurement.”

Using particle beams to measure protons 

Atoms, and the protons and neutrons that make up an atom’s nucleus, are so small that researchers have a difficult time measuring them directly. Instead, they build a picture of the shape and structure of an atom’s components by bombarding atoms with a beam of high-energy particles. They then measure how far and at what angles the particles bounce off the atom’s components.

Imagine, for example, throwing marbles at a box. The marbles would bounce off the box at certain angles, enabling you to determine where the box was—and to determine its size and shape—even if the box was not visible to you.

“This is a very indirect way of measuring something, but it allows us to relate the structure of an object—in this case, a proton—to how many deflections we see in different angles,” McFarland says.

What can neutrino beams tell us? 

Researchers first measured the size of protons in the 1950s, using an accelerator with beams of electrons at Stanford University’s linear accelerator facility. But instead of using beams of accelerated electrons, the new technique developed by Cai, McFarland, and their colleagues, uses beams of neutrinos.

While the new technique does not produce a sharper image than the old technique, McFarland says, it may give scientists new information about how neutrinos and protons interact—information they can currently only infer using theoretical calculations or a combination of theory and other measurements.

In comparing the new technique with the old, McFarland likens the process to seeing a flower in normal, visible light and then looking at the flower under ultraviolet light.

“You are looking at the same flower, but you can see different structures under the different kinds of light,” McFarland says. “Our image isn’t more precise, but the neutrino measurement provides us with a different view.”

Specifically, they are hoping to use the technique to separate the effects related to neutrino scattering on protons from the effects related to neutrino scattering on atomic nuclei, which are bound collections of protons and neutrons.

“Our previous methods for predicting neutrino scattering from protons all used theoretical calculations, but this result directly measures that scattering,” Cai says.

McFarland adds, “By using our new measurement to improve our understanding of these nuclear effects, we will better be able to carry out future measurements of neutrino properties.”

The technical challenge of experimenting with neutrinos

Neutrinos are created when atomic nuclei either come together or break apart. The sun is a large source of neutrinos, which are a byproduct of the sun’s nuclear fusion. If you stand in the sunlight, for example, trillions of neutrinos will harmlessly pass through your body every second.

Even though neutrinos are more abundant in the universe than electrons, it is harder for scientists to experimentally harness them in large numbers: neutrinos pass through matter like ghosts, while electrons interact with matter far more frequently.

“Over the course of a year, on average, there would only be interactions between one or two neutrinos out of the trillions that go through your body every second,” Cai says. “There’s a huge technical challenge in our experiments in that we have to get enough protons to look at, and we have to figure out how to get enough neutrinos through that big assembly of protons.”

Using a neutrino detector

The researchers solved this problem in part by using a neutrino detector containing a target of both hydrogen and carbon atoms. Typically researchers use only hydrogen atoms in experiments to measure protons. Not only is hydrogen the most abundant element in the universe, it’s also the simplest, as a hydrogen atom contains only a single proton and electron. But a target of pure hydrogen wouldn’t be sufficiently dense for enough neutrinos to interact with the atoms.

“We’re performing a ‘chemical trick’, so to speak, by binding the hydrogen up into hydrocarbon molecules that make it able to detect sub-atomic particles,” McFarland says.

The MINERvA group conducted their experiments using a high-power, high-energy particle accelerator, located at Fermilab. The accelerator produces the strongest source of high-energy neutrinos on the planet.

The researchers struck their detector made of hydrogen and carbon atoms with the beam of neutrinos and recorded data for nearly nine years of operation.

To isolate only the information from the hydrogen atoms, the researchers then had to subtract the background “noise” from the carbon atoms.

“The hydrogen and carbon are chemically bonded together, so the detector sees interactions on both at once,” Cai says. “I realized that a technique I was using to study interactions on carbon could also be used to see hydrogen all by itself once you subtract the carbon interactions. A big part of our job was subtracting the very large background from neutrinos scattering on the protons in the carbon nucleus.”

Says Deborah Harris, a professor at York University and a co-spokesperson for MINERvA, “When we proposed MINERvA, we never thought we’d be able to extract measurements from the hydrogen in the detector. Making this work required great performance from the detector, creative analysis from scientists, and years of running” the accelerator at Fermilab.

The impossible becomes possible

McFarland, too, initially thought it would be close to impossible to use neutrinos to precisely measure the signal from the protons.

“When Tejin and our colleague Arie Bodek (the George E. Pake Professor of Physics at Rochester) first suggested trying this analysis, I thought it would be too difficult,” McFarland says. “But the old view of protons has been very thoroughly explored, so we decided to try this technique to get a new view—and it worked.”

The collective expertise of MINERvA’s scientists and the collaboration within the group was essential in accomplishing the research, Cai says.

“The result of the analysis and the new techniques developed highlight the importance of being creative and collaborative in understanding data,” he says. “While a lot of the components for the analysis already existed, putting them together in the right way really made a difference, and this cannot be done without experts with different technical backgrounds sharing their knowledge to make the experiment a success.”

In addition to providing more information about the common matter that comprises the universe, the research is important for predicting neutrino interactions for other experiments that are trying to measure the properties of neutrinos. These experiments include the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), the Imaging Cosmic And Rare Underground Signals (ICARUS) neutrino detector, and T2K neutrino experiments in which McFarland and his group are involved.

“We need detailed information about protons to answer questions like which neutrinos have more mass than others and whether or not there are differences between neutrinos and their anti-matter partners,” Cai says. “Our work is one step forward in answering the fundamental questions about neutrino physics that are the goal of these big science projects in the near future.”