Wednesday, March 01, 2023

Tyre, policemen storm bank for non-payment of salaries

A group of policemen, like private citizens in the past, broke into an institution demanding the payment of their salaries. Behind the assaults was the freezing of current accounts, the economic crisis and the collapse of the local currency, which hit a new low yesterday. It has lost almost 90 per cent of its value since 2019.

Beirut (AsiaNews) - The economic crisis, the freezing of bank accounts and the gradual depreciation of the local currency, which yesterday recorded a new negative record, are pushing a growing number of Lebanese to the threshold of poverty, and of desperation.

Hence the decision to attack credit institutions in an attempt to recover part of their assets. Cases similar to this have become more and more frequent in recent times, with yesterday's assault by police officers in Tyre, in the south of the country, on a local branch of the General Corporation of the Bank of Lebanon, claiming payment of their salaries.

Protests continued throughout the country, with the lira hitting a new low, fuelling further discontent among the population. According to the National News Agency, this time ordinary citizens were also joined by a group of police officers - also frustrated at the non-payment of their monthly salary - who stormed the bank counters in an attempt to recover the money.

In the past year, the Land of Cedars has seen an escalation of armed robberies and assaults on banks, with citizens now exasperated by the economic collapse and restricted access to accounts. Widespread corruption, capital controls, the devaluation of the local currency, and the non-payment of the dollar portion of civil servants' salaries have fuelled the crisis.

Moreover, since the beginning of the crisis in 2019, the Lebanese lira has lost almost 90% of its value, prompting exasperated citizens to storm and burn banks and, the latter, to call a lockout at the beginning of the month that was only interrupted last week. In the crosshairs is the head of the Central Bank, Riad Salameh, himself accused of corruption and of embezzling millions in capital, so much so that he has ended up under investigation in France and Switzerland.

A judicial source, relayed by L'Orient Today, reports an 'investigation' against him to be opened shortly. An attempt to preserve the 'rights' of the Lebanese State to the assets that were allegedly - at least this is the accusation - misappropriated by the high official, although no further details are known at the moment and the investigators oppose secrecy.

In recent days, the Swiss daily SonntagsZeitung accused Salameh of having pocketed over 500 million dollars, deposited in at least 12 banks in Switzerland. He had been accused of undue gain last year, but the investigation never resulted in an interrogation and the suspect has always rejected the accusations.


Go to the Banks. Take What Is Rightfully Yours.’ Meet the Bank Robbers of Beirut | NYT Opinion

 Feb 28, 2023
A wave of armed bank robberies has been sweeping Lebanon amid its economic meltdown. But the heists have followed a highly unusual pattern: The robbers are the banks’ clients, and the money they have been demanding is the contents of their own accounts.

These thieves have been driven to such extraordinary lengths to get their savings because banks have imposed strict withdrawal limits to avoid collapse.

In the Opinion video above, Sali Hafiz, a Lebanese interior designer, describes how a health crisis in her family drove her to take up arms — actually, a toy pistol — and withdraw her money by force. But the film also argues that the true thieves are not citizens like Ms. Hafiz who are trying to get their hard-earned savings but, rather, corrupt financial and political leaders who have helped to run the economy into the ground.

Prosecutors from five European countries have been investigating Riad Salameh, the governor of Lebanon’s central bank, who has been accused of laundering public money in Europe. And last Thursday, The Associated Press reported, Lebanese prosecutors charged Mr. Salameh, his brother and an associate with embezzlement, forgery, money laundering, illicit enrichment and tax law violations.

Turkey expelled over 68,000 Afghan migrants in 2022

The recent shipwreck off Crotone put the spotlight on the eastern route into the European Union. Last year, Turkey expelled 120,000 people, including 12,000 Pakistanis. In Afghanistan, the situation has worsened since the Taliban came back in August 2021. Despite ongoing funding from the European Union, Turkey has failed to process asylum applications by Afghan refugees who arrive via Iran.

Milan (AsiaNews) – Last year, Turkey expelled some 120,000 asylum seekers, including 68,290 Afghans and 12,5001 Pakistanis, plus migrants from other countries deemed illegal, this according to its General Directorate of Migration Management.

As more tragedies strike the Mediterranean, public interest is rekindled in the eastern route that branches off on land (via Turkey, the Balkans, and Eastern Europe) and sea.

The latest episode took place a few days ago off the coast of Crotone, southern Italy, where a boat carrying migrants sank in rough seas; so far, the bodies of 60 people have been recovered, including some 20 Pakistani nationals.

Reacting to the incident, the Pakistani government ordered an official investigation into the smuggling networks operating in the country.

“A crackdown on the criminal network of human trafficking worldwide is the need of the hour,” said Minister for Overseas Pakistanis Sajid Hussain Turi.

“Since April 2022, over 600,000 people have been sent abroad for jobs,” he explained, urging his fellow citizens to be careful and “not to fall prey to human trafficking.”

Currently, Turkey hosts more than four million refugees, the highest number in the world, mostly Syrians (3.7 million) who fled the war that began in 2011, but also 322,000 registered asylum seekers from Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and Somalia.

Under a 2016 agreement with the European Union, Turkey has pledged to take charge of refugees in the country with EU funds.

Between 2016 and 2019, the EU allocated more than € 8 billion (US$ 8.5 billion) in humanitarian aid through two different mechanisms to ensure that Turkey stopped migrants from entering its territory. Between 2020 and 2023, it paid out more than € 960 million (US$ 1 billion).

Yet, after all these years, the fate of refugees in Turkey continues to be heartbreaking. In early January, the Directorate General for Migration Management announced plans to expel another 5,000 Afghan migrants, like in 2022.

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, more than 98 per cent of refugees in Turkey live outside refugee camps in difficult and often precarious circumstances.

Many refugee families have exhausted their financial resources, and believe that they have no choice but to resort to survival mechanisms such as child labour, street begging, or marrying off underage daughters.

Afghans are also abducted for ransom. As an AsiaNews source noted, “many people” die along the Afghan-Iranian and the Iranian-Turkish borders in a "desperate attempt" to start a new life away from the Taliban.

Several humanitarian groups have spoken out on the fate of Afghan refugees in Turkey. According to a Human Rights Watch report last year, Turkish authorities systematically expel or turn away Afghan refugees without processing their applications for international protection.

The situation is worse since the Taliban seized power in August 2021. Not only did they impose bans and restrictions on women, but they are hard-pressed to cope with a catastrophic humanitarian situation with more than 90 per cent of the population living below the poverty line.

In Afghanistan, attacks by the local branch of the Islamic State group,[*] abductions of former government officials, and revenge killings by the Taliban have also increased.

In October last year, the General Directorate of Migration Management said it had prevented 238,448 "irregular migrants" from entering the country in 2022.

[*] Islamic State-Khorasan Province, IS-KP.
Iraqi Kurdistan’s KDP and PUK reach deal on election related issues

Published: February 28, 2023
AuthorEditorial Staff

HEWLÊR-Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan region,— Zana Khalid, the head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s (KDP) bloc in Iraqi Kurdistan region parliament, and Luqman Wardi, the deputy head of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan’s (PUK) bloc, announced that they have resolved most of their disagreements over election issues.

The two rival parties during a meeting, which was described as positive and productive, held in Erbil on Tuesday have agreed to activate the Electoral Commission and divide the Kurdistan region into four voting zones and rely on a biometric voter registration system for the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Following hours of discussion, both parties plan to meet again on Saturday and engage with representatives of other parties to discuss the upcoming elections.

The elections were originally scheduled for October 2022, but due to disagreements over the election law, the Kurdistan parliament extended its term by year. The extension came after political parties failed to hold the sixth parliamentary elections scheduled for Oct. 1, 2022, as specified by Kurdistan region president Nechirvan Barzani in February 2022.

Iraqi Kurdistan remains politically and geographically divided between the KDP, led by Massoud Barzani, and the PUK party, headed by the Talabani family. As a result, the region lacks a cohesive and unified governance structure, with the Barzanis in control of Erbil and Duhok governorates, while the Talabanis hold sway over Sulaimani.

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Labour: Starmer is paving the way for the triumph of dark politics

By waging an all-out war on the left and its ideas, the Labour leader is strangling hope of change in a time of crisis and risks driving voters towards right-wing authoritarians

Britain's main opposition Labour Party leader Keir Starmer waits to address delegates during the London Labour Regional Conference in central London on 28 January 2023 (AFP)

There is a reason - and not the one given - why Labour Party leader Keir Starmer has announced that he is banning his predecessor, Jeremy Corbyn, from standing as a candidate for the party at the next general election.

Corbyn has been sitting as an independent since Starmer exiled him from the Labour benches in late 2020 - after Corbyn observed that it was for “political reasons” he faced years of evidence-free accusations the Labour Party was beset by antisemitism on his watch. He called the accusation “dramatically overstated”.

The official grounds for Corbyn being permanently barred from returning to the parliamentary party are that he has refused to apologise for his comment.

No other political leader, not even Tony Blair, has haunted the thoughts of his successor in quite the way Corbyn continues to do so

Announcing Corbyn’s exclusion as a candidate, Starmer said Labour would "never again be brought to its knees by racism or bigotry. If you don't like that, if you don't like the changes we have made, I say the door is open and you can leave".

The establishment media - from right to supposed left - are trying to bolster Starmer’s claims about Corbyn and his supporters by continuing to weave a web of misrepresentations about the former leader being depraved and unhinged.

Antisemitism in Labour is apparently being kept at bay only because of Starmer’s vigilance, in contrast to Corbyn’s supposed indulgence. And, were Corbyn to be serving as prime minister today, we are warned, he would be taking “cranky” foreign policy decisions, like encouraging a diplomatic process to end the bloodshed in Ukraine.

No other political leader, not even Tony Blair, has haunted the thoughts of his successor - or the airwaves and pages of the billionaire-owned media - in quite the way Corbyn continues to do so.

Even a disastrous, if brief, prime minister like Liz Truss quickly faded from memory. Boris Johnson stays in the British public’s imagination only because the scandals and dramas he presided over are still playing out, and because in the crisis-plagued Conservative Party, he might yet manage to claw his way back into Downing Street.

So why the perennial concern about Corbyn, even as he languishes on the backbenches, outside the two-party chokehold on British politics, with no evident path back to power? Why does his shadow loom so large?

All-out war

The reason has nothing to do with antisemitism or Corbyn’s criticisms of the West’s response to the Ukraine war - or rather, not in the sense Starmer and commentators would have you believe.

Like the media, Starmer wants not just the solitary figure of Corbyn gone from British politics. He wants to eradicate something far more dangerous to the establishment: Corbynism, the ideas of a fairer, more equal society the former Labour leader gave life to, as well as the potential grassroots movement he represents.

Labour's Forde report is devastating on factional war against Corbyn
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In his light-on-detail speech last week, Starmer set out his top “five missions”, in which he chiefly sought to present himself as a better steward of neoliberalism than the ruling Tory party.

But even in purdah, Corbyn continues to serve as a symbol.

Starmer’s efforts to disappear his predecessor from the Labour Party - and from British political life - has operated in tandem with his all-out war on a large section of the party’s members, who have been gradually driven from the ranks.

That has very much included Jewish Labour members standing in solidarity with Corbyn. Under Starmer, they have been ousted from the party in disproportionately large numbers.

Notably, that is a fact barely reported by the media because it flies in the face of their phoney narrative: both that antisemitism thrived under Corbyn and only under Corbyn; and that it is Starmer who is eradicating racism from the party.

Even YouGov polling found that already low levels of antisemitism in Labour actually reduced during Corbyn’s tenure as the party drew in huge numbers of new left-wing supporters, attracted by his anti-imperialist, anti-racist, more egalitarian agenda.

A paradox, also unremarked by the establishment media, is that Starmer waited to make his move against Corbyn until immediately after the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) announced it was ending its monitoring of Labour for antisemitism.

It was the EHRC’s 2020 report that paved the way to Corbyn’s removal from the Labour benches, after its conclusions were heavily misrepresented by the media.

Vilifying Corbyn

Corbyn was judged to have interfered in antisemitism cases, with the implication that his office tried to stop antisemites from being expelled. The truth was the opposite, as the EHRC quietly conceded. His team “interfered” only in the sense that they tried to speed up the handling of disciplinary cases his right-wing opponents in the party bureaucracy stalled in a bid to fuel the antisemitism smears.

Starmer is interfering in disciplinary cases too - and doing so openly and proudly, including overturning a decision in late 2020 by his National Executive Committee to reinstate Corbyn as an MP. But this time the EHRC seems unconcerned.

The EHRC has given Starmer its official stamp of anti-racism approval even as his officials drive out Jewish members in unprecedented numbers. These are Jews whose mistreatment no one in public life seemingly cares about - because they back Corbyn.

Last week, hot on the heels of that stamp of approval, and mocking the idea that Starmer’s party is interested in tackling racism, Labour barred its local constituency parties from affiliating with a range of progressive groups.

Those included Jewish Voice for Labour, which represents Jews highly critical of Israel’s oppression of Palestinians, and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, the main UK organisation representing Palestinian interests, as well as Somalis for Labour, Sikhs for Labour and the All African Women’s Group.

The Equalities watchdog’s “special measures” on Labour are also apparently not needed even though prominent Black party members, such as former shadow home secretary Diane Abbott, also a Corbyn ally, complain that Starmer’s Labour has done nothing to address anti-Black racism exposed in the recent Forde Report.

The truth is that Starmer and the establishment media will not be satisfied until they have driven a stake through the heart of Corbynism, and its genuine commitment to anti-racism and a more egalitarian approach to the economy. That is why they have never sounded more desperate to vilify him and his supporters.

An outburst on BBC TV last week by Guardian columnist Rafael Behr skated exceptionally close to libelling not only Corbyn but the entire British left as frothing-at-the-mouth Jew haters.

Sinking ship

As the saying goes, you can’t kill an idea. And the ideas Corbyn gave life to are even harder to kill when the country’s current leaders look not just inept but concerned only to asset-strip the ship before it goes down - while the best promised by Starmer, the opposition leader, is to slow down the looting.

Even to many of its admirers, capitalism, especially of today’s turbo-charged variety, increasingly looks mired in crisis. Bereft of solutions, its architects have to constantly peddle distractions and exploit emergencies, from the Ukraine war and growing tensions with China to the cost-of-living crisis and the pandemic.

The country's leaders look not just inept but concerned only to asset-strip the ship before it goes down - while the best promised by Starmer is to slow down the looting

In an age of climate breakdown, resulting from an over-consumption model impossible for our profit-driven corporations to wean themselves off, socialism’s appeal may quickly resurface - or, at least, that appears to be the establishment’s concern.

Karl Marx, the now unfashionable 19th-century political economist, observed that capitalism “sowed the seeds of its own destruction”. And sure enough, capitalism looks like it is being strangled by its own internal contradictions, forcing a stark choice between continuing wealth accumulation and our species’ survival on a finite planet.

The job of Britain’s politicians is not, of course, to air these contradictions or highlight their parties’ lack of solutions. It is to keep the ship on course, heading towards the iceberg. It is to keep underscoring threats from overseas “madmen”. It is to be in lockstep with Nato and its expansion through resource wars that further enrich the wealthy while justifying austerity for everyone else. And most fundamentally of all, it is to remain piously in thrall to the City and the euphemism of “economic growth”.

Any leader who refuses to abide by these stipulations faces a campaign of demonisation, as Corbyn found to his cost.

Gaslighting members

Over the past three years, Starmer has been busy setting out his conditions for remaining in the Labour Party tent - parameters that just so happen to mirror precisely the British establishment’s requirements for legitimacy in public life.

Starmer demands simple-minded patriotism and an unwavering commitment to the West’s Nato military alliance and its aggressive posturing and expansion. He ostentatiously prioritises the needs of big business and demurs about the right of those abused by neoliberalism to strike. He describes himself as a proud Zionist and decries any but the softest criticism of Israel as proof of antisemitism.

Alongside the anti-racist groups, Starmer has banned local constituency parties from affiliating with the Stop the War Coalition, which campaigns against the West’s endless military "interventions", the Labour Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Corbyn's Peace & Justice Project, and the Campaign Against Climate Change Trades Union Group.

Kim Johnson row: Starmer is ignoring Israel's slide into fascism
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In other words, in a system rigged to allow only two parties to contend for power, those who want Labour to serve as a vehicle for meaningful change are not welcome. Labour will not tolerate the struggle against imperialism, or efforts to stop endless resource wars, or trenchant opposition to Israel’s subjugation of the Palestinian people, or Britain’s further militarisation, or anything more than tinkering with gross wealth disparities.

And it is not even ideological differences being cited as the grounds for expelling members from the country’s only major “socialist” party. It is based on smears: that they are racists, antisemites, and stooges of Vladimir Putin.

Even as he denied Corbyn the right to stand as a Labour candidate, Starmer gaslit members, telling them Labour “will never again be a party captured by narrow interests. It will never again lose sight of its purpose or its morals”.

But Corbyn’s effective expulsion bluntly sends exactly the opposite message: that Labour has been fully captured by the boss class and will not permit any dissent.

Coup de grace

One might have expected a little pushback, if only from Britain’s self-declared liberal-left daily newspaper, the Guardian. But its columnists have been largely revelling in Starmer delivering the coup de grace against Corbyn.

Sonia Sodha called the decision "morally correct" and "to Starmer’s credit", while Polly Toynbee averred that excluding Corbyn was "inevitable" because the Labour Party could not afford to be even "a little bit racist".

Those who suggest Starmer is the broom needed to clean out Labour’s stables will doubtless get the outcome they predict. Running against a ruling Conservative Party in disarray and led by stale, colourless leaders reeking of privilege in a party mired in cronyism, Starmer is almost certain to win the next election - if only by default.

In blocking the left from a visible political presence, in stifling its ideas in a time of crisis, Starmer is leaving the field open to the far right

And that is as far as most pundits wish to look. But politics has long-term trends too. Capitalism’s crises, just like climate breakdown, are not going away. They will intensify, as will popular alienation, frustration and anger.

That means those offering a programme of radical change are going to prosper, and those clinging to a discredited status quo will face steady decline and marginalisation. Voters will increasingly be drawn to figures promising decisive action over inaction.

In blocking the left from a visible political presence, in stifling its ideas and creativity in a time of crisis, Starmer is leaving the field open to the far right. They will be only too eager to highlight and exploit the deficiencies of a soulless Labour Party, one that pays no more than lip service to resolving Britain’s problems.

And they will doubtless also scapegoat the usual suspects - not the rich, not those in power, but immigrants, Jews and “communists” - who will be blamed for bringing the UK to its knees.

Ultimately, the smearing of Corbyn and the Labour left will bring about the very things the Labour right and the establishment media claim they seek to avert: Britain will become a darker, more racist, more authoritarian place.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Eye.

Jonathan Cook is the author of three books on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and a winner of the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His website and blog can be found at

American media love the arms trade, as long as the arms dealers are American

US media outlets have been apoplectic about Russia’s use of Iranian drones in Ukraine, but routinely praise US arms provisions

Ukrainian soldiers prepare a US-supplied M777 howitzer to fire at Russian positions in Kherson region, Ukraine, on 9 January 2023 (AP)

Gregory Shupak
24 February 2023 

US media outlets have been apoplectic about Russia’s use of Iranian drones in Ukraine but routinely portray US weapons exports as a benign, if not benevolent, force.

In Forbes, for example, Paul Iddon denounces Iran as "an accomplice and enabler of wanton Russian aggression". Ellie Geranmayeh and Cinzia Bianco write in Foreign Policy that that America and Europe should focus "on ways they can interdict and counter Iranian weapons used in Ukraine as well as increase the tangible costs for Iran with its own public".

There is a dearth of cases of US media using comparable language to describe the effects of American-made weapons

In the same publication, John Hardie and Behnam Ben Taleblu write that Iran’s Shahed-136 drone has helped Russia’s "campaign of terror" in Ukraine and that such arms exports are part of Iran’s "offensive against the West.”

Iranian drone shipments to Russia are among the reasons a Washington Post editorial gives for asserting that Iran is "foment[ing] . . . trouble" internationally and engaging in "aggressiveness abroad" by "helping Russia destroy Ukraine".'

Not only is there a dearth of cases of US media using comparable language to describe the effects of American-made weapons, but glance at coverage from the last week or so, and you’ll find outright praise for US arms provisions.
'Real leadership'

On CNN, Peter Bergen asserts that US President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken have shown "real leadership" on the Ukraine war by taking actions such as authorising "military aid to Ukraine, including highly accurate HIMARS missiles and soon M1 Abrams tanks".

Yet as Jeffrey Sachs points out, the Biden administration "poured cold water on the negotiations in March, when Ukrainians were contemplating a negotiated end to the war but instead walked away from the negotiating table". For Bergen, it seems "real leadership" is when a head of state uses their leverage to keep a war going and then provides the means for the blood to keep flowing.

Russia-Ukraine war: Are we about to see a new kind of 'super-combat'?
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In the same vein, Brett Stephens of The New York Times insists: "It's time to arm Ukraine with the arms it needs to win quickly - including F-16s - not just to survive indefinitely". The Bulletin of the Atomic Sciences, however, advocates the opposite. The group condemns the Russian aggression while suggesting that:

At a minimum, the United States must keep the door open to principled engagement with Moscow that reduces the dangerous increase in nuclear risk the war has fostered. One element of risk reduction could involve sustained, high-level US military-to-military contacts with Russia to reduce the likelihood of miscalculation. The US government, its Nato allies, and Ukraine have a multitude of channels for dialogue; they all should be explored. Finding a path to serious peace negotiations could go a long way toward reducing the risk of escalation.

Stephens is hardly the only one to flatter the US arms industry. A Wall Street Journal op-ed by Michael Makovsky and Blaise Misztal says that a "US arms depot in Israel has become a stockpile of democracy in recent months, as the Biden administration has transferred its artillery shells to Ukraine".

The depot in question, the War Reserve Stockpile Ammunition-Israel (WRSA-I), exists so that in case of war in the region, both Israel and the US will have easy access to weapons. Makovsky and Misztal repeat the same claptrap about democracy at the end of the piece, writing that: "The stockpile of US weapons in Israel should be used to give Ukraine any and everything it needs. But then America should quickly upgrade and refill it" for US-Israeli use in the Middle East "to make sure that the next time a conflict erupts, the WRSA-I can again serve as a much-needed stockpile of democracy".
'Stockpile of democracy'

Makovsky and Misztal's take on the Ukraine war is, at best, breathtakingly naïve. The conflict is a proxy war between Russia and Nato, chiefly the United States. America and its allies aren’t deluging Ukraine with weapons so that it can be a democracy but because Nato is in a geopolitical struggle with Russia, a war of position that gets in the way of Ukrainians governing their own affairs.

Saying that the US and Israel use weapons in the Middle East for "democracy" is absurd on its face. American weapons in the region prop up brutal pro-US tyrannies and are used for American invasions and occupations that kill and unleash death and destruction at scales that are hard to fathom, as what happened in Iraq. Israel, for its part, uses American armaments to attack the region’s peoples, often at a grave cost.

Makovsky and Misztal deal with such bloodshed by invoking, you guessed it, Iran. Israel, the authors say, used the WRSA-I twice, "during its 2006 conflict with Lebanon, and again in 2014 during its war with Gaza. The US benefited from this, too, in helping a critical ally defend itself against Iran-backed terror organisations".

The UN Human Rights Council offers a rather different view on how Israel used its largely US-supplied arsenal in the 2006 assault on Lebanon, finding that Israel undertook "a widespread and systematic campaign of direct and other attacks throughout its territory against its civilian population and civilian objects, as well as massive destruction of its public infrastructure, utilities, and other economic assets".

Israeli air strikes pound the Gaza Strip, killing 10 members of a family and demolishing a key media building housing Al-Jazeera television and the Associated Press news agency, in Gaza City, on 15 May 2021 (AFP)

Israel killed over 1,100 Lebanese people, the vast majority of them civilians, with Lebanese children accounting for roughly one-third of the dead and injured - inconvenient facts for Makovsky and Misztal’s propaganda about "Iran-backed terror organisations".

And far from "defend[ing] itself" in the 2014 war, Israel was, as Amnesty International put it, employing American weapons "to violate human rights. The US government must accept that by repeatedly shipping and paying for such arms on this scale they are exacerbating and further enabling grave abuses to be committed against civilians during the conflict in Gaza".

Twenty-three days into the war, the "Iran-backed terror organisations" against which the Israeli military bravely struggled included "more than 1,400 Palestinians, mostly civilians", many of them children and humanitarian workers.
Massacring civilians

With rhetoric about American weapons exports being evidence of "real leadership", and how US arms function as a "stockpile of democracy", one could be forgiven for thinking that American weapons don’t kill and maim people at all.

Well, commentators of the Bergen-Makovsky-Misztal-Stephens school of thought might reply, what if these armaments are mainly being used against bad people and preventing worse harms than would occur had this weaponry not been used? Even just the last few years are rife with examples of American weapons massacring civilians.

With rhetoric about American weapons exports being evidence of 'real leadership' or supporting 'democracy', one might think that American weapons don’t kill and maim people at all

When Saudi Arabia and its allies bombed a funeral in Yemen in 2016, killing at least 100 people and wounding more than 500 - including hundreds of dead and injured civilians - the coalition did so with "a US-manufactured air-dropped GBU-12 Paveway II 500-pound laser-guided bomb". Scant corporate media coverage in the US characterised America as "an accomplice and enabler of wanton [Saudi] aggression" or as a participant in a "campaign of terror" in Yemen.

Likewise, in Israel’s May 2021 aggression against Gaza, the Israeli military killed 42 Palestinians, ten of them children, on the Strip’s al-Wehda Street. Human Rights Watch concluded that: "The al-Wahda Street strikes involved the use of 1,000-kilogram GBU-31 series air-dropped bombs mounted with a Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) guidance kit. This kit is produced by Boeing and exported by the United States to Israel".

There is a distinct shortage of US media accounts of the slaughter saying, for instance, that America is engaging in "aggressiveness abroad" by "helping [Israel] destroy [Palestine]" or that states should focus "on ways they can interdict and counter [American] weapons used in [Palestine] as well as increase the tangible costs for [the US] with its own public".

I’m not suggesting that Iran, or anyone else, should help Russia’s war effort. What I am saying is that when American media cover official enemies' weapons exports, these outlets act as if they find the arms trade morally abhorrent. But when they cover US weapons exports, American media sound like they're doing PR for Boeing or Raytheon.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Eye.

Gregory Shupak teaches English and Media Studies at the University of Guelph-Humber in Toronto. He is the author of the book, The Wrong Story: Palestine, Israel, and the Media.
Opinion | Occupation

The Palestinian Authority's last gasp?

Renewed US confidence in the PA as the main force to subdue resisting Palestinians is not based on its substandard performance, but rather on the lack of available options

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah on 27 March 2022 (Reuters)

Joseph Massad
23 February 2023

Much excitement surrounded a recent UN Security Council vote on a draft resolution introduced by the United Arab Emirates, with the cooperation of the Palestinian Authority (PA), against Israel’s ongoing settler-colonial plans in the occupied Palestinian territories.

On Monday, however, the UAE, the Arab League’s representative on the UN Security Council, and the PA withdrew the resolution under US orders issued by the Biden administration.

To avoid its demise, the PA pleaded with Netanyahu before he even assumed office to open a secret backchannel of talks and offered more services to the Israelis

The US had urged Security Council members not to bring the resolution to a vote, and proposed instead that they adopt a symbolic joint statement "which Washington could get behind".

The resolution would have condemned last week’s Israeli cabinet decision to legalise nine Jewish settlements in the West Bank and build 10,000 new Jewish settlement homes in East Jerusalem.

Two days before the expected vote, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken personally called Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and ordered him to withdraw the resolution.

The PA duly obeyed the orders. The UAE, with PA backing, substituted for the resolution a non-binding presidential statement, as per US orders.
A desperate attempt

This is the most recent PA manoeuvre to avoid its much-predicted demise by Israeli and Arab observers.

Indeed, all PA public relations protestations against the Netanyahu government notwithstanding, PA officials, following orders from their handlers in the White House, had pleaded with Netanyahu before he even assumed office, to open a secret backchannel of talks and offered more of their services to the Israelis, in the hope of ensuring PA survival.

Netanyahu, who spurned the PA for almost a decade, suspending the so-called "peace process", readily accepted the offer under US pressure.

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It was Palestinian Minister for Civilian Affairs Hussein al-Sheikh who passed the message to Netanyahu’s office through the Biden administration, a message which was sent a second time after Netanyahu’s government was sworn in.

Sheikh, who also serves as the secretary general of the PLO executive committee, is "the point person for Palestinian relations with the US and Israel".

Netanyahu appointed National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi to conduct the secret talks.

It was during these talks, held in person and over the phone, that Hanegby and Sheikh reached the agreement that led to the PA and the UAE withdrawing the Security Council resolution.

The Israelis demanded that the PA stop legal procedures at the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice.

For their part, "the Palestinians asked Israel to stop unilateral steps like incursions into the Palestinian cities", Hangeby told the Conference of Presidents of the Jewish Organisations in North America.

He added that he told the Palestinians that Israel does not "want to send the Israeli military to the West Bank cities of Jenin and Nablus but does it because Palestinian Authority security forces ‘don’t do it themselves'".

Israel generously offered to provide "help" to PA forces to quash the resistance in West Bank cities.

The most recent Israeli massacre of 11 Palestinians in Nablus, which also injured at least 102 people, indicates that despite Israeli help, PA forces have proven incapable of repressing the rising tide of Palestinian resistance themselves.

Secretary Blinken, who visited Abbas a few weeks ago, ordered him to implement "a US security plan aimed at re establishing Palestinian Authority control over the cities of Jenin and Nablus, which have become centres of unrest".

The security plan was drafted by US Security Co ordinator Lt. Gen. Michael Fenzel.

The plan "includes the training of a special Palestinian force that would be deployed to this area to counter" Palestinian resistance. Fenzel has served as the US security coordinator of the Israel-Palestinian Authority since November 2021.

Fenzel is hardly a minor figure and is quite experienced in strategies to put down resistance by Arabs and Muslims to US military occupation.

He has previously served in the Gulf War of 1990-91, in the 2001 US invasion of Afghanistan, as well as the US invasion of Iraq in 2003.

He was brigadier general in the US Army and served as senior military fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and is the founder of the Council for Emerging National Security Affairs (CENSA).

Fenzel is a life member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a former director on the National Security Council staff in the White House.

He served as the senior military advisor to the Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation in the United States Department of State and is the author of a book on Soviet military strategy in Afghanistan.

Before Blinken’s visit, and on US orders issued to them, the Egyptian and Jordanian chiefs of intelligence also visited Abbas to pressure the PA to increase its repression of Palestinian resistance.

According to recently reported leaks, the US is subcontracting the training of 12,000 PA security forces on how to better quash Palestinian resistance to its Egyptian and Jordanian allies.

This is not the first time the two countries have been subcontracted for the task.

They have been involved in training PA security officers for the past two decades.

Lack of options

During his visit, Blinken also ordered Abbas to resume security coordination with the Israelis.

Abbas, who claimed to have stopped PA security "coordination" with Israel last month, after the Israeli massacre of Palestinians in Jenin, has assured visiting CIA Director William Burns that "parts" of the coordination, including "intelligence sharing", continue unhampered by ongoing Israeli massacres.

In fact, Abbas assured Burns that: "PA security forces will continue arresting terror suspects and that the security coordination would be fully reinstated once calm is restored."

The PA’s concern continues to be motivated by the US and Israeli view that it is increasingly irrelevant, especially because of its inability to eliminate Palestinian resistance to Israel’s military occupation - the very raison d’être for which it was created - and it has not been as effective as the either state had hoped.

The rising tide of Palestinian resistance across the West Bank promises to disappoint US expectations and those of its Arab allies

A former Israeli general in military intelligence has recently warned of the impending collapse of the PA.

That most of the right-wing members of the Netanyahu coalition government have also repeatedly called for the dissolution of the PA has not been comforting news.

Interestingly, it seems that Netanyahu did not inform his coalition partners of the recent secret talks, lest they oppose them.

This renewed US confidence, and that of Israel’s Arab allies, in the PA’s role as the main force to be tasked with the repression of the Palestinians under Israeli occupation is not based on the PA’s substandard performance, but rather on the lack of available options for the US to maintain the status quo.

The US, like Israel and its Arab allies, has been invested with maintaining the status quo for at least the last decade and is concerned that the new Israeli government might effect change, which would constitute an uncalculated risk for the future survival of Israel and its military occupation.

As the PA was created in 1993 to ensure Israel’s continued survival as a Jewish settler colony and permanent occupier of the land of the Palestinians under different guises, the US and its allies are at a loss as to where to turn.

This dearth of options is what has revived interest in the role of the failing PA.

The renewed US trust in the PA’s abilities to subdue the resisting Palestinians, however, is arguably misplaced.

The rising tide of Palestinian resistance across the West Bank, and the steady readiness of the Gaza-based resistance, not to mention that of the Palestinian citizens of Israel, promise to disappoint US expectations and those of its Arab allies.

Despite their willingness to use the PA and negotiate with it, the Israelis seem to be the only party that appreciates the strength of the resistance and the danger it poses, and they continue to act and plan their military strategies accordingly.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Eye.

Joseph Massad is professor of modern Arab politics and intellectual history at Columbia University, New York. He is the author of many books and academic and journalistic articles. His books include Colonial Effects: The Making of National Identity in Jordan; Desiring Arabs; The Persistence of the Palestinian Question: Essays on Zionism and the Palestinians, and most recently Islam in Liberalism. His books and articles have been translated into a dozen languages.

The Palestinian Authority's controversial role in West Bank security

Khaled Shalaby
27 February 2023
The Palestinian Authority was formed to protect Palestinian interests, but has come under increased scrutiny over the years. Critics argue that it has become a sub-contractor for Israel to protect its security from the Palestinians.

How does the PA coordinate security in the West Bank and what is its relationship with Israel’s government?

Israel resumes West Bank raids as military chief warns of ‘point of no return’

Israeli military informs the country's political leadership that further rampages by settlers could result in a spiral of violence

Israeli soldiers stand next to a damaged
 Palestinian building in the town of Huwwara, near the West Bank city of Nablus (AP)

MEE staff
Published date: 28 February 2023 1

Israeli forces resumed their nightly raids in the occupied West Bank on Tuesday after a week-long lull, following an unprecedented rampage over the weekend by Jewish settlers.

Eight Palestinians, which Israel claims are wanted individuals, were detained on Tuesday.

The raids have become a regular occurrence for Palestinians in the occupied territories, inflaming tensions and resulting in a spike in violence since Israel intensified them last year.

Israeli forces are also seeking two suspected Palestinian gunmen, one following a shooting in the West Bank town of Huwwara that left two Israeli settlers dead on Sunday and another shooting on Monday evening which left a 27-year-old Israeli-American dead.

Israeli forces have tightened their grip on the city of Jericho following the shooting, with the attacker believed to have fled towards the city.

Israeli military officials are also increasingly worried about the situation in the West Bank spiralling out of control.

'Another night of riots like that, and we’ll reach a point of no return'
- Major General Yehuda Fuchs, Israeli army

Israeli forces killed 11 Palestinians, including a child and three elderly people, and wounded 100 others last Wednesday during a military raid in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus.

The weekend's rampage by settlers has also been described as unprecedented in nature.

At least one Palestinian was killed and nearly 400 were wounded in the attacks on Huwwara and other West Bank towns and villages, Palestinian health officials said.

Settlers completely burnt down at least 35 homes and 40 others were partially damaged, and many of the buildings were set on fire while their Palestinian inhabitants sheltered inside. More than 100 cars were burnt or otherwise destroyed.

Eight settlers were detained following the riots, six were released on Monday and a further two on Tuesday, according to Israeli law enforcement.

Israeli military officials believe that tensions will continue into Ramadan, which begins at the end of March.

Leading official Major General Yehuda Fuchs warned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a security briefing that the Huwwara rampage threatened to push the situation in the occupied territories out of control.

“Another night of riots like that, and we’ll reach a point of no return,” Fuchs told Netanyahu, according to Israeli media.

“All of us went through an Intifada, but no one went through an Intifada that had online incitement, which makes the riot even more dangerous,” Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar also reportedly said in the security discussion with Netanyahu.
Settler violence

Israeli authorities are also under pressure to arrest the perpetrators of the Huwwara riot.

"We expect the Israeli government to ensure full accountability and legal prosecution of those responsible for these attacks in addition to compensation for the loss of homes and property,” State Department spokesperson Ned Price said during a press briefing.

Israel-Palestine: CIA chief warns current tensions resemble Second Intifada
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According to the Israeli military, on Monday night, a group of settlers hurled stones and purportedly attempted to ram a vehicle into an Israeli officer.

Separately on Sunday, a group of Israeli settlers assaulted a senior officer near a West Bank settlement, according to the Israeli military.

Israeli settlers are often detained for acts of violence towards Palestinians or Israeli officers and quickly released.

Rioting settlers feel “immune to the law. Fear of the state does not apply to them,” wrote Nahum Barnea for Israeli news outlet Ynet.

At least 62 Palestinians have been killed by Israelis this year, at a rate of more than one fatality per day. Meanwhile, 13 Israelis and one police officer have been killed by Palestinians in the same period.

This follows a steep increase in violence in 2022 when at least 167 Palestinians were killed in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the highest death toll in those territories in a single year since the Second Intifada. Palestinian attacks killed 30 Israelis last year.
Israeli press review: Columnist warns 'Kristallnacht was relived in Huwwara'

Meanwhile, Israel's military is accused of 'deliberately turning blind eye' to violent riots and legal experts say the state could face war crime charges

A Palestinian looks at a torched car in the occupied West Bank town of Huwara on 27 February 2023 following violent settler riots (AFP)

By MEE staff
Published date: 28 February 2023 

Huwwara rampage likened to Nazi pogrom

A prominent Israeli commentator for a right-wing news outlet compared the violent rampage by Israeli settlers against Palestinian towns on Sunday to Kristallnacht or the "Night of Broken Glass".

Nahum Barnea on Monday wrote for Yedioth Ahronot that settlers "staged their own Kristallnacht in Huwwara," referring to the state-directed pogrom against Jews carried out by the Nazi Party in Germany in 1938.

"What went down… is to be carefully spoken about," Barnea said.

Huwwara riots: Eyewitness account of Israeli settler attack on Palestinian town
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"The settlers felt the Palestinians must pay a heavy price. At least one Palestinian was shot dead, others were rescued from their homes by security forces, moments before their homes burned to the ground. Kristallnacht was relived in Huwwara."

The veteran writer said rioting settlers feel "immune to the law" and that fear of the state does not apply to them.

He added that the violent rampage reflected the current far-right government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"Smotrich and Ben-Gvir likely see a bit of themselves in the delinquents in Huwwara. When they were young, they acted the same way. Have they matured? Perhaps, but not enough."

Hundreds of Israeli settlers, flanked by soldiers, attacked Palestinian towns and villages near Nablus in the occupied West Bank on Sunday following a shooting that killed two Israelis in Huwwara town earlier in the day.

The assaults left one Palestinian dead, nearly 400 wounded and dozens of homes and cars burned or destroyed.

Military accused of 'deliberately turning blind eye'

A leading Haaretz columnist criticised the Israeli military for inaction during the Huwwara "pogrom" and warned it will lead to "Sabra and Shatila 2".

Gideon Levy accused Israeli security agencies of failing to stop the violent settler marches "whether out of apathy and complacency, or because they were very deliberately turning a blind eye".

The Israeli military and reporters said soldiers attempted to prevent rioting settlers from reaching Huwwara, but "one way or another" they made it through, Levy said.

Sabra and Shatila massacre survivors: 'It can’t be unseen'
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However, he added, no one has taken responsibility for what has happened so far.

Israeli forces arrested only eight people for their alleged involvement in the rampage. They were all later released.

"Turning a blind eye in this way conjures up forgotten memories," Levy wrote.

"The IDF [Israeli military] also turned a blind eye in 1982 at the Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Chatila in Lebanon, making it possible for Lebanese Phalangist militias to commit the terrible massacres there," he added.

"On Sunday, [settlers] made do with sowing destruction. But just wait for their next act of revenge, particularly when no one is brought to justice and punished for Sunday's pogrom. Sabra and Shatila 2 is on the way and no one's doing anything to stop it."

Israel launched an attack on Beirut on 15 September 1982 - breaking a weeks-long ceasefire that saw members of the Palestine Liberation Organisation leave the city - and sealed off the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps.

On 16 September, the Phalange, a right-wing Christian Lebanese militia group, entered the Sabra and Shatila camps in response to the assassination of Lebanon's Christian president, Bachir Gemayel. They killed as many as 3,500 Palestinian and Lebanese civilians.
Israel 'could be open to war crimes charges'

An Israeli legal expert said Tuesday that if the Huwwara attacks are not investigated internally, Israel could face war crimes charges by international courts.

In an op-ed published in the right-wing Times of Israel website, David Kretzmer said rioters could be liable for committing war crimes after they violently rampaged through Palestinian towns.

Israel: Legal scholars call for 'war crimes' investigation into Smotrich remarks
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The law professor explained that Israel, as the occupying power in the West Bank, has a duty under international law to protect the local civilian population and prosecute persons responsible for war crimes.

If Israeli authorities fail to do so, the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague may try those who committed war crimes.

"When at last security forces did arrive on the scene, they failed to contain the violence. Even more depressing was the support for the pogrom by leading members of the coalition," Kretzmer said.

"It is hard to know which is worse: that the failure was due to incompetence or negligence, or because for political reasons the commanders did not want to enter into confrontation with the settlers."

On Monday, 22 Israeli legal experts called on the attorney general to investigate pro-settler MPs - including far-right minister Bezalel Smotrich - for "inducing war crimes" over their public support for violent riots.

They argued that remarks made by the politicians "amount to encouragement to commit similar attacks in the future" and breached international law.

*Israeli press review is a digest of news reports not independently verified as accurate by Middle East Eye.
Israel: Settler terrorism is now the law

Massed groups of settlers sweeping unchecked through Huwwara seeking vengeance. This is all on Israel's new fascist government

Richard Silverstein
1 March 2023 

An Israeli soldier and a settlement guard jog past a burning car, reportedly set on fire by settlers, in the Palestinian village of Burin, occupied West Bank, 25 February 2023 (AFP)

On Sunday, a Palestinian gunman killed two Israeli settlers outside the village of Huwwara.

The killing was in retaliation for Israel's massive attack on Nablus a few days earlier, in which 11 Palestinians were murdered and the main shopping street was partially destroyed.

They swept through the town, burning everything in sight - cars, houses, utility poles - all the while bellowing cries of vengeance

After the Huwwara killings, hundreds of soldiers and Shin Bet agents swarmed through the village in search of the gunman. But when night fell, there was not a soldier in sight. That's when Jewish settlers massed in their hundreds and swept through the town, burning everything in sight - cars, houses, utility poles - all the while bellowing cries of vengeance. They even brazenly posted celebratory messages to social media platforms.

One Palestinian was shot and killed and more than 400 Palestinians were wounded, including a baby who was seriously injured.

On Monday, the army has taken over the entire town. All shops have been closed. Of the eight settlers arrested during the height of the riots, all have been released.
Settler terrorism

Although many Israelis took to social media to express their shock, with some likening it to a pogrom or Kristallnacht, another called it the triumph of the "Zionist Reich" and a third wrote on Facebook: "Welcome to 1933."

However, settler terrorism is nothing new to the Palestinians, with settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank on a year-to-year upward trend since 2016, according to the UN.

Huwwara riots: Eyewitness account of Israeli settler attack on Palestinian town
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There were at least 849 attacks by settlers against Palestinians in 2022, with at least 228 of them leading to casualties, UN data shows. In comparison, 496 attacks were recorded in 2021 and 358 in 2020.

Out of last year’s total attacks, 594 led to damage to properties. According to the Jerusalem-based Land Research Centre, 13,130 Palestinian-owned olive trees were damaged.

UN experts accuse Israeli authorities of being complicit in settler violence.

"Disturbing evidence of Israeli forces frequently facilitating, supporting and participating in settler attacks, makes it difficult to discern between Israeli settler and state violence," a UN statement issued last year said.

Huwwara, home to 7,000 Palestinians and encircled by Jewish settlements, has been the scene of repeated attacks in recent months.

While these latest events seem, on the surface, extraordinary and unprecedented, they are a direct reflection of the new Israeli government.

Not only is it the most extremist in the country’s history but, for the first time, it includes convicted terrorists as senior ministers. They endorse and embrace this violence. They scorn the instruments of the state - the army and police - which have exerted a limited amount of control over such extremist violence under previous governments.

Such collusion between state forces and settlers engaged in wanton acts of terrorism against the Palestinians threatens to turn Israel into a lawless state. Now, for the first time, homicidal violence, kept in check in the past, has been unleashed - with the government tacitly endorsing it.
Vigilante militia

We are no longer talking about a Third Intifada, although Palestinians will certainly retaliate. During previous Palestinian uprisings, the Israeli government’s response, while employing excessive use of force, when compared to what is going on today, probably showed some measure of restraint.

Now, the gloves are off and the state and these vigilante militias have unleashed a terrifying level of violence.

Without direct and decisive outside intervention by the US, the European Union and the United Nations, there may be much more bloodshed, including the ransacking of dozens, if not more, of Palestinian villages.

The final goal of these Israeli terrorists is the complete eradication of a Palestinian presence in Israel-Palestine, followed by the destruction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex and the building of a Third Temple.

How far will the world let this progress?

‘This pogrom is massive’

Two reporters, one of them Haaretz's Josh Breiner, documented the pogrom. He tweeted that for the first time in his career as a journalist, Israelis had fired live ammunition directly at him.

I confirmed with another Israeli reporter that this gunman was wearing an Israeli army uniform. It's astonishing that an apparently active-duty soldier would attempt to kill an Israeli reporter. I contacted the Israeli army chief press officer for comment but did not receive a response by the time of writing.

The army and the settlers have joined sides - something every Israeli activist already knew. But this highlights it in an especially disturbing way.

West Bank: How Nablus became the main hub for Israeli settler violence
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Of course, the Palestinians face this danger every day. But it must be difficult for a privileged Israeli to imagine that the Judeo thugs could hate him so much that they'd be just as happy if he were dead than alive.

In a Twitter thread, Breiner offered an eyewitness account: “You've certainly asked yourselves how many arrests there were on this night when Jews carried out a pogrom in a Palestinian village, burning houses and cars, pelting journalists with stones during the major riots, all under the nose of the IDF.

"And so, as expected, the answer is: no arrests [Breiner later updated that six have been arrested]. You can be sure that there is one minister [Ben Gvir] who didn't cry at the sight of the flames in Hawara. He promised to be the owner of the house, no? [Ben Gvir says that Arabs will have to get used to the fact that Jews are the 'landlord' in Israel].”

Palestinian journalist Muhammad Shehada's reporting on Twitter offered a detailed account of the extent of the devastation: “Hundreds of settlers are attacking Huwara, escorted & guarded by Israeli soldiers. Palestinian residents are caged in. Mosques’ loudspeakers are pleading for help. Anyone trying to defend themselves is attacked by settlers & soldiers. This pogrom is massive! Fires everywhere!”
'Hawara must be erased'

Israeli journalist Edo Konrad tweeted that Bezalel Smotrich, a senior government minister, who was once arrested by the Shin Bet while transporting an explosive device intended for a protest against the Gaza withdrawal, liked a tweet calling for the "erasure" (i.e. genocide) of Huwwara:

This is a translation of the genocide tweet which Konrad retweets: "The village of Hawara must be erased today. Enough with statements about building and strengthening settlements. The deterrence we've lost must be regained immediately, with no place for mercy."

Settlers aren't listening to Netanyahu. He is irrelevant. They already took the law into their own hands. In fact, there is no law

Fania Oz-Salzberger, daughter of the late Israeli novelist Amos Oz, likened the settler attack to a Cossack pogrom. She invoked the name of the leader of the thuggery, Bogdan Chmielnicki, the 17th-century Ukrainian military commander responsible for the murders of tens of thousands of Jews.

Translation: "Jewish thugs burning down homes in Hawara in the finest tradition of Chmielnicki. One person critically wounded, families rescued from burning buildings, scores suffering from tear gas inhalation. An army reserve unit quickly mobilised and sent 'to bring calm'. What? To embrace the pogromniks and stroke their heads?"

Jews have suffered their share of pogroms: the Romans burned rabbis at the stake; the Spanish Inquisition tortured them on the rack; Hitler gassed millions of European Jews in the extermination camps.

Given the massive violence in Huwwara, it is ghoulish for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to release a statement asking settlers "not to take the law into their own hands".

That horse has already left the barn. Settlers aren't listening to him. He is irrelevant. They already took the law, and much else, into their own hands.

In fact, there is no law. The settlers rule and no one stands in their way.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Eye.

Richard Silverstein writes the Tikun Olam blog, devoted to exposing the excesses of the Israeli national security state. His work has appeared in Haaretz, the Forward, the Seattle Times and the Los Angeles Times. He contributed to the essay collection devoted to the 2006 Lebanon war, A Time to Speak Out (Verso) and has another essay in the collection, Israel and Palestine: Alternate Perspectives on Statehood (Rowman & Littlefield) Photo of RS by: (Erika Schultz/Seattle Times)
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Israel's Smotrich wants 'another Nakba', says former defence minister

For right-wing minister Bezalel Smotrich, 'escalation is desirable' after settlers rampage through Palestinian town, says Benny Gantz

Palestinians walk near cars burned in an attack by Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank, on 27 February 2023 (Reuters)

By MEE staff
Published date: 28 February 2023 

Former Israeli defence minister Benny Gantz has said that far-right minister Bezalel Smotrich is supporting the settler violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, adding that Smotrich "wants another Nakba".

"Smotrich wants to cause another Palestinian Nakba - for him, escalation is a desirable thing," Gantz told Army Radio.

The Nakba, which means "the catastrophe" in Arabic, is the name given to the massacres and forced expulsion Palestinians endured at the hands of Zionist militias in 1948, as the new Israeli state came into existence.

Entire Palestinian villages were destroyed, with Zionist gangs indiscriminately killing unarmed civilians and burying some in mass graves. The Nakba left an estimated 15,000 Palestinians dead and some 750,000 fleeing their homes to live as refugees.

After helping earthquake victims, this Palestinian was killed by an Israeli rampage
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Gantz, who is leader of the National Unity Party in Israel, said he was "disturbed" by the support Israeli settlers who rampaged through a Palestinian town have received, describing them as a "militia with backing from some coalition figures".

"This is a very dangerous slope, one that cannot be allowed to stand," Gantz told Radio 103 in a separate interview, as quoted by The Times of Israel.

Hundreds of Israeli settlers, with the protection of Israeli forces, attacked Palestinian towns and villages near Nablus on Sunday, following a shooting that killed two Israelis in the town of Huwwara earlier in the day.

The assaults left one Palestinian dead, nearly 400 wounded and dozens of homes and cars burned or destroyed.

Before and after the mob violence took place, several Israeli politicians seemed to encourage or support the settlers' actions.

Smotrich, the finance minister who is also responsible for the occupied West Bank civil administration, liked a tweet that called for Israeli politicians to show no mercy and that the "village of Huwwara should be erased today".

Settler groups publicly announced their intention to carry out "revenge" in Huwwara on Sunday, and even shared the information on social media.

Settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank has been on a year-to-year upward trend since 2016, according to the UN.

Nearly 700,000 settlers live in more than 250 settlements and outposts across the West Bank and East Jerusalem in violation of international law.

There were at least 849 attacks by settlers against Palestinians in 2022, with at least 228 of them leading to casualties, UN data shows. In comparison, 496 attacks were recorded in 2021 and 358 in 2020.

Meanwhile, Israeli forces resumed their nightly raids in the occupied West Bank overnight. They have become a regular occurrence for Palestinians in the occupied territories, inflaming tensions since Israel intensified them last year.