Tuesday, March 07, 2023


UN Adopts High Seas Treaty with Protected Zones and Shipping Limits

UN High Seas Treaty
UN agreed to the first ever high seas treaty which would protect up to a third of the world's oceans



United Nations delegates completed the first-ever high seas treaty after a non-stop two-day marathon session going beyond the declared end for the fifth round of negotiations. The agreement is being hailed by world leaders, scientists, and environmental groups as it sets in place the first framework for managing the use of the oceans beyond national jurisdiction covering the areas beyond the 200 nautical miles boundaries for countries' territorial waters.

The UN’s Secretary-General issued a statement commending the delegates for finalizing the text to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans. He called the agreement a breakthrough noting that it impacts two-thirds of the oceans, and laying out specific rules for about a third of the world’s oceans.

Agreement among the UN members however was long in coming. Talks toward the treaty began nearly 20 years ago and stem from a 2017 resolution that moves to follow up on a UN recommendation to develop an agreement on the use of global marine resources. The mandate was to extend the United Nations Convention on the Law of Sea, which came into force in 1994, with four prior rounds of negotiations in 2018, 2019, and 2022 before this weekend’s agreement.

Historically, very little of the high seas has been subject to any direct protection. The waters had been open for fishing, shipping, and research with scientists increasingly expressing concern about the impact of these activities and the role the oceans play in combating global warming. They note that the oceans absorb up to 90 percent of excess warming, while environmentalists have also expressed fears that nearly 10 percent of marine species are at risk of near-term extinction.

“Two-thirds of the ocean has just been exposed to the will and want of all,” said Rebecca Hubbard, the director of the High Seas Alliance consortium of nongovernmental organizations during an interview with The Washington Post on Sunday. “We have never been able to protect and manage marine life in the ocean beyond countries’ jurisdictions,” she said. “This is absolutely world-changing.”

Late on Saturday, Rena Lee of Singapore who was president for the session rose and announced “the ship has reached the shore,” receiving a standing ovation from the delegates on news that the agreement had been reached. The draft text calls for placing 30 percent of the world’s oceans into protected areas and putting more money into marine conservation. It includes sections that cover access to these areas and the use of marine resources. 

Environmentalists immediately reacted positively to the news saying that the agreement builds on the initiatives launched last December at the UN Biodiversity Conference that called for protecting a third of the world’s oceans by 2030. Greenpeace says that 4.2 million square miles of oceans need to be put under protection in each of the next seven years to meet the 2030 target.

“With the agreement on the UN High Seas Treaty, we take a crucial step forward to preserve the marine life and biodiversity that are essential,” said Virginijus Sinkevicius, the European commissioner for the environment, oceans, and fisheries. 

A coalition that included the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, and China helped to bring the final agreement together overcoming issues including economic concerns, especially for emerging nations. The EU pledged $42 million to facilitate the ratification of the treaty and its early implementation. Nearly 200 nations approved the final text but to go into force the nations must adopt the treaty, which is expected to take years. 

The agreement provides a legal framework along with the establishment of a conference that will finalize details, meet periodically, and enable member states to be held accountable on issues such as biodiversity and governance. It provides for strict limits on fishing activity as well as addressing mineralization and shipping lanes and provides for nations to coordinate on issues such as environmental impact assessments and share resources.

“What happens on the high seas will no longer be ‘out of sight, out of mind,” said Jessica Battle of WWF in a statement. “We can now look at the cumulative impacts on our ocean in a way that reflects the interconnected blue economy and the ecosystems that support it.”

The IMO highlighted that it had been present throughout the negotiations and potentially seeking to calm some of the fears highlighted that “ships plying their trade across the world’s oceans are subject to stringent environmental, safety and security rules, which apply throughout their voyage.” The IMO pointed to more than 50 globally binding treaties and recent efforts at enhancing those efforts such as MARPOL and the ballast water management convention. The IMO also highlighted its efforts at keeping shipping away from whales’ breeding grounds, the Polar Code for the Arctic and Antarctic, and the guidance on protecting marine life from underwater ship noise.

It will take time for some of the impacts of the treaty to become fully apparent to the shipping community. While the treaty provides the tools to create and manage marine protected areas it falls to the newly created commission to complete the definitions and determine elements such as if ships will be excluded from operating entirely in the zones.

Environmentalists are also seeking to use the framework to pursue additional elements such as water pollution from ships and further restrictions on ballast water management. With more elements of discharges even in the deep sea coming under regulation some have suggested that the new treaty can be leveraged to stop the use of open-loop scrubbers.

Another of the areas that the threat seeks to restrict is deep-sea mining. The International Seabed Authority which oversees this emerging area said the treaty means that stringent environmental regulations and oversight would now govern any future efforts at extracting minerals from the ocean floor.

Environmentalists and conservation groups are calling the agreement the first step to protecting ocean life and bringing the oceans into the fight against climate change. They are vowing to keep up the pressure to ensure the treaty is adopted and enforced. 


MOL’s Smallest Ship Collects Marine Debris off Bali

debris collection boat
MOL demonstrated its debris collection ship in Bali (MOL)



Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, best known for its fleets of dry bulkers and car carriers, has launched possibly its smallest and most unique vessel. The vessel is designed to collect debris from the waters and is part of the company’s environmental efforts. 

Named Arika, MOL conducted a demonstration of its marine debris collection vessel off the coast of Bali in Indonesia on March 1. The vessel was apparently developed with a Turkish company EPS Marine which pioneered the concept of converting skinners into boats that could collect debris and trash floating in the water. MOL purchased the vessel through PT MOL Blue Ocean Indonesia, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the MOL Group. In addition to the boat, the company also demonstrated a collection device that is towed across the beach attached to a tractor.

While Bali, Indonesia, has a diverse and rich natural environment, the problem of marine debris is becoming more serious. MOL cites the impact of rapid urbanization and population growth as contributing to the increase in litter.

The marine debris collection ship and coastal debris collection device both feature conveyor belts that collect debris from the water and along the shore.



Starting with a demonstration of marine debris collection in Bali, Indonesia, MOL aims to commercialize the technology and started a feasibility study of the business model for the introduction of a marine debris collection ship in Vietnam. Last year they reported the survey would last about a year and include verification of the business model and evaluations of local shipyards that could build collection ships while also considering cooperation with Vietnamese government ministries and agencies.

MOL cites experts who report that plastic waste accounts for an estimated 70 percent of marine debris, while forecasting by 2050, the volume of plastic waste in the oceans might exceed that of fish. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) lists China, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam as leading sources of plastic waste. The volume of debris in Southeast Asia they report accounts for the majority of plastic in the oceans, with 700,000 tons, accounting for six percent of the worldwide total, originating in Vietnam and other Asian countries. Vietnam's long north-south coastline makes it more susceptible to debris flowing into the ocean, and the volume of waste is increasing along with rapid urbanization.

Plastic debris floating in the oceans is also thought to contribute to the increase in microplastic particles which are of increasing concern to scientists and environmentalists. MOL previously announced that it was testing a filtration system that could remove microparticles during ballast water operations. Last year they also began testing a centrifugal-type microplastic collection device, which can continuously collect the material while a vessel is underway.


Imabari Builds World’s First Ship Using Kobe's Low CO2 Steel

Low CO2 steel shipbuilding
Japan's Imabari will for the first time use low CO2 steel to build a bulker (Imabari file photo)



Japan’s Imabari Shipbuilding Co. has decided to build a new 180,000 dwt dry bulk carrier using a low CO2 blast furnace steel material commercialized by Kobe Steel Corporation. According to the companies, the project will make Imabari the first shipbuilding company in the world to use low-CO2 steel in a large shipbuilding project.

No specific details were provided on the vessel other than to say it is expected to be delivered in January 2024. The Imabari Shipbuilding Group said the project is part of its efforts to develop methods of construction that not only create environmentally friendly ships but also reduce power consumption in production and the amount of raw materials used in the manufacturing process. The company adopted the product known as Kobenable Steel for its ability to lower CO2 emissions in the shipbuilding process compared to conventional steel products. 

Imabari Shipbuilding Group is the largest builder in Japan with the company calculating that it represented a third of the Japanese shipbuilding market in 2021. Globally, Imabari accounted for more than six percent of the world market in 2021 (based on gross tonnage), with Japan having approximately an 18 percent market share. The company said it has decided to use  Kobenable Premier, which provides a 100 percent reduction in CO2 emissions using the mass-balance method. The new steel would be a marketing advantage for the shipbuilder going forward as ship owners looking to reduce emissions tired to their operations.

Kobenable Steel, which was introduced in 2022, is manufactured in the same process as the conventional blast furnace method. It utilizes a technology that can significantly reduce CO2 emissions from the blast furnace, which was demonstrated by charging the blast furnace at Kobe’s Kakogawa Works production site to provide a large amount of hot briquetted iron (HBI) manufactured with a natural gas process that can reduce CO2 emissions by 20 to 40 percent.

The mass balance methodology is used in producing the steel product which involves a mix of raw materials to achieve the reduction of CO2. For the ironmaking process, Kobe says it is possible to reduce the amount of coke used and thereby reduce CO2 emissions by replacing a portion of iron ore with HBI. They said the resulting product maintains the same level of high quality as conventional products, but there was no discussion of the cost compared to conventional steel.

The first commercial application of Kobe’s new steel product was announced at the end of 2022 for a large construction project in Tokyo. The calculation method for the CO2 reduction and results are certified by the DNV Business Assurance services, as a third-party certification body. At the time of the sale of the products, Kobe Steel is providing the third-party certificate issued by DNV and a low-CO2 steel product certificate issued by the company. They said the volume of steel that will be able available will depend on the certification body.

Op-Ed: Releasing Fukushima's Radioactive Water Won't Cause Harm

Tepco photo of the tank storage farm at Fukushima Daiichi
Tank storage for water contaminated with radioactive tritium at Fukushima Daiichi (Tepco file image)



Japanese authorities are preparing to release treated radioactive wastewater into the Pacific Ocean, nearly 12 years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster. This will relieve pressure on more than 1,000 storage tanks, creating much-needed space for other vital remediation works. But the plan has attracted controversy.

At first glance, releasing radioactive water into the ocean does sound like a terrible idea. Greenpeace feared the radioactivity released might change human DNA, China and South Korea expressed disquiet, while Pacific Island nations were concerned about further nuclear contamination of the Blue Pacific. One academic publication claimed the total global social welfare cost could exceed US$200 billion.

But the Japanese government, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and independent scientists have declared the planned release to be reasonable and safe.

Based on our collective professional experience in nuclear science and nuclear power, we have reached the same conclusion. Our assessment is based on the type of radioactivity to be released, the amount of radioactivity already present in the ocean, and the high level of independent oversight from the IAEA.

How much water is there, and what’s in it?

The storage tanks at Fukushima contain 1.3 million tonnes of water, equivalent to around 500 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

Contaminated water is produced daily by ongoing reactor cooling. Contaminated groundwater also collects in the basements of the damaged reactor buildings.

The water is being cleaned by a technology called ALPS, or Advanced Liquid Processing System. This removes the vast majority of the problematic elements.

The ALPS treatment can be repeated until concentrations are below regulatory limits. Independent monitoring by the IAEA will ensure all requirements are met before discharge.

The main radioactive contaminant remaining after treatment is tritium, a radioactive form of hydrogen (H) that is difficult to remove from water (H?O). There is no technology to remove trace levels of tritium from this volume of water.

Tritium has a half-life of 12.3 years, meaning 100 years passes before the radioactivity is negligible. It is unrealistic to store the water for such a long time as the volumes are too great. Extended storage also increases the risk of accidental uncontrolled release.

Like all radioactive elements, international standards exist for safe levels of tritium. For liquids, these are measured in Bq per litre, where one Bq (becquerel) is defined as one radioactive decay per second. At the point of release, the Japanese authorities have chosen a conservative concentration limit of 1,500Bq per litre, seven times smaller than the World Health Organization’s recommended limit of 10,000Bq per litre for drinking water.

Why is it acceptable to release tritium into the ocean?

One surprising thing about radiation is how common it is. Almost everything is radioactive to some degree, including air, water, plants, basements and granite benchtops. Even a long-haul airline flight supplies a few chest X-rays worth of radiation to everyone on board.

In the case of tritium, natural processes in the atmosphere generate 50-70 peta-becquerels (PBq) of tritium every year. This number is difficult to grasp, so it’s helpful to think of it as grams of pure tritium. Using the conversion factor of 1PBq = 2.79g, we see that 150-200g of tritium is created naturally each year.

Looking at the Pacific Ocean, around 8.4kg (3,000PBq) of tritium is already in the water. By comparison, the total amount of tritium in the Fukushima wastewater is vastly smaller, at around 3g (1PBq).

Japanese authorities are not planning to release the water all at once. Instead, just 0.06g (22TBq) of tritium is scheduled for release each year. Compared with the radioactivity already present in the Pacific, the planned annual release is a literal drop in the ocean.

The current levels of tritium radioactivity in the Pacific are not of concern, and so the small amount to be added by the Fukushima water won’t cause any harm.

What’s more, tritium only makes a tiny contribution to the total radioactivity of the oceans. Ocean radioactivity is mostly due to potassium, an element essential for life and present in all cells. In the Pacific Ocean there is 7.4 million PBq of radioactivity from potassium, more than 1,000 times greater than the amount due to tritium.

How do other countries manage the discharge of tritium?

All nuclear power plants produce some tritium, which is routinely discharged into the ocean and other waterways. The amount generated depends on the type of reactor.

Boiling water reactors, such as at Fukushima, produce relatively low quantities. When Fukushima was operating, the tritium discharge limit was set at 22TBq per year. That figure is far below a level that could cause harm, but is reasonably achievable for this type of power plant.

In contrast, the UK Heysham nuclear power plant has a limit of 1300TBq per year because this type of gas-cooled reactor produces a lot of tritium. Heysham has been discharging tritium for 40 years without harm to people or the environment.

Annual tritium discharge at nearby nuclear power plants far exceeds what is proposed for Fukushima. The Fuqing plant in China discharged 52TBq in 2020, while the Kori plant in South Korea discharged 50TBq in 2018.

Each of these power plants releases more than twice the amount to be released from Fukushima.

Are there other reasons for not releasing the water?

Objections to the planned release have been the subject of widespread media coverage. TIME magazine recently explained how Pacific Island nations have been grappling for decades with the legacy of Cold War nuclear testing. The Guardian ran an opinion piece from Pacific activists, who argued if the waste was safe, then “dump it in Tokyo, test it in Paris, and store it in Washington, but keep our Pacific nuclear-free”.

But the Pacific has always contained radioactivity, from potassium in particular. The extra radioactivity to be added from the Fukushima water will make the most miniscule of differences.

Striking a different tone, The Pacific Island Forum commissioned a panel of experts to provide independent technical advice and guidance, and help address concerns on the wastewater. The panel was critical of the quantity and quality of data from the Japanese authorities, and advised that Japan should defer the impending discharge.

While we are sympathetic to the view that the scientific data could be improved, our assessment is the panel is unfairly critical of ocean release.

The main thing missing from the report is a sense of perspective. The public seminar from the expert panel, available on YouTube, presents only a portion of the context we provide above. Existing tritium in the ocean isn’t discussed, and the dominance of potassium is glossed over.

The most reasonable comments regard the performance of ALPS. This is largely in the context of strontium-90 and cesium-137, both of which are legitimate isotopes of concern.

However, the panel implies that the authorities don’t know what is in the tanks, and that ALPS doesn’t work properly. There actually is a lot of public information on both topics. Perhaps it could be repackaged in a clearer way for others to understand. But the inferences made by the panel give the wrong impression.

The most important thing the panel overlooks is that the contaminated water can be repeatedly passed through ALPS until it is safe for release. For some tanks a single pass will suffice, while for others additional cycles are required.

The big picture

The earthquake was the primary environmental disaster, and the planet will be dealing with the consequences for decades. In our view, the release of Fukushima wastewater does not add to the disaster.

It’s easy to understand why people are concerned about the prospect of radioactive liquid waste being released into the ocean. But the water is not dangerous. The nastiest elements have been removed, and what remains is modest compared with natural radioactivity.

We hope science will prevail and Japan will be allowed to continue the recovery process.

Nigel Marks is an Associate Professor of Physics at Curtin University.

Brendan Kennedy is a Professor of Chemistry at University of Sydney.

Tony Irwin is an Honorary Associate Professor in Nuclear Reactors and Nuclear Fuel Cycle at Australian National University.

This article appears courtesy of The Conversation and may be found in its original form here.

The Conversation

The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Maritime Executive.


Spill From Sunken Tanker Spreads Through Central Philippine Islands

DENR photo of oil slick
Image courtesy DENR



According to local officials, the wreck of the tanker Princess Empress has been located, aiding the effort to contain her cargo of fuel oil and potentially stop the leakage. 

The product tanker Princess Empress sank off Balingawan Point on Feb. 28 after losing power in rough seas. The 20 members of her crew were all safely rescued by a good samaritan vessel, and no injuries were reported. However, the vessel was carrying a cargo of about 210,000 gallons of fuel oil, and she began spilling petroleum into the water. By Wednesday, the spill had reached the shoreline near the towns of Pola, Pinamalayan, Barangay Aplaya and Bongabong on Mindoro's eastern coast. 

The Philippine Department of the Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) reported Monday that it has found the wreck. The survey ship BRP Hydrographer Ventura found the remains of the tanker in about 1200 feet of water off the coast of Mindoro, northeast of Pola. According to the governor of Oriental Mindoro, Bonz Dolor, the tanker's final resting place is located about 7.5 nautical miles off Balingawan Point. The reported wreck location will help guide ROV inspection efforts, and DENR said that it is working to gain access to an ROV. 

The shipowner, identified as RDC Reield Marine Services, has hired two response companies to attempt to control the spill. Harbor Star Shipping Services will provide oil containment and ROV services, while Malayan Towing and Salvage will provide additional support. The ROV equipment should be on scene and operational by the end of the week, according to Rappler. 

In the meantime, Philippine officials are concerned at the growing extent of the spill, which has spread into a slick of about 500 yards wide by 15 nm long. Over the weekend, drifting oil pollution reached the Caluya Islands, some 75 nm to the south of the wreck site. The area is just 20 nm west of Boracay, a popular island resort hub known for its white sand beaches. 

"If the oil reaches Boracay, the consequences for the island are unpredictable," a regional tourism official told EFE. 

The long-term rehabilitation of the affected shoreline on Mindoro will take longer than the immediate spill response, and the damage has not yet been calculated. Dozens of designated marine sanctuaries are at risk of pollution, including mangroves, reefs and seagrass beds, and at least seven named protected areas have already been affected by oil. 

Study Sheds New Light on How Reflagging Helps Hide Illegal Fishing

EJF file image



[By David Adam]

Originally a way for fighting ships to communicate, maritime flags have evolved into a complex international language. There exist flags to indicate to other seafarers which way a ship will turn, to appeal for medical assistance and even to warn that a vessel is on fire.

The most significant flag tends to be flown at the stern. Called an ensign, this shows which country the ship is registered in. Like all allegiances, ships can make, break and change their link to individual countries. And it often suits them to, because it changes the rules they must abide by.

This was a popular tactic during the prohibition period in the US. American operators who wanted to serve alcohol onboard realized they could re-register their vessels as operating from Panama to avoid the unpopular US law. Since then, shipowners have selected which country’s flag to fly based on everything from which regime offered the lowest taxes to which allowed cruise lines to perform weddings at sea. It’s not unusual for a ship to leave port flying one nation’s flag and to return proudly displaying the colors of another.


Fishing vessels are no exception to such reflagging. And this can cause a problem for international efforts to regulate the industry and what its sailors are allowed to catch. While fishing boats are officially allowed to reflag, the rules say a vessel should have a genuine link with the country it selects. But unscrupulous operators often select a flag-of-convenience, choosing to register with a country with more relaxed rules. This can allow them to access new fishing grounds or avoid restrictions and penalties. 

“Reflagging is a problem because it allows rogue operators to fly under the radar,” says Gilles Hosch, a fisheries expert at Diatom Consulting in Luxembourg. “It reduces the costs associated with illegal fishing and makes it difficult to identify and penalize the real owners of vessels that fish illegally.”

Research from the international maritime intelligence organization TMT has shown that African coastal states are frequently chosen as flags of convenience by foreign fishing fleets.

Reflagging also makes it harder for the authorities to keep track of a vessel’s identity, especially if it switches often. Vessels that recurrently change their name, flag state or owner are more likely to be involved in illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. New research now goes some way to addressing this problem. A study led by Global Fishing Watch and published in the journal Science Advances reveals details of how often some fishing vessels change their flags, and offers some clues to their true histories and beneficial owners.

“When an operator or owner sells and buys a vessel, they need to change identity or flags. So that’s quite common. But abusive use of this practice might indicate IUU fishing,” says Jaeyoon Park, a researcher with Global Fishing Watch who led the new study.

The researchers used GPS coordinates beamed from boats fitted with a transponder. Collectively known as the automatic identification system (AIS), these transponders are designed to prevent collisions. They track the locations of some 70,000 vessels, including most fishing boats. The researchers could then work out where and when ships were fishing and visiting ports.

Publicly available AIS data provides some ship details but these are open to manipulation. So the study turned to some 40 different public registries that hold details on vessels including name and call sign, dimensions, tonnage, and fishing authorizations.

Then the researchers used machine learning to link the two data sources together, enabling them to compare identifying information on the AIS (who and what the ship claimed to be) with formal details recorded in the registries. This allowed them to track vessels over their lifetimes, and to map how often fishing boats reflagged.

That number was relatively small, with just 3% of identified fishing boats changing their flag in the last decade. But the same was not true for the support vessels that accompany fishing expeditions to carry away the catch or supply fuel. Some 28% of such ships, the study found, had been reflagged in the previous ten years. And while reflagging involved 116 different flag states, some 20% of these countries took part in 80% of flag-switching. Most occurred in Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Pacific Islands – with Panama the most active.

“This kind of information is useful because it allows us to gain a much better understanding of where global fleets are operating,” says Hosch.

How will this information help?

There are several overlapping initiatives already set up that try to make shipping identities and ownership more transparent. These include the Port State Measures Agreement and the Global Record of Fishing Vessels, Refrigerated Transport Vessels and Supply Vessels. Both of these require countries to more rigorously scrutinize ship movements and identities, and are regulated by the UN FAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization).

The new study results can help these efforts because they can show which ships are known to be playing fair, Park says, which allows the authorities to focus their resources elsewhere.

“Suspicious or illegal activity should be verified by countries and authorities,” he says. “But we can provide some indications so they don’t have to look at everything.”

One possible solution to tracking changes in identity would be to force fishing vessels to carry a unique serial number on their hull, which could be checked and verified. That’s a big step though, and Park says a more practical first step would be to consolidate all the already-available information into a comprehensive and transparent database.

“Only a small portion of fishing activity is suspicious,” he says. “More transparency helps this suspicious behavior stand out and makes it easier to tackle the problem.”

David Adam is a freelance journalist based near London.

This article appears courtesy of China Dialogue Ocean and may be found in its original form here

The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Maritime Executive.


Study finds perception of time linked to heartbeat

Peer-Reviewed Publication


ITHACA, N.Y. – How long is the present? The answer, Cornell University researchers suggest in a new study, depends on your heart. They found that our momentary perception of time is not continuous but may stretch or shrink with each heartbeat.

The research builds evidence that the heart is one of the brain’s important timekeepers and plays a fundamental role in our sense of time passing – an idea contemplated since ancient times, said Adam K. Anderson, professor of psychology.

“Time is a dimension of the universe and a core basis for our experience of self,” Anderson said. “Our research shows that the moment-to-moment experience of time is synchronized with, and changes with, the length of a heartbeat.”

The study, “Wrinkles in Subsecond Time Perception are Synchronized to the Heart,” published in the journal Psychophysiology.

Time perception typically has been tested over longer intervals, when research has shown that thoughts and emotions may distort our sense time, perhaps making it fly or crawl. Such findings, Anderson said, tend to reflect how we think about or estimate time, rather than our direct experience of it in the present moment.

To investigate that more direct experience, the researchers asked if our perception of time is related to physiological rhythms, focusing on natural variability in heart rates. The cardiac pacemaker “ticks” steadily on average, but each interval between beats is a tiny bit longer or shorter than the preceding one, like a second hand clicking at different intervals.

The team harnessed that variability in a novel experiment. Forty-five study participants – ages 18 to 21, with no history of heart trouble – were monitored with electrocardiography, or ECG, measuring heart electrical activity at millisecond resolution. The ECG was linked to a computer, which enabled brief tones lasting 80-180 milliseconds to be triggered by heartbeats. Study participants reported whether tones were longer or shorter relative to others.

The results revealed what the researchers called “temporal wrinkles.” When the heartbeat preceding a tone was shorter, the tone was perceived as longer. When the preceding heartbeat was longer, the sound’s duration seemed shorter.

“These observations systematically demonstrate that the cardiac dynamics, even within a few heartbeats, is related to the temporal decision-making process,” the authors wrote.

The study also showed the brain influencing the heart. After hearing tones, study participants focused attention on the sounds. That “orienting response” changed their heart rate, affecting their experience of time.

“The heartbeat is a rhythm that our brain is using to give us our sense of time passing,” Anderson said. “And that is not linear – it is constantly contracting and expanding.”

The scholars said the connection between time perception and the heart suggests our momentary perception of time is rooted in bioenergetics, helping the brain manage effort and resources based on changing body states including heart rate.

The research shows, Anderson said, that in subsecond intervals too brief for conscious thoughts or feelings, the heart regulates our experience of the present.

“Even at these moment-to-moment intervals, our sense of time is fluctuating,” he said. “A pure influence of the heart, from beat to beat, helps create a sense of time.”

For additional information, see this Cornell Chronicle story.

Cornell University has dedicated television and audio studios available for media interviews.


Disclaimer: AAAS and Eurek

Plastic containers can contain PFAS — and it’s getting into food

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Researchers at the University of Notre Dame study high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic containers for PFAS 



Researchers at the University of Notre Dame are adding to their list of consumer products that contain PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), a toxic class of fluorine compounds known as “forever chemicals.”

In a new study published in Environmental Science and Technology Letters, fluorinated high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic containers — used for household cleaners, pesticides, personal care products and, potentially, food packaging — tested positive for PFAS. Following a report conducted by the EPA that demonstrated this type of container contributed high levels of PFAS to a pesticide, this research demonstrates the first measurement of the ability of PFAS to leach from the containers into food as well as the effect of temperature on the leaching process.

Results also showed the PFAS were capable of migrating from the fluorinated containers into food, resulting in a direct route of significant exposure to the hazardous chemicals, which have been linked to several health issues including prostate, kidney and testicular cancers, low birth weight, immunotoxicity and thyroid disease.

“Not only did we measure significant concentrations of PFAS in these containers, we can estimate the PFAS that were leaching off creating a direct path of exposure,” said Graham Peaslee, professor of physics in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Notre Dame and an author of the study.

It’s important to note that these types of containers are not intended for food storage, but there is nothing preventing them from being used for food storage at the moment. Although not all HDPE plastic is fluorinated, the researchers noted, it’s often impossible for a consumer to know whether a container has had that treatment. And indeed, Peaslee added, if substances like pesticides are stored in these containers, and then are used on agricultural crops, these same PFAS will get into human food sources that way.

In 2021 the EPA announced its PFAS Strategic Roadmap — promising to act on widespread exposure to PFAS. The plan includes developing a more comprehensive understanding of the health and environmental effects of PFAS exposure, preventing further contamination of air, land and water and addressing the need for cleanup of PFAS already in the environment.

PFAS is often used in association with stain- or water-resistant products. For the study, Peaslee and graduate student Heather Whitehead tested HDPE containers that were treated with fluorine to create a thin layer of a fluoropolymer, as a means to impart chemical resistance and improve container performance over long storage periods. While these materials generally stay in the container wall, the manufacturing process can generate lots of smaller PFAS molecules, which are not polymers. Experiments were designed to measure the ability of these chemicals to migrate from the container to samples of different foods and solvents.

Analysis of the containers found parts-per-billion levels of PFAS that could migrate into both solvents and food matrices in as little as one week.

“We measured concentrations of PFOA that significantly exceeded the limit set by the EPA’s 2022 Health Advisory Limits,” said Peaslee. “Now, consider that not only do we know that the chemicals are migrating into the substances stored in them, but that the containers themselves work their way back into the environment through landfills. PFAS doesn’t biodegrade. It doesn’t go away. Once these chemicals are used, they get into the groundwater, they get into our biological systems, and they cause significant health problems.”

Peaslee and Whitehead measured PFAS concentrations in olive oil, ketchup and mayonnaise that had been in contact with the fluorinated containers for seven days at various temperatures. Based on the amount found in the different food samples, the study estimates enough PFAS could be ingested through food stored in the containers to be a significant risk of exposure.

The containers are the latest products in a long list of those tested by Peaslee and his lab at Notre Dame, including cosmeticsfirefighting gearschool uniforms and fast food wrappers.

New study to explore how the Gulf Stream affects climate change and the carbon cycle

Grant and Award Announcement


The University of Liverpool is leading a new collaborative research project to explore how the Gulf Stream affects the climate system through the transport of nutrients and carbon.

Funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and US National Science Foundation (NSF), the £3.7 million project will use sensors located in the fast-flowing waters moving through Florida Straits and autonomous vehicles roaming the upper 2000m of the Atlantic basin to measure nutrient and carbon levels, and the amount of turbulence in the Gulf Stream.

This data will be used alongside the latest state-of-the-art ocean and climate models to find out more about how the Gulf Stream current affects the transport of nutrients and carbon and if it enhances or inhibits the uptake of carbon dioxide by the ocean.

Originating at the tip of Florida, the Gulf Stream is generally viewed to lead to milder winters in Europe through its role in transporting heat over the Atlantic basin. However, less is known about the role it plays in the strength and pattern of carbon uptake over the North Atlantic.

Professor Ric Williams, Chair in Ocean and Climate Sciences at the University of Liverpool and co-lead of the University of Liverpool’s Climate Futures research theme, will lead the programme.

He said: “We know that the Gulf Stream is important for supplying heat to higher latitudes, leading to a warmer European climate. However, we need to better understand the role of the Gulf Stream on the carbon cycle given that the ocean takes up nearly 25% of the extra carbon emitted to the atmosphere.

The prevailing view of how the ocean affects the uptake of carbon dioxide is often outdated and generally ignores the three-dimensional aspect of the ocean circulation. In contrast, we aim to test the viewpoint that the Gulf Stream helps determine the strength and pattern of carbon uptake over the North Atlantic.

“The natural carbon sinks in the ocean and land are thought to be becoming less effective in taking up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, a key finding of the 2021 Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) report.  This ocean and land carbon uptake then ultimately affects how much carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere and so affects how much our climate system continues to warm, including determining whether there is continued warming when we reach net zero.”

The four year programme supports a team of experienced and early career researchers from the University of Liverpool, the National Oceanography Centre, the University of Southampton, the British Antarctic Survey, the Scottish Association for Marine Science and the University of Miami augmented by project partners at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Rhode Island and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in the USA, and from research institutes in Bergen in Norway, Brest in France and Texel in the Netherlands.