Saturday, September 02, 2023

Public Law Project: Immigration minister is wrong to say Illegal Migration Act is compatible with the UK’s international obligations


Robert Jenrick responds to PLP's concerns, but PLP says his claims are inaccurate

Date of Publication:
31 August 2023

The Public Law Project (PLP) yesterday published correspondence from the immigration minister Robert Jenrick in which he defended the lawfulness of the Illegal Migration Act 2023.

Boat at seaJenrick was responding to a July letter by PLP and three other European rights groups urging the Government to reconsider the then Illegal Migration Bill. The groups warned that the Bill would undermine the international rules-based system and contravene the European Convention on Human Rights and the 1951 Refugee Convention.

In his 3-page reply, which you can read here, Jenrick denied that the Illegal Migration Act was incompatible with the UK's international obligations.

The immigration minister wrote: "The Act does not prevent someone from claiming asylum. However, if individuals come to the UK illegally, and have not come from a country where their life and liberty were at risk, their asylum and human rights claims against their country of origin will be declared inadmissible. They may be detained, and will be removed either to their home country (if it is safe to do so), or relocated to a safe third country, where they will receive support to rebuild their lives. They will not be able to make a life here in the UK."

He continued: "The Government takes its international obligations very seriously and there is nothing in the Act which requires the Government to act incompatibly with those obligations. Our focus is on putting in place legislation that, once operationalised, will stop people from entering the country dangerously and illegally. We need a radical response to the challenge presented by the illegal and dangerous Channel crossings. The Government is satisfied that the provisions of the Act are capable of being applied compatibly with the Convention rights, and we continue our work with European counterparts, including operational work with the French on the ground to prevent crossings, and vital work upstream and with law enforcement to tackle the networks of criminal smuggling gangs."

PLP says the immigration minister is not correct to say that the Act is compatible with the UK's international obligations.

PLP stated: "This claim is inaccurate. Here are four ways the Act fails to comply with international law:
• As the United Nations refugee agency stated, the Act punishes refugees based on how they arrive, which violates Article 31 of the Refugee Convention.
• By detaining refugees of all ages indefinitely and arbitrarily, the Act breaches Article 5 of the ECHR, which protects the right to liberty.
• By deporting victims of human trafficking and modern slavery without any period of recovery, the Act violates Article 13 of the European Convention on Action Against Trafficking (ECAT).
• By completely ignoring the best interests of refugee children and detaining them, the Act disregards Article 3 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and was therefore condemned by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child."

Project launched to bust myth breast cancer is 'white person's disease'

Medics want more black, Asian and ethnic minority people to participate in breast cancer trials, as they warned people from those backgrounds have been underrepresented in previous studies.

Samuel Osborne
News reporter @samuelosborne93
Thursday 31 August 2023

More must be done to fight the "broad misperception" black women "don't suffer as much from breast cancer", experts have said.

They said the belief can result in the perception "cancer is a white person's disease".

Previous studies have found black women are more likely to die from breast cancer compared to their white peers.

They are also more likely to develop more aggressive cancer and be diagnosed when their cancer is at a more advanced stage.

Medics said they wanted more black, Asian and ethnic minority people to participate in breast cancer trials, as they warned people from those backgrounds have been underrepresented in previous studies.

They said they want research into the disease to be "relevant to people we see in the clinic".

The NHS Race and Health Observatory launched a new campaign alongside Macmillan Cancer Support to improve diversity in breast cancer clinical trials.

The project, supported by pharmaceutical giant Roche, aims to raise awareness of the lack of diversity in clinical studies, improve communications and provide longer-term support to patients.

Specialist nurses will be provided at two major cancer hubs - Bart's Health NHS Trust in London and The Christie NHS Foundation Trust in Manchester - to help guide patients through the process.

Men, who account for 1% of breast cancer patients in the UK, are also being included.

The NHS Race and Health Observatory said there are "multiple barriers" around the recruitment, communication and retention of black, Asian and ethnic minority patients in clinical trials.

It said data show people from ethnic minority backgrounds are poorly represented in many clinical trials.

'Broad misperception' breast cancer 'does not run' in black women's family history

Dr Habib Naqvi, chief executive of the NHS Race and Health Observatory, said: "There is a broad misperception that black women don't suffer as much from breast cancer or it does not run in their family history. This can result in the perception that cancer is a white person's disease.

"We want this pilot to encourage women at risk, those already diagnosed and individuals undergoing post treatment to come forward and share their experiences and get the information needed."

Charles Kwaku-Odoi, chief executive of the Caribbean African Health Network, said: "Across the black community there is an undoubted legacy of disengagement in research and most certainly clinical trials that stems back decades as a result of mistrust.

"This has not served us well because it leads to a lack of appropriate interventions that perpetuate the grave health inequalities in breast cancer care.

"This partnership approach to build solutions to improve engagement in clinical trials in breast cancer treatment and care is very much welcomed."


Camilla unveils portrait of British Indian spy Noor Inayat Khan

Noor was an undercover agent for Britain’s Special Operations Executive during the World War II

Queen Camilla unveils a portrait of Noor Inayat Khan at the RAF Club in London on August 29, 2023. (PTI Photo)

By: Chandrashekar Bhat

QUEEN Camilla has unveiled a new portrait of the Indian-origin spy and descendent of Tipu Sultan, Noor Inayat Khan, at the Royal Air Force (RAF) Club in London to honour her sacrifice as an undercover agent for Britain’s Special Operations Executive (SOE) during the World War II.

Camilla on Tuesday (29) also formally named a room at the RAF Club as ‘Noor Inayat Khan Room’, where the portrait hangs opposite a stained-glass window celebrating women in the RAF which was inaugurated by her late mother-in-law, Queen Elizabeth II, in 2018.

Noor was a member of RAF’s Women’s Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF) when she was recruited to the SOE in 1942 and went on to become one of only two members of the WAAF to be awarded the George Cross (GC), the highest award bestowed for acts of the greatest heroism, or for the most conspicuous courage in circumstances of extreme danger.

“It was a proud moment to have the Queen unveil the portrait of Noor Inayat Khan at the RAF Club,” said British Indian author Shrabani Basu, who presented a copy of her biography of Noor ‘Spy Princess: The Life of Noor Inayat Khan’ to the Queen at the unveiling ceremony.

“For me, it has been a privilege to tell her story. This wonderful portrait will now be seen by many young men and women for generations. Noor’s story will never be forgotten,” she said.

Born Noor-un-Nisa Inayat Khan in Moscow in 1914 to an Indian sufi saint father and American mother, Noor moved to London at a young age before settling in Paris for her school years. Following the fall of France during the Second World War, she escaped to England and joined the WAAF.

In late 1942, she was recruited into the SOE created to conduct espionage, sabotage, and reconnaissance in occupied territories during the war.

Her new portrait at the RAF Club was unveiled in the presence of her relatives, including 95-year-old cousin Shaikh Mahmood and nephew Pir Zia Inayat Khan.

The portrait has been created by British artist Paul Brason, a former president of the Society of Portrait Painters. He based his creation on the few available images of Noor Inayat Khan to capture her resolve as an undercover agent, who refused to crack under brutal Nazi interrogation before being shot by the Gestapo at Dachau concentration camp in Germany in 1944 with the word liberty on her lips.

“Noor was the first woman SOE operator to be infiltrated into France, and was landed by Lysander aircraft on 16 June 1943. During the following weeks, the Gestapo arrested most of the Paris Resistance Group in which she worked. Despite the danger, Noor refused to return to England because she did not wish to leave her French comrades without communications and she hoped also to rebuild the Group,” the RAF Club said in a statement.

How many headers does it take to damage a footballer's brain?

A British study of ex-professional footballers suggests there's a link between frequent headers and cognitive disorders. Some countries have banned headers for kids. The DFB are taking a different approach.

Deutsche Welle 
Published 31.08.23

How dangerous are headers? Scientists warn of possible long-term damage
Deutsche Welle

The more often a footballer plays, the higher the risk of cognitive disorders. That is the conclusion of a study that has been published in Great Britain. Cognitive disorders include increasing forgetfulness, reduced attention, concentration problems, speech disorders, orientation problems or memory loss.

For the study, which was commissioned by the English Football Association (FA), the researchers analyzed the questionnaires of 468 former British professional footballers over the age of 45. On average, the footballers were around 63 years old. They had to estimate whether they had headed the ball, on a per game or training session basis, between zero and five time, six to 15 time or more than 15 times. Their cognitive abilities were then tested in telephone interviews.

The result was that players with the highest frequency of headers had more than three times the risk of cognitive impairment compared to those in the lowest category.

"Similar results were observed with other cognitive tests noted with dementia and Alzheimer's disease," the study states. However, the researchers qualify this statement, saying that "due to only 13 self-reported cases of physician-diagnosed dementia, the results and conclusion pertaining to these cases should be interpreted with caution.

In 2019, a study from the University of Glasgow had made headlines. The researchers had evaluated the causes of death of more than 7,500 Scottish professional soccer players. According to this study, the players' risk of dying from Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or other dementias was three and a half times higher than normal.

A study in Sweden — which examined around 6,000 soccer players who had played at least one game in the top Swedish league between 1924 and 2019 — concluded in the spring of 2023 that professional players had about one-and-a-half times the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia compared with the general population.

Outfield players, especially defenders, were more at risk than goalkeepers, both the Swedish and Scottish studies said as they are more likely to sustain head injuries in duels and head the ball more often.

For a long time, head injuries weren't taken seriously in the world of footballDeutsche Welle

This is also the conclusion reached by the researchers in the new British study. They advise reducing the number of blows to the head to prevent developing cognitive disorders later in life, including dementia. Further studies are needed, they say, for example to determine an upper limit for a responsible number of head concussions.

In the U.S., a ban on headers has already been in place since 2015 for young footballers up to the age of ten. In England and Scotland, header training is prohibited before the age of twelve. In Scotland, there are also restrictions for professionals: they are not allowed to play headers in training the day before and after a match.

The English Premier League have recommended 'that a maximum of 10 higher force headers are carried out in any training week.' This refers to headers after long passes, crosses, corner kicks or free kicks.

The youngest generation are going to be playing in smaller formats in the future
Deutsche Welle

The German Football Association (DFB) wants to take a different approach: From the 2024/2025 season, children's and youth football will be reformed up to the age of eleven. Then, for example, the youngest players will only play two against two or three against three on very small pitches with small goals. A two-year pilot phase is still underway. According to the DFB, "the new forms of competition ensure that headers are virtually eliminated."

However, they say it is also important to practice good heading technique. "Among other things, training headers at a young age should include low practice volumes, the use of lighter balls, sufficient recovery time for the head and initial throwing on with the hand to head the ball."

The research phase of a study on the health of former German professional footballers, in which more than 300 former players have participated so far, will continue until the end of September. Results of the "SoccHealth" study are to be published in 2024.



When it comes to supporting apprentices, talk is cheap

If Gillian Keegan wants to prioritise apprenticeships, then she needs to start by prioritising apprentices

Gillian Keegan has been making headlines in recent weeks with a novel take on education, especially coming from a sitting education secretary. Keegan started by telling students that in ten years’ time no one will care about A-level results. A few days later she claimed that in 30 years in business she never asked anyone for their A-level results. Not exactly motivating talk for students receiving various exam grades last month.

These statements make more sense when understood as part of a wider campaign from Keegan to disparage mainstream education routes and promote apprenticeships, and in particular degree apprenticeships, as a key plank on which to fight the next election. This can be seen in an August article in The Sun, where Keegan criticised Labour for a “blind push” to get people into university, while suggesting degree apprenticeships are “under threat” from any future Labour government. This reflects prime minister Rishi Sunak’s own promise to crack down on “rip-off university courses” alongside boosting apprenticeships.

Within this campaign Keegan makes frequent reference to her own background as an apprentice, even claiming she did a “degree apprenticeship” (a statement that fails to acknowledge that the degree apprenticeship model was only introduced by the conservative government in 2015).

A lot has changed since the 16-year-old Keegan started her apprenticeship with General Motors in the early 80s, and not much of it has been positive for apprentices.

National sentiment?

Leaving aside the fact that degree apprenticeships are inherently collaborations between universities and employers (hence ‘degree’), this anti-university, pro-apprenticeship campaign does seem to be tapping a broader sentiment in some sectors across England. Mainstream media outlets increasingly run pieces highlighting degree apprenticeships as a positive alternative to university, including recent articles from the BBC and the Guardian. A YouGov study earlier this year also found that parents are now generally more positive about apprenticeships than mainstream university courses. Even the king has been vocal in his support for apprenticeships.

But while the media, politicians, royals, and parents all seem falling in line behind the apprenticeship push, YouGov found that students still prefer the traditional university experience. This includes seeing it as a better route to a good job and high wage than an apprenticeship. This is further backed up by data from The Sutton Trust who reported only 40% of students interested in undergraduate degrees were also interested in apprenticeships, and just 4% of students see apprenticeships as prestigious, compared to 76% for universities.

Considering apprentices gain a wage and pay no fees, compared to mainstream university students who increasingly graduate with life-limiting debt, this lack of interest is all the more notable. However, based on the experiences of apprentices today, students may have it right on this one.

Growing problems

After the introduction of conservative apprenticeship reforms in the mid-2010s, including apprenticeship standards, degree apprenticeships, and the apprenticeship levy to pay for all this, apprentice numbers in England fell off a cliff edge, going from around 500,000 starts per year to fewer than 350,000 for the past few years. This drop in apprentices has been particularly stark amongst young people and school leavers. As a result, contrary to Keegan’s claims of degree apprenticeships offering a realistic alternative to university, Sutton Trust have actually found that “just a small number of higher and degree apprenticeships are open to young people leaving school”.

Perhaps more worryingly, Sutton Trust also found degree apprenticeships admit a lower percentage of young people eligible for free school meals than other university courses. Elsewhere this has been described as the “middle-class grab” of apprenticeships. This means that commonly parroted arguments that apprenticeships promote social mobility or widen participation are, under the current model, false.

The issues do not stop there. While Keegan proudly highlights that there are now 670 approved apprenticeship standards to choose from, what she won’t say is nearly 1 in 10 have never taken on a single apprentice. But it is the support for apprentices who have already started that should be more worrying. Drop-out rates for apprenticeships consistently hover around 50%, or five times those for mainstream university routes. The figures are slightly better for degree apprenticeships, but 42% of these starts still do not successfully complete. These achievement rates are even worse for women, ethnic minorities and people with disabilities.

It is therefore undeniable that apprentices are being failed by the current apprenticeship model. But elsewhere, business is booming.

Business is booming

Although analysis shows that small and medium businesses lost over 50% of their apprenticeships after the apprenticeship levy was introduced in 2017, large multi-national consulting firms such as PwC, Deloitte and EY are all in the top ten employers of apprenticeships in England. Notably these are all firms that are being increasingly criticised for their close relationships to the current government.

The most popular degree apprenticeships, seeing consistent growth, are also those related to expensive higher level management, accountancy and business qualifications that would particularly benefit these firms. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development estimate that £2bn in apprenticeship levy funding has already been spent on courses of this nature.

The government were warned this would be the likely outcome of their apprenticeship reforms, including by National Audit OfficeOfsted and employers, but they pushed ahead regardless. Even the Richard Review in 2012, on which many of these changes were based, warned that apprenticeship funding should not be used to fund training for existing staff. Yet this has remained a central facet of the apprenticeship levy model.

All this essentially means that the apprenticeship funding that we are being told is going to support school leavers and social mobility, is actually subsidising consultancy firms and other large businesses to provide executives and managers, typically already on high wages, with qualifications they would otherwise be paying for out of their own (deep) pockets.

In their current form, apprenticeships in England are therefore not employer-led, provider-led or apprentice-led, they are government and big business-led.


The apprenticeship model currently imposed in England also sidelines the knowledge and experience of professions in educating and training their own workforces in favour of inflexible and prescriptive monitoring from above. This has been one of the major arguments put forward by those opposing proposals for a new apprenticeship for doctors. This new route would relegate hundreds of years of experience in training future doctors to a secondary consideration in favour of an apprenticeship model that, for all intents and purposes, has been an abject failure to this point.

My own experience working with social work degree apprenticeships suggests these concerns are well founded. Despite social work in England already having well-established models of practice-based learning built into all qualifying routes, the degree apprenticeship was broadly welcomed into the profession when a standard was approved in 2018. Of course it is unlikely universities and employers would have spent so much time and energy chasing down apprenticeship funding if other qualifying routes were adequately funded, but that is a topic for another day.

Deficits in the apprenticeship model

Unfortunately, some major problems with the social work degree apprenticeship were apparent from the start, most significantly in relation to the degree apprenticeship standard itself. The standard was unworkable as approved, and so had a special “dispensation” attached to it for the first few years. A new standard was published in October 2022 to overcome these issues, but the wrong version was uploaded, containing many mistakes.

At the time of writing, those mistakes have still not been fixed. This means that there are undoubtedly apprentices, and apprenticeship providers, working with the wrong standard across the country. In any other context as a profession we would have been able to work together to overcome these challenges. With apprenticeships, we are at the mercy of the same restrictions and processes imposed on hundreds of other professions.

Social work apprentices are already arguably at a disadvantage compared to their colleagues qualifying through other routes. They are technically required to complete what would otherwise be a full-time social work degree in just six hours designated off-the-job time each week. Within this truncated timeframe, social work apprentices also have to meet a range of additional obligations and monitoring exercises not imposed on other students. These workload issues are a major concern, as IFF Research found that the top reason apprentices drop out is that they lack the time to engage with their training and learning.

It has taken an immense amount of time and investment from both universities and employers to overcome these issues and support the first few hundred social work apprentices to qualify. Unfortunately, much of this has involved trying to overcome the deficits in the apprenticeship model imposed on us, taking away from the time that we could be spending supporting the development of our future colleagues.

An English beast

These issues are not exclusive to social work, and industries from retailers to tech to clockmakers have all argued that the inflexibility of apprenticeships means thousands of prospective apprentices are lost every year. As with social work, these professions are all expected to constantly chop and change to meet shifting government expectations around apprenticeships, rather than getting on with the core business of developing and supporting apprentices.

As a final point, it is important to highlight that degree apprenticeships are not an inevitability. We may need to accept that, as with many recent educational reforms, England have just got it wrong here. Labour are already pledging to reform the apprenticeship levy if they win the next election. However, many of the firms doing well out of the apprenticeship status quo have also been building close partnerships with Labour. So maybe expectations should be tempered that any changes implemented by a new government will go beyond just creating more upheaval for apprentices and the professions they hope to join.

Safe drug consumption rooms should be piloted in the UK, say MPs

The Home Affairs Committee has published a report recommending a pilot in Glasgow is supported by Westminster.

Christina O'Neill
3 days ago

Drugs law must be reformed, MPs have concluded as they recommended greater testing at festivals as well as the use of safe spaces across the UK for users to take substances under medical supervision.

The Scottish Government has been pressing for a so-called safe consumption facility to be set up, with efforts on this having so far been blocked by Westminster.

But the Home Affairs Committee has now published a report recommending a pilot in Glasgow is supported by Westminster and jointly funded by both governments.

If the UK Government remains unwilling to support the pilot, the power to establish it should be devolved to the Scottish Government, the committee said.

More widely, the MPs recommended pilots of such facilities – where drug users can take substances under medical supervision with the aim that the environment will help prevent drug-related overdose and other drug-related harms – in areas across the UK where local government and others deem there is a need.

Figures published last week revealed Scotland’s largest ever fall in drug deaths, with data from National Records of Scotland (NRS) showing a total of 1,051 deaths due to drug misuse in 2022 – a drop of 279 on the previous year

But while the number of deaths linked to drugs misuse is now at the lowest it has been since 2017, the NRS report made clear that the rate of deaths is still “much higher” than it was when recording the data began in 1996.

The committee report, published on Thursday, said: “We recommend the Government support a pilot in Glasgow by creating a legislative pathway under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 that enables such a facility to operate legally.”

MPs said the pilot “must be evaluated in order to establish a reliable evidence base on the utility of a safe consumption facility in the UK”.
Westminster blocked a so-called safe consumption facility being set up in Glasgow

Responding to the recommendation, the Government insisted “there is no safe way to take illegal drugs” and they have “no plans to consider” the safe consumption facility recommendation.

More widely, the committee said both the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 require reform.

They added: “We recommend that the UK Government reform the 1971 Act and 2001 Regulations in a way that promotes a greater role for public health in our response to drugs, whilst maintaining our law enforcement to tackling the illicit production and supply of controlled drugs.”

The report also recommended that the Home Office and Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) “jointly establish a national drug checking service in England to enable people to submit drug samples by post anonymously”.

They said a UK-wide drug checking service would be the most effective approach, encouraging the UK Government and devolved Governments to “consider jointly establishing such a service”.

Additionally, the MPs said on-site drug checking services at temporary events like music festivals and within the night-time economy should be rolled out, recommending that the Home Office “establish a dedicated licensing scheme for drug checking at such events before the start of the summer 2024 festival season”.

Drug policy should be the joint responsibility of the Home Office and DHSC, with a minister sitting across both departments, MPs said.

The report stated that existing classifications of controlled substances should be reviewed by the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) to ensure they accurately reflect the risk of harm, with further reviews every 10 years.

MPs welcomed the UK Government’s “commitment to reducing barriers to researching psychedelic drugs” and recommended they are “urgently” reclassified “in order to facilitate research on the medical or therapeutic value of these drugs”.

The committee said it was “disappointed” that the Home Office had “repeatedly refused” to publish a 2016 report by the ACMD – a body which it said seeks to provide scientific, evidence-based recommendations to support the development of evidence-based drug policy.

Calling for the report to be handed over – at least on a confidential basis to the committee – the MPs said withholding it “contravenes established practice and undermines the ACMD’s transparency”.

While welcoming the 10-Year Drug Strategy’s commitment to tackling county lines, the committee said the Government can “go further to prevent children and young people from becoming exploited”, adding that it is “vital” they – as people either exploited or at risk of exploitation by criminal gangs – are kept out of the criminal justice system.

Committee chairwoman, Dame Diana Johnson said: “The criminal justice system will need to continue to do all it can to break up the criminal gangs that drive the trade in illicit drugs. However, it must also recognise that many children and young people involved need to be supported to escape not punished for their involvement.

“Fundamentally, we need to have the right interventions in place to help people break free from the terrible cycles of addiction and criminality that drug addiction can cause. Simply attempting to remove drugs from people’s live hasn’t worked. They need the right support to let them deal with addiction, but also psychosocial support and interventions that deal with the underlying trauma that may have led them to drugs in the first place.

“Over the course of the inquiry, we have seen a number of positive, locally-developed schemes make a real difference to those suffering from addiction and the wider communities. The Government should learn from the success as it develops best practice that can be implemented nationwide.”

A Home Office spokesperson said: “There is no safe way to take illegal drugs, which devastate lives, ruin families and damage communities, and we have no plans to consider this.

“Our 10-year Drugs Strategy set out ambitious plans, backed with a record £3bn funding over three years to tackle the supply of illicit drugs through relentless policing action and building a world-class system of treatment and recovery to turn people’s lives around and prevent crime.”

Drugs and Alcohol Policy Minister Elena Whitham said: “We are doing everything within our powers to tackle drug deaths in Scotland, including investing an additional £250m in our National Mission to save and improve lives.

“We welcome this report from the Home Affairs Committee which endorses our position on safer drug consumption facilities (SDCFs) and supports the proposal to pilot such a facility in Scotland. We have long called for agreement from the UK Government to allow us to do this, whether to support us in establishing a pilot or through devolving the necessary powers to allow us to do so.

“It has always been in the UK Government’s power to accelerate the delivery of an SDCF. If it was serious about looking to improve outcomes for people affected by problem substance use it could use powers reserved to it to support what we are already doing within devolved powers, or devolve the appropriate powers to us so we could move to implement a facility as quickly as possible.”


Deaths on the NHS waiting list double in five years as critics slam ‘decade of underinvestment’ in health service

31 August 2023

The estimated number of waiting list deaths has doubled in five years.
The estimated number of waiting list deaths has doubled in five years. Picture: Alamy

By Jenny Medlicott

An estimated number of 120,000 people died last year while on the NHS waiting list for treatment, new figures suggest.

The number of patients who died while waiting for treatment has doubled in five years, according to new data.

The total number is higher than when the country was in lockdown, as health leaders have attributed the rise to struggles to clear the backlog after the pandemic and NHS strikes.

It comes despite Rishi Sunak’s pledge to cut the NHS waiting list as one of his five key pledges ahead of the next general election.

“These figures are a stark reminder about the potential repercussions of long waits for care. They are heartbreaking for the families who will have lost loved ones and deeply dismaying for NHS leaders, who continue to do all they can in extremely difficult circumstances,” Matthew Taylor, the chief executive of the NHS Confederation, said.

“Covid will have had an impact on these figures – but we can’t get away from the fact that a decade of underinvestment in the NHS has left it with not enough staff, beds and vital equipment, as well as a crumbling estate in urgent need of repair and investment.”

The government has introduced a variety of reforms in a bid to tackle the backlog.

Patients facing the longest waits have been offered the opportunity to travel to different hospitals to skip waiting list queues.

More than 100 ‘one stop shops’ have been opened to carry out scans and tests.

But despite these reforms ministers have warned that waiting lists are anticipated to increase further this winter and may even hit record highs.

Read more: Lucy Letby inquiry given powers to compel NHS bosses to face questioning over baby murders

Read more: Home Office set to make it easier for police chiefs to sack dodgy cops found guilty of misconduct

NHS waiting list deaths have soared in the last five years.
NHS waiting list deaths have soared in the last five years. Picture: Alamy

The figure was revealed after a Freedom of Information request from the Labour Party revealed more than 30,000 patients who died last year were on waiting lists in England across 35 NHS trusts.

Labour extrapolated this number and found it suggests across all 138 trusts in the country, the total figure for waiting list deaths is an estimated 121,000. Around 40,000 of those who died had waited more than 18 weeks for treatment at their time of death.

It comes after the total number of deaths of patients on waiting lists was an estimated 117,000 in 2021 during the continued struggle against the pandemic.

Whereas five years ago, a similar investigation found that figure to be around 60,000 - meaning the number has seemingly doubled in this time.

The number of people on waiting lists has almost doubled in this time too, rising from four million in 2017-18 to 7.6 million this year.

“Record numbers of people are spending their final months in pain and agony, waiting for treatment that never arrives,” shadow health secretary Wes Streeting said.

The number has more than doubled in five years.
The number has more than doubled in five years. Picture: Alamy

“The basic promise of the NHS – that it will be there for us when we need it – has been broken. The longer the Conservatives are in office, the longer patients will wait.

“Only Labour can rescue the NHS from this crisis and restore it to good health. We will train the staff needed to treat patients on time again, and reform the service to make it fit for the future.”

Caroline Abrahams, the charity director at Age UK, said: “In the wake of the pandemic, literally millions of older people are stuck on waiting lists for diagnostics and treatment they badly need, so it’s very sad but not surprising that the numbers dying while still on the list are so high.

“In addition, the lives of many more are being blighted by disability, pain and distress, and that’s no way to spend your final months and years.”

Almost one million NHS appointments have been cancelled since NHS strikes started last year.

An NHS spokesman said of the new estimated figures: “This analysis, based on figures from just a quarter of hospital trusts, does not demonstrate a link between waits for elective treatment and deaths, and it would be misleading to suggest it does given that the data do not include the cause of death or any further details on the person’s age and medical conditions.

“The vast majority of the waiting list – about four in five patients – is seen and treated in an outpatient setting rather than requiring inpatient admission, with the latest data showing more than one million patients were treated within 18 weeks in June.”

Apprentice star and Government adviser join Labour's economic council

The group will be tasked with advising Scottish Labour on economic policy.

Labour: Anas Sarwar will make the announcement during an event on Thursday.
PA Media

3 days ago

A businessman who has grilled contestants on the Apprentice and another tasked with leading the implementation of a Scottish Government initiative will form part of Scottish Labour’s new economic council, the party has said.

Sandy Begbie – the chief executive of Scottish Financial Enterprise and the man appointed chair of the implementation group behind the Young Person’s Guarantee – will be part of the panel.

The £70m guarantee was announced by Nicola Sturgeon to counter the economic impact of the pandemic by pledging that 16 to 24-year-olds would have an offer of work, education or training.

Mr Begbie will be joined by former media executive Mike Soutar, who also interviews candidates on the hit BBC show fronted by Sir Alan Sugar, and Scottish Chambers of Commerce chief executive Liz Cameron.

The group – which will also bring together Edinburgh International Festival head Fran Hegyi, PR executive Mary McGowne, facilities management boss Willie Haughey, quarry firm head Paul McManus, Walker’s Shortbread chairman Bob Brannan and union official Karen Whitefield – will be tasked with providing advice to the party on its economic policy.

In a speech unveiling the panel in Glasgow on Thursday, leader Anas Sarwar is expected to say his party is “unashamedly” “pro-business and pro-growth”, and the tenets of “social change and a strong economy” will guide Labour’s policy.

He will add: “Nearly a quarter of a century on since devolution, our Scottish Parliament has overseen sweeping social change, but we have been very much a social policy Parliament rather than an economic policy Parliament.

“And that has let down Scottish employers, weakening our potential for growth.

“With the vast powers that Holyrood has and during a cost-of-living crisis – and, let’s not forget, a cost-of-doing-business crisis – it’s vital that we debate how to deliver economic growth. That’s what Scottish businesses deserve.

“Not brinksmanship or constitutional uncertainty and gameplaying, but a government that uses the levers we have in Scotland to deliver growth, a government that understands what businesses want, and a government that works in partnership with business to deliver what’s best for Scotland.

“That is what Scottish Labour will prioritise.”

Anas Sarwar said party politics are not important as he plans how to deliver economic prosperity for Scotland.

Announcing the “extraordinary array of talent” on the panel, Sarwar is expected to say: “Over the coming months, Scottish Labour will formulate our economic growth plan, taking on board the independent advice we receive. I thank them all for their time and for sharing their knowledge.

“They all remain firmly independent, and that is as important for me as much as it is for them, because that is key to the partnership approach I want to take with business.

“This isn’t about party politics – this is about delivering for Scotland.”

He will also hit out at the Scottish Government, ahead of First Minister Humza Yousaf’s first Programme for Government next week, saying: “Unfortunately, right now Scotland is being let down by two failing governments.

“Two governments in Westminster and Holyrood which are bad for business, bad for jobs, and bad for growth. They are delivering low growth, low productivity, and high levels of poverty.

“A First Minister preparing to deliver his Programme for Government next week when he doesn’t know what direction his government is going in anymore, and a Prime Minister trying – and failing – to fix the economic mistakes that his own party made.

“They are too distracted by the extraordinary chaos in their own parties, and simply don’t have the energy, the leadership, or the willpower to take the necessary action to get us through the crises we face.”

Scottish Conservative finance spokeswoman Liz Smith said Labour had “an extraordinary cheek” to claim to be pro-business and growth “when they have announced their intention to shut down one of Scotland’s largest industries, the oil and gas sector”.

She added: “Time and again, Anas Sarwar’s party have voted with the SNP and their anti-growth Green allies on measures that have undermined Scotland’s economy. It’s only now, in a bid to look electable, that they are advocating credible proposals which we have long advanced.

“It’s clear that on this, as on most other matters, Labour will say anything to improve their position, but cannot be trusted to hold to it.”

Responding to Anas Sarwar’s speech trail, Collette Stevenson MSP said: “For Anas Sarwar to sneer at the SNP Government’s track record of life-changing social policies tells you all you need to know about the easily-bought values of Scottish Labour, who have clearly been taking notes from Keir Starmer with this blatant swing to the right.

“Once upon a time Labour styled itself as the party that puts people before profit, however now, as these latest comments from Anas Sarwar show, they appear to be in competition with the Tories with their economic plans- and all at the expense of Scottish people, no doubt, who are already shouldering the cost of a hard-Brexit they don’t vote for, that both Labour and the Tories support.

“While Scottish Labour and the Tories decide between themselves which party is more pro-business, the SNP will continue to be the party which is unashamedly pro-people; understanding that progressive social policies are the cornerstones of any thriving economy, and fair society.”