Friday, January 12, 2024

2023: the warmest year on record globally



Globally 2023 was the warmest year in a series stretching back to 1850, according to figures released today by the Met Office and the University of East Anglia. 

2023 is the tenth year in succession that has equalled or exceeded 1.0 °C above the pre-industrial period (1850-1900).  

The global average temperature for 2023 was 1.46 °C above the pre-industrial baseline; 0.17 °C warmer than the value for 2016, the previous warmest year on record in the HadCRUT5 global temperature dataset which runs from 1850. 

Dr Colin Morice is a Climate Monitoring and Research Scientist with the Met Office. He said: 

“2023 is now confirmed as the warmest year on average over the globe in 174-years of observation. 2023 also set a series of monthly records, monthly global average temperatures having remained at record levels since June. Ocean surface temperatures have remained at record levels since April. 

“Year-to-year variations sit on a background of around 1.25 °C warming in global average temperatures above pre-industrial levels. This warming is attributable to human-induced climate change through greenhouse gas emissions.” 

On top of the long-term warming, a transition into El Niño conditions contributed to further elevated temperatures for the latter part of the year. El Niño is part of a pattern of climate variability in the tropical Pacific that imparts warmth to the global atmosphere, temporarily adding up to 0.2 °C to the temperature of an individual year. This stands in contrast to the reverse pattern of climate variability, La Niña, which suppressed global average temperatures in 2021 and 2022. 

Outlook for 2024  

Professor Adam Scaife is a Principal Fellow and Head of Monthly to Decadal Prediction at the Met Office. He said: “It is striking that the temperature record for 2023 has broken the previous record set in 2016 by so much because the main effect of the current El Niño will come in 2024. Consistent with this, the Met Office’s 2024 temperature forecast shows this year has strong potential to be another record-breaking year.” 

The Met Office global temperature for 2024 is forecast to be between 1.34 °C and 1.58 °C (with a central estimate of 1.46 °C) above the average for the pre-industrial period (1850-1900): the 11th year in succession that temperatures will have reached at least 1.0 °C above pre-industrial levels. 


The HadCRUT5 dataset is compiled by the Met Office and the University of East Anglia (UEA), with support from the National Centre for Atmospheric Science. It shows that when compared with the pre-industrial reference period, 2023 was 1.46 ± 0.1 °C above the 1850-1900 average. This aligns extremely well with figures published today by other international centres. 

Professor Tim Osborn, of the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit, said: “Twenty-five years ago, 1998 was a record-breaking year for global average temperature. But last year’s global temperature was 0.5 °C warmer than 1998, providing further evidence that our planet is warming on average by 0.2 °C per decade.  

“At the current rate of human-induced warming, 2023’s record-breaking values will in time be considered to be cool in comparison with what projections of our future climate suggest.” 

Other data sets 

The World Meteorological Organization uses six international data sets to provide an authoritative assessment of global temperature change. They report 2023 was around 1.45 ± 0.12°C warmer than the 1850-1900 baseline based on an average of the six data sets.   

The long-term warming is clear. Since the 1980s, each decade has been warmer than the previous one. 

Importance of global mean temperature  

Global average temperature is the key measure of climate change, providing a headline metric that is expanded upon by the changing patterns of rainfall, drought, ice, temperature and extreme weather that are associated with a warming climate. You can see the impact on other key climate indicators on the Met Office global climate dashboard

It is complex and challenging to track the average temperature of an entire planet, using around a billion temperature observations from the last 174 years. 

The UK’s contribution to measuring this key indicator of climate change is led by scientists at the Met Office, UEA and NCAS. This ongoing work is crucial as the world moves still closer to the limits set out in the Paris Agreement 

Prof Philip Jones, Professorial Fellow at UEA’s Climatic Research Unit, said: “I've been working with the global temperature series since the early 1980s. There has never been a year like 2023 where the warmest-ever June, warmest-ever July through to the warmest-ever December was recorded for seven months in a row, from June to December, 2023.” 

Defining global temperature change relevant to the Paris Agreement 

While the global average temperature in a particular year is well-known, this will not be suitable as an indicator of whether the “Paris 1.5” has been breached or not, because the Paris Agreement refers to long-term warming, not individual years. But no alternative has yet been formally agreed.  

In a recent paper published in Nature, Met Office scientist Prof Richard Betts and coauthors proposed an indicator combining the last ten years of global temperature observations with an estimate of the projection or forecast for the next ten years. If adopted by the international community this could mean a universally agreed measure of global warming that could trigger immediate action to avoid further rises. 

Using this suggested approach, the researchers found that the figure for the current global warming level, relevant to the Paris Agreement, is around 1.26 °C, with an uncertainty range of 1.13 °C to 1.43 °C.    

This graphic shows the annual global temperature anomaly for 2023 compared to a 1961-1990 averaging period. The global average temperature for 2023 was 1.46 °C above the pre-industrial baseline according to the HadCRUT5 data set. This map uses HadCRUT5 data, compiled by the Met Office and the University of East Anglia, with support from the National Centre for Atmospheric Science.  

[An animated monthly version of this graphic is available here


NASA analysis confirms 2023 as warmest year on record

Reports and Proceedings


Earth’s average surface temperature in 2023 was the warmest on record, according to an analysis by NASA. Global temperatures last year were around 2.1 degrees Fahrenheit (1.2 degrees Celsius) above the average for NASA’s baseline period (1951-1980), scientists from NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York reported.

“NASA and NOAA’s global temperature report confirms what billions of people around the world experienced last year; we are facing a climate crisis,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “From extreme heat, to wildfires, to rising sea levels, we can see our Earth is changing. There’s still more work to be done, but President Biden and communities across America are taking more action than ever to reduce climate risks and help communities become more resilient – and NASA will continue to use our vantage point of space to bring critical climate data back down to Earth that is understandable and accessible for all people. NASA and the Biden-Harris Administration are working to protect our home planet and its people, for this generation – and the next.”

In 2023, hundreds of millions of people around the world experienced extreme heat, and each month from June through December set a global record for the respective month. July was the hottest month ever recorded. Overall, Earth was about 2.5 degrees Fahrenheit (or about 1.4 degrees Celsius) warmer in 2023 than the late 19th-century average, when modern record-keeping began.

“The exceptional warming that we’re experiencing is not something we’ve seen before in human history,” said Gavin Schmidt, director of GISS. “It’s driven primarily by our fossil fuel emissions, and we’re seeing the impacts in heat waves, intense rainfall, and coastal flooding.”

Though scientists have conclusive evidence that the planet’s long-term warming trend is driven by human activity, they still examine other phenomena that can affect yearly or multi-year changes in climate such as El Niño, aerosols and pollution, and volcanic eruptions.

Typically, the largest source of year-to-year variability is the El Niño – Southern Oscillation ocean climate pattern in the Pacific Ocean. The pattern has two phases – El Niño and La Niña – when sea surface temperatures along the equator switch between warmer, average, and cooler temperatures. From 2020-2022, the Pacific Ocean saw three consecutive La Niña events, which tend to cool global temperatures. In May 2023, the ocean transitioned from La Niña to El Niño, which often coincides with the hottest years on record.

However, the record temperatures in the second half of 2023 occurred before the peak of the current El Niño event. Scientists expect to see the biggest impacts of El Niño in February, March, and April.

Scientists have also investigated possible impacts from the January 2022 eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai undersea volcano, which blasted water vapor and fine particles, or aerosols, into the stratosphere. A recent study found that the volcanic aerosols – by reflecting sunlight away from Earth’s surface – led to an overall slight cooling of less than 0.2 degrees Fahrenheit (or about 0.1 degrees Celsius) in the Southern Hemisphere following the eruption.

“Even with occasional cooling factors like volcanoes or aerosols, we will continue to break records as long as greenhouse gas emissions keep going up,” Schmidt said. “And, unfortunately, we just set a new record for greenhouse gas emissions again this past year.”

“The record-setting year of 2023 underscores the significance of urgent and continued actions to address climate change,” said NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy. “Recent legislation has delivered the U.S. government’s largest-ever climate investment, including billions to strengthen America’s resilience to the increasing impacts of the climate crisis. As an agency focused on studying our changing climate, NASA’s fleet of Earth observing satellites will continue to provide critical data of our home planet at scale to help all people make informed decisions.”

Open Science in Action

NASA assembles its temperature record using surface air temperature data collected from tens of thousands of meteorological stations, as well as sea surface temperature data acquired by ship- and buoy-based instruments. This data is analyzed using methods that account for the varied spacing of temperature stations around the globe and for urban heating effects that could skew the calculations.

Independent analyses by NOAA and the Hadley Centre (part of the United Kingdom Met Office) concluded the global surface temperatures for 2023 were the highest since modern record-keeping began. These scientists use much of the same temperature data in their analyses but use different methodologies. Although rankings can differ slightly between the records, they are in broad agreement and show the same ongoing long-term warming in recent decades.

Building on a half century of research, observations, and models, the Biden-Harris Administration including NASA and several federal partners recently launched the U.S. Greenhouse Gas Center to make critical climate data readily available to decisionmakers and citizens. The center supports collaboration across U.S. government agencies and the non-profit and private sectors to make air-, ground-, and space-borne data and resources available online.

NASA’s full dataset of global surface temperatures through 2023, as well as details with code of how NASA scientists conducted the analysis, are publicly available from GISS. GISS is a NASA laboratory managed by the Earth Sciences Division of the agency’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. The laboratory is affiliated with Columbia University’s Earth Institute and School of Engineering and Applied Science in New York.


Could an already approved drug cut down on opioid use after surgery?

A pilot study conducted by Medical University of South Carolina researchers has found that an FDA-approved drug called NAC could be useful for reducing the need for opioids after spinal surgery

Peer-Reviewed Publication





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Researchers in the Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) have found that an FDA-approved drug may help to decrease pain after surgery. In the pilot study published in Pain Management, spinal surgery patients who received N-acetylcysteine (NAC) during surgery in addition to standard pain control treatments reported lower pain scores and requested fewer opioids after surgery than patients given a placebo.

Opioids are often given for a short time after surgery to treat pain. Although effective, their potency can wain and addictive potential can be dangerous without careful supervision by a health care provider. As such, physicians welcome the opportunity to limit opioid use in managing pain.

“Can we stop giving opiates completely? Likely not. Can we decrease the amount patients need? We should try,” said Sylvia Wilson, M.D., the Jerry G. Reves Endowed Chair in Anesthesia Research in the Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine and a principal investigator of the study.

Wilson has worked for years on efforts to improve pain management and limit opioid usage after surgical operations. As it turns out, a collaboration with a basic scientist within her own department could offer a solution.

A productive partnership

Wilson began to work closely with Michael Scofield, Ph.D., the Jerry G. Reves Endowed Chair in Basic Science Anesthesiology Research and a senior author of the published study. Scofield has conducted laboratory research on NAC, an anti-inflammatory drug that is used to treat acetaminophen poisoning, mushroom poisoning and liver damage. Researchers, such as Scofield, have also studied its effects on the nervous system, especially in the areas of addiction and pain perception. Wilson’s clinical goals and Scofield’s research on NAC made them ideal collaborators.

“This project is really an elegant synthesis of basic science and clinical research, using things we find have efficacy in the laboratory and taking them to the clinic,” said Scofield.

Wilson believes that partnerships between physicians and basic scientists can spur clinical advances. She credits the supportive environment within the department fostered by Chairman Scott Reeves, M.D., and former College of Medicine Dean Jerry G. Reves, M.D., for making such partnerships possible.

Promising trial insights

The research team chose spinal surgery patients for its pilot study because these patients often experience chronic pain before surgery and are more likely to be exposed to higher levels of opioids before, during and after surgery. During surgery, patients received a standard regimen of anesthesia in addition to a dose of NAC or a saline infusion. Information on patients’ pain and opioid consumption was then collected.

In the 48 hours after surgery, patients who were administered NAC via IV infusion (150 mg/kg) received 19% fewer opioid doses on average than patients who received saline. NAC patients also reported lower pain scores and took a longer time to request pain medication after their surgery than the saline patients. The researchers were especially encouraged to see that the beneficial effect seemed to last longer than the NAC was expected to remain in the body.

“We’ve seen the impact of giving this medication persisting, and I think that’s significant,” said Wilson. “We’re not seeing a rebound effect when that medication wears off.”

This extended effect on pain perception mirrored previous findings from Scofield’s laboratory research.

“For heroin addiction, we had seen in NAC preclinical studies that protection against relapse vulnerability is long lasting,” said Scofield. “Certainly, the hope is that it’s something that has a long duration.”

Looking to the future

Next, the research team wants to investigate whether the findings can be translated to other procedures. They are currently enrolling patients undergoing minimally invasive hysterectomies in a larger trial. As more patients are enrolled, the researchers will be able to conduct more in-depth statistical tests to improve their understanding of the effects of NAC on surgery-associated pain. This will help them to set the stage for future clinical trials of NAC during surgery.

“To change practice, you need many large clinical trials with different settings, different types of surgeries to show that you’re going to cause benefit, not harm,” said Wilson. “We want to show good clinical efficacy, but also safety in that situation.”

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About MUSC

Founded in 1824 in Charleston, MUSC is the state’s only comprehensive academic health system, with a unique mission to preserve and optimize human life in South Carolina through education, research and patient care. Each year, MUSC educates more than 3,200 students in six colleges – Dental Medicine, Graduate Studies, Health Professions, Medicine, Nursing and Pharmacy – and trains more than 900 residents and fellows in its health system. MUSC brought in more than $298 million in research funds in fiscal year 2022, leading the state overall in research funding. MUSC also leads the state in federal and National Institutes of Health funding, with more than $220 million. For information on academic programs, visit

As the health care system of the Medical University of South Carolina, MUSC Health is dedicated to delivering the highest-quality and safest patient care while educating and training generations of outstanding health care providers and leaders to serve the people of South Carolina and beyond. Patient care is provided at 16 hospitals (includes owned and equity stake), with approximately 2,700 beds and four additional hospital locations in development; more than 350 telehealth sites and connectivity to patients’ homes; and nearly 750 care locations situated in all regions of South Carolina. In 2022, for the eighth consecutive year, U.S. News & World Report named MUSC Health University Medical Center in Charleston the No. 1 hospital in South Carolina. To learn more about clinical patient services, visit

MUSC has a total enterprise annual operating budget of $5.1 billion. The nearly 26,000 MUSC family members include world-class faculty, physicians, specialty providers, scientists, students, affiliates and care team members who deliver groundbreaking education, research, and patient care.


Michael Scofield, Ph.D.  (left) is the Jerry G. Reves Endowed Chair in Basic Science Anesthesiology Research at the Medical University of South Carolina. Sylvia Wilson, M.D. (right) is the Jerry G. Reves Endowed Chair in Anesthesia Research at MUSC.


Medical University of South Carolina. Photograph by Sarah Pack


Male gender expression in schools is associated with substance abuse later in life

Peer-Reviewed Publication


new study led by researchers at the University of Chicago found that changes in male gender expression from adolescence to young adulthood align closely with the gender norms present in individuals’ school environments, and that these trajectories are associated with subsequent patterns of substance abuse.

Amidst a growing consensus among social science researchers that separates gender from biological sex, gender has come to be defined as a constellation of expected behaviors, attributes, preferences and beliefs typically associated with a specific gender identity. Prior research shows that traditional models of male gender identity, constructed over time through sociocultural processes and interactions, can be a risk factor for unhealthy behaviors.

With that background, the UChicago researchers set out to explore how sociocultural pressures around male gender in particular might evolve in relation to environmental factors, and how that change could impact a person's long-term health in specific ways.

“There’s a real misconception that men aren’t particularly sensitive or emotional,” said Nathaniel Glasser, MD, a general internist and pediatrician at UChicago Medicine and lead author on the paper. “In reality, I think men’s emotions simply present differently because of the impact of sociocultural narratives telling them not to express emotions through tears or words that construe weakness. And they can face especially harsh social and psychological penalties if they fail to live up to the norms of their gender identity.”

“We set out to investigate how that often-overlooked sensitivity among cisgender men might manifest in a reluctance to engage in healthy behaviors, as well as an over-engagement in health risk behaviors in an effort to convey dominance and reduce vulnerability,” Glasser said.

Impact of gender dynamics within school environments

The UChicago researchers used data from a nationally representative longitudinal cohort study called Add Health. In the initial round of data collection in the 1990s, the study enrolled large numbers of participants who attended the same schools, which enabled granular social network mapping and analyses. Rather than being limited to analyzing data from individuals out of context, researchers could find out how each person compared to their peers in gender expression and who they identified as people close to them.

Using a previously validated technique, Glasser and his colleagues Jacob Jameson, Elizabeth TungStacy Lindau and Harold Pollack measured male gender expression quantitatively by analyzing survey responses to survey items that were found to be answered most differently by male versus female respondents, such as frequency of crying and military service. Importantly, this empirically derived method helped them avoid projecting today’s gender norms onto adolescents in the 1990s.

The researchers found that the way adolescent boys at a school are enacting their gender has a significant impact on other males who attend that school, shaping the ways those same males respond to sociocultural pressures around male gender as young adults. That in turn predicts their likelihood of engaging in substance abuse.

Adolescent boys whose gender expression was further from their school’s norm showed the greatest change in their gender expression as young adults, shifting toward that local norm of their school. Those who displayed the greatest changes were also the most likely to abuse substances including alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana and recreational drugs as young adults.

“These results add quantitative evidence to a conclusion that others have already drawn qualitatively: local expectations shape people’s understanding of their identity and how they perform it to their peers,” said senior author Harold Pollack, PhD, the Helen Ross Distinguished Service Professor at the UChicago Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy and Practice.

Countering the narrative to promote health

Based on these results, Pollack suggested public health experts could play a role in countering detrimental cultural narratives, such as when advertisers use gender-based messaging to promote harmful products like tobacco, alcohol or gambling platforms.

“It’s important to understand what motivates people,” he said. “If someone has a male gender expression where they put a lot of weight on self-reliance and strength and being a source of strength for the people around them, we can help them see that one of the ways to do that is by attending to their health.”

This study is part of a larger body of research around the tangible health effects of social pressures, especially those related to gender identity and expression. The results have the potential to shape paradigms in public health research and in clinical practice.

“We need to start taking social pressures more seriously as health determinants,” Glasser said. “If someone thinks using a product or following a doctor’s recommendation will undermine their identity or status or cause some kind of embarrassment, it is worth considering that social barrier as seriously as affordability or transportation issues.”

The study, “Associations of Adolescent School Social Networks, Gender Norms, and Adolescent-to-Adult Changes in Male Gender Expression With Adult Substance Abuse,” was published in the Journal of Adolescent Health in January 2024. In addition to Pollack and Glasser, co-authors were Jacob Jameson of Harvard University and Elizabeth Tung and Stacy Lindau of University of Chicago.


Using idle trucks to power the grid with clean energy

Waterloo researchers investigate how fuel cell powered vehicles can reenergize overworked electricity grids

Reports and Proceedings


University of Waterloo researchers are tapping into idled electric vehicles to act as mobile generators and help power overworked and aging electricity grids.

After analyzing energy demand on Alberta’s power grid during rush hour, the research proposes an innovative way to replenish electrical grids with power generated from fuel cells in trucks.

“Canada’s power grids need to be upgraded,” said Dr. XiaoYu Wu, lead researcher and a professor in Waterloo’s Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering. 

“But the price of Alberta’s power grid is much higher than other provinces. Most power is supplied by fossil fuels which results in high carbon emissions. The need to rapidly adjust generators to meet fluctuating demand is one of the reasons that the grid price is unstable and volatile. This creates the potential for clean energy storage to flatten the demand and price of electricity.”

The team's research builds on vehicle-to-grid technology which employs special chargers to push unused energy from electric vehicle (EV) batteries back to the power grid for storage. This electricity in-storage can support the grid during weather-related outages or to reduce the demand during peak periods.

The research proposes paying drivers of fuel cell powered trucks to rest during rush hour and while resting, to plug into a hydrogen refueling station or pipeline and use their trucks’ idle fuel cells as generators to provide electricity to the grid. The result is less vehicle traffic on highways, reduced energy use at peak times and cleaner way to store energy.

Waterloo graduate student Daniel Ding developed a mathematical model to simulate the operation, then used software to analyze and model the feasibility and potential of hydrogen fuel cell-powered electric vehicles to balance the grid load and decrease the peak price and carbon intensity.  

“Hydrogen fuel cells offer advantages over other fuels like batteries which require more investment and pollute more when you dispose of them,” Ding said. “Our preliminary findings show that using existing fuel cells in electric vehicles of the future can decrease costs on the grid.” 

This energy storage solution has application beyond trucks. Heavy-duty vehicles and trains — like switcher locomotives that typically are idled until they’re needed to change train routes — could also be early adopters. 

“With the increasing demand to decarbonize heavy duty vehicles, the fuel cell electric vehicle fleet is expected to expand rapidly,” said Wu. 

“Connecting these trucks to the grid for the peak-shifting purpose may provide economic incentives for adopting hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles and help facilitate the emergence of a large-scale hydrogen economy.”

The researchers’ next steps plan to test these preliminary findings in the lab and the field to determine its real-world applicability.  

The research is supported by the Transition Accelerator, Mitacs and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). It is the latest in Waterloo’s Sustainable Futures Initiative which aims to make the University a global leader in sustainability research, education and innovation to benefit the environment, economy and society.  

More information about this work can be found in the research paper, “Optimization of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle-to-Grid in Alberta by Mixed Integer Linear Programming”, published in 2023 IEEE 11th International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE).


More than skin deep: A molecular look at the mechanisms behind pigmentation variation

A new collaborative study offers a better understanding of genes and variants responsible for skin color, providing insights into human evolution and local adaptation.

Peer-Reviewed Publication


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Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania have discovered key insights into the molecular basis of skin color variations among African populations. Their findings, published in Nature Genetics, broaden the understanding of human evolution and the genetics underpinning contemporary human skin color diversity.

“Despite the abundant genetic diversity within African populations, they have been historically underrepresented in genetic studies,” says senior author Sarah Tishkoff, a Penn Integrates Knowledge University Professor with appointments in the Perelman School of Medicine and School of Arts & Sciences. “Our findings offer novel information about the genetic basis and evolutionary history of skin color diversity, contributing to a clearer depiction of human evolution.”

The story of human evolution is as rich and diverse as the adaptations found across the world’s populations, Tishkoff says. She notes that, among many adaptive traits, skin color stands out as one of the most well-known. Darker skin tones, prevalent in equatorial regions, serve as nature’s very own sunblock, evolving over millennia to shield these populations from the sun’s intense ultraviolet radiation. Conversely, lighter pigmentation, as seen in populations closer to the poles, is an adaptation to mitigate the risks of insufficient sun exposure by maximizing vitamin D production, which is triggered by UV exposure. 

Participants gather as Sarah Tishkoff (standing, right) details the purpose of the study. (Image: Courtesy of Alessia Ranciaro)

“Our approach involved genome-wide association studies of skin color from more than 1,500 eastern and southern African individuals as well as scanning the genome to identify genetic variants that are highly differentiated between lightly-pigmented Khoesan-speaking San population and other darkly pigmented Africans and may play a role in local adaptation in that population,” says Yuanqing Feng, first author of the paper and a postdoctoral researcher in the Tishkoff Lab.

The researchers note that pigmentation is a complex trait influenced by hundreds of variants scattered across the genome, with the majority situated in noncoding regions. These noncoding variants may affect the expression of genes located up to one million bases away. The vast number of mutations associated with skin color and the uncertainty surrounding the target genes regulated by these mutations make it particularly arduous for researchers to find the precise genetic mechanisms governing this trait.

Feng and collaborators used massively parallel reporter assays to discern the regulatory activities of thousands of variants. This high-throughput technique narrowed down the thousands of candidates to 165 functional variants. To identify the target genes of these functional variants, Feng further constructed high-resolution chromatin interaction maps in melanocytic cells using chromatin conformation capture assays. “This is a high-resolution 3D genome map in melanoma cells that will be valuable for gene regulation studies in pigmentation and melanoma biology,” Feng says. 

Using CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing, the researchers discovered that mutations in an enhancer of OCA2, a gene associated with albinism, could lead to a 75% reduction in melanin levels when compared to control cells. Within the same OCA2 enhancer, the researchers identified two closely located regulatory variants, estimated to be 1.2 million years old and 57 thousand years old, with the latter coinciding with the period of human migration from Africa.

A member of Tishkoff’s research team draws blood from a participant to extract the genetic information that will inform the study. (Image: Courtesy of Sarah Tishkfoff)

“This case illustrates the continuous evolution of human skin color, and it’s remarkable to observe the significant effects on skin pigmentation attributed to a single enhancer," Feng says.

San people have relatively lighter pigmentation compared to other African populations and possess the oldest genetic lineages in humans. While it is hypothesized that the light skin color of the San may result from adaptation to a southern African environment, the genetic underpinnings of this adaptation remain elusive. The researchers pinpointed several crucial regulatory variants near MITFLEF1, and TRPS1 that contribute to the skin color adaptation observed in the San.

“MITFLEF1, and TRPS1 are involved in signaling pathways regulating both melanocyte differentiation and hair development,” Tishkoff says. “This suggests that the variants influencing the lighter skin pigmentation observed in the San people may also contribute to their distinctive hair morphology.” Notably, the variant near TRPS1 associated with lighter skin color is at nearly 100% frequency in the San and in most non-Africans, whereas the variant associated with darker skin color is common in most other African populations and in the darkly pigmented Melanesian population, a striking example of global adaptations to UV exposure.”

Additionally, the researchers found a novel gene impacting human skin pigmentation, CYB561A3, which regulates iron homeostasis and influences melanin levels in melanocytic cells. “To our knowledge, the role of CYB561A3 in skin pigmentation has not been reported before. Intriguingly, there have been reports linking intravenous iron infusion to skin hyperpigmentation. Given that CYB561A3 encodes an iron reductase, I am curious about the role of this protein in this process,” Tishkoff says. 

“Our findings underscore the complexity of genetic factors influencing skin color and the benefits of including ethnically diverse and underrepresented populations in genetic studies,” she says. “Conducting functional studies on the impact of noncoding variants will enhance our comprehension of the genetics underlying complex human traits and disease risk.”

“The populations included in this study are from remote regions of Africa and required the use of a mobile lab set up in the field sites,” Tishkoff says. “The collaboration with our partners in Africa was key to the success of this research project.”

In future research, the Tishkoff lab would like to use its innovative functional genomics approach to identify more genetic variants contributing to human pigmentation and other adaptive traits in a larger sample of ethnically diverse Africans.  

Sarah Tishkoff is the David and Lyn Silfen University Professor in Genetics and Biology and a Penn Integrates Knowledge University Professor with appointments in the Perelman School of Medicine’s Department of Genetics and Department of Medicine and in the School of Arts & Sciences’ Department of Biology at the University of Pennsylvania.

Yuanqing Feng is a postdoctoral fellow in the Tishkoff lab at Penn.

Other authors include Ning Xie, Chao Zhang, Fang Zhang, and Matthew E.B. Hansen of Penn; Fumitaka Inoue of Kyoto University; Shaohua Fan of Fudan University; Thomas Nyambo of Hubert Kairuki Memorial University; Sununguko Wata Mpoloka and Gaonyadiwe George Mokone of the University of Botswana; Charles Fokunang and Alfred K. Njamnshi of the University of Yaoundé; Gurja Belay of Addis Ababa University; Michael S. Marks of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute; Elena Oancea of Brown University; and Nadav Ahituv of the University of California, San Francisco.

This research was supported by the National Institutes of Health (grants R35GM134957-01, 3UM1HG009408-02S1, 1R01GM113657-01, 5R01AR076241-02, and 1S10OD010786-01) and the Penn Skin Biology and Disease Resource-based Center (Grant NIH P30-AR069589).


Year-end survey spotlights food safety, age-related consumer behavior, out-of-stock trends

Key differences in food sustainability and values emerge between generations

Reports and Proceedings


Discarding food items based on date labels 



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WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Building off the previous month’s survey, the December 2023 Consumer Food Insights Report digs deeper into the relationships between food-date labels and the decision to discard food. The report also explores generational differences in food behaviors and reviews 2023 trends for out-of-stock items and common foods that people reported limiting in their diets over the year.

The survey-based report out of Purdue University’s Center for Food Demand Analysis and Sustainability assesses food spending, consumer satisfaction and values, support of agricultural and food policies, and trust in information sources. Purdue experts conducted and evaluated the survey, which included 1,200 consumers across the U.S.

In November, survey questions gauged perceptions of “use by” and “best if used by” dates. The data showed that sensory cues, such as smell and appearance, are important in the decision to eat or discard past-date food items. The December survey posed hypothetical scenarios where consumers were asked to decide about discarding or consuming a food item based on different information sets. These could include the date label alone or together with smell and appearance.

“The proportion of consumers who would discard food decreases slightly when they know the type of date label and that the food smells and appears ‘normal,’” said the report’s lead author, Joseph Balagtas, professor of agricultural economics at Purdue and center director. 

The December survey also assessed people’s concerns about the food in each scenario. “Approximately 30% and 45% of consumers indicate safety and taste, respectively, as a concern when eating foods one day past the date,” Balagtas said. 

As for food sustainability and values, Purdue researchers found sizable differences in their Sustainable Food Purchasing Index when separating the sample into generational cohorts: Generation Z, born after 1996; millennials, born 1981-1996; Generation X, born 1965-1980, and boomer-plus, born before 1965. 

“On average, consumers in the older Gen X and boomer-plus generations score higher on the index overall, primarily driven by high scores in the economic, taste and security subcategories,” Balagtas noted. “The Gen Z cohort scored the worst. However, younger generations, millennials in particular, score higher in the environmental and socially sustainable food purchasing dimensions.” 

The analysts see similar results in food values. Younger generations tend to put more weight on environmental impact and social responsibility when deciding which foods to buy. Older generations more often factor taste into their purchasing decisions. 

The December survey also showed that as food price inflation continues to decline, consumers similarly adjust their inflation estimates and expectations. Both decreased by half a percentage point from November.

“It will be interesting to see if this downward trend continues and consumers become more optimistic about food prices as we break into the new year,” said Elijah Bryant, a survey research analyst at the center and co-author of the report. “The expected food inflation rate over the next 12 months is the lowest it has been, 3.5%, since the survey’s inception two years ago." 

The data reveals differences in food spending by generation. “In particular, we see that the middle generations are spending the most per week on food for their households relative to younger Gen Z and boomer-plus consumers,” Bryant said.

Generational average weekly food spending 

“A strong correlation between spending and household size suggests that the large spending gap is likely a result of having more mouths to feed,” he said. The proportion of boomer-plus respondents who share a house with more than one other person is smaller than the other generations.

December survey data also showed that food insecurity is consistently higher among young adults compared to older generations. The average food insecurity rate among the Gen Z generation is 32% compared to 18% for millennials, 14% for Gen X and 6% for the oldest boomer-plus group.

“This is likely a result of income differences. Previous research shows that the added work experience that comes with age tends to correspond with higher income levels. Food insecurity tends to hit those with lower incomes the hardest, so this result isn’t necessarily surprising,” Bryant noted.

Consumer trends in 2023 revealed that the average stock-out rates reported by consumers dropped from 18% to 14% compared to 2022. Last year, eggs were the most commonly reported out-of-stock food that followed the widespread 2022 U.S. avian influenza outbreak, which spilled into 2023. For more information about the outbreak’s impact on eggs, see the center’s Chew On This! blog post from last September.

“We also ask consumers each month if they have been limiting any food items from their diets,” Bryant said. “In 2023, the most common response consumers gave was sugar. It would be no surprise if reducing sugar intake makes it on the list of people’s New Year’s food resolutions this month.”

The Center for Food Demand Analysis and Sustainability is part of Purdue’s Next Moves in agriculture and food systems and uses innovative data analysis shared through user-friendly platforms to improve the food system. In addition to the Consumer Food Insights Report, the center offers a portfolio of online dashboards.

Writer: Steve Koppes