Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Palestine, War Profiteers and the Youth


APRIL 30, 2024

Image by Ahmed Abu Hameeda.

Israel exists. Whether the reader likes this or not, it is a verifiable fact. That it has chosen to exist as a semi-fascist apartheid state that occupies land illegally while militarily supporting so-called settlers in the ongoing theft of more land is also a fact. So is the ongoing genocidal slaughter of Palestinians living in the area known as Gaza. All of these facts are subject to change, despite Israel’s arrogant proclamations to the contrary—the slaughter will end and Israel as we know it might, too. This is true despite its support from the world’s most successful colonial-settler state, the United States.

Here’s another fact. Palestine exists. It exists in the hearts and minds of the Palestinian people—in the Occupied Territories, in Gaza, in exile around the world and in Israel’s prisons. It also exists in the hearts and minds of millions of other humans on the planet and in the proclamations by 142 governments that recognize Palestinian statehood. This existence goes far beyond the groups that make up the current resistance and their supporters. It is also much more than the dashed hopes represented by the Palestinian Authority. Like other national liberation movements before it in Vietnam and Algeria (among others), and the struggle against apartheid in South Africa, the Palestinian struggle is a struggle that goes beyond borders and reaches across the human population.

Washington is a decrepit regime, crippled by its economic addiction to war and the preparation for war. Billions of dollars are handed over to its clients foreign and domestic, who seem all too willing to hitch their wagons to the death train pulled by the men and women in the White House, Congress and the Pentagon. It is a train fueled by the profits of death merchants and cheered by the sycophant media; a media that pretends diversity of opinion but never stops promoting the lies and programs of the rulers and their agenda. In other words, any diversity of opinion ends when it approaches a genuine challenge to the permanent war economy.

Israel seems determined to follow Washington’s path. Its regime has gone further than ever before, stripping away most pretenses of equal treatment for non-Zionists inside its borders. While Israel’s slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza and its ongoing incursion into the West Bank continues, its leaders defy the world’s common humanity and understandings, challenging virtually every rule in what Washington’s current White House calls the rules-based order. Israel suffers no punishment for its crimes. Instead, its defense minister challenges the hand of the nation holding its leash—the United States—telling it that “nobody will teach the Israeli military morality” after Washington suggested it might sanction a particularly brutal unit of the Israeli Offensive Forces. Washington backed off.

Israel and the United States are committing war crime after war crime. Indeed, the entire Israeli military, the Israeli government and the governments that fund them should be sanctioned. There is no moral claim left for Israel to make. Its crusade is nothing but homicidal madness. The fact that Washington and a few other morally bankrupt regimes continue to fund that crusade places them in the war crimes docket, as well. US imperialism has no clothes. Its bloodlust is once again revealed. The Israeli government is Washington’s mad dog in the region. Washington feeds the dog and lets it off its chain when it serves the US empire’s agenda. Of course, like any poorly trained dog, Israel doesn’t always return when its master calls.

If one seeks a sense of morality in the US, it seems it can best be found among those college and university students demanding an end to the slaughter in Gaza and divestment from the war machine that these institutions support. Liberals and conservatives call these protesters antisemitic. The media amplifies the nonsense. At this point, it could be argued that antisemitism is defined as any statement that does not indicate anything but total support for Israel’s occupation, land theft and the slaughter of Gazans. When it comes to Congress, the White House, the Pentagon and the institutions running interference for US foreign policy regarding Israel and Palestine (and the rest of the world), the statements regarding antisemitism ring exceedingly hollow upon further investigation. For example, congressman Mike Johnson’s religious beliefs demand his rabid support for Zionism. He is a Christian Zionist. Now, the only reason this branch of Christianity supports the state of Israel in its endeavor is because these believers understand the Bible’s Book of Revelations to read that certain things must happen for Christ’s second coming to occur. One of those things is the rebuilding of a certain temple in Jerusalem where the Al-Aqsa mosque currently exists. That rebuilding would likely only occur when Israel’s rebuilding of what is called Greater Israel is completed. This requires the complete and total defeat of the Palestinian struggle. Only then will these Christians’ savior come back and lead them to heaven. As far as Jewish people are concerned, if this time comes they will be slaughtered en masse unless they quickly convert to Christianity. In other words, Johnson’s version of Christianity doesn’t care about Jewish people, except as a means to hasten the ascent into heaven he and his fellow believers are convinced they are due.

Anyhow, thinking about morality. Not to preach, but certain realities need to be acknowledged. To set the stage, I grew up as the oldest son of twelve children. I raised two children of my own. I worked with young people in public libraries for years and still volunteer. I coached and refereed youth sports and I worked in undergraduate libraries on college campuses for decades. In other words, I’ve been around young folks my entire life. However, even people who have not been around children since they were children themselves must be asking themselves this question: how can anyone justify on any grounds the slaughter of over 15,000 children in Gaza since October 7, 2023? If you were appalled at the murder of children and young people during the attack by Hamas on that date, how can you be not at least equally appalled at Israel’s ongoing massacre?

That is a moral question, not a political one.

Ron Jacobs is the author of Daydream Sunset: Sixties Counterculture in the Seventies published by CounterPunch Books. He has a new book, titled Nowhere Land: Journeys Through a Broken Nation coming out in Spring 2024.   He lives in Vermont. He can be reached at: ronj1955@gmail.com

ICJ set to rule in case accusing Germany of facilitating Gaza genocide

Nicaragua has hauled Germany before the International Court of Justice to stop Berlin from providing Israel with weapons and other assistance.


The ICJ in The Hague is scheduled to issue an order at 1300 GMT./ Photo: AA

The United Nations' top court will rule today on charges by Nicaragua that Germany is breaching the 1948 Genocide Convention by supplying arms to Israel for the Gaza war.

Nicaragua has hauled Germany before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to demand that judges impose emergency measures to stop Berlin from providing Israel with weapons and other assistance.

More than 34,000 people have been killed in the Palestinian territory since Israel's war on Gaza broke out in October.

The ICJ in The Hague is scheduled to issue an order at 1300 GMT.

Nicaragua targeted Germany rather than Israel's main ally, the United States because Washington did not recognise the ICJ's jurisdiction in the case, Managua's lawyers have said.

They say Israel is in breach of the 1948 Genocide Convention.

'Arms to Israel'

Top lawyers from the two countries clashed earlier this month at the court, with Nicaragua saying Germany was "pathetic" to be both providing weapons to Israel and aid to Gazans.

Berlin retorted that Israel's security was at the "core" of its foreign policy and argued that Nicaragua had "grossly distorted" Germany's supply of military aid to Israel.

"Germany only supplies arms based on a meticulous scrutiny that far exceeds the demands of international law," said Tania von Uslar-Gleichen, a German representative to the ICJ.

Those supplies are "subject to a continuous evaluation of the situation on the ground", she added.

"The moment we look closely, Nicaragua's accusations fall apart," Christian Tams, another representative for Germany, told the court.

Nicaragua requested five emergency measures, including that Germany "immediately suspend its aid to Israel, in particular its military assistance including military equipment".

Even though ICJ decisions are binding, the court has no mechanism to enforce them.

Gaza hospital staff questioned by ICC war crimes prosecutors, sources say

Rescuers and medics search for dead bodies inside the damaged Al Shifa Hospital after Israeli forces withdrew from the hospital and the area around it following a two-week operation, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, in Gaza City April 8, 2024.


THE HAGUE — Prosecutors from the International Criminal Court have interviewed staff from Gaza's two biggest hospitals, two sources told Reuters, the first confirmation that ICC investigators were speaking to medics about possible crimes in the Gaza Strip.

The sources, who asked not to be identified due to the sensitivity of the subject, told Reuters ICC investigators had taken testimony from staff who had worked in the main hospital in Gaza City in the north of the enclave, Al Shifa, and the main hospital in Khan Younis in the south, Nasser.

The sources declined to provide more details, citing concerns about the safety of potential witnesses.

One of the sources said that events surrounding the hospitals could become part of the investigation by the ICC, which hears criminal cases against individuals for war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and aggression.

The ICC's office of the prosecutor refused to comment on operational matters in ongoing investigations citing the need to ensure the safety of victims and witnesses.

The ICC has said it is investigating both sides in the conflict, including both the Oct 7 attack by Hamas fighters on Israel and the subsequent Israeli offencive in Gaza.

During the conflict, the two main Gaza hospitals have both been high profile Israeli targets — surrounded, besieged and stormed by Israeli forces who accused Hamas militants of using them for military purposes, which Hamas and medical staff deny.

In recent days, Palestinian officials have also demanded investigations after hundreds of bodies were exhumed in mass graves at Nasser. The two sources were not able to say whether such graves formed part of any questioning.

Israel denies carrying out war crimes, including in or around Gaza hospitals, where it says all its military activities have been justified by the presence of Hamas fighters.

Hospitals are protected during wartime by international treaties, which can make attacks on them war crimes under the ICC, although they can lose this protection under some circumstances if they are used by combatants in a way that is harmful to the enemy.

A Palestinian woman reacts next to a wounded man at Nasser hospital following Israeli strikes, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, Dec 9, 2023.
PHOTO: Reuters file

Israel is not a member of the ICC, while the Palestinian territories were admitted as a member state in 2015. The ICC says this gives it jurisdiction over actions by anyone including Israeli soldiers in the Palestinian territories, and by Palestinians anywhere, including on Israeli territory. Israel does not recognise any ICC jurisdiction over its citizens.

Any ICC criminal case would be separate from a case in the International Court of Justice, or World Court, which was brought by South Africa and accuses Israel of genocide in Gaza, which Israel denies. The ICJ, also based in the Hague, hears lawsuits between states, while the ICC hears criminal cases against individuals.
'Dangerous precedent'

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Friday any ICC move would not affect Israel's actions but would "set a dangerous precedent that threatens soldiers and public figures".

"Under my leadership, Israel will never accept any attempt by the International Criminal Court in the Hague to undermine its basic right to defend itself," he wrote on Telegram.

Hamas fighters attacked Israel on Oct 7, killing 1,200 people and capturing 253 hostages, by Israeli tallies. Israel responded with an assault that Palestinian health authorities say has killed at least 34,000 people, with thousands more bodies believed lost under the rubble.

In a sign the ICC's investigation into the Oct 7 attacks has been moving forward, Yael Vias Gvirsman, a lawyer representing some Israeli victims, said in February a handful of her clients had given testimony directly to ICC investigators.

Thousands amass in Pakistan's capital to show solidarity with Palestinians

Women, children, lawmakers, and visiting foreign businessmen also attend rally

0/04/2024 Tuesday

File photo

Thousands gathered near Pakistan's capital Islamabad on Monday to express solidarity with Palestinians, in a latest show of support to the people of Gaza.

Aside from women and children, a number of lawmakers and visiting businessmen from Lebanon, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Russia converged in Blue World City, a high-end neighborhood on the outskirts of Islamabad.

The event included a symbolic laying of the foundation stone for a replica of Al-Aqsa Mosque and Al-Aqsa Museum, serving as a poignant reminder of the ongoing struggle in Palestine.

"Palestine cannot be forgotten. It's settled in our DNA," said Chaudhry Naeem Ejaz, a member of the lower house or the National Assembly.

"Pakistanis will continue to support the people of Gaza come what may," he said as participants waved the tri-color Palestinian flags.

Israel has waged a brutal offensive on the Gaza Strip since a cross-border attack by Hamas on Oct. 7 last year which killed some 1,200 people.

Nearly 34,500 Palestinians have since been killed, mostly women and children, and over 77,600 others injured amid mass destruction and severe shortages of necessities.

More than six months into the Israeli war, vast swathes of Gaza lay in ruins, pushing 85% of the enclave's population into internal displacement amid a crippling blockade of food, clean water, and medicine, according to the UN.

Israel stands accused of genocide at the International Court of Justice. An interim ruling in January ordered Tel Aviv to stop genocidal acts and take measures to guarantee that humanitarian assistance is provided to civilians in Gaza.
French university to be defunded over pro-Palestine demonstrations

Head of Regional Council of Ile-de-France accuses pro-Palestine students of being 'radicalized,' labeling their protests 'anti-Semitic hatred'

Burak Bir |30.04.2024 - 

Sciences Po students stage pro-Palestinian demonstration in Paris


The Regional Council of Ile-de-France said Monday that it will suspend funding for Sciences Po University in Paris over demonstrations by its students in solidarity with Palestinians amid Israel’s war on Gaza.

The council’s president, Valerie Pecresse, said she has decided to suspend the funding "until tranquility and security are restored at the university."

Accusing pro-Palestinian students of being "radicalized" and labeling their protests "anti-Semitic hatred," Pecresse wrote on X that the La France Insoumise (LFI) party and its "Islamo-leftist allies" cannot dictate their laws to the entire educational community.

She said that Ile-de-France defends the right to free, informed and respectful debates within the French university.

Sciences Po has become yet another prestigious Paris university where pro-Palestinian demonstrations are taking place to call for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza.

Israel has waged a brutal offensive on the Gaza Strip since a cross-border attack by the Palestinian group Hamas on Oct. 7 last year which killed some 1,200 people.

Nearly 34,500 Palestinians have since been killed, mostly women and children, and over 77,600 others injured amid mass destruction and severe shortages of necessities.

More than six months into the Israeli war, vast swathes of Gaza lay in ruins, pushing 85% of the enclave’s population into internal displacement amid a crippling blockade of food, clean water and medicine, according to the UN.

Israel stands accused of genocide at the International Court of Justice. An interim ruling in January ordered Tel Aviv to stop genocidal acts and take measures to guarantee that humanitarian assistance is provided to civilians in Gaza.

Outrage as video shows Arizona police removing woman's hijab at ASU

Officers seen in viral footage draw severe criticism while a Muslim advocacy group CAIR calls for full investigation into what's being called an Islamophobic incident amid Student Spring protests engulfing US universities.

The sources originally blurred the woman's face in the video to protect her privacy. / Photo:X@DaveBiscobing15

Footage going viral on social media has shown police forcibly removing a Muslim woman's hijab while being detained at Arizona State University [ASU], amid almost two weeks of protests against Israel's war on Gaza that have swept through higher education institutions from coast to coast.

At least four women have gone through the same harassment, sources told ABC on Monday that The sources originally blurred the woman's face in the video to protect her privacy.

The Arizona chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations [CAIR-AZ] condemned the actions of the police, calling for an investigation into the incident.

"The First Amendment guarantees the free practice of religion. Police cannot suspend this right. We condemn the reported actions of ASU police and call for a full investigation into this incident," CAIR-AZ Executive Director Azza Abuseif said in a statement.

The footage has gone viral on X, formerly known as Twitter, and has drawn severe backlash against the officers, with accusations of Islamophobia.

Arrests across campuses

This was not the first time police responded with aggression against protesters and students.

The number of arrests nationwide has approached 1,000 since New York police arrested demonstrators at Columbia University on April 18.

The arrests have prompted students across many universities in the US to join pro-Palestine protests and set up encampments in support of besieged Gaza as Israel's carnage in the blockaded enclave continues.

The students are demanding a ceasefire in the blockaded enclave and their respective universities to cut ties with companies that support Israel.

US President Joe Biden, along with other governors and officials, have been quick to call out alleged anti-Semitism as pro-Palestine protests keep rapidly spreading across US campuses.

Islamophobic incidents, which have been on the rise since the start of Israel's ongoing onslaught in Gaza, have not been taken as seriously.

Protest organisers deny accusations of anti-Semitism, arguing their actions are aimed at Israel's government and its prosecution of the conflict in Gaza.

They also insist some incidents have been engineered by non-student agitators.

Footage of police in riot gear summoned at various colleges to break up rallies have been viewed around the world, recalling the protest movement that erupted during the Vietnam War.


Indonesia's Mount Ruang erupts again, closes international airport



An eruption from Mount Ruang volcano is seen from Tagulandang island in Sitaro, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, on April 30, 2024.

Indonesia's remote Mount Ruang volcano erupted several times again on Tuesday, the country's volcanology agency said, forcing evacuations, the closure of a nearby international airport and the raising of the alert level to its highest.

Authorities had warned the threat from the volcano was not over after it erupted more than half a dozen times this month, sparking the evacuation of more than 6,000 people.

Ruang, located in Indonesia's outermost region of North Sulawesi province, erupted at around 1:15am local time (5:15pm GMT Monday) and twice more Tuesday morning, the volcanology agency said in a statement.

The volcano sent a tower of ash more than 5 kilometers into the sky, it said.

The agency also re-instated a 6-kilometer exclusion zone and said locals should be aware of "the potential for ejections of incandescent rocks, hot clouds and tsunamis due to eruption material entering the sea."

Images released by the agency showed a molten red column bursting into the sky, a large ash cloud spilling from the crater and burning embers near local houses.

More than 800 people live on Ruang, all of whom were evacuated this month.

Some had returned to their homes after the emergency response status ended on Monday, an AFP journalist said.

It was unclear how many residents had gone back and how many were forced to evacuate one more.
Source: AFP Editor: Wang Qingchu


Indonesia revokes licence of world’s largest forestry offsets project

The government cited the licence holder, Rimba Raya Conservation, for three offences. PHOTO: RIMBA RAYA

JAKARTA – The future of one of the world’s largest carbon offsets projects is in doubt after the Indonesian government revoked its licence for violating local regulations.

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry’s action covers more than 36,000 ha in Central Kalimantan, on the island of Borneo. The area is part of a project that has issued more than 30 million credits since 2013, according to data from non-profit CarbonPlan.

The government cited the licence holder, Rimba Raya Conservation, for three offences: The company transferred its licence to a third party without ministry approval, operated beyond its sanctioned area, and failed to make required payments to the state, according to a statement from the ministry in March.

Given the project’s scale, the government’s action creates potential consequences for carbon exchanges, traders, and companies that have bought Rimba Raya credits to offset emissions. It also highlights the risks that can be obscured by multiple participants, and the threat of emerging and rapidly changing government regulations.

Carbon offsets are a key component of tackling climate change, allowing polluters to counter their emissions by buying credits from projects like forest reserves in Indonesia. Prices for the credits are expected to soar over the next few decades, creating a market that could be worth as much as US$1 trillion (S$1.36 trillion) by 2050, according to research provider BloombergNEF.

In recent years, the voluntary carbon market has come under scrutiny for overblown green claims. In 2023, the world’s top seller of carbon credits parted ways with its chief executive officer, following months of allegations that the company overstated the climate impact of the products it sold.

The developments could also affect Rimba Raya’s business partners. Hong Kong-based InfiniteEarth has an agreement with Rimba Raya to sell the carbon credits and markets the project as its own. The company said in an email that it had registered and validated the Rimba Raya project under Indonesia’s new carbon registry and standard.

Toronto-based Carbon Streaming agreed in 2021 to buy more than 50 million Rimba Raya credits from InfiniteEarth over the next 20 years. In a statement on April 26, it said it is waiting for more clarity from InfiniteEarth and the Indonesian government. 

The Indonesian government and Mr Djonni Andhella, chief executive of Rimba Raya Conservation according to his LinkedIn profile, did not respond to requests for comment. 


Philippines Aims To Double Solar, Quadruple Share Of Wind In Power Output By 2030

The Philippines plans to boost the share of solar in power output to 5.6% in 2030 from 2.4% in 2024, and wind to 11.7% from 3.1%, according to a government presentation, potentially making the archipelago’s grid among the cleanest in the region.

The southeast Asian nation expects higher share of solar and wind to offset a decline in the share of other clean sources such as hydropower and geothermal energy, helping non-fossil sources account for 35% of power generation by 2030.

Hydroelectricity’s share is set to fall from 10% to 9.1%, while geothermal energy is expected to account for 7.7% of overall output by 2030, compared with 8.9% in 2024, Mylene Capongcol, assistant secretary at the Philippines Department of Energy, said in the presentation, at the Renewable Energy Markets Asia conference.

Philippines plans to achieve the targets by doubling solar capacity and tripling wind capacity over six years, Capongcol added in the presentation, which was shared with Reuters.

The country is betting on a rapid build out of offshore wind farms, which have high upfront costs. Spiralling costs amid high inflation have resulted in some saw developers cancel or pause projects in the U.S. and Britain last year.

The archipelago also expects to add 1,200 megawatts of Nuclear capacity by 2032, Capongcol said in the presentation, adding that the country plans to upgrade its transmission infrastructure to help manage the addition of renewables.

The energy department will also create a long-term program to facilitate the voluntary early decommissioning or repurposing of over 3.8 GW of coal-fired power plants which are more than 20 years old, Capongcol said.

Philippines is targeting reducing the share of coal in power generation to 47.6% by 2030, from about 60% currently.


Monday, April 29, 2024

Five Israeli army units found violating human rights much before Hamas raid

Washington declines to identify military units who've committed serious crimes against Palestinians in occupied West Bank but press reports say a battalion called Netzah Yehuda, composed mainly of ultra-Orthodox Jews, is one of the units.

US State Department is reviewing its plans to impose sanctions on the Israel Army battalion "Netzah Yehuda" battalion for human rights violations in the occupied West Bank./ Photo: X

The United States, which continues to arm Israel and shield it at the UN, has concluded that five Israeli military units committed serious human rights violations against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank much before the Hamas raid on October 7.

Four of these units have taken remedial measures, the State Department deputy spokesman Vedant Patel said on Monday, with consultations under way with the Israeli government over the fifth unit.

"After a careful process, we found five Israeli units responsible for individual incidents of gross violations of human rights," State Department added.

All of this behaviour took place before the October 7 Hamas attack and it was not in Gaza, he noted.

Patel declined to identify the units or say what measures the Israeli government had taken against them.

Press reports have identified one battalion called the Netzah Yehuda, with a lengthy history of misconduct, influenced by an ideology ingrained in settler-colonialism, as being accused of abuses.

US law bars the government from funding or arming foreign security forces against which there are credible allegations of human rights abuses.

United States is the main supplier of military and monetary assistance to Israel, giving its ally $3.8 billion in annual military dole.

It declared its full support for Israel since the beginning of the war last year. US never holds back in arming Israel, regardless of alarming Gaza civilian casualties.

Genocide in Gaza?

The Palestinian resistance group Hamas says its October 7 blitz on Israel that surprised its arch-enemy was orchestrated in response to Israeli attacks on Al Aqsa Mosque, illegal settler violence in occupied West Bank and to put Palestine question "back on the table."

In an assault of startling breadth, Hamas gunmen rolled into as many as 22 locations outside Gaza, including towns and other communities as far as 24 kilometres from the Gaza fence.

In many areas, they are reported to have confronted numerous soldiers as Israel's military hurried to mount a response, resulting in the killing of some 1140 Israelis, hundreds of them soldiers.

Hamas fighters took some 240 captives to Gaza as well. Dozens of them were later exchanged for Palestinians incarcerating in Israeli dungeons. Presently 130 captives remain in Gaza, including 34 who the Israeli army says are dead, some of them killed in indiscriminate Israeli strikes.

Since October last year, Israel has heavily bombarded Gaza from air, land and sea, killing more than 34,400 Palestinians, mostly children and women, wounding more than 77,600 and displacing most of 2.3 million people in the tiny coastal enclave.

For their complicity in the Gaza massacre, the International Criminal Court (ICC) is likely to issue arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and senior military officials, according to multiple media reports. Already, the International Court of Justice has found it is plausible that Israel has committed acts that violate the Genocide Convention.

Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on the rights situation in the Palestinian territories, says there are reasonable grounds to believe Israel has committed genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.



The double-fanged adolescence of saber-toothed cats

Evidence suggests saber-toothed cats held onto their baby teeth to stabilize their sabers


Portraits of saber-toothed cats with double fangs 



view more 


The fearsome, saber-like teeth of Smilodon fatalis — California's state fossil — are familiar to anyone who has ever visited Los Angeles' La Brea Tar Pits, a sticky trap from which more than 2,000 saber-toothed cat skulls have been excavated over more than a century.

Though few of the recovered skulls had sabers attached, a handful exhibited a peculiar feature: the tooth socket for the saber was occupied by two teeth, with the permanent tooth slotted into a groove in the baby tooth.

Paleontologist Jack Tseng, associate professor of integrative biology at the University of California, Berkeley, doesn't think the double fangs were a fluke.

Nine years ago, he joined a few colleagues in speculating that the baby tooth helped to stabilize the permanent tooth against sideways breakage as it erupted. The researchers interpreted growth data for the saber-toothed cat to imply that the two teeth existed side by side for up to 30 months during the animal's adolescence, after which the baby tooth fell out.

In a new paper accepted for publication in the journal The Anatomical Record, Tseng provides the first evidence that the saber tooth alone would have been increasingly vulnerable to lateral breakage during eruption, but that a baby or milk tooth alongside it would have made it much more stable. The evidence consists of computer modeling of saber-tooth strength and stiffness against sideways bending, and actual testing and breaking of plastic models of saber teeth.

"This new study is a confirmation — a physical and simulation test — of an idea some collaborators and I published a couple of years ago: that the timing of the eruption of the sabers has been tweaked to allow a double-fang stage," said Tseng, who is a curator in the UC Museum of Paleontology. "Imagine a timeline where you have the milk canine coming out, and when they finish erupting, the permanent canine comes out and overtakes the milk canine, eventually pushing it out. What if this milk tooth, for the 30 or so months that it was inside the mouth right next to this permanent tooth, was a mechanical buttress?"

He speculates that the unusual presence of the baby canine — one of the deciduous teeth all mammals grow and lose by adulthood — long after the permanent saber tooth erupted protected the saber while the maturing cats learned how to hunt without damaging them. Eventually, the baby tooth would fall out and the adult would lose the saber support, presumably having learned how to be careful with its saber. Paleontologists still do not know how saber-toothed animals like Smilodon hunted prey without breaking their unwieldy sabers.

"The double-fang stage is probably worth a rethinking now that I've shown there's this potential insurance policy, this larger range of protection," he said. "It allows the equivalent of our teenagers to experiment, to take risks, essentially to learn how to be a full-grown, fully fledged predator. I think that this refines, though it doesn't solve, thinking about the growth of saber tooth use and hunting through a mechanical lens."

The study also has implications for how saber-toothed cats and other saber-toothed animals hunted as adults, presumably using their predatory skills and strong muscles to compensate for vulnerable canines.

Beam theory

Thanks to the wealth of saber-toothed cat fossils, which includes many thousands of skeletal parts in addition to skulls, unearthed from the La Brea Tar Pits, scientists know a lot more about Smilodon fatalis than about any other saber-toothed animal, even though at least five separate lineages of saber-toothed animals evolved around the world. Smilodon roamed widely across North America and into Central America, going extinct about 10,000 years ago.

Yet paleontologists are still confounded by that fact that adult animals with thin-bladed knives for canines apparently avoided breaking them frequently despite the sideways forces likely generated during biting. One study of the La Brea predator fossils found that during periods of animal scarcity, saber-toothed cats did break their teeth more often than in times of plenty, perhaps because of altered feeding strategies.

The double-fanged specimens from La Brea, which have been considered rare cases of individuals with delayed loss of the baby tooth, gave Tseng a different idea — that they had an evolutionary purpose. To test his hypothesis, he used beam theory — a type of engineering analysis employed widely to model structures ranging from bridges to building materials — to model real-life saber teeth. This is combined with finite element analysis, which uses computer models to simulate the sideways forces a saber tooth could withstand before breaking.

"According to beam theory, when you bend a blade-like structure laterally sideways in the direction of their narrower dimension, they are quite a lot weaker compared to the main direction of strength," Tseng said. "Prior interpretations of how saber tooths may have hunted use this as a constraint. No matter how they use their teeth, they could not have bent them a lot in a lateral direction."

He found that while the saber's bending strength — how much force it can withstand before breaking — remained about the same throughout its elongation, the saber's stiffness — its deflection under a given force — decreased with increasing length. In essence, as the tooth got longer, it was easier to bend, increasing the chance of breakage.

By adding a supportive baby tooth in the beam theory model, however, the stiffness of the permanent saber kept pace with the bending strength, reducing the chance of breaking.

"During the time period when the permanent tooth is erupting alongside the milk one, it is around the time when you switch from maximum width to the relatively narrower width, when that tooth will be getting weaker," Tseng said. "When you add an additional width back into the beam theory equation to account for the baby saber, the overall stiffness more closely aligned with theoretical optimal."

Though not reported in the paper, he also 3D-printed resin replicas of saber teeth and tested their bending strength and stiffness on a machine designed to measure tensile strength. The results of these tests mirrored the conclusions from the computer simulations. He is hoping to 3D-print replicas from more life-like dental material to more accurately simulate the strength of real teeth.

Tseng noted that the same canine stabilization system may have evolved in other saber-toothed animals. While no examples of double fangs in other species have been found in the fossil record, some skulls have been found with adult teeth elsewhere in the jaws but milk teeth where the saber would erupt.

"What we do see is milk canines preserved on specimens with otherwise adult dentition, which suggests a prolonged retention of those milk canines while the adult tooth, the sabers, are either about to erupt or erupting," he said.

Tseng is supported by the National Science Foundation's Division of Biological infrastructure (2128146).

Double-fanged specimen from La Brea Tar Pits