Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Indeed, there is no

comparison: Israel’s crimes

are far worse than Hamas’

Benjamin Netanyahu is right to dismiss as “absurd and false” the suggestion that there is any equivalence in the atrocities committed by the two sides. Here’s why

There is one thing we should all be able to agree with Benjamin Netanyahu on: Any comparison between Israel’s war crimes and those of Hamas is, as the Israeli prime minister put it, “absurd and false” and a “distortion of reality”.Here’s why:

* Israeli war crimes have been ongoing for more than seven decades, long predating Hamas’ creation.

* Israel has kept the Palestinians of Gaza caged into a concentration camp for the past 17 years, denying them connection to the outside world and the essentials of life. Hamas managed to besiege a small part of Israel for one day, on October 7.

* For every Israeli killed by Hamas on October 7, Israel has slaughtered at least 35 times that number of Palestinians. Similar kill-ratios grossly skewed in Israel’s favour have been true for decades.

* Israel has killed more than 15,000 Palestinian children since October – and many tens of thousands more Palestinian children are missing under rubble, maimed or orphaned. By early April, Israel had killed a further 114 children in the West Bank and injured 725 more. Hamas killed a total of 33 Israeli children on October 7.

* Israel has laid waste to Gaza’s entire health sector. It has bombed its hospitals, and killed, beaten and kidnapped many hundreds of medical personnel. Hamas has not attacked one Israeli hospital.

* Israel has killed more than 100 journalists in Gaza and more than 250 aid workers. It has also kidnapped a further 40 journalists. Most are presumed to have been taken to a secret detention facility where torture is rife. Hamas is reported to have killed one Israeli journalist on October 7, and no known aid workers.

* Israel is actively starving Gaza’s population by denying it food, water and aid. That is a power – a genocidal one – Hamas could only ever dream of.

* Israel has been forcibly removing Palestinians from their lands for more than 76 years to build illegal Jewish settlements in their place. Hamas has not been able to ethnically cleanse a single Israeli, nor build a single Palestinian settlement on Israeli land.

* Some 750,000 Palestinians are reported to have been taken hostage and jailed by Israel since 1967 – an unwelcome rite of passage for Palestinian men and boys and one in which torture is routine and military trials ensure a near-100% conviction rate. Until October 7, Hamas had only ever managed to take hostage a handful of the Israeli soldiers whose job is to oppress Palestinians.

* And, while Hamas is designated a terrorist organisation by western states, those same western states laud Israel, fund and arm it, and provide it with diplomatic cover, even as the World Court rules that a plausible case has been made it is committing a genocide in Gaza.

Yes, Netanyahu is right. There is no comparison at all.

Jonathan Cook, based in Nazareth, Israel is a winner of the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His latest books are Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East (Pluto Press) and Disappearing Palestine: Israel's Experiments in Human Despair (Zed Books). Read other articles by Jonathan, or visit Jonathan's website.

Ongoing Massacres

On May 15, we will commemorate the 76th anniversary of the Nakba amid another catastrophe. Since 1948, Palestinians have suffered a profound and enduring trauma, as families were forcibly uprooted from their ancestral lands by Zionist militias, villages were destroyed, and communities were torn apart to create the settler colonial state of Israel. The Nakba represents not only a historical event but an ongoing reality, as it laid the foundation for the continued colonization and occupation of Palestinian land and violent dispossession of the Palestinian people. This series captures how the genocide and mass displacement of Palestinians in Gaza is an extension of the 1948 Nakba.

Visualizing Palestine is the intersection of communication, social sciences, technology, design and urban studies for social justice. Visualizing Palestine uses creative visuals to describe a factual rights-based narrative of Palestine/Israel. Read other articles by Visualizing Palestine, or visit Visualizing Palestine's website.

Western Governments’ Submission: From Assisting Israel to Obeying Israel

How did it happen and how can it be opposed?

Israel’s ongoing destruction of the Palestinian community distressed much of the world but hope and optimism that the destruction had a limit, the oppression would exhaust itself, and the destruction would not reach beyond its present borders contained the anxieties. An overly aggressive and duplicitous response to the October 7 attack changed attitudes from that of tolerating oppression to confronting an apparent genocide. The realignment of international coalitions shifted into high gear with the Russia-China bloc recognizing that Israel is a racist, militarist, supremacist, and supra-nationalist entity, a country without borders that solicits assistance from a well-organized network of cadres who control media sources and manipulate governments. Its constant aggression has no end and is leading to additional conflicts in Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Iran, and, maybe Iraq. Russia and China, who tried to maintain good relations with Israel, cannot tolerate the genocide. Aggression against their partners will be aggression against them. External appearance of cordial relations with Israel masks their animosity toward the Zionist regime.

Alignment with Israel in its oppression of the Palestinians has reduced US credibility as a nation that respects justice and defends freedom. Supporters of the Israel foreign nation attacked peacefully protesting American students and police stood aside and permitted the aggression to occur. This happened on the University of California, Los Angeles campus when an unruly group attacked students and their encampment. LA security officers stood by for hours before halting the attackers and then arrested dozens of student protesters and not any of those who attacked the students. The 1930 Nazis and their stormtroopers have been resurrected. US “democracy” follows Israel “democracy.”

In an interview, Georgia Senator Lindsey Graham says, “Israel, do whatever you have to do to survive as a Jewish state.” indicating Israel could nuke Gaza. Why is a Georgia Senator intensely involved with Israel and willing to recommend the genocide of Palestinian people?

The deliberate killing of the convoy of World Central Kitchen Workers on Gaza soil, one of hundreds of massacres committed by the Israeli military in Gaza and the West Bank, gets a rebuke and then fades from the public mind.

The October 7, 2023 attack on Israeli soil, used as an excuse to demolish all of Gaza and its people, is mentioned daily in the press and is not allowed to fade from the public mind.

Protests on U.S. campuses against a horrific genocide by Israel, which calls itself a Jewish state, are nullified by insinuating the protests are anti-Semitic ─ Jewish students claim that nobody likes them anymore. This claim moves the US Congress to hold hearings on “campus anti-Semitism” and deem Jewish feelings more serious than the destruction of the Gazan community.

Who are these 21st century stormtroopers and how did they obtain the power to act freely? Who influences nations, governments, and citizens to ignore Israel’s racism, militarism, supremacism, and supra-nationalism and permits Israel to commit genocide. The who, how, and what to do to counter the submission of Western nations to Israel’s dominance has been the leading question for those who strive to obtain peace and justice in the Middle East.

Reaction to the genocide concentrates on what is done to the Palestinians and what can be done for the two communities to live together. A strategy of what should be done to prevent the destruction of the Palestinians has been overlooked. Failures to challenge the deception and prevent the consequences have been the greatest failures of the supporters of Palestinian rights. Failure to challenge the traitorous actions of American legislators, who sacrifice American lives and American interests for the advancement of apartheid Israel, is the greatest failure of the American people. Israel lives by organizing the failures of others.

Start with defining the elements used to gain Western submission to Israel’s dictates. Planned infiltration by Zionist supporters in the US and European institutions — media, government, entertainment, financial, and educational — and Israeli immigration to Western nations, where the immigrants spy, propagandize, and become voting citizens that decide elections have enabled a distorted presentation of the Middle East crisis and deceptively allied populations with Israel.

The Unholy Trinity

In the United States, an unholy trinity guides US policy to favor Israel, searches out its antagonists, and charges “anti-Semitism” in every truth concerning apartheid Israel.

  • American Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC) funnels campaign contributions to politicos who take the Faustian pledge and are willing to sell their souls to protect Israel.
  • Committee for (In)Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA)  promotes inaccurate and unbalanced coverage of Israel and the Middle East. Staffers directly contact reporters, editors, producers, and publishers, giving them distorted and inaccurate coverage, and offering errors to refute factual information.
  • Anti-defamation League (ADL) is the first line of defense for Israel’s oppression. The ADL turns truthful condemnation of Israel into charges of anti-Semitism, provides exaggerated statistics by 100 fold to make it appear that US Jews are victims of a massive conspiracy, and identifies anti-Zionists as anti-Semites.

Special relationship

Commentators go to great lengths to explain the “special relationship” between Israel and the United States, treating it as a unique affair, in which both benefit. This slogan is a hoax, which originated during World War II as a description of the relationship between embattled Great Britain and a still neutral United States. Somehow and somewhere, a clever someone adapted the World War II slogan, applied it to Israel, and managed to insert it in the everyday lexicon of several nations. Some examples:

“The Netherlands maintains excellent relations with the Palestinian Authority (PA) and a constructive partnership through our development cooperation programme, while the special relationship with Israel allows for political openings.”

“The minister met with Israeli Minister of Military Affairs Moshe Ya’alon in Berlin on Thursday. Ya’alon is on a two-day visit to Germany. ‘This is the first foreign guest I have the pleasure of welcoming here in my function as defense minister. It shows the special relationship between Germany and Israel,’ the German defense minister stated.”

“Some members of the EU were against the deepening of relations with Israel without the progress in the Peace Process. The Czech plan did not materialize, yet, the ‘special relationship’ between the Czech Republic and the Jewish state remains strong.”

Placing the words “special relationship” in government conversations, speeches, reports, articles, and documents so they become part of the everyday vocabulary of Europeans is a significant thrust of Israel’s public relations effort. The words seem harmless but they have a psychological impact. Parental relationship with children is special; parents warn and forgive children for their misdeeds, after all, they are special, which describes Western nation relations with Israel. Constant warnings to Israel for its oppressive actions followed by tacit forgiveness allow Israel to continue its despotic behavior.


During the last decade, more than one million Israelis left their nation. Some are fleeing a Zionist cause that has betrayed them. Others migrate and continue their allegiance to Israel. Why did they migrate? These immigrants are a cadre of weaponless soldiers, who behave benignly but are propagandists who labor to align foreign institutions in accord with Israel’s interests.

I have witnessed immigrants inviting fellow workers to their homes and convincing them why they should support Israel. I knew of them going to synagogues and urging the Rabbis to place the Israeli flag next to the American flag. Previously refused, having the two flags together is now routine

In public schools, efforts are made to gain support for Israel by emphasizing the World War II Holocaust (nothing on the Nakba). I have seen the Diary of Anne Frank placed on empty desks. Librarians gather students in the library to choose general biographies to read. Seven out of ten are biographies of personalities from the World War II Holocaust. One librarian showed her ignorance of the topic by referring to Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg as a Nazi officer who helped the Jews. The World War II Holocaust has a vital place in history but treating it as a purposeful commodity demeans the lost lives.

U.S. citizens and Israeli “immigrants” act as research centers for Israel, accumulating social, political, and economic statistics on American industrial and commercial life and sending the data to Israel ─ unregistered foreign agents whose activities are illegal.

Students and visiting professors from Israel arrive with more objectives than learning. I have seen them at university conferences encountering Palestinian expressions of grievances with statements such as, “The West Bank roads that Israel is building are meant to serve Palestinians one day,” and then congregate after the meeting to discuss what they can do to counter the remarks made at the meeting. A visiting professor to St. Cloud State University in Minnesota, to whom school authorities refused use of his grant to teach Holocaust studies, sued the university for anti-Semitism and won his case. St. Cloud now has a Jewish Studies and Resources Center but no courses, only a document center.

Georgetown has a Center for Jewish Civilization (what is Jewish civilization?). Some typical courses have no relation to a “Jewish Civilization.”

JCIV-1031-01 German Catholics in Hitler’s Army Fall 2023 – This course will examine the role of Catholics in the Wehrmacht, including its crimes against Jews and other civilians.

JCIV-291-01 Combating Terrorist Financing Spring 2023 – Spring 2023 – This course explores how terrorists and terrorist organizations are funded and resourced, how they move and access money, and how governments and other international actors seek to combat the financing of transnational threats.

The Center for Jewish Civilization has periodic meetings, open to the public whose topics have nothing to do with any Jewish civilization and have much to do with Israel. Some examples:

April 20, 2023: “2023 Andrew H. Siegal Lecture by Professor Ed Husain – Berlin, Baghdad, and the Beltway: Democracy, Dictatorship, and the Dilemmas.”

November 3, 2022: Saints and Soldiers: Internet-Age Terrorism, From Syria to the Capitol Siege.”

Many talks are on the World War II Holocaust and anti-Semitism. No talks on Maimonides and other Jewish philosophers. No talks on past Jewish life in Spain, Tunisia, Iraq, and Europe.

Think Tanks

Political, “think tank,” peace, and cultural organizations in Washington, D.C. are unusually populated with Israelis and Israel supporters. Most prominent are Hudson Institute, Heritage Foundation, Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), and American Enterprise Institute (AEI), all pushing the Israel line. One route that I have noticed for becoming a ”think tank expert” is obtaining credentials from an Israeli institute, being awarded a grant to visit the United States by a sketchy organization, and eventually receiving an invitation (by a friend) to lecture at a university and becoming recognized as an expert on the Middle East. This leads to a recommendation for a fellowship at a Middle East “think tank,” more recognition, and soon we have an artificially prepared “Middle East expert” who ingratiates with peace groups and tries to steer everyone, including those at the institutions and universities, to lessen aggressive attitudes toward Israel. Nothing too extreme, only a neutralization of activity.


During 2010, the FBI uncovered 10 unregistered Russian agents living in the U.S. as ordinary citizens, engaged in harmless activities, such as meeting people in high places to influence their attitudes and reporting American views on foreign and domestic affairs to Moscow. Multiply the number of discovered Russian agents by tens of thousands and you will have the number of Israeli expatriates in the U.S., many of whom take the opportunity to do the same for Israel, become U.S. citizens, and vote for Israel-friendly candidates.

It all seems harmless and operates smoothly. However, considering the number of Israelis who have migrated to the U.S. and other Western nations in the last decades the amount can form a massive propaganda organization that steers westerners to favor Israel. Previous estimates by the Israeli government ministries and the Los Angeles-based Israeli American Council, which represents Israelis across the United States and promotes their interests, had between 500,000 and 800,000 Israelis living in the U.S., about 150,000 living in the New York area, 120,000 in Los Angeles, and 80,000 in Miami.

What are the more important voting areas in the United States? New York, California, and Florida are significant. Enough dual citizens and American-Israelis can shape the ballot in those regions and may have done that in the disputed 2000 presidential election. If Al Gore had won the 2000 presidential election, would the US have attacked Iraq?

This immigration needs intensive investigation and a full report. Americans deserve protection from foreign influence. Anyone representing the interests of a foreign nation should be registered as a foreign agent. Those placing the interests of a foreign nation before their own nation’s interests should be exposed.

Global Influencers

Extend the most deceptive propaganda mechanism in history from AIPAC, ADL, and CAMERA in the United States to the international scene.

A report titled: The Israel Lobby and the European Union, researched and written by Public Interest Investigations and Spinwatch, and published by EuroPal Forum, “seeks to explore a number of Israel lobby groups in the European Union, the power they wield, and the dubious sources that fund them, while also uncovering the secretive transatlantic networks behind them. Perhaps the timeliest chapters in this report are the ones that deal with the issue of criminalizing resistance and silencing dissent.” A few examples will be mentioned.

In France, Representative Council of French Jewish Institutions (CRIF) gathers an assortment of groups dedicated to Israel. An example of their thrust and how they operate.

French Jewish group CRIF fined for defaming pro-Palestinian charity, April 8, 2014.

(JTA) – France’s largest Jewish organization defamed a pro-Palestinian charity by accusing it of financing Hamas, a French court ruled. The ruling against the CRIF umbrella group handed down by the Nancy Court of Cassation last month was first reported Sunday by the news site al-kanz.org. CRIF staff were ordered to pay the equivalent of $4,140 to the Committee for Charity and Support for the Palestinians, or CBSP – a group that CRIF researcher Marc Knobel in 2010 wrote “collects funds for Hamas.”

Former Spanish Prime Minister José  Maria Aznar (why him?) leads The Friends of Israel Initiative (FII), which defines its thrust as “countering the growing efforts to delegitimize the State of Israel and its right to live in peace within safe and defensible borders.” A July 2014 working paper, “Understanding the Issue of Israeli Settlements and Borders,” claims that

…settlements have become an exaggerated issue in the diplomatic discourse over Israel. Settlement activity, like the construction of homes and schools, does not constitute a violation of Israel’s signed agreements with the Palestinians. The assertion that settlement activity is a violation of international law is not universally accepted, though it is frequently stated in UN debates and in the declarations of the European Union.

A July 2017 event featured this statement:

As goes Israel – so goes the United States of America and so goes Western civilization. And so many of our adversaries and enemies know that. That’s what we’re facing all across the Middle East and, truthfully, all across the world.

The United Kingdom has almost as many pro-Israel organizations as Israelis. Some of these are:

Labour Friends of Israel (LFI), a parliamentary group affiliated with the Labor Party, promotes support for a strong bilateral relationship between Britain and Israel.

We run and promote campaigns to help create a lasting peace in the Middle East with Israel safe, secure and recognised within its borders; living alongside a democratic, independent Palestinian state.

Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI) is a parliamentary group affiliated with the Conservative Party and dedicated to strengthening business, cultural, and political ties between the United Kingdom and Israel. CFI has given £377,994 to the Conservative Party since 2004, mostly in the form of fully-funded trips to Israel for MPs, according to the Electoral Commission website. Directors of CFI have also given money directly to the Tory party.

Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre (BICOM) seeks to present Israel’s case to journalists.

Our Strategic Assessments provide expert analysis of the ever changing challenges to Israeli security. From sub-state actors and foreign states to domestic concerns, the strategic threats to Israel and the Middle East are explored in depth.

Russia, yes Russia, has formation of a new lobby.

Jerusalem Post, Pro-Israel caucus forming in Russian parliament, By GIL HOFFMAN, 05/25/2013

A select group of Russian parliament members will soon be urging their colleagues to say “da” to Israel after a delegation of Israelis took steps to initiate the formation of a pro-Israel caucus in the Duma in meetings last week in Moscow.


Digest all of this. Why is there a plethora of foreign groups aiding one small country that has a strong military and is prosperous? Do equivalent assemblies of forces that promote a specific nation exist in the world? The questions answer themselves; these groups do not elevate a weak and destitute land; they shield an apartheid land from being exposed as a militarist and oppressive nation that is committing genocide.

Devising strategies for countering the pro-Israel groups, who proudly announce their agendas, is priority number one for those who realize the perilous situations of the Palestinians and their principal allies. Although pushed for many years in other articles, no strategy has been offered. Without an effective strategy, Western governments continue their “special relationship” with Israel, Israel continues its oppressive relationship with the Palestinians, and the Palestinians are doomed. Why will anything change?

Time to not concentrate entirely on how many Palestinians were killed today and concentrate more on how many Palestinians can be saved tomorrow. Let’s learn of strategies to change the direction of the Middle East crisis. I’ll make my contribution in a subsequent article.FacebookTwitter

Dan Lieberman publishes commentaries on foreign policy, economics, and politics at substack.com. He is author of the non-fiction books A Third Party Can Succeed in America, Not until They Were Gone, Think Tanks of DC, The Artistry of a Dog, and a novel: The Victory (under a pen name, David L. McWellan). Read other articles by Dan.

“Extremely Harrowing”: British Surgeon’s

 Gaza Testimony Buried By The “MSM”

Propaganda by omission is a dominant feature of the ‘mainstream’ news media. Indeed, it is a requirement. Rather than serving the public interest by fully exposing the brutal machinations of power, state-corporate media shield Western governments and their allies from scrutiny and focus the public’s attention on the crimes of Official Enemies.

Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza is but the latest example. Consider the dearth of media coverage given to the compelling and shocking testimony provided by leading British surgeon, Professor Nick Maynard, who works as a consultant gastrointestinal surgeon at Oxford University Hospital.

Maynard left Gaza just before Israel took control of the Rafah border crossing with Egypt on 7 May. He had been operating on Palestinian patients for two weeks and he gave a very disturbing account of what he had observed.

The first topic he highlighted was ‘the direct targeting of healthcare workers’ by the Israeli military, describing how ‘hundreds have been killed’ and ‘hundreds have been abducted’. Maynard had personally worked with one young doctor and one young nurse who had been abducted and held in captivity for 45 days and 60 days, respectively. They both gave him ‘very graphic and stark descriptions of their daily torture at the hands of the Israeli defence force’. He described the experience of hearing their stories as ‘extremely harrowing’.

Maynard had also been to Gaza over Christmas and New Year where he worked at Al-Aqsa hospital. He “spent the whole two weeks operating all the time on major explosive injuries to the abdomen and to the chest. And it was really nonstop.”

His visit was unexpectedly cut short in early January when the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) ordered the medical staff, along with the hospital’s 600 patients, to evacuate the hospital. A few British newspaper reports that included accounts by Maynard and colleagues were published at the time on the “nightmare” of working in “one of ‘Gaza’s last functioning hospitals” (Daily Mirror18 January, 2024), “The single worst thing I’ve seen” (Daily Telegraph12 January, 2024), and “British surgeon haunted by Gaza horrors pledges to go back” (The Times4 February, 2024).

In March, the Guardian reported that a delegation of American and British doctors had arrived in Washington DC to tell the Biden administration that the Israeli military was systematically destroying Gaza’s health infrastructure in order to drive Palestinians out of their homes. Maynard was quoted, accusing the IDF of committing “appalling atrocities”, although the article did not address these in depth.

He said:

“The IDF are systematically targeting healthcare facilities, healthcare personnel and really dismantling the whole healthcare system.”

He continued:

“It’s not just about targeting the buildings, it’s about systematically destroying the infrastructure of the hospitals. Destroying the oxygen tanks at the al-Shifa hospital, deliberately destroying the CT scanners and making it much more difficult to rebuild that infrastructure. If it was just targeting Hamas militants, why are they deliberately destroying the infrastructure of these institutions?”

According to Maynard, Israel’s strategy of targeting hospitals and healthcare facilities is intended to drive the Palestinians from their homes:

“It persuades the local population to leave. If a hospital has been dismantled, if the locals see there is no medical care available and see the disrupted infrastructure, it’s yet another factor that drives them south.” [At that time, Israel had designated the south of Gaza a “safe zone” for Palestinians to seek refuge.]

In an interview with Nick Ferrari of London-based LBC radio on 2 April, Maynard made further shocking revelations. The timing of the interview was linked to the IDF having just destroyed another hospital, Al-Shifa, where Maynard had also previously worked. Around 400 Palestinians had reportedly been killed in a brutal two-week attack by Israeli forces.

Maynard told Ferrari:

“Every single part of the hospital has been destroyed. The whole infrastructure of the hospital has been destroyed. When I spoke to Marwan [a Palestinian colleague] yesterday, he told me there were 107 patients, 60 medical staff. God only knows what has happened to them. I think we’ve seen some of the pictures. Surgeons I know have been executed in the last 48 hours there. Bodies have been discovered in the last 12-24 hours who had been handcuffed, with their hands behind their back[Our added emphasis].”

He added:

“And so, there is no doubt at all, that multiple healthcare workers have been executed there in the last few days.”

Ferrari then asked:

“You believe executed by whom, doctor?”


“By the Israeli Defence Force.


“Why would they seek to execute surgeons and medical professionals?”


“Well, they’ve been doing it since October the 7th. Over 450 healthcare workers have been killed. Friends of mine that I’ve worked with over the years. Many have been abducted as well, and nothing has been heard of them since. So, there is no doubt in my mind that – I can bear witness to this from my time at Al-Aqsa hospital and from talking to people that there has been direct targeting of the healthcare system in Gaza, direct targeting of hospitals and multiple killings of healthcare workers.”

Maynard also made clear that neither he, nor any of his colleagues, ever saw evidence of Hamas using hospitals or healthcare facilities as bases for their operations, despite numerous Israeli claims to the contrary.

BBC Silence

“Mainstream” media showed minimal interest in this highly credible testimony from a British surgeon on Israel’s deliberate targeting of healthcare workers, including actual execution of surgeons. As far as we can see, there is nothing about Maynard’s testimony exposing these executions on the BBC News website.

An article on the Guardian website on 7 April did cover Maynard’s testimony about targeting of healthcare workers and infrastructure, but made no mention of his statement that Palestinian surgeons had been executed by Israeli soldiers. Nor was it mentioned anywhere else in the entirety of the British national press.

The Telegraph carried an interview with Maynard on 12 January in which he said:

“here can be certainly no doubt in my mind from what I’ve recently witnessed that [Israel] are directly targeting healthcare structures with a view to completely disabling the healthcare system in Gaza.”

The Telegraph appears not to have reported Maynard’s subsequent claim that he personally knew surgeons who have since been executed by Israeli soldiers.

On 13 May, International Nurses Day, the Gaza Health Ministry announced that at least 500 medical personnel had been killed by Israel since 7 October. Dr Omar Abdel-Mannan, a paediatric neurologist and co-founder of Healthcare Workers for Palestine, said that the only way Israel could ‘justify’ these killings would be if they see these healthcare workers not as humans, but as “human animals”. As readers may recall, Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant infamously described his Palestinian enemies as “human animals”.

Of his most recent trip, Maynard said that:

“the very strong narrative of the patients I was treating over the last two weeks were those with terrible infective complications as a direct result of malnutrition, and this was very stark indeed.”

He gave a graphic insight into the hellish conditions:

“And I operated on many patients in the last two weeks who had awful complications from their abdominal surgery related to inadequate nutrition, and particularly those with [the] abdominal wall breaking down. So, literally their intestines end up hanging outside. And the intestinal repairs that have been carried out to deal with the damage to the bowels leaking, so their bowel contents leaking out from different parts of the abdomen, covering their bodies, covering their beds.”

He drew particular attention to:

“The lack of resources to deal with these inadequate numbers of colostomy bags, wound management devices and nutritional support.”

Maynard explained the consequences for patients:

“They get this vicious cycle of malnutrition, infection, wounds breaking down, more infection, more malnutrition. So, it’s devastating and we will see far more of that over the coming months.”

He gave examples of two young female patients he had treated: Tala who was 16 and Lama who was 18, both of whom had survivable injuries. Tragically, they both died “as a direct result of malnutrition”.

This was yet more shocking and credible testimony from an experienced British consultant surgeon. It should have been headline news across the British press and broadcasting outlets. But searches of the Lexis-Nexis database of newspapers, together with Google searches, reveal minimal “mainstream” coverage: one article in the Independent.

If this had been evidence against “Putin’s Russia” or “Assad’s Syria”, it would have generated huge headlines, in-depth reporting and anguished commentary across all major news media. Once again, we see the insidiously corrupt phenomenon of propaganda by omission.

It is noteworthy that, last November, the BBC News website did feature Maynard, “who’s been travelling to the Gaza Strip and West Bank for more than a decade.” Six months ago, he was once again on “standby to go and work in operating theatres with the charity Medical Aid for Palestinians”. With remarkable courage, he told the BBC:

“I think there is fear, apprehension, not knowing what one would find, but I think the other motives for doing so… are so powerful that they outweigh everything else. I consider it a huge privilege to be in a position to help these people who need help more than most of us can possibly understand.”

Now that Maynard has returned from Gaza with horrific accounts, not least of the murder of healthcare workers by the Israeli military, the BBC appears not in the least interested. When we pointed this out via X (formerly Twitter), directly challenging John Neal, editor of BBC News at One, Six and Ten, and Paul Royall, executive editor of the BBC News Channel, the public response was huge. Our social media outreach is routinely suppressed by the deliberately obscure algorithms of Facebook and X. But this particular tweet spread widely by our standards, being shared 740 times at the time of writing. Shamefully, there has been no response from the BBC.

When Genocide Is Merely “War”

In the meantime, BBC News persists in labelling the Gaza genocide as the ‘Israel-Gaza war’. The day after it was reported that almost half a million Palestinians had fled Rafah in the south of Gaza, despite having previously been designated a “safe zone” by Israel, as discussed above, the BBC failed to follow up on the story.

One was presumably supposed to imagine that this huge number of people was no longer in danger: at risk of being bombed or dying under Israeli-imposed hunger, malnutrition and disease.

That same week, the BBC News website had as many as four ‘Live’ feeds running simultaneously. Not one of them focused on the Israeli-inflicted horrors in Gaza. This is truly remarkable. Has there been a BBC directive from senior management not to give too much attention to Israel’s genocide of Palestinians? Where are the BBC whistleblowers who can let the public know what’s going on inside the corporation?

A vanishingly rare exception appeared on 24 October 2023, when BBC correspondent Rami Ruhayem – a former journalist for the Associated Press, who has worked as a journalist and producer for BBC Arabic and the BBC World Service since 2005 – sent a letter to the BBC’s Director-General, Tim Davie:

“Dear Tim,

I am writing to raise the gravest possible concerns about the coverage of the BBC, especially on English outlets, of the current fighting between Israel and Palestinian factions.

“It appears to me that information that is highly significant and relevant is either entirely missing or not being given due prominence in coverage.”

The emphasis now is emphatically on “missing”. It seems the global student and other protests have prompted the BBC to attempt to limit public dissent.

By contrast, BBC journalists can be quick to respond when they feel they have been subjected to unjust criticism. On 13 May, we retweeted a clip from Saul Staniforth, a media activist with a large following on X, about Israel banning Al Jazeera. Staniforth had included a quote from Sebastian Usher, a BBC News Middle East analyst:

“Al Jazeera – I think many people, if they DO watch it, WOULD see it as some kind of propaganda.”

We asked:

“And how do you think many people see BBC News?”

Clearly piqued, Usher contacted us the following day to say that his quote had been taken out of context. He said it was a direct response during a live interview to a question on the likely reaction by Israelis to the closing of Al Jazeera. He considered Staniforth’s tweet and our follow-up seriously misleading and the exact opposite of the tenor of his reporting on the issue.

We asked him which words he had used to express solidarity with Al Jazeera, or to speak out for press freedom and free speech. He declined to provide such a statement, saying that as a BBC journalist he was unable to do so in a public forum. Usher added that in his reporting he stressed that Al Jazeera sees its mission as righting what it believes is imbalance on Gaza reporting in international media by giving more space to Palestinian voices and voices on the ground.

We were happy to include the points he had made, which we did via Facebook and X. Usher responded to our very reasonable response with a grudging “Ok”.

It is worth noting that Usher strongly objected to being “quoted out of context” while working for a media organisation clearly trying to suppress public outrage at an ongoing genocide by reducing coverage.

Moreover, the essential observation we made stands: many people at home and abroad regard BBC News as an outlet of western propaganda. Its abject performance during the Gaza genocide – “the Israel-Gaza war”, as the state-mandated broadcaster puts it – is ample proof.


Media Lens is a UK-based media watchdog group headed by David Edwards and David Cromwell. The most recent Media Lens book, Propaganda Blitz by David Edwards and David Cromwell, was published in 2018 by Pluto Press. Read other articles by Media Lens, or visit Media Lens's website.

Inside one Israeli death and torture camp

Palestinians participate in a sit-in protest at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir Al-Balah, on 5 May. They denounced the assassination of Dr. Adnan Al-Barash in an Israeli prison.  (Ali Hamad APA images)

Torture, amputations and the fetid smell of untreated wounds hang heavy in the air at the Sde Teiman facility.

An army base situated between Beersheba and Gaza in the southern Negev region, it was turned into a detention center for Palestinians, including abductees from Gaza, before they are transferred to other prisons.

Three Israelis who worked at the facility, and possibly participated in abuses against Palestinians, gave testimonies and pictures to CNN of what they witnessed.

The whistleblowers painted a grim picture of what amounts to a torture camp, where Palestinians are held without charge, interrogated and filtered through to detention centers or sent back to Gaza.

The facility is segregated into two areas: one designated for the detention of 70 Palestinians from Gaza, where they are subjected to severe physical restraint, CNN reported.

The other section serves as a so-called field hospital, where injured detainees are immobilized and strapped to their beds, forced to defecate in their diapers and fed through straws.

At least three army bases have been transformed into detention facilities since Israel’s genocide in Gaza began on 7 October, at least so far as the Israeli military has admitted to: Sde Teiman in Israel, and the Anatot and Ofer military bases in the occupied West Bank.

The number of Palestinians detained at those facilities is unknown.

During its ground invasion, the Israeli army converted schools within the Gaza Strip into military bases and detention centers, according to the group Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor.

One notable example is the Salah al-Din preparatory school in Gaza City. That school was transformed by Israeli occupation forces into a detention and interrogation center for hundreds of Palestinians in February.

Recent legal amendments have paved the way for such facilities, notably the “unlawful combatant law,” which expands Israeli authorities’ powers to detain Palestinians without charge, trial, seeing a judge or legal oversight for up to 75 days after arrest.

Detainees may also be deprived of legal counsel for up to six months.

“Unlawful combatants” have previously included individuals such as an elderly Palestinian woman with Alzheimer’s.

Formerly detained Palestinians at Sde Teiman have also described the harrowing conditions inflicted by Israeli authorities.

Pictures leaked to CNN depict rows of prisoners handcuffed, blindfolded and held behind a fence under floodlights.

“The prisoners are subjected to collective beatings and abuse by soldiers, using profanities that prisoners are unable to repeat,” prisoners rights group Addameer reported.

“They are also forced to kneel on gravel or asphalt, spending their days with their hands bound and blindfolded, unable to speak to each other.”

Addameer said Israeli interrogators torture detainees and subject them to “dignity-stripping treatment,” including stress positions for hours as well as sleep deprivation.

UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestine refugees, has collected information from hundreds of Palestinians who were detained since the beginning of Israel’s ground operation in late October last year, The New York Times reported.

Israeli authorities subjected Palestinians – “men and women, children, older persons, persons with disabilities,” according to UNRWA – to ill-treatment throughout their detention, including sexual abuse and threats of sexual violence.

“Paradise for interns”

Abducted Palestinians in the prison camp are subjected to routine amputations due to severe cuff injuries, an Israeli field doctor who had worked at the camp revealed to the newspaper Haaretz last month.

Whistleblowers provided CNN with descriptions of the field hospital at the camp, and the broadcaster created a 3D video model illustrating these accounts. The illustration depicted detainees lying horizontally, nearly naked, wearing diapers, with their hands and feet tied down to beds.

The video depicted a tent with up to 20 detainees.

One of the whistleblowers, who worked as a medic at the detention center’s so-called field hospital, described it as a playground for unqualified medical personnel. He even admitted to lacking the appropriate training for the treatment he was asked to administer.

“It is a paradise for interns because it’s like you do whatever you want,” he said.

“I was asked to learn how to do things on the patients, performing minor medical procedures that are totally outside my expertise,” he added.

“Just being there felt like being complicit in abuse.”

The same whistleblower said he witnessed an amputation performed due to injuries sustained by handcuffing.

Israeli authorities ensured that the identities of unqualified personnel were shielded from any potential future investigations by abstaining from signing any medical documents. This confirmation aligns with a report published earlier this year by Israeli rights group Physicians for Human Rights-Israel.

Dr. Mohammed al-Ran, a Palestinian with Bosnian citizenship who headed the surgical unit at the Indonesian hospital in northern Gaza, described to CNN what he witnessed while he was held at the Sde Teiman prison camp.

After Israeli forces seized him in December at the al-Ahli hospital in Gaza City, al-Ran was stripped, blindfolded, handcuffed, and crowded into the back of a truck with other Palestinian detainees, many of whom were also barely clothed, before being transported to the facility.

During his 44-day detention in the facility, the doctor spent most of his time serving as an intermediary between the prisoners and the guards.

It was during this period, when he was no longer blindfolded, that he witnessed the worst of the atrocities.

“Part of my torture was being able to see how people were being tortured,” he told CNN.

“At first you couldn’t see. You couldn’t see the torture, the vengeance, the oppression,” he added.

“When they removed my blindfold, I could see the extent of the humiliation and abasement … I could see the extent to which they saw us not as human beings but as animals.”

Worse than death

“Addameer asserts that there is a reasonable basis to claim that the occupying forces are committing war crimes and crimes against humanity against prisoners from the Gaza Strip,” the prisoners group said.

This encompasses complicity by the government, judges, prison authorities, police and the military, thereby undermining the credibility of any self-examinations, when and if they occur.

In March, a revealing exposé by Haaretz disclosed that at least 27 Palestinians have died while in Israeli custody since 7 October. Only six have been identified, according to Addameer.

However, this figure could potentially be higher, given disturbing reports of Palestinians dying in detention.

For instance, news only broke weeks after Dr. Adnan al-Bursh, the 50-year-old head of orthopedics at Gaza City’s al-Shifa hospital, was killed in Ofer Prison in the West Bank on 19 April, according to the Palestinian Authority.

Many Palestinians in Gaza remain missing, whether being trapped beneath the rubble of buildings targeted by Israeli shelling in Gaza, or laid to rest without identification – whether through Palestinian efforts to honor the dead or within mass graves created by Israeli soldiers during ground invasions.

Some Palestinians may view those facilities as their last chance to locate their missing family members.

However, a former detainee asserts this is a fate worse than death.

As Dr. Mohammed al-Ran was being released, a fellow prisoner implored him to locate his family in Gaza and deliver them a message.

“He asked me to tell them that it is better for them to be martyrs,” al-Ran recounted to CNN.

“It is better for them to die than to be captured and held here.”

• First published in The Electronic Intifada