Saturday, May 25, 2024


Tragedy of albinos in Tanzania

Tragedy of albinos in Tanzania

Spell-casting is fairly common in Tanzania, which has the highest percentage of albino population in the world. There are many who cast spells using an albino's limb or skin in the hopes of rising to a prominent position or reaping a handsome profit.

Tanzania has the highest percentage of albino population in the world. In this country, being an albino means that you will never be able to lead a normal life. Their limbs are amputated and used in spells, they often avoid schooling due to abduction fears, and they cannot work outdoors to avoid skin cancer resulting from exposure to the scorching sun. Thankfully, Tanzania's President Samia Suluhu Hassan has been working hard to protect albinos in recent years. There is also a Turkish woman, Yeşim Meço, who has her hands on the problem, most probably making her the only white woman in the world dedicating herself to the cause of albinos.

"I was sleeping when five people entered my room in the dead of night. Two of them pinned me down, while the other three stood guard at the door to keep anyone from approaching me. I don't recall what happened next. When I woke up, I found my sister crying beside me. I felt wetness on my right side and, trying to reach for the lamp, I realized my right arm was missing. That's when I began to scream in agony and fear," 25-year-old Kulva said as she recounted her harrowing experience.

Kulva was only 13 years old when this tragic incident happened.

Kulva is not alone. In Tanzania, there are hundreds, possibly thousands, who have suffered similar fates, having a hand, arm, or leg amputated. Kulva is fortunate to have survived. This atrocity is being done in order to provide material for casting spells. Yes, you heard correctly; there are many who cast spells using an albino's limb or skin in the hopes of rising to a prominent position or reaping a handsome profit.

Spell-casting is fairly common in this country. Every neighborhood has a spell caster. People go to someone they refer to as "Magic Doctors" and ask them to prepare mixtures that are claimed to be a remedy for their problems. These spells involve a variety of plants, spices, oil and even animal limbs, depending on how hard the desired thing is to obtain. They substitute albino limbs for animal limbs when it is hard to achieve the intended results. A person with AIDS may hold the perverse delusion that raping an albino will cure his sickness.

In Tanzania, being born an albino indicates you are cursed from birth. When a black woman gives birth to a white child, she has difficulty accepting it. There are even tales that women drown their newborns shortly after birth. However, this is a genetic condition that can be passed down as far as seven generations. However, just a few people acknowledge this. Fortunately, in recent years, schools have been raising awareness by teaching children that this is a genetic disease.

Kulva was born in the Shiningaya region's Mbezi hamlet in the Kahama district, where these ideas are most strongly adopted. She had been ostracized since childhood, but the situation worsened when her arm was amputated, leading her family to belittle her further. With a heavy heart, she said that when everyone else goes to school or works in the fields, she stays at home, takes care of her family and cleans home as much as she can, but she still feels like she is of no help to anyone. As her family did not welcome us, she came to Mwanza accompanied by the chief person taking care of albinos in her region. Though it pains her to admit it, rumors have it that it was Kulva's family who sold her arm.

Unfortunately, Shingaya, three hours away from Mwanza, is the place where these incredible beliefs are most prevalent. In 2008, when the bodies of 70 albino children who had been skinned or whose hands had been cut off were found in a month, the government took action. They built albino camps with different capacities in different locations, took albino children from their families and placed them in these camps. Families willingly give their children so that they can grow up safely. According to their stories, many families sleep outside their homes at night for fear of their children being kidnapped

We visited one of the state-run camps; it's surrounded by high walls, features a large, locked gate, and is guarded by armed personnel. The interior is spotlessly clean and the children are happy. The camp's director, Helena, informed us about the facility's operations and shared the heartbreaking stories of some of the children. For instance, one 7-year-old boy was attacked as an infant while on his mother's back as they headed to the fields. His mother fought hard to protect him, and some bystanders saved the baby's life, but in the meantime, deep wounds were inflicted on his sensitive white skin.

Albinos are particularly vulnerable with their eyes and skin. They experience diminished vision in sunlight and require protective cream to prevent their skin from developing wounds that could turn cancerous. School-aged children in the camp are transported to schools via a special minibus, while younger ones remain at the camp during the day. Families are encouraged to visit regularly to maintain family bonds and prevent emotional detachment. When children reach 18 and are considered capable of protecting themselves, they are allowed to leave and start their independent lives. However, any girls who wish to stay at the camp have the option to remain and work there.

Life in rural areas is significantly harder and more perilous for albinos compared to urban centers like Dar es Salaam, where there is greater awareness about their condition. We visited two albino brothers, Cuma and Abdurrahim, at their modest home in Dar es Salaam. Their pregnant mother invited us inside, to a room furnished with old, worn-out couches. She shared the initial shock and fear she felt upon seeing her first child's white skin at birth. It was later understood that her husband carried the albino gene from three generations back. By the time her second son was born, she had come to accept this situation more naturally. Both boys lack the financial means to attend boarding school, which is seen as a safer alternative for albino youngsters compared to walking to and from school every day. On the day we were set to leave, the mother went into labor and gave birth to a third child, an albino girl.

Fatuma is one of the lucky ones. She is married with four children, one of whom, Mahmoud, is an albino like her. Fatuma feels a special bond with her 8-year-old albino son. She had met her husband by chance somewhere. He loved Fatuma very much and immediately asked her family to marry her. While some Tanzanian men appreciate albinos rather than find them odd, young albino girls need to be very careful. Regrettably, there are instances where girls are lured away from their homes with marriage promises, only to be trafficked and mutilated.

I traveled to Tanzania in order to meet Yeşim Meço Davutoğlu, an angel who has devoted her life to serving albinos. Her ex-husband was appointed ambassador to Tanzania twice. She had the shock of her life when she learned about what albinos were going through in this country, and she immediately turned her attention to what she could do. To have a deeper understanding of their needs and what they could do for them, she even stayed in one of the camps in Shiningaya. Her interest struck a chord so strong that Tanzanian TV channels covered it for days. The wives of other diplomats were urged to follow Yeşim's lead.

Her husband, former Turkish Ambassador Ali Davutoğlu, also gave diplomatic support. They brought as many albinos as they could to Dar es Salaam and had them examined by the Doctors Worldwide (Yeryüzü Doktorları) team they called from Türkiye. They distributed free sunscreen to albinos. They even sparked the rage of Italians who attempted to market sunscreen to albinos. Thanks to Ali Davutoğlu's initiatives, June 13 is now recognized globally as "International Albinism Awareness Day."

Yeşim Meço looks after one of the orphanages with the state's approval. She covers all the expenses using volunteer donations to the Ashura Foundation, a nonprofit organization he established. Most of the time, he even donates money from his own pocket. They also adopted a girl and a boy from the orphanage named Ayşe and Osman, respectively. Ayşe is 16 years old and Osman is 8 now.

Although her husband's assignment as an ambassador has ended, they continue to reside in Dar es Salaam. As she walks the streets, many approach her, calling her "Mama Turkey" and confiding in her about their own or their loved ones' issues. All the cases I have just mentioned have been directly conveyed to Yeşim. Yeşim has been in contact with Kulva for some time. We covered the cost of an artificial arm that she had ordered from abroad and had it fitted for Kulva in Mwanza. Now equipped with a prosthetic arm, Kulva is eager to work and earn a living, and she sees no reason why getting married shouldn't be possible.

Accompanied by their fathers, we picked up Cuma and Abdurrahim from their homes and registered them in a private school. It will cost them about $1,500 a year to attend boarding school. Now, they are beginning to dream about their futures: Cuma aspires to become a doctor, while Abdurrahim wants to be a lawyer. At the camp, we handed out hats and sunscreen to the children and told them the importance of regular sunscreen use. Additionally, we presented Fatuma with a sewing machine, enabling her to sew and earn an income from home. She believes this will boost her self-confidence.

Yes, geography is your destiny. Especially if you were born an albino in Africa.

Super Size Me director Morgan Spurlock dies at 53

1 day ago
Ian Youngs,Entertainment & arts reporter

Oscar-nominated documentary maker Morgan Spurlock, best known for his 2004 fast food film Super Size Me, has died at the age of 53.

Super Size Me saw Spurlock live on a diet of McDonald’s food for an entire month to test the health impact on his body.

It sparked a huge debate and earned him an Oscar nomination for best documentary.

He directed more than 20 films and documentaries in total, including 2008's Where in the World is Osama bin Laden, and the 2013 One Direction tour movie This Is Us.

He died of complications from cancer, his family said in a statement via his publicist.

Spurlock's brother and collaborator Craig said: “It was a sad day, as we said goodbye to my brother Morgan.

“Morgan gave so much through his art, ideas, and generosity. The world has lost a true creative genius and a special man."

Spurlock promoted his film outside a McDonald's branch during the 2004 Sundance Film Festival

As well as directing Super Size Me, Spurlock was the film’s star and guinea pig as he ate dozens of Big Macs and Chicken McNuggets and drank gallons of cola.

He put on 25lb (11kg) and was told by doctors his health was at risk if he did not end his 30-day experiment.

Spurlock was seen describing himself feeling ill and low in energy, while medical concerns were raised about his blood pressure and cholesterol.

Spurlock put on 25lb (11kg) while making Super Size Me

The film also asked searching questions of the US food industry and suggested a healthier alternative could be available with political will.

Its release prompted McDonald's to release a statement defending its menus and denouncing Spurlock's movie as "unrealistic".

The company took out adverts in five British newspapers saying its food should be eaten as "part of a balanced diet".

But McDonald’s scrapped its Super Size option that year.

Spurlock with One Direction at the premiere of their documentary in 2013

After that film, Spurlock tackled subjects including the US war in Afghanistan with Where in the World is Osama bin Laden; consumer marketing in The Greatest Movie Ever Sold; and elder care and gambling in CNN series Morgan Spurlock’s Inside Man.

He was nominated for an Emmy award in 2010 for The Simpsons 20th Anniversary Special: In 3-D! On Ice!

In 2017, as allegations of sexual misconduct swept Hollywood, he penned a confessional essay referring to himself as "part of the problem".

He said he had been accused of rape and had paid to settle a claim of sexual harassment.

He also admitted cheating on "every wife and girlfriend I have ever had".

He then stepped down from the production company he had co-founded in 2004.

In 2019, he returned to screens with a sequel to Super Size Me, opening his own chain in order to find out how the fast food industry had changed.
Orcas aren’t attacking boats — they’re just playful teens, scientists say

What might seem like killer whales orchestrating vengeful and coordinated attacks on ships is probably a playful fad among bored teen orcas, scientists say.

By María Luisa Paúl
May 25, 2024 at 12:04 a.m. EDT

Hundreds of dangerous boat-ramming incidents over the past five years have cast orcas as deep-sea villains plotting to take back the ocean.

But the killer whales causing mayhem off Europe’s Iberian Peninsula might actually just be bored teenagers — at least, that’s the leading theory among a group of more than a dozen orca experts who have spent years studying the incidents.

Since 2020, members of a small group of killer whales have rammed into at least 673 vessels off the coasts of Portugal, Spain and Morocco — causing some to sink. The Spanish and Portuguese governments responded by tasking a group of experts with determining what was causing the whales to strike rudders, which are used to steer ships, and how to stop it.

The group, which includes biologists, government officials and marine industry representatives, on Friday released a report outlining their hypothesis: The orcas just want to have fun, and in the vast — and rather empty — open waters, the boats’ rudders are a prime toy.

“This looks like play,” said Naomi Rose, a senior scientist at the Animal Welfare Institute who was part of the working group. “It’s a very dangerous game they’re playing, obviously. But it’s a game.”

In most cases, the scientists found, the orcas approaching the vessels come from a group of about 15, mostly juvenile, whales. They typically approach slowly, almost as if to just bump the rudders with their noses and heads. But even young orcas average between 9 and 14 feet long, so the rudders would often get damaged or destroyed when the whales touched them, said Alex Zerbini, who chairs the scientific committee at the International Whaling Commission, a global body focused on whale conservation.

“There’s nothing in the behavior of the animals that suggests that they’re being aggressive,” said Zerbini, who is also part of the working group. “As they play with the rudder, they don’t understand that they can damage the rudder and that damaging the rudder will affect human beings. It’s more playful than intentional.”

Though orcas are known for their whimsy antics — like using jellyfish, algae and prey as toys — the researchers believe their playfulness has reached new levels in the Iberian Peninsula because of the rebound in the bluefin tuna population, their main source of food. In past decades, when orcas faced a tuna shortage, much of their time was spent trying to hunt down food. But once the tuna population bounced back, whales suddenly “have all this leisure time on their hands because they don’t have to eat every fish they find,” Rose said.

The Rock of Gibraltar, seen from the Spanish city of La Linea in 2019. The ramming of a small boat by an orca in the Strait of Gibraltar earlier this year prompted authorities to recommend that small vessels stick to the coastline. (Javier Fergo/AP)

It’s not yet clear why the orcas are attracted to rudders or how they became fascinated by them in the first place. Still, Zerbini said it could have started with one curious, young killer whale that was perhaps enthralled by the bubbles surrounding a moving ship.

“Maybe that individual touched a rudder and felt that it was something fun to play with,” he said. “And, after playing, it began propagating the behavior among the group until it became as widespread as it is now.”

In other words, it became a ridiculous fad — not unlike, say, the viral Tide pod or cinnamon challenges.

It wouldn’t be the first time that killer whales mimicked a particular craze. In the past, some populations have taken to wearing dead salmon as hats or playing games of chicken, Rose said. And, just like human fads, the trends have a tendency to make comebacks years later, she added.

“My guess is that juveniles who see their older siblings or parents wearing salmon hats or doing some other fad sometimes remember these things as adults and think, ‘This is funny. Let’s do it again,’” she said. “These animals are cultural and sophisticated thinkers, and they’re just incredibly social.”

Since 2020, members of a small group of killer whales have rammed into at least 673 vessels off the coasts of Portugal, Spain and Morocco. (iStock)

Orcas, Rose said, are similar to people in many ways. For instance, each population has a particular culture, language and food staple. Orcas and people also mature at a similar pace and, much like humans, female whales do so faster than males.

When it comes to the rudder bumping, Rose said, most of the whales involved are male juveniles and teens, meaning they are between the ages of 5 and 18. Fully grown males — over the age of 25 — are not participating in the antics. And while some adult female whales have been spotted at the scene of the incidents, “they seem to be just sort of keeping an eye on their kids, who are doing the actual playing,” she added.

For sailors, though, the practice is no game. Rose said she worries about frustrated mariners launching flares or other devices to deter whales. Not only could those measures deafen or harm whales, they might backfire by “making the game even more fun for them,” she said.

“The more dangerous it is for the orcas, the more thrill they seem to get out of it,” she said.

So what’s a better way to stop the boat-ramming? According to researchers: taking away the orcas’ toys — or, at least, making them less fun to play with.

The working group proposed several methods that will be tested this summer, Zerbini said. One involves replacing rudders’ typically smooth surfaces with abrasive or bumpy materials. They will also test a device that makes banging sounds around vessels and have suggested that boats hang rows of weighted lines, which orcas dislike.

“We don’t want to see more boats being sunk and we don’t want to see people in distress,” Zerbini said. “But we also don’t want to see the animals being hurt. And we have to remember that this is their habitat and we’re in the way.”

By María Luisa PaúlMaría Luisa Paúl is a reporter on The Washington Post's Morning Mix team. She joined The Post as an intern on the General Assignment desk and has previously reported at the Miami Herald and el Nuevo Herald. Twitter


Christians attacked in Pakistan's Sargodha for ‘blasphemy’

Reuters |
May 26, 2024 

Around 25 protesters have been arrested, police said.

At least 10 members of a minority Christian community were rescued on Saturday after a Muslim crowd attacked their settlement on a blasphemy accusation in eastern Pakistan, police and a community leader said.

At least one house and a small shoe factory was set on fire by protesters (
At least one house and a small shoe factory was set on fire by protesters (

The crowd, which accused the Christian group of blasphemy, also hurled stones and bricks at the police, said Shariq Kamal, the police chief of Sargodha district.

At least one house and a small shoe factory was set on fire by protesters who had gathered after neighbours alleged that the Muslim holy book, the Koran, had been desecrated by a minority community member, according to a police spokesman and Akmal Bhatti, a Christian leader.

"They burned one house" and several Christians were badly beaten, Bhatti said.

A large contingent of police cordoned off the settlement, Kamal said, adding that the crowd had been pushed back. One member of the Christian community who was taken to hospital was later said to be in a stable condition.

Some 25 of the protesters have been arrested, said police official Assad Malhi, adding that 11 police officers suffered injuries during the operation to rescue the Christian community members from the crowd.

The situation had calmed down by late evening, with leaders from both sides calling for peace, police said.

A Christian rights group - Minority Rights March - said a 70-year-old man accused of the blasphemy was beaten and dragged by the mob.

It said video footage showed that the police did not intervene. The police have denied the claim.

Videos posted on social media showed protesters looting items from burning properties. Others were seen throwing the items in a heap on fire in a street.

Bhatti said the videos were images from the scene.

Reuters could not independently verify the pictures.

The independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan said the Christian community was "at grave risk to their lives at the hands of the charged mobs".

Blasphemy is a sensitive subject in conservative Muslim- majority Pakistan, where just an accusation can lead to a street lynching.

Human rights groups say Pakistan's harsh blasphemy laws are often misused to settle personal scores.

While blasphemy is punishable by death in Pakistan, no one has been executed by the state for it, though numerous accused have been lynched by outraged mobs.

A Muslim crowd attacked a Christian community in eastern Pakistan last year, vandalising several churches and setting scores of houses on fire after accusing two of its members of desecrating the Koran.


Published May 25, 2024

“A state which dwarfs its men in order that they may be more docile instruments in its hands, even for beneficial purposes, will find that with small men no great thing can really be accomplished.” — John Stuart Mill

AFTER blocking social media platforms like X, the state appears to have turned its attention to silencing dissent on other platforms. The hastily passed Punjab Defamation Act, 2024, is the latest in a series of measures curtailing free speech under the pretext of obviating the dissemination of fake news. Does the Act merely address the infirmities underpinning the Defamation Ordinance, 2002, or is it an attempt to muzzle dissent?

Section 8 of the Act establishes tribunals which may comprise non-judicial members appointed by the executive in consultation with the Lahore High Court chief justice. The tenure of such members shall be renewable every 18 months, subject to their performance being satisfactory. Section 8(6) delineates three-pronged criteria to gauge a member’s performance, with 50 per cent marks reserved for adhering to statutory timelines, and 25pc each for competence and integrity.

By placing adherence to statutory timelines on a higher pedestal than competence and integrity, the Act allows a member to pass muster even where his judgements are egregiously unlawful or motivated by extraneous factors.

While trials emanating from the 2002 Ordinance were admittedly marred by delays, the Act’s sole focus on swift disposal without addressing the structural issues contributing to such delays chips away the right to due process and fair trial. Section 23, for instance, excludes the application of the Qanoon-i-Shahadat to proceedings under the Act. Similarly, while claims involving defamation often require voluminous evidence, cross-examination, and a deeper appreciation of the facts asserted by each side, the Act envisages summary proceedings.

With the weightage assigned to adherence to statutory timelines, and given the summary proceedings it envisions, the Act emboldens the tribunals’ members to give short shrift to the principles of due process and procedural fairness, which constitute the cornerstone of any democratic dispensation.

Punjab’s Defamation Act forms part of a series of actions symbolising the breakdown of our democracy.

Such concerns are also aggravated by Section 26 which provides that the high court may only suspend the operation of a tribunal’s decision or stay its execution after the aggrieved party deposits an amount equivalent to the tribunal’s decree with the high court’s registrar. While courts have frequently deprecated placing conditions which stifle litigants’ right to appeal, the Act compels aggrieved parties to comply with the tribunal’s decision before seeking its suspension by an appellate court, even where such decision is bereft of any sound reasoning.

Most disconcertingly perhaps, the Act shields constitutional office holders from legitimate critique. The Act’s ‘Statement of Objects’ state that defamation “damages the reputation and image of public figures or the government”. While the Act creates tribunals for claims instituted by the general public, constitutional office holders can directly invoke the high court’s jurisdiction, thus, implying that holders of constitutional offices require more protection than the general public.

The Act, thus, departs from principles entrenched in other jurisdictions where public office holders have to meet a higher threshold to prevail in a claim of defamation since they voluntarily place themselves in positions where their actions may be subjected to heightened scrutiny. Moreover, public office holders often have much greater access to the media than average citizens and can use their access to the media to rebut any defamatory statements without assistance from the courts.

Third, such jurisdictions recognise the importance of allowing citizens to critique policies that deeply affect them and are thus wary of encroaching upon the right to democratic expression through incessant defamation suits.

Following the decision of its supreme court in the New York Times case, for instance, courts in the United States have often held that public officials could only seek damages for defamation if the publisher knew that the information was wholly and patently false or that it was published “with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not”. Nonetheless, the Act, by affording greater protection to constitutional office holders, creates a chilling effect whereby legitimate critique of the government’s policy is muzzled with citizens fearing protracted litigation by those who wield power.

In their seminal work on democratic backslide Levitsky and Ziblatt argued that constitutional protections only endure in a polity characterised by mutual toleration and institutional forbearance. Mutual toleration entails accepting each other’s legitimate mandate and respecting differing political opinions without attacking the patriotism of those we disagree with. Institutional forbearance, on the other hand, demands that each institution adheres to its jurisdictional fetters, cautioning particularly against ‘constitutional hardball’, or using institutional prerogatives unabashedly.

Today, the spirit of mutual tolerance witnessed during the signing of the Charter of Democracy or the restoration of democracy in 2008 appears to be submerged amidst political forces endeavouring to assail each other’s legitimacy. Contempora­neously, parliamentarians have launched scathing attacks on judges who have unruffled feathers, agents of the executive have been accused of attempts to emasculate the judiciary, and rumours about a constitutional amendment tinkering with the retirement age of judges of the Supreme Court remain rife. The Act, thus, forms part of a series of actions symbolising the breakdown of our democracy. Where then do we go from here?

The path to our salvation lies in political parties, the judiciary, and critically the security establishment coming together and acknowledging the follies which have brought us to this juncture. Political parties in particular need to preserve the democratic structures, which are critical to their own survival.

Will our ruling elites shun short-term opportunism in the interest of their own longevity, or will they continue to ingratiate themselves with the actual custodians of power? Will we ever learn from history?

The writer is a lawyer.

X: @MoizBaig26

Published in Dawn, May 25th, 2024

Taiwan is a province of China, says UN spokesperson

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia


UNITED NATIONS, May 24 (Xinhua) -- Taiwan is a province of China, Stephane Dujarric, chief spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, has reiterated.

The United Nations is guided by the General Assembly resolution of 1971, Dujarric told a regular press briefing on Thursday, adding that he made the remarks in terms of the United Nations' standing on Taiwan as a province of China.

On Oct. 25, 1971, the 26th Session of the UN General Assembly adopted, with an overwhelming majority, Resolution 2758, which decides to restore all its rights to the People's Republic of China and to recognize the representatives of its government as the only legitimate representatives of China to the United Nations. ■
Failed Graceland sale by a mystery entity highlights attempts to take assets of older or dead people

AP |
May 25, 2024 09:33 AM IST

Failed Graceland sale by a mystery entity highlights attempts to take assets of older or dead people

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The catalyst behind the failed gambit to sell off the iconic Graceland property in Memphis is a mystery

The self-styled investment company also is under fire from a lawsuit alleging fraud, an aggressive attorney general and a community of Elvis Presley loyalists who consider the home-turned-museum of the the king of rock n’ roll to be sacred ground.

Among the many questions surrounding the attempt to auction Graceland is how often cases pop up in which an entity emerges to claim assets of older or dead people. Experts say it's more common than one might think.

“I have never heard of a fraud targeting such a well-known institution. So it’s a bit surprising on that end,” said Nicole Forbes Stowell, a business law professor at the University of South Florida's St. Petersburg campus. “But I don’t think it’s surprising to everyday people that are the targets.”

Naussany Investments and Private Lending caused a stir when a public notice for a foreclosure sale of the 13-acre Graceland estate was posted this month.

The notice said Promenade Trust, which controls the Graceland museum, owed $3.8 million after failing to repay a 2018 loan. Riley Keough, an actor and Elvis Presley's granddaughter, inherited the trust and ownership of the home after her mother, Lisa Marie Presley, died in 2023.

Naussany said Lisa Marie Presley used Graceland as collateral for the loan, according to the foreclosure sale notice. Keough filed a lawsuit on May 15 alleging Naussany presented fraudulent documents regarding the loan in September 2023 and asking a Memphis judge to block the sale to the highest bidder.

“Lisa Maria Presley never borrowed money from Naussany Investments and never gave a deed of trust to Naussany Investments,” Keough’s lawyer Jeff Germany wrote in the lawsuit.

“It's a scam,” actor Priscilla Presley, Elvis’ former wife, declared on her social media accounts.

On Wednesday, an injunction by Shelby County Chancellor JoeDae Jenkins halted the sale, which was planned for the next day. Jenkins said in court that Elvis Presley’s estate could be successful in arguing Nausanny's attempt to auction Graceland is fraudulent.

One reason is an affidavit from Kimberly Philbrick, the Florida notary whose name is listed on Naussany’s documents. Philbrick indicated she never met Lisa Marie Presley or notarized any documents for her, according to the lawsuit. The judge said the affidavit brought the signature's authenticity into question.

On the relevant documents, the signature blocks were not correct and the paperwork references an online notarization option that was not recognized in Florida until 2020, two years after the alleged notarization, Stowell said.

“That makes me wonder if these documents were created after Lisa Marie passed away,” Stowell said. "The whole thing does not pass the smell test.”

Mark Sunderman, a University of Memphis real estate professor, questioned why the lender would foreclose now if it had not received payments years after the loan was issued.

“If someone starts missing payments or hasn't made a payment, you're not going to sit around for a couple of years and then say, ‘Golly, I think we need to foreclose now,’” Sunderman said.

The lender's legitimacy also is in doubt after unsuccessful attempts by The Associated Press to verify its existence beyond an email address and court filing signed by a Gregory Naussany.

Court documents included company addresses in Jacksonville, Florida, and Hollister, Missouri. Both were for post offices, and a Kimberling City, Missouri, reference was for a post office box. The business also is not listed in state databases of registered corporations in Missouri or Florida.

“I’ve never heard of that business,” Kimberling City Clerk Laura Cather said.

A search of online records for the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority showed no registration for the company. No representatives of Naussany appeared in court, though the company filed an unsuccessful motion denying the lawsuit’s allegations and opposing the estate’s request for an injunction.

After the sale was halted, Naussany issued a statement saying it would drop its claim because a key document in the case and loan were recorded and obtained in a different state, meaning “legal action would have to be filed in multiple states.” The statement did not specify the other state.

Naussany has not responded to emailed interview requests from the . Online court records did not show any legal filings suggesting the claim, or the lawsuit, had been dropped.

Sunderman, the Memphis professor, said that apparently fraudulent claims involving real estate asset disputes arise more often than people think, especially in situations involving inheritances.

“It’s very difficult for someone to say, ‘Well, no, I didn’t take out this loan, I didn’t sign these papers,' when they’re dead,’” Sunderman said.

Darrell Castle, a Memphis attorney not involved in the case but monitoring it, said he often sees cases where older people are targets of fraud.

“I get cases quite often where people who are really helpless in the final stages of life in a nursing home are financially victimized,” Castle said. “The human mind will think of some way to cheat and steal if it can."

Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti said Thursday that his office was looking into the case to determine whether the estate was targeted with fraud.

Skrmetti's office can investigate and bring civil lawsuits, including in instances of alleged consumer fraud. It could turn over evidence of criminal wrongdoing to the district attorney or federal authorities.

Opened in 1982, Graceland quickly became Memphis' most famous tourist attraction and a touchstone for fans of Elvis Presley, the singer, actor and fashion icon who died in August 1977 at the age of 42. Hundreds of thousands of visitors flock annually to the museum and the large entertainment complex across the street.

Who would target it with a scheme that “fell apart with the first email and phone call, or internet search,” and what holes in the legal system let it got closer to the auction block than it should have, should be the focuses of the attorney general, said Nikos Passas, a Northeastern University criminology and criminal justice professor.

“The chance of succeeding in what they were trying to do — that is, to get the property auctioned off and get the proceeds and then use the money — doesn’t seem to be the actual intent, unless they are incredibly stupid,” Passas said. “So, the question is then, ‘What was the intent, and who was behind it?’”

Mattise reported from Nashville, Tennessee. reporter Heather Hollingsworth contributed from Mission, Kansas.


Restoring mountain ecosystems in the Himalayas is a global Imperative

The Hindu Kush Himalaya faces a critical need for the restoration of its diverse ecosystems, underpinned by the indispensable stewardship of Indigenous communities and local efforts

Freshwater ecosystems such as lakes, rivers, and wetlands – like these in Band-e Amir National Park, Afghanistan – provide an array of services important to livelihoods, economic development and environmental resilience. (Image: Alex Treadway / ICIMOD, CC BY-NC)

Bandana Shakya

May 25, 2024

Mountain ecosystems, including rangelands, wetlands, peatlands and both alpine and temperate forests, are unique habitats characterised by complex geography and rich biodiversity. These ecosystems are integral to the cultures and traditions of diverse Indigenous communities, providing essential goods and services such as food, water, climate regulation and cultural aesthetics. Despite their high economic value, they face profound challenges, primarily driven by global and local changes.

The degradation of mountain ecosystems poses a direct threat to the sustained provision of crucial goods and services. There is an urgent need for the policy community, national governments, regional bodies and the private sector to come together and significantly invest in the restoration of mountain ecosystems in the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH). While there are several commendable efforts underway, they are not sufficient to address the magnitude and complexity of the challenges at hand. Additionally, there is a global movement to bring mountain-related issues to the forefront of international discourse and to forge robust global partnerships for mountain ecosystems.

Outlined below are key policy priorities for the HKH:

Strengthening Indigenous stewardship: Indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs) have been the traditional stewards of these vital resources. Existing practices, including payment for ecosystem services, have incentivised efforts to preserve upstream ecosystem integrity, benefiting downstream areas. Further incentivising landscape practices rooted in traditional ecological knowledge is crucial for securing the rights of local communities and enhancing their leadership and ownership. Supporting slow food movements and ethnic cuisines, along with strengthening herder networks are essential. Efforts to secure conservation corridors, community-conserved areas and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) are key for promoting IPLC-led inclusive landscape governance.

A herding community, with their pack animals, traverses the rocky and rugged paths of Bhutan’s Laya landscape. This journey highlights the challenging terrain and the traditional modes of transportation that are integral to the region. (Image: Jitendra Bajracharya / ICIMOD)

Scaling nature-based solutions (NbS): NbS such as forest rehabilitation, nature tourism, rangeland restoration and springshed management are long-term integrated solutions that must be scaled up to generate climate, biodiversity and sustainable development co-benefits. The Himalayan Resilience Enabling Action Programme under the Climate Action for Resilient Asia (CARA) initiative is working to scale these solutions to match the rate of degradation and address societal challenges related to water, livelihoods and disaster risk.

Innovating for biodiversity and sustainability: Mechanisms such as payments for ecosystem services, biodiversity grants and impact investments need to be both inclusive and fair to empower local communities and attract private sector engagement. Government incentives, tax credits and green bonds could further stimulate sustainable and inclusive practices. It is imperative to explore innovative policy and financing avenues to ensure the vitality of mountain ecosystems for future generations and balance environmental preservation with socio-economic development.
Global partnerships investments and pooling resources

The recently adopted Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework emphasises the urgent need for increased financial investment in biodiversity actions. However, the current level of global financing for nature, and particularly for mountain biodiversity investment, remains inadequate. To enhance overall climate resilience, biodiversity conservation and sustainable development for both mountain and downstream communities, it is crucial to boost investments in mountain ecosystems and expand the scope of community-driven actions.

Cross-learning among countries and the sharing of best practices are essential strategies for building and expanding partnerships aimed at mobilising financial resources. The Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) Call to Action, endorsed by a ministerial declaration signed by the eight relevant countries, plays a pivotal role in reinforcing regional cooperation for mountain areas and facilitating collaborative actions to tackle transboundary issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, poverty and landscape degradation. The success of such initiatives hinges on the collaborative efforts of governments, non-governmental agencies, the private sector, local communities and international development partners to come together and pool their resources to amplify their joint efforts.

A red panda perched in a tree. The Hindu Kush Himalayan region (HKH) is an important biodiversity hotspot. (Image: Jitendra Raj Bajracharya / ICIMOD, CC BY-NC)
Making the business case for mountain ecosystems

The economic case for conservation: Mountains, recognised as biodiversity hotspots, are crucial for the preservation of Earth’s biological richness. Adopting knowledge-based approaches for biodiversity mapping, monitoring and valuation is essential. These methods provide crucial insights that can drive the adoption of NbS. Economic valuation and natural capital accounting are key tools that can inform investment decisions and help allocate more resources towards the conservation of mountain landscapes, particularly those maintained by IPLCs.

Environmental resilience: Mountain ecosystems serve as systemic enablers that foster positive relationships between nature and people. High-altitude rangelands, peatlands and wetlands play a significant role in climate-related decision-making and investments aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, especially given their role as carbon sinks. Strategic investments are needed to highlight the link between mountain ecosystems and essential resources like food, water and energy security. Moreover, there is a need for incentives to expand mechanisms that prevent human-wildlife conflicts and enhance capacities, as well as to support innovative sustainable land-use practices. These efforts are fundamental in maintaining the ecological balance and ensuring the resilience of these environments
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Sustainable development: Mountain ecosystems in the Himalayas are fundamental to the traditional livelihoods of mountain communities, offering vast potential for driving green economies. Initiatives from organic agriculture to ecotourism and renewable energy harness these ecosystems’ unique attributes to promote sustainable economic growth. Recognising mountain ecosystems as engines of sustainable development can bolster prosperity both within and beyond these regions, boost the global economy and help attain the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

As we progress through this UN decade on ecosystem restoration, there is a clear urgency for substantial global investment and incentives dedicated to the restoration of HKH ecosystems. Restoring these ecosystems is not just a regional concern but a global imperative. These ecosystems provide not only measurable benefits but also hold immense intrinsic and existential value. Their preservation is crucial for maintaining the natural heritage and cultural significance that enrich our global community.

Innovative financing mechanisms, blending public and private finance, along with other incentive measures, are essential for the effective restoration and regeneration of critical ecosystems in the HKH. Let us act collectively to ensure the resilience of mountain economies and landscapes, from which benefits flow into river basins downstream and extend to the global community at large.

The author is coordinator for the Action Area on Restoring and Regenerating Landscapes at the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD). The views expressed are her own
Italian anti-fascist activist Ilaria Salis stands trial in (FASCIST) Hungary

Copyright / Roberto Monaldo/LaPresse

By Euronews
Published on 24/05/2024 - 

The case of Ilaria Salis - a candidate in the European Parliament elections in June - has sparked tensions between Hungary and Italy.

The trial of Ilaria Salis continued on Friday in Budapest.

The 39-year-old activist is accused of deliberately travelling to Budapest to attack neo-Nazis after being arrested in February 2023 following a counter-demonstration for a rally by far-right extremists.

During the court session, neither the victims of the masked attackers nor the present witnesses could identify her as the perpetrator.

The case has made headlines in Italy after Salis previously appeared in court with handcuffs and her feet chained.

Italy's Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, has made several official complaints on behalf of Salis, sparking tension between her and ally Viktor Orban.

The teacher who is originally from Monza is currently under house arrest as she awaits the end of her trial. 

The Italian Green and Left Alliance (AVS) have nominated Salis as their lead candidate for the upcoming European elections.

She may be able to claim parliamentary immunity if she receives enough votes at the ballot, which would lead to the suspension of criminal proceedings against her. 

If found guilty, she could face up to eleven years in prison. 

Hungary to seek to opt out of NATO efforts to support Ukraine, Orban says


May 24, 2024 
By Associated Press

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban speaks during a press conference at the Carmelite Monastery in Budapest, Hungary, on Feb. 23, 2024.


Hungary will seek to opt out of any NATO operations aimed at supporting Ukraine, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said Friday, suggesting that the military alliance and the European Union were moving toward a more direct conflict with Russia.

Orban told state radio that Hungary opposes a plan NATO is weighing to provide more predictable military support to Ukraine in coming years to repel Moscow's full-scale invasion, as better armed Russian troops assert control on the battlefield.

“We do not approve of this, nor do we want to participate in financial or arms support (for Ukraine), even within the framework of NATO,” Orban said, adding that Hungary has taken a position as a “nonparticipant” in any potential NATO operations to assist Kyiv.

“We've got to redefine our position within the military alliance, and our lawyers and officers are working on ... how Hungary can exist as a NATO member while not participating in NATO actions outside of its territory,” he said.

Orban, considered Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest partner in the EU, emphasized NATO's role as a defensive alliance, and said he doesn't share the concerns of some other Central and Eastern European countries that Russia’s military wouldn't cease its aggression if it wins the war in Ukraine.

“NATO’s strength cannot be compared to that of Ukraine,” he said. “I don’t consider it a logical proposition that Russia, which cannot even deal with Ukraine, will come all of a sudden and swallow up the whole Western world.”

Hungary has refused to supply neighboring Ukraine with military aid in contrast to most other countries in the EU, and Orban has vigorously opposed the bloc's sanctions on Moscow though has ultimately always voted for them.

The nationalist leader is preparing for the European Parliament election on June 6-9 and has cast his party as a guarantor of peace in the region. He has characterized the United States and other EU countries that urge greater support for Ukraine as “pro-war” and acting in preparation for a global conflict.