Monday, May 27, 2024


Project to understand women’s creative contributions to British filmmaking is launched

Published: 22 May 2024
Woman and man filmmaker on old set.
Continuity Supervisor Pamela Davies with filmmaker Michael Powell. The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum.

The lost legacy of women who’ve worked in the British film industry since the dawn of sound in cinema is the focus of a new national research project.

Women’s Screen Work in the Archives Made Visible will seek to address the often-hidden histories of women in filmmaking, including those working in screenwriting or technical roles, or whose achievements have been subsumed by the directors and producers they worked for.

The research is led by the University of Exeter in partnership with the University of Southampton, Swansea University, the BFI (British Film Institute), and The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum.

Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the value of the four-year project is £1.49m. It will bring together archivists, curators, film directors and scholars to develop ways to make women’s work in film more discoverable and visible, whether in museums or archives.

Professor Shelley Cobb, Head of Film Studies at the University of Southampton, will work as part of the project, interviewing filmmakers and archivists, as well as linking with the Wessex Film and Sound Archive in Winchester.

Professor Cobb says: “I’m looking forward to hearing from filmmakers about their experience of depositing items in archives and from the archivists themselves about the process of developing feminist archival practices. We hope to shine new light on the role of women in film over the past decades – establishing new ways of evidencing this and documenting future contributions.”

“Thousands of women have contributed to shaping British filmmaking and its vibrant history over the past century,” says Professor Helen Hanson, Project Lead and Associate Professor in Film History at the University of Exeter. “Their creative contributions, however, are largely absent from public knowledge of that history, because evidence documenting their work is often buried and invisible in major film-related archives and museums.”

Alongside Professor Hanson, the project Co-Leads are Southampton’s Professor Shelley Cobb; Professor Linda Ruth Williams, University of Exeter; Dr Lisa Smithstead, University of Swansea; Wendy Russell, Special Collections Archivist at the BFI’s National Archives Special Collections; and Dr Phil Wickham, Curator of The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum in Exeter.

The researchers will primarily work in the BFI’s National Archive’s Special Collections Department at the Conservation Centre in Berkhamsted and at The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum.

The project explores how gender, race and ethnicity influences the ways that film-related collections are catalogued, described, archived and curated. It will investigate how women’s work in a range of filmmaking roles are archived and look at how the issue of ‘status’ might define whether the work of a female film-maker is regarded as ‘collectable’.

The team will interview prominent female directors, and build case studies around collections of Gurinder Chadha (Bend It Like Beckham, Blinded By The Light) and Tina Gharavi (I Am Nasrine), examining of the rich production materials relating to their screen work, including details of projects that were never realised, as well as scripts, storyboards, notes, photographs and publicity materials, preserved and cared for by the Special Collections team at the BFI National Archive.

“The BFI is delighted to be part of this important and timely project to highlight the vital contribution women have made to the history of British cinema,” says Wendy Russell. “The opening up of women’s success stories, as well as the barriers they may have faced in the film industry both above and below the line is long overdue and will enhance our understanding and knowledge of the BFI National Archive’s Special Collections. We are immensely grateful to Tina Gharavi and Gurinder Chadha for the generous donation of their personal archives, which will play a key part in this project.”

There will also be a specific focus on making women’s screen work visible, culminating in a major exhibition and new book towards the end of the project.

“Film history has traditionally been written around male directorial figures and influenced by the auteur theory,” says Professor Williams. “But filmmaking is a collaborative process, shaped by highly specialised artists, technicians and practitioners working in sound, set design, scripting and so many other disciplines. Many of these stories – which are more often than we might think women’s stories – can now only be found in the margins of history, So, what we hope to achieve through this collaborative project is to find new ways to archive and exhibit the role of women in film and change how we think about the histories of women in film around the world.”

Study reveals cuddled cows who work as therapy animals show a strong preference for women compared to men

cow and woman
Credit: cottonbro studio from Pexels

A new study, titled "Cow Cuddling: Cognitive Considerations in Bovine-Assisted Therapy" published in the Human-Animal Interactions journal, reveals that cows who are cuddled as therapy animals showed a strong preference for interactions with women when compared to men

In turn, the research, which opens a new era on whether some therapies may be initially stronger based upon gender and not procedure, highlighted that the women also reported greater attachment behaviors towards the steers.

Dr. Katherine Compitus, Clinical Assistant Professor at New York University, and Dr. Sonya Bierbower, Associate Professor at United States Military Academy West Point, conducted the research using the Human-Animal Interaction Scale (HAIS) as a measurement tool.

HAIS is a 24-item self-report instrument designed to describe and quantify behaviors performed by humans and  during an episode of interaction.

Enrichment benefits of cattle involved in bovine-assisted therapy

The scientists examined the behavioral and cognitive traits of cattle who work as therapy animals and special attention was paid to the welfare and enrichment benefits of cattle involved in bovine-assisted therapy.

Dr. Compitus and Dr. Bierbower, who conducted their study at the Surrey Hills Sanctuary in New York State, U.S., with two steers—named Magnus and Callum—and 11 people aged 13 to 79, say little research has so far addressed the therapeutic benefits of animal-assisted interventions with farm animals.

Of the research sample, six were females and five were males.

Dr. Compitus said, "We have discovered in the current study that bovine-assisted therapy may not only be an effective treatment model that benefits  but appears to be enriching to the cattle participants as well, as shown by their proximity to and continuous interactions with humans."

Integrative model used in conjunction with other methods

Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) is an integrative model used in conjunction with other methods such as psychodynamic psychotherapy and .

The most common AAT model, the scientists say, is when a companion animal, such as a dog or cat, is integrated into a therapeutic plan.

This model, they add, has been studied with a variety of populations and conditions, from treating substance abuse to autism, often with positive results.

Organizations that certify therapy animals will sometimes certify several species of animals to work as a therapeutic partner, such as llamas, miniature horses, and rabbits.

However, to date there has been little research addressing the therapeutic benefits of animal-assisted interventions with . Cows have special behavioral traits that allow them to bond with people in a way that is unique to their size and temperament.

Dr. Bierbower said, "Two of the gaps in the research we address in this study are the inclusion of cattle in AAT and an examination of the cognitive processes of animals involved in AAT."

Cattle that enjoy human company will have reduced stress signals

Cattle that are uncomfortable with a human presence, the researchers suggest, will show an increase in stress signals such as vocalizations when involved in therapy work, while cattle that enjoy human company will have reduced stress signals.

Other notable behaviors in cattle during AAT may include lying down and licking or smelling the person. This is indicative of their comfort level with humans, since cows are known to engage in social grooming.

With the two cattle in the study, Dr. Compitus and Dr. Bierbower found that after 45 minutes of contact with the humans, Magnus and Callum often smelled or licked them and accepted food from them.

They also allowed physical human-initiated interactions in the form of hugs, grooming, petting, or kisses.

The animals rarely made unfriendly or aggressive gestures towards them, though they would occasionally decline to interact.

One participant stated that she was worried the bulls would be more aggressive but "fell in love with cows" after the session. All participants reported having an overall positive session with the steers and most stated they would recommend bovine assisted therapy to a friend.

Strong preference or interactions with women compared to men

Dr. Compitus said, "The results of this study show that the steers showed a strong preference or interactions with women compared to men, and, in turn, the women reported stronger attachment behaviors towards the steers.

"It is unclear without further testing whether the animals sought out the attention of women in general or if the women were more likely to initiate the actions when compared to the men participants."

The scientists conclude that they discovered in the study that bovine-assisted therapy may not only be an effective treatment model that benefits human participation but appears to be enriching to the  participants, as well, as shown by their proximity to and continuous interactions with humans.

More information: Cow Cuddling: Cognitive Considerations in Bovine-Assisted Therapy, Human-Animal Interactions (2024). DOI: 10.1079/hai.2024.0016

Provided by CABI

A liking for licking—sex and social status influence social grooming among free-ranging feral cattle in Hong Kong

Genesis: Book Review


Martyn Iles, as many readers will know, was managing Director of the Australian Christian Lobby until sacked by the Board in February 2023, was appointed Chief Ministry Officer of Answers in Genesis in May of that year, and in November was promoted to Executive CEO, working alongside Ken Ham, who remains as Founding CEO.

While still in Australia, Iles promoted right-wing causes in the name of individual religious freedom, expressed support on his YouTube channel for the claim that the 2020 US presidential election had been stolen, and in a Facebook post on January 21 2020, just two weeks after the January 6 insurrection, reaffirmed his admiration for Donald Trump. However, since joining Answers in Genesis he has, to the best of my knowledge, refrained from overtly political comment. In a Facebook post on March 17 this year he explicitly rejected the idea of a “Christian nation,” since being a Christian or not is a characteristic of individuals. Thus he has placed a welcome distance between himself and the extremes of US Christian Nationalism.

"Who Am I?" by Martyn Iles, Executive CEO of Answers in Genesis: Book Review

By Paul Braterman
May 22, 2024 

Martyn Iles, as many readers will know, was managing Director of the Australian Christian Lobby until sacked by the Board in February 2023, was appointed Chief Ministry Officer of Answers in Genesis in May of that year, and in November was promoted to Executive CEO, working alongside Ken Ham, who remains as Founding CEO.

While still in Australia, Iles promoted right-wing causes in the name of individual religious freedom, expressed support on his YouTube channel for the claim that the 2020 US presidential election had been stolen, and in a Facebook post on January 21 2020, just two weeks after the January 6 insurrection, reaffirmed his admiration for Donald Trump. However, since joining Answers in Genesis he has, to the best of my knowledge, refrained from overtly political comment. In a Facebook post on March 17 this year he explicitly rejected the idea of a “Christian nation,” since being a Christian or not is a characteristic of individuals. Thus he has placed a welcome distance between himself and the extremes of US Christian Nationalism.

There is one important difference in style between Iles and Ham. Ham, in the tradition of Henry Morris and, before him, George McCready Price, argues that science supports his version of Bible-based Young Earth Creationism. Iles, however, does not even condescend to discuss such mere details. As he posted on Facebook in October 2022, “Truth is in the [biblical] word itself. Other things are true insofar as they conform to it.” Moreover, Iles is clear in his own mind that his understanding of the Bible, however far-fetched, is the correct one. So when he tells us what it means, he is speaking for God.

On his appointment, Iles wrote,
Just as evolutionary naturalism has threatened the faith of so many, postmodernism and new critical theories threaten the faith of a new generation.

Given his position at the head of the world’s leading Young Earth Creationist organization, we need to know what he has in mind by this laconic statement,and we can gain some insight into this from the book under discussion here.

The book itself, like others from the same publisher, appears to be directed at young adults. It is an easy read, with large clear print, and the text is liberally illustrated by silhouettes of young people, generating a warm and welcoming impression at odds with the fundamentally dictatorial nature of the content.

That content is mass of self-contradictions. We are told that man is made in the image of God, but there are multiple biblical references to human sinfulness and corruption. It is our duty to look after the world, but not to take responsibility for human-caused climate change. And Iles deplores, as do I, the upsurge in young people seeking to mutilate their bodies when their personalities do not fit gender stereotypes, but claims biblical authority for stereotypes of the most constricting kind.

Iles begins by deploring what he sees as the modern emphasis on the self:
Actually, I didn’t realize you could use it [self-] as a prefix quite so much until I started my research. Self-ideation, self-love, self-discovery, self-definition, self-perception, self-determination, self-narrative, self-image, self-concept, self-esteem … All of these I have encountered in contemporary works on identity. This word has brought with it the age of the inward turn — the looking at the self.

Notably absent from this list: self-knowledge.

He goes on to build up an enormous superstructure on a very narrow theological base. He makes extensive use of a handful of verses from the opening chapters of Genesis:

Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth. (Genesis 1:28)

Increase greatly on the earth and multiply in it. (Genesis 9:7)

While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease. (Genesis 8:22)

From this he infers that there cannot be an overpopulation problem, that it is a duty of fertile couples to have children, and that concerns about such large-scale matters as climate change are fundamentally misplaced, since these things are in the hands of God and, to use his expression, when we imagine that we can affect them we are “getting too big for our boots.” This is the sin of pride, and pride is a very serious sin indeed. Climate alarmism (his expression) is only one example of such pride, part of a list that includes
abortion, transgenderism, queer sexuality [sic], critical race theory, feminism, family breakdown, …, childlessness, cultural Marxism, post-modernism, and all that stuff. The common thread is this: all of them seek to usurp God’s authority as Creator by redefining what He has already defined. All of them seek to do His job for Him, only better.

He accepts unquestioningly the interpretation of Genesis 3:15:
And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.

as the very first prophesy of the coming of Jesus. In this interpretation, which goes back to the 2nd Century CE, the serpent is identified with Satan, the woman’s offspring is Jesus, born of a woman, the bruising of his heel is the agony of the crucifixion, and the bruising of Satan’s head is Christ’s triumph over evil.

From this he infers that the highest vocation of woman is motherhood, and that Satan bears special enmity towards pregnant women and babies. Satan is very prominent in Iles’s view of the world, and is mentioned 11 times in this short book.

Male and female roles were spelt out at the creation. God decides to create woman because:
It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him. (Genesis 2:18)

And Adam is duly appreciative:
This at last 1 is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. (Genesis 2:23).

Thus, according to Iles,
woman was made with such care and purpose that she perfectly complemented and completed him [man]. She too was not made to be alone. The two became one.

One, but different:
The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. (Genesis 2:15)

Iles draws our attention to two words, which define a man’s God-given purpose; first, to “work,” and second to “keep.” The reference to “the garden” directs attention to his external responsibilities. And so, he tells us, men are called to industry and must beware the sin of idleness.

Why, Iles asks, was it Adam that God addressed by name after the Fall:
Adam, where art thou? (Genesis 3:17, KJV)

This although Eve and the serpent were also present at the scene, the serpent was the primary initiator of the sin, and Eve was the first to eat of the forbidden fruit. The reason for singling out Adam is that, as a man, he had primary responsibility for what had happened in the garden that had been entrusted to his care. Responsibility is a male prerogative.

Of women, Iles says
The woman was at her best when making another person their best. That was her commission. And it spills over into her motherhood too. Only women are mothers, and this is a good and beautiful thing indeed — a commission from God, for which she is designed biologically, psychologically, and spiritually.

Iles goes on to mentions meekness as part of woman’s special virtue, and uses the word “meek” with reference to women on seven separate occasions.

In a passage worth quoting in full, he compares the different ways in which men and women go about getting their own way when not entitled to:
While men might prefer to exercise illegitimate control through brutishness, force, and cruelty, women tend to use different methods. They play games. They manipulate circumstances. They might even get their girlfriends involved to “make” things happen or drop ideas, seeds, and prompts through third parties. Their minds are always storyboarding, working out what people are thinking, how they’re feeling, and preempting next moves. They operate in the realm of the emotional, subjective, and interpersonal. To use such powers of discernment to manipulate circumstances and control outcomes is ultimately an abuse of those feminine giftings. They were given to be exercised selflessly and meekly, without the taint of self-will and premeditated outcomes. There is a difference between godly help and controlling “femcraft.”

And when challenged as to what the besetting sin of woman might be, as compared to idleness in men, he answers “Control.” As he put it on Facebook (6 June 2023)
A word like “independent” is a direct assault on God’s design for women… A woman who prizes strength in independence is a woman rebelling against her nature.

There you have it. You and I may think that our identity is a puzzle, but the book promises in its title to solve it for us, and does so. We may even have imagined that there are many possible solutions, but Iles knows God’s design, and there’s an end of it.

The rest of the book is devoted to theological questions, with heavy emphasis on our sinful nature, but since I have no special insight to offer on such matters, I will leave it there.

Who am I? Solving the identity puzzle, Martyn Iles, with a foreword by Ken Ham, 35,000 words spread out over 208 pages, Master Books, 2024, $19.99 on Amazon.“At last” because in between the two verses cited, we have the creation of the animals, and their being brought to Adam as potential partners and found wanting for that purpose. But if you include this in your materials, you will find yourself with something far more interesting than Iles’s blinkered moralizing.

US media coverage of new science less likely to mention researchers with African and East Asian names

by Hao Peng
May 22, 2024
in Racism and Discrimination

(Photo credit: Adobe Stock)

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When one Chinese national recently petitioned the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to become a permanent resident, he thought his chances were pretty good. As an accomplished biologist, he figured that news articles in top media outlets, including The New York Times, covering his research would demonstrate his “extraordinary ability” in the sciences, as called for by the EB-1A visa.

But when the immigration officers rejected his petition, they noted that his name did not appear anywhere in the news article. News coverage of a paper he co-authored did not directly demonstrate his major contribution to the work.

As this biologist’s close friend, I felt bad for him because I knew how much he had dedicated to the project. He even started the idea as one of his Ph.D. dissertation chapters. But as a scientist who studies topics related to scientific innovation, I understand the immigration officers’ perspective: Research is increasingly done through teamwork, so it’s hard to know individual contributions if a news article reports only the study findings

This anecdote made me and my colleagues Misha Teplitskiy and David Jurgens curious about what affects journalists’ decisions about which researchers to feature in their news stories.

There’s a lot at stake for a scientist whose name is or isn’t mentioned in journalistic coverage of their work. News media plays a key role in disseminating new scientific findings to the public. The coverage of a particular study brings prestige to its research team and their institutions. The depth and quality of coverage then shapes public perception of who is doing good science and in some cases, as my friend’s story suggests, can affect individual careers.

Do scientists’ social identities, such as ethnicity or race, play a role in this process?

This question is not straightforward to answer. On the one hand, racial bias may exist, given the profound underrepresentation of minorities in U.S. mainstream media. On the other, science journalism is known for its high standard of objective reporting. We decided to investigate this question in a systematic fashion using large-scale observational data.
Chinese or African names received least coverage

My colleagues and I analyzed 223,587 news stories from 2011-2019 from 288 U.S. media outlets reporting on 100,486 scientific papers sourced from, a website that monitors online posts about research papers. For each paper, we focused on authors with the highest chance of being mentioned: the first author, last author and other designated corresponding authors. We calculated how often the authors were mentioned in the news articles reporting their research.

We used an algorithm with 78% reported accuracy to infer perceived ethnicity from authors’ names. We figured that journalists may rely on such cues in the absence of scientists’ self-reported information. We considered authors with Anglo names – like John Brown or Emily Taylor – as the majority group and then compared the average mention rates across nine broad ethnic groups.

Our methodology does not distinguish Black from white names because many African Americans have Anglo names, such as Michael Jackson. This design is still meaningful because we intended to focus on perceived identity.

We found that the overall chance of a scientist being credited by name in a news story was 40%. Authors with minority ethnicity names, however, were significantly less likely to be mentioned compared with authors with Anglo names. The disparity was most pronounced for authors with East Asian and African names; they were on average mentioned or quoted about 15% less in U.S. science media relative to those with Anglo names.

This association is consistent even after accounting for factors such as geographical location, corresponding author status, authorship position, affiliation rank, author prestige, research topics, journal impact and story length.

And it held across different types of outlets, including publishers of press releases, general interest news and those with content focused on science and technology.
Pragmatic factors and rhetorical choices

Our results don’t directly imply media bias. So what’s going on?

First and foremost, the underrepresentation of scientists with East Asian and African names may be due to pragmatic challenges faced by U.S.-based journalists in interviewing them. Factors like time zone differences for researchers based overseas and actual or perceived English fluency could be at play as a journalist works under deadline to produce the story.

We isolated these factors by focusing on researchers affiliated with American institutions. Among U.S.-based researchers, pragmatic difficulties should be minimized because they’re in the same geographic region as the journalists and they’re likely to be proficient in English, at least in writing. In addition, these scientists would presumably be equally likely to respond to journalists’ interview requests, given that media attention is increasingly valued by U.S. institutions.

Even when we looked just at U.S. institutions, we found significant disparities in mentions and quotations for non-Anglo-named authors, albeit slightly reduced. In particular, East Asian- and African-named authors again experience a 4 to 5 percentage-point drop in mention rates compared with their Anglo-named counterparts. This result suggests that while pragmatic considerations can explain some disparities, they don’t account for all of them.

We found that journalists were also more likely to substitute institutional affiliations for scientists with African and East Asian names – for instance, writing about “researchers from the University of Michigan.” This institution substitution effect underscores a potential bias in media representation, where scholars with minority ethnicity names may be perceived as less authoritative or deserving of formal recognition
Reflecting a globalized enterprise

Part of the depth of science news coverage depends on how thoroughly and accurately researchers are portrayed in stories, including whether scientists are mentioned by name and the extent to which their contributions are highlighted via quotes. As science becomes increasingly globalized, with English as its primary language, our study highlights the importance of equitable representation in shaping public discourse and fostering diversity in the scientific community.

While our focus was on the depth of coverage with respect to name credits, we suspect that disparities are even larger at an earlier point in science dissemination, when journalists are selecting which research papers to report. Understanding these disparities is complicated because of decades or even centuries of bias ingrained in the whole science production pipeline, including whose research gets funded, who gets to publish in top journals and who is represented in the scientific workforce itself.

Journalists are picking from a later stage of a process that has a number of inequities built in. Thus, addressing disparities in scientists’ media representation is only one way to foster inclusivity and equality in science. But it’s a step toward sharing innovative scientific knowledge with the public in a more equitable way.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Escaped GMO canola plants persist long-term, but may be losing their engineered resistance to pesticides

Escaped GMO canola plants persist long-term, but may be losing their extra genes
Canola inflorescence. Canola (Brassica napus L.) is highly attractive to insect pollinators 
and readily interbreeds with other cabbage and mustard species. 
Credit: CSagers, CC-BY 4.0 (

Populations of canola plants genetically engineered to be resistant to herbicides can survive outside of farms, but may be gradually losing their engineered genes, reports a new study led by Cynthia Sagers of Arizona State University, US, published May 22 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE.

The hypothesis has been put forward that if any genetically engineered crop plants escape farm fields, they will be short-lived. This would make them unlikely to take over wild areas or spread their inserted genes, called transgenes, to wild populations of closely related plants. However, there have been few studies to see if populations of these "" crop plants can in fact survive in the wild long term.

In the new study, researchers conducted a large-scale survey of populations of genetically engineered  living along roadsides in North Dakota, repeating a survey they initially conducted in 2010.

They found that the total number of feral canola plants in the sample had decreased and populations of the plants became less common over time. When they tested the plants for herbicide resistance, they saw that the types of  the plants were resistant to had shifted over time, likely due to changes in the varieties farmers were planting.

Importantly, almost one quarter of the feral plants were not resistant and did not contain transgenes—up from 19.9% in 2010 to 24.2% in 2021—suggesting that these populations may be losing their transgenes.

The researchers hypothesize that feral canola populations may be under evolutionary pressure to shed the transgenes, which could happen if the engineered canola are at a disadvantage once they are no longer being cultivated on a farm.

Further  could help clarify the plants' origins and yield more information on how long transgenes can persist in the environment.

Steven Travers says, "The assumption that transgenic crop varieties will be restricted to the benign conditions of ag fields and not inter-mix with natural plant populations can be rejected. Self-sustaining, long-term feral populations of canola (some transgenic and some not) are a world-wide phenomenon and as such emphasize the need for more research on how de-domestication works, the extent to which it impacts natural populations, and the risks that the adventitious presence of transgenes might represent to agriculture."

More information: Persistence of genetically engineered canola populations in the U.S. and the adventitious presence of transgenes in the environment, PLoS ONE (2024). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0295489

Journal information: PLoS ONE 

Provided by Public Library of Science Long-term study finds organic farming leads to adaptations in the genetic material in plants


New research into the secrets of the forest: Finnish tree population is made up of families and neighborhoods

New research into the secrets of the forest: Finnish tree population is made up of families and neighbourhoods
The figure shows the pines sampled in one study area. The most closely related ones are 
connected by a red line. In this study, the closest relatives were second degree relatives,
 for example half-siblings. Pine offspring generally do not travel very far from the mother 
tree, and the forest is a mosaic of families. 
Credit: Peer Community Journal (2024). DOI: 10.24072/pcjournal.413

The trees in the forest are not just a random group. Fascinating facts reveal pine tree family relationships. The pollen that floats in the air can spread for hundreds of kilometers, but the offspring are usually found in the neighborhood.

These new findings, now published in the Peer Community Journal, are also important for forest management.

The trees in the forest are not a randomly organized group, but they make up families and neighborhoods.

Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris) do not grow completely randomly throughout the forest, but remain in the vicinity of their close relatives. This was the conclusion of a new study on the relationships of Finnish forest pines.

The average distance between offspring and parent is 54 meters. This result is probably due to the fact that seeds disperse over a shorter distance than pollen. Indeed, pollen can spread over distances of up to hundreds of kilometers, which can be unnerving for a terrace or car washer, but is an effective promoter of gene flow and, as a result, of a wide gene pool in the Scots pine range.

Despite the long flight distance of pollen, pine reproductive partners are likely to be found among the 2,500 nearest  (the so-called neighborhood size), which corresponds to a good hectare in a Finnish commercial forest.

This year is expected to be particularly rich in pine blossom. Pine is wind-pollinated, meaning that pollen is carried from the male strobili to the female strobili by the wind. Once pollination has taken place, the pine seeds begin to develop inside the pine cone. The seeds are not fully developed until two years later, when they break off from the pine cone and float to the ground.

Pine seeds can also be carried by animals, and this is how a new pine seedling ends up in its growing site. Like humans, pine trees begin to reproduce at around 20 years of age. An individual pine tree has both female and  and self-pollination occurs, but the resulting highly inbred  are of low viability.

Although the offspring do not usually travel very far from the mother tree, the forest is still a mosaic of families. The abundance of reproductive pine trees means that individual trees cannot dominate, and there also are many trees from completely different families among close relatives.

"In the past, Scots pine relationships have been studied in small, isolated populations at the edges of their range, where clusters of relatives are more distinct. We now have confirmation that the kinship structure is also present in a very large and continuous pine forest," says Associate Professor Alina Niskanen from the University of Oulu, Finland.

The new data on the dispersal distance and relatedness structure of pine are important for forest management. They can be used, for example, in deciding an appropriate distance between seed trees in terms of avoiding inbreeding caused by relatedness.

The study used forest plots resulting from natural regeneration, where seed trees had been left after felling. The results thus describe a typical situation in Finnish , which arises after seed tree felling, when both seed trees and trees in the surrounding areas seed a new generation of pine trees.

For the study, nearly 500 adult pine trees were selected from the Natural Resources Institute Finland's Punkaharju research forest in Finland and relatedness between them was determined using genome-wide genetic data.

From the distances between individuals with different degrees of relatedness, an estimate of the average  between offspring and parent and the size of the neighborhood was obtained.

More information: Alina K. Niskanen et al, Does the seed fall far from the tree? Weak fine-scale genetic structure in a continuous Scots pine population, Peer Community Journal (2024). DOI: 10.24072/pcjournal.413

Provided by University of Oulu 

Hurricanes found to boost cone production in longleaf pine

... The Word for World Is ForestUrsula K. Le Guin ... No such reassurance rounds off The Wordfor World is Forest ... PDF Producer: -. PDF Version: -. Page Count: -.

Satellites capture smoke pouring from hundreds of wildfires across North America (photos)

"In places, the smoke is so thick that it obscures the blue water beneath."

A satellite image shows smoke from Mexico's fires covering roughly two-thirds of the Gulf of Mexico. A cloud bank is seen toward the top right. (Image credit: MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA GSFC)

By Sharmila Kuthunur published May 22, 2024

Hundreds of wildfires have been blazing across Canada and Mexico since last week, and new satellite images released by NASA show the smoke pouring out of some.

Firefighters have been battling this army of wildfires, which are scattered across various Canadian provinces, including over 30 blazes in Alberta and British Columbia and 10 in Ontario, according to the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre. Smoke from multiple fires flowed into the United States and blanketed Wisconsin last Sunday (May 12), prompting the state's first air quality advisory of the year.

The full satellite image of smoke from Mexico's fires covering the Gulf of Mexico. The state of Florida in the top right is obscured by clouds. (Image credit: MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA GSFC)

NASA's Terra satellite, which is a small, school-bus-sized satellite circling Earth since 1999, imaged smoke from multiple fires in British Columbia and Alberta. Wisps of smoke can be seen swirling across North America in the new image, which was taken using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument onboard the satellite. The picture is a mosaic stitched from views taken during three separate passes of the satellite over the regions, NASA said in a statement.

In British Columbia, intense wildfires do not become widespread until late summer, so the ongoing blazes have sparked a fresh wave of concern about whether they are a sign of another deadly wildfire season. Last year's wildfire season was the country's worst on record, when more than 45 million acres burned across the country. However, less intense drought conditions compared to last year are expected to make this year's wildfire season less extreme, according to one New York Times article.

Meanwhile, more than 200 fires raged across Mexico last week, some of which were intentional and controlled in order to clear pasture and renew cropland, among other agricultural purposes, according to a NASA statement. The blazes coincide with the peak of the annual fire season, which usually begins mid-March and lasts for 14 weeks.

NASA's Aqua satellite, which circles our planet from south to north over the equator, imaged the smoke from some of the region's fires, which covered about two-thirds of the Gulf of Mexico. "In places, the smoke is so thick that it obscures the blue water beneath," the space agency wrote in the statement.

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In late March, NASA's Landsat 9 imaged the smoke billowing from a fire near the border of Oaxaca and Chiapas in southern Mexico. (Image credit: Wanmei Liang/NASA/Landsat/USGS)

Prevailing winds ferried some of that smoke across the Gulf of Mexico and into southwest Florida, turning the state's normally sunshine-filled skies into a hazy expanse, Florida's local news outlet reported.


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The Aqua satellite, which was launched in May 2002 to study water on Earth, has been in a "free-drift" mode since December 2021, when it completed its final maneuver to make up for atmospheric drag. NASA estimates the satellite "has a strong chance" of operating until September 2026.

Richmond Oil Refining Tax on Chevron, a Major Polluter, Moves Closer to Ballot

Laura Klivans
May 22, 2024

The Chevron Refinery, a petroleum refinery, can be seen from Point Richmond on 
(Beth LaBerge/KQED)

The Richmond City Council voted unanimously Tuesday night to direct the city attorney to prepare a ballot measure that would tax oil refining, putting the city one step closer to a tax on the Chevron Refinery sought by environmental justice groups.

The tax would help address an anticipated $34 million budget shortfall for the 2024–25 fiscal year, according to Mayor Eduardo Martinez and Vice Mayor Claudia Jimenez, who cited the harm done by oil refining to the environment and public health in introducing the measure.

Chevron, Richmond’s largest employer and taxpayer, netted $21.3 billion in profits last year and paid $45.9 million in taxes to Richmond in the 2022–23 fiscal year, representing more than 15% of the city’s revenues. Annual revenue from a refining tax could approach $100 million, according to Kerry Guerin, an attorney for Communities for a Better Environment Action, which initially proposed the idea along with the Asian Pacific Environmental Network Action.

“We support policies that encourage business investment and seek to create a better quality of life for Richmond residents,” Chevron wrote in a statement sent by company spokesperson Caitlin Powell. “That said, we believe the proposed refining tax is the wrong approach to do that.”

Chevron called the tax “a hasty proposal, brought forward by one-sided interests” and said it would hinder the company’s ability to improve its facility to better provide clean energy, among other things.

Kevin Slagle, a spokesperson for California’s main oil industry group, the Western States Petroleum Association, said oil refining is already more expensive in California than anywhere else in the U.S.

“Any additional local taxes or regulatory programs could make operations more challenging and expensive, which could lead to higher costs at the pump for all,” Slagle said in an email.

During Tuesday night’s meeting, Jimenez pushed back on the oil industry assertions and said the new tax revenue would not only fund city operations but also help build green businesses to replace fossil fuel production.

“What we are proposing is not going to break things or just to make them leave,” she said. “What we are proposing is to make sure that we continue to advocate for such a big business with billions of dollars to pay their fair share to Richmond.”

Oil refining is the largest single source of pollution in Richmond, with harmful health effects. Emissions of particulate matter from the Chevron Refinery are responsible for 5 to 11 premature deaths in Richmond each year, according to estimations by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. The air district also cites those emissions as contributing to cardiovascular disease, respiratory illnesses and asthma.

Asthma rates for Richmond residents are higher than 90% of other Californians, according to state data.

“I myself suffer from asthma. My son, who’s 9 years old, is a two-time cancer survivor,” said Sandy Saeteurn, a political director with the Asian Pacific Environmental Network Action and a longtime Richmond resident.

She said the Chevron Refinery is “continuing to pollute our air, our environment, our health. And yet, we are not seeing them as good neighbors. We want to make sure that they’re investing in our city, investing in our residents and the future of our community.”


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Dr. Amanda Millstein, a primary care pediatrician who saw patients for years in Richmond after working in other Bay Area cities, said many parents in the city expect that their children will develop asthma – and added that “they are not wrong.”

“I have lost track of the number of families who have asked me at the initial visit with their 2- or 3-day-old baby, ‘Doctor, does my baby have asthma?’ Or ‘How will I know when my baby has asthma?’” Millstein said.

Most of the dozens of people who spoke during public comment in Tuesday’s city council meeting favored the tax.

Longtime Richmond resident Raphael Castro recalled witnessing the 2012 Chevron Refinery fire and sealing his windows with wet towels to protect his younger sister from breathing the air “because, in North Richmond, we have a higher risk of our children getting asthma,” he said.

Timothy Jefferies, a representative of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, many of whom work in refineries, was more wary.

“We are not against clean air,” Jefferies said. But he cautioned the council to take stock of the good-paying jobs provided by the refinery and “all the indirect jobs, all the indirect economics that this city enjoys because of those jobs.”

Richmond voters passed a tax on refineries in 2008, but the measure was challenged in court and struck down in 2009.

Community groups backing this renewed effort said the city can resolve those legal issues this time around. The ballot measure sought by the City Council would go before voters in November.


Academic calls for upgrade to sewage systems to protect health

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain

The risk to public health from human feces in our rivers and seas will increase without action to create a wastewater system fit for the future, according to a Leeds academic.

Professor Barbara Evans, Leeds' Professor of Public Health Engineering, has collaborated on a new report which assesses the best ways to reduce dangers associated with recreational use of water contaminated by sewage.

She said, "Investments in sanitation require national vision and leadership; 150 years ago, the U.K. committed to eliminating cholera and made the necessary huge investments in our wastewater system; we have reaped the benefit of that vision for our whole lives, and we probably haven't been sufficiently aware of it.

"That investment is reaching the end of its life, and we owe it to our children and our grandchildren to make a new commitment and create a vision of a new wastewater system fit for the future."

The report, led by the Royal Academy of Engineering, calls for improvements to the country's sewage system, better maintenance, and more widespread testing of the country's waterways to reduce the risks to swimmers and other water users.

Professor Evans, from Leeds' School of Civil Engineering, was a member of the working group that led the project.

She said, "It's important that people use our natural resources for leisure. It's good for  and we don't want to stop that.

"What we want to do is to find interventions that bring down the risk of the chance of disease outbreaks when people use those resources."

Reducing people's risk of encountering human fecal pathogens in untreated and treated sewage discharged into rivers and  must be a priority, the document said.

Consumption of water contaminated with human feces exposes people to bacteria such as salmonella and E. coli, viruses and protozoa, all of which can cause stomach upsets, diarrhea and vomiting. Small children are particularly vulnerable.

The report says  by industry, government, public bodies and the general public is required. It makes 15 recommendations, including: review current bathing water regulations; prioritize maintenance of the existing sewage network; return to collecting widespread data on fecal bacteria; develop a long-term strategy for better designing cities to reduce flooding, and the appointment of a dedicated wastewater champion.

Professor Chris Whitty, England's chief medical officer, said it was a "public health priority as well as an environmental one."

First of its kind

This is the first time a comprehensive report has been undertaken to assess actions to reduce public health risks associated with use of public waters contaminated by fecal matter from human waste.

Its findings are based on risk-based assessments and consultations with more than 100 engineers, plus wastewater experts, the water industry, campaign organizations and policymakers.

Despite  works reducing the concentration of human fecal organisms, the continuous discharge of treated effluent into rivers, seas and lakes remains a source of these potentially health-damaging organisms.

The report's authors emphasize that the aim is not to completely remove all those organisms but to find cost-effective, long-term methods of reducing them to a level that does not put public health in jeopardy.

Greater exposure to pollutants

The report, published on 21 May by the National Engineering Policy Center, notes the rise in recreational activities in coastal and inland open waters across the U.K., leading to greater public exposure to pollutants. Increased public awareness and data availability on water quality have spurred renewed scrutiny over U.K. water standards and necessitated a revaluation of the public acceptability of the risk.

The report notes that there is a lack of evidence to demonstrate a direct, causal link between specific wastewater discharges and specific health incidents but emphasizes the known public health risk from exposure to high concentrations of fecal organisms.

It focuses on the role of wastewater infrastructure in introducing primarily human fecal organisms into open water through storm overflows and treated effluent discharge. It does not look at agricultural runoff from livestock, wild animals, or septic tanks.

The working group examined a range of actions across storm water management, wastewater treatment, monitoring and communication with the public, and maintenance and operations. The proposed actions aim to either engineer a reduction in the hazard itself or minimize public exposure to it and the report emphasizes that the choice of action will depend on local conditions, including scale, geography, policy priorities and affordability.

The authors said that the government should not just focus on improving infrastructure—which would reduce the short-term health risk—but a longer-term vision for how the U.K.'s cities are designed.

Public health priority

Professor Whitty said, "Public waterways are a great resource enjoyed by many children and adults and can have a significant positive impact on our health.

"Minimizing human fecal organisms in fresh water is a public health priority as well as an environmental one.

"While there will always be challenges with the efficient management of sewers and sewage treatment works, this report provides clear technical options for how this can realistically be achieved."

The experts also recommended decreasing urban runoff, with incentives for removing impermeable surfaces, like patios or paved-over gardens; increasing rainwater collection and expanding natural environments like wetlands, which would all help to reduce the amount of water and sewage going into the network; as well as educating the public about public health risks and improving effectiveness of signage at designated bathing sites; plus a potential ban on non-flushable items.

United effort

Professor David Butler FREng, Chair of the National Engineering Policy Center working group on wastewater, said, "Our vision for the U.K.'s future wastewater system is one that ensures the right balance of human health, environmental protection, and economic sustainability.

"But first we need a strong evidence base to understand and measure public health risks accurately. Such a foundation is essential to inform regulations, standards, and policies, enabling a united effort by governments, regulators, and water companies to mitigate health risks and ensure the safety of open waters for everyone.

"Growing urbanization and forecasts for more frequent and intense rainfall events due to climate change will mean increasing pressure is put on our aging wastewater system. Policymakers and industry should carefully consider the actions we have outlined here and their implications in future wastewater infrastructure projects."

More information: Testing the Waters: Priorities for Mitigating Health Risks from Wastewater Pollution: … rotect-public-health