Sunday, June 09, 2024


France’s Macron calls snap election in huge gamble after EU polls debacle

French President Emmanuel Macron said Sunday he was dissolving the National Assembly and calling early legislative elections, setting off a political earthquake after his party suffered a humbling defeat at the hands of the far right in elections for the European Parliament.

Issued on: 10/06/2024 - 
French President Emmanuel Macron gestures from a vehicle as he leaves after voting for the European Parliament election, in Le Touquet-Paris-Plage, France, June 9, 2024. 
© Hannah McKay, Reuters

By:Benjamin DODMAN

Macron’s decision represents a major roll of the dice, with France’s far right polling at its highest-ever level, virtually all other parties in disarray, and the Paris Olympics just around the corner.

The call for snap polls follows a bruising defeat in Sunday’s EU elections, in which the National Rally (RN) of Marine Le Pen won 31.5 percent of the vote, according to Ipsos projections – more than double the support for Macron’s party.

In an address to the nation, the French president said he could not ignore the warning from voters, noting that in total far-right parties in France had won almost 40 percent of the vote. He said elections for the National Assembly would be called for June 30, with a second-round vote on July 7.

“This is an essential time for clarification,” he said. “I have heard your message, your concerns and I will not leave them unanswered ... France needs a clear majority to act in serenity and harmony.”

The announcement was naturally welcomed by Le Pen, whose National Rally will have its best chance yet of seizing power in the upcoming parliamentary vote.

“We are ready to take power if the French people have confidence in us in these forthcoming legislative elections,” said the runner-up in the last two presidential elections. “We are ready to put the country back on its feet.”

Should Le Pen’s anti-immigrant party win a shock majority in the National Assembly, the prime minister’s job would likely go to her protege Jordan Bardella, the telegenic 28-year-old who led the far right to its highest ever score in the EU elections.

In such a scenario, Macron would still direct defence and foreign policy, but he would lose the power to set the domestic agenda – and be remembered as the president who let in the far right.

A humbling for Macron

The outcome of Sunday’s elections means France, a founding member of the EU, will send to Brussels the largest contingent of far-right, Eurosceptic lawmakers among the 27-member bloc.

The National Rally has traditionally done well in European elections, topping the vote in 2014 and in 2019. Its massive 15-point margin of victory on Sunday – up from just 1 percent five years ago – suggests both that Le Pen’s party is at a historic high and that Macron’s camp is in a position of unprecedented weakness.

Read moreEU parliament: Four things to know about the European elections

The result marks a stinging rebuke of France’s Europhile president, who rose to power in 2017 on a promise to ensure French voters would “no longer have a reason to vote for extreme parties”.

Macron had upped the stakes during the campaign, warning that “Europe is mortal” and recently flagging the threat to the continent from a resurgent far right at D-Day commemorations.

His defeat is also a crushing blow to the country’s youthful prime minister, Gabriel Attal, who was appointed less than six months ago to breathe new life into Macron’s second term in office.

“Don’t be like the British who cried after Brexit,” Attal told voters days before the election, suggesting they would regret placing their future in the hands of Eurosceptics. Such dire warnings appear to no longer hurt Le Pen’s party, which abandoned its calls for “Frexit” long ago.

According to an Ipsos survey on Sunday, 68 percent of the RN’s backers said they voted “first and foremost to voice their opposition to the president and his government” – against 39 percent nationwide. And while the broader electorate said they voted predominantly based on EU issues, a massive 73 percent of Bardella’s voters said national concerns took precedence.

The same survey said immigration and the cost-of-living crisis – RN’s main vote winners – were the dominant issues on voters’ minds. Such topics are likely to remain high on the agenda as parties now scramble to prepare for parliamentary polls in just three weeks’ time.

Left divided and beaten

For the country’s fractious left, the European polls provided another sobering reminder of the pitfalls of division, just two years after the NUPES alliance came second in parliamentary polls behind Macron’s ruling coalition – raising hopes of an end to the factionalism and bickering that has hampered left-wing candidates over the years.

Those hopes were dashed in the run-up to the EU polls, leaving five separate lists to fight over a diminishing share of the electorate. At roughly 33 percent, their combined tally is three points shy of the far right’s cumulative score.

Tellingly, the main casualties of division were the Greens, the first party to announce it would stand alone rather than under the banner of the NUPES. That decision backfired spectacularly, with the Greens now projected to win just 5.5 percent of the vote, down from 13 percent in 2019, thus barely passing the 5% threshold to send lawmakers to Brussels.

France Unbowed, the radical left party of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, fared better than five years ago with 8.7 percent of the vote – a higher-than-expected tally that partially vindicates its decision to put the war in Gaza at the heart of its campaign. But its dominance on the left will now be challenged by a resurgent Socialist Party, which is projected to win 14 percent of the vote.

It helped, perhaps, that the moribund Socialists were not led by one of their own, but rather by European lawmaker Raphaël Glucksmann, a former writer and commentator who emerged as the campaign’s third man – and a potential new champion for centre-left voters desperate for an alternative to Mélenchon.

Glucksmann and LFI were at loggerheads throughout the EU elections campaign, meaning chances of reviving the NUPES alliance in time for the June 30 polls look bleak, though left-wing politicians rushed to call for unity following Macron’s announcement.

‘Russian roulette’

Glucksmann said he was “flabbergasted” by Macron’s gamble, accusing the French president of bowing to the National Rally’s calls for a snap vote. He added: “This is an extremely dangerous game with democracy and institutions.”

Conservatives in the opposition were equally scathing, slamming a rash move that leaves them ill-prepared for battle after bruising European elections.

“Dissolving without giving anyone time to organise and without any campaign is playing Russian roulette with the country's destiny,” said Valérie Pécresse, a former presidential candidate for the centre-right Les Républicains, which took just over 7 percent of the vote on Sunday, their lowest-ever score.

There are ominous precedents for Macron.

The last French president to call a snap election was Jacques Chirac in 1997 – and his gamble is remembered as one of the greatest own goals in modern French politics.

Chirac’s rash move only further angered already disgruntled voters, who stripped the conservative president of his majority and forced him into a “cohabitation” with a left-wing government headed by Prime Minister Lionel Jospin.

While voters today are arguably just as disgruntled, France’s political landscape is radically different.

Macron and the far right have effectively blown up the traditional left-right divide, making it more difficult for mainstream parties to alternate in government. And while two-round elections have so far barred the far right from power, voters have become increasingly weary of rallying behind the anti-Le Pen front – making the outcome of the upcoming election highly unpredictable. View the projections and final results of the European elections on our dedicated pag

Macron's call for snap elections: 'Defiance' among France Unbowed members

Issued on: 09/06/2024 - 

After the initial shock and surprise that followed French President Emmanuel Macron's announcement calling for snap legislative elections, the atmosphere at France Unbowed’s headquarters is one of defiance, FRANCE 24’s Vedika Bahl said. The party’s founder and former presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon said Macron’s move has political as well as cultural, philosophical and moral significance.

01:28 Video by:Vedika BAHL

Jordan Bardella: the 28-year-old 'captain' of France's far-right party

Jordan Bardella, the far-right party leader who inflicted a stinging defeat on President Emmanuel Macron's alliance in European elections, is a self-confident 28-year-old hailed by supporters as a political phenomenon but seen by detractors as lacking substance.

Issued on: 10/06/2024 -
French Jordan Bardella, President of the French far-right National Rally (Rassemblement National - RN) party and head of the RN list for the European elections in Paris, France, June 9, 2024.
 © Sarah Meyssonnier, Reuters

Bardella, raised in a single-parent home, in 2022 officially became the leader of the anti-immigration National Rally (RN) party aged just 27, but boasting the communication skills of a much older politician.

The RN, with Bardella leading its list, scored double the number of votes of Macron's centrist alliance in the European Parliament elections -- prompting Macron to announce on television that he was dissolving parliament and calling snap elections for June 30.

"France has given its verdict and there is no appeal," said Bardella, as he earlier urged Macron to call elections.

"Our compatriots have expressed a desire for change but also a path for the future," he told supporters, adding the result showed the "determination of our country for the European Union to change direction".

"It is wind of hope and it is only the start," he said, describing Macron as a "weakened president".

'Not against Europe'

Bardella took over the RN's leadership from Marine Le Pen, who has been trying to rid the party of the racist and anti-Semitic imprint left by her father and party co-founder, Jean-Marie Le Pen.

Le Pen, who was runner-up in the last two presidential elections, has remained party leader in parliament and is largely expected to run again in 2027.

But her charismatic successor, who has 1.2 million followers on TikTok, is proving to be a major asset in attracting an increasingly younger crowd to vote for the party.

Le Pen has signalled he would be prime minister if she wins the Elysee in 2027. But there have been rumblings within the RN that the young upstart could make an even better candidate than his mentor.

Bardella's carefully curated story has added to smoothing the image of the RN, which Jean-Marie Le Pen once ran from a chateau in a rich town west of the capital.

The RN leader in 2022 shared details about his childhood on the eighth floor of a drab tower block in the crime-ridden Seine-Saint-Denis area northeast of Paris.

During the campaign Bardella was widely seen as having won a televised debate against the little-known head of Macron's party list, Valerie Hayer.

Apparently nervous of Hayer's capacities in the head-to-head format, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal then himself took on Bardella in a debate on May 23 and succeeded in putting the RN chief under considerable pressure over Europe.

Attal sought to paint Bardella as leading a party without substance that had no serious interest in Europe and a vision "of turning in on ourselves and the end of the European Union."

Bardella countered: "I am not against Europe. I am against the way Europe works now."

Eyeing a prominent role in Europe after the elections, Bardella has steered the RN away from the Alternative for Germany (AfD) faction, saying it will no longer sit in the parliament with the faction after a succession of controversies.

'Captain, oh captain'

Bardella's critics accuse him of spending too much time honing his public image, and not enough studying important political issues.

Far-left European lawmaker Manon Aubry has described him as a "ghost parliamentarian" for often failing to show up in the European chamber over the past five years.

And his rise has not been entirely free of controversy.

A French television report alleged in January that he used an anonymous Twitter account to share racist messages when he was a local elected official, claims he has vehemently denied.

One 2017 post from the "RepNat du Gaito" account includes an obscene image mocking Theo Luhaka, a young black man who suffered severe anal injuries from a police baton that year, the France 2 report said.

A French court in January gave three officers suspended jail sentences in the case, a rare one of police brutality to make it to court.

Bardella has not revolutionised the party's belief system, experts point out, but he is still giving his party a youthful vibe.

"Captain, oh captain, we need you to guide us," goes the soundtrack to his campaign post on TikTok.


French PM’s Instagram pitch to young voters features Nintendo, condom


June 7, 2024

The government faces an uphill struggle to narrow the gap with the far right - Copyright Satellite image ©2024 Maxar Technologies/AFP -

French premier Gabriel Attal on Friday wielded objects including a condom and a Nintendo Switch in a last ditch bid on social media to win the votes of young people in European elections.

Attal’s centrist government is battling to narrow the far-right National Rally’s (RN) massive lead in opinion polls when France votes in the European parliament elections on Sunday.

On the final legal day of campaigning in France, Attal brandished a condom, a Nintendo Switch games player and a universal charger as proof of how Europe brings benefits to young people.

“These three objects have something in common — Europe,” Attal, at 35 France’s youngest prime minister, said in a video published on his Instagram page.

It was thanks to Europe, he said, that “all the condoms that you buy conform with all the demands in terms of resistance and security.”

He said Europe had forced Nintendo to replace free of charge Switch joysticks that no longer worked and was forcing manufacturers to have one single phone charger from December.

Reaffirming a mantra of President Emmanuel Macron, Attal said Europe was “in danger” and risked having a “blocking minority” of far-right deputies in the next European parliament.

“I count on you to vote on Sunday” for the ruling party’s list led by Valerie Hayer, he said.

Hayer has waged a troubled campaign, with Attal taking on a head-to-head duel with the RN list chief Jordan Bardella and then facing criticism for seeming to barge in on a debate where she was speaking.

A poll by OpinionWay published Friday showed the RN list on 33 percent of the vote and Macron’s centrist coalition on 15 percent only just ahead of the Socialists on 13 percent.

Macron had Thursday also spoken of the risks of a far-right victory, warning the French not to share the regrets of Britons who did not vote against Brexit in the 2016 referendum, only to see their country leave the European Union.

“Come on, go vote on June 9, it is very important. I say this because I always think back to our British friends who did not go to vote on Brexit day. Not going to vote is leaving the future of our continent and our country to others,” he said in a television interview. 


2024 European elections: Italy's PM Meloni solidifies top spot in EU vote

Issued on: 09/06/2024 - 

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's arch-conservative Brothers of Italy group won the most votes in this weekend's European parliamentary election, exit polls said, confirming its status as Italy's most popular party. FRANCE 24's Seema Gupta reports from Rome.

03:43 Video by: Seema GUPTA

'The story of the European elections in Hungary has two major takeaways'

"The story of the European elections in Hungary has two major takeaways," said FRANCE 24's correspondent in Budapest, Luke Brown.

"The record-high turnout – 50% of Hungarian voters – that's 13 percentage points higher than in 2019, but also the arrival on the scene of a new serious challenger to the Prime Minister Vikor Orban," he added.

Hungary's Orban says EU election win affirms government's policy course

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Sunday his ruling Fidesz party's victory in European Parliament elections affirmed his government's policy course amid an unexpectedly strong showing by an opposition newcomer.

"In a war situation and in a difficult battle, we have scored important victories," Orban, a nationalist, told supporters.

Von der Leyen confident she can win new mandate as EU Commission's president

Ursula von der Leyen said on Sunday she was confident she could win a new mandate as the European Commission's president, after initial projections from the European Union showed her centrist European People's Party (EPP) with the most seats in the EU Parliament.

"Yes, I am confident, but of course I know there is a lot of hard work ahead of me. But I am definitely confident, as far as my running for a second mandate is concerned," she said.

(FRANCE 24 with Reuters)

2024 European elections: PM Wilders' party performance dips in EU vote

Issued on: 09/06/2024 - 

Dutch Prime Minister Geert Wilders' right-wing populist party performed less well than expected in the European elections Sunday, winning only six out of the seven seats that were previously estimated. Meanwhile the Green-left labour alliance fulfilled projections in winning eight seats. FRANCE 24's Fernande Van Tets reports from Amsterdam.

02:49 Video by: Fernande VAN TETS


Far right surges in EU elections, dealing blows to leaders of France and Germany

Far-right parties made gains in elections to the European Parliament on Sunday, prompting a bruised French President Emmanuel Macron to call a shock early election and adding uncertainty to Europe’s future political direction.

Issued on: 09/06/2024
Overall across the EU, two mainstream and pro-European groups, the Christian Democrats and the Socialists, remain the dominant forces in the European Parliament. 
© John Thys, AFP

While the centre, liberal and green parties are set to retain the balance of power in the 720-seat parliament, the vote dealt a domestic blow to the leaders of both France and Germany, raising questions about how the European Union’s major powers can drive policy in the bloc.

Making a risky gamble in a bid to seek to re-establish his authority, Macron called a parliamentary election, with the first round on June 30.

Read moreFrance’s Macron calls snap election in huge gamble after EU polls debacle

Like Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz also endured a painful night where his Social Democrats scored their worst result ever, suffering at the hands of the mainstream conservatives and hard right Alternative for Germany (AfD).


Meanwhile, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni saw her position strengthened by her arch-conservative Brothers of Italy group winning the most votes, exit polls showed.

A rightwards shift inside the European Parliament may make it tougher to pass new legislation that might be needed to respond to security challenges, the impact of climate change or industrial competition from China and the United States.

However, exactly how much clout the euro-sceptic nationalist parties will wield will depend on their ability to overcome their differences and work together. They are currently split between two different families, and some parties and lawmakers for now lie outside these groupings.

The centre-right European People's Party (EPP) will be the biggest political family in the new legislature, gaining five seats to field 189 deputies, a centralised exit poll showed.

In Poland, Prime Minister Donald Tusk's centrist Civic Coalition, a member of the EPP, was set to win the European vote. In Spain as well, the centre-right People's Party, also part of the EPP, came out on top, outperforming Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez.


Such results were good news for EPP member Ursula von der Leyen who seeks a second five-year term at the helm of the powerful EU executive arm.

And she was quick to present herself as a shield against extremes.

"No majority can be formed without the EPP and together ... We will build a bastion against the extremes from the left and from the right," she told supporters at the EPP's election night event in Brussels.

She added, later in the evening: "But it is also true that extremes and on the left and the right have gained support and this is why the result comes with great responsibility for the parties in the centre."

Von der Leyen may still need support from some right-wing nationalists, such as Meloni's Brothers of Italy to secure a parliamentary majority, giving Meloni and her European Conservative and Reformists (ECR) allies more leverage - which could upset other potential allies.

Blow to the Greens

The centre-left Socialists and Democrats are poised to be the second biggest political family, even as they lost four lawmakers to end up with 135, the exit poll showed.

Political observers attribute the shift to the right to the rise in the cost of living, concerns about migration and the cost of the green transition as well as the war in Ukraine – worries that nationalist and populist parties have seized on.

"I think a lot of people felt that Europe is doing things not with people, but just doing it on top of people," Greens' lead candidate Bas Eickhout told Reuters in an interview, asked why the far right was doing so well.

"And I think here we need to come up with a credible answer, otherwise, we're only getting further to the far right," he said, after the Greens and liberals lost ground in the election.

The exit poll projected that pro-European centre-right, centre-left, liberal and Green parties will retain a majority of 460 seats, but one which is slimmed down compared to their 488 in the outgoing chamber of 705 deputies.

Europe's Green parties in particular suffered heavy losses, subsiding to 53 deputies from 71 in the outgoing parliament.

The number of non-affiliated deputies who may choose to join other groups, including the euro-sceptics, jumped by 33 to 95, the exit poll said.

The European Parliament co-decides with the intergovernmental European Council on laws governing the 27-nation bloc of 450 million people.

View the projections and final results of the European elections on our dedicated page.

LGBTQ Georgians fear Russia-style crackdown

June 7, 2024

Success was the first openly gay bar in the Caucasus when it was founded in 2000
 - Copyright AFP Vano SHLAMOV


In Georgia’s oldest gay bar, Tato Londaridze carefully stepped around construction materials as he set out his ambitious plan to put a stage for drag queens on the dance floor.

“Success”, in the centre of the Georgian capital Tbilisi, was the first gay club in the Caucasus when it opened in 2000 — but a slew of anti-LGBTQ proposals from the government have now put its future at risk.

“We are an open gay bar,” Tato said. “And we don’t want to change that.”

On Tuesday, the ruling Georgian Dream party outlined a package of laws that would ban what it calls “LGBT propaganda”, mirroring similar legislation used to crack down on gay rights in Russia and, more recently, Hungary.

Billed as “protecting family values and minors”, the new laws would prohibit the promotion of same-sex relationships on television and in the education system, outlaw sex changes, and codify a ban on same-sex marriage and adoption.

They would also ban “gatherings and demonstrations” promoting same-sex couples, and while the laws would not target his establishment directly, Tato is worried they could have broader consequences.

“It’s not only dangerous for the gay community, it is dangerous for the owners of gay bars,” he told AFP when asked about the government’s proposals first put forward in March.

“Queer places will stop existing, queer parties will be closed,” the 29-year-old warned.

“We are looking for a solution. We don’t want to work undercover,” he sighed.

– ‘Afraid’ –

The draft legislation was announced a day after the Black Sea nation adopted a controversial “foreign influence” law placing onerous restrictions on Western-funded rights groups and the media.

Both measures have ignited fears ex-Soviet Georgia is moving back into Moscow’s orbit, despite opinion polls showing more than 80 percent of the population supporting membership of NATO and the European Union.

Londaridze said some of his friends were already planning to leave.

“Most of them are afraid. I know several people who have already bought tickets,” he told AFP.

“In the end, in Georgia, there will not be openly queer people,” he feared.

Across the street, in the small office of LGBTQ rights group Tbilisi Pride, co-founder Mariam Kvaratskhelia listed off a string of awareness campaigns and drag events they’ve been able to stage in recent years.

“It was never easy. Georgia was never a very LGBTQ-friendly country unfortunately,” the 31-year-old told AFP.

“But during the last two years, we have seen political homophobia really intensify.”

Last year, her group’s Tbilisi pride event in a park far from the city centre was mobbed by thousands of right-wing protesters, who completely destroyed the venue and forced its attendees to flee.

“The government did nothing to prevent the violence,” Kvaratskhelia said.

“I’m very sad to say this, but this year we are not planning Pride Week or any pride events.”

– ‘Existential fight’ –

With the government’s proposed laws, the LGBTQ community now faces an “existential fight”, Kvaratskhelia said.

Lawmakers have said they will consider the new bills during the current parliamentary session, ahead of October elections where the opposition hopes to form a united front.

The Speaker of Parliament Shalva Papuashvili said the sweeping package of 19 bills had the “absolute support of the country’s population” and would protect “family values”.

But opposition parties have accused the ruling Georgian Dream party of pushing through the legislation in a bid to win over conservatives and distract the population from real issues.

The bills are likely to further deepen a rift between Georgia and the EU, which warned the Caucasus country last month it was straying from its path to joining the bloc with the new Russian-style legislation.

Kvaratskhelia, whose office and apartment building have already been vandalised, said she feared the measures will further alienate LGBTQ Georgians.

“I myself have thought a lot about going abroad and having a peaceful life,” she said.

But she vowed to stay as long as it was possible.

“We are going to have huge information campaigns in Tbilisi and in the regions in order to have victory in the upcoming parliamentary elections in October,” she said.

“We are very determined to keep the fight going.”

Ivory Coast bets on solar in clean energy drive

June 7, 2024

Solar panels in the northern town of Boundiali in Ivory Coast stretch across 36 hectares (89 acres) - Copyright GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA/AFP/File MARIO TAMA

Marietou BÂ

The sun beats down from a cloudless sky on the town of Boundiali, where Ivory Coast’s first solar power plant embodies the drive to embrace clean energy without abandoning fossil fuels.

Unlike the wetter, cloudier south, the climate in northern Ivory Coast bordering Burkina Faso and Mali is hot and dry for around eight months of the year.

“Irradiance is very high” in the region, plant engineer Franck Alain Yayo told AFP, referring to the intensity of the Sun’s energy.

The Boundiali plant, which opened in June 2023, aims to improve the electricity supply to more than 430,000 households, the energy ministry said.

Although Ivory Coast has about 10 smaller solar power plants serving villages at a local level, Boundiali is the first on the national grid.

The country, which already exports about 10 percent of its electricity to neighbours, aims to generate nearly half of its energy from renewable sources by 2030.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that half the population of sub-Saharan Africa has no access to electricity.

And yet, it added in a recent report: “Africa is home to 60 percent of the best solar resources globally, yet only one percent of installed solar PV (photovoltaic) capacity.”

While the continent has doubled its capacity to produce clean energy in the last 10 years, African renewables still account for just two percent of global capacity.

– Call for private funding –

The northern Ivorian town has some 68,000 solar panels bought from China laid out in rows across 36 hectares (89 acres).

The panels convert sunlight, not heat, into electricity.

By the end of next year, the aim is to have twice as many panels to reach a production capacity of 80 MWp (Megawatt peak, a measure of the maximum potential output).

That would save some 60,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year, say the authorities.

The 75.6-million-euro ($82.1-million) cost of building the solar power station was financed by Ivory Coast, a German loan and a European Union grant.

“This is the result of the EU’s long-standing commitment to the renewable energy sector, with almost 140 million euros since 2017,” EU ambassador to Ivory Coast Francesca Di Mauro told AFP.

However, international public funding to support sub-Saharan Africa’s transition towards clean energy will not be enough.

Last year, the IEA called for private investment to be stepped up to account for 60 percent of financing.

Solar power is currently a small part of the Ivorian energy mix — the Boundiali plant contributes just one percent of national production.

Nearly 70 percent of the country’s electricity comes from gas-fired thermal power plants, while hydroelectric power stations account for the rest, all located in the south.

By 2030, Ivory Coast has pledged to increase its share of renewable energy to 45 percent, including nine percent solar, and to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent.

Fossil fuels however still play a key role.

– New oil, gas discoveries –

The West African nation recently discovered two huge oil and natural gas deposits.

One of them, the Calao field, “will eventually meet the country’s electricity production needs”, said Energy Minister Sangafowa Coulibaly.

It may also help reduce electricity bills, which would be a welcome relief to householders after prices rose by 10 percent in January.

“Every day the sun shines on our heads” the cost of production is “very low”, plant engineer Yayo said.

Yayo, who learned his skills in Burkina Faso, regretted that his country had neither the technology nor the expertise to train people.

Ivory Coast’s state-run company CI-Energies, which handles Boundiali plant’s infrastructure, temporarily subcontracts to French civil engineering firm Eiffage.

It is Eiffage which is training many of the employees, most of them local people.

In this region of around 92,000 people, some 350 have been hired since construction of the plant began.

Most were taken on with short-term contracts to install solar panels or carry out maintenance.

Among them was Oumar Konate, who previously worked in farming as well as doing odd jobs in town.

Employment in the rural area was hard to come by, he said. “I prefer to work here. The pay is better. I can feed my family.”
UK Conservatives stare defeat in the face even in stronghold

June 7, 2024


Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, left, and finance minister Jeremy Hunt, centre, are facing an expected election wipe-out
 - Copyright Satellite image ©2024 Maxar Technologies/AFP -


Even in Surrey, a historic stronghold of UK Conservatives, voters are tempted to give opposition parties a chance at the July 4 general election, saying successive governments have “made a mess of it”.

With its pretty stone houses, window boxes and main street lined with small shops, Godalming is a typical country town in affluent southeast England, about an hour’s train ride from London.

Many of the town’s 20,000 residents are retirees and from wealthy backgrounds, and have always sent a Conservative MP to the UK parliament at Westminster.

Jeremy Hunt, the current finance minister, has served the constituency since 2005 but is now one of the most prominent Tories threatened with losing their seat, with polls suggesting the centrist Liberal Democrat party could come out on top.

Defeat for Hunt would be a political earthquake for the Tories, who have had five prime ministers during a tumultuous period in UK history that has encompassed Brexit, the Covid pandemic and more recently the cost-of-living crisis caused by high inflation.

“I’m normally quite right-wing, but this time around I have no idea to be quite honest,” Claudette Forrester, a 61-year-old former finance employee, told AFP on the town’s main street.

Forrester, who now cares for her disabled daughter, is disappointed by the Conservatives’ 14 years in power.

“I feel like they don’t know what the everyday person has to go through in life. When you go shopping, you’ve got to count the pennies because food is extortionate,” she said.

“We need to change and we need improvements,” agreed Ian, a 70-year-old retiree and former National Health Service (NHS) worker.

He said he would vote for the centre-left Labour, which polls predict will win a huge majority nationwide.

“I want the current Conservative government to go away. They have done terrible things to this country,” he told AFP, outside a branch of the upmarket supermarket chain Waitrose.

He cited the struggles of the state-funded NHS, which now has record waiting lists, and the handling of the pandemic.

Other voters also said the state of the NHS was a major issue, along with the scandals of Boris Johnson’s government, such as parties held in Downing Street during lockdown.

Most disgruntled voters say they will vote for Liberal Democrat Paul Follows, a local figure unknown at the national level.

– ‘Abandoned’ –

“I don’t think the area has actually changed much in terms of its values… it’s a progressive area,” Follows said in a recent Guardian podcast.

“What has changed is Jeremy (Hunt) and what has changed is the Conservative party.”

It “has moved, shifted significantly to the right, and people in a moderate progressive area like this feel abandoned by that group,” Follows added.

Like the rest of Surrey, Godalming voted against Brexit.

Even Charlie Crowford, a 54-year-old retiree and loyal Conservative voter, said recent governments had “made a mess of it” and “squandered the opportunity.”

“People are fed up with the Conservatives,” he said, but he will still vote for them on July 4, partly because of Hunt, whom he called “a national figure” and “potential leader of the party”.

Hunt, a Tory centrist, ran to be party leader in 2019 but lost out to Johnson. Despite the party’s unpopularity, he remains respected locally, even outside his own camp.

“It’s going to be a very big fight,” Hunt acknowledged recently as he ramped up door-to-door canvassing.

Other senior party figures such as defence minister Grant Shapps and fellow minister Penny Mordaunt face a similar battle to be re-elected, with Labour holding huge national leads in opinion polls for months now.

Other centrists such as Michael Gove, also serving in Surrey, and former prime minister Theresa May have decided not to run, raising questions about what direction the party could take after a defeat that increasingly seems inevitable.

BYD says to build second EU factory despite EV slowdown

June 7, 2024

BYD's Stella Li shrugged off a European Union inquiry that could lead to tariffs on Chinese EVs - Copyright Satellite image ©2024 Maxar Technologies/AFP -

Chinese electric vehicle giant BYD is still committed to building a second factory in Europe and will roll out hybrid cars as the EV market slows down, a group executive told AFP.

Stella Li, vice president for Europe and the Americas, also shrugged off a European Union probe that could lead to tariffs on Chinese EVs.

“When your competition worries about you, that means that you’re super good,” Li said in an interview Thursday at the Top Marques auto show in Monaco.

BYD’s first factory in Europe, in Hungary, will begin production by the end of next year, Li said.

The company is still studying where it can build a new one and “when the time is ready we’ll invest in a second facility”, she said.

With EV sales dropping in several EU nations, BYD is launching plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEV) such as the Seal U DM-i, which was featured at the Monaco event.

Such cars have both a combustion engine and a midsize electric battery that can be plugged in to charge.

For car buyers, PHEVs are “the first baby step to enjoy the technology,” Li said.

BYD sold 1.5 million PHEVs last year, accounting for half of its global sales.

Critics say PHEVs are heavy and still consume too much petrol, producing harmful emissions for the planet when they are not charged.

Li said such cars can be more attractive to consumers who are concerned about not having enough charging stations and have “anxiety” about the range of electric cars.

– ‘Very competitive’ –

The European Commission last year angered China by opening an anti-subsidy investigation into Chinese electric cars, with growing expectations the EU will impose import duties in response.

The EU has until July 4 to order a provisional hike in duties on Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) — currently at 10 percent — with the expectation it could make its move some time in June.

“If I’m a smart consumer, I’ll think that it’s a good image. That means that Chinese cars have a good quality and are very competitive, accessible,” Li said.

“We disagree about the accusations” on subsidies, she said, adding that duties on Chinese cars would “hurt European consumers” by limiting their access to “affordable technology”.

Li added: “We’ll continue to invest in Europe and build success here.”


COP29 climate hosts say they’ll keep expanding fossil fuels

June 7, 2024

The Reyneke vineyard near Stellenbosch is adapting to face the challenges of climate change - Copyright AFP Wikus de Wet

Nick Perry

The incoming president of the COP29 UN climate summit in Azerbaijan told AFP on Friday that his country would keep increasing fossil fuel production “in parallel” with investments in cleaner alternatives.

Mukhtar Babayev defended his country’s hosting of the world’s most important climate summit despite its surging natural gas exports, even as UN chief Antonio Guterres renewed calls this week for countries to “phase out” fossil fuels.

In an exclusive interview in Bonn with AFP, the COP29 organisers said they would also call for a “COP truce” and ask nations to observe a conflict ceasefire during the marathon negotiations in Baku in November.

It comes as diplomats are meeting in the German city this week and next to take stock of global climate action, including a pledge made at last year’s COP in the United Arab Emirates to transition away from fossil fuels.

Environmental activists have expressed dismay that the climate talks are being held a second year running in a nation committed to developing even more of the fuels most responsible for causing global warming.

Azerbaijan’s president recently described his country’s gas reserves as a “gift of the gods” and pledged to defend other fossil-fuel economies wanting to extract more oil and gas.

– Gas and green –

Babayev, a former oil executive turned ecology minister, said Azerbaijan was a gas-exporting nation and they would keep ramping up production to meet demand.

This includes from the European Union, he said, which signed major gas contracts with the former Soviet nation after the outbreak of the Ukraine war caused an energy crisis.

“We are planning in several years (to) increase the volumes of the natural gas but, at the same time, our renewable energy projects,” Babayev told AFP.

“I think in parallel — natural gas production and renewables — possibly will move together at the same time,” he added, saying his country was already investing in major clean energy projects.

The UAE, which was accused of using its COP presidency to advance fossil fuel deals — allegations it denies — also defended scaling up oil and gas production capacity in response to demand.

– Global effort –

Babayev is hoping his COP presidency will lead to a new agreement on money from wealthy nations to help developing ones invest in clean energy and adapt to the impacts of global warming.

This has been a sticking point of climate negotiations for decades, but negotiators hope to land a new fundraising target when world leaders and ministers meet in Baku.

Developing countries want the goal to exceed a previous target of $100 billion per year.

It is estimated that emerging markets and developing countries, excluding China, will need more than $2 trillion a year by 2030 to meet their climate and development needs.

Developed nations historically responsible for climate change agree that more cash is needed, but want wealthy economies and major polluters like China to pay in as well.

Raising this money is a “global effort”, said COP29 lead negotiator Yalchin Rafiyev. “We cannot single out any party, any country”.

“The current flow of finance is not sufficient. And regardless of who will be the contributors, the funding available for the developing countries should be increased,” Rafiyev told AFP.

– Taxing the rich –

Behind closed doors at Bonn, the COP29 team has floated raising money from “innovative sources”, including fossil fuel producers who may be asked to fund climate action in vulnerable nations.

“It is a very preliminary idea, and we already had the chance to discuss it with different countries and international financial institutes, and UN institutions,” Babayev said, without offering further details.

Rafiyev said the shape of such a fund-raising instrument — a tax, levy or other mechanism — had not been decided but they did not want to “finger-point at any industry”.

“We are listening to everybody, and based on that, we will come up with a final product,” he said.

Some nations have proposed introducing levies on the fossil fuel industry and other heavily polluting sectors like aviation and shipping, while Brazil is building support for a global tax on billionaires.

– ‘COP truce’ –

Azerbaijan had less than a year to prepare for the COP29 summit, being named in December at the last minute after Russia blocked other prospective hosts.

It came just days after Azerbaijan and its arch-foe Armenia announced they would work toward a peace agreement, and in the midst of raging conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza.

Rafiyev said that in Baku they would be calling for a “COP truce” and an appeal “to the international community to observe a ceasefire” for the duration of the two-week summit.

He dismissed concerns about adding another layer of complexity to climate negotiations famous for struggling to reach consensus among nearly 200 nations.

“The wars and armed conflicts, military activities, are one of the biggest emission-generating activities and it explicitly is related to the climate agenda,” Rafiyev said.

“It is not a geopolitical or political issue. It also has a very substantive climate dimension.”

Aquaculture overtakes wild fisheries for first time: UN report

June 7, 2024

Fish farms off the Greek island of Poros - Copyright AFP/File Angelos Tzortzinis
Alberto PEÑA

Aquaculture is playing an increasingly important role in meeting the world’s food needs, surpassing wild fisheries in aquatic animal production for the first time, according to a report published Friday.

With global demand for aquatic foods expected to keep growing, an increase in sustainable production is vital to ensure healthy diets, the United Nations’s Food and Agriculture Organization said.

In 2022, aquaculture yielded 94.4 million tonnes of aquatic animal production — 51 percent of the total, and 57 percent of the production destined for human consumption, it said.

“Aquatic systems are increasingly recognized as vital for food and nutrition security,” according to the report, released as experts gathered in Costa Rica for talks on ocean conservation.

“Because of their great diversity and capacity to supply ecosystem services and sustain healthy diets, aquatic food systems represent a viable and effective solution that offers greater opportunities to improve global food security and nutrition,” it added.

While wild fisheries production has stayed largely unchanged for decades, aquaculture has increased by 6.6 percent since 2020, the report noted.

The sustainability of wild fishery resources remained a cause for concern, it added.

The proportion of marine stocks fished within biologically sustainable levels decreased to 62.3 percent in 2021, 2.3 percent lower than in 2019, the report said.

“Urgent action is needed to accelerate fishery stock conservation and rebuilding.”

– Call for investment –

With the world’s population projected to reach 8.5 billion by 2030, “providing sufficient food, nutrition and livelihoods for this growing population demands significant investments,” it added.

“Aquaculture has a major role to play, particularly in Africa where its great potential is not yet realized,” the report said, noting that more than 40 percent of the world’s population cannot afford a healthy diet.

Aquatic products remain one of the most traded food commodities, generating a record $195 billion in 2022 — a 19 percent increase from pre-pandemic levels, it said.

“Despite these significant achievements, the sector still faces major challenges from climate change and disasters, water scarcity, pollution, biodiversity loss” and other man-made impacts, it added.

The report was released to coincide with a meeting in San Jose of country representatives, scientists and international experts to prepare for the third UN Ocean Conference, to be held in France in 2025.

United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Social Affairs Li Junhua said at the start of the talks that protecting the ocean was “not an option but an imperative.”

Costa Rica’s President Rodrigo Chaves, host of the two-day meeting, said that if the world does not act, “we as a generation would be taking away the future of humanity.”

Participants will debate issues including the capacity of the ocean to absorb carbon dioxide, the need for sustainable fishing and tackling marine pollution.

U.N. chief adds Israel to 'list of shame'

U.N. Security Council set to hold a hearing about the report on June 26

By Ehren Wynder

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in previous reports has not included Israel among the “listed parties that have not put in place measures during the reporting period to improve the protection of children."
Photo by Gian Ehrenzeller/EPA-EFE

June 8 (UPI) -- United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on Friday informed Israel it will be added to the so-called "list of shame," due to alleged violations against children during armed conflict.

Israel and Hamas were added to the list for the first time this year, joining Russia, the Islamic State, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, Afghanistan, Iraq, Myanmar, Somalia, Syria and Yemen.

Guterres each year compiles a list of nations and entities that he deems have committed serious violations against children during an armed conflict.

The U.N. Security Council is set to hold a hearing about the report on June 26.

The secretary general's office called Israel's Ambassador to the U.N. Gilad Erdan on Friday in advance of the list's release next week to inform of Israel's inclusion in the yearly report.

Previous reports have accused Israel of violating children's rights in the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict but until now have not named it in their annex of "listed parties that have not put in place measures during the reporting period to improve the protection of children," otherwise known as the list of shame.

The draft of the report cited information from the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry, which stated about 8,000 children have been killed in the war since Oct. 7. The ministry lists the total dead at more than 36,000.

The report also accused Israel of using large-scale bombings during its siege of Gaza, which have resulted in high civilian casualties, and noted the government's failure to punish settler attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank.

The list carries no penalties, but the fallout could damage Israel's already tenuous relationship with the United Nations and the international community.

Israeli officials rebuked their country's inclusion in the report. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a statement said,"the U.N. has put itself on the blacklist of history today when it joined the supporters of the Hamas murderers. The IDF is the most moral army in the world and no delusional decision by the U.N. will change that."

Erdan said he was "utterly shocked and disgusted" by the news from Guterres' office and that the "shameful decision of the secretary-general will only give Hamas hope."

Opposition party leader Yair Lapid, who has criticized Netanyahu and claimed he "has lost all ability to stop Israel's political deterioration," called Guterres' action "a serious and baseless political step by the U.N. secretary-general, who has long since lost all moral direction."

Israel ‘disgusted’ at inclusion on new UN human rights blacklist

The upcoming inclusion of Israel on a UN list of countries and armed forces determined to be failing to protect children in war 

June 7, 2024

Gaza children inspect damage to a UN-run school being used as a shelter
 - Copyright Ritzau Scanpix/AFP/File Mads Claus Rasmussen


The upcoming inclusion of Israel on a UN list of countries and armed forces determined to be failing to protect children in war prompted a furious Israeli response Friday.

The annual “Children and Armed Conflict” report from UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is not due to be published until June 18, but Israel’s UN ambassador, Gilad Erdan, spoke out after receiving private notification of the inclusion.

“I am utterly shocked and disgusted by this shameful decision,” Erdan said in a statement.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu posted on his X social media account that the UN “put itself today on history’s blacklist when it adopted the absurd claims of Hamas.”

“The IDF is the most moral military in the world and no ‘flat earth’ decision by the UN secretary-general can change that,” he wrote, referring to the Israel Defense Forces.

The Palestinian envoy to the United Nations, Riyad Mansour, said adding Israel to the “list of shame” would not restore the lives of children killed or left permanently disabled in Israeli military attacks.

“But it is an important step in the right direction towards ending the double standards and the culture of impunity Israel has enjoyed for far too long and that left our children vulnerable,” he said on X.

A diplomatic source told AFP that Hamas and another Palestinian militant group, Islamic Jihad, would also appear on the list.

Erdan lashed out at Guterres personally, saying: “The only one who is blacklisted today is the secretary-general.”

“Now Hamas will continue even more to use schools and hospitals because this shameful decision of the secretary-general will only give Hamas hope,” he said.

– ‘Long overdue’ –

Gaza is suffering through a war which broke out after Hamas’s unprecedented October 7 attack on Israel resulted in the deaths of 1,194 people, mostly civilians, according to an AFP tally based on Israeli official figures.

Israel’s retaliatory offensive has killed at least 36,731 people in Gaza, mostly civilians, according to the Hamas-run territory’s health ministry. Of those, some 15,000 have been minors, according to Gaza’s government press office.

Israel has also delayed the entry of aid into Gaza, depriving the territory’s 2.4 million people of clean water, food, medicines and fuel.

Last week, the World Health Organization said that more than four in five children had gone a whole day without eating at least once in 72 hours.

According to the Hamas government media office, at least 32 people, many of them children, have died of malnutrition in Gaza since the war began.

Much of the violence is occurring in built-up areas, packed with fleeing Palestinians and, according to the Israeli military, being used at the same time by Hamas forces.

In one of the bloodiest recent single incidents, the Israeli army says it killed 17 militants with an air strike on a UN-run school in Gaza on Thursday. The nearby Al-Aqsa Martyrs hospital said that at least 37 people were killed in the strike.

The UN report highlights human rights violations against children in around 20 conflict zones. Last year, Russia’s military and armed entities linked to Russia were included on the list.

Rights groups have long pushed for Israel’s inclusion and in 2022, the United Nations issued a warning that Israel would need to show improvements in order not to be added.

In last year’s report, the UN noted improvements in the situation between 2021 and 2022, with a “meaningful” drop in deaths of children in Israeli strikes.

Louis Charbonneau, from Human Rights Watch, called Israel’s inclusion “thoroughly justified, albeit long overdue.”

“It’s something we’ve long called for, along with listing Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups.”

Mexico’s president-elect Sheinbaum: a ‘tough opponent’ for US?

Published June 7, 2024

Claudia Sheinbaum, a left-wing former mayor of Mexico City, won a resounding victory to become Mexico's first woman president - Copyright AFP/File Gerardo Luna
Daniel Rook

A landslide election win will embolden Claudia Sheinbaum, Mexico’s first woman president, to defend her country’s interests in sometimes-tense relations with the United States dominated by trade, migration and drugs, experts say.

While the president-elect is expected to be more diplomatic in public than her sharp-tongued predecessor Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, known by his initials AMLO, in private it could be a different story.

The left-wing former Mexico City mayor apparently plans to be “a tough opponent” for Washington, said Duncan Wood, an expert at the Mexico Institute think tank in the United States.

Sheinbaum, a former student activist who won nearly 60 percent of votes in Sunday’s election, pledged in her victory speech to maintain “a relationship of friendship, mutual respect and equality” with the United States.

“And we will always defend the Mexicans who are on the other side of the border,” she added.

Migration across the US southern border remains a key flashpoint issue in the United States, making control over the flow “one of the most important levers” Mexico City has in its ties with Washington, Wood told AFP.

He predicts Sheinbaum “will definitely continue to use migration as a bargaining chip.”

– Strong mandate –

Sheinbaum’s comments “suggest she might advocate for more humane migration policies,” said Maria Fernanda Bozmoski, deputy director of the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center, a US-based think tank.

With a sizable majority in Mexico’s Congress and a strong mandate from the people, Sheinbaum “may be more difficult (for Washington) to convince than AMLO once was,” she told AFP.

Activists have criticized Lopez Obrador’s government for cooperating with Washington by receiving asylum seekers expelled by the United States or detaining and deporting migrants in transit.

US President Joe Biden, in a dramatic bid to neutralize one of his political weak spots ahead of the November election, announced new measures this week that would temporarily shut the border to asylum seekers when illegal crossings surge.

Lopez Obrador said afterward that Mexico was interceding with the governments of Cuba and Venezuela so that the United States could deport undocumented migrants directly to those countries.

And in the Mexican capital, immigration agents raided and cleared a makeshift migrant camp on Wednesday night while people were asleep in their tents.

US-bound migrants passing through Mexico City voiced hope that a Sheinbaum presidency would make their lives easier.

“A human being cannot treat another human being like an animal,” said Arley Canelon, a 56-year-old Venezuelan who hopes to join his four children in the United States.

The Mexican government could at least provide migrants with places to eat and stay along the way, he told AFP.

Carmen Chacon, a 23-year-old Venezuelan traveling with her husband and two children, appealed to Sheinbaum to “do everything possible to help migrants.”

“We don’t want to stay here. We’re just passing through,” she added.

– Drugs, economy –

Washington is also expected to push Sheinbaum for action in the fight against Mexican cartels’ trafficking of drugs such as fentanyl, a synthetic opioid behind a US overdose epidemic.

Wood said there would be an “enormous amount of pressure” from both the White House and US Congress on the issue, “particularly in an election year.”

The economy is another key issue, with Mexico recently replacing China as the United States’ biggest trade partner.

A North America free trade agreement that was revamped in 2020 is due to be reviewed in 2026, potentially leading to disagreements, experts said.

If Sheinbaum’s ruling party uses its big win to carry out controversial reforms damaging to the business and investment climate, experts say tensions could rise.

Such changes “could be a potential powder keg for 2026,” Wood said.

Mexican stocks and the peso fell sharply after Sheinbaum’s victory as investors fretted about proposed constitutional changes such as electing judges by popular vote.

Sheinbaum, a passionate leftist, on Thursday posted a picture of herself meeting Sergio Mendez, head of the Mexican arm of US investment giant BlackRock.

A huge wildcard is the possible return of Donald Trump to the White House if he defeats Biden in November — and how he would treat Sheinbaum.

“I think he’ll assume that he can push her around and she’s going to have to have a very strong backbone to prevent that,” said Pamela Starr, a professor at the University of Southern California.

Wood said it was hard to predict how Trump would behave.

“Trump is enigmatic. He’s his own man. He managed to forge a very positive relationship with AMLO, despite the enormous differences between them,” he said.

Sweden splashes out to save its unluckiest warship

Published June 8, 2024

Ill-fated: the 17th-century Swedish warship Vasa in Stockholm - Copyright South Korean Defence Ministry/AFP/File Handout

Sweden is embarking on a colossal four-year project to safeguard a nearly 400-year-old warship that is the centrepiece of its famous Vasa Museum.

The ship, one of Stockholm’s main tourist attractions, sank on its maiden voyage in 1628 and remained at the bottom of the sea until it was salvaged in 1961.

“We want Vasa to be preserved for the future,” project manager Peter Rydebjork told AFP.

Despite the long delicate recovery operation, the ship “started to deteriorate faster” once it emerged from the sea after three centuries, he said.

In one of the most embarrassing naval calamities ever, the Vasa capsized only 15 minutes into its maiden voyage because of a design flaw, costing the lives of several dozen crew members.

– Stopping the movement –

After being protected by mud and the brackish waters of the Baltic Sea for three centuries, preserving it while on display at one of Stockholm’s most popular museums has proved more complicated.

The wood has contracted over the years, and the ship is being compressed due to gravity. It is also tilting slightly to port.

“We have to stop the movement,” Rydebjork said.

Work on building a new support structure began in April to replace the fragile current one.

The first phase of the project, dubbed “Stotta Vasa” (Support Vasa), is to stabilise the wreck.

Then comes the creation of a structure to support its weight and finally the ship will be righted.

– Steel skeleton –

By 2028 — if all goes well — the hull will be supported both externally and internally and the current 17 external struts will be replaced by 27 steel cradles with fixings under the keel.

Because the Vasa currently has difficulty supporting its own weight, a type of steel skeleton will be installed inside the ship.

Rydebjork said it has taken more than a decade of research to prepare for the ambitious project — which is expected to cost upwards of 200 million kronor ($19 million).

“It’s a really interesting job,” Rydebjork added.

Despite its age, the ill-fated vessel is still well-preserved, with 98 percent of the original parts intact.

Polish tourist Lukasz Szyszka told AFP that the ship was in great condition and worth seeing, despite it being “freezing inside” the museum.

Its main hall is kept at a temperature of between 18 and 20 degrees Celsius (between 64 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit) with a humidity level of 55 percent to slow the deterioration.

The 43-year-old shopkeeper said work on the wreck was needed, saying it was also part of Polish history.

Swedish king Gustav II Adolf (1611-1632), who commissioned the Vasa, wanted to use it so he could to control Poland’s ports on the Baltic.