Wednesday, June 26, 2024


New book on Father Mouchet to be launched Friday

“It” is the biography of Jean-Marie Mouchet, who realized the negative impact of colonialism on the Indigenous people in northern Canada in the 1940s.

It has taken 14 years of research, fact-checking, writing, editing, and designing, but it’s finally done. And it’s just in time for the Territorial Experimental Ski Training TEST reunion, which, next Saturday, will draw to Whitehorse former participants in the program between 1963 and 2013 from across Canada. 

“It” is the biography of Jean-Marie Mouchet, who realized the negative impact of colonialism on the Indigenous people in northern Canada in the 1940s.

Consequently, he designed a ski program to help youth reconnect to the land and provide them with a means to adapt to the social and cultural change that was on the horizon.

Local author John Firth will launch his book on Mouchet at 6:30 p.m. Friday on the tent grounds at Taylor House (the Commissioner’s Residence) on Main Street near the escarpment.

Mouchet’s Territorial Experimental Ski Training (TEST) program yielded multiple Olympians and made cross-country skiing the fastest-growing winter sport in Canada. It also placed both northern and Canadian skiers on the cross-country skiing world stage in addition to producing many First Nation leaders who led their people into the 21st century. 

Music at the launch will be provided by Roxx Hunter, while finger foods and non-alcoholic drinks will be made by Blue Feather Music Festival food guru Viola Papequash. The event is being organized by Gary Bailie.

Firth will be reading from and signing books, which will be available for sale on site. The mic will be available for others to speak of their time with Mouchet and the TEST program and how it influenced their lives. 

Alaska Natives sue EPA over Pebble mine veto, Northern Dynasty says

Reuters | June 26, 2024 |

The Pebble project (Image courtesy of Northern Dynasty Minerals)

Northern Dynasty Minerals said on Wednesday two Alaska native village corporations had sued the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for its veto against the Canadian miner’s proposed Pebble mine in the state’s southwest region.

Iliamna Natives Limited and Alaska Peninsula Corporation, which represent the communities closest to the copper and gold mining project, sued the EPA for exceeding its authority related to the veto, Northern Dynasty said in a statement.

This lawsuit follows the one filed by the company in March against the EPA’s 2023 decision to prohibit the discharge of mining waste in Alaska’s Bristol Bay over concerns the materials would degrade the watershed and harm vital fishing ecosystems.

“Those who oppose Pebble have not provided any alternative that would improve the economy of this area. These two Native Village Corporations understand that the EPA and our opposition care little about their future,” said John Shively, CEO of the Pebble project.

The EPA, which claims the project would permanently destroy more than 2,000 acres of wetlands protected by the Clean Water Act, said it has no further information to provide as it is a pending litigation.

The proposed Pebble mine, which aims to tap one of the world’s largest copper and gold deposits, had gone thorough a lengthy approval and permitting process for decades, but its construction is yet to start.

(By Sourasis Bose; Editing by Shreya Biswas)


Heap leach slide at minesite worries First Nation

June 25, 2024
The Yukon Star
AN UNPLANNED CLOSURE – A heap leach slide incident has shut down the Eagle Gold Mine. It’s located approximately 85 kilometres northeast of Mayo. 
(Photo courtesy Victoria Gold Corp.)

More details are emerging about the incident that has shut down Victoria Gold Corp.’s Eagle Gold Mine near Mayo, following what’s being described as a heap leach slide on Monday.

“This morning (Monday), the heap leach pad (“HLP”) at the Eagle Gold Mine in Yukon experienced a failure,” the company said Monday afternoon.

“Operations are temporarily suspended while the site operations team along with management continue to assess the situation and gather information.

“At this early stage, it can be confirmed that there has been some damage to infrastructure, and a portion of the failure has left containment. There have been no injuries to personnel associated with the incident. The company will provide further information as it becomes available.”

The Yukon Star has been unable to contact the company directly.

Victoria Gold shares were briefly removed from the Toronto Stock Exchange as the news was announced, but have resumed trading since.

Shares were selling at $1.10 Canadian this morning, down more than $6 from Monday, prior to the accident.

The First Nation of Na-Cho Nyäk Dun (FNNND) said it “is deeply concerned about reports that a significant heap leach failure caused a landslide at Victoria Gold Corp.’s Eagle Gold Mine.

“At this time, we are heartened that available information indicates that no personnel were harmed in this incident. We remain concerned, however, about the potentially significant and far-reaching environmental impacts, particularly to surrounding waters, fish, and wildlife.”

Early reports indicate the slide occurred near the mine heap leach facility and gold recovery plant, the First Nation noted.

“We are currently in contact with both Victoria Gold and Yukon Government, and the FNNND Lands and Resources Department has already been onsite to understand the cause of the slide and assess the extent and implications of the damage.

“This is a deeply serious incident, and we are monitoring it closely, with our staff on the ground and with our partners in public government,” said FNNND Chief Dawna Hope.

“Our first priority is to minimize the impacts on our lands, waters, and wildlife as well as on FNNND and any other affected First Nations. We will then seek to understand how and why this occurred.”

Kate White, the Yukon NDP Leader and MLA for Takhini-Kopper King, made the following statement today.

“Massive, potentially catastrophic failures like we saw yesterday at the Eagle mine are why the Yukon needs new and tougher mining legislation. The Yukon government has to do better at weighing the long-term risks that are put on Yukoners, and Yukon First Nations especially, when industry gambles on our ecological and economic future,” White said.

“We’ve seen time and again that Big Mining doesn’t pay for the clean up after a big fail. Yukoners and Canadian taxpayers do. Seven generations from now, it won’t matter how much gold came out of that mine. It’ll be infinitely more important that the land isn’t poisoned and that the Na-Cho Nyäk Dun and the people of Mayo have clean drinking water.”

Few details were available at publication deadline today, but a Department of Environment official told The Yukon Star Monday, “This morning, Victoria Gold Corp. reported a heap leach failure at Eagle Gold mine.

“The company has indicated no workers were harmed.

Mine operations have stopped while investigations are underway.

“Natural resource officers will be investigating.”


Source: Yukon News

Victoria Gold Corp. said it “experienced a failure” on the heap leach pad at the Eagle gold mine in Yukon. The company said operations have been suspended while the site operations team along with management continue to assess the situation and gather information. “At this early stage, it can be confirmed that there has been some damage to infrastructure and a portion of the failure has left containment,” the company said. “There have been no injuries to personnel associated with the incident.”

A photo published on the Yukon News website showed a significant landslide. Also, EOS, a landslide blog, posted before and after photos based on satellite imagery.

Last year, the Eagle mine stacked 9 million metric tons of ore on the leach pad, which generated nearly 167,000 oz of gold

UPDATE: Victoria Gold confirms heap leach pad failure and damage to mine infrastructure

Company says no one was injured in landslide. Some material from heap leach pad "left containment"
Jim Elliot
A landslide appears to have occurred on the site of Victoria Gold's Eagle Gold Mine north of Mayo. (Submitted)

A message posted to Victoria Gold's website and sent out via email has confirmed that there were no injuries associated with the failure and landslide at the mine's heap leach facility. 

The message also states that there has been some damage to mine infrastructure and that "a portion of the failure has left containment."

Heap leach mining involves the extraction of precious metals from ore using chemicals. 

"Operations are temporarily suspended while the site operations team along with management continue to assess the situation and gather information," the message reads. 

The company also pledged further information as it becomes available. 

Update 12:50 p.m: 

A representative of the Yukon government's Department of Energy, Mines and Resources has confirmed that Victoria Gold reported a heap leach failure at the Eagle Gold Mine this morning. Per the department spokesperson, the company has also reported that no workers were injured.

They added that mine operations have stopped as investigations by natural resource officers are underway.

Original Story: 

The News has received reports of a landslide at Victoria Gold Corp.’s Eagle Gold Mine north of Mayo. 

Submitted photos appear to show a large slide in the vicinity of the mine’s heap leach facility and gold recovery plant. 

Requests for information from the CEO of the mining company and the Yukon government Department of Energy, Mines and Resources have not been returned yet. 

This story will be updated with additional information as it becomes available.

Contact Jim Elliot at


South Korea's Rise as a Global Shipbuilder

DSME shipyard
File image courtesy Province of British Columbia




During the World War II period, shipbuilding rose into one of the most critical sectors for most countries in continental Europe and the U.S. In these regions, shipyards represented the backbone of waterfront businesses, providing a lifeline for many coastal communities. But despite that demand for construction of new vessels is still high, shipbuilding in the West has hit an inflection point. Overall, shipbuilding production has fallen to historic lows, a case in point being the U.S where shipyards capable of building large vessels have declined by more than 80 percent since the 1970s.

The same cannot be said of the Asian region, where massive shipbuilding complexes are the world leaders in supplying modern ships. China, South Korea and Japan continue to maintain the top three position in the global shipbuilding market. But to understand this Asian monopoly in shipbuilding, we must break it down at the country level.

In this case, South Korea has the most intriguing case of how it developed its shipbuilding and could offer valuable insights for the developing and middle power countries vying for a similar position. In a new research paper published in the Marine Policy journal, Dongkeun Lee, a Korean Navy(ROKN) reservist officer and a researcher based at the College of Asia and the Pacific, in the Australian National University, Canberra(ACT), explores the unique case of the Korean shipbuilding rapid development between 1960s to the 2000s.

Lee characterizes the history of the South Korean shipbuilding as relatively shorter compared to other major shipbuilding countries. For this reason, it defied several critical factors historically believed to be requisites for any country vying for a dominant position in global shipbuilding.

First, South Korea is a late industrialized middle power country with limited resources and population. This is a contrast to most major shipbuilding countries including China, the U.S, Russia and Japan, which have a long history of shipbuilding due to early industrialization during the 18th and 19th centuries. In addition, these countries have substantial resources such as manpower and a strong economy to allocate to the shipbuilding industry.

Another notable exception is that some countries that fall into the same economic category as South Korea, such as Saudi Arabia and Australia, lack sufficient shipbuilding capabilities to fully meet the demands of their navies. Partly, for such late industrialized countries without sufficient man power, it is not economically rational to build indigenous shipbuilding industries because of the high initial costs.

It then begs the question how South Korea managed to break these barriers to have shipbuilding as one of its major economic mainstays. Indeed, this topic has been covered widely in the past. The question has been answered by pointing to government subsidies that protected South Korean shipbuilding from foreign competitors. South Korea’s military dictator Park Chung-hee, who served as the country’s president from 1963 to 1979, heavily subsidized the industry, under the so-called chaebol companies to boost the national economy.

In Lee’s recent analysis, he was for the first time able to utilize documents from South Korea’s presidential archive, which was established back in 2007. The documents offer valuable insights on the intentions behind Park’s decision to subsidize Korean shipbuilding.

Notably, in 1970s sea-based North Korean military provocations compelled South Korea to develop sea power. This would see South Korea start the implementation of the Patrol Boat Acquisition and Domestic Building Policy. It would herald South Korean indigenous warship-building industry, which is still supported by the current defense strategy. During the same period, the government also invested in expanding existing shipbuilding infrastructure for commercial vessels. Some of these shipyards are still in use today including the Okpo shipyard by Hanwha and Ulsan shipyard by Hyundai Heavy Industries(HHI).

In fact, this represents one of the unique characteristics of South Korean shipbuilding, where the government concurrently supported commercial and warship building capabilities. Chaebol companies that had received government subsidies during the 1960s became important players in warship construction during the 1970s- 1980s.

Meanwhile, as many western countries discontinued their shipbuilding during the end of the Cold War, South Korea shipbuilding persevered. Increased demand for commercial ships throughout 1990s-2000s also created a robust ecosystem for the Korean shipbuilding to thrive.

While Lee acknowledges that the South Korean model may not be sufficient for other developed countries, he singles out government subsidies as a critical starting point for developing the shipbuilding capabilities. In the case of economies such as Australia and Canada, where labor costs are high, one viable option for government subsidies could involve building high-value commercial ships alongside warships.  A good example is Italy’s Fincantieri, which not only builds cruise ships but also warships.  


Romania Begins Insolvency Against Damen Mangalia Shipyard

Romania shipyard
Daman Mangalia was put under control of an insolvency administrator (file photo)




The long-running battle between Damen and the Romanian government over the operations of the Mangalia shipyard on the Black Sea took a new step as a court in Constanta initiated an insolvency procedure. An administrator has been appointed to look for a recovery plan for the shipyard.

The Netherlands’ Damen took operational control of the shipyard in 2018 with high expectations for the operation which remained 51 percent owned by the government. The yard had been in operation since 1976 known for 20 years as the 2 Mai Mangalia Shipyard. South Korea’s Daewoo launched a joint venture to operate the yard in 1997 and expanded the operations with a focus on commercial ships. In the next decade, the yard delivered over 200 ships.

Damen highlighted that the yard had three large drydocks and it was the largest in its group. Damen has a long history with Romania operating the Galati shipyard since 1999. Plans for Mangalia called for expansion and further investment in areas such as the outfitting capabilities.

Mangalia however was hit hard by the downturn in the shipping industry with the company citing the decline in demand from the offshore sector. They also reported increased competition from shipyards in Asia. When the pandemic hit the industry, Damen launched a plan for the reorganization of the yard. Plans for downsizing the operation and refocusing the business were not well received in Romania where it was reported Damen would reduce headcount at Mangalia by over 200 and at Galati by nearly 650 people. The company however in early 2023 highlighted a recovery including two HVDC (High-Voltage Direct Current) offshore transmission projects at the yard, both of which were being constructed under contracts with Aker Solutions as the main EPCI contractor.

The Romanian government in June 2023 passed a new law that gave it control of Mangalia and limited Damen’s involvement to a minority investor. The company protested but unable to resolve issues with the government moved in August 2023 to terminate the joint venture. Reports were at the time the yard was employing 1,500 full-time individuals plus contractors employees and flex-time staff.

Damen in April 2024 sought to take the case to an international arbitration court in Vienna. Damen was reported to be seeking compensation to end the joint venture and its loss of control of the yard. Reports in the Romanian media said that Damen had guaranteed more than $170 million in loans for the shipyard.

The shipyard filed for a bankruptcy proceeding at the end of May and last week the court decided to proceed with the insolvency. The administration set the first meeting for the end of August while saying it would be studying the business to understand its weaknesses and working to define a recovery strategy.  They said the aim was to provide as much stability and clarity in a complex situation.

Damen’s operations at Galati are separate from Mangalia where it was in a joint venture. 


Container Fire Containing Toxic Phosphorus Causes Antwerp Port Evacuations

Antwerp container terminal
Operations were suspended and vessels evacuated in Antwerp due to a container fire with toxic phosphorus (MPET file photo)




A container fire in the Port of Antwerp prompted evacuations and a suspension of operations in sections of the container terminals overnight as emergency services worked to neutralize the danger. Operations we stopped for 12 hours with vessels evacuated as a precaution.

The Waasland fire brigade received reports of the container fire at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday night in the Beveren area which includes the Deurganckdok, one of the primary container handling areas of the port. The container burning was determined to contain yellow phosphorus. A commonly used chemical in fertilizer and other industrial applications, it is extremely toxic. Exposed to air it is flammable and inhaled it causes burning and in small amounts, it can be deadly to humans.

The MPET terminal used by MSC containerships and the DP World facility were both evacuated as a precaution. A ship moored in the port was also evacuated and all vessel traffic at Deurganckdok was also temporarily halted.

The fire service reported it was working with the chemical company BASF and the port. After approximately an hour, they were able to reduce the perimeter but continued to work to secure the container. As such, operations at MPET and Deurganckdok remained suspended. 

As of 0730 Monday morning, the fire service was reporting that the container had been moved to a “safe location.” The port said that they were doing everything possible to restart all activities as quickly as possible.

It was the second incident this month to interrupt operations at the container terminals in the Port of Antwerp. On June 6, port officials detected oil in the water that they determined was coming from a bunkering operation at the container terminal. A survey showed 20 ships, both sea vessels and barges, were polluted in Deurganckdock. Oil was also detected in the fairway and on the quay walls. 

Contaminated ships were prevented from leaving the port until they had been cleaned and the fairway also needed to be cleaned. Operations at one of the port’s locks were also suspended. Some ships were able to be cleaned quickly and proceed but operations continued to be impacted until June 18 when the Port of Antwerp reported that the cleanup operation had been completed.


Two Lockheed Subsidiaries Settle Charges of Overbilling U.S. Navy

T-44 pegasus
T-44 Pegasus aircraft are trainer planes for Navy and Coast Guard pilots who go on to operate P-8 patrol aircraft and HC-130 SAR planes (USN file image)




Two subsidiaries of aerospace giant Lockheed Martin have agreed to pay $70 million to settle allegations that they overcharged the U.S. Navy for aircraft parts, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. The case was originally brought on behalf of the U.S. government by a whistleblower who worked at one of the firms involved.

The case centers on activities at Sikorsky Support Services Inc. (SSSI) back in the 2000s, when the company was a division of United Technologies. At that time, SSSI held a contract to supply aircraft maintenance and parts for the U.S. Navy's T-34, T-44 and T-6 training aircraft. To obtain parts, it subcontracted with another division of United Technologies, Derco. The legal problem arose from an internal agreement that these two divisions of the same company had with each other: one division of United Technologies (Derco) bought the parts, then sold them to a different division of United Technologies (SSSI) at a 32 percent markup. The DOJ alleged that SSSI knowingly used Derco's inflated invoices to bill the Navy, ultimately charging the taxpayer 32 percent more than the market price of the parts. 

In 2011, whistleblower Mary Patzer filed a civil suit against Sikorsky Aircraft, SSSI and Derco, alleging that this billing arrangement violated the False Claims Act. The Department of Justice intervened in the case in 2014 and took over the lawsuit. DOJ's legal team claimed that SSSI and Derco's top managers engaged in "a deliberate scheme to defraud the United States through the use of an illegal cost-plus-a-percentage-of-cost subcontract." In its complaint, the government claimed that Derco's then-president was aware that this arrangement was illegal, and pursued it anyways - even though the supply contract with the Navy made clear that there could be no markups on "the actual price of parts, material and shipping costs." 

Sikorsky, SSSI and Derco contested these allegations, but the district court ruled in favor of the U.S. government, finding that the 32 percent markup violated a federal statute barring this form of subcontracting price structure. Last week, the two sides reached an agreement to settle the matter for $70 million. 

“The U.S. Attorney’s Office is committed to preventing fraud and protecting taxpayer money,” said U.S. Attorney Gregory J. Haanstad for the Eastern District of Wisconsin. “Government contractors must put compliance with the law ahead of profits. This settlement makes the United States whole for the inflated costs arising from SSSI’s and Derco’s illegal subcontract deterring future violations of the law.”

When Lockheed Martin purchased Sikorsky Aircraft from United Technologies in 2015, it acquired Derco and SSSI, and it inherited their ongoing litigation. The events alleged in the lawsuit predated Lockheed's involvement with either company. 


NTSB Homes In on Connector Device From Dali's Switchboard

Image courtesy USACE




The NTSB has issued an update on its investigation into the disastrous allision of the boxship Dali with the Francis Scott Key Bridge in March, which destroyed the span, killed six workers and blocked off Baltimore's federal shipping channel for months. 

The container ship lost electrical power twice as it approached the bridge on the accident voyage. Both times, mission-critical circuit breakers that connect the ship's generators to the rest of the electrical distribution system tripped (opened), turning off all the lights - even though the generators continued to run.

The loss of electrical power temporarily disabled the ship's rudder and forced a shutdown of the main engine, causing the Dali lose propulsion and heading control as she approached the bridge's main spain. Though backup control of steering was restored when the emergency generator started, it was too little and too late to prevent an allision with the southwestern bridge pier. Dali's momentum crushed the pier on impact, collapsing the entire bridge truss in seconds. The damage will likely take years to restore. 

According to NTSB, the first set of breakers (HR1 and LR1) tripped when the Dali was just three ship lengths away from the bridge, causing the first blackout. With help from the OEM, the crew and other experts, NTSB has been examining these breakers closely at the component level to determine what might have gone wrong.

During testing, the investigators noticed "an interruption in the control circuit for HR1's undervoltage release." The undervoltage release is a device that trips the breaker when the voltage falls below a set threshold. 

The team pulled a terminal block - a female connector socket for plug-in components - out of the control circuit for the breaker undervoltage release (illustration at left, courtesy WAGO). Two sections of the control wiring associated with this terminal block were also removed from the switchboard, and these components were taken back to NTSB's laboratory for further testing. 

The agency did not release further information on its findings, and it emphasized that the update should not be taken as a conclusion about the root cause of the casualty. The broader investigation into the allision is still under way; while NTSB has no formal timeline for completion, based on the length of past inquiries, the process often takes approximately one year.  

Video: Containership Dali Underway Three Months After Baltimore Allision

Dali departing Baltimore
Dali passing the remains of the bridge outbound to Norfolk (screen grab SkyTeam 11 live feed)



After a slight delay over the weekend, the containership Dali which became infamous for her allision with the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore got underway on Monday morning bound for Norfolk, Virginia. It is a carefully choreographed exercise as the vessel remains heavily damaged including without anchors and with debris and containers still aboard. 

The U.S. Coast Guard reports she is traveling under her own power with a full crew of 22 aboard as well as six salvage experts from Resolve Marine. Four tugs are accompanying the vessel on the trip which is expected to take 16 to 20 hours. The Coast Guard cutter Sailfish from Norfolk is maintaining a 500-yard safety zone around the ship and the salvage vessel Inceptor from Resolve Marine is following the trip. AIS signals show her traveling at 8 to 10 knots.

Strong safety protocols are being enforced during the transit as well as monitoring by the Coast Guard. One concern is that some of the debris might come loose and fall overboard, although most of the damage at the bow was secured or removed and a tarp was placed over some of the damaged areas. As an added precaution, the Maryland Transport Authority reported that traffic would be stopped on the Bay Bridge crossing the Chesapeake near Annapolis while the vessel transits the area.



MDTA footage of the Dali clearing the Bay Bridge this morning


The delays included last-minute arrangements for two additional crewmembers, both cadets, to leave the vessel. Initially, an agreement was made for eight ratings to return home to India and Sri Lanka as long as they would be made available or later depositions. The cadets were added to the agreement. The Dali had been at the Seagirt Terminal in Baltimore for the past 35 days for salvage operations after being removed from the bridge debris. 

According to media reports, four of the original crewmembers are staying with the vessel during the trip to Norfolk. Synergy Marine arranged for a replacement crew to join the vessel last week. Seven crewmembers were being transferred to hotels or apartments in the Baltimore area to await depositions and the legal cases. The four others presumably will be returning to Baltimore as they are also parties to the various legal cases and potential actions by the U.S. Department of Justice.


Dali preparing to depart with USCG escort and tarp covering damaged areas (USCG photo)


Once the Dali reaches Virginia, she will be first going to the Virginia International Gateway in Portsmouth on the Elizabeth River south of Norfolk. Virginia International Gateway is a privately owned terminal leased by the Virginia Port Authority. It is one of the VPA’s two main container terminals. There the Coast Guard reports at least 1,500 containers will be offloaded from the Dali to reduce the vessel’s draft.

At a later date, the Dali will again be shifted this time to the Norfolk International Terminal. While in Norfolk the vessel is to receive initial repairs before the owners, Grace Ocean, transfer her to another shipyard likely in Asia for additional repairs.


MOL to Consolidate Dry Bulk Position by Taking Control of Gearbulk

open hatch bulker
Gearbulk has the world's largest fleet of open hatch gantry crane and jib crane vessels (Gearbulk)



Mitsui O.S.K. Lines will increase its ownership position in Norway’s Gearbulk Holdings as part of the Japanese company’s strategy to consolidate and expand its position in dry bulk shipping. MOL, which reports it is one of the world’s largest shipping companies with a fleet of over 870 vessels, says the transaction is part of its commitment to accelerate revenue growth.

Kristian Jebsen and his family through their holding company Halberton will sell an additional 23 percent stake in Gearbulk to MOL with the deal expected to be completed by January 2025. Gearbulk first has to complete some internal reorganizations consolidating its open-hatch business and a carve-out of other businesses. MOL will increase its position to a 72 percent stake and consolidate Gearbulk as a subsidiary while Jebsen will retain a 28 percent shareholding in Gearbulk.

“By adding Gearbulk's open-hatch segment business to MOL business, we will be able to offer a diverse range of transport services by a broad range of vessel types,” MOL writes explaining the transaction. The company has been an investor in Gearbulk since 1991.

Gearbulk started in 1968 and was one of the pioneers in open hatch gantry crane vessels. The group has built a leadership position in the segment reporting it has the world’s largest fleet of open hatch gantry crane and jib crane vessels. The group has about 65 open hatch and other specialized vessels with the fleet commercially operated by G2 Ocean, a joint venture 65 percent owned by Gearbulk and 35 percent by Grieg Maritime. G2 will continue to operate as before after MOL increases its position in Gearbulk.

Open hatch is a specialized segment of the dry bulk sector. The vessels are designed to transport unitized cargoes such as forest products, bale pulp, non-ferrous metals, aluminum ingots, and steel products. G2 Ocean also transports conventional bulk and project cargoes. The vessels are also designed so that the cargo can be loaded on top of the hatch or deck, allowing the transport of heavyweight and oversized cargo such as windmill components.

MOL reports that the consolidation of Gearbulk creates synergies such as enhancing the expansion of the group's business base by adding Gearbulk's worldwide network, creating new business opportunities, and boosting the efficiency of vessel allocation. The company also expects these synergies to significantly differentiate it from its competitors and strengthen its cost competitiveness and customer network.


Vineyard Wind Reaches Milestone as Largest Operating US Offshore Wind Farm

offshore wind farm
Vineyard Wind reports progress as it reaches the milestone becoming the largest operating offshore wind farm in the U.S. (Avangrid)




The Vineyard Wind 1 project passed a key milestone today becoming the largest operating offshore wind farm in the United States. Being developed off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts, project developers Avangrid and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners celebrated reaching 136 MW on their way to a total capacity of 806 MW.

With 10 of the planned 62 wind turbines now in operation, Vineyard Wind 1 is now delivering more than 136 MW to the electric grid in Massachusetts. It surpasses Ørsted’s South Fork which was completed earlier this year and has a capacity for 132 MW from 12 turbines. These two projects were the first large-scale offshore wind farms to begin construction in the United States, although they will ultimately be surpassed by others including Dominion Energy’s project off the coast of Virginia which started construction in April 2024.

The companies are highlighting that Vineyard Wind 1 currently has installed 47 foundations and transition pieces and 21 turbines, with the installation of the 22nd turbine underway. Unconfirmed reports in the local media asserted that the project has encountered unanticipated challenges and weather in the installation process slowing its progress.

Located 15 miles off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard, Vineyard Wind began offshore construction in late 2022, achieved steel-in-the-water in June 2023, and completed the nation’s first offshore substation in July 2023. Construction flows through the New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal.

The project marked its first power delivered to the grid on January 2, when Vineyard Wind delivered approximately five megawatts of power from one turbine to the grid. Following that milestone, the project provided power from each of the first five turbines intermittently, as it ramped up to initial operations, which it achieved in February when the project began delivering approximately 68 MW from five turbines to the grid. At the time, they said that nine turbines had been installed and the process of installing the 10th was underway. 

Building on the 136 NW currently being delivered, they report additional power will be delivered to the grid sequentially, with each turbine starting production once it completes the commissioning process.

Vineyard Offshore, the JV operator for the project in March 2024 reported it had submitted a proposal for a 1,200 MW offshore wind project to Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island in response to the New England states’ solicitation for up to 6,800 MW of offshore wind capacity. The project, which would be located 29 miles south of Nantucket would be Vineyard Wind 2 with a project operational date of 2031.

The zone south on Martha’s Vineyard and stretching west toward Rhode Island and Connecticut and south to the eastern tip of Long Island is the U.S.’s first cluster for offshore wind. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has moved forward with the approvals for additional projects in the zone and ultimately it will host approximately 10 large commercial wind farms. 

Germany Proceeds with RWE, TotalEnergies, and EnBW for More Offshore Wind

German offshore wind farms
EnBW started construction last month on a 2 GW wind farm while Germany approved more projects in the North Sea (EnBW)


Germany Proceeds with RWE, TotalEnergies, and EnBW for More Offshore Wind

Germany approved another offshore wind project and awarded two more leases as it moves forward on its next tranche for renewable energy from offshore wind with a focus emerging on large clusters. RWE reports it was given the green light for the first phase of a large project in the North Sea while both TotalEnergies and EnBW won leases for offshore sites in the latest auction. 

The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) announced the decision as it works to move forward with a broad range of renewable energy projects. With over 8.5 GW installed, Germany has the second-largest offshore wind energy capacity in Europe, nearly double that of the Netherlands. The UK, however, remains the leader in Europe at 14.7 GW of capacity, and second only to China.

BSH President Helge Heegewaldt said they are pleased about the completion of the approval process and the progress they are making.  "According to the legally defined targets, a total of 30 GW of installed capacity from offshore wind turbines should be connected to the grid by 2030. At the moment we have an installed capacity of around 8.6 GW. With the current planning approval decisions, we have another building block for achieving the goals of the Offshore Wind Energy Act for an efficient expansion of offshore wind energy."

RWE, which already has six wind farms off the German coast in its portfolio, plans to start construction on the first phase of the Nordseecluster A. BSH approved NC 1 and NC 2 which the company reports will permit to implement the first phase of its 1.6 GW cluster. The company has already taken the investment decision and reports it expects to start offshore construction next year. Production of some components has already started.

The Nordseecluster is being built approximately 30 miles north of the German islands of Borkum and Juist. The first phase, which has now been approved, has a total capacity of 660 MW. The 44 wind turbines of Nordseecluster A, each with a capacity of 15 MW, are expected to be fully connected to the grid in early 2027. The second phase, Nordseecluster B, will add another 900 MW of capacity, with commercial operation expected to begin in early 2029. Together, the wind farms in the Nordseecluster will generate around 6.5 terawatt hours of electricity annually.

BSH also concluded its next auction awarding TotalEnergies’s company Offshore Wind One a concession for a location about 75 miles northwest of the German island of Heligoland. It covers approximately 60 square miles. TotalEnergies says this will permit it to build a 3.5 GW offshore wind hub in the North Sea. The new concession adds 1.6 GW of capacity to the 2 GW area the company won last year. It received a 25-year lease which could be extended to 35 years.

EnBW was awarded a lease for an area also approximately 75 miles from Heligoland. Its plans call for a 1 GW wind farm in the North Sea set to enter operations in 2031. The company already operates four offshore wind farms along the German coast and in May 2024 started construction on He Dreiht, which will be the largest offshore wind farm to be built without state funding. Due to enter operations at the end of 2025, it will add 960 MW to the portfolio which consists of approximately 1 GW from the sites in the North Sea and Baltic. EnBW highlights it has been planning, building, and operating offshore wind farms in Germany and Europe for around 15 years. As a company, it wants to expand renewable energy capacity to between 10 and 11.5 GW by 2030 and be climate-neutral by 2035.