Thursday, June 27, 2024

Arce & crowds against coup in Bolivia. Photo credit:

Bolivia – right-wing coup attempt foiled, stand with democracy, social progress & self-determination

"This should act as a stark reminder of why we must continue to give priority to building solidarity with Latin America's left."

By Matt Willgress, Friends of Bolivia

By Thursday morning British time, Bolivia's President Luis Arce's government and the social movements of the country appear to have defeated a right-wing, anti-democratic coup attempt in which heavily armed troops, led by an army general, Gen. Juan José Zúñiga, stormed the governmental palace, and seized control of a main La Paz square.

In response to these developments, Arce had called on Bolivia to take to the streets to defend the country's democracy from the anti-democratic coup attempt, and was joined in this call by the country's social movements, trade unions and others.

"We need the Bolivian people to mobilise and organise themselves against this coup d'état and in favour of democracy," Arce said in a video message alongside his ministers, who shouted "Long live the people of Bolivia! Long live democracy!"

Celinda Sosa Lunda, the Foreign Minister, said “The Plurinational State of Bolivia denounces before the international community the irregular mobilization of some units of the Bolivian Army that threaten democracy, peace and security of the country. We call on the international community and the Bolivian population to respect democratic values and support the government of brother President Luis Arce Catacora, constitutional and legitimately elected by the sovereign will of the Bolivian people.”

Former president Evo Morales, who remains deeply popular in Bolivia and is an icon of left and anti-imperialist movements the world over, called on all supporters to take to the streets and block roads, saying “We will not allow the armed forces to violate democracy and intimidate the people.”

The people of Bolivia’s calls for support were heeded internationally, including from Jeremy Corbyn’s Peace & Justice Project here in Britain, who said “We condemn the attempted coup in Bolivia and send our solidarity to president and his democratically elected government.”

Also in Europe, Spanish prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, posted that "Spain strongly condemns the military movements in Bolivia."

Latin America's leaders and social movements spoke out strongly, with Mexican President-elect, Claudia Sheinbaum, condemning the "attack against democracy" and giving " unconditional support to President Luís Arce and his people."

Brazil's President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said "I want democracy to prevail in Latin America. Coups have never worked out" and the Government condemned the coup attempt.

Honduras' President Xiomara Castro condemned the coup and expressed unconditional support to President Arce and Evo Morales.

Venezuela's president, Nicolás Maduro, urged Bolivians "to defend their democracy, their constitution and their president," and highlighted the danger of a right-wing coup in his country. His comments were added to by Vice President Delcy Rodriguez, who said Venezuela condemns "categorically any fascist and anti-democratic act that seeks to disturb the peace and alter the order of the Bolivian people".

By late afternoon Arce had named a new military high command and the troops and tanks were withdrawing from Plaza Murillo, in what (at least for now) was a victory for the Bolivian people. For socialist activists here and across the world it should also act as a stark reminder of why we must continue to give priority to building solidarity with Latin America's left, which has had strong electoral victories in countries such as Mexico recently, and remains a vital reference point for anti-capitalists and anti-imperialists across the globe.


A UNISON delegate standing at a lectern in a colourful shirt waves a copy of the Palestine motion as he speaks in favour of it.

UNISON passes motion to recognise Palestine as a state

“We continue to call for a ceasefire, for the release of all hostages, and for the release of thousands of Palestinians held in Israeli jails, often on trumped-up charges that render them political prisoners.”
Tony Slaven, UNISON Scotland

Impassioned debate on Palestine sees delegates pass a substantive motion at this year’s UNISON conference.

The third day of UNISON’s national delegate conference, chaired by UNISON president Libby Nolan, saw delegates pass a composite motion in solidarity with Palestine – but not before several impassioned speeches were heard.

The debate came shortly after Palestinian ambassador to the UK Dr Hussam Zomlot’s speech to the union.

Introducing the motion on behalf of UNISON Scotland, Tony Slaven said: “After the deaths of nearly 40,000 people, a ceasefire is needed urgently.

“We continue to call for a ceasefire, for the release of all hostages, and for the release of thousands of Palestinians held in Israeli jails, often on trumped-up charges that render them political prisoners.”

He urged conference delegates to vote for the motion, which calls on the UK government to recognise Palestine as a state, to refuse to continue to supply arms to Israel and to support “a peace process that will outlive the politicians of today.”

Speaking in support of the motion, the chair of the NEC’s international committee Liz Wheatley said: “None of us will ever forget the sights and sounds coming out of Rafah. The sights of burning tents in a refugee camp where hundreds of thousands of people had been forced to flee as their homes across Gaza were destroyed.

“They were not displaced, they were driven there by a brutal bombing campaign that has seen over 37,000 killed, 85,000 injured and more than a million facing famine.”

Ms Wheatley’s speech focused on the second demand of the motion – to call on the UK government to suspend arms sales to Israel.

“Sunak and the Tories don’t care about that poor man holding up the headless body of his child, Ahmad Al-Najar; they don’t care about people burned to death in tents. They don’t care there are no hospitals to treat them, that people are starving because aid isn’t allowed in, because food and clean water is scarce. All they care about are their friends in the arms industry, who make a profit out of death.

“As a public-sector worker, I know that every penny, every pound that the government spends on death and destruction is a penny and a pound that could be spent on our hospitals, schools and our public services.”

Yvonne Green, speaking in support of the motion on behalf of Croydon local government branch, drew attention to the sixth part of the motion, affirming UNISON’s support for the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement, which she described as “a peaceful method to pressure Israel to uphold international law”.

In a similar vein, Glen Williams from the North West region urged local government workers to take action on pension funds. “Local government pension funds invest £4.5billion in companies complicit in Israel’s oppression of Palestinians.”

Work on pensions is ongoing, having begun in 2015.

Delegates also spoke of the atrocities of 7 October, while the composite motion itself stated that “the horrific violations of international law committed by the Israeli government, Hamas and other armed groups in Gaza, Israel and the West Bank must be investigated and prosecuted by the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice”.

The motion was passed by a majority vote.

The motion calls on UNISON’s national executive council to:

1)  Campaign for an immediate and permanent ceasefire; an end to the siege of Gaza including the full restoration of water, electricity and communications; immediate access to comprehensive humanitarian aid including food, water and medicines; and the safe release of both Israeli hostages, and Palestinians wrongfully held in Israeli prisons, including under administrative detention.

2)  Call on the UK government to take measures to uphold international law, including suspending the arms trade with Israel, banning trade with the illegal settlements and supporting the prosecution of violations of international law by the International Criminal Court and International Court of Justice.

3)  Call on the UK government to recognise Palestine as a sovereign, independent state, put pressure on the UN to recognise Palestine as a full member state and implement credible measures and call for renewed talks to facilitate an internationally supported, just political solution, in line with successive UN resolutions, which provides for a viable, contiguous Palestinian state, alongside Israel;

4)  Work with Labour Link to secure a commitment from the next Labour government to recognise Palestine as an independent state.

5)  Encourage branches to support the work of Medical Aid for Palestinians and the Red Cross to support the right to health, and make a further donation to Medical Aid for Palestinians.

6)  Continue to oppose the UK government’s Economic Activities of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill and other attempts to restrict BDS, and continue to use targeted BDS to apply pressure to the Israeli government to end the occupation, respect the rights of Palestinians and bring about peace, including promoting UNISON’s campaign to divest from Local Government Pension Schemes to branches and regions.

7)  Continue providing practical solidarity in support of the rights to decent work and quality public services, including through work with trade unions and Palestinian and Israeli human rights and workers organisations;

8)  Encourage branches and members organising around Palestine in their workplaces and encourage them to mobilise for national and local peaceful protests.

9)  Promote educational initiatives within UNISON branches to raise awareness about the history and complexities of the Palestine-Israel conflict.

10)  Continue to support the work of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and encourage regions and branches to affiliate.

  • This article ws originally published on the UNISON website on 21 June 2024.

 A picture of the Palestinian ambassador, Husam Zomlot, at a lectern with the UNISON logo, his arms raised as he speaks.

Justice for the Palestinian people is justice for all

“We are not going anywhere. But this should be the last time we allow a mass murder of our people. For that, we must not just recover. We must secure our freedom and with it, a sustainable peace.”
Ambassador Husam Zomlot

Palestinian ambassador Dr Husam Zomlot delivers a message of defiance and hope at UNISON conference

The highlight of this year’s UNISON national delegate conference was a speech from Palestinian ambassador to the United Kingdom Dr Husam Zomlot (pictured), who was welcomed with a standing ovation.

Thanking the union for its warmth, he began with an acknowledgement of UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea’s recent trip to the West Bank. “I know Christina got a taste of what it means to live under Israel’s military occupation.

“You may think it’s the deadly military operations in Gaza that are the worst part,” he continued. “But since October, Israel has killed over 500 people, including over 100 children, in the occupied West Bank. Of course these killings, along with house demolitions, are part of the rampant settler terrorism that has displaced more than 1,000 people from their homes and villages in the last eight months.”

Dr Zomlot described life for Palestinians in the West Bank as “the constant denial of one’s humanity and dignity. The constant fear of arbitrary killings and detention, of roadblocks and checkpoints and never knowing if you can get to work or if your children can get to school. Never being able to plan a day, month or year because the Israeli military pays no attention to your rights of life. Constant daily humiliation is what military occupation is really about.

“But we, the Palestinian people, are hard to break.”

He went on to detail the history of trade union solidarity with Palestine. “Forty-four years ago, it was trade unions in Dundee that forged the first ever twinning agreement between a Palestinian city and a UK one. Dundee was twinned with Nablus. Union to union, solidarity has only been strengthened over these decades and we share values of justice for all.

“UNISON was one of the first unions to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and long demanded that international law be applied to Palestine. That is not a gift or favour, but a right. Our rights are our rights, and we have been denied these rights for 76 years.”

Dr Zomlot praised UNISON’s work over the years to support Palestinian rights. “I know how dedicated you were in opposing the government’s boycott ban, a very clear attempt to interfere with British democracy and to shield Israeli settlements from accountability. 

“UNISON over the years has worked closely with Palestinian NGOs, trade unions and human rights organisations. UNISON works for Medical Aid for Palestinians in the UK, with the Red Cross, with Defense for Children, to boost emergency appeals.

“UNISON works with the global and European trade union movement to build support for Palestine. Your efforts to ensure accountability, to spread solidarity and stand with justice and the Palestinian people are working. Your efforts are working.”

Dr Zomlot then went on to describe the difference between working people in the UK and successive governments that have refused to recognise Palestine as a state.

“We have suffered ethnic cleansing and we are now suffering genocide. Yet we have had successive British governments say they will recognise a Palestinian state when the time is right, when it will aid the peace process.

“What peace process? Should we wait for the Israeli military to come to its own senses? Should we wait for colonial Israel to settle in all the territory? Shall we wait for apartheid Israel to force everyone out of Gaza and the West Bank?

“This is a question of international law, resolutions and rights. It is a question of humanity.

“Why should we live a minute longer under Israel’s illegal, immoral and violent occupation? We call on the British government to recognise the state of Palestine immediately and join the 146 countries in the world that have done so.”

The UK’s responsibility to Palestinians

Dr Zomlot turned his focus to Britain’s role in establishing and perpetuating the occupation of Palestine. Referring to the Balfour declaration, a public statement issued in 1917 by the British government that declared Palestine should become ‘a national home for Jewish people’, Dr Zumlot said, “Britain, in 1917, directly contributed to our agony. Britain promised our land without any consultation with the native population that had lived there for millenia.”

He called for the UK to recognise Palestine as a state and expressed his dismay at the UK’s abstention on a 2012 UN general assembly vote that saw the majority of the world vote recognise a Palestinian state.

“This isn’t about Palestinian people. This is about the United Kingdom’s historical role and moral, legal and political responsibility. But whether the United Kingdom will recognise the state of Palestine or not, Palestine will be free. Palestine will be independent. We will be sovereign. So it’s better for the UK to do the right thing, not to drag its feet, and recognise our right to return and equality.”

Gaza: famine, destruction and mass killings

Dr Zomlot gave a grim overview of the current situation in Gaza, where over 50% of all buildings have been destroyed along with 70% of homes, 80% of schools and all universities. 

“Just four of Gaza’s 36 hospitals are only partially operating. Factories, industries, ministries, libraries, mosques, churches, bakeries and Gaza’s central archive containing over 150 years of historical documents all died. The destruction has been total and the killings have been unconscionable: over 37,000 dead and the majority are women and children, with thousands more buried under rubble and thousands more projected to die from famine and disease.”

“Are we no longer shocked that Israel has imposed a famine on 2.3 million people? Have we normalised industrial scale killings? Have we normalised mass destruction?”


However, he also spoke of the hope that Palestinians have. “There is hope in the incredible resilience and heroism of our people in Gaza. And the people like the Palestinian trainee lawyer, Noor Nassar, who has started a mobile school to provide some education to the 625,000 school age children who have received no education at all this year.”

“There is hope in our people returning to pray for Eid at the historic Omari mosque in Gaza City.

“There is hope in our courageous and brave doctors and nurses who, despite the threat of being targeted, killed, kidnapped; despite the threat of detention and torture, and despite the lack of electricity, fuel and medicine, continue to perform medical miracles. Over 300 doctors and nurses have been abducted, and at least two doctors have been killed in detention.”

Dr Zomlot said he was not surprised that the Israeli military had targeted the medical and education sectors. “One is necessary for life, and one is necessary for a better future. When you target health and education, you target a people’s means of survival. The Palestinian people are an educated people. Education has been our foremost means of resistance. Palestinians have some of the highest literacy rates and highest per capita PhD rates in the world.”

Dr Zomlot defiantly said, “We are not going anywhere. We have recovered before and we will recover again. But this time must be the last time that we see our children being slain in mass killings; the last time to see our mothers murdered, our homes destroyed, our schools bombed. This should be the last time we allow a mass murder of our people. For that, we must not just recover. We must secure our freedom and with it, a sustainable peace.

“I see hope in the International Court of Justice, which has officially put Israel on trial for genocide following South Africa’s case against Israel. I see hope in the International Criminal Court, who have levelled charges of war crimes against senior Israeli leaders for the first time in history. We’re waiting for the arrest warrants to be issued by the end of this week.

“We see hope in the UN secretary general, Antonio Guterres, putting Israel on a blacklist of countries for its harsh treatment of children.

“The UN’s Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory said Israel is one of the most criminal armies in the world.” 

He also said he found hope in the mass demonstrations in solidarity with Palestine, particularly in the student movement in the US and UK. “They call them students but I think we should call them teachers: teachers of humanity.

“History tells us that if you have the student movement and the labour movement, then you’re in the right direction; it’s those two movements that always press for change and always succeed.

“I truly believe that the eyes of the world will not be diverted any longer. Once you have seen what is happening, you cannot unsee this. You will not forget. We will not forget.”

“There has to be equality for every Palestinian wherever they live; and non-Palestinian for that matter. I assure you, the Palestinian people are ready and able.”

‘Justice for the Palestinian people is justice for all’

Dr Zomlot closed his speech in honour of the memories of the dead children who have featured in shocking footage witnessed by millions around the world: “Sidra, the girl whose body was left dangling from a wall. She was my wife’s cousin.

“Hind Rajab, the six-year-old who was left alone calling for help. Ahmed Al-Najar, the 18-month old beheaded baby.

“We must not waver in our efforts to ensure a future for those they left behind. This is how we honour the slain children of Gaza and innocent people all over the world.

“Justice for the Palestinian people is justice for all. Thank you for your solidarity.”

Dr Zomlot’s speech was met with a standing ovation from conference delegates, who joined for a group photo with ‘ceasefire now’ placards’.

  • This article originally appeared on the UNISON website on 21 June 2024


Rachel Reeves interview: ‘There’s more to economic policy than tax and spend’

Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves has argued that there is “more to economic policy than tax and spend”, using an interview with LabourList to criticise “cynicism” about Labour’s hopes of growing the economy.

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) recently reiterated its criticism of Labours’ and the Conservatives’ election manifestos, with its director claiming that whoever takes office will likely face a “stark choice” between more borrowing, tax rises or spending cuts.

Speaking exclusively to LabourList on Tuesday, Reeves said: “I know there’s a lot of cynicism from people saying: ‘It’s not possible to grow the economy.’ I know it is. Businesses tell me that they have money to invest but they need the stability that Labour offers and the investment alongside the reform to our economy.”

“I know there are opportunities to grow the economy if we can bring back that stability so that businesses and families can plan for the future, and if we can unlock that private sector investment through the national wealth fund, through the modern industrial strategy,” the Shadow Chancellor added.

“There’s more to economic policy than tax and spend, and that’s all we’ve really spoken about during this campaign. It’s all I get asked about. There’s a lot more to the economy than how much you tax and how much you spend.

“Growth is the missing ingredient. It’s been missing in this election debate from a lot of the commentators, and it’s been missing in the UK economy these last 14 years. And that I’m determined to turn around.”

Asked why Labour has not set out plans for any wealth taxes, she told LabourList: “Because I want to be the government of wealth creation. We want to be a government of wealth creation, and I just don’t think you can tax and spend your way into a stronger economy.

“We’ve got to invest our way there and to unlock private sector investment. I’m not interested in tinkering around with tax rates. What I want to do is unlock the private business investment that we need to grow our economy and improve living standards, and that’s where my focus will be.

“I know it’s not going to be easy reforming the planning system and the pension system, bringing in a modern industrial strategy and a national wealth fund, reforming our skills system.

“None of those things are easy – but those are the battles that I’m going to fight so that we can bring more good jobs, more prosperity to communities across our country.”

IFS director Paul Johnson said earlier this week: “Regardless of who takes office following the general election, they will – unless they get lucky – soon face a stark choice.

“Raise taxes by more than they have told us in their manifesto. Or implement cuts to some areas of spending. Or borrow more and be content for debt to rise for longer. That is the trilemma. What will they choose? The manifestos have left us guessing.”

Dale Vince: ‘Labour understands green energy is our biggest opportunity since the Industrial Revolution’

Credit: bernd.brueggemann/
As the nation prepares to head to the ballot box, the country has two choices: to vote for a Tory Party whose energy policies have added billions to the nation’s bills, or to vote for a party that understands that the green economy is the biggest opportunity since the industrial revolution and has a vision for the future.

Energy Secretary Claire Coutinho continues to trot out the same tired lines, recently saying: “Labour’s manifesto pledge to shut down our thriving oil and gas sector will destroy jobs, raise taxes, and hike up your bills.” This Conservative rhetoric is nothing new – but it is also fundamentally hypocritical.

Ten years ago, Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron infamously declared he was going to ‘cut the green crap’ as he set out a series of anti-green measures.

These included banning onshore wind, cutting financial support for domestic solar, scrapping home insulation schemes, and removing the Zero Carbon standard for newbuild homes. Cameron argued that green policies were expensive and needed to be reined in. That we could not afford them.
Ten years later, Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is repeating history – setting out a series of green policy reversals and renewed anti-green rhetoric. At the heart of his argument is the (same) idea that we need to slow down the transition to green energy and net zero to save people money and ease the cost-of-living crisis.

This false narrative, that we cannot afford the green transition – is a cynical populist move to win votes, it twists the facts, paints a false picture of the opportunity renewables offer, and is incredibly harmful to the UK’s net zero ambitions – and our energy bills.

The actual cost of ‘cutting the green crap’

new report by the Green Britain Foundation (GBF) lays bare how damaging Cameron’s decision to ‘cut the green crap’ has been for British bill payers. Our data shows that in 2023, the total additional cost to the nation’s energy bills due to Cameron’s policies was a whopping £5 billion.

Over the last ten years, the total additional cost rises to £15 billion. The worst affected homes paid £1,500 more that year for their energy than they would have had Cameron not made those cuts.

Typical energy bills in 2023 were £2,750, meaning the worst-affected households saw their energy bills more than double compared to what they would have been. More than double.

People in new build homes from the last decade typically paid £700 more for their energy than they would have without these dogmatic policies. That’s one third higher than need be.

Our analysis shows very clearly that Cameron’s green policy cuts did not save money, in fact the opposite has been the case – we’ve all paid far more for our energy than we otherwise would have. A further study from the GBF shows that for every pound we spend on renewable energy, we get two and half times more jobs and twice the GDP growth than if we spent that same pound on fossil fuels.

While a recent report by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) found that our continued reliance on fossil fuels for power and heating could pile hundreds of billions of pounds onto public debt by 2050 – more than double the costs required to phase out gas use and build a net zero economy. Again that doubling of cost.

Energy for the future

The Stone Age didn’t end because the world ran out of stones, but because we found something better. The fossil fuel age is ending now, in the same way – because renewable energy is that something better – a clean energy source that costs vastly less and will never run out.

By harnessing Britain’s ‘forever fuels’ we can break our dependence on fossil fuels and the international energy market that controls their price – the two causes of the energy crisis. We can have permanently low energy bills, eradicate fuel poverty, and create hundreds of thousands of new jobs in the energy sector.

The ‘crap’ that we need to cut is this harmful counterfactual rhetoric – that we can’t afford the transition to green energy. The truth is we can’t afford not to.
We have everything we need to make this transition; the technology, the resources – the economics are on our side, as increasingly are the people – we just need a government that gets it.

The Economist magazine endorses Labour for the first time since 2005

Photo: @Keir_Starmer

The Economist has endorsed Keir Starmer to be Britain’s next Prime Minister – making it the first time the publication has backed Labour at a general election since the Blair years.

An endorsement piece published this morning saw the magazine throw its weight behind Labour’s leader for the first time since the 2005 election.

However, the piece added that no party “fully subscribes” to the economically liberal values held in the publication’s editorial stances.

It reads: “The economic consensus in Britain has shifted away from liberal values—free trade, individual choice and limits to state intervention. But elections are about the best available choice and that is clear.”

The magazine opined that Labour has the “greatest chance” at taking on Britain’s lack of economic growth in the coming years.

This endorsement of Labour by The Economist is a relatively rare occurrence, which – including this year – has only backed the party at four general elections since 1955.

It typically backs the Conservative Party, although it support Labour in 1964, 2001 and 2005. The Economist supported the Liberal Democrats in the two most recent general elections before 2024.

The magazine is the third major nationwide publication to back Labour, with the Daily Mirror and The New Statesman also expressing their support for the party ahead of the general election.