Thursday, June 27, 2024


Chinese cities outsourced on others’ efforts to cut carbon emissions 


Experts have identified 240 Chinese cities whose emission reduction are mainly benefiting from the carbon mitigation actions of other cities, whilst putting in less effort themselves. 

Researchers studied the phenomenon across 309 Chinese cities using data from 2012 to 2017 – a period when China underwent economic reform and industrial transformation. 

Constructing a city-level input-output model to assess carbon footprints, the researchers identified 78% of the cities as ‘outsourced beneficiaries’, depending on carbon mitigation from the supply chain. They further divided the cities into ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ outsourced beneficiaries, reflecting their development stages and industrial structures.  

Publishing their findings today (27 June) in Nature Cities, researchers from the University of Birmingham, University College London, and Tsinghua University, in Beijing, China reveal 65 cities as strong outsourced beneficiaries where their local carbon emissions still grew. In contrast, they define 175 cities as weak beneficiaries with larger outsourced mitigation efforts than local mitigation efforts.  

Corresponding author Dr Heran Zheng, from University College London, commented: “We discovered a widespread trend among Chinese cities leveraging supply chain networks for carbon mitigation, indicating ‘outsourced beneficiaries’ behaviour when cities benefit from the mitigation efforts of upstream cities without comparable local efforts.  

“Cities downstream of supply chains, such as high-tech cities, can effectively reduce emissions through technology and supply chain management. Our findings highlight the importance of nuanced government policies to address these differences between cities – this will help to promote a fairer distribution of mitigation responsibilities.” 

The distinction between ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ is associated with a city’s development stage and industrial structure. Strong outsourced beneficiaries were often industrializing cities with more agriculture and light manufacturing, focusing for local economic growth.  

In contrast, weak outsourced beneficiaries were mainly at the downstream of supply chains with services and high-tech manufacturing, which have stronger connections with upstream heavy industry cities and so as their mitigation efforts 

Co-author Dr Yuli Shan, from the University of Birmingham added: “With China's focus on clean energy, central and western cities rich in wind and solar resources are emerging as clean energy supplier - compounded by growing demand for electricity from eastern high-tech cities due to the rise of the digital economy. This can lead to an outsourced mitigation situation where cities benefit from other cities' clean energy efforts without making a commensurate contribution.” 

The researchers note that outsourced beneficiaries is a classic problem wherein a group providing itself with common goods, each member will have a strong tendency to contribute little or nothing toward the cost of the good, while grabbing its benefits.  

Strong outsourced beneficiaries are found in energy cities and heavy industry cities, with agriculture and power as the dominant industries. Such cities should receive financial and technical support to transform outdated production capacity and turn them into weak free riders.  

Conversely, weak outsourced beneficiaries with high-tech and service-oriented industries should ramp up investment in technological innovation and research to enhance industrial efficiency -transform theming into role models.  

The experts add that effectively reducing emissions and acknowledging cities' role in climate change mitigation require policies that are specifically designed to address the distinct challenges and opportunities of each city. 


For more information, interviews or an embargoed copy of the research paper, please contact Tony Moran, International Communications Manager, University of Birmingham on +44 (0)782 783 2312 or For out-of-hours enquiries, please call +44 (0) 121 414 2772. 

Notes to Editors 

  • The University of Birmingham is ranked amongst the world’s top 100 institutions, its work brings people from across the world to Birmingham, including researchers and teachers and more than 8,000 international students from over 150 countries. 

  • ‘Outsourced Efforts in Carbon Mitigation of Chinese Cities from 2012 to 2017’ - Chengqi Xia, Heran Zheng, Jing Meng, Yuli Shan, Xi Liang, Jin Li, Zihua Yin, Minggu Chen, Pengfei Du, Can Wang is published in Nature Cities. 

  • Participating institutions are University of Birmingham, UK; University College London, UK; and Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. 

  • The new study is a ‘sister’ paper to research published in 2022 -  



Antarctic ice shelves hold twice as much meltwater as previously thought



Pooled meltwater and slush on the Tracy Tremenchus Ice Shelf 



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Slush – water-soaked snow – makes up more than half of all meltwater on the Antarctic ice shelves during the height of summer, yet is poorly accounted for in regional climate models.

Researchers led by the University of Cambridge used artificial intelligence techniques to map slush on Antarctic ice shelves, and found that 57% of all meltwater is held in the form of slush, with the remaining amount in surface ponds and lakes.

As the climate warms, more meltwater is formed on the surface of ice shelves, the floating ice surrounding Antarctica which acts as a buttress against glacier ice from inland. Increased meltwater can lead to ice shelf instability or collapse, which in turn leads to sea level rise.

The researchers also found that slush and pooled meltwater leads to 2.8 times more meltwater formation than predicted by standard climate models, since it absorbs more heat from the sun than ice or snow. The results, reported in the journal Nature Geoscience, could have profound implications for ice shelf stability and sea level rise.

Each summer as the weather warms, water pools on the surfaces of Antarctica’s floating ice shelves. Previous research has shown that surface meltwater lakes can contribute to ice shelf fracture and collapse, as the weight of the water can cause the ice to bend or break. However, the role of slush in ice shelf stability is more difficult to determine.

“We can use satellite imagery to map meltwater lakes across much of Antarctica, but it’s hard to map slush, because it looks like other things, such as shadows from clouds, when viewed from a satellite,” said lead author Dr Rebecca Dell from Cambridge’s Scott Polar Research Institute (SPRI). “But using machine learning techniques, we can go beyond what the human eye can see and get a clearer picture of how slush might be affecting ice in Antarctica.”

Using optical data from NASA’s Landsat 8 satellite, the Cambridge researchers, working with researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder and the Delft University of Technology, trained a machine learning model to obtain monthly records of slush and meltwater lakes across 57 Antarctic ice shelves between 2013 and 2021.

“Machine learning allows us to use more information from the satellite, since it can work with more wavelengths of light than the human eye can see,” said Dell. “This allows us to determine what is and isn’t slush, and then we can train the machine learning model to quickly identify it across the whole continent.”

“We’re interested in learning how much slush is present during the Antarctic summer, and how it’s changed over time,” said co-author Professor Ian Willis, also from SPRI.

Using their machine learning model, the researchers found that in the peak of the Antarctic summer in January, over half (57%) of all meltwater on Antarctica’s ice shelves is held in slush, with the remaining 43% in meltwater lakes.

“This slush has never been mapped on a large scale across all of Antarctica’s large ice shelves, so over half of all surface meltwater has been ignored until now,” said Dell. “This is potentially significant for the hydrofracture process, where the weight of meltwater can create or enlarge fractures in the ice.”

Meltwater affects the stability of the floating ice shelves that fringe the Antarctic coastline. As the climate warms and melt rates in Antarctica increase, meltwater – whether in the form of lakes or slush – can get into cracks on the ice, causing the cracks to get bigger. This can cause fractures in the ice shelf, and could cause vulnerable ice shelves to collapse, which in turn would allow inland glacier ice to spill into the ocean and contribute to sea level rise.

“Since slush is more solid than meltwater, it won’t cause hydrofracture in the same way that water from a lake does, but it’s definitely something we need to consider when attempting to predict how or whether ice shelves will collapse,” said Willis.

In addition to the potential implications of slush on hydrofracture, it also has a large effect on melt rates. Since slush and lakes are less white than snow or ice, they absorb more heat from the sun, causing more snowmelt. This extra melt is currently unaccounted for in climate models, which may lead to underestimates in projections of ice sheet melting and ice shelf stability.

“I was surprised that this meltwater was so poorly accounted for in climate models,” said Dell. “Our job as scientists is to reduce uncertainty, so we always want to improve our models so they are as accurate as possible.”

“In future, it’s likely that places in Antarctica that currently don’t have any water or slush will start to change,” said Willis. “As the climate continues to warm, more melting will occur, which could have implications for ice stability and sea level rise.”

The research was supported in part by the European Space Agency and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). Rebecca Dell is a Fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge.

Pooled meltwater and slush on the Bach Ice Shelf, Antarctica 


Bird flu stays stable on milking equipment for at least one hour


Bird flu, or H5N1 virus, in unpasteurized milk is stable on metal and rubber components of commercial milking equipment for at least one hour, increasing its potential to infect people and other animals, report researchers from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and Emory University in Emerging Infectious Diseases

The study underscores the heightened risk of bird flu exposure for dairy farm workers and signals the need for wider adoption of personal protective equipment, including face shields, masks and eye protection.

“Dairy cows have to be milked even if they are sick, and it has not been clear for how long the virus contained in residual milk from the milking process remains stable on the equipment,” said lead author Valerie Le Sage, Ph.D., research assistant professor of microbiology and molecular genetics at the Center for Vaccine Research at Pitt. “It is concerning that the virus in unpasteurized milk can remain stable for hours and potentially infect farm workers or spread from animal to animal.”

Clinical symptoms of bird flu can range from mild fever and cough to shortness of breath and pneumonia and can be lethal. Since March 2024, when the bird flu virus was first detected in dairy cattle in the U.S., the virus has spread across state lines and infected at least 3 people. While, according to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the current risk to the general public remains low, flu viruses can quickly adapt to spreading from person to person.

To understand the potential for spread from cattle to dairy farm workers, researchers looked at the stability of infectious flu virus particles in unpasteurized milk droplets on metal and rubber components of commercial milking equipment.

In a lab environment that mimicked the humidity and temperature of outdoor milking parlors in Texas, H5N1 virus particles suspended in milk remained stable on metal and rubber for over one hour. Particles of H1N1 virus, or swine flu, which behaves similarly to H5N1 in the lab, stayed infectious for at least 3 hours on rubber and for at least 1 hour on stainless steel.

“Our data supports that milking equipment surfaces can stay contaminated for a long time, increasing the potential spread from a sick animal to a person,” said Le Sage. “These findings underscore the importance of face shields, masks and eye protection, and enhanced sanitization of equipment between cows to reduce the risk to workers and to minimize the spread between the animals.”

Other authors of this research are Douglas Reed, Ph.D., and Paul Duprex, Ph.D., both of Pitt; and A.J. Campbell, Ph.D., and Seema Lakdawala, Ph.D., both of Emory University.

This research was supported in part by the Department of Health and Human Services (Contract No. 75N93021C00015) and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases supporting the operations of Pitt’s Regional Biocontainment Laboratory within the Center for Vaccine Research (UC7AI180311).


Groundbreaking discovery: Zinc can make crop yields more climate-resilient

The research team 



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Researchers have discovered that zinc plays a crucial role in the nitrogen fixation process of legumes. This finding, along with the transcriptional regulator Fixation Under Nitrate (FUN), could revolutionize legume-based agriculture by optimizing crop efficiency and reducing reliance on synthetic fertilizers. By understanding how zinc and FUN regulate nitrogen fixation, researchers might be able to enhance nitrogen delivery, improve crop yields, and promote more sustainable agricultural practices.

The new knowledge about zinc can change the way we cultivate crops, as plants can be made more climate-resilient. This means that the plant can acquire increased tolerance to extreme weather, which can not only ensure a more stable crop yield but also reduce the need for artificial fertilizers and enable the cultivation of legumes in new, previously unsuitable areas.

“Bacteria can cooperate with legumes to fix nitrogen from the air in root nodules. However, the nodules are sensitive to environmental influences such as temperature, drought, flooding, soil salinity, and high concentrations of nitrogen in the soil,” elaborates Assistant Professor and lead author of the study, Jieshun Lin.

Researchers from Aarhus University, Denmark, in collaboration with Polytechnic University of Madrid and European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in France, have discovered that legumes use zinc as a secondary signal to integrate environmental factors and regulate nitrogen fixation efficiency. In the study published in Nature, the researchers discovered that FUN is a novel type of zinc sensor, which decodes zinc signals in nodules and regulates nitrogen fixation.

It's truly remarkable to discover zinc's role as a secondary signal in plants. It is a vital micronutrient, and it has never been considered as a signal before. After screening over 150,000 plants, we finally identified the zinc sensor FUN, shedding light on this fascinating aspect of plant biology,” Jieshun Lin explains.

In this study the researcher identifies that FUN is an important transcription factor that control nodule breakdown when soil nitrogen concentrations are high: “FUN is regulated by a peculiar mechanism that monitor the cellular zinc levels directly and we show that FUN is inactivated by zinc into large filament structures and liberated into the active form when zinc levels are low,” Professor Kasper Røjkjær Andersen explains.

From an agricultural perspective, continued nitrogen fixation could be a beneficial trait that increases nitrogen availability, both for the legume and for co-cultivated or future crops that rely on the nitrogen left in the soil after legumes are grown. This helps lay the foundations for future research that provides new ways for us to manage our farming systems and reduce the use of nitrogen fertilizer and reduce its impact on the environment.

The implications of this research are significant. By understanding how zinc and FUN regulate nitrogen fixation, researchers are developing strategies to optimize this process in legume crops. This could lead to increased nitrogen delivery, improving crop yields and reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers, which have environmental and economic costs.

Researchers are now investigating the mechanisms of how zinc signals are generated and decoded by FUN. They are looking forward to applying these new discoveries to legume crops such as faba bean, soybean and cowpea.

Lotus japonicus.


These mushrooms have “massively expanded” genomes to make them more adaptable to multiple lifestyles

Certain Mycena strains living in the Arctic have some of the largest mushroom genomes ever described.

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Examples of Mycena mushrooms with massive gene duplications 



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A study of multiple Mycena mushroom species reported in the journal Cell Genomics has found that they have unexpectedly large genomes. While the mushrooms had been thought to be purely saprotrophic – living by degrading dead organic material alone – the discovery suggests that they may instead have a collection of genes to enable them to adapt to different lifestyles as circumstances change. Interestingly, they show certain Mycena strains living in the Arctic have some of the largest mushroom genomes ever described.  

These mushrooms show widespread growth across their genome. This includes not only the genes that help them invade or interact with plants and break down carbon, but also genes whose functions are not yet known but are likely important. Additionally, there are many repetitive, non-coding elements and genes that they have acquired from other, unrelated fungi through horizontal gene transfer. 

“The Mycena samples were collected in Northern Europe, and one of our collaborators gathered samples from the Arctic area. Three of these were successfully sequenced, and we found that these Arctic species contained significantly larger genomes compared to ordinary Mycena species,” explained Dr. Shingo Miyauchi, co-lead author at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST)’s Evolutionary and Synthetic Biology Unit. “My initial impression was that this is not normal, so we contacted our collaborators who verified the genome assembly’s correctness. We then concluded that these highly expanded genomes were unique to certain Arctic Mycena species.”

“Evolution tells us that non-advantageous traits tend to disappear over time, so an obvious implication is that adaptability and generalism in those large genome structures must be an advantage for these fungi,” added Francis Martin of the INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment) and the University of Lorraine in Champenoux, France. “This is despite the costs of having a large genome with lots of possibly unnecessary features that must be replicated in each cell division. This may be particularly true in an extreme environment like the Arctic, as also seen in plants.”  

The researchers set out to study Mycena based on their role as a main mushroom decomposer of litter and leaves in forest ecosystems. Despite their tiny fruiting bodies, Mycena have an important role in the global carbon cycle. This group of mushrooms had long been thought to live purely on dead organic material, but more recently it was found that some species also make a living through cooperative or parasitic interactions with living plants. Mycenas are also bioluminescent – i.e. they glow in the dark – and earlier work describing the genomes of five Mycena species had investigated this phenomenon. To learn more about their direct lifestyle habits, the researchers now wanted to study a broad palette of Mycena species with different preferences for substrates.  

In the new study, they generated new genome sequences for 24 additional Mycena species and a related species now known as Atheniella floridula. The species included represent six decayer categories: wood generalists, broadleaf wood decayers, grass litter generalists, broadleaf litter decayers, coniferous litter decayers, and overall litter generalists. It also included three Arctic species. They added their new genomes to 33 additional genomes from non-Mycena species. They wanted to understand how the genomes had evolved and expanded over evolutionary time and how species might differ in plant cell wall-degrading enzymes based on their lifestyle habits.  

They were surprised to find that Mycena showed massive genome expansions overall, affecting all gene families regardless of their expected habits. The expansion appeared to be driven by the emergence of novel genes as well as gene duplications, enlarged collections of genes that produce enzymes for degrading polysaccharides, the proliferation of transposable elements, and horizontal gene transfers from other fungal species. They also found that two species collected in the Arctic had the largest genomes by far, at a size that is two to eight times bigger than Mycena living in temperate zones.  

The researchers were particularly surprised to find that the genomes of the Arctic species expanded significantly beyond the general Mycena expansion. Additionally, they discovered that Mycena fungi had acquired genes from Ascomycetes through horizontal gene transfer. These species are also found in temperate regions, but it remains unclear whether their large size is due to specific species characteristics or an effect related to the Arctic environment. 

However, some Arctic plants have been shown to inflate their genomes with transposable elements, or simply duplicate their entire genomes altogether compared to their close relatives in temperate areas, and it is of course tempting to suggest that a similar parallel evolution could be happening in Arctic mushrooms.  

“The evolutionary transition from decomposer to symbiotic fungi is generally believed to have happened in parallel in several fungal groups throughout the course of evolution millions of years ago,” says HÃ¥vard Kauserud of the University of Oslo, Norway. “However, with Mycena, we appear to be seeing this gradual process in action happening right in front of our eyes.” 

“We know from other lines of research that Mycena, contrary to many other fungi, can adopt more than one possible lifestyle. The findings suggest that these multiple possible lifestyles are reflected in their genome structures, too”, said Christoffer Bugge Harder, co-lead author at the University of Oslo.  

The findings also have important implications for efforts to understand an organism’s habits from their genome sequences alone. 

As a data scientist with a strong interest in visual art, Dr. Miyauchi enjoys being creative with data visualization: “I spent two years comparing fungal genome features for this study and was inspired by the colors of these tiny mushrooms. The figures I created were influenced by the 19th century French impressionist, Pierre-Auguste Renoir.” He is currently working on a project sequencing genomes of rare deep-sea fungi which differ significantly from forest fungi. “Our goal is genome mining to uncover unusual genes, enzymes, and metabolites. Ultimately, we aim to isolate unique genomic materials for biotechnological applications. It’s my hope that funding bodies recognize the huge future potential of petite mushrooms,” he said. 

This article is based on a press release published by Cell Press and edited by OIST science writer Merle Naidoo. 

Dr. Shingo Miyauchi, a scientist at OIST‘s Evolutionary and Synthetic Biology Unit, showcases his data visualization skills by blending them with his passion for art. He integrates color palettes and aesthetics inspired by renowned artists, bridging the gap between science and artistic creativity.  




Phytochemical diversity and herbivory are higher in tropical forests: Study

Forest at elevation of 800 meters 



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It is widely accepted that biological interactions are stronger or more important in generating and maintaining biodiversity in the tropics than in temperate regions. However, this hypothesis has not been fully tested in ecology and evolutionary biology.

In a study published in Nature Ecology and Evolution, researchers from the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have provided strong support for this central prediction by examining phytochemical diversity and herbivory in 60 tree communities ranging from species-rich tropical rainforests to species-poor subalpine forests.

The researchers investigated tree communities in Yunnan, one of the world's floristic hotspots, which contains an elevation gradient from tropical rainforest to subtropical forest to subalpine forest in a relatively short distance. In 2011 and 2012, they established 60 long-term forest inventory plots ranging from species-rich tropical rainforest to species-poor subalpine forest along the gradient.

Using community metabolomic approaches, they tested the predictions that phytochemical diversity is higher within and among communities in tropical forests as compared to less species-rich subtropical and subalpine forests. They also measured herbivore damage and leaf specialization.

Combining these data, they tested the prediction that these variables are higher in the tropics. They then quantified the phylogenetic signal in the phytochemical similarity between species to test whether closely related species diverged more in their phytochemicals than expected.

They found that phytochemical diversity was higher within tropical tree communities compared to subtropical and subalpine communities. Along with increased alpha and beta phytochemical diversity in leaves in tropical tree communities, they found an increase in leaf herbivory and the degree of specialized herbivory in the tropics. Furthermore, herbivory pressure and specialization were highest in the tropics.

The researchers then constructed a phylogeny including all species in their system and quantified phylogenetic signal in phytochemical similarity. They found little phylogenetic signal in tree phytochemical similarity, suggesting rapid divergence among closely related species.

The results also highlight multiple dimensions of tropical biodiversity that are often unquantified and of value to human society, but which are threatened by ongoing global change. Tropical forests not only contain more species than temperate forests, but also spectacular levels of phytochemical diversity. There are likely numerous abiotic covariates (e.g., temperature and precipitation) and biotic covariates (e.g., herbivores, pathogens, neighborhood composition and diversity) that may be associated with phytochemical diversity and cannot be clearly separated to elucidate specific mechanisms.

"Our study provides multiple lines of evidence from entire tree communities from the tropics to the subalpine that biotic interactions are likely to play an increasingly important role in generating and maintaining tree diversity at lower and lower latitudes," said YANG Jie of XTBG.