Monday, July 01, 2024

Scientists create humanoid robot with ‘living’ skin that can smile

ByArya Vaishnavi
Jun 30, 2024 

“By mimicking human skin-ligament structures, we found a way to bind skin to complex structures,” Professor Shoji Takeuchi said

Japanese researchers have created an alien-like robot with “living” skin. What looks like a pink blob with beady eyes is actually a humanoid robot bound with engineered skin tissue that allows it to smile. The University of Tokyo announced the successful experiment by Professor Shoji Takeuchi-led group of researchers on Wednesday, June 26.
A group of Japanese researchers have created a humanoid robot with 'living' skin(The University of Tokyo)

Scientists create humanoid robot with ‘living’ skin

Takeuchi explained how he and his team succeeded in creating a humanoid robot with “living” skin by drawing inspiration from his previous experiments. “During previous research on a finger-shaped robot covered in engineered skin tissue we grew in our lab, I felt the need for better adhesion between the robotic features and the subcutaneous structure of the skin,” he said.

“By mimicking human skin-ligament structures and by using specially made V-shaped perforations in solid materials, we found a way to bind skin to complex structures. The natural flexibility of the skin and the strong method of adhesion mean the skin can move with the mechanical components of the robot without tearing or peeling away,” Takeuchi continued.

“In this study, we managed to replicate human appearance to some extent by creating a face with the same surface material and structure as humans,” said Takeuchi, who holds expertise in the field of biohybrid robotics, where biology and mechanical engineering meet.

“Additionally, through this research, we identified new challenges, such as the necessity for surface wrinkles and a thicker epidermis to achieve a more humanlike appearance.” “We believe that creating a thicker and more realistic skin can be achieved by incorporating sweat glands, sebaceous glands, pores, blood vessels, fat and nerves.”

“Of course, movement is also a crucial factor, not just the material, so another important challenge is creating humanlike expressions by integrating sophisticated actuators, or muscles, inside the robot,” he explained. “Creating robots that can heal themselves, sense their environment more accurately and perform tasks with humanlike dexterity is incredibly motivating.”


Researchers craft smiling robot face from living human skin cells

Human cells isolated from juvenile foreskin are flexible enough to grin when moved.

BENJ EDWARDS - 6/28/2024,

Enlarge / A movable robotic face covered with living human skin cells.
Takeuchi et al.178

In a new study, researchers from the University of Tokyo, Harvard University, and the International Research Center for Neurointelligence have unveiled a technique for creating lifelike robotic skin using living human cells. As a proof of concept, the team engineered a small robotic face capable of smiling, covered entirely with a layer of pink living tissue.

FURTHER READINGHuman cells hacked to act like squid skin cells could unlock key to camouflage

The researchers note that using living skin tissue as a robot covering has benefits, as it's flexible enough to convey emotions and can potentially repair itself. "As the role of robots continues to evolve, the materials used to cover social robots need to exhibit lifelike functions, such as self-healing," wrote the researchers in the study.

Shoji Takeuchi, Michio Kawai, Minghao Nie, and Haruka Oda authored the study, titled "Perforation-type anchors inspired by skin ligament for robotic face covered with living skin," which is due for July publication in Cell Reports Physical Science. We learned of the study from a report published earlier this week by New Scientist.

The study describes a novel method for attaching cultured skin to robotic surfaces using "perforation-type anchors" inspired by natural skin ligaments. These tiny v-shaped cavities in the robot's structure allow living tissue to infiltrate and create a secure bond, mimicking how human skin attaches to underlying tissues.

To demonstrate the skin's capabilities, the team engineered a palm-sized robotic face able to form a convincing smile. Actuators connected to the base allowed the face to move, with the living skin flexing. The researchers also covered a static 3D-printed head shape with the engineered skin

Enlarge / "Demonstration of the perforation-type anchors to cover the facial device with skin equivalent."
Takeuchi et al.

Takeuchi et al. created their robotic face by first 3D-printing a resin base embedded with the perforation-type anchors. They then applied a mixture of human skin cells in a collagen scaffold, allowing the living tissue to grow into the anchors.

Real human skin cells

So whose skin did the researchers use? As it turns out, living human skin cells are readily available for purchase, and the cells came from a large number of anonymous human donors.

In their experiments, the researchers used commercially available human cells, purchasing what are called Normal Human Dermal Fibroblasts (NHDFs) and Normal Human Epidermal Keratinocytes (NHEKs) that were isolated from either juvenile foreskin or different skin locations from adult donors by a company called PromoCell GmbH.

fibroblast is a special type of structural cell that contributes to the formation of connective tissue. And Keratinocytes represent "the major cell type of the epidermis, the outermost of the layers of the skin, making up about 90 percent of the cells there," according to PromoCell's website.

Enlarge / "Conceptual illustration of the tissue-fixation method using perforation-type anchor."
Takeuchi et al.

After obtaining the cells, the researchers then cultured them in specialized growth media to create the living skin layer. To keep the skin cells alive, the researchers used a special growth media supplemented with some antibiotics to keep bacteria at bay. The paper states that "Fibroblast growth medium (DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS, 1% penicillin-streptomycin, and 70 mg/mL L-ascorbic acid phosphate magnesium salt n-hydrate)" was used for the dermal fibroblasts. For the epidermal keratinocytes, the researchers used "keratinocyte growth medium (Keratinocyte Growth Medium 3 Kit supplemented with 1% penicillin-streptomycin)."

The researchers also note that "for both NHDFs and NHEKs, media were refurbished once every 2 days." This regular refreshing of the growth media provided the necessary nutrients to keep the cells alive during the experiment.

Potentially useful for testing

While ethical questions inevitably arise from using real human skin cells, the researchers state that their goal is to improve human-robot communication and advance tissue engineering. They hope their techniques will find applications not just in robotics but in fields like reconstructive medicine and drug testing. Instead of using real human test subjects, experimenters could grow artificial skin layers from real cells.

FURTHER READINGTesla unveils its latest humanoid robot, Optimus Gen 2, in demo video

Beyond improving robotic interfaces, the research team believes their technique could have applications in cosmetics testing. By repeatedly actuating their smiling robot face over time, they observed the formation of expression lines analogous to human wrinkles.

The paper notes: "One significant next step in this research is to leverage this model to enhance our understanding of the mechanisms underlying wrinkle formation. Moreover, applying this knowledge to recreate such expressions on a chip could find applications in the cosmetics industry and the orthopedic surgery industry."

Enlarge / "The smiling robotic face covered with dermis equivalent demonstrating actuation of the dermis equivalent via the perforation-type anchors."
Takeuchi et al.

However, the researchers caution that significant hurdles remain before the technology can be applied to full-scale humanoid robots. The engineered skin currently lacks sensory capabilities and requires constant nutrient supply, limiting its lifespan in open air. To address these issues, the researchers hope to incorporate new mechanisms that will help the skin survive over longer periods of time.

With continued refinement, living robotic skin could create machine coverings that are not just lifelike but literally alive. Eventually, they may even live long enough to see attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. Or watch C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. But we're hoping those moments will not be lost in time—like tears in rain.

BENJ EDWARDSBenj Edwards is Ars Technica's Senior AI Reporter. In his free time, he writes and records music, collects vintage computers, and enjoys nature. He lives in Raleigh, NC.

The Biden-Trump Debate: The Obsolescence of White Supremacy as Perspective

The commentaries about the Biden-Trump debate the other night , last Thursday to be exact,tells us how ageist the United States remains even after decades of anti-ageism federal laws and policies.

JUNE 30, 2024
Former President Donald Trump, left, and President Joe Biden take part in the CNN presidential debate on Thursday, June 27. Will Lanzoni/CNN

The commentaries about the Biden-Trump debate the other night , last Thursday to be exact,tells us how ageist the United States remains even after decades of anti-ageism federal laws and policies. It hasn’t been surprising to find others around the world following suit considering ageism is the most basic prejudice and inequality we human beings practice. You feel it as you get older since the expectations of your capacities in all ways decline in the aging process as seen in all the childlike stereotypes which come your way as an older person. If you are too young to understand what I mean just wait if you are blessed to grow older, much older.

The media gurus and the politicians and their donors were just waiting to pounce on Biden when the traits of his aging behavior became apparent on prime time. Do we prefer to have a confirmed raging lying egomaniac with clear Fascist dictator tendencies to return to the White House rather than a decent man be re-elected doing the best he can to protect Americans in our declining democracy? 

I ask this while not agreeing with Biden on allowing the right wing Israeli head of state do genocide and keeping America active in the lost war in Ukraine and his refusal to use restorative justice measures to resolve racial polarization in America. He actually has embraced too many Trump domestic and foreign policies for me to stomach. In fact in many respects that night, early morning in Mauritius, Biden and Trump sounded alike though with different ideological twists here and there such as their neoliberal views on how to help Black families and their militaristic views on maintaining American global greatness real or delusionary depending on which side of the political aisle you are sitting or standing on or both.

People naively think what we need is a younger person who doesn’t lose his or her words while speaking though many actually do too. It is not age, it is perspective change we need. There are younger people as well as older persons who are centralists or right wing or populists which America does not need at this moment. And there are those with twisted views on religion while being haters who are young as well as old. And there are those younger as well as older who are warmongers, who don’t care about the poor or about the young or old.

We need fresh empowering ideas about what it means to be an American society which has always been multicultural in denial with a too long history of denying the constitutional and human rights of too many due to their skin color, ancestry, class, and gender. Now as the nation quickly moves along the path of becoming nonwhite in which historical minorities are becoming the majority rather than denying or resisting or trying to remain in usual power while pretending to change, we need leadership which embrace such transformations and weave them into a just America for all as challenging as that would be in a nation not comfortable with having difficult though imperative conversations about cultural differences and the value for all for authentic not just symbolic multicultural unity.

The 2024 Presidential election year with two older white guys going for it symbolizes not age but ageless White Supremacy perspectives which are obsolete but still adhered to widely in an America still in denial about its white greatness and power in a society no longer all that white demographically and ideologically. 

Be it through Democrats and Republicans finding new transformative Presidential leaders to sponsor in 2028 or we see the emergence of one or more alternative parties which do take note that change is on its way since it has to be. White Supremacy no matter its ideological flavors or the demographics of its adherents has run out of steam. That is what we saw in that debate. Not age but the last breath of White Supremacy in how conventional politics are articulated. 

If this is all so hard to believe just look at what in fact is going on with American youth today. The media establishment wrapped in its older White Supremacy privileged garments fails to report well if at all about how different the George Floyd and more recent academic freedom ,Israeli arms disinvestment , and pro-Palestinian youth protest movements. They are not just the white youth only of the 1960s and 1970s. They are in the elite historically white universities sector,rich ethnic demographic mixtures reflective of the composition of the majority or near majority of the student bodies of their elite campuses too often governed by majority White boards, senior administrators , and alumni in a sea of chaos and change. The right wing majority of the United States Supreme Court can pass down as many anti-affirmative decisions it wishes but these youth movements plus older people in influential places who get it have already changed America for the good of a just society.

 We just now need the Presidential, Congressional, and Judicial leadership which as well gets it in understanding America is no longer a White Supremacy dominated land in a world in which White Supremacy still reigns. 2024 is a breaking point from being a nation in denial and resistance regarding who we are as a multicultural democracy as we proceed down the difficult road of transformation demanding the leaders who get it and will lead be it government, business, faith,education, media, law, health, social services,and AI.

And as I sit here in another multicultural society struggling out of its history of denial and with severe problems of demographic marginality and exclusion allow me to say this is no time in this culturally polarized and bigoted world to smugly point to America without addressing effectively such prejudices persisting in other back and front yards around the world. We the world with our international as well as national tools of justice governance need to do much more sincere “ better” in rooting out racialized and xenophobic prejudices and inequalities rather than pretending we are free from such or solely doing the minimum or the symbolic. If we don’t we all suffer from not only the loss of human capital but our dignity as human beings since when others are deprived of their human rights because of their ancestry or skin color or gender, it taints and degrades all of us. Let us all be aware multicultural justice is what we all deserve and need, not just in America. Everywhere we are.

Prof. John H. Stanfield II
Director ASARPI: The Institute for Advanced Study of African Renaissance Policies Ideas Mauritius and South Africa former University of Mauritius SSR Chair of African Studies

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Putin’s Pyongyang Arms Supplier Calls US, Japan, and South Korea ‘Asian NATO'

North Korea condemns drills by Washington, Tokyo, and Seoul and warns of “fatal consequences” for what Kim Jong Un thinks is a Pacific version of the Atlantic Allianc

by AFP | June 30, 2024,
Russian and North Korean flags waving at the Vostochny Cosmodrome in Amur region on September 13, 2023, during the meeting of Russian and North Korea's leader. Artem Geodakyan / POOL / AFP

North Korea denounced on Sunday joint military drills by South Korea, Japan and the United States, calling them an "Asian version of NATO" and warning of "fatal consequences".

It comes a day after the allies wrapped up three-day exercises, dubbed "Freedom Edge", in ballistic missile and air defenses, anti-submarine warfare and defensive cyber training.

US, South Korean and Japanese leaders agreed at a trilateral summit last year to conduct annual drills as a sign of unity in the face of North Korea's nuclear threats and China's rising regional influence.

"We strongly denounce... provocative military muscle-flexing against the DPRK," Pyongyang's foreign ministry said in a statement carried by the state-run KCNA news agency Sunday, referring to the North's official name.

"The US-Japan-ROK relations have taken on the full-fledged appearance of an Asian-version NATO," it said, warning of "fatal consequences".

"The DPRK will never overlook the moves of the US and its followers to strengthen the military bloc."

The latest joint drills involved Washington's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, Tokyo's guided-missile destroyer JS Atago, and Seoul's KF-16 fighter jet.

Pyongyang has always decried similar combined exercises as rehearsals for an invasion.

The two Koreas have meanwhile been caught in a tit-for-tat balloon campaign in recent weeks, with Pyongyang sending trash-filled balloons southwards in retaliation to similar missives sent northwards from the South carrying pro-Seoul propaganda.

South Korea has also grown anxious over the North's warming relations with its isolated neighbor Russia.

North Korea is accused of breaching arms control measures by supplying weapons to Russia to use in its war in Ukraine, and Russian President Vladimir Putin held a summit with leader Kim Jong Un in Pyongyang this month in a show of unity.

Kenya: The pain of the bereaved, calls for fresh protests

By Ronald Agak, reporting from Nairobi 
- Lauriane Vofo Kana 

Emotions run high in Kenya.

After days of bloody protests against proposed tax hikes and the removal of the bill, Kenyans were still shaken to the core.

The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights reported cases of abduction and arbitrary arrests.

During the June 25 protest alone, 26 people were killed, the body said. Many more were wounded.

A number of businesses are also counting losses following looting and burning down of buildings.

In a bid to find a lasting solution, William Ruto has been meeting different groups at the State House in an effort of finding a lasting solution following the protests.

The President has directed the setting up of a committee to address the concerns of youth who are dissatisfied with the state of the country's affairs.

However, calls for another protest this Tuesday (Jul. 2) persist, especially o, X (formerly Twitter). Some even demanding the president resign.

In anticipation of more protests, Nairobi still has a heavy presence of security personnel.

There were peaceful protests within capital's central business district and candle lighting gathering at the Jeevanjee Garden in honour of those who were killed during the Tuesday and Thursday protests.
Greece fights dozens of wildfires in 'most difficult day of year'

Athens (AFP) – Firefighters were battling a series of wildfires near the Greek capital Athens on Sunday evening, as the country braces for another scorching summer.

Issued on: 01/07/2024 -
Greece faces a tough wildfire season after its warmest winter and earliest heatwave on record © Aris MESSINIS / AFP

Greece faces a tough wildfire season after its warmest winter and earliest heatwave on record, with temperatures hitting 44°C (111°F).

"Today in Attica two extremely dangerous fires that broke out in residential areas and spread rapidly due to strong winds in Keratea and Stamata were tackled", Climate Crisis and Civil Protection Minister Vasilis Kikilias said late on Sunday.

He said there was no longer an active front in Stamata, north of Athens, though there were some minor reignitions in the eastern area of Keratea.

He said "ground forces will remain in the field throughout the night".

Since Sunday midday, the authorities have called for the evacuation of at least eight areas near the capital, with flames destroying cars and houses.

Ert channel reported that a 45-year-old-man died from a cardiac arrest while trying to flee fires in suburban Athens.

According to the police, the man was found unconscious in the yard of a house in Rodopoli and taken to hospital where he died.

"Today is the hardest that the Fire Brigade has faced in this year's firefighting season," fire department spokesperson Vasilis Vathrakogiannis said on Sunday afternoon, during an emergency press briefing.

"The situation is very difficult, as strong winds continue to blow, they have not subsided and the outbreaks are many," the mayor of Lavreotiki, Dimitris Loukas, told Athens News Agency Sunday afternoon.

However he said a nearby military air base was not currently in danger from the flames.

Greece is battling dozens of wildfires -- one at Mount Parnitha, known as "the lungs of Athens" was brought under control late Saturday 

Fire brigade spokesman noted that wind speeds had exceeded 60 km per hour in Keratea, while in Stamata, the blaze was fanned by strong northerly winds exceeding 70 km an hour.
Island fires

A fire also broke out Sunday in an industrial zone in Ritsona, near the island of Evia.

Black smoke filled the sky above Ritsona after the fire started in a recycling factory, burning various flammable materials that were in the grounds around it, including tyres and mattresses.

Firefighters are fighting to prevent the flames from spreading beyond the recycling plant to other factories in the area.

The fire also approached a refugee centre, but the Athens News Agency reported that this was not believed to be in danger.

Separately, a large wildfire broke out on Serifos island on Saturday afternoon, but was also brought under control by firefighters early Sunday.

"All of southwestern Serifos has burned. We are talking about an area where the fire stopped at the sea," Serifos mayor Konstantinos Revintis told MEGA TV.

The fire caused damage to houses, cottages, warehouses and chapels, according to the mayor.
Residents told to evacuate from six areas near the capital Athens 

The Fire Danger Forecast Map issued for Sunday by the Civil Protection Ministry predicted a very high category 4 risk of fire for Attica, the Peloponnese, Crete, the North and South Aegean Regions, and central Greece.

A wildfire ignited Saturday afternoon in the area of Mount Parnitha-- known as "the lungs of Athens" -- was controlled Saturday evening with the help of reinforcements from other regions as well as volunteer firefighters.

More than forty wildfires erupted across Saturday in Greece with wind speeds exceeding 100 kilometres (62 miles) per hour, according to fire brigade sources.

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis called on Greeks to brace for a difficult wildfire season in his weekly Facebook post on Sunday.

"The difficult times are still ahead of us. Our effort is continuous. In this effort, our allies are new tools that build a new culture of prevention and responsibility," he said.

© 2024 AFP

Greece fighting dozens of wildfires braces for worse to come

June 30, 2024

Residents told to evacuate from six areas near the capital Athens. — © AFP

A large wildfire broke out southeast of Athens on Sunday afternoon, amid warnings that the worst of the summer heat is yet to come.

Accustomed to scorching summers, Greece faces a tough wildfire season after its warmest winter and earliest heatwave on record, with temperatures hitting 44°C (111°F).

According to Athens News Agency, the fire started in the Plaka area of Keratea district Sunday morning and was burning close to houses, while strong winds were blowing in the area.

Some 56 firefighters, with two teams on foot and 17 vehicles, were deployed to extinguish the blaze, assisted by eight planes and two helicopters.

Shortly after 12.30 PM, the emergency alert system 112 was activated, urging residents to evacuate the areas of Markati, Plaka and Panorama.

On Saturday another wildfire had erupted in the same area sparking evacuation orders but was successfully controlled.

A large wildfire that broke out on Serifos island on Saturday afternoon had been brought under control by firefighters early Sunday.

“All of southwestern Serifos has burned. We are talking about an area where the fire stopped at the sea,” Serifos mayor Konstantinos Revintis told MEGA TV.

On Saturday, the mayor had said that the fire caused damage to houses, cottages, warehouses and chapels.

Greece is battling dozens of wildfires — one at Mount Parnitha, known as “the lungs of Athens” was brought under control late Saturday – © AFP/File RAHEB HOMAVANDI, ATTA KENARE

The Fire Danger Forecast Map issued for Sunday by the Civil Protection Ministry predicts a very high category 4 risk of fire for Attica, the Peloponnese, Crete, the North and South Aegean Regions, and Central Greece.

A wildfire ignited Saturday afternoon in the area of Mount Parnitha– known as “the lungs of Athens”, was controlled Saturday evening with the help of reinforcements from the regions of Thessaly, Epirus, and Central Macedonia, as well as volunteer firefighters.

Greece faces a tough wildfire season after its warmest winter and earliest heatwave on record. — © AFP

More than forty wildfires erupted across Saturday in Greece with wind speeds exceeding 100 kilometres (62 miles) per hour, according to fire brigade sources.

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis called on Greeks to brace for a difficult wildfire season in his weekly Facebook post on Sunday.

“The difficult times are still ahead of us. Our effort is continuous. In this effort, our allies are new tools that build a new culture of prevention and responsibility,” he said.

“The fire in Parnitha was extremely difficult, but it was detected immediately thanks to aerial surveillance with drones that we have implemented this year for the forests and mountainous areas of Attica,” he stressed.

Saudi Arabia, Canada And More Issue Advisory For Lebanon Amid Fears Of War Between Israel-Hezbollah

Saudi Arabia, Canada, the United States, India and many more have issued advisories for citizens in Lebanon amid fears of a full-blown war between Israel and Hezbollah.

Outlook Web Desk
Updated on: 30 June 2024 

Saudi Arabia, Canada And More Issue Advisory For Lebanon Amid Fears Of War Between Israel-Hezbollah Photo: AP

As tensions between Israel and Lebanese militant group Hezbollah continue to rise, many countries have issued travel advisories and alerts for citizens in Lebanon.

Saudi Arabia, Canada, the United States, India and many more have issued advisories for citizens in Lebanon amid fears of a full-blown war between Israel and Hezbollah.

US, Europe Warn Hezbollah To Ease Strikes On Israel Amid Risk Of Mid-East War Being A 'Catastrophe' For Lebanon

BY Asmita Ravi Shankar

Saudi Arabia Urges Citizens To 'Leave Immediately'

In a statement issued on June 29, the Saudi Foreign Affairs Ministry stated that it was closely following the developments in south Lebanon and has issued a "travel ban" for the same.

The advisory issued by the kingdom called on all citizens "to adhere to the travel ban and to leave Lebanese territory immediately for those who are currently in Lebanon".

'Avoid All Travel' - Canada To Canadians In Lebanon

Canada has also urged Canadians to "avoid all travel" to Lebanon.

"The security situation can deteriorate further without warning. If the armed conflict intensifies it could impact your ability to depart the country by commercial means. It may result in travel disruptions, including airspace closures and flight cancellations and diversions," reads the official advisory.

Canada's Travel Advisory To Lebanon Photo:

Furthermore, the Canadian government has stated that citizens in Lebanon "should not rely on the Government of Canada for assisted departure or evacuation" due to the fact that Ottawa has urged Canadians in Lebanon to leave at the earliest since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war in October 2023.

India, US And More Issue Warnings

The Ministry of External Affairs in India has also issued an advisory for Indians and urged them to remain in constant touch with the Embassy in Beirut.

As of now, India has not issued a travel advisory but have urged citizens in Lebanon to stay in touch with the embassy.

The US Embassy in Lebanon has also urged Americans to avoid travel to Lebanon, particularly the southern regions and border areas such as the Lebanon-Israel border and the Lebanon-Syria border.

Along with these countries, Germany, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, the UK, Austria, and Kuwait have issued advisories for their citizens to leave Lebanon at the earliest.
Leicester pro-Palestine independent aims to topple Labour in UK election 'battleground' seat

The UK Labour Party's controversial stance on Gaza has propelled first-time candidate Shockat Adam to run for MP in the Leicester South constituency.

Assiah Hamed
Nick McAlpin
30 June, 2024

Independent candidate Shockat Adam aims to unseat Labour's Jonathan Ashworth in Leicester South [illustration: Lucie Wimetz/The New Arab]

On paper, independent candidate Shockat Adam's chances are slim.

He's running in the UK general election to become the next MP for England's Leicester South constituency, hoping to topple Labour frontbencher Jonathan Ashworth on 4 July.

Ashworth secured over two-thirds of the vote last time in 2019 – more than three times his nearest rival.

But the Labour Party appears to be worried by something – or is at least taking nothing for granted in the seat, which has a large Muslim population. A tool for volunteers on Labour's website called Leicester South a "battleground area".

"We have got monumental support," Adam, 51, told The New Arab.

"This is not Shockat Adam's campaign. This is our campaign. We've got people… door-knocking, canvassing, leafleting.

"Funding was [secured] within one presentation, five minutes, everything was done."

Israel has been waging a war on Gaza for almost nine months. Its offensive has killed at least 37,877 people, according to the Palestinian enclave's health ministry.

Palestinian Brits make a stand for Gaza in UK general election
Rose Chacko

The crisis is an important electoral issue for a small but noteworthy number of UK voters, and some discontent with the stances taken by Labour and the ruling Conservatives may put their support elsewhere.

A survey carried out by polling firm Savanta in late May and early June found 44 percent of Muslims and a quarter of 18–24-year-olds ranked "the Israel-Palestine conflict" among their five highest policy priorities at the next general election.

In Leicester South, the Muslim community represents about 30 percent of the adult population, according to 2021 census data analysed by The New Arab. The religious makeup of the constituency's voter base may differ as some residents won't meet citizenship requirements to cast a ballot.

Some 20 percent of Leicester South's adult population is 18 to 24 years old and about a third is under 35.

Adam said that if elected to parliament, he "will hope to readdress the balance" for the people of Gaza.

"My role… is to give them a voice and call out for their safety and call out for the cessation of selling of arms to Israel or any other country that is carrying out atrocities," he added.

He said he would also seek to "ensure that… any side that has committed war crimes is directed to the international courts of justice", adding that he supported recognition of the state of Palestine.

Independent candidate Shockat Adam (3rd) joins other candidates who are running for MP in Leicester South at a YouElect event on June 13, 2024. [Ruma Ali]

Adam has also promised to champion affordable housing and address the cost-of-living crisis.

"I've been going to food banks… people genuinely are worried about eating or heating," he said.

Adam is endorsed by The Muslim Vote, a campaign group that has backed and is encouraging Muslims to vote for a list of independents and candidates from smaller parties.

Nine MP hopefuls are contesting Leicester South, including Sharmen Rahman, representing the Greens. She told media outlet Hyphen she joined the party over the Gaza war.

There are also a sizeable number of Hindus in Leicester South, making up some nine percent of the constituency's adult population, according to census data.

Two years ago, the city of Leicester hit headlines due to unrest between its Hindu and Muslim communities.

Asked on 8 June if he'd had people from the Hindu community supporting him, Adam said: "We started that engagement, and we're hoping to work on that."

'A lot of change needed in this city'

Former Labour councillor Ruma Ali has been publicly advocating for Adam in the Labour stronghold of Leicester South.

Ali, 35, represented Humberstone, Hamilton, and Netherhall Ward for four years until the Labour Party's National Executive Committee (NEC) deselected her in May last year.

Since her departure, Ali has continued her activism as chair of the Diversity and Interfaith Network Leicester, which aims to empower marginalised groups. As the 7 July election approaches, Ali has criticised Labour's alleged failure to address the needs of the underrepresented in Leicester.

"The general election gives the public an opportunity to vote for who they want in leadership, and that's democracy," she said.

Ali argues that Leicester's politics have suffered since the unrest and violence in 2022, compounded by the Labour Party NEC's deselection of 20 local councillors, resulting in the loss of 23 seats.

"The major political parties are not listening to locals," she said, pointing to the support for independents like Adam, as well as Claudia Webbe in Leicester East.

An outspoken advocate regarding the Gaza war, Ali accuses Labour leader Keir Starmer of being "complicit in the genocide in Gaza".

Her endorsement of Adam and Webbe is driven by her belief in the need for alternative voices to challenge establishment politics.

"A big reason I support both candidates is because they support Palestine and have been lobbying for a ceasefire," she said.

Ali says current MP Jonathan Ashworth lacks support of all communities and is "out of touch", highlighting his failure to vote for a ceasefire in Gaza.

"It's a two-horse race. The other candidates will just split the votes," she emphasised.

Across Leicester South, Palestinian flags fly atop buildings and the balconies of private residences.

On the busy Evington Road, Adam's posters and banners hang outside nearly every local establishment.

His campaign slogan, "Leicester Deserves Better", is hoped to ring true among residents.

Leicester resident Sumaya tells The New Arab that while she supports Palestinian rights and stresses the importance of such issues being discussed in Parliament, she is nonetheless pessimistic about the impact of this election.

"I think as a Leicester resident, none of my values align with the current people in power, so voting for either Labour or Conservatives wouldn't make sense to me," the 28-year-old said.

"There's a lot of change needed in this city, and I believe wholeheartedly that, even if I vote, those changes won't happen."

Sumaya added she hopes that local affairs would also take precedence, from the cost-of-living crisis to unemployment, and raised concerns over Leicester's alarming rates of homelessness.

"I would like to see changes in the homelessness issue in this city, which continues to grow, and something adjacent to free breakfast and soup kitchens implemented because there are many children who live under the poverty line."

Another resident, Zubair, recently turned 18 and will vote for the first time in the upcoming election.

He told The New Arab that he is planning to vote for Adam, stressing that "there needs to be a change in our constituency".

Zubair said that Israel's months-long war on Gaza has largely impacted his drive to vote and believes that there can be room for selfless politics to spark major reform.

"I feel like candidates like him [Shockat] are more down to earth and more in touch with people. I believe he can offer more to communities than our current MP," he added.

Zahid "Zed" Sheikh, a senior presenter of Leicester's Muslim-led radio station Ramadan FM, says that there have been significant shifts in voting preferences and party loyalty among Leicester South's population, especially among Muslims.

Sheikh says that Leicester South has historically been a Labour stronghold with a 22,000 majority. The Muslim community has loyally supported Labour for over five decades.

However, he finds that disillusionment is growing.

"Muslims in Leicester South are horrified with Labour's Jon Ashworth," Sheikh told The New Arab.

He predicts that there is a chance for Adam to be the constituency's independent choice to break from the "outdated" red/blue divide.

Despite witnessing growing support for Adam, Sheikh asserts that entrenched Labour loyalty and internal divisions within the Muslim community could also hinder real change.

"Labour's stance on Gaza has once again exposed their true stance," the radio host said.

"But I do not believe there is a real concept of unity. There is too much caste and cultural division. The two-faced allegiance members in the Muslim community will surface after 4th July."

He continued: "The bogus Iraq war taught the Muslim community nothing. They are still glued to Labour for the sake of planning permissions, immigration issues and grants."

The New Arab contacted the Labour Party for comment but did not receive a response by the time of publication.
Palestine calls Arab League extraordinary meeting to discuss Gaza war, Israeli settlement building

Extraordinary meeting to be held this week at level of permanent delegates, Palestinian envoy says

Awad Rajoub |30.06.2024 - 

RAMALLAH, Palestine

Palestine called an extraordinary meeting of the Arab League to discuss Israel’s ongoing war on the Gaza Strip and settlement expansion in the West Bank.

“The meeting will be held at the level of permanent delegates this week to discuss confronting the Israeli crimes of genocide and colonial expansion in the West Bank,” Palestinian delegate Mohannad al-Aklouk told the official news agency Wafa.

There was no confirmation of the meeting by the pan-Arab organization.

On Thursday, the Israeli government approved steps proposed by far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich to "legalize" settlement outposts in the occupied West Bank and impose sanctions on the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority.

Settlement outposts are small communities established by illegal Israeli settlers on privately owned Palestinian land without approval from the Israeli government.

International law regards both the West Bank and East Jerusalem as occupied territories and considers all Jewish settlement-building activity there illegal.

Tensions have been high across the occupied West Bank since Israel launched a deadly military offensive against the Gaza Strip, which has killed more than 37,800 victims since Oct. 7, 2023.

At least 554 Palestinians have since been killed including 133 children and nearly 5,300 injured by Israeli army fire in the West Bank, according to the Health Ministry.

Israel stands accused of genocide at the International Court of Justice, whose latest ruling ordered Tel Aviv to immediately halt its military operation in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, where over a million Palestinians had sought refuge from the war before it was invaded on May 6.


Zionist Minister calls for execution of Palestinian detainees
Zionist Minister calls for execution of Palestinian detainees

OCCUPIED AL-QUDS June 30. 2024 (Saba) - The so-called extremist Zionist Minister of Security Itamar Ben Gvir called on Sunday for killing Palestinian prisoners and executing them by shooting them.

According to the Palestinian Media Center, "Ben Gvir" said in a video clip: Palestinian detainees must be executed by shooting them in the head.

The extremist Ben Gvir demanded that the law on executing detainees be passed in the Zionist Knesset in the third reading, and pledged to provide the minimum food for detainees to keep them alive until the law is passed.

Extremist Ben Gvir has previously imposed sanctions on Palestinian detainees that caused an explosion of anger, and he is known for his extremist positions and criminal terrorist policies.

The enemy forces are arresting more than nine thousand Palestinians, including thousands from the Gaza Strip who were arrested since October 7, and during this period, crimes against detainees have escalated, including killing them under torture

Hamas leader calls for Palestinian democracy

Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas at the Muqata in Ramallah, West Bank, November 5, 2023. File Photo by Chuck Kennedy/U.S. Department of State/UPI | License Photo

June 30 (UPI) -- Husam Badran, a member of the Hamas Political Bureau, has called for a national consensus democracy to take root in a unified Palestine as he encouraged armed Palestinians in the West Bank to resist Israeli occupation.

Badran, speaking to Qudsna TV on Saturday, said Hamas envisions a Palestine uniting Gaza and the West Bank, as well as East Jerusalem, under one government in which all Palestinian factions can take part in governance.

The comments were seemingly made to reject Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's call for the destruction of Hamas to end Israel's brutal war in Gaza. Israel has said it will only accept a ceasefire if Hamas no longer runs Gaza.

"Nothing can be arranged in the Palestinian arena without Hamas being present and having influence," Badran said. "International and regional parties realize that eliminating Hamas is not possible. All attempts to pressure Hamas to extract concessions from it have failed, and political games and negotiations will not succeed in that either."

In his remarks, Badran criticized Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas -- the head of the partially self-governing body in the West Bank -- for rejecting and disrupting proposals to form a consensus government and for "allowing" the weakening of resistance to Israeli occupation of the West Bank. Abbas is also often referred to as Abu Mazen.

"The head of the Authority, Abu Mazen, is the one who rejects and disrupts the proposal to form a consensus government and went to form a government unilaterally without consulting anyone," Badran said. "Our Palestinian people will not stand in a waiting line until the Authority changes its position."

Badran said Hamas doesn't have a problem with Fatah, the main party in Abbas' Palestinian Authority government. Like Hamas, Fatah advocates for an independent Palestinian state within pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

But Badran criticized the Palestinian Authority's intransigent position to form a consensus government with Hamas and other resistance factions in Gaza like Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front. And he said the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority is "incapable of performing its duties in the West Bank, let alone its ability to perform any role in Gaza."

"There are also protests within Fatah's ranks against Abbas's handling of the national issue and obstructing efforts to reach comprehensive national reconciliation," Badran said.

The Palestinian liberation movement does not just belong to Fatah, or any individual group or person, Badran said, asserting that no other government or group has the right to impose conditions on Hamas being part of a united Palestinian government.