Friday, July 05, 2024


The James Webb Space Telescope captures a staggering quasar-galaxy merger in the remote universe

An international research group led by the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) utilised the the James Webb Space Telescope to witness the dramatic interaction between a quasar and two massive satellite galaxies in the distant universe


Map of the line emission of hydrogen and oxygen in the PJ308-21 system 



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Observations of this quasar (already described by the same authors in another study published last May), one of the first studied with NIRSpec when the universe was less than a billion years old (redshift z = 6.2342), have revealed data of sensational quality: the instrument “captured” the quasar’s spectrum with an uncertainty of less than 1% per pixel. The host galaxy of PJ308–21 shows high metallicity and photoionisation conditions typical of an active galactic nucleus (AGN), whereas one of the satellite galaxies exhibits low metallicity (which refers to the abundance of chemical elements heavier than hydrogen and helium) and photoionisation induced by star formation; a higher metallicity characterises the second satellite galaxy, which is partially photoionised by the quasar. 


The discovery has enabled astronomers to determine the mass of the supermassive black hole at the centre of the system (about 2 billion solar masses). It also confirmed that both the quasar and the surrounding galaxies are highly evolved in mass and metal enrichment, and in constant growth. This has profound implications for our understanding of cosmic history and galaxies' chemical evolution, highlighting this research's transformative impact.


Roberto Decarli, a researcher at INAF in Bologna and first author of the article, explains: "Our study reveals that both the black holes at the centre of high-redshift quasars and the galaxies that host them undergo extremely efficient and tumultuous growth already in the first billion years of cosmic history, aided by the rich galactic environment in which these sources form". The data were obtained in September 2022 as part of Program 1554, one of the nine Italian-led projects of the first observation cycle of JWST. Decarli leads this program to observe the merger between the galaxy hosting the quasar (PJ308-21) and two of its satellite galaxies.


The observations were carried out in integral field spectroscopy mode: for each image pixel, the spectrum of the entire optical band (in the source rest frame) can be observed, shifted towards the infrared by the universe’s expansion. This allows for the study of various gas tracers (emission lines) using a 3D approach. Thanks to this technique, the team led by INAF detected spatially extended emissions from different elements, which were used to study the properties of the ionised interstellar medium, including the source and hardness of the photoionising radiation field, metallicity, dust obscuration, electron density and temperature, and star formation rate. Furthermore, the researchers marginally detected the starlight emission associated with companion sources.


Federica Loiacono, astrophysicist, research fellow and postdoc working at INAF, enthusiastically comments on the results: "Thanks to NIRSpec, for the first time we can study in the PJ308-21 system the optical band, rich in precious diagnostic data on properties of the gas near the black hole in the galaxy hosting the quasar and in the surrounding galaxies. We can see, for example, the emission of hydrogen atoms and compare it with the chemical elements produced by the stars to establish how rich the gas in galaxies is in metals. The experience in reducing and calibrating these data, some of the first collected with NIRSpec in integral field spectroscopy mode, has ensured a strategic advantage for the Italian community in managing similar data from other programs". Federica Loiacono is the Italian contact person for NIRSpec data reduction at the INAF JWST Support Center.


She adds: “Thanks to the sensitivity of the James Webb Space Telescope in the near and medium infrared, it was possible to study the spectrum of the quasar and companion galaxies with unprecedented precision in the distant universe. Only the excellent 'view' offered by JWST, with its unparalleled capabilities, can ensure these observations". The work represented a real "emotional rollercoaster", Decarli continues, "with the need to develop innovative solutions to overcome the initial difficulties in data reduction".


This transformative impact of the James Webb Space Telescope's onboard instruments underscores its crucial role in advancing astrophysical research: “Until a couple of years ago, data on the enrichment of metals (essential for understanding the chemical evolution of galaxies) were almost beyond our reach, especially at these distances. Now we can map them in detail with just a few hours of observation, even in galaxies observed when the universe was in its infancy", Decarli concludes.


Related journal article"A quasar-galaxy merger at z ∼ 6.2: rapid host growth via accretion of two massive satellite galaxies”, by Roberto Decarli, Federica Loiacono, Emanuele Paolo Farina, Massimo Dotti, Alessandro Lupi, Romain A. Meyer, Marco Mignoli, Antonio Pensabene, Michael A. Strauss, Bram Venemans, Jinyi Yang, Fabian Walter, Julien Wolf, Eduardo BaƱados, Laura Blecha, Sarah Bosman, Chris L. Carilli, Andrea Comastri, Thomas Connor, Tiago Costa, Anna-Christina Eilers, Xiaohui Fan, Roberto Gilli, Hyunsung D. Jun, Weizhe Liu, Madeline A. Marshall, Chiara Mazzucchelli, Marcel Neeleman, Masafusa Onoue, Roderik Overzier, Maria Anne Pudoka, Dominik A. Riechers, Hans-Walter Rix, Jan-Torge Schindler, Benny Trakhtenbrot, Maxime Trebitsch, Marianne Vestergaard, Marta Volonteri, Feige Wang, Huanian Zhang, Siwei Zou. Forthcoming in: Astronomy & Astrophysics.


Migrating starlings are no copycats

70-year-old research question finally answered


Where did the starlings go? 



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Young, naĆÆve starlings are looking for their wintering grounds independently of experienced conspecifics. Starlings are highly social birds throughout the year, but this does not mean that they copy the migration route from each other. By revisiting a classic ‘displacement’ experiment and by adding new data, a team of researchers at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) and the Swiss Ornithological Institute (Vogelwarte Sempach) have settled a long-lasting debate. Their findings are now published in the scientific journal Biology Letters.

The question of how migratory birds locate their migration routes has intrigued mankind for centuries. Biologist Albert Perdeck from the Netherlands aimed to find answers when he displaced thousands of migrating starlings by plane from the Netherlands to Switzerland and Spain in the 1950’s and 1960’s. This experiment has become a classic study on the migratory orientation of birds. Now, seventy years later, colleagues have confirmed his findings and were able to solve a long-lasting scientific debate using this historical dataset.

Young vs. adult

The birds were individually recognisable using light-weight metal leg rings with a unique code – a method used by the Dutch Centre for Avian Migration and Demography, Vogelwarte Sempach and European partners until this day. Ring recoveries indicated that relocated young and adult starlings used different strategies to reach the winter destinations in the British Isles and France. “Adult starlings were aware of this move and adjusted their migratory orientation to reach their normal wintering areas,” according to Morrison Pot at the NIOO-KNAW. “Young starlings continued in a south-westerly direction – the direction they would have chosen when departing from the Netherlands – and reached ‘wrong’ destinations in southern France and Spain.”

New friends?

Over the years, experts in the field of avian migration have been divided about the interpretation of Perdeck’s results. Pot: “Starlings are highly social animals and, according to some experts, the relocated young starlings may just as well have joined a flock of local conspecifics.” The relocated starlings would have copied the migratory behaviour of their new friends showing them where to go. “If true, the migratory route is largely learned instead of inherited.” A major difference.

The team of researchers retrieved the historical data of Perdeck’s displacement experiments in the paper archives of the Dutch Centre for Avian Migration and Demography and compared the migratory orientation with the migratory behaviour of local Swiss and Spanish starlings. “The latter data were retrieved from institutional archives, but were unavailable in Perdeck’s days.”

Social migrants

By re-analysing this historical dataset, the team showed that the migratory orientation of the relocated starlings differed from the local conspecifics. Starlings are thus no social migrants or ‘copycats’. The alternative social explanation of Perdeck’s results has thus been debunked. As explained by Pot: “Starlings travel independently and decisions about where to go are not overruled by the migratory behaviour of others.” Recently, a study in collaboration with Vogelwarte Sempach showed that starlings migrate at night. This is in line with the 70-year-old findings, because how would you follow someone in the pitch darkness of the night?

Times of change

Learned or inherited behaviour, why does it matter? “In times of rapid changes in global climate and land-use, it is of great importance to understand whether migratory behaviour is largely inherited or learned,” says lead scientist and head of the Dutch Centre for Avian Migration and Demography Henk van der Jeugd. Inherited behaviours are less flexible to rapid change. “Although starlings are numerous and widespread birds that have adjusted to human dominated landscapes, their migratory behaviour is likely less flexible.” 

With more than 200 staff members and students, the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) is one of the largest research institutes of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). The institute specialises in water and land ecology with three major themes: biodiversity, climate change and the sustainable use of land and water. The institute is located in an innovative and sustainable research building in Wageningen, the Netherlands. NIOO has an impressive research history that stretches back 70 years and spans the entire country, and beyond.


Innovative battery design: More energy and less environmental impact


Lithium metal batteries are among the most promising candidates of the next generation of high-energy batteries. They can store at least twice as much energy per unit of volume as the lithium-ion batteries that are in widespread use today. This will mean, for example, that an electric car can travel twice as far on a single charge, or that a smartphone will not have to be recharged so often.

At present, there is still one crucial drawback with lithium metal batteries: the liquid electrolyte requires the addition of significant amounts of fluorinated solvents and fluorinated salts, which increases its environmental footprint. Without the addition of fluorine, however, lithium metal batteries would be unstable, they would stop working after very few charging cycles and be prone to short circuits as well as overheating and igniting. A research group led by Maria Lukatskaya, Professor of Electrochemical Energy Systems at ETH Zurich, has now developed a new method that dramatically reduces the amount of fluorine required in lithium metal batteries, thereby rendering them more environmentally friendly and more stable as well as cost-effective.

A stable protective layer increases battery safety and efficiency

The fluorinated compounds from electrolyte help the formation of a protective layer around the metallic lithium at the negative electrode of the battery. “This protective layer can be compared to the enamel of a tooth,” Lukatskaya explains. “It protects the metallic lithium from continuous reaction with electrolyte components.” Without it, the electrolyte would quickly get depleted during cycling, the cell would fail, and the lack of a stable layer would result in the formation of lithium metal whiskers – ‘dendrites’ – during the recharging process instead of a conformal flat layer.

Should these dendrites touch the positive electrode, this would cause a short circuit with the risk that the battery heats up so much that it ignites. The ability to control the properties of this protective layer is therefore crucial for battery performance. A stable protective layer increases battery efficiency, safety and service life.

Minimising fluorine content

“The question was how to reduce the amount of added fluorine without compromising the protective layer’s stability,” says doctoral student Nathan Hong. The group’s new method uses electrostatic attraction to achieve the desired reaction. Here, electrically charged fluorinated molecules serve as a vehicle to transport the fluorine to the protective layer. This means that only 0.1 percent by weight of fluorine is required in the liquid electrolyte, which is at least 20 times lower than in prior studies.

Optimised method makes batteries greener

The ETH Zurich research group describes the new method and its underlying principles in a paper recently published in the journal Energy & Environmental Science. An application for a patent has been made.

One of the biggest challenges was to find the right molecule to which fluorine could be attached and that would also decompose again under the right conditions once it had reached the lithium metal. As the group explains, a key advantage of this method is that it can be seamlessly integrated into the existing battery production process without generating additional costs to change the production setup. The batteries used in the lab were the size of a coin. In a next step, the researchers plan to test the method’s scalability and apply it to pouch cells as used in smartphones.


Exploring the radiative effects of precipitation on arctic amplification and energy budget

The new study discusses the importance of incorporating the radiative effects of precipitation in climate modeling.


Influence of precipitating particles on global and regional energy budgets 



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One of the key metrics for climate modelling is radiative forcing. Most climate models, including the general circulation models (GCMs), focus on the effects of different atmospheric factors on radiative forcing. However, there are still large uncertainties in satellite observations and multi-model simulations associated with some atmospheric factors. Among them, clouds are a known source of uncertainty in GCMs, leading to radiative biases. However, another possible source of radiative uncertainty is associated with precipitation.

In principle, precipitating particles affect radiative forcing by disrupting incoming shortwave and outgoing longwave radiations. But most conventional GCMs in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) treat precipitation diagnostically and exclude the radiative effects of precipitation (REP). Extracting the magnitude of REP in climate models is challenging because of complicated atmosphere-ocean feedback and multi-model variabilities. To this end, a new study, published in npj Climate and Atmospheric Science on 19 June 2024, led by Associate Professor Takuro Michibata from Okayama University investigated the influence of REP on radiative forcing at different geographical scales.

Dr. Michibata employed three sub-versions of the Japanese GCM, MIROC6, incorporating different precipitation and radiative calculation treatments. These sub-versions included diagnostic precipitation without REP (DIAG), prognostic precipitation without REP (PROG REP-OFF), and prognostic precipitation with REP (PROG REP-ON), to quantify the influence of precipitating particles on the radiation budgets and hydrological cycles at both global and regional scales. “In addition to modifying the MIROC6 model, we also used 34 climate models from the CMIP6 data archive to better understand the REP on the seasonal variations of the Arctic amplification. Thus, by using sets of simulations and multiple satellite observations, we systematically documented the significance of REP on the global and regional hydrological cycle and energy budget,” explains Dr. Michibata.

The study found that REP affects not only the local thermodynamic profile but also the remote precipitation rate and distribution by altering atmospheric circulation. Due to the precipitating particles in the atmosphere, there is a collective reduction in the net shortwave radiation ("parasol effect”). At the same time, the inverse is observed on the net longwave radiation ("warming effect”), especially in the Arctic zone. As per PROG REP-ON, this results in a weakening of the radiative cooling in the atmosphere and thus slowing down the hydrological cycle at a global level.

The surface warming is more pronounced in the polar regions, with a noticeable increase in surface temperature—by more than 1 K on an average—during winter, as compared to the simulation without REP. This temperature increase is more than twice as large as the summer warming. The study basically emphasizes on the magnitude of surface warming in PROG REP-ON, which is stronger in winter than in summer. This was further verified with the 34 CMIP6 models that also showed systematic variations in Arctic amplification upon factoring in REP.

In contrast, the temperature variations over tropical and subtropical regions were found to be relatively small. In fact, the three-dimensional radiation budget analysis showed that precipitation change was the main effect of REP in the tropics, as opposed to the significant temperature change in the polar regions.

These results indicate that REP has a significant influence on the radiation budget and hydrological cycle at both global and regional scales, which can provide valuable information on REP’s impact mechanism on temperature and precipitation changes. Furthermore, this implies that including REP in GCMs could improve precipitation and temperature biases in climate models and therefore improve the accuracy of these climate simulations against observational evidence.

Current climate models still have large uncertainties, particularly in simulating the Arctic climate. Given that the Arctic climate is remotely linked to mid-latitude meteorology and weather, this study will contribute towards the improvement of climate models for more accurate prediction of future climate change and changes in the occurrence of extreme weather. Moreover, the process-level understanding in the REP will be useful for other modeling groups in future model development,” concludes Dr. Michibata.


About Okayama University, Japan

As one of the leading universities in Japan, Okayama University aims to create and establish a new paradigm for the sustainable development of the world. Okayama University offers a wide range of academic fields, which become the basis of the integrated graduate schools. This not only allows us to conduct the most advanced and up-to-date research, but also provides an enriching educational experience.



About Associate Professor Takuro Michibata from Okayama University, Japan

Takuro Michibata is an Associate Professor at the Department of Earth Sciences, School of Science at Okayama University, Japan. He leads the COMETS Laboratory (Cloud Observation and Modeling for Earth Technology and Science) at the university focusing on cloud physics and climate science. He has guided several graduate and undergraduate students who have received recognition for their work with him. Dr. Michibata’s research mainly entails working on climate research centered on numerical modeling of aerosol, cloud, and precipitation processes and satellite analysis. He is also engaged in the development of a "satellite simulator" software that connects numerical models with satellites. His research has been published in well-known journals, with many citations.