Saturday, July 20, 2024

Besê Hozat: We reject using President Öcalan as a bargaining chip

Besê Hozat spoke about the situation of Öcalan and the 14th July martyrs.

Saturday, 20 July 2024

KCK Executive Council co-chair Besê Hozat said in this interview that the Turkish state wanted concessions in exchange to an end of the isolation imposed on the Kurdish People's Leader and added: "We reject this attitude. Our Leader cannot be a bairganing chip."

I would like to start with the situation of Kurdish peoples leader Abdullah Öcalan, which determines the struggle of the Kurdish people and your freedom movement. In previous programs you have widely evaluated the global campaign for his physical freedom and the attitude of international institutions that ignore this struggle. Based on the recent developments, how do you evaluate the current level of the campaign and what are your goals for the next phase of the movement?

For 26 years, our leader, Rêber Apo [Abdullah Öcalan] has been developing a great resistance in the face of a genocidal system. There is a truly glorious peoples, guerrilla, and prison resistance developing around him. For 26 years, our leader has been held as a hostage in the hands of the Turkish state which is conducting a hostage policy. There is some information that has reached us in these last few days that we consider important to share with the public.

According to information from reliable sources, some authorized people from Erdogan’s administration said that under some conditions, they would let Rêber Apo see his brother and, afterwards, his lawyers. But in order for them to allow these visitations, they have conditions. In other words, they want us to make concessions.That is what they said. The source of this information is reliable, we know the groups and individuals who have disclosed this information. We also know the policy they these groups have been conducting with Erdogan for years. This is a very important situation, we wanted the public to know about it.

Indeed, a very despicable policy is being carried out against Rêber Apo. He once stated that he was a hostage in the hands of the Turkish state. We have always pointed out that such approaches have existed for years. We have always said that the Turkish state is conducting a policy based on blackmail and bargaining in regards to the situation of our leader. Now this is an example that confirms this once again. Rêber Apo is being treated as a bargaining chip. This is extremely despicable, extremely ugly, and dirty; they really know no moral or legal boundaries.

Of course, we strongly reject and condemn such dirty and disgusting approaches and policies. Let us state this clearly. Under no circumstances can our leader be made a bargaining chip. We will never accept this. It is even written in the Turkish laws that the right of the leader to consult his lawyers and to see his family, as well as the right to communicate with the outside world, is the most natural, legitimate, and legal right. This is also written in international law. Turkey has signed these international laws and conventions. To take the most natural, legitimate, and legal right of our leader and make it a subject of bargaining, is despicable.

The rights –legal, human, natural, and legitimate rights– of our leader cannot be made the subject of bargaining. This point must be clear, since it is very crucial. There are many writers, illustrators, and politicians in Turkey who pass themselves off as intellectuals, who supposedly defend the rule of law, who fight for secularism and democracy, who identify themselves as Kemalists, leftists, or socialists, and who defend the values of the republic. They consider law, justice, and democracy as fundamental human rights and a fundamental right for the society in Turkey. So what do they say regarding the ongoing situation in Imrali? Now in Imrali, Turkish law and international law are being trampled on. The law is being violated. For 26 years, there has been a system of torture and isolation in Imrali. For the last four years, there has been a systematic practice of solitary confinement and absolute isolation. And now this practice has spread all over Turkey. There is a terrible system of isolation and torture in all prisons now. People who have conducted their prison sentences are not being released. People, sick people, seriously ill people are dying in prison. People aged 70, 80, 85 are arrested and put in prisons. Tiny babies are growing up in prisons. This lawlessness developed in Imrali and has now spread throughout Turkey. This is being practiced on Kurdish politicians and revolutionaries in a multiplied way. What do these writers and intellectuals in Turkey who define themselves as left-wing democrats, defenders of the law, defenders of justice say about this? If they say nothing, what do they have to do with being intellectuals or writers?

Anyone who tramples on the law in such a way, anyone who doesn’t say a word, who doesn’t utter a sentence about the lawlessness in Imrali, about these disgusting negotiations, and about this dirty politics being carried out through Imrali, cannot be called an intellectual. Someone like this cannot be called a politician of the people, cannot be called opposition, cannot be called a defender of democracy, justice, and humanity. Imrali is a litmus paper, a measure of how much of an intellectual, leftist, democrat, socialist, and defender of justice and law one is. A person reveals their true face in their approach to Imrali and in their approach to these disgusting policies, injustices, and unlawfulness practiced against our leader. This is the determining factor.

The criteria of law, justice, and democracy advocacy are the approaches developed against the torture and isolation system imposed on Rêber Apo in Imrali. Of course, it also reveals how important this global freedom campaign is and how necessary it is in a very striking way. All this is actually a result of the pressure built up through the campaign. It is the freedom campaign that has brought the fascist regime to such a point. The regime is having much difficulty in the face of the struggle. It is in a deadlock, unsure of what to do. Especially the lawyers are carrying out a very significant and valuable work and struggle. The situation in Rêber Apo and the isolation and torture system in Imrali have been put on the agenda of the United Nations (UN). It is also on the agenda of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (CoE). The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) will also convene in September to evaluate this situation. The ECHR said years ago that what has been going on in Imrali is torture and a violation of rights. Despite knowing this, these institutions have just been observing for years. In other words, they have been watching these unlawful acts, this massacre, and these genocide policies without showing any effort to act. In fact, not only are they just watching; they are also a partner to these policies. Now, the struggle through the global freedom campaign has built up so much pressure that these institutions have had to put this situation on the agenda. This is a very important result, and the struggle must be continued in this way. Because in the person of Rêber Apo, all human values are under heavy attack. There is a terrible attack on freedom, democracy, justice, law, and all human values. In that respect, one must not tolerate this in any way. It is necessary to struggle until the end, and we will definitely achieve great results.

The people’s struggle has also created a certain sensitivity and a certain form of assumption of responsibility; we need to continue to raise this without interruption. We always point out that the situation of Rêber Apo and the Kurdish question are intertwined. Rêber Apo is the leader of the Kurdish people. He is the interlocutor for the democratic solution of the Kurdish question. Therefore, the approach to Rêber Apo is the approach to the Kurdish people, is the approach to the Kurdish question. Any positive development regarding the situation of Rêber Apo is also a development in the solution of the Kurdish question. The fate of the solution of the Kurdish question and the fate of Rêber Apo are tied to each other. There can only be a democratic solution. We need to carry out the struggle everywhere with integrity. The physical freedom of Rêber Apo must be at the center of the struggle everywhere. Against these genocide policies, of which Imrali is the center, we need to carry out and continue our struggle very strongly. Everywhere people must struggle against these genocidal policies, against this war of genocide, and instead for the physical freedom of Rêber Apo. As long as we continue this strongly and uninterruptedly, we will definitely yield great results.

We are in the month of July. July 14th marks the 42nd anniversary of the great action you refer to as the ‘Great Resistance’ and ‘National Day of Honor’. As the PKK, you have declared that you have always grown based on the spirit of July 14th. How is the July 14th spirit of resistance reflected in your struggle today?

Of course, first of all, I commemorate the martyrs of the great death fast, comrade Kemal Pir, Mehmet Hayri Durmus, Akif Yilmaz and Ali Cicek, and all the martyrs of the July 14 resistance with all due respect, love and gratitude. These comrades put forward a historic resistance against the fascist darkness of September 12. They showed everyone that fascism can be defeated through resistance in even the most difficult conditions, even in the darkest periods of fascism. With their resistance, they proved to everyone, friend and foe alike, that all difficulties, all oppression, and all persecution can be overcome and defeated through resistance, and that free life can only be achieved through resistance. In this sense, they created a tradition, a line, and a spirit of resistance. For 42 years, the Kurdish people have been struggling and resisting according to this line of resistance. And it has created a very strong legacy of values and achievements. Again in this spirit, the guerrilla of Kurdistan, the freedom guerrilla, has been fighting for years, waging a self-defense war. Today, this war continues with the same spirit in the regions of Zap and Metina, in the provinces of northern Kurdistan, and everywhere throughout all of Kurdistan. In Rojava, a great struggle has been waged for years with this spirit. The revolution of Rojava, which today affects the whole world and is a source of inspiration and hope for all of humanity, emerged out of the struggle carried out within this spirit. Therefore, the struggle along this line and in the spirit of July 14th has brought about great gains in Kurdistan. It created the identity of the free Kurd. It brought with it the paradigm of the Democratic Nation and the system of Democratic Confederalism. Rêber Apo led this struggle with great devotion to the martyrs of July 14th, and this struggle has brought about great developments in the line of their resistance.

Today, the Kurdish freedom movement is leading the revolutionary process in the Middle East becoming a key actor. Today, under the leadership of the Kurdish freedom movement, the Kurdish people are waging a great struggle for democracy and freedom. It is leading the peoples of the Middle East and is playing a great transformative role in liberation and democratization. These are very great achievements. And all these gains have emerged with the spirit of the July 14 understanding of struggle and resistance.

These are very valuable. This struggle continues to develop, grow, and become a united struggle, fighting fiercely against betrayal and surrender. The July 14th struggle against surrender and against betrayal is actually a great reaction to the collaborationist circles that act together with the colonialist, genocidal regime against the freedom of the Kurdish people today. Surrender and betrayal were condemned and almost buried in 1982 under the fascist September 12 coup.

Now, in the same line, in the same spirit, against this collaborative, treacherous, treacherous line, the entire Kurdish people must resist, struggle, take a strong stance. They must condemn betrayal and collaboration, and achieve freedom and victory. The July 14 resistance is proof of this. The July 14 resistance showed the world that submission will be defeated, betrayal will be defeated, oppression, fascism, and all kinds of oppression will be defeated. Now, the struggle that has been waged for 42 years in that line of struggle has revealed a very magnificent public stance and resistance. If our people develop this struggle and this resistance with the same spirit, emotion, consciousness, will, and organization against this oppressive, treacherous, and collaborative line and against the genocidal, colonialist, and fascist regime, this fascism will surely be defeated. The collaborationist, treacherous line will be buried in history along with this fascism.


Women: We have succeeded in standing against patriarchal mentality through education

‘With education, we have succeeded in standing against the patriarchal mentality that surrounds women,’ said women from the Zenubiya Women's Community who participated in the Reading Days where Öcalan’s books were read.

Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 14:37

The international campaign ‘Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, a Political Solution to the Kurdish Question’ launched globally in October 2023, continues. Within the scope of the campaign, the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Öcalan is demanded in actions and events organized around the world by the Kurdish people and their friends. Reading Days, where Abdullah Öcalan's books are read and discussed, is one of these events.

Many people have attended the Reading Days organised by Zenubiya Women's Community in Raqqa since 9 July. Abdullah Öcalan's 3rd defense, titled ‘Sociology of Freedom’, was read on the Reading Days. Women who participated in the Reading Days spoke to ANHA.

Wîsaq Îsamîl, Director of the Economic Committee of Raqqa Zenubiya Women's Community, stated that Abdullah Öcalan's book ‘Sociology of Freedom’ evaluates many social issues related to governance, freedom and women. Îsamîl stated that all women should read Öcalan's books and said, ‘Leader Abdullah Öcalan analyses the individual and shows the way to take an active role in the construction of a free and democratic society.”

Wesfiya El Eli, member of the Peace (Reconciliation) Committee of the Zenubiya Women's Community, said: ‘Thanks to the analyses of Leader Abdullah Öcalan, I realised the impact of the policies of the capitalist and sovereign systems on society and especially on women. Women are very strong. Women are strong enough to uphold their responsibilities towards society. But the male-dominated system and the policies of oppression against women have negatively affected the roles of women. Leader Abdullah Öcalan strongly defeated these policies. Leader Abdullah Öcalan's philosophy highlights the freedom of women and society.”

Nûrelhuda Mihemed, a member of the Education Committee of the Zenubiya Women's Community, drew attention to the role of women in the revolution in Northern and Eastern Syria and said, ‘Women played a very important role in the revolution thanks to Leader Abdullah Öcalan. Through education, we women have succeeded in standing against the patriarchal mentality that surrounds women."
Internationalist Commune releases a series of videos about the Rojava Revolution

The internationalist Commune of Rojava has published the first of a series of 7 videos called "Perspective from Rojava". As the Commune explained: “With this 7-part series, we want to offer a basic introduction and understanding of the revolution.”

Thursday, 18 July 2024

The internationalist Commune of Rojava has published the first of a series of 7 videos called "Perspective from Rojava". As the Commune explained: "With this 7-part series, we want to offer a basic introduction and understanding of the revolution."

The Commune underlined that "the ecological revolution in Rojava is an ongoing process which aims to bring about fundamental changes in our approach to nature and life. This revolution has to rebuild what former regimes have destroyed, change the mentality of a people and resist against one of the most ecocidal forces in the region, the Turkish state.

From the beautiful countryside of Koçerata, Jiyan Koçer, a member of the Union of Young Women of Northeast Syria, discusses the background, developments and obstacles of the Rojava revolution.

She highlights the role and responsibility of women and young people, and the continuing imperialist threats to it. All this with the perspective on the ecological paradigm, its foundation, the hardships it needs to overcome and the progress that have been made."

The first video is titled "We will leave no women unorganized".

12 years ago, the Rojava Revolution

Today marks the 12th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution.

Friday, 19 July 2024

On 19 July 2012, the Kurds found their own “Freedom Day” when the people of Kobane took control of their own destiny, repelling Assad’s Syrian forces and embarked on establishing their own self-government. On the following day, 20 July, the people in Afrin joined them in this endeavour, setting off a wave of successful resistance in the coming days and months across the region that emerged as Rojava. The heroic resistance of these embattled Kurdish men and women immediately inspired solidarity from onlookers around the world and peoples of all nations rallied to the defence of Kobane.

What has become known as the Rojava Revolution drew its direct inspiration from the leadership and writings of Abdullah Öcalan; it was a practical implementation of his core political ideas and unique contribution to the politics of Kurdistan and the broader Middle East region, with global implications and valuable lessons for the entire peoples of the world."

Women were in the lead and continue to play a crucial role in the new model of society implemented. All the different nations and beliefs in Rojava and Northern Syria joined the 19 July Revolution with their own features and identities.

They started to work together to build a new democratic system on the road to democratization.

In the developed democratic system, democratic solutions to issues related to women as the oppressed gender were elaborated, and a political and social system started to take shape as an alternative to the global capital and capitalist system.

The so-called Arab Spring began in Tunisia in 2010 and spread to other Arab and Northern African countries. It also reached Syria.

As the popular movement took its first steps in Syria, the Baath regime responded with even stricter oppressive methods in place since 1963 to protect its power.

With the beginning of the Syrian Revolution on 15 March 2011, the peoples of Rojava and northern Syria called for freedom, democracy and equality, organising many demonstrations.

Peoples living in northern Syria also demanded an end of the policy of denial imposed by the Baath regime.

Rojava and Northern Syrian women with their various features began to take the lead in the struggle that developed. The essence of the work carried out in the struggle in Northern Syria and Rojava was a struggle for democracy of the peoples, but it was women who added their particular flavour to this.

Öcalan’s ideas formed the basis of the organization

In Rojava and Northern Syria women had the lead of the demonstrations and there is no doubt that the ideological and practical perspective of the struggle was taken from the philosophy of the PKK (Kurdistan Worker’s Party) leader Abdullah Öcalan. They were against the regional and international conspiracy.

In Rojava and Northern Syria, women set up their own organization in 2005 and called it Yekitiya Star.

Yekitiya Star, the first step in the struggle for women’s liberation, gradually reached a new level of organization in political, military, social, diplomatic and cultural fields with the beginning of the revolution.

Although in the region it was above all Kurdish women who were involved in the freedom struggle and organization, soon other women from the whole region were incorporated and joined both the struggle and the organisation.

In this way, the women’s organization that started as Yekitiya Star soon widened to include various ethnic and religious structures and went on to cover various fields such as political, military and social.

Women strengthened their solidarity in the Syrian revolution

Following the slogan of strengthening the solidarity of women in the Syrian revolution, Yekitiya Star founded the Syrian Women’s Initiative that carried out many different works.

The preparatory meeting of the Syrian Women’s Initiative under the leadership of Yekitiya Star was organized in the Cizire region with the slogan “Whatever their nation, belief and society, the women of Cizire are one”.

The Syrian Women’s Initiative foundation conference was held in Qamishlo on 28 March and the first office was opened in the same Qamishlo on 17 November.

Training programs were organized for women in different parts of Rojava and Northern Syria. In the last period, trainings were held in the new liberated areas. In Afrin, Kobane and Cizire, Mala Jin (Women’s House) were opened.

The understanding was that women should be able to solve their problems, to implement social justice principles, to provide social development against reactionary minds, to participate in all spheres of society for an ecological, democratic and free society.

On 21 January 2014, the Democratic Autonomous Administration and the Women’s Council were established. This enhanced the opportunities and projects for women to be carried out in the fields of administration, diplomacy and economy.

From Zehra Penaber to Raqqa: Liberation Operations

Kobane city has witnessed many historical and heroic epics.

Women’s Defense Units (YPJ), in this city, have resisted the patriarchal system in the name of all women and received support from women all over the world.

After ISIS attacked Kobane on 15 September 2014, women got actively involved in defending the city against the mercenaries that threatened the world and imposed slavery on women.

Women fighters took their place in the front lines throughout the resistance, and carried out many actions.

Arin Mirkan became a symbol of the fight with the action she carried out on 5 October 2014.

Zehra Penaber, Hebun Derik and Evindar, are among the legendary commanders whose names will go down in history. They showed the whole world that women can defend themselves and defeat the ISIS mercenaries.

Avesta and Barin, symbols of Afrin resistance

Women have gained historical achievements against the invading Turkish army and its mercenary allies through the legendary resistance carried out in the Afrin mountains.

Like Arin Mirkan, Avesta Xabur has become a legendary symbol in the struggle for liberty of all women of the world thanks to her resistance in Afrin.

Barin Kobane is another woman whose name has been written in the history of women’s resistance.

Barin Kobane, like Arin and Avesta, have opened the way to many more Barins, Arins, and Avestas who are ready to fight against ISIS and against fascism in the Resistance of the Age.

YPG General Command celebrates 12th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution

The YPG said in a statement that "the Rojava Revolution is not solely for Kurds but for all humanity striving for freedom, equality and justice."

Friday, 19 July 2024

The General Command of the People’s Defense Units (YPG) "proudly and joyfully celebrate the 12th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution with our people, the families of our martyrs, and the global community. This day, July 19th, symbolizes not only our people’s independence and resistance but also the dawn of a new era in the history of Kurdistan and the broader Middle East."

In a statement the YPG said: "We solemnly honor all the martyrs who sacrificed their lives to protect this revolution. Their resistance against ISIS, the occupying Turkish state, and other hostile forces led to the liberation of the peoples of Syria and western Kurdistan and significantly impacted global security. Their heroism was pivotal in thwarting the extremist ideologies that threatened humanity.

The Rojava Revolution, which commenced on 19 July 2012, demonstrated that no armed or reactionary force can withstand the will of a determined and resilient people. This revolution has become a beacon of hope for freedom, not only for the Kurdish people but for all the peoples of the Middle East.

Today, our revolution influences a vast region, from establishing an egalitarian and just society in Syria to transforming the political paradigm of the Middle East and developing new models of democracy worldwide. This movement has paved the way for a new governance model based on direct democracy, gender equality, and ecological sustainability. Amid regional turmoil, Rojava has become a living example of the peaceful coexistence of diverse peoples and cultures."

The statement continued: "One of the revolution’s most significant achievements is the creation of a multicultural and multilingual society where Kurds, Arabs, Assyrians, Syriacs, Armenians, and other groups coexist harmoniously. Simultaneously, the empowerment of women in society and politics, a cornerstone of our revolution, has inspired the entire region. The women of Rojava, with their achievements in both the battlefield and societal development, have redefined traditional perceptions of women’s roles and have become pioneers of social change throughout the Middle East.

We have demonstrated that in the Middle East, often characterized by ethnic conflicts and disputes, peaceful coexistence is not only possible but can form the foundation of a robust and progressive society. Furthermore, our revolution has shown that despite all internal and external assaults, the will of the people to resist can prevail. The defeat of terrorist groups such as al-Nusra and ISIS since 2012, and the successful defense against the attacks by the occupying Turkish state since 2016, attest to this. The resolve for coexistence and the capacity to protect it have thwarted these aggressions."

The statement added: "Let this day be a testament to our ongoing struggle for peace, equality, and justice in our region and across the globe. We call upon all peace-loving and democratic forces worldwide to continue supporting this unique endeavor. The Rojava Revolution is not solely for Kurds but for all humanity striving for freedom, equality, and justice.

On this occasion, we once again gratefully remember all our immortal martyrs who gave their lives for the cause of building and safeguarding this revolution. We pledge to continue this march to realize their dreams and persist in our struggle to protect our people and our revolution."
KCK: We salute the Revolution of Rojava and value the ongoing discussions in Syria

On the 12th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution, KCK salutes the peoples and defenders of revolution with respect, and commemorates with respect, love, and gratitude all the martyrs who gave their lives in the development and defense of the revolution.

Friday, 19 July 2024

The Co-Presidency of the KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Executive Council released a statement on the 12th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution.

The KCK statement on Friday includes the following:

"On July 19, 2012, the people and their revolutionary forces in Rojava made a historic decision to liberate the region, starting from Kobane. This historical step soon resulted in the revolution of Rojava and the development of the democratic system of North and Eastern Syria. Today we are celebrating the 12th anniversary of this historical development. We congratulate on the occasion of this historical development the peoples of Rojava and North and East Syria in particular, all the people of Kurdistan, the Arab, Armenian, Assyrian, and Turkmen peoples, all the peoples of Syria and the Middle East, the oppressed peoples of the world, all women and youth, and all revolutionary, democratic, and libertarian forces.

On the 12th anniversary of the revolution of Rojava, we salute the peoples and defenders of the revolution with respect, and we commemorate with respect, love, and gratitude all the martyrs who gave their lives in the development and defense of the revolution. We bow with respect in front of their precious memories, and we reiterate our promise to live up to their legacy.

It is essential to always remember and commemorate the internationalists who became a part of one of the most meaningful and greatest solidarities in history. People from all over the world came, fought, and struggled on the battlefields to defend the revolution of Rojava. Many internationalist friends were martyred in this struggle. We also remember them with great respect and gratitude. As the Kurdish people and the peoples of the Middle East, we owe them an infinite debt. We once again express our endless love and respect for them and our gratitude to our international friends who have fought tirelessly for the revolution and the freedom of the Kurdish people and all the peoples of the Middle East.

Through its character, the revolution of Rojava has brought upon new achievements and created new values for all humanity; it has gone down in history as a new development in the universal march for the freedom of peoples, women, and oppressed classes. The revolution of Rojava has developed on the legacy of the historical freedom struggle of the oppressed against exploitation, inequality, and injustice. It is rooted in history. As a result of being based on Leader Apo’s [Abdullah Öcalan's] philosophy and paradigm, it has reached a new stage in the history of revolutions. With the paradigm of Democratic Modernity and the ideology of a democratic, ecological society based on women’s liberation, Leader Apo has brought up an important solution to the social problem of our time. Leader Apo has offered humanity the most advanced, conscious, and organized system to overcome both the five thousand years of human exploitation and Capitalist Modernity, which has brought society and nature face-to-face with destruction due to its greed for maximum profit. Based on this, the revolution of Rojava has been the most important and advanced development of the 21st century. This is what makes it so meaningful.

The revolution, by creating a system of self-administration under the name of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria, has brought a solution to the problems faced by revolutions throughout history. Being based on women’s liberation, it overcame the male-dominated mentality, which is the cause of all exploitation, and like this it enabled the development of free consciousness. These fundamental achievements have made this revolution the most important and meaningful development of our time.

The Rojava revolution and the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria have proved their maturity by managing to resist and survive against all kinds of attacks from the beginning until today. This success has been achieved through the integrated struggle of the peoples, revolutionary forces, and international solidarity. It is very important that this struggle continues with further development in such a period when the dangers aimed at suffocating the revolution continue to increase. In this regard, we call on all the peoples of North and Eastern Syria, the revolutionary forces of Rojava, the Middle East, and the forces of international solidarity to continue and develop the struggle to defend the revolution.

The Turkish state and the fascist AKP-MHP regime, which did not give up its genocidal, colonialist mentality, have been attacking from the beginning to the present day with the aim of eliminating the revolution. They were willing to enter into all kinds of dirty relationships for this interest. They organized all reactionary and fascist gangs and mercenaries, particularly ISIS, and attacked North and East Syria. When they could not echieve this, they themselves directly attacked and occupied parts of Rojava and Syrian lands. They established a regime of plunder and oppression in the occupied territories, changed the demography, and led to the emergence of all kinds of inhumane practices. They have resorted to all kinds of methods to prevent the development of a democratic solution in Syria where the peoples live together equally. They have consciously lured millions of Syrians to Turkey, have strengthened mercenaries to deepen the conflicts, and have tried to turn the peoples against each other. The fascist chief, Tayyip Erdogan, has created a very dangerous regime with a backward and neo-ottomanist mentality. This reactionary, fascist, neo-ottomanist regime is the main cause of the deepening of the problems and conflicts in Syria and the lack of a solution.

We consider it crucial to solve the problems in Syria democratically, equally, and within the integrity of Syria through dialogue and negotiations. The solution to the problems in Syria is only possible with this understanding and method. As the freedom movement, we consider this very important and support it. Everyone who cares about the future of Syria should be making such an effort. On this basis, we call on everyone to act according to this approach and call on everyone, especially the Syrian state, who are in favor of solving the problems and who are concerned about living together fraternally and equally within the integrity of Syria, to solve their problems through dialogue. If this is achieved, the fascist chief Tayyip Erdogan’s plans to destroy Syria and make the Syrian peoples break against each other will come to naught.

Once again, we heartily congratulate on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution, which resembles the common values of humanity. We call on everyone to show more solidarity with the Rojava Revolution. And we also call on the peoples of Kurdistan to take a strong stance against the occupation and annexation of southern Kurdistan and to stand in solidarity."
Sozdar Dêrik: A revolution based on the people cannot be defeated

Emphasising the invincibility of a revolution with a strong organisation and a populist strategy, YPJ-SDF General Command Member Sozdar Dêrik said, “We'll protect our people and our revolution with stronger and bigger revolutions in the coming processes."

Friday, 19 July 2024

Sozdar Dêrik, a member of the YPJ (Women’s Defense Units) and SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) General Command, spoke to ANF on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of the 19 July Rojava Revolution.

Sozdar Dêrik stated that the peoples, women and revolutionary forces have come to this day with their struggle and labour and that they have gained the will to govern themselves. “We may be subjected to further attacks in the coming periods or years. We must make the most of every moment. We must defend the values of revolution, young and old alike.”

Sozdar Dêrik started her speech by congratulating Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan, the martyrs of the revolution, comrades in the struggle, the people and all mothers on the 19 July Revolution and pointed out the importance of July for them. Dêrik said, “The fact that the Rojava Revolution took place in this month, and that July is the month of great resistance in the history of the freedom struggle, of course makes it much more meaningful. We also held the 4th YPJ conference in this month."

Remarking that the 19 July Revolution took place with women's labour and women's resistance, Sozdar Dêrik stated the following: "A revolution made by women never loses. A woman is the mother in society, she is also the one who embodies all the values of society and brings society into existence. In this sense, she constitutes the representation of society. The 19 July Revolution started in Kobanê with Comrade Jînda's cry for freedom. The revolution led by women has a very valuable meaning. It is about claiming one's own existence. Living in such a revolution for years requires great labour, sacrifice and resistance.

A revolutionary process, struggle and war continued without stopping even for a moment. Our people also participated in this process of revolution and struggle in the best way. Of course, there are still difficulties and shortcomings. No revolution has ever taken place without cost and pain. If we are looking for what is comfortable, we are fooling ourselves. The attacks against the revolution continue, as does the determination to resist and fight against this as on the first day. As a people and society, we cannot say that everything is complete. However, we know very well that we can overcome all the difficulties experienced. We have fought against gang organisations such as ISIS and al-Nusra, which attack the values of all humanity and want to destroy societies. They wanted to condemn the whole world to darkness. When people saw their flags, they ran away. Just their names were enough to instill fear in people. We fought against such a darkness and barbaric reality. For this reason, we are not a people who will escape from such difficulties and reality.

The most correct line, the most correct struggle, the greatest resistance in the Middle East was experienced on these lands. We do not underestimate the struggle of other peoples in the Middle East. Currently, many peoples living in the Middle East are still suffering a lot, being subjected to great injustice and oppression. They are also struggling. However, it should be well known that a revolution with a strong organisation and a populist strategy cannot be defeated. We have come to this day with the labour and struggle of our people. We have the will to govern ourselves. We need to protect this.

The only strategy of the forces against us today is aimed at the liquidation of this revolution. They see this revolution as their enemy. However, we have not declared anyone as an enemy, we have defended our values, our will and our lands. Our struggle will continue in the same way from now on. But we will not remain silent against any attack directed against us. We have relied on our own strength so far, which shows that our revolution has progressed successfully until today.

When we look at the examples in the world, we have seen especially in the case of Afghanistan that those who do not rely on their own strength and cannot create the power of solution in themselves lose. Since the administration, military command and the will of that people could not show the power and will to organise itself and turn itself into a power, it had to go back a hundred years. In order for us not to face such an end, in order for our people and peoples not to face attacks against their will, language, culture and values once again, we must embrace the revolution in every way. Of course, this can be achieved through struggle, resistance and trust in one's own strength.

We welcome July with enthusiasm, pride and celebrations. Especially as a military force, we proudly welcome July as a great symbol of resistance marching towards freedom and victory. It is an honour for us to share the values and gains created with the people. On this basis, as a military force, we pledge to protect these values. We may be subjected to further attacks in the coming periods or years.

In this sense, we must make the most of every moment. We must organise and prepare ourselves as if there would be an attack now. Everyone, young and old alike, must prepare themselves to protect the values of the revolution. We must celebrate our revolution in this spirit. However, if we do not have a strong organisation, the attacks against us might demoralise us. A great special war is being waged against us. On the one hand, Erdogan himself is running from here to there, on the other hand, he sends his foreign minister everywhere and wants to hold talks with many states.

All these efforts are aimed at liquidating the people's revolution, the values and achievements of the revolution. We will not allow this. Of course, we do not say this only for our own people. We are against any policy that is directed against all societies and peoples. We are not a party to the occupation of any country's territory; we are against it. In this sense, the necessary struggle will be fought for the protection of the whole world, peoples, the Middle East and Syria. We exist for this. We are the result of the struggle and resistance of all peoples, women, revolutionary forces. We are aware of this, and we will wage a strong struggle for this. On this basis, we congratulate all our people and the Syrian peoples on the 19 July Revolution. We will protect our people with stronger and bigger revolutions in the coming processes."

Selahattin Demirtas sentenced to 2 years and 6 months in prison

Former HDP Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş was sentenced to 2 years and 6 months in prison for his speeches between 2015 and 2016.

Friday, 19 July 2024, 18:19

The verdict was delivered in the case against Selahattin Demirtaş, former Co-Chair of Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), for his speeches between 2015 and 2016.

Mersin 14th Criminal Court of First Instance sentenced Demirtaş to 1 year and 6 months in prison on the charge of ‘publicly degrading the government of the Republic of Turkey, judicial organs, military or police organisation’ as set out in Article 301 of the Penal Code and to 1 year and 6 months on the charge of ‘inciting people to hatred and hostility’ as set out in Article 216 of the Penal Code.

The court sentenced Demirtaş to 3 years in total and reduced the sentences, with discretionary mitigation, to 1 year and 3 months each, and did not reprieve the sentence.

Selahattin Demirtaş, who led the HDP's gender-parity dual leadership together with Turkish politician Figen Yüksekdağ between 2014 and 2018, has been innocently held in Edirne prison since 2016. While the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has already demanded his release several times, the Turkish government ignores the corresponding rulings.
KDP makes an agreement with the Iraqi Turkmen Front in Kirkuk

The KDP reportedly agreed with the Iraqi Turkmen Front, the anti-Kurdish extension of Ankara, on the appointment of the chairman of the Kirkuk Provincial Council and the governor. PUK announced that they would not make any concessions on Kirkuk.

Friday, 19 July 2024

According to RojNews, the Iraqi Turkmen Front (ITC) MP Erşat Salihi announced in a TV programme on Thursday that they reached an agreement with the KDP, the ruling party in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq which is in close cooperation with the Turkish state, on the appointment of the Kirkuk Provincial Council chairman and the governor.

Speaking to RojNews, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) spokesperson Sadi Ahmet Pire said that they would not accept such an agreement regarding Kirkuk.

Remarking that these initiatives are being made by the forces in the region, Pire called on the parties in question ‘don't tire yourselves in vain’.

Rewend Mela Mahmud from PUK stated that the governor’s office of the city is the right of PUK and they will not compromise on this.

According to the results of the provincial general assembly elections held in Iraq on 18 December, ‘Kirkuk Our Power and Will Coalition’ led by PUK came first in Kirkuk with 5 seats. While the Arab Coalition won 3 seats with 102,558 votes, Iraqi Turkmen Front (ITC) won 2 seats and Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) won 2 seats. KDP suffered a serious decline in the elections.

Following the PUK’s success, the negotiation traffic between Turkey and the KDP intensified. Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, Head of National Intelligence Organisation Ibrahim Kalin and most recently AKP President Tayyip Erdogan held meetings with the Barzanis under the KDP administration in the Federal Kurdistan Region after the elections.

The ITC statement regarding Kirkuk was made at a time when the Turkish state is expanding its occupation attacks in the region with the open complicity of the KDP which is harsly criticized by Kurdish forces and parties because of its partnership in the unlawful and anti-Kurdish genocidal campaign, operations and activities in the region.
Iraqi tribes support the PKK against Turkish occupation

Many Iraqi tribes expressed their support for the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) against Turkish invasion and genocidal attacks.

Tuesday, 16 July 2024

While the Turkish state is expanding its occupation attacks in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) in cooperation with the ruling KDP party, several Iraqi tribes expressed their reaction against the occupation and announced their support for the PKK.

The tribes pointed out that the Turkish state threatens the people in order to turn the region into a military zone with baseless allegations.

The statement released by the tribes read as follows: "We know that the PKK has been fighting against ISIS while Turkey has been supporting ISIS. The Turkish state is carrying out attacks against all Iraqi peoples, especially Kurds, in order to occupy the region. The KDP is co-operating with the Turkish state, while the Baghdad government maintains its silence. This silence raises questions about the crimes of the occupying Turkish state.

As Iraqi tribal leaders and sheikhs, we condemn these attacks and call on the international community, the Iraqi government and the Iraqi parliament to fulfill their humanitarian, moral and legal responsibilities against these crimes and to stop these attacks by the occupying Turkish state.

The international community and the Iraqi government must take the necessary measures to stop these attacks on our people and our lands. We are ready to protect Iraq's sovereignty. The Turkish state wants to change the demography of the region and plunder Iraq's resources.

We stand with our people in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. We reject the occupation of the Turkish state. We declare once again that all the actions of the Turkish state are criminal offences. The actions of the Turkish state strengthen our will to defend the sovereignty of Iraqi territory, our land and our people."

The signatories are as follows:

Leader of the Jiburi Tribe, Şêx Teklif el-Ebd Alî Cibur

Leader of the Sedat Haydari Tribe, Seyid Ahmet Allavi Haydari

Leader of the Sedat Şerfa Tribe in the Central Euphrates, Seyit Nazım Şerifi

Leader of the İfari Tribe in the Central Euphrates, Şêx Malik Casım İfari

Seyit Gazali Atiya Musewi

Leader of the Kerit Tribe, Şêx Zahir Kazım Marhun

Leader of the Hamidat Tribe, Şêx Cemal Ferit Hamidayi

Leader of the Beni Hasan Tribe, Şêx Emir Musena Hasnevi

Leader of the El-Şibl Tribe, Şêx Mohan Al-Atiyah

Leader of the Sedat Gawalb Tribe, Seyit Hüseyin Berekat Şami

Leader of the Şemer Tribes in Central Euphrates, Şêx Mutaib Muhammed Şemeri

Leader of the Akra Tribe, Şêx Muhammed Abdulemir Şalan Keravi

Leader of the Xefaciyan Tribe in Najaf, Şêx Raad Hüseyin Hafaci

Leader of the Şebal Tribe in Divaniyah, Şêx Halit Cehl Natur

Leader of the Awabd Tribe in Divaniyah, Seyid Hamid Merzuq Abadi

Ten more tribal leaders in Iraq speak out against Turkish invasion

Ten more tribal leaders expressed their rejection of the invasion attacks and military presence of the Turkish state in South Kurdistan and Iraq.

Friday, 19 July 2024

Since mid-July, dozens of influential tribes and tribal leaders in Iraq have expressed their objection to Turkish occupation of southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) and announced their support for the resistance of the PKK.

On 16 July, 15 tribal leaders and on 18 July, 39 tribal leaders made a joint statement against the Turkish occupation campaign in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

According to RojNews, 10 more tribal leaders expressed their support for the joint statement issued by Iraqi tribal leaders on 18 July, which states the following:

“Turkey's systematic attacks on people and nature in the Kurdistan Region continue. Villages and cities are being evacuated, burnt down and people's safety of lives is being jeopardised. The local population is forced to leave their homes and the region is being turned into a military zone.

We know that Turkey is currently receiving support from ISIS against the PKK, which has long been fighting ISIS. Turkey’s main purpose is to occupy parts of Iraq and especially Kurdish areas. These criminal attacks reach the level of war crimes and affect human nature. These criminal offences, developed in partnership with the KDP, are taking place in front of the eyes of the Baghdad government, the international community, the US and the Coalition forces.”

The statement concluded with the following call: “As honourable Iraqi tribes and leaders, we reject these systematic attacks and call on the international community, the Baghdad government and the Iraqi parliament to uphold their humanitarian, moral and legal responsibility in the face of these inhumane crimes and to stop the attacks.”

The tribal leaders endorsing the joint statement are as follows:

Leader of the Bu Eli Tribe, Şêx Sebar Badiwi

Leader of the Bu Ziyab Tribe, Şêx Hemid Türki Zin

Leader of the Bu Ferec Tribe, Şêx Ahmet Turk

Leader of the Bu Tribe, Şêx Gazi Feysel Kaud

Leader of the Muhammedi Tribe, Şêx Hikmet Semir Şela

Leader of the Bu Halife Tribe, Şêx Hemed Abdulkerim Xerbit

Leader of the Bu Mari Tribe, Şêx Mazi Raml

Leader of the İsa İçin Tribe, Şêx Seddad Kamil Dehl

Leader of the Hazim Tribe, Şêx Ahmet Ferhan

Leader of the Ebu Esaf Tribe, Şêx Raad Abdulcabar Süleyman

Friday, July 19, 2024

Usha Vance's family member was 'RSS worker' and 'jailed' during Emergency in India


New Delhi, India
Updated: Jul 18, 2024



Usha's family is originally from a village called Vadduru in Andhra Pradesh state but moved to Chennai.

Usha Chilukuri Vance, the wife of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's running mate JD Vance, has become a household name in India because of her Indian roots. Her family member was said to be a Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) worker and was jailed during the Emergency period (1975 to 1977) in India, as per media reports.

Usha's popularity is quite similar to Kamala Harris when she was the United States President Joe Biden's running mate and eventually became vice president following the 2020 election.

Usha, 38, is the daughter of Indian immigrants and follows the Hindu religion. She could become the "second lady" of the United States if Trump wins the upcoming presidential election.

She studied at Yale and Cambridge but quit her job after her husband's name was picked as the Republican nominee's running mate. Usha was a law clerk to US Chief Justice John Roberts and later became an attorney at American law firm Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP.

She appeared on stage to introduce her husband at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee and gave an impressive speech.

Ever since Usha has gained widespread recognition on a global scale and people have been curious about her ancestral roots.

So far, the world knows that Usha has a great-aunt, aged 96, in southern India. Local media called her the country's oldest active professor.

News agency Reuters reported that Shanthamma Chilukuri, who still travels 60 km (40 miles) most weekdays to university to teach physics.

"Most of our family is academically strong and education has been a top priority," Shanthamma told the news agency by phone from the city of Visakhapatnam.

While speaking to Times of India, Shanthamma said, "Usha is the granddaughter of Rama Sastry, my husband Subramanya Sastry's eldest brother. I am happy she has inherited the sharp intel intellect and acumen that runs in our family."

"Both my husband and his elder brother (Usha's grandfather) served as university professors. Our family also holds deep societal concerns. My husband, in fact, spent two years in jail during the Emergency as he was an RSS worker," she added.

More about Usha Vance's family

Usha's father and grandfather both taught and/or studied at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), a premier engineering college in the country.

Her younger sister is a mechanical engineer with a semiconductor company in San Diego, California and her aunt is a medical professional in the southern Indian city of Chennai.

The family is originally from a village called Vadduru in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, but moved to Chennai when Usha Vance's paternal grandfather, Ramasastry Chilukuri, went to teach at the IIT there around the time it was set up in 1959, members of the family said, as reported by Reuters.

The IIT now runs a student award in memory of Ramasastry, who used to teach physics.

(With inputs from agencies)

Srishti Singh Sisodia is a digital journalist at WION and majorly writes on world politics. She is a die-hard FCBarcelona fan.