Saturday, July 27, 2024


Good lives can be provided to the whole world’s population while reducing environmental damage


Ending mass human deprivation and providing good lives for the whole world’s population can be done while at the same time achieving ecological objectives. This is demonstrated by a new study by the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ICTA-UAB) and the London School of Economics and Political Science, recently published in the scientific journal World Development Perspectives.

Around 80% of humanity cannot access necessary goods and services and lives below the threshold for “decent living”.  Some narratives claim that addressing this problem will require massive economic growth on a global scale, multiplying existing output many times over, which would exacerbate climate change and ecological breakdown.

The authors of the new study dispute this claim and argue that human development does not require such a dangerous approach. Reviewing recent empirical research, they find that ending mass deprivation and provisioning decent living standards for 8.5 billion people would require only 30% of current global resource and energy use, leaving a substantial surplus for additional consumption, public luxury, scientific advancement, and other social investments.

This would ensure that everyone in the world has access to nutritious food, modern housing, high-quality healthcare, education, electricity, induction stoves, sanitation systems, clothing, washing machines, refrigerators, heating/cooling systems, computers, mobile phones, internet, and transport, and could also include universal access to recreational facilities, theatres, and other public goods.

The authors argue that, to achieve such a future, strategies for development should not pursue capitalist growth and increased aggregate production as such but should rather increase the specific forms of production that are necessary to improve capabilities and meet human needs at a high standard, while ensuring universal access to key goods and services through public provisioning and decommodification.

In the Global South, this requires using industrial policy to increase economic sovereignty, develop industrial capacity, and organize production around human well-being.

At the same time, in high-income countries, less-necessary production (of things like mansions, SUVs, private jets and fast fashion) must be scaled down to enable faster decarbonization and to help bring resource use back within planetary boundaries, as degrowth scholarship holds.

The authors demonstrate that the standard development strategy, which is to increase aggregate economic growth, is inefficient at achieving human development. In the existing economy, capital invests in what is most profitable, rather than what is most necessary for human development. As a result, poverty may persist – or even increase – despite economic growth.

Furthermore, in many cases the prices of essential goods like food and housing increase at a faster rate than prices across the rest of the economy, particularly during periods of privatization and market deregulation. This means that people may suffer reduced access to essential goods even as their PPP incomes increase. This problem can be addressed through strategies of decommodification, public provisioning and price controls.

“If human well-being is the objective, it is not GDP (aggregate production in market prices) that matters, but whether people have access to the specific goods and services they need to live good lives. We need to distinguish between what is important for human well-being and what is not”, says Jason Hickel, researcher from ICTA-UAB and the UAB Department of Anthropology.

“Poverty is not an intractable problem that requires long timeframes and large increases in production that conflict with ecological objectives. The solution is straightforward. We can do it right now, by shifting production away from capital accumulation and elite consumption in order to focus instead on providing socially beneficial goods and services for all,” Hickel said.

Co-author Dylan Sullivan, from ICTA-UAB and Macquarie University, says: “This research shows a post-growth economy could ensure universal access to the benefits of industrialization, all while leaving a substantial surplus of energy and resources for recreation, public luxury, and technological advancement. It’s really exciting to think about what we could do with this surplus, what kind of modernity we want to build.” 


A rare form of ice at the center of a cool new discovery about how water droplets freeze

A rare form of ice at the center of a cool new discovery about how water droplets freeze 



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Tokyo, Japan – Ice is far more complicated than most of us realize, with over 20 different varieties known to science, forming under various combinations of pressure and temperature. The kind we use to chill our drinks is known as ice I, and it’s one of the few forms of ice that  exist naturally on Earth. Researchers from Japan have recently discovered another type of ice: ice 0, an unusual form of ice that can seed the formation of ice crystals in supercooled water.

The formation of ice near the surface of liquid water can start from tiny crystal precursors with a structure similar to a rare type of ice, known as ice 0. In a study published this month in Nature Communications, researchers from the Social Cooperation Research Department “Frost Protection Science,” at the Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo showed that these ice 0-like structures can cause a water droplet to freeze near its surface rather than at its core. This discovery resolves a longstanding puzzle and could help redefine our understanding of how ice forms.

Crystallization of ice, known as ice nucleation, usually happens heterogeneously, or in other words, at a solid surface. This is normally expected to happen at the surface of the water’s container, where liquid meets solid. However, this new research shows that ice crystallization can also occur just below the water’s surface, where it meets the air. Here, the ice nucleates around small precursors with the same characteristic ring-shaped structure as ice 0.

“Simulations have shown that a water droplet is more likely to crystallize near the free surface under isothermal conditions,” says lead author of the study Gang Sun. “This resolves a longstanding debate about whether crystallization occurs more readily on the surface or internally.”

Ice 0 precursors have a structure very similar to supercooled water, allowing water molecules to crystallize more readily from it, without needing to directly form themselves into the structure of regular ice. The tiny ice 0 precursors are formed spontaneously, as a result of negative pressure effects caused by the surface tension of water. Once crystallization begins from these precursors, structures similar to ice 0 quickly rearrange themselves into the more familiar ice I.

Senior author, Hajime Tanaka stresses the wide-ranging implications of this study, noting that, “The findings regarding the mechanism of surface crystallization of water are expected to contribute significantly to various fields, including climate studies and food sciences, where water crystallization plays a critical role.”

A more detailed understanding of ice and how it forms can give invaluable insight into a variety of areas of study. This work may have particular importance in meteorology, for example, where ice formation via ice 0-like precursors may have a much more noticeable effect in small water droplets like those found in clouds. Understanding ice can have benefits in technology too, from food sciences to air conditioning.


The article, “Surface-induced water crystallization driven by precursors formed in negative pressure regions” was published in Nature Communications at DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-50188-1.


About Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo

The Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo (UTokyo-IIS) is one of the largest university-attached research institutes in Japan. UTokyo-IIS is comprised of over 120 research laboratories—each headed by a faculty member—and has over 1,200 members (approximately 400 staff and 800 students) actively engaged in education and research. Its activities cover almost all areas of engineering. Since its foundation in 1949, UTokyo-IIS has worked to bridge the huge gaps that exist between academic disciplines and real-world applications.


Royal Ontario Museum scientist identifies Great Salt Lake as a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions

Desiccating salt lakes identified as underappreciated sources contributing to climate change


Great Salt Lake 



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Newly announced research by Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) examining greenhouse gas emissions from the drying lake bed of Great Salt Lake, Utah, calculates that 4.1 million tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases were released in 2020. This research suggests that drying lake beds are an overlooked but potentially significant source of greenhouse gases, which may further increase due to climate change. These results were announced in the paper, “A desiccating saline lake bed is a significant source of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions,” published in the journal One Earth.

Human-caused desiccation of Great Salt Lake is exposing huge areas of lake bed and releasing massive quantities of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere,” said Soren Brothers, who led this research and is ROM’s Allan and Helaine Shiff Curator of Climate Change. “The significance of lake desiccation as a driver of climate change needs to be addressed in greater detail and considered in climate change mitigation and watershed planning.”

From year to year, Great Salt Lake’s water level varies, largely depending on the volume of meltwater that flows into the lake from the surrounding mountains — from record highs in the 1980s to a record low in 2022. However, it is human-related consumption by agriculture, industry, and municipal uses, that consume ever-increasing amounts of freshwater that, over the years, has depleted the lake. Elsewhere around the world, these same competing uses for water are having a significant impact on lake levels. As iconic saline lakes such as the Aral Sea, Lake Urmia, the Caspian Sea, and Great Salt Lake dry up, they not only destroy critical habitat for biodiversity and create air quality conditions that deteriorate human health, but they also accelerate climate change as newly exposed sediments emit carbon dioxide and methane.

The research team measured carbon dioxide and methane emissions from the exposed sediments of Great Salt Lake, Utah, from April to November 2020, and compared them with aquatic emissions estimates to determine the anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions associated with desiccation. Calculations based on this sampling indicate the lake bed emitted 4.1 million tons of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, primarily (94%) as carbon dioxide, constituting an approximately 7% increase to Utah’s human-caused greenhouse gas emissions.

Fieldwork was conducted while Soren Brothers was Assistant Professor of Limnology at Utah State University, and lead author, Melissa Cobo, was a master’s student at USU. Co-author Tobias Goldhammer is a collaborating researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Freshwater Research (IGB Institute) in Berlin, Germany. Measurements of carbon dioxide and methane gases were made every two weeks from the dried-up lake bed using a portable greenhouse gas analyzer attached to a closed chamber. Seven sites at one location at the south end of the lake were visited repeatedly over the course of the year, and another three locations were sampled during an intensive three-day campaign to determine spatial variability across the lake, which at 1,700 square miles (4,400 square kilometres) is the largest saline lake in the western hemisphere. As methane is 28 times more powerful a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, the global warming impact of these emissions was calculated as “carbon dioxide equivalents” to account for the greater impact of methane. Ultimately, these data indicated that greenhouse gas emissions from the dried lake bed were strongly and positively related to warm temperatures, even at sites that have been exposed for over two decades. To determine whether the lake historically would have been a significant source of greenhouse gases, the team carried out measurements of near-shore greenhouse gas emissions from the lake, as well as analyzing water chemistry collected by the team and government data sets. Together, these analyses showed that the original lake was not likely a significant source of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, making the dried-up lake bed a novel driver of atmospheric warming.

As climate change exacerbates drought in arid regions, desiccation of rivers and lakes may be contributing to climate change feedback loops and should be considered in assessments of global greenhouse gas output as well as reduction policies and efforts.

Fieldwork gas sampling 

Great Salt Lake, Utah.


Photo by Soren Brothers, © Soren Brothers


Wash U researchers quantify solar absorption by black carbon in fire clouds

New findings from Chakrabarty lab will help make climate models more accurate as massive wildfires become more common



In an actively warming world, large-scale wildfires are becoming more common. These wildfires emit black carbon to our atmosphere, one of the most potent short-lived atmospheric warming agents. This is because of its strong sunlight absorption characteristics. But scientists have yet to get a handle on the extent of atmospheric warming caused by black carbon in pyrocumulonimbus (pyroCb) clouds that develop from high-intensity wildfires.

In their most extreme form, these wildfire clouds will inject smoke into the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere where it can linger and impact stratospheric temperatures and composition for several months. Some of the details of that impact have been investigated now thanks to new research from Washington University in St. Louis’ Center for Aerosol Science & Engineering (CASE).

The research was led by Rajan Chakrabarty, a professor in WashU’s McKelvey School of Engineering and his former student Payton Beeler, now a Linus Pauling distinguished post-doctoral fellow at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The study was published in Nature Communications.

“This work addresses a key challenge in quantifying black carbon’s radiative effect in the upper atmosphere,” Chakrabarty said.

The team made airborne measurements from within the upper portion of an active pyroCb thunderstorm in Washington state as part of the 2019 NOAA/NASA Fire Influence on Regional to Global Environments and Air Quality (FIREX-AQ) field campaign, he added.

“We considered the full complexity and diversity of the measured black carbon size and morphology on a per-particle basis for accurate estimation of its solar absorption. What we discovered is that a pyroCb black carbon particle absorbs visible sunlight two times as much as a nascent black carbon particle emitted from smaller fires and urban sources,” he said.

The authors uniquely combined measurements of black carbon mass and the thickness of organic coatings on individual particles in the plumes with a detailed single-particle optics model. They used a numerically exact particle-resolved model to calculate the black carbon optical properties and quantified how much light those black carbon particles are absorbing (and thus how much more heat they bring to the upper atmosphere).

In addition, the work highlights the unique light absorption properties of black carbon in pyroCbs clouds versus black carbon from wildfires that does not end up in pyroCbs and black carbon from urban sources.

The next step in this research is to take further measurements and do a more precise study of the black carbon behavior in the stratosphere.

Black carbon injected into the lower stratosphere by recent pyroCb events in Canada and Australia have traveled around the globe, persisted for months, and altered dynamic circulation and radiative forcing across large regions, Chakrabarty noted. These thunderstorms are deemed responsible for 10% to 25% of the black carbon in the present day lower stratosphere, with impacts extending to both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Scientists are increasingly observing how much it impacts climate but there is more to learn.

“We need more direct measurements of pyroCb black carbon light absorption measurements to better constrain climate model predictions of stratospheric warming,” Chakrabarty said.


Beeler P,  Kumar J,  Schwarz JP, Adachi K, Fierce L, Perring AE, Katich JM, Chakrabarty RK. Light absorption enhancement of black carbon in a pyrocumulonimbus cloud. Nat Commun 15, 6243 (2024). DOI


This research has been supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (grant nos. 80NSSC18K1414 and NNH20ZDA001N- ACCDAM), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (grant no. NA16OAR4310104), the National Science Foundation (grant nos. AGS-1455215 and AGS-1926817), the US Department of Energy (grant no. DE-SC0021011), and the Simons Foundation’s Mathematics and Physical Sciences division. L.F. was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric System Research (ASR) program via the Integrated Cloud, Land-Surface, and Aerosol System Study (ICLASS) Science Focus Area. Additional support was provided by the Laboratory Directed Research and Development program (Linus Pauling Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship Program). Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is operated for DOE by Battelle Memorial Institute under contract DE-AC05-76RL01830.


New clam species discovered in South Africa’s kelp forest

The new clam species feeding between the spines of a sea urchin 



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A new study sheds light on the unexplored diversity of galeommatoidean bivalves, a little-known group of marine mollusks, from the western coast of South Africa. The research, led by Paul Valentich-Scott from the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, along with collaborators from the University of Cape TownSea Change TrustStellenbosch University, and the University of Colorado Boulder, offers a curious glimpse into the habitats, symbiotic relationships, and taxonomy of these interesting creatures.

Published in the scientific journal ZooKeys, the study focuses on four species of galeommatoidean bivalves collected from the Western Cape region of South Africa. Among these is one new species, Brachiomya ducentiunus. This small clam, which is only 2 mm (less than 1/8th inch) in length, spends its life crawling between the spines of sea urchins.

The new species has so far only been found in one locality in False Bay, South Africa, where it was found attached to the burrowing sea urchin Spatagobrissus mirabilis in coarse gravel at a depth of about 3 m. It has not been observed free-living, without the host urchin.

Brachiomya ducentiunus was discovered while preparing and working on the 1001 Seaforest Species project, a research and storytelling program aimed at increasing awareness of regional kelp bed ecosystems colloquially referred to as ‘the Great African Seaforest’.

"This study marks a significant advancement in our understanding of the biodiversity and ecological interactions of galeommatoidean bivalves," says lead author Paul Valentich-Scott. "By uncovering the hidden lives of these small but ecologically important organisms, we hope to contribute to the broader knowledge of marine biodiversity and the conservation of these unique habitats."

Co-author Charles L. Griffiths, emeritus professor at the University of Cape Town, says, “A large proportion of smaller marine invertebrates remain undescribed in western South Africa and almost any project that samples specialized habitats turns up many new records and species.”

In a similar vein, co-author Jannes Landschoff, marine biologist at the Sea Change Trust, says “Creating foundational biodiversity knowledge is a most important step to the humbling realization of how fascinating and uniquely diverse a place is. I see this every day through our work in the rich coastal waters of Cape Town, where an extensive underwater kelp forest, the ‘Great African Seaforest,’ grows.


The newly discovered species, Brachiomya ducentiunus, crawing on a sea urchin spine.


Craig Foster

An unusual galeommatid clam, Melliteryx mactroides, living in tidepools near Cape Town, South Africa.

An unusual galeommatid clam, M [VIDEO] | 


Jannes Landschoff

Dozens of Brachiomya ducentiunus crawling on the surface of a sea urchin.


Charles Griffiths

Research article: 

Valentich-Scott P, Griffiths C, Landschoff J, Li R, Li J (2024) Bivalves of superfamily Galeommatoidea (Mollusca, Bivalvia) from western South Africa, with observations on commensal relationships and habitats. ZooKeys 1207: 301-323.


The ancestor of all modern birds probably had iridescent feathers

A family tree of 9,409 bird species helped scientists figure out why there are so many colorful birds in the tropics and how these colors spread over time





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The color palette of the birds you see out your window depend on where you live. If you’re far from the Equator, most birds tend to have drab colors, but the closer you are to the tropics, you’ll probably see more and more colorful feathers. Scientists have long been puzzled about why there are more brilliantly-colored birds in the tropics than in other places, and they’ve also wondered how those brightly-colored birds got there in the first place: that is, if those colorful feathers evolved in the tropics, or if tropical birds have colorful ancestors that came to the region from somewhere else. In a new study published in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution, scientists built a database of 9,409 birds to explore the spread of color across the globe. They found that iridescent, colorful feathers originated 415 times across the bird tree of life, and in most cases, arose outside of the tropics– and that the ancestor of all modern birds likely had iridescent feathers, too.

“For decades, scientists have had this hypothesis that there are brighter or more colorful species of birds in the tropics,” says Chad Eliason, a research scientist at the Field Museum in Chicago and the paper’s lead author. “We wanted to find the mechanism to help us understand these trends-- how these bright colors got there and how they spread across the bird family tree over time.”

There are two main ways that color is produced in animals: pigments and structures. Cells produce pigments like melanin, which is responsible for black and brown coloration. Meanwhile, structural color comes from the way light bounces off different arrangements of cell structures. Iridescence, the rainbow shimmer that changes depending how light hits an object, is an example of structural color.

Tropical birds get their colors from a combination of brilliant pigments and structural color. Eliason’s work focuses on structural color, so he wanted to explore that element of tropical bird coloration. He and his colleagues combed through photographs, videos, and even scientific illustrations of 9,409 species of birds-- the vast majority of the 10,000-ish living bird species known to science. The researchers kept track of which species have iridescent feathers, and where those birds are found.

The scientists then combined their data on bird coloration and distribution with a pre-existing family tree, based on DNA, showing how all the known bird species are related to each other. They fed the information to a modeling system to extrapolate the origins and spread of iridescence. “Basically, we did a lot of math,” says Eliason.

Given how modern species are related to each other and where they're found, and overall patterns of how species form and how traits like colors change over time, the modeling software determined the most likely explanation for the bird colors we see today: colorful birds from outside the tropics often came to the region millions of years ago, and then branched out into more and more different species. The model also revealed a surprise about the ancestor of all modern birds.

For background, birds are a specialized group of dinosaurs-- the earliest known bird, Archaeopteryx, lived 140 million years ago. A sub-group of birds called Neornithes evolved 80 million years ago, and this group became the only birds (and dinosaurs) to survive the mass extinction 66 million years ago. All modern birds are members of Neornithes. The model produced by Eliason and his colleagues suggests that the common ancestor of all Neornithes, 80 million years ago, had iridescent feathers that still glitter across the bird family tree.

“I was very excited to learn that the ancestral state of all birds is iridescence,” says Eliason. “We’ve found fossil evidence of iridescent birds and other feathered dinosaurs before, ​​by examining fossil feathers and the preserved pigment-producing structures in those feathers. So we know that iridescent feathers existed back in the Cretaceous-- those fossils help support the idea from our model that the ancestor of all modern birds was iridescent too.”

The discovery that the first Neornithes was likely iridescent could have important implications for paleontology. ”We’re probably going to be finding a lot more iridescence in the fossil record now that we know to look,” says Eliason.

While this new study sheds light on how iridescence spread through the bird family tree over the course of millions of years, some big questions remain. “We still don’t know why iridescence evolved in the first place,” says Eliason. “Iridescent feathers can be used by birds to attract mates, but iridescence is related to other aspects of birds’ lives too. For instance, tree swallows change color when the humidity changes, so iridescence could be related to the environment, or it might be related to another physical property of feathers, like water resistance. But knowing more about how there came to be so many iridescent birds in the tropics might help us understand why iridescence evolved.”

This study was contributed to by Chad M. Eliason of the Field Museum’s Grainger Bioinformatics Center and Negaunee Integrative Research Center, Michaël P.J. Nicolaï of Ghent University and the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Cynthia Bom of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Eline Blom of Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Liliana D’Alba of Ghent University and Naturalis Biodiversity Center, and Matthew D. Shawkey of Ghent University.



Lead author Chad Eliason with hummingbirds in the Field Museum's collections.


Kate Golembiewski, Field Museum