Sunday, August 04, 2024


A blueprint for building the future: Eco-friendly 3D concrete printing

University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science
Concrete printer at UVA 


Ugur Kilic, a University of Virginia civil engineering Ph.D. student, keeps an eye on the concrete printer in Professor Osman Ozbulut’s lab at UVA in this 2022 photo.

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Credit: Tom Cogill, University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science

A research team led by engineers at the University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science is the first to explore how an emerging plant-based material, cellulose nanofibrils, could amplify the benefits of 3D-printed concrete technology.

“The improvements we saw on both printability and mechanical measures suggest that incorporating cellulose nanofibrils in commercial printable materials could lead to more resilient and eco-friendly construction practices sooner rather than later,” said Osman E. Ozbulut, a professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

His team’s findings will be published in the September 2024 issue of Cement and Concrete Composites.

Buildings made of 3D-printed concrete are an exciting trend in housing, and they offer a slew of benefits: Quick, precise construction, possibly from recycled materials, reduced labor costs and less waste, all while enabling intricate designs that traditional builders would struggle to deliver. 

The process uses a specialized printer that dispenses a cement-like mixture in layers to build the structure using computer-aided design software. But so far, printable material options are limited and questions about their sustainability and durability remain.

“We’re dealing with contradictory objectives,” Ozbulut said. “The mixture has to flow well for smooth fabrication, but harden into a stable material with critical properties, such as good mechanical strength, interlayer bonding and low thermal conductivity.”

Cellulose nanofibrils are made from wood pulp, creating a material that’s renewable and low impact. Like other plant-fiber derivatives, CNF, as the material is known in industry, shows strong potential as an additive to improve the rheology — the scientific term for flow properties — and mechanical strength of these composites.

However, until the UVA-led team’s meticulous study in Ozbulut’s Resilient and Advanced Infrastructure Lab, the influence of CNF on conventional 3D-printed composites wasn’t clear, Ozbulut said.

“Today, a lot of trial and error goes into designing mixtures,” he said. “We’re addressing the need for more good science to better understand the effects of different additives to improve the performance of 3D-printed structures.”

Experimenting with varying amounts of CNF additive, the team, led by Ozbulut and Ugur Kilic, now a Ph.D. alumnus of UVA, found that adding at least 0.3% CNF significantly improved flow performance. Microscopic analysis of the hardened samples revealed better material bonding and structural integrity.

In further testing in Ozbulut’s lab, CNF-enhanced 3D-printed components also stood up to pulling, bending and compression. 


The paper, Effects of cellulose nanofibrils on rheological and mechanical properties of 3D printable cement composites, is currently available online. Co-authors include Nancy Soliman, an assistant professor at Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi, and Ahmed Omran, a professor of practice at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The research was funded by UVA’s Environmental Institute


Advances in 3D organ bioprinting: A step towards personalized medicine and solving organ shortages

3D bioprinting of solid organs 


3D bioprinting of solid organs

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Credit: BioRender, Canada

In a latest review published in Engineering, an international team of scientists from China and the United States has presented a comprehensive analysis of the latest advancements in 3D organ bioprinting. This innovative technology holds the potential to revolutionize regenerative medicine and tackle some of the most pressing issues in organ transplantation.

Organ damage or failure, whether resulting from injury, disease, or aging, poses a significant challenge due to the body’s limited natural regenerative capabilities. Traditional organ transplantation, while lifesaving, is fraught with difficulties including donor shortages and the risk of immune rejection. This has spurred a quest for cutting-edge solutions, among which 3D bioprinting of organs on demand stands out as a promising avenue.

The review meticulously explores state-of-the-art bioprinting technologies, with a particular focus on bioinks and cell types crucial for successful organ fabrication. Bioinks, which are essential for constructing the complex structures of organs, and the selection of appropriate cells play a pivotal role in the bioprinting process. The scientists delve into the latest advancements in bioprinting various solid organs, including the heart, liver, kidney, and pancreas. They emphasize the critical importance of vascularization—creating the network of blood vessels necessary for organ function—and the integration of different cell types during the bioprinting process.

A key highlight of the review is the discussion on the challenges and future directions for the clinical translation of bioprinted organs. While the technology has shown great promise in preclinical studies, translating these successes into clinical applications involves overcoming significant hurdles. The review underscores the necessity for rigorous testing and regulatory validation to ensure the safety and reliability of bioprinted organs. Ensuring that these organs are not only functionally effective but also safe for patients is paramount.

In addition to technical challenges, the review also addresses ethical considerations surrounding organ bioprinting. Issues such as cell sourcing and the implications of modifying human biology are examined. Balancing the transformative potential of bioprinting with these ethical concerns presents a complex challenge that demands careful consideration.

Despite these challenges, the review paints an optimistic picture of the future. Bioprinting technology is seen as a major leap forward in biomedical sciences, with the potential to create replacement organs tailored to individual patients. This includes not only replicating the external anatomy of organs but also integrating the internal blood vessels and complex networks essential for their function. Such advancements could significantly mitigate organ shortages and provide personalized treatment options, fundamentally transforming organ transplantation and personalized medicine.

The review concludes with a forward-looking perspective on the potential of bioprinting to expand healthcare opportunities. By addressing both technical and ethical challenges, the field of bioprinting is poised to make significant strides toward meeting the needs of patients more effectively. The promise of this technology holds the potential to revolutionize the way we approach organ transplantation and personalized medicine, opening up new possibilities for patient care and treatment.

As the field continues to advance, the insights provided by this review will be instrumental in guiding future research and development in organ bioprinting. The excitement surrounding this technology reflects a shared vision of a future where organ shortages are alleviated and personalized treatments become a reality for patients around the world.

The paper “Progress in Organ Bioprinting for Regenerative Medicine,” authored by Xiang Wang, Di Zhang, Yogendra Pratap Singh, Miji Yeo, Guotao Deng, Jiaqi Lai, Fei Chen, Ibrahim T. Ozbolat, Yin Yu. Full text of the open access paper: For more information about the Engineering, follow us on X ( & like us on Facebook (

Sustainable and reversible 3D printing method uses minimal ingredients and steps

University of California - San Diego
Sustainable 3D printing - 1 


A structure created using a simple, eco-friendly 3D printing method developed by UC San Diego engineers.

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Credit: Donghwan Ji

A new 3D printing method developed by engineers at the University of California San Diego is so simple that it uses a polymer ink and salt water solution to create solid structures. The work, published in Nature Communications, has the potential to make materials manufacturing more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

The process uses a liquid polymer solution known as poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), or PNIPAM for short. When this PNIPAM ink is extruded through a needle into a calcium chloride salt solution, it instantly solidifies as it makes contact with the salt water. Researchers used this process to print solid structures with ease.

This rapid solidification is driven by a phenomenon called the salting-out effect, where the salt ions draw water molecules out of the polymer solution due to their strong attraction to water. This removal of water causes the hydrophobic polymer chains in the PNIPAM ink to densely aggregate, creating a solid form.

“This is all done under ambient conditions, with no need for additional steps, specialized equipment, toxic chemicals, heat or pressure,” said study senior author Jinhye Bae, a professor in the Aiiso Yufeng Li Family Department of Chemical and Nano Engineering at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering.

Traditional methods for solidifying polymers typically require energy-intensive steps and harsh substances. In contrast, this new process harnesses the simple interaction between PNIPAM and salt water at room temperature to achieve the same result, but without the environmental cost.

Plus, this process is reversible. The solid structures produced can be easily dissolved in fresh water, reverting to their liquid form. This allows the PNIPAM ink to be reused for further printing. “This offers a simple and environmentally friendly approach to recycle polymer materials,” said Bae.

To demonstrate the versatility of their method, the researchers printed structures out of PNIPAM inks containing other materials. For example, they printed an electrical circuit using an ink made of PNIPAM mixed with carbon nanotubes, which successfully powered a light bulb. This printed circuit could also be dissolved in fresh water, showcasing the potential for creating water-soluble and recyclable electronic components.

Bae and her team envision that this simple and reversible 3D printing technique could contribute to the development of environmentally friendly polymer manufacturing technologies.

Paper: “Sustainable 3D printing by reversible salting-out effects with aqueous salt solutions.” Co-authors include Donghwan Ji, Joseph Liu, Jiayu Zhao, Minghao Li and Yumi Rho, UC San Diego; and Hwanshoo Shing and Tae Hee Han, Hanyang University, Korea.

This work was supported by the National Science Foundation through the UC San Diego Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC, grant DMR-2011924) and the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Ministry of Education (grant RS-2023-00241263).

Disclosures: Jinhye Bae, Joseph Liu and Donghwan Ji filed a patent for this work through the UC San Diego Office of Innovation and Commercialization. The authors declare no competing interests.

Demographics of north African human populations unravelled using genomic data and artificial intelligence. For the first time, this study places the origin of the Imazighen in the Epipaleolithic, more than twenty thousand years ago

A study led by the IBE and the UPF Institute of Evolutionary Biology confirms that the Arab and Imazighen populations of north Africa have different genetic origins

Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Barcelona

Demographic model of North African populations obtained with the GP4PG algorithm 


Demographic model of North African populations obtained with the GP4PG algorithm

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Credit: Genome Biology

Made up of Tunisia, Libya, Morocco, Egypt and Algeria, north Africa is a melting pot of cultures with two predominant human populations with their own language and culture: the Arabs and the Imazighen. Part of their history has been buried beneath the desert, from which some research has extracted human remains up to 300,000 years old. However, their origins remained a mystery.

Now, research led by David Comas, a full professor at the UPF Department of Medicine and Life Sciences (MELIS) and principal investigator at the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE), a joint centre of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), and Ã’scar Lao, also an IBE principal investigator, has discovered, using artificial intelligence tools, that the Imazighen (Amazigh in the singular) and the Arab people of north Africa have different genetic origins. For the first time, the study reveals that the two separated more than 20,000 years ago and sheds light on the region’s complex demographic history.

The ancestors of the Imazighen reach north Africa more than 20,000 years ago

Due to its geographical location, north Africa is a conclave of cultures that has received people from Europe, the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa for thousands of years. This confluence of populations has enriched the population genome of the region, generating a complex phylogenetic puzzle.

To shed light on the origin and evolution of the Arab and Imazighen populations, the team conducted a comprehensive analysis of 364 complete genomes from different populations. To do so, it developed an innovative computational model with natural computing methods, within the field of artificial intelligence, dubbed “genetic programming for population genetics” (GP4PG). The results reveal that the differentiation between the Arab people and the Amazigh took place far earlier than expected.

“The new GP4PG model has allowed a more precise, robust and refined analysis, which for the first time clearly separates the two peoples more than 20,000 years ago, when the Imazighen returned to Africa from Eurasia in the movement known as ‘back to Africa’”, says Óscar Lao, principal investigator of the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE).

“Human remains from about 22,000 years old have been found in Morocco that, according to these results, could be the ancestors of today’s Imazighen”, says David Comas, a full professor of Anthropology at the MELIS-UPF and a researcher at the IBE.

Arabs and Imazighen reached north Africa thousands of years apart

The Arab and Amazigh peoples arrived in north Africa with the migratory phenomenon known as “back to Africa”, after the departure by human populations out of Africa, a population movement whose genetic legacy endures today in its inhabitants.

“With this study we have seen that Arabs and Imazighen have not separated recently due to a question of geography, culture or language, but the genomes confirm that they became genetically differentiated about 20,000 years ago due to the different times at which the two populations colonized north Africa”, David Comas comments.

Previous studies argued that the region’s current Arab population originated in the Neolithic. However, research reveals that the majority of the Arab population colonized north Africa from the Middle East much later, during the “Arabization” of the 7th century AD.

Thus, this would be the cause of the close genetic relationship between today’s Arab populations of north Africa and those of the Middle East.

“With the GP4PG model we can observe that the arrival of the Arab people around 600 AD generated a gradual genetic gradient that declines from east to west, from the Middle East to sub-Saharan Africa”, Óscar Lao comments.