Friday, August 09, 2024


Greenland megatsunami led to week-long oscillating fjord wave

Seismological Society of America

In September 2023, a megatsunami in remote eastern Greenland sent seismic waves around the world, piquing the interest of the global research community.

The event created a week-long oscillating wave in Dickson Fjord, according to a new report in The Seismic Record.

Angela Carrillo-Ponce of GFZ German Research Centre for Geoscience and her colleagues identified two distinct signals in the seismic data from the event: one high-energy signal caused by the massive rockslide that generated the tsunami, and one very long-period (VLP) signal that lasted over a week.

Their analysis of the VLP signal—which was detected as far as 5000 kilometers away—suggests that the landslide and resulting tsunami created a seiche, or a standing wave that oscillates in a body of water. In this case, the seiche was churning for days between the shores of Dickson Fjord.

“The fact that the signal of a rockslide-triggered sloshing wave in a remote area of Greenland can be observed worldwide and for over a week is exciting, and as seismologists this signal was what mostly caught our attention,” said Carrillo-Ponce.

“The analysis of the seismic signal can give us some answers regarding the processes involved and may even lead to improved monitoring of similar events in the future. If we had not studied this event seismically, then we would not have known about the seiche produced in the fjord system,” she added.

The findings will help researchers as they study the impacts of landslides in Greenland and similar regions around the world where global warming and the loss of permafrost are making rocky slopes and glaciers increasingly unstable.

In western Greenland, recent tsunamis have had devastating consequences, such as the 2017 Karrat Fjord event where an avalanche caused a tsunami that flooded the village of Nuugaatsiaq and killed four people. Megatsunamis over 100 meters high off the east coast of Greenland have also reached Europe.

The 16 September 2023 megatsunami took place in Dickson Fjord in a remote part of East Greenland, and was first noted in social media posts and in a report of waves hitting a military installation on Ella Island.

Carrillo-Ponce and colleagues studied both seismic signals and satellite imagery from the area to precisely locate and reconstruct the series of events.

Their analysis of an initial high-energy seismic signal, combined with satellite images of a missing rock patch along a cliff along Dickson Fjord, allowed them to trace the direction of the landslide as it picked up glacier ice and became a mixed rock-ice avalanche before it reached the water. The resulting megatsunami run-up was more than 200 meters near the water entry point and an average of 60 meters along a 10-kilometer stretch of the fjord.

“While we were able to obtain information on the direction and magnitude of the force exerted by the landslide, we do not have data to investigate the original cause of the landslide,” Carrillo-Ponce said.

The strength, radiation pattern and duration of the later seismic VLP signal best fit a scenario where the tsunami created a long-lasting seiche in the fjord, the researchers found.

VLP signals have been observed previously in Greenland, but they are usually associated with iceberg collapse due to glacial earthquakes. “In our case we observed a VLP signal too, but the main difference is the long duration,” Carrillo-Ponce explained. “It is quite impressive to see that we could use good-quality data from stations located as far as Germany, Alaska and North America, and that those records were strong enough for at least one week.”

The researchers say their approach might prove useful in studying similar past events, and their possible link to climate and environmental change.

“We have compared our results with remote sensing data to validate our solutions, and our study shows that the force produced by the signals is well resolved,” Carrillo-Ponce said. “Therefore it becomes a useful analysis as seismic signals contain information on the type of source generating the signal and how the energy is radiated.”


Marine algae use massive enzymes of unprecedented size to biosynthesize fish-killing toxins

Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Marine algae Prymnesium parvum use massive enzymes dubbed PKZILLAs – some of the largest proteins ever to be identified in nature – to make large and complex prymnesin neurotoxins responsible for mass fish kills during harmful algal blooms worldwide, researchers report. “The discovery and initial characterization of the prymnesin PKZILLA gigasynthases now elucidates the long-standing question about how microalgae biosynthesize their giant polyketide polyether molecules,” write the authors. It also expands expectations of genetic and enzymatic size limits in biology. Many marine microbes produce exotic organic molecules with varied biological functions. Some microalgae, like P.  parvum, are known for producing some of the largest nonpolymeric carbon chain molecules in nature, including polyketide polyether biotoxins. During harmful algal blooms, neurotoxic prymnesins compounds are notorious for causing environmental damage, including massive environmental fish kills. However, despite decades of extensive research, how these microalgae produce such large and complex compounds is poorly understood. Using a customized gene annotation strategy, Timothy Fallon and colleagues discovered genes in P. parvum, which they named PKZILLAs (PKZILLA-1 and PKZILLA-2), that are involved in the production of polyketide synthase (PKS) enzymes. Notably, Fallon et al. found that these enzymes were massive, with PKZILLA-1 being one of the largest proteins ever identified at 4.7 megadaltons and containing 140 enzyme domains. Although slightly smaller, PKZILLA-2 is 3.2 megadaltons with 99 enzyme domains. According to the findings, these massive PKS gigasynthases are responsible for the biosynthesis of the 90-carbon backbone of prymnesin toxins. The authors also characterized a variant, PKZILLA-B1, which produces a shorter version of these toxins.


For reporters interested in other research that challenges prevailing views of the size limits of biological entities, a 2022 Science Research Article reported discovering discovering a bacterium so large that it can be seen by the naked eye.


The long-lasting impact of war on global diabetes prevalence

How the conflict in Ukraine and linked supply chain disruptions could lead to up to 180,000 additional cases of type 2 diabetes

Complexity Science Hub

Food Supply Shock Explorer 


The war in Ukraine highlighted the vulnerability of the global food supply system. With this visualization (, users can see which food products are lost and which countries are most affected when a specific supplier stops producing a specific food product. The visualization shows a variety of scenarios related to Ukraine, including the one showing what would happen if Ukraine could no longer produce wheat.


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Credit: Complexity Science Hub

[Vienna, August 7 2024] — The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine has led to severe humanitarian crises, including widespread food shortages. According to the United Nations World Food Programme, an estimated 11 million Ukrainians—about one-third of the population—were at risk of hunger in 2023. This crisis, exacerbated by supply chain disruptions and extreme weather events, could increase diabetes prevalence not only in Ukraine but globally, argue Peter Klimek and Stefan Thurner from the Complexity Science Hub in a commentary published in the journal Science.

Malnutrition during early pregnancy is known to elevate diabetes risk later in life. With 187,000 children born in Ukraine in 2023, Klimek and Thurner suggest that the current diabetes prevalence rate of 7.1% could result in an additional 13,000 to 19,000 cases of diabetes in this birth cohort alone.

Global impact

Globally, the disruption of crucial food exports due to the conflict has pushed an estimated 23 million people into hunger. Considering other supply chain interruptions and weather-related shocks, projections suggest that up to 122 million more people could suffer from hunger compared to 2019. “This could potentially lead to up to 180,000 additional Type 2 diabetes cases worldwide,” the researchers say.

They caution that while these estimates are not intended to be quantitative predictions, they do underscore the profound and often overlooked—especially indirect—effects of geopolitical events on public health. 

Ukraine – a key producer

Prior to the war, Ukraine was a major global agricultural producer, ranking as the largest exporter of sunflower oil, the fourth-largest exporter of corn, and the fifth-largest exporter of wheat. The modeled impacts of Ukraine’s agricultural production loss suggest that countries like Moldova, Libya, Lebanon, and Tunisia could face significant wheat shortages, with extensive repercussions for food products that rely on wheat as an ingredient.

Why this matters

Klimek and Thurner emphasize the importance of addressing these indirect consequences of conflicts and supply chain disruptions: "Our estimates are meant to illustrate the scale of the impact on public health, so that health authorities can become aware of these emerging high-risk groups and potentially adjust screening and early prevention measures for the coming decades," the researchers stated. They also stress the urgent need to diversify global food supply chains and reduce dependencies.


Famine and diabetes

The link between hunger and diabetes is well-documented, with studies from historical famines in the Netherlands, China, and Austria, for example, showing that malnutrition during early pregnancy can significantly increase type 2 diabetes risk later in life. Recent research into the Ukrainian famine of 1932-33 by Lumey et al. has provided new insights into this relationship at a more granular level. By analyzing monthly birth cohorts and regional variations in famine severity, they found that severe malnutrition during early pregnancy can increase diabetes risk by 1.5 to 2 times.

This heightened risk is believed to stem from metabolic changes triggered by fetal exposure to poor nutrition, which prepares the body for a nutrient-scarce environment. When this environment changes, the mismatch can result in a higher likelihood of developing diabetes.


About CSH

The Complexity Science Hub (CSH) is Europe’s research center for the study of complex systems. We derive meaning from data from a range of disciplines – economics, medicine, ecology, and the social sciences – as a basis for actionable solutions for a better world. Established in 2015, we have grown to over 70 researchers, driven by the increasing demand to gain a genuine understanding of the networks that underlie society, from healthcare to supply chains. Through our complexity science approaches linking physics, mathematics, and computational modeling with data and network science, we develop the capacity to address today’s and tomorrow’s challenges.


Researchers show nanovoids improve material performance

Chinese Academy of Sciences Headquarters

Voids or pores have usually been viewed as fatal flaws that severely degrade a material's mechanical performance and should be eliminated in manufacturing.

However, a research team led by Prof. JIN Haijun from the Institute of Metal Research (IMR) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has proposed that the presence of voids is not always hazardous. Instead, voids can be beneficial if they are added "properly" to the material.

The team demonstrated that a metal with a large number of nanoscale voids shows improved mechanical performance compared to samples without voids.

This work was published in Science.

The new material developed by the team has been dubbed nanovoid dispersed gold (NVD Au). It contains a huge number of nanoscale voids, with sizes ranging from a few nanometers to several hundred nanometers. These voids are distributed uniformly throughout the material. Manufacturing NVD Au combines a corrosion process called dealloying with compression and thermal annealing treatments.

The researchers found that NVD Au shows improved strength and ductility in tension in comparison with fully dense Au. In other words, NVD Au with dispersed nanovoids is capable of withstanding higher loads and can be pulled to greater lengths without fracture.

This is the exact opposite of the effect observed in materials with large voids that are prepared by powder sintering or additive manufacturing. The excellent properties of NVD Au are attributed to enhanced dislocation-surface interactions and suppressed crack nucleation in this structure.

"We achieved both NVD strengthening and density reduction simultaneously, and thus realized lightweighting," said JIN. "Also, it does not involve any change of composition or phase, so that the excellent physical/chemical properties of the base material can be largely preserved."

This strengthening approach may be explored for use in many areas, ranging from portable electronics to aviation manufacturing.

The study was conducted in collaboration with scientists from Liaoning Academy of Materials and Nanjing University of Science and Technology.