Friday, August 09, 2024


Faculty cluster hire: promoting collaboration and addressing gender bias in academic hiring

Boyce Thompson Institute

In the world of academic science, hiring new faculty members typically follows a predictable pattern: candidates apply individually and are evaluated primarily on their personal achievements. What if there was a way to build more collaborative, diverse teams of scientists from the very start? That's exactly what the Boyce Thompson Institute (BTI) set out to do with their innovative "cluster hire" approach.

The traditional academic model often fails to recognize and reward team-oriented accomplishments, leading to a systemic bias favoring individualistic or "agentic" stereotypes of success. Recognizing the limitations and biases of this model, BTI embarked on a mission to create a hiring process that values teamwork and inclusivity.

"Our goal was to find scientists who thrive in a collaborative environment and to break down the barriers that discourage many, and disproportionately women, from joining or attempting to advance in academia," said Professor David Stern, author of the discussion recently published in Trends in Plant Science detailing the cluster hire process, and who was BTI’s president during the initiative, which took place in 2018-2019.

Here's how it worked: After an initial round of applications, promising candidates were invited to a symposium, where they had 15 minutes to present their research, followed by 90-minute poster sessions. The next day, they participated in brainstorming sessions, working together to develop exciting new research proposals. This approach allowed BTI to evaluate not just individual brilliance but also each candidate's ability to work in teams and contribute to interdisciplinary ideas.

The most intriguing proposals led to a second round of interviews, where small groups of scientists presented more detailed plans. Importantly, these were not binding research commitments but rather a way to showcase how well the candidates worked together.

The results were striking. Faculty searches in biology typically attract only about 25% female applicants, whereas 45% of the shortlisted candidates in the cluster hire were women. Even more impressively, eight out of the final 13 were female. The emphasis on collaboration seemed to resonate strongly with women in science.

Another unexpected benefit was the diversity of scientific backgrounds among applicants. By focusing on building new collaborative teams rather than filling specific departmental slots, BTI attracted excellent candidates from fields adjacent to plant science, such as microbiology and structural biology. This interdisciplinary approach has the potential to spark innovative research directions.

The impact of this hiring method extends beyond BTI. Other institutions have shown interest in adapting elements of the cluster hire process. For example, Cornell University has incorporated some of these principles into its own faculty hiring initiatives.

While it's too early to measure the long-term effects, the initial results are promising. The scientists hired through this process have maintained highly collaborative working styles, often partnering with colleagues outside their initial "cluster." This community-oriented approach was a key goal of the initiative.

The cluster hire represents a bold reimagining of how scientific teams are built. By valuing collaboration from the very beginning, institutions may be able to create more diverse, creative, and effective research groups. As science tackles increasingly complex global challenges, from climate change to food security, these collaborative teams could be exactly what is needed to drive breakthrough discoveries.

About the Boyce Thompson Institute (BTI)
Founded in 1924 and located in Ithaca, New York, BTI is at the forefront of plant science research. Our mission is to advance, communicate, and leverage pioneering discoveries in plant sciences to develop sustainable and resilient agriculture, improve food security, protect the environment, and enhance human health. As an independent nonprofit research institute affiliated with Cornell University, we are committed to inspiring and training the next generation of scientific leaders. Learn more at


SDGs Design International Awards 2024: Let’s create sustainable design for FOOD!

Students worldwide can submit their ideas for designing food culture of the future for the chance to win awards and recognition.

Kyushu University

SDGs Design International Awards 2024 


The SDGs Design International Awards 2024, now in its sixth year, are calling for students worldwide to submit original design ideas to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. The awards offer up to 300,000 JPY for the top three entries and 50,000 JPY for corporate awards under the theme "Let's Create Sustainable Design for Food." Entries are due by September 30, 2024, Japan Standard Time.

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Credit: SDGs Design International Awards 2024 committee, Kyushu University

Fukuoka, Japan—The SDGs Design International Awards 2024 are calling for students worldwide to submit their original ideas for using design to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. 

First organized in 2019 and led by Faculty of DesignKyushu University, the awards aim to demonstrate the power of design in solving social problems and to elevate society's expectations for design.

Now in its sixth year, this year’s theme is “Let’s Create Sustainable Design for FOOD." Food is indispensable for life, and it is essential for the survival of both humans and animals. How can our eating habits and food systems ensure the continuation of life? We are seeking innovative designs that address social issues related to food, including how to sustain it, preserve its culture, and make it accessible to everyone.

“Food is a theme familiar to everyone and food culture continues to evolve with the times. We would like young people to come up with innovative and bold design proposals for the nature of food. Anyone with an interest in food, including high school students, vocational school students, university students, and graduate students from Japan and abroad, is welcome to apply. We look forward to receiving ideas from a wide range of fields, regardless of genre,” says Zhang Yanfang, associate professor of Kyushu University’s Faculty of Design. 

Details of this year’s awards are as follows.

Application deadline

Monday, September 30, 2024

Theme 1: Sustainable Food Design

Following keywords as reference.

1. Food Culture  

2. How to eat  

3. Sustainable Food  

4. Food Technology  

5. Miscellaneous

Theme 2: Let’s Create “Sustainable design for FOOD” with Companies!

  Coming Soon

Application method

Submit through the SDGs Design International Awards 2024 website



About Kyushu University  

Founded in 1911, Kyushu University  is one of Japan's leading research-oriented institutes of higher education, consistently ranking as one of the top ten Japanese universities in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings and the QS World Rankings. The university is one of the seven national universities in Japan, located in Fukuoka, on the island of Kyushu—the most southwestern of Japan’s four main islands with a population and land size slightly larger than Belgium. Kyushu U’s multiple campuses—home to around 19,000 students and 8000 faculty and staff—are located around Fukuoka City, a coastal metropolis that is frequently ranked among the world's most livable cities and historically known as Japan's gateway to Asia. Through its VISION 2030, Kyushu U will “drive social change with integrative knowledge.” By fusing the spectrum of knowledge, from the humanities and arts to engineering and medical sciences, Kyushu U will strengthen its research in the key areas of decarbonization, medicine and health, and environment and food, to tackle society’s most pressing issues. 


Want to feel less stressed? Try the Mediterranean diet

New study compares impact of Mediterranean and Western diets on perceived stress

Binghamton University

Mediterranean diet 


Consuming components of the Mediterranean diet is associated with lower levels of perceived stress and mental distress, according to new research from Binghamton University, State University of New York.

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Credit: Alachua County

Following the Mediterranean diet versus the traditional Western diet might make you feel like you’re under less stress, according to new research conducted by a team from Binghamton University, State University of New York.

The findings suggest that people can lower their perception of how much stress they can tolerate by following a Mediterranean diet, said Lina Begdache, associate professor of health and wellness studies.

“Stress is recognized to be a precursor to mental distress, and research, including our own, has demonstrated that the Mediterranean diet lowers mental distress,” she said. “Thus, one element of the puzzle may be explained by the fact that the Mediterranean diet may be associated with a decrease in the negative components of perceived stress and an improvement in its positive attributes.”  

The Mediterranean diet is plant-based with healthy fats and mostly includes wholesome food and a spectrum of natural colors. The diet stands in sharp contrast to the Western diet, which is known for its high concentration of high-glycemic and low-quality processed foods.

While the Mediterranean diet is known for its benefits to both mental health and physical health, little is known about its effect on perceived stress, which is the idea of how much stress you are under at any particular time.

To assess this, Begdache and her students conducted a survey of over 1,500 people, asking them what types of foods they ate and assessing their levels of perceived stress. Using a machine learning model, the results show that consuming components of the Mediterranean diet is associated with lower levels of perceived stress and mental distress, while consuming Western dietary components is correlated with perceived stress and mental distress.

Begdache said that these results close a gap in the literature because the majority of studies on diet and stress focused on how stress affects dietary choices and quality. She and her team are looking at different aspects of brain function and behaviors in relation to dietary patterns.

The study, “Effects of Mediterranean and Western dietary patterns on perceived stress and mental distress,” was published in Nutrition and Health.


Drylands: unexpected plant diversity enables adaptation to extreme climates

INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment

Trees in the Namib Desert 


Trees in the Namib Desert

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Credit: Lixin Wang

The Earth is home to a diversity of plants with highly varied forms and functions. This extraordinary morphological, physiological and biochemical diversity determines how plants adapt and respond to ongoing global changes, with significant consequences for the functioning of ecosystems. Yet, 90% of current knowledge on the functional diversity of plants concerns only agricultural ecosystems and temperate zones. By contrast, drylands (see inset), making up 45% of the Earth’s terrestrial area, remain underrepresented in the data. These important zones are now directly threatened by increases in aridity, grazing pressure and desertification. We need to understand how plants respond to such pressures before we can establish the possible future evolution of these fragile ecosystems in terms of their biodiversity and functioning. To meet this urgent need, an international team of 120 scientists from 27 countries has carried out the first worldwide investigation of the functional diversity of plants in arid zones.


Having developed a standardised sampling protocol, the scientists collected and processed samples from the 301 plant species found across 326 representative plots from all continents (other than Antarctica) to characterise the functional diversity of the zones, generating a total of 1347 full sets of trait observations for analysis. Particular attention was paid to the characterisation of the plant elementome, that is, the diversity of chemical elements and trace elements (such as nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and zinc) found in plants, as these often-unrecorded traits exert a strong influence on how the latter function. Overall, the study involved more than 130 000 individual plant trait measurements.


A key hypothesis at the start of the study had been that aridity would reduce the diversity of plants through selection, leaving only those species capable of tolerating extreme water scarcity and heat stress. However, we found the opposite to be the case in the most arid rangelands of the planet, where plants instead exhibit a wide range of individual adaptation strategies. For example, some plants have developed high calcium levels, strengthening cell walls as a protection against desiccation. Others contain high concentrations of salt, reducing transpiration. Although fewer species are observed at local scale than in other regions of the planet (in temperate or tropical zones), plants in arid zones display an extraordinary diversity of forms, sizes and functioning, double that in more temperate climatic zones. This increase in trait diversity occurs abruptly at the point where rainfall volumes drop below the annual threshold of 400 mm. This is also the threshold for a pronounced decline in plant cover and the appearance of large areas of bare soil. To explain this phenomenon, the study’s authors suggest that the loss of plant cover leads to ‘plant loneliness syndrome’, where increased isolation and reduced competition for resources produces high degrees of trait uniqueness and functional diversity that are globally exceptional. This adaptive diversity could equally reflect complex evolutionary histories dating back to the initial colonisation of terrestrial habitats by plants more than 500 million years ago, when these habitats presented extreme conditions for living organisms.


This study reveals the importance of drylands as a global reservoir of functional diversity in plants. It provides a fresh lens through which to view plant architecture, the adaptation of plants to extreme habitats, historical plant colonisation of terrestrial environments, and the capacity of plants to respond to current global changes.


What are drylands?

Drylands are defined as tropical and temperate zones with an aridity value below 0.65. They cover 45% of the Earth’s terrestrial area and are home to a third of the global human population. They include sub-humid, semi-arid, arid and hyper-arid ecosystems such as the Mediterranean landscape, steppes, savannahs and deserts.



Vitis genomics: charting the path to resilient grape varieties

Nanjing Agricultural University The Academy of Science
The history of grape genome sequencing. 


The history of grape genome sequencing.

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Credit: Horticulture Research

Recent advancements in grape genomics have significantly enhanced our understanding of grapevine biology and breeding. By sequencing over 44 grape genomes, researchers have identified key genes related to disease resistance, berry quality, and stress tolerance. These discoveries are crucial for developing high-quality, climate-adaptive grape varieties, benefiting both grape studies and the global grape industry.

Grapes are economically and culturally significant worldwide, but climate change has posed substantial challenges to grape production in recent decades. This has necessitated breeding new varieties that are both high in quality and adaptable to changing environmental conditions. To address these challenges, comprehensive research into grape genomics is crucial. By understanding the genetic basis of traits such as disease resistance and berry quality, scientists can develop improved grape varieties that meet the demands of both growers and consumers. Based on these challenges, in-depth genomic studies are essential for advancing grape breeding efforts.

A team of researchers from the State Key Laboratory of Plant Diversity and Specialty Crops at the Chinese Academy of Sciences published their findings (DOI: 10.1093/hr/uhae128) on May 7, 2024, in Horticulture Research. The study reviews the progress made in grape genomics, highlighting significant advancements and their implications for the grape industry.

The study details the sequencing of over 44 grape genomes, including Vitis vinifera and wild Vitis species, leading to significant discoveries in grape biology. Researchers have gained critical insights into the mechanisms of biotic and abiotic resistance, berry quality formation, and grape domestication history. Genome-wide association studies have identified over 900 genes related to essential traits, enhancing genomic selection and breeding strategies. A notable milestone was the 2023 release of the high-quality telomere-to-telomere genome of Pinot Noir, offering comprehensive data for future research. These advancements allow breeders to develop grape varieties with improved disease resistance, environmental stress tolerance, higher berry quality, and better yields, significantly impacting the grape industry.

Dr. Zhenchang Liang, the lead researcher, stated, "These genomic advancements provide a robust foundation for future grape breeding and research. The detailed insights into grape genetics will facilitate the development of varieties that can withstand environmental stresses and produce high-quality yields."

The extensive genomic data from these studies is set to revolutionize grape breeding. By leveraging these insights, breeders can develop grape varieties with enhanced disease and environmental stress resistance, improved berry quality, and better yields. This genomic approach will significantly impact the grape industry, ensuring sustainable production and meeting the growing demand for high-quality grapes.





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Funding information

This study was supported by the National Science Foundation of China (32025032), the National Key Research and Development Program (2022YFE0116400), the Agricultural Breeding Project of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (NXNYYZ202101), and the Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS (2023087).

About Horticulture Research

Horticulture Research is an open access journal of Nanjing Agricultural University and ranked number one in the Horticulture category of the Journal Citation Reports ™ from Clarivate, 2022. The journal is committed to publishing original research articles, reviews, perspectives, comments, correspondence articles and letters to the editor related to all major horticultural plants and disciplines, including biotechnology, breeding, cellular and molecular biology, evolution, genetics, inter-species interactions, physiology, and the origination and domestication of crops.


Blueprint for blueberry improvement: genetic and epigenetic discoveries

Nanjing Agricultural University The Academy of Science
Population structure and genetic diversity of blueberry accessions. 


Population structure and genetic diversity of blueberry accessions. A Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of 222 blueberry accessions. HHB: half-high blueberry; LB: lowbush blueberry; NHB: northern highbush blueberry; RB: rabbiteye blueberry; SHB: southern highbush blueberry. B Principal component analysis of the first two components (PC1 and PC2) for all accessions and major cultivated blueberry accessions. PC1, first principal component; PC2, second principal component. C Population structure analysis of cultivated blueberry accessions and V. darrowii given different cluster numbers (K = 2–10). The y axis quantifies subgroup membership, and the x axis shows the different accessions. The K value marked in red is the optimal K value determined based on the CV error. D Nucleotide diversity (Ï€) and population divergence (FST value) across four cultivated blueberry subgroups (calculated from the diploid model). The values in the circles represent the nucleotide diversity (Ï€) of the groups (brown, orange, blue, and purple circles represent the LB, SHB, NHB, and RB subgroups, respectively), and the value between each pair indicates population divergence (FST value).

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Credit: Horticulture Research

Recent research has uncovered significant genetic and epigenetic variations in blueberry cultivars, particularly between northern highbush (NHB) and southern highbush (SHB) blueberries. The study highlights gene introgression's role in SHB's adaptation to subtropical climates and identifies key genes, such as VcTBL44, associated with fruit firmness. These findings offer valuable insights and resources for future blueberry breeding.

Blueberries, part of the Vaccinium genus, are renowned for their nutritional benefits and increasing global demand. However, cultivation faces challenges like climate adaptability and fruit quality. Modern blueberries have a short domestication history, primarily through interspecific hybridization. These challenges necessitate deeper research into the genetic and epigenetic factors influencing blueberry traits.

Researchers from Peking University and Jilin Agricultural University, in collaboration with international experts, have made significant strides in blueberry genetic research. Published (DOI: 10.1093/hr/uhae138) in the prestigious journal Horticulture Research on May 14, 2024, their study presents a comprehensive analysis of blueberry genomic variation, marking a pivotal moment in agricultural science.

The study involved whole-genome re-sequencing and bisulfite sequencing on various blueberry cultivars to understand their genetic and epigenetic differences. Researchers identified significant gene introgression from V. darrowii and V. ashei into southern highbush (SHB), aiding its subtropical adaptation. They discovered the VcTBL44 gene, crucial for regulating fruit firmness in SHB. Additionally, they found significant differences in DNA methylation patterns between northern highbush (NHB) and SHB, particularly in CHH-DMRs associated with transposon regulation. These findings offer a comprehensive understanding of the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms that have improved blueberry cultivars, providing valuable resources for future breeding programs aimed at enhancing fruit quality and climate resilience.

Dr. Haiyue Sun, a leading researcher in the study, stated, "Our research provides a detailed genetic and epigenetic map of blueberries, offering crucial insights for breeding programs. The identification of key genes like VcTBL44 paves the way for developing cultivars with improved fruit quality and climate adaptability."

The insights from this study have significant implications for blueberry breeding. The genetic and epigenetic resources identified can develop new cultivars more resilient to climate changes and superior in fruit quality. This research enhances our understanding of blueberry genetics and provides practical tools for breeders to meet the growing consumer demand for high-quality blueberries.





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Funding information

This work was supported by funds from the State Key Laboratory of Protein and Plant Gene Research, the Project of Science and Technology Development of Jilin Province, China (20220508099RC), the Project of Development and Reform Commission of Jilin Province, China (2023C035-4) and startup funds from the School of Advanced Agricultural Sciences at Peking University.

About Horticulture Research

Horticulture Research is an open access journal of Nanjing Agricultural University and ranked number one in the Horticulture category of the Journal Citation Reports ™ from Clarivate, 2022. The journal is committed to publishing original research articles, reviews, perspectives, comments, correspondence articles and letters to the editor related to all major horticultural plants and disciplines, including biotechnology, breeding, cellular and molecular biology, evolution, genetics, inter-species interactions, physiology, and the origination and domestication of crops.