Monday, August 12, 2024

China Spy Bases: Rumors, Speculation and Bad Analysis

 August 12, 2024

Photo by Yohan Marion

From Havana Syndrome to Russian warships, major media outlets in recent years have sparked and fanned the flames of hysteria when it comes to Cuba.

The latest boogeyman: “China spy bases.”

There is no evidence any such base exists on the island.

But who needs evidence when you have anonymous U.S. officials?

The Journal “Breaks” the China Spy Base Story

In June 2023, D.C.-based journalists Warren P. Strobel and Gordon Lubold authored a front-page story in the Wall Street Journal with the headline: “China Plans Spy Base in Cuba.”

The article stated that Cuba and China had “reached a secret agreement” for China to set up an eavesdropping facility on the island in exchange for several billion dollars. The reporters cited the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis and stated that the spy base would “represent an unprecedented new threat” to the United States.

Their only apparent sources were anonymous “U.S. officials.”

The Cuban embassy in Washington called the story “mendacious.”

A spokesperson for China’s Foreign Ministry denied knowledge of the bases, calling the U.S. government “an expert on chasing shadows and meddling in other countries’ internal affairs.”

The White House said the WSJ article was “inaccurate.”

Two days later, after a flurry of media coverage and bipartisan outrage on Capitol Hill, White House officials speaking on background (meaning they could not be cited by name) told reporters that China had already been operating “intelligence collection facilities” in Cuba for years.

No evidence was provided outside of vague statements from these unnamed officials. That did not stop “China Spy Base in Cuba” from becoming major headlines.

Intelligence is by its nature secret, so it’s not surprising that sources insist on anonymity and hard evidence is difficult to come by. But when a journalist bases their reporting entirely off statements of unnamed officials, a healthy dose of skepticism is in order.

The Society of Professional Journalists’ Ethics Committee urges journalists to identify sources whenever feasible and to always question the motives of anonymous sources. It’s not clear the Wall Street Journal and other media outlets who have run with the story have done either.

Not a New Story

Alarmist, evidence-free reporting on China spy bases in Cuba is nothing new.

In 2000, El Nuevo Herald reported (without providing any sources) that China had “an important listening station base” in the small town of Bejucal, Cuba, and two years later published a piece asserting that China had built spy bases in Cuba in two other locations (also without sources).

While debating Donald Trump in the 2016 Republican Primary, Sen. Marco Rubio called on Cuba to kick out the “Chinese listening station” in Bejucal, Cuba. Rubio provided no evidence such a listening station existed – nor did CNN moderator Jake Tapper ask him for it.

Google has also joined in, pointing its finger at another U.S. adversary. A military installation in Bejucal is referred to as “China and Russia Intelligence Base” on Google Maps. Not even the Wall Street Journal’s anonymous sources claim that Russia is a co-conspirator in operating “spy bases” in Cuba.

Rumors and Speculation

The latest iteration of the “China spy base” story was revived last month when the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a prominent D.C. think tank, released a report entitled “Secret Signals: Decoding China’s Intelligence Activities in Cuba.” The report was created by CSIS’s Hidden Reach program, which focuses on revealing China’s influence around the world.

CSIS’s media relations team did not respond to requests for interviews with the report’s authors.

The CSIS report used satellite imagery to identify four locations “where China is most likely operating” its alleged spy bases. It provided no evidence – not even from unnamed officials – that China is operating spy bases in Cuba.

“That’s bad analysis,” said Fulton Armstrong, a former CIA analyst who also served as the nation’s top intelligence officer on Latin America. “The report pulls the rumors and speculation in only one direction – to support its preordained conclusion that Chinese intelligence capabilities are expanding in ways threatening to U.S. interests, with Cuba’s full support.”

The CSIS report identified four locations – three near Havana and one near Santiago de Cuba, the island’s second largest city – that “could” be used by China to conduct signals intelligence (SIGINT).

According to the report, images of the location near Santiago de Cuba showed the recent construction of a circularly disposed antenna array (CDAA), which it explained are “highly effective at determining the origin and direction of incoming high-frequency signals.”

This sounds impressive except for the fact that CDAAs have become largely obsolete. The report itself acknowledges that Russia and the United States have abandoned most of their CDAAs.

“The report looks at old Cold War technology and makes it seem like it’s cutting edge,” said Armstrong. “Nowadays SIGINT is not that dependent on geography. It’s all about fiber optics and satellites. You don’t need these great big antenna farms.”

On The Ground in Cuba

Belly of the Beast journalists tried to go to the three sites near Havana identified in the CSIS report, in the towns of Wajay, Bejucal and Calabazar.

All three appear to be facilities run by the Cuban military or Interior Ministry.

Wajay is on the outskirts of Havana less than two miles from José Martí International Airport.

The facility there is surrounded by residential neighborhoods and its antennas are in plain view from adjacent public streets.

The CSIS report claimed that “security fencing and two guard posts strongly suggests that the site is intended for military or other sensitive activities.”

When our journalists visited the site in Wajay, the guard posts appeared abandoned. Part of the facility’s perimeter was lined with a rusty fence. Another part was bordered by trees.

At the main entrance, the security guard was an elderly woman who was an unarmed civilian employed by Cuba’s Vigilance and Protection Corps (CVP), a state agency that provides security services at schools, hospitals, stores and hotels.

One neighbor said that the facility had once been robbed.

Nearby at Calabazar, antennas draped in ivy and a dirt-covered satellite dish could be seen from the street.

“That’s laughably old technology,” said Armstrong after viewing video footage of the Wajay and Calabazar facilities. “It’s sort of an insult to the Chinese if you’re going to say that this is the future of their intel collection against the United States.”

A no trespassing sign blocked access to the Bejucal facility. Locals said the base had existed for years and was Cuban, not Chinese or Russian.

A Pretext to Tighten the Screws on Cuba

Could any of these facilities in fact be a China spy base?

“Impossible,” said Carlos Alzugaray, a retired Cuban diplomat who lives in Havana. “The only foreign military installation that exists in Cuba is American: the Guantanamo Naval Base.”

The facilities near Havana identified in the CSIS report are Cuban and have been there for years, according to Hal Klepak, an expert on the Cuban military who was an advisor to the foreign and defense ministers of Canada.

“There is not the slightest evidence that China has paid, or is planning to pay, Cuba billions of dollars for anything, much less spy facilities which would be only very marginally useful and would set off unwelcome alarm bells in the U.S.,” said Klepak. “None of my sources on the island have suggested there is minor new construction at any of these installations, much less major.”

“This is obvious fake news,” said Alzugaray. “They want to show aggressive intent so they can tighten the screws against Cuba. This is obviously what these right-wing people are doing, trying to magnify the supposed Cuban threat.”

It would not be the first time unsubstantiated rumors and media hysteria were used by the U.S. government to justify a hard-line policy against Cuba.

In 2017, alleged “sonic attacks” on U.S. spies and diplomats in Havana, reported on uncritically and inaccurately by major media outlets, were used by the Trump administration to shut down the U.S. embassy and intensify sanctions against Cuba. As it turns out, audio recordings made by U.S. officials to document the “attacks” revealed that the sounds were made by short-tailed crickets.

Since then, media outlets have suggested that U.S. officials were “attacked” by microwave – not sonic – weapons.

No evidence has been presented to corroborate the existence of a microwave weapon capable of causing the symptoms reported by U.S. officials. Multiple U.S. intelligence agencies also found no evidence of an “attack” by a foreign adversary. A National Institute of Health study showed that none of the U.S. embassy personnel who reported symptoms suffered from brain or physical injuries.

“At some point it’s fair to look at the motivation of the people who are doing all of the hyperventilation about these supposed spy bases,” said Armstrong. “Is there a real threat here? Or is it really an opportunity for certain people to build another case against Cuba, another case against China, to build up these very aggressive policies that we have in place against these two countries, instead of engaging, for example, as we did with Cuba in the normalization that began under President Obama.”

Mudslingers Control the Narrative

So what could be happening at the four locations identified in the CSIS report?

According to Armstrong, there are multiple plausible explanations that have nothing to do with China spying on the United States, such as accessing satellite networks, tracking space missions, operating telecommunications inside Cuba and running radars to help catch drug traffickers.

“It probably also makes sense that when [Cuba] wants to buy technology that it cannot produce itself, it would buy technology from China,” he said. “China produces a lot of affordable electronic technology, but that’s far different from saying that China is running SIGINT bases out of Cuba.”

If Cuba is running SIGINT operations from its own territory, this would be routine and unsurprising, according to Armstrong.

“You can’t really fault Cuba for collecting signals intelligence for their own national security purposes given that we have posed a threat to Cuban national security for many, many years,” he said.

The challenge in questioning unsubstantiated claims is that it’s all but impossible to prove something doesn’t exist.

“You can’t prove a negative, so mudslingers control the narrative,” said Armstrong.

Tempest in a Teapot

Perhaps the more important question is: If China is gathering intelligence from Cuba, does it even matter?

“It’s a tempest in a teapot,” said Peter Kornbluh, director of the Cuba Documentation Project at the D.C.-based National Security Archives. “If China is using Cuba as a location to spy on the U.S., it does not represent a serious threat.”

Nearly every government in the world uses its diplomatic missions as “listening posts” to seek information on their host states or nearby states, according to Klepak.

“Even if China is doing some intelligence gathering in Cuba, just as it does in every other part of the world, including in its diplomatic posts in the United States, this would neither be surprising nor necessarily threatening,” he said.

Klepak said that the Wall Street Journal’s warning of “an unprecedented new threat” is “absurd beyond words.”

“The [U.S.] Department of Defense has been consistent for at least 29 years in saying Cuba poses no security threat,” he said. “There are real threats out there and China using some facilities in Cuba to gain access to intelligence from the United States would not be one of them.”

Reed Lindsay is a journalist with Belly of the Beast, an award-winning U.S.-based media outlet that covers Cuba and U.S.-Cuba relations.

Project 2025: Authoritarian Rule and Foreign Policy Mayhem

 August 12, 2024

A Far-Right Conspiracy in the Open

Project 2025, the far-right’s ambitious policy planning guide published as Mandate for Leadership, is designed to dismantle the “Deep State” and install a president and proven loyalists who will carry out Donald Trump’s authoritarian agenda. Now the Project supposedly is no more—but not really. Trump’s campaign, concerned about the bad press Project 2025 was getting, ordered that it be disconnected. But make no mistake about it: While Trump may disagree with some of the project’s recommendations, it’s designed with him and only him in mind.

Trump claims to “know nothing about Project 2025,” but his name appears in the document more than 300 times; CNN counts at least 140 people who worked on the Project 2025 document and who previously worked for the Trump administration; and Trump maintains close ties to the Heritage Foundation, which published the document. If there is another Trump presidency, the contributors to Project 2025, many from the Heritage Foundation and others from a far-right network in Washington called the Conservative Partnership Institute, will populate his administration.

In this two-part analysis, I explore those chapters of Mandate for Leadership that concern international affairs and US foreign policy. In part 1, I will note the authoritarian aspects of the document and then look at its policy proposals with regard to China and Russia. In part 2, I will examine what the paper has to say about trade, nuclear weapons and military spending, North Korea, the Middle East, and Latin America.

The Plan to Reorder America

Most of the US media and Democratic lawmakers’ attention has, rightly, been devoted to the domestic side of Project 2025’s agenda—its plans for putting the justice department at the service of the President, getting rid of the department of education as a step toward emasculating public education, making America unwelcome for immigrants of color, prohibiting abortion nationwide, giving the fossil fuel industry whatever it wants, and containing public dissent.

Ideas about foreign affairs track that agenda because they all depend for implementation on an all-powerful executive and a bureaucracy that has been purged of liberals and leftists. (“Large swaths of the State Department’s workforce are left-wing and predisposed to disagree with a conservative President’s policy agenda and vision,” says the document).

Project 2025 proposes three essential tasks of governance to promote its cause: reasserting the dominant role of the President in policy making, dismantling key government agencies concerned with social welfare, and replacing many civil servants who don’t pass the loyalty test (they will be reclassified as ordinary workers) with political hacks loyal to the Chief Executive. The plan seeks ways around the government’s sprawling bureaucracy, in and of itself an aim in common with all previous administrations.

But it differs dramatically in its bowing to Trump’s authoritarian impulses. Every page of the document stresses that officials and other personnel must align their views with the President’s, with the strong implication that failure to do so will result in dismissal or reassignment. It’s a formula for limiting policy debate within or between agencies to what the President has already decided.

China and Russia Policy

Project 2025 is absolutely obsessed with China. As was once true of US views of the Soviet Union, now China is believed to lurk behind every problematic situation on every continent. China gets so much attention, says the author of the section on the State Department, because it is “the defining threat.”

That’s Kiron K. Skinner, who formerly was in charge of Trump’s policy planning at the State Department and then joined the Heritage Foundation staff. Similarly, writes Christopher Miller in the section on the defense department, “Beijing presents a challenge to American interests across the domains of national power.” (Miller, a retired Special Forces colonel, was Trump’s acting defense secretary for about three months.)

Moreover, the military threat that China poses is especially acute. He portrays China as an “immediate threat” to Taiwan and US allies in the Pacific, not to mention a nuclear danger as well–all with no compelling evidence. Nevertheless, Miller urges as the highest priority “conventional force planning construct to defeat a Chinese invasion of Taiwan before allocating resources to other missions . . .” Those other missions probably include Ukraine.

Skinner takes Biden’s China policy to task for coddling China. She argues that some foreign policy professionals “knowingly or not parrot the Communist line. Global leaders including President Joe Biden have tried to normalize or even laud Chinese behavior.”

Actually, the opposite is true. Biden has likewise exaggerated the threat from China, and labeled Xi Jinping a “dictator.” When Skinner writes that China is a country “whose aggressive behavior can only be curbed through external pressure,” she has chosen to ignore how, under Biden, the US has lined up several countries in East Asia, including Japan, India, South Korea, and Philippines, in coalition against China–which is why Beijing accuses the US of again pursuing a containment policy.

The Project’s treatment of Russia is a far cry from its analysis of China. Russia is a threat only with respect to Ukraine’s security. There is no consideration of Vladimir Putin’s belief in Russian exceptionalism, his policy ideas, his human rights record, or his imperial ambitions. (The Project 2025 paper gives more space to the Arctic than to Russia.)

Skinner notes three strands of conservative thinking about Ukraine policy and concludes:

“Regardless of viewpoints, all sides agree that Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is unjust and that the Ukrainian people have a right to defend their homeland. Furthermore, the conflict has severely weakened Putin’s military strength and provided a boost to NATO unity and its importance to European nations.”

Skinner concludes that US support of Ukraine should continue, provided it is “fully paid for; limited to military aid (while European allies address Ukraine’s economic needs); and have a clearly defined national security strategy that does not risk American lives.”

Some Trump Demurrers

Donald Trump has never spoken of Ukraine’s right of self-defense or the importance of NATO unity in the face of Russian aggression. Nor does he subscribe to fully paying for the Ukraine mission. Trump’s main concern is relations with Russia and Europe, not Ukraine’s security. He has said many times that Putin is a great friend, that Putin wouldn’t have started a war with Ukraine if Trump had been President, and that he, Trump, will arrange a peace agreement very quickly.

That may be why Ukraine is not even mentioned in the Republican Party’s platform, which refers simply to restoring “peace in Europe.” In short, Trump wants to get rid of the Ukraine problem by appeasing Russia. He’s only on the same page as Project 2025 in arguing that Europe and NATO should be treated in transactional terms—that is, insisting the Europeans pay more for defense and give more in terms of trade.

Trump may also not be entirely on board with Project 2025 when it comes to Taiwan. As he has demonstrated in the past, financial gain and vindictiveness are hallmarks of his approach to international relations, whether dealing with friends or adversaries.

Recall that Trump entered office in 2017 believing that both Japan and China had ripped off the US in trade relations. Then he distanced himself from NATO, arguing that its members either need to pay more for their defense or sacrifice US support.

So when he was asked in an interview with Bloomberg News in June 25 what his policy would be on Taiwan, his thoughts were not about defending the island, which Republicans in Congress consider the first priority, but this: “They did take about 100% of our chip business. I think, Taiwan should pay us for defense. You know, we’re no different than an insurance company. Taiwan doesn’t give us anything.” That doesn’t mean Trump will abandon Taiwan; he could simply be prodding it to pay more, just as he has demanded of NATO.

Cold War II

In summary, Project 2024 is less a serious, objective analysis than an ideological document. It upgrades the level of international threats to US interests, with China the central enemy; supports a huge expansion of presidential power; urges greater emphasis than under Biden on nuclear weapon modernization and expansion; leaves to allies the main responsibility for confronting Russia; pushes for major increases in the US military budget; and argues for strengthening the US defense industrial base and increasing US arms sales abroad.

Don’t look for diplomatic initiatives, human rights issues, environmental concerns, the role of international law, or discussion of poverty, autocracy, or democracy. If a Trump-Project 2025 agenda were implemented, we can expect widening crises in central Europe and the Middle East, new arms races with Russia and China, another trade war with China, and new tensions in the Taiwan Strait.

A “stable genius” will be in charge. Anyone who did not live through the first Cold War will have another opportunity.

Mel Gurtov is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Portland State University, Editor-in-Chief of Asian Perspective, an international affairs quarterly and blogs at In the Human Interest.


Japan-US Joint Statement on War Preparations Forecasts Doom

The United States has announced it will upgrade U.S. Forces Japan (USFJ) to a joint force headquarters (JFHQ) with expanded operational responsibilities. The new command will report to the US Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM). The revamped structure will assume the control of about 55,000 personnel stationed in Japan from the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command some 6,200 kilometers away in Honolulu, Hawaii. The move is intended to streamline communications between the US and Japan, especially during a crisis involving China.

US “Defense” Secretary Lloyd Austin said, “This will be the most significant change to U.S. Forces Japan since its creation,” although Japan will continue to play a subservient role.

The Americans are facing serious supply-chain obstacles in military armaments, having difficulty keeping up with the demand from Israel in its genocidal war in Gaza and its military campaigns in the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and Iran. The US has also been unable to meet Ukraine’s insatiable demand for weapons. The US-sponsored wars are supported by the American public, although that support may be waning, especially in the Republican-controlled US Senate.

This is the stuff that keeps American war planners in the East Asian region awake at night.

It therefore becomes incumbent on the Americans to prevail on the Japanese to substantially increase their involvement in the purchase, production and deployment of American weapon systems. This is why the so-called 2+2 communique announced on July 28 in Tokyo stressed the importance of a resurgent, militaristic Japan.

The US and Japan announced plans to advance missile production capacity to address supply chain deficiencies and to cooperate on new Patriot missile systems to assist in defending Japan from potential threats from China and North Korea. US bellicosity is ratcheting up tensions while the American propensity to defend Japan is compromised.

In 2020 the US and Japan announced a deal worth $23.1 Billion for the purchase of 105 advanced fifth generation F-35 fighter jets. This comes to 3,395,700,000,000 (3.3957 trillion Yen). This totals 33.34 billion Yen per plane, but who is counting?

Perhaps more people here – I’m in Nagoya as I write – will begin counting the Yen after the Japanese Nikkei stock index closed with its largest single-day point drop in history on August 5. Investing in weapon’s systems does not assist in the recovery and growth of the Japanese economy like investments in education and infrastructure tend to do.

The historically weak yen presents a formidable challenge in procuring the American-made equipment. We also have the Liberal Democratic Party presidential election in September, although few in the party seem to link rabid militarization to sluggish Japanese economic performance and deteriorating standards of living in this great nation.

The United States enthusiastically welcomed Japan’s commitment to substantially increase its war-making budget. Much of the 3.3957 trillion Yen is lining the pockets of wealthy defense contractors like Lockheed Martin in communities like Fort Worth, Texas. The Americans in Texas and in communities across the country can count on lots of brand new four-bedroom homes with swimming pools in the back yard, paid for by Japanese taxpayers.

Joint Statement of the Security Consultative Committee (“2+2”) July 28, 2024

We’ll examine sections of the July 28 Security Consultative Committee (“2+2”)

Since shortly after the smoke cleared from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Japanese nation has questioned the deterrent policy of the US regarding the use of nuclear weapons. It appears we are now witnessing the acquiescence of Japan in this regard. The Japanese people are half willing, half aware, or uninterested. Many just don’t have access to alternative views and news.

The American and Japanese ministers support the use of nuclear weapons in the joint statement . The Japanese signed off on this statement:

“Given the increasingly severe security environment caused by recent moves of regional actors, the United States restated its unwavering commitment to the defense of Japan under Article V of the U.S.-Japan Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security using its full range of capabilities, including nuclear.”

The US often refers to a “rule-based international order.” The primary rule is backed by the threat to use nuclear weaponry again. The world once looked to the Japanese as a model for nuclear restraint.

The compelling displays of anti-nuclear sentiments in Hiroshima and Nagasaki every August are undone by this bellicosity. Are the Hibakusha silenced? Will the screaming, nuclear-capable F-35’s on the ready at Iwakuni Marine Corps Air Station near Hiroshima soon be fitted with the frightening and “scalable” B-61 nuclear bombs? Will Japanese islands like Ishigaki just 260 kilometers from Taiwan and 500 kilometers from Chinese coast soon be armed with nuclear missiles? Have the Japanese finally become tolerant of the bomb?

In March 2024 Beijing announced a huge 7.2% increase in its defense budget. China’s military is a third of the size of the American military, but the Chinese are rapidly catching up.

Does it ever occur to American and Japanese war planners that the best way to defuse dangerous situations depends on dialogue and cooperation rather than nearly sole reliance on expanded militaries and saber rattling?

We see this reality playing out in tense situations worldwide. For instance, the US announced in July 2023 that it will begin the process of deploying long-range missiles in Germany. Predictably, just two weeks later, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the United States that if Washington deployed long-range missiles in Germany, then Russia would station similar missiles in striking distance of western Europe.

From the 2+2:

“The Ministers concurred that the People’s Republic of China (PRC)’s foreign policy seeks to reshape the international order for its own benefit at the expense of others. They said the PRC “employs political, economic, and military coercion of countries, companies, and civil society, as well as facilitates its military modernization through the diversion of technology to achieve these objectives.”

This is the height of hypocrisy! The U.S. does the same.

Jesus said that we should not point to a speck in the eye of our adversary when we have a plank in our own. I mention Jesus because most American military officers claim to follow his teachings which center around nonviolence. Would Jesus launch a nuclear missile? Would he fix a single bullet to a gun with the intention of killing someone? These are pertinent questions for American military commanders.

Could we perhaps disarm and talk to the Chinese and North Koreans or are our hearts too hardened?

The 2+2 Ministers “reiterated their strong opposition to the PRC’s intensifying attempts to unilaterally change the status quo by force or coercion in the East China Sea, including through actions that seek to undermine Japan’s longstanding and peaceful administration of the Senkaku Islands, as well as escalatory behavior around the Southwest Islands.”

The Chinese have learned to deal with the devil. They point to the re-written and largely forgotten history of the demise of Chiang Kai Shek and the illegal settlement of Taiwan in the first place. They rightfully point to threatening US behavior in Korea, Vietnam, and throughout the region for the last 80 years.

The United States has threatened to use nuclear weapons in the dispute over the Senkaku Islands, just 172 kilometers from Ishigaki Island.

The ministers shared their continuing concerns “regarding the PRC’s ongoing and rapid expansion of its nuclear weapons arsenal, which continues without any transparency regarding its intent and which the PRC refuses to acknowledge, despite publicly available evidence.”

Does the US acknowledge the scale and the location of its own ship, submarine, missile, and air bomber-based nuclear arsenal in the region?

The Ministers say they encourage issues involving the Taiwan Straits to be resolved peacefully while the US heavily arms Taiwan.

The ministers expressed serious concerns “about the dismantling of Hong Kong’s autonomy and freedoms as well as the PRC’s human rights issues, including in Xinjiang and Tibet.”

Seriously? This is outrageous considering the current human rights abuses fostered and tolerated worldwide by the US in places like Saudi Arabia, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen.

Consider these 55 nations and the corresponding dates when the US intervened by force.  It is important for nations hosting US forces to know this frightening and egregious behavior.

The 2+2 Ministers “strongly condemned North Korea’s continued conduct of reckless ballistic missile launches, alarming in number, in violation of multiple UN Security Council resolutions (UNSCRs) and at the cost of the welfare of people in North Korea.”

We must stop for a moment and see the world from the perspective of the North Koreans. It is their perception of feeling threatened that causes them to act this way. North Korean actions are indefensible, although understandable. Stop the arms buildup and the threatening joint exercises near North Korean shores and watch the situation de-escalate.

Also, how can the US point to the UN with a straight face when the US has failed to ratify these treaties:

Additional Protocol I on the Geneva Convention
Arms Trade Treaty
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM),
Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict
Convention on Biological Diversity
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
Mine Ban Treaty
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
UN Convention on the Law of the Sea

Back to the 2+2. “The Ministers strongly condemned Russia’s brutal, unprovoked, and unjustifiable war against Ukraine.”

How can the US claim Russia’s special military action in Ukraine was unprovoked? When the Soviet Union collapsed in the early 1990’s the US gave Russia assurances that it would not expand NATO. NATO has expanded to the Russian border while the screaming American F-35’s patrol nearby. Russia has legitimate security claims! It will never forget the loss of 20 million during World War II.

The Ministers say they are “committed to strengthening bilateral coordination on cross-domain operations, including cyber, space, and electromagnetic warfare (EW), recognizing the importance of all these domains to future concepts of deterrence and response capabilities.”

Let us come to understanding this. Japan and the US want the Chinese and the North Koreans to understand that they are developing ways to shut down the Chinese and North Korean electrical grids and turn off its computers, using a host of methods, including the weaponization of space. How do you think these adversaries will respond?

“The Ministers renewed their commitment to further advance the Alliance’s partnerships with Australia, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Korea, the Philippines.”

The Japanese and American ministers haven’t embraced the lessons of history, especially those many learned during the years leading up to World War I when a single assassination resulted in global warfare. It could happen again.

Let us also begin to comprehend the environmental damage and resulting threats to human health posed by US forces after military actions have concluded or when bases are abandoned and left for host countries to clean up – if that is possible.

The 2 + 2 Ministers say they “underline the importance of accelerating bilateral work toward the total return of Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Futenma as early as practicable including the construction of the Futenma Replacement Facility at Henoko as the only solution that avoids the continued use of MCAS Futenma.”

Another solution would be for the US to leave Okinawa for good, apologize for its criminal behavior, and pay reparations. Futenma is terribly contaminated with PFAS and a host of other deadly contaminants. Will the Japanese government pretend this is not the case?

The Ministers “discussed enhancing bilateral environmental cooperation, including on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) issues, in compliance with the Status of Forces Agreement and related arrangements.”  The Status of Forces Agreements the US has executed with Japan and other severely contaminated nations are one-sided documents that favor the US. They fail to consider the highly carcinogenic “forever chemicals.”

So, my colleagues in Tokushima, there are many other sobering realities regarding the US military’s occupation of Japan. The Japanese nation must awake from its slumber before a great catastrophe engulfs them and the entire world.


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Pat Elder is the Director of Military Poisons, an organization that draws attention to the contamination caused by military activities worldwide. Pat is currently in Japan with the Veterans for Peace Japan Speaking Tour. See