Wednesday, August 14, 2024


Climate change means that tropical cyclones in Southeast Asia are developing faster, lasting longer and endangering more coastal communities, finds joint international study

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Nanyang Technological University

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(L-R) NTU EOS Senior Research Fellow Dr Dhrubajyoti Samanta and Director of NTU’s Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) and NTU Asian School of the Environment Professor Benjamin Horton, co-authors of the study (Credit to NTU Singapore).

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Credit: NTU Singapore

A study co-led by researchers at Rowan University in the US, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) and the University of Pennsylvania, US, reveals that tropical cyclones in Southeast Asia are now forming closer to coastlines, intensifying more rapidly, and lingering longer over land.


These changes, driven by climate change, heighten risks for tens of millions in coastal areas, with cities like Hai Phong, Yangon, and Bangkok facing unprecedented threats from longer lasting and more intense storms.


A tropical cyclone is a powerful, rotating storm that forms over warm ocean waters and brings strong winds and heavy rain. Tropical cyclones typically form in the tropical zone near the equator, characterised by warm ocean waters and consistent temperatures, providing the necessary heat and moisture for these cyclones to develop and intensify.


Based on the analysis of more than 64,000 modelled historic and future storms from the 19th century through the end of the 21st century, the study, published in the peer-reviewed Nature partner journal Climate and Atmospheric Science, highlights significant changes in tropical cyclone behaviours in Southeast Asia, such as increased formation near coastlines and slower movement over land, which could pose new risks to the region.


The study found that climate change alters tropical cyclones’ paths in Southeast Asia. This research is the first to use data from various climate models to examine cyclones over the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries.


The group of researchers explains that around the world, tropical cyclones are affected by warming ocean waters, and the warmer they get, the more energy storms can draw from them.


Lead author Assistant Professor Andra Garner, at Rowan University’s School of Earth & Environment, said: “Southeast Asia has very densely populated coastlines, currently home to more than 70 per cent of the global population that’s exposed to future sea level rise. When you’re looking at that densely populated coastline, and it’s a region affected by tropical cyclones, there’s a real risk, especially when those storms become more damaging, and populations continue to grow.”


Co-author of the study Professor Benjamin Horton, Director of NTU’s Earth Observatory of Singapore, said: “Tropical cyclones have caused torrential rains and severe flooding across Southeast Asia, prompting mass evacuations, destroying infrastructure, and affecting the lives and livelihoods of thousands of people. Our study shows that as the cyclones travel across warmer oceans from climate change, they pull in more water vapour and heat. That means stronger wind, heavier rainfall, and more flooding when the typhoons hit land.” Prof Horton is also a Professor in Earth Science at NTU’s Asian School of the Environment.


The study is part of NTU’s S$50 million interdisciplinary climate research programme, the Climate Transformation Programme (CTP). Hosted by its Earth Observatory of Singapore and funded by Singapore’s Ministry of Education, the CTP aims to investigate climate change, develop, inspire, and accelerate knowledge-based solutions, and educate future leaders to establish the stable climate and environment necessary for a resilient and sustainable Southeast Asia.



Counting on advanced climate models to uncover new cyclone risks


Unlike traditional studies of historical weather patterns and storms, the researchers tailored computer simulations to manipulate various factors, such as projected increases in human-caused emissions and their impact on a warming planet.


The simulations show changes in where cyclones form, strengthen, slow down, and eventually dissipate, providing important insights into the impact of a warming climate on these storms.


Study co-author Dr Dhrubajyoti Samanta, Senior Research Fellow at NTU’s Earth Observatory of Singapore, said: “By examining storms over an extended period, our study delivers insights that can help governments prepare for future storms and guide community development planning. Leveraging nine global climate models, this study significantly reduces the uncertainty in predicting tropical cyclone changes, which has been a challenge in past studies using just a single model.”


Study co-author Mackenzie Weaver, from the Department of Earth and Environmental Science at the University of Pennsylvania, said: “Conducting a long-term analysis allows for better understanding of both past and future changes to tropical cyclone tracks, which can inform coastal resilience strategies in both the near-term and more distant future.


Asst Prof Garner added: “There were two takeaways: First, we should be acting to reduce emissions, so we can curb the impacts of future storms.  Second, we should be acting now to protect those coastlines for the future, which will likely see some worsened tropical cyclone impacts regardless of future emissions.”


The team of researchers will conduct more detailed studies to better understand extreme weather conditions in the region and further determine how they could impact vulnerable populations.

Protecting surf breaks mitigates climate change, helps coastal communities, analysis finds

Oregon State University
Surfer off the Oregon coast 


Maia Insinga paddles her surfboard off the Oregon coast. Photo by Maia Insinga.

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Credit: Maia Insinga, Oregon State University

CORVALLIS, Ore. – Safeguarding places to hang ten and shoot the curl is an opportunity to simultaneously mitigate climate change, fuel tourism and help surrounding ecosystems, new research has shown.

“There is a growing conservation movement regarding coastal areas that host surf breaks,” said Jacob Bukoski of Oregon State University, one of the study’s co-authors. “Earlier research showed that surf breaks tend to be biodiversity hotspots, but no one had looked at the stocks of carbon held within these ecosystems – carbon that could drive climate change if disturbed and lost.”

In study published today in Conservation Science & Practice, Bukoski and collaborators identified more than 88 million tonnes of “irrecoverable” carbon in the land-based ecosystems surrounding 3,602 surf breaks around the globe.

Surf breaks, nearshore areas whose special mix of coastal and seafloor characteristics creates waves surfers crave, are often found in or near ecosystems that are conservation priorities, such as coral reefs and mangrove forests.

Irrecoverable carbon is defined as carbon stored in nature that, if lost, could not be replenished within 30 years. Carbon sequestration is a key component of climate change mitigation.

Bukoski, a faculty member in the OSU College of Forestry, stresses that the study did not take into account the significant, but harder to quantify, carbon stocks in the marine portion of surf break areas.

The scientists looked at 28,500 square kilometers of watersheds that drain into surf areas. Their analysis showed that more than 17 million tonnes of irrecoverable surf break carbon are found in places categorized as key biodiversity areas but lacking any kind of formal protection. Just 3% of surf breaks are both formally protected and in a key biodiversity area.

Irrecoverable carbon density in surf ecosystems tends to be highest in the tropics and gets lower farther from the equator, with the exception of coastal forests in the Pacific Northwest.

“Temperate broadleaf and mixed forests and temperate conifer forests combined to hold nearly one-quarter of the carbon we found,” said Bukoski, who collaborated with scientists from Conservation International, Save the Waves Coalition, California State University, Channel Islands, and Arizona State University.

Oregon ranks second among U.S. states in irrecoverable surf break carbon at almost 3.5 million tonnes. California, at just under 7 million tonnes, leads the way, and rounding out the top 10 are North Carolina, Florida, Texas, Washington, Virginia, New Jersey, South Carolina and Massachusetts.

Increasingly, surf breaks are being recognized as socio-environmental phenomena that can bring opportunity for sustained benefits for local communities, the authors say. They point to the potential intersection of the surf tourism industry, valued at as much as $65 billion globally, and the carbon offset market, where credits are trading at a price of about $10 per tonne of carbon dioxide.

“Despite their high and multifaceted value, surf breaks and their surrounding environments face all kinds of threats, including coastal development, degradation of habitats, and impacts from climate change like rising sea levels,” Bukoski said. “When carbon-dense ecosystems are converted to other uses, they pump out large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Expanded conservation of surf ecosystems – both their marine and onshore components – could provide a range of benefits in addition to biodiversity conservation and climate mitigation.”

Coastal estuaries, he explains, help with nutrient cycling, control sedimentation and act as nurseries for young fish. Healthy upland ecosystems reduce erosion, which means better habitats and also reduced illness risk to surfers because of improved water quality.

“Coral reefs shape surf breaks and provide fishing grounds, offer non-surfing recreational opportunities such as diving, and protect shorelines,” Bukoski said. “And just as importantly, ecosystems associated with surf breaks are culturally and spiritually valuable to communities around the world.”

He notes that irrecoverable carbon constitutes only a fraction of the total carbon stored in surf ecosystems. Given resource and time constraints, irrecoverable is the type of carbon that should be prioritized for conservation, “but any carbon lost to ecosystem conversion will affect the climate.”

“Our results suggest a significant opportunity for surf conservation to strengthen protection of climate-critical carbon stocks,” Bukoski said. “At the end of the day, we should be shredding waves, not ecosystem carbon.”

Surf spots are global ally in climate fight, study finds

Nearly 90 million metric tonnes of planet-warming carbon found surrounding surf breaks across the world; U.S., Australia, Indonesia, Brazil identified as conservation priorities

Conservation International

Aerial Shot of Playa Del Ostional 


Aerial Shot of Playa Del Ostional surf break in Costa Rica.

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Credit: Credit: Ryan Chachi Craig


ARLINGTON, Va. (Aug. 12, 2024) – A first-of-its-kind study, published today in Conservation Science and Practice, has found that the forests, mangroves and marshes surrounding surf breaks store almost 90 Mt (million metric tonnes) of climate-stabilizing “irrecoverable carbon,” making these coastal locations essential climate allies and ideal locations for conservation efforts. 

Just five countries account for nearly half the carbon stored: surf breaks in the U.S are the most carbon-rich, followed by Australia, Indonesia, Brazil and Panama.  

For the study, researchers – including scientists from Conservation International – analyzed more than 4,800 popular surf spots across 113 countries and found that immediately surrounding areas (within 1 kilometer of the waves) store over 88 Mt of irrecoverable carbon – that’s roughly equivalent to the annual emissions from 77 million gas-powered cars. When the surrounding area is expanded to 3 kilometers, the amount of carbon stored in the ecosystems more than doubles to 191.7 Mt. 

Irrecoverable carbon refers to the carbon-rich lands humanity must protect to prevent the worst impacts of climate change. Conservation International scientists coined the term in 2020 and, in 2021, mapped all irrecoverable carbonaround the world Additional research also found irrecoverable carbon areas overlap with places containing high concentrations of biodiversity. 

This overlap proved true for surf breaks, with nearly a quarter (17.2 Mt) of the total 88.3 Mt of irrecoverable carbon found within Key Biodiversity Areas, areas that contribute significantly to the planet’s species richness and overall health. But only 3% of this 17.2 Mt – representing areas with high amounts of both carbon and biodiversity – are formally protected. Altogether, less than a third of all surf ecosystems worldwide are protected. 

Expanding protection of surf ecosystems could help keep climate-warming carbon from entering the atmosphere and play a role in halting and reversing biodiversity loss – the world’s two greatest environmental challenges. For example, Surf Protected Areas – which have been pioneered by Conservation International and Save The Waves Coalition, a partner on the study – work to establish legal protections for surf breaks and their surrounding areas from threats like irresponsible tourism and development, forest and mangrove cutting, coral and sand mining, destructive fishing and plastic pollution. 

“This research demonstrates the enormous role that protection of surf breaks and surrounding coastal areas can have in our global fight to reverse biodiversity loss and combat climate change,” said Scott Atkinson, a surfer, senior director of surf conservation at Conservation International and an author of the study. “Our study shows where, exactly, we must now focus on legally protecting these areas. Surfers across the world are fantastic allies for efforts like this – they love the ocean, know that it is threatened and are extremely motivated to protect it. They’ve been on board, so to speak, helping to lead the establishment of all the Surf Protected Areas we’ve partnered to create.”

To date, Conservation International has worked with partners to establish 30 Surf Protected Areas in Indonesia, Costa Rica and Peru. These Surf Protected Areas are centered on surf breaks which serve as an anchor and strong motivator to legally protect larger surrounding ecosystems including coastal forests, mangrove, beaches, seagrass, coral reefs and the waves themselves. Over half of these (23 Surf Protected Areas) have been established in Indonesia, which was used in the paper as a case study in creating an effective network of community-based protections. Collectively, the 23 locations form Indonesia’s initial Surf Protected Areas Network covering more than 60,000 hectares, which can be expanded to hundreds of world-class surf sites across the incredibly biodiverse and carbon-rich country. 

Atkinson also highlighted the positive impacts of the community-based Surf Protected Areas on Morotai Island in Indonesia, the focus of the paper’s case study: “They are protecting precious marine and coastal ecosystems and strengthening community bonds and cultural heritage. Local people on Morotai have surfed on handmade wooden boards since at least World War II and have a strong surf culture. Additionally, local surf and conservation-related livelihoods are starting to flourish, with eco-friendly tourism and sustainable fishing practices becoming the norm. The community's involvement in conservation efforts has fostered a sense of pride and ownership, showcasing the power of grassroots initiatives in achieving lasting environmental and social benefits.”

Jacob Bukoski, assistant professor at Oregon State University’s College of Forestry and the lead author of the study, said: “Our results suggest a significant opportunity for surf conservation to strengthen protection of climate-critical carbon stocks, including those found in blue carbon ecosystems such as mangroves and sea grasses. Expanded conservation of surf ecosystems – both their marine and onshore components – could provide a range of benefits in addition to biodiversity conservation and climate mitigation.”

The report was produced by a team of scientists from Conservation International and its Surf Conservation program, Oregon State University, Save The Waves Coalition and California State University at Channel Islands. 


About Conservation International: Conservation International protects nature for the benefit of humanity. Through science, policy, fieldwork and finance, we spotlight and secure the most important places in nature for the climate, for biodiversity and for people. With offices in 30 countries and projects in more than 100 countries, Conservation International partners with governments, companies, civil society, Indigenous peoples and local communities to help people and nature thrive together. Go to for more, and follow our work on Conservation NewsFacebookTwitterTikTokInstagram, LinkedIn and YouTube.

About Save The Waves Coalition: Established in 2003, Save The Waves Coalition (STW) is an international nonprofit with a mission to protect surf ecosystems across the globe in partnership with local communities. To date, STW has 12 established World Surfing Reserves and their global conservation projects have led to the protection and preservation of surf breaks and coastlines from California to Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Portugal and beyond. Find more at


Reduce, reuse, reflycle

How genetically modified flies can reduce waste and keep it out of landfills

Macquarie University

Dr Maciej Maselko in insect containment laboratory, Macquarie University 


Dr Maciej Maselko in insect containment laboratory, Macquarie University

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Credit: Macquarie University

A Macquarie University team proposes using genetically engineered black soldier flies (Hermetia illucens) to address worldwide pollution challenges and produce valuable raw materials for industry, including the USD $500 billion global animal feed market. 

In a new paper published on 24 July in the journal Communications Biology, scientists at Macquarie University outline a future where engineered flies could transform waste management and sustainable biomanufacturing, addressing multiple United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Synthetic biologist Dr Kate Tepper is lead author of the paper and a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Applied BioSciences, Macquarie University.

“One of the great challenges in developing circular economies is making high-value products that can be produced from waste,” says Dr Tepper. 

Landfill Emitters

An estimated 40 to 70 per cent of global organic waste finds its way to landfills.

“The landfilling of organic waste creates about five per cent of annual global greenhouse gas emissions and we need to get this to zero per cent,” Dr Tepper says. 

Organic by-products from sewage treatment - municipal biosolids - can be used as an alternative to synthetic fertiliser to grow crops and close nutrient cycles.

However Dr Tepper notes there are rising concerns about toxic chemicals in waste, including dangerous ‘forever chemicals’ such as per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).

In developing countries, organic wastes dumped in open areas can contaminate water used for drinking or irrigation, attracting pests, spreading disease and degrading natural habitat, and farmers often burn leftover crop parts they can’t use, causing air pollution. 

Black soldier flies are already valued in waste management where they consume commercial organic wastes before being processed as ‘insect biomass’ into foods for domestic pets and commercial chicken and fish farmers.

But the Macquarie team believes genetic engineering could extend the usefulness of the black soldier fly, enabling them to turn waste inputs into enhanced animal feeds or valuable industrial raw materials. 

The larvae could bio-manufacture industrial enzymes currently for use in livestock, textile, food and  pharmaceutical industries and representing a global market worth billions of dollars annually. 

The flies can also be engineered to generate specialised lipids for use in biofuels and lubricants, replacing fossil-fuel derived products.

Engineering insects to make industrial enzymes and lipids that are not used in food supply chains will expand the types of organic wastes that can be used, and the research team propose modifying the fly so it can digest contaminated organic wastes, sewage sludge, and other complex organic wastes. 

“Even the fly-poo, called ‘frass,’ could be enhanced to improve fertiliser,” Dr. Tepper says. “The flies could be engineered to clean up chemical contaminants in their frass, which can be applied as pollutant free fertiliser to grow crops and prevent contaminants entering our food supply chains.” 

Sustainable biomanufacturing

Senior author Dr Maciej Maselko, who heads an animal synthetic biology lab at Macquarie University’s Applied BioSciences, says: “Insects will be the next frontier for synthetic biology applications, dealing with some of the huge waste-management challenges we haven’t been able to solve with microbes.”  

Genetically engineered microbes require sterile environments to prevent contamination, along with lots of water and refined nutrient inputs. 

“We can feed black soldier flies straight, dirty trash rather than sterilised or thoroughly pre-processed. When it is just chopped into smaller pieces black soldier flies will consume large volumes of waste a lot faster than microbes,” Dr Maselko says. 

The researchers suggest genetic engineering could piggyback on the existing framework, elevating the flies from simple waste processors to high-tech biomanufacturing platforms. In the paper the researchers outline a roadmap calling for better genetic engineering tools in key insects. 

“Physical containment is part of a series of protections. We are also developing additional layers of genetic containment so that any escapees can’t reproduce or survive in the wild,” Dr Maselko says. 


Macquarie University in partnership with some members of the research team has filed patent applications related to black soldier fly biomanufacturing, already underway through a Macquarie University spin-out company, EntoZyme.

Dr Tepper says that the introduction of genetically engineered insects has potential, not just in the multi-billion dollar waste management market, but also in the production of a range of high-value industrial inputs. 

“If we want a sustainable circular economy, the economics of that have to work,” says Dr Tepper. 

“When there is an economic incentive to implement sustainable technologies, such as engineering insects to get more value from waste products, that will help to drive this transition more rapidly.” 


Reducing operation qualification time and cost in additive manufacturing

America Makes supports a project led by Texas A&M Professor Dr. Mohsen Taheri-Andani and alumni Dr. Yash Parikh.

Texas A&M University

Andani Texas A&M 


Dr. Mohsen Taheri-Andani and Dr. Yash Parikh are collaborating on a project aimed at revolutionizing the additive manufacturing landscape by reducing the time and cost associated with operational qualification. 

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Credit: Courtesy of Dr. Moshen Taheri-Andani.

America Makes, the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute, is supporting research to revolutionize the additive manufacturing (AM) industry by significantly reducing operational qualification time and cost.

The $2 million project, titled ACCELERATE, is led by Dr. Mohsen Taheri-Andani, an assistant professor in the J. Mike Walker ’66 Department of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University. To secure the funding, Dr. Taheri-Andani partnered with Dr. Yash Parikh, a process engineering consultant at EOS who graduated with a doctorate in mechanical engineering from Texas A&M in 2021.

A central aspect of this project is validating operational qualification through detailed tasks and documentation, which is vital for confirming the AM process to consistently meet material specification requirements. Additionally, the project will tackle various aspects of AM operations — from facility controls and operator training to software configuration and process monitoring. Special emphasis will be placed on feedstock control, machine calibration, and post-processing operations, ensuring thorough quality assurance. 

Dr. Taheri-Andani will lead a research team supporting the project by establishing repeatable and reproducible AM operations, emphasizing installation qualification, operational qualification, and product qualification. 

"Leading this groundbreaking project is a privilege. The goal is to enhance the AM landscape and substantially reduce the time and cost associated with operational qualification,” said Dr. Taheri-Andani. “Collaborating with brilliant minds, including our alumni like Yash, makes this journey even more rewarding."

Dr. Parikh will support Dr. Taheri-Andani and his research team with expert guidance on a novel data-driven operational qualification approach as well as best practices to expedite it. “Reuniting with my alma mater, Texas A&M University, for such a transformative project is an honor,” said Dr. Parikh. “This collaboration goes beyond innovation; it’s about positively impacting the industry and reinforcing the enduring bond between alumni and the university. This prestigious award is a testament to the unwavering dedication of faculties and students within the Mechanical Engineering Department who are committed to driving innovation and excellence in advanced technologies, including AM. With EOS showcasing its support through a cost-sharing pledge, I am excited to embark on this journey as one of the research partners and dedicated to demonstrating a steadfast commitment to realize the desired production results for customers and the AM community at large.”

This collaborative effort brings together a comprehensive skilled team, including research partners from the University of Michigan and two AM companies — Addiguru, LLC, and Beehive Industries — all contributing their expertise to the project.

Additionally, this project will receive support from Freemelt, a company providing Electron Powder Bed Fusion (E-PBF) equipment and services, leveraging the open-source and cutting-edge E-PBF system, FreemeltONE. Daniel Gidlund, CEO, stated, "Working together with Dr. Taheri-Andani, the project aims to push the boundaries of qualification in metal AM, which is a critical aspect for AM industrialization. We are very glad and excited to support and be engaged with Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station under this critical America Makes project.”

“I am committed to advancing AM and highlighting the importance of collaborative research and industry-academia partnerships,” said Dr.Taheri-Andani. “This project, aimed at streamlining operational qualification, is poised to make a significant impact on the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of AM processes.” 



The atmosphere in the room can affect strategic decision-making, study finds

New research from Bayes Business School uncovers how the mood within a group affects boardroom decisions

City University London

The atmosphere within a group can influence the outcome of strategic decision-making, according to a new study co-authored by Bayes Business School (formerly Cass). 

Paula Jarzabkowski, Professor of Strategic Management at Bayes, along with researchers from University of Queensland, Macquarie University and Leuphana University of Lüneburg, found that different atmospheres led to people speaking and interacting in different ways that changed how they made sense of the strategy.  

For instance, when the atmosphere was pensive, people were cautious about the way to proceed, whereas, when it was curious they felt free to be exploratory in their strategy making. However, when the atmosphere bordered on tense or dismissive, participants became argumentative and struggled to agree on ways forward. 

The academics examined video recordings, workshops, interviews, and first-hand observations of a strategic project team composed of managers and consultants at an electronic bank in Australia, conducted over 18 months. The observations examined the interactions of the banking team assessing a digital product which used AI-informed technologies to help bank customers manage their spending. 

The academics also noted that the atmosphere can change rapidly, as subtle shifts in tone of voice, speech, or body language affected how groups react to ideas. Overall, the research found that in group settings, people’s sensing of the atmosphere influences their collective sensemaking when deciding on issues.  

Professor Jarzabkowski said: 

“We wanted to explore how people’s subconscious signals like tone of voice, attitude, emotional interaction and body language could affect others’ views around decision-making. 

“Our research shows that strategy making is not just a matter of optimal decisions. The strategies firms take are affected by the way people feel – the mood in the room - during strategy making.” 

Professors Eric Knight and Jaco Lok at Macquarie Business School said:  

“While we all know that atmosphere can affect how we feel, its effect on how we make sense of complex issues has not been systematically studied. This is why our study is important and unique.” 

Matthias Wenzel, Professor of Organization Studies at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg, said:  

“We often assume that there is some consensus or shared understanding in managerial decision making. Our research shows that the atmosphere in the room is what is shared, and that affects the decisions made.” 

The paper, ‘Sensing the room: the role of atmosphere in collective sensemaking,’ is published in the Academy of Management Journal. 



Dairy nutrition is leading the sustainability charge

Advances in dairy nutrition science may be able to deliver a 60% reduction in ruminant livestock enteric methane emissions in the coming years, according to a new Journal of Dairy Science® invited review


Philadelphia, August 13, 2024  Research into reducing greenhouse gas emissions from livestock has increased exponentially as the dairy and agriculture sectors work together toward shared sustainability and efficiency goals. While this progress has been made in all areas of dairy science research, from genetics to animal health and welfare, dairy nutrition has emerged as a particularly impactful area for emission reduction. In a new invited review in the Journal of Dairy Science, a preeminent voice in sustainability and dairy nutrition synthesizes what we know so far and reveals that new nutrition strategies could potentially slash methane emissions by a staggering 60% in the coming years.

Methane (both enteric methane produced during digestion and methane from manure) is the critical greenhouse gas that makes up most of the dairy industry’s environmental footprint. The invited review’s author, Alexander Hristov, PhD, PAS, Distinguished Professor of Dairy Nutrition, Department of Animal Science, The Pennsylvania State University, and recipient of the 2024 Journal of Dairy Science Highly Cited Award explains, “There are two main ways to tackle enteric methane emissions through nutrition: adjusting an animal’s diet or adding in specific new ingredients.”

Dr. Hristov’s review provides an insightful overview of what we know now about both options, where additional research is needed, and which methane-reduction pathways might be most practical and achievable for the future. 

The review begins with the latest findings on diet reformulation, including adjusting concentrate feeds, feeding corn versus grass and legume silage, and using alternative forages such as sorghum or plantain. With all of these options available, can diet changes have a real impact on methane emissions? The answer, asserts Dr. Hristov, isn’t simple or one size fits all.

Dr. Hristov says, “Diet reformulation depends on a farm’s unique scenario to be an effective tool. If a dairy has room for efficiency and productivity improvements, for example, balancing diets can be helpful.”

However, this approach is less practical in intensive dairy production systems, where nutritional professionals formulate the diets and producers have efficiency dialed in. In those dairy systems, Dr. Hristov notes, “It may be difficult to find specific feeds that can have a substantial and measurable impact on methane emissions.”

That leaves feed additives, new ingredients supplemented in small amounts to a dairy cow’s existing diet, to reduce methane produced during digestion. Based on existing research, the most promising additives are seaweeds and 3-nitrooxypropanol (3-NOP).

Red seaweed varieties, for example, contain bromoform, an active compound that has been effective in reducing methane emissions in several studies. Dr. Hristov adds, “Bromoform appears to be able to achieve a 30% to 50% emissions reduction, but whether this effect can be applied broadly and consistently needs more research.”

The strongest feed additive contender to emerge is 3-NOP. According to Dr. Hristov, “Its efficacy has been proven in numerous controlled and independent experiments, and 3-NOP is currently the only available option headed to market for dairy operations looking to use additives to reduce emissions.”

Dr. Hristov also highlights two areas that could benefit from more research as the dairy sector works to move the sustainability needle forward: reducing methane emissions from cow manure and studying whether nutrition strategies can be paired together synergistically.

Dr. Hristov comments, “In theory, practices with different modes of reducing methanogens could work together to boost overall mitigation.” The article cites a best-case scenario in the literature in which a 20% to 30% reduction by a feed additive could be paired with another 10% to 20% reduction from a second feed additive, plus, perhaps, another 5% to 10% from improvements in forage quality and diet manipulation, adding up to a substantial overall impact in lowering methane.

While Dr. Hristov was clear that the pathways toward dairy sustainability are still in flux—and that no one solution will work for every dairy system and every farm—advances in dairy nutrition will be an essential component in the methane-reduction mix. He concludes, “If currently available mitigation practices prove to deliver consistent results, and novel, potent, and safe strategies are discovered, nutrition alone can deliver up to a 60% reduction in enteric methane emissions and pave the way for a more sustainable dairy sector.”




A new method for protection from plant pathogens could help support global food security. 

Diamond Light Source
Figure 1 - The crystal structure 


The crystal structure of the complex reveals an extensive interface between Pwl2 and OsHIPP43 (figure. 1).

Figure 1: Transparent surface representation of Pwl2 (pink) and OsHIPP43 (blue) 






The crystal structure of the complex reveals an extensive interface between Pwl2 and OsHIPP43 (fig. 1). 








Figure 1: Transparent surface representation of Pwl2 (pink) and OsHIPP43 (blue) 

The crystal structure of the complex reveals an extensive interface between Pwl2 and OsHIPP43 (fig. 1). 








Figure 1: Transparent surface representation of Pwl2 (pink) and OsHIPP43 (blue) 


Figure 1: Transparent surface representation of Pwl2 (pink) and OsHIPP43 (blue) 

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Credit: PNAS :

By modifying a plant intracellular immune receptor (NLR), researchers have developed a potential new strategy for resistance to rice blast disease, one of the most important diseases threatening global food security. The collaborative team from the UK and Japan have recently published their research in PNAS. This could have implications for future approaches to crop protection and ultimately global food supply stability. 

The research was led from the Department of Biochemistry and Metabolism at the John Innes Centre, with partners at The Sainsbury Laboratory, University of East Anglia, and the Division of Genomics and Breeding, Iwate Biotechnology Research Center, Japan. For a critical part of the study, the researchers worked with the UK’s national synchrotron, Diamond Light Source. Their paper, “Bioengineering a plant NLR immune receptor with a robust binding interface toward a conserved fungal pathogen effector”, was published in early July ( 

Rice blast disease remains one of the most recalcitrant diseases threatening global food security. This disease is caused by the filamentous fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae and is directly responsible for the loss of more than 30% of harvested rice annually. This pathogen can also cause blast disease on other cereal crops including wheat and barley. 

Current approaches to deployment of durable disease resistance in the field are limited by the pace they can be identified in nature and the evolution of plant pathogens such as the blast fungus that manage to bypass these new resistances. Bioengineering of plant immune receptors such as NLRs has emerged as a new path for generating novel disease resistance traits to counteract the expanding threat of plant pathogens to global food security that can potentially be developed on demand. 

RafaÅ‚ ZdrzaÅ‚ek, the lead author explains “Pathogens secrete proteins called “effectors” into host cells to manipulate plant metabolism and promote infection. Plants can recognise these effectors using immune receptors called NLRs. However, it’s not always easy to define a receptor naturally recognising any given effector, and even if such receptor exists, pathogen’s effectors can mutate and evolve to escape that recognition. Interactions between pathogen effectors and plant receptors are studied to understand the modus operandi of each pathogen, but also allows us to tinker with the natural plant receptors and alter their recognition specificity.” 

In their publication the researchers focused on engineering an NLR immune receptor from rice to robustly bind a broader, conserved effector family from the blast fungus pathogen. Mark Banfield, the corresponding author, adds; “By recognising a conserved effector family, this engineered immune receptor establishes a proof-of-principle for future delivery of robust, longer-lived blast disease resistance in agriculture. It may be more difficult for the pathogen to evolve to escape recognition. The concept of host-target immune receptor engineering may also be applicable to other plant diseases that rely on delivery of effectors into host cells for their disease-causing properties.” 

By exchanging the heavy metal–associated (HMA) domain of the rice NLR Pikm-1 with that from the rice protein OsHIPP43 (the natural target of the Pwl2 effector), the researchers successfully changed the receptor's response profile to recognise and respond to Pwl2 and the broader Pwl effector family.  

The researchers collected X-ray diffraction data at the I04 beamline of the UK’s national synchrotron, Diamond Light Source to study the details of the interaction between these two proteins. The crystal structure of the complex reveals an extensive interface between Pwl2 and OsHIPP43 (fig. 1). 

Figure 1: Transparent surface representation of Pwl2 (pink) and OsHIPP43 (blue) 

Interestingly, the researchers performed assays to show that the new chimeric protein could recognise different Pwl effectors (fig. 2) in planta.   

Figure 2: Cell death assay showing the Pikm-1OsHIPP43/Pikp-2 chimera recognizes Pwl effector variants on expression in N. benthamiana. 

To explore the limits of the chimeric protein, they generated series of targeted mutations in Pwl2 based on the crystal structure, and performed new assay to test for altered recognition specificities. In many cases, the protein could recognise the effector, showing the robustness of the system. (fig. 3) 

Figure 3: Cell death assays showing recognition of all single Pwl2 point mutants by the chimeric Pikm-1OsHIPP43/Pikp-2 receptor, despite deliberate targeting of mutations at the Pwl2/OsHIPP43 interface.  

The study's findings demonstrate the potential of host target-based NLR engineering in developing new resistance traits that could be less prone to being overcome by pathogen evolution. This research could have far-reaching implications for the future of crop protection and global food supply stability. 

To find out more about the I04 beamline or discuss potential applications, please contact Principal Beamline Scientist Ralf Flaig  

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Figure 2: Cell death assay showing the Pikm-1OsHIPP43/Pikp-2 chimera recognizes Pwl effector variants on expression in N. benthamiana. Figure 2: Cell death assay showing the Pikm-1OsHIPP43/Pikp-2 chimera recognizes Pwl effector variants on expression in N. benthamiana. 

Figure 3: Cell death assays showing recognition of all single Pwl2 point mutants by the chimeric Pikm-1OsHIPP43/Pikp-2 receptor, despite deliberate targeting of mutations at the Pwl2/OsHIPP43 interface.  

Paper: “Bioengineering a plant NLR immune receptor with a robust binding interface toward a conserved fungal pathogen effector”, July 5, 2024 

Authors and affiliations: Rafal Zdrzalek, Yuxuan Xi, Thorsten Langner, Mark J. Banfield +9  Authors Info & Affiliations 

Further information please contact:  

For further information: please contact Diamond Communications: Lorna Campbell +44 7836 625999 or Isabelle Boscaro-Clarke +44 1235 778130   Diamond Light Source:  Twitter: @DiamondLightSou    


The John Innes Centre, located in Norwich, Norfolk, England, is an independent centre for research and training in plant and microbial science founded in 1910. It is an international centre of excellence in plant science, genetics and microbiology. Its research aims to address global challenges, and new knowledge of plants and microbes is used to answer fundamental questions, as well as having a significant impact on industrial biotechnology, society and global development. 

The John Innes Centre fosters a creative, curiosity-driven approach to fundamental questions in bio-science, with a view to translating that into societal benefits. Over the last 110 years, we have achieved a range of fundamental breakthroughs, resulting in major societal impacts. The director of the John Innes Centre is Professor Graham Moore FRS

Diamond Light Source provides industrial and academic user communities with access to state-of-the-art analytical tools to enable world-changing science. Shaped like a huge ring, it works like a giant microscope, accelerating electrons to near light speeds, to produce a light 10 billion times brighter than the Sun, which is then directed off into 33 laboratories known as ‘beamlines’. In addition to these, Diamond offers access to several integrated laboratories including the world-class Electron Bio-imaging Centre (eBIC) and the Electron Physical Science Imaging Centre (ePSIC).    

Diamond serves as an agent of change, addressing 21st century challenges such as disease, clean energy, food security and more. Since operations started, more than 16,000 researchers from both academia and industry have used Diamond to conduct experiments, with the support of approximately 760 world-class staff. Almost 12,000 scientific articles have been published by our users and scientists.    

Funded by the UK Government through the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), and by the Wellcome Trust, Diamond is one of the most advanced scientific facilities in the world, and its pioneering capabilities are helping to keep the UK at the forefront of scientific research.    

Diamond was set-up as an independent not for profit company through a joint venture, between the UKRI’s Science and Technology Facilities Council and one of the world’s largest biomedical charities, the Wellcome Trust - each respectively owning 86% and 14% of the shareholding.