Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Work toward a cleaner way to purify critical metals

Sandia team studies selective sponges for rare-earth elements

DOE/Sandia National Laboratories

Designing selective sponges 


Sandia National Laboratories geochemist Anastasia Ilgen works on a vapor sorption analyzer used for characterizing the chemistry of porous solids such as metal-organic frameworks. Ilgen and her team designed MOFs for selectively purifying rare-earth elements.

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Credit: Photo by Craig Fritz/Sandia National Laboratories

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Rare-earth elements are everywhere in modern life, found in everything from the smart device you’re reading this on to the LED lightbulbs overhead and neodymium magnets in electric vehicles and wind turbines.

However, purifying these critical metals from ores with complex mixtures is a nasty business involving strong acids and hazardous solvents, and is primarily conducted in China. Over the past three years, a team of researchers from Sandia National Laboratories has been pioneering an environmentally friendly method to separate these rare-earth elements from watery mixtures.

Initially, the team made and modified tinker-toy-like molecules called metal-organic frameworks or MOFs to test their ability to adsorb these vital metals. They then used computer simulations and X-ray-based experiments to investigate how the rare-earth elements interact with the synthesized “sponges.” The team’s ultimate goal is to design sponges that selectively absorb one rare earth metal while excluding others. Their findings were recently published in a series of scientific papers, including one in the scientific journal ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces on August 26.

“We synthesized MOFs with variable surface chemistry and were able to show through adsorption experiments that these MOFs can pick out rare-earth elements from a mixture of other metals,” said Anastasia Ilgen, a Sandia geochemist and project lead. “They are more selective for the rare earths — that’s good. Importantly, we illustrated that their ability to pick out metals can be fine-tuned by adding chemical groups on their surfaces.”

Synthesizing stable sponges

The researchers selected two zirconium-based tinker-toy-like MOFs for the project. These MOFs are highly stable in water and easily adjustable, according to Dorina Sava Gallis, a Sandia materials chemist involved in the project.

MOFs consist of metal “hubs” and carbon-based linker “rods,” which can be interchanged to create nanosized “sponges” with different properties. Also, chemists can add different chemical groups within MOFs to modify their properties or engineer structures with missing rods, Sava Gallis said.

In their study, published in the scientific journal Chemical Communications, Sava Gallis and her team experimented with two types of MOFs featuring zirconium hubs. They attached new chemical groups to the linkers in one MOF building block, while attaching them to the metal hub in another.

The team found that the MOFs with missing linkers bound more of the two rare-earth elements compared to those without missing linkers, as expected. The addition of an amino group to the linker had minimal impact on the adsorption of any of the metals. However, incorporating a negatively charged chemical group called phosphonate into the linker improved the adsorption of all the metals. Interestingly, in the MOF structure where the chemical groups were attached to the metal hubs, the additional chemical groups did not make much of a difference on the adsorption of the rare-earth elements. However, they greatly increased the selectivity for nickel over cobalt, Sava Gallis said.

“We are seeing that both approaches we implemented effectively tune the selectivity for different ions,” Sava Gallis said. “We’re looking into designing new materials, combining the knowledge we have gained from studying these two material systems, to intentionally tailor the adsorption selectivity for each metal of interest.”

Modeling molecular interactions

To further guide the design of MOFs selective for specific rare-earth metals, Sandia computational materials scientist Kevin Leung used two different computer modeling techniques. First, he conducted molecular dynamics simulations to understand the environment of rare-earth elements in water, with or without other chemicals, or within a MOF structure. Then he performed detailed density functional theory modeling to calculate the energy for 14 rare-earth elements from cerium to lutetium going from water to a binding site with various surface chemistries. These findings were published in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.

Consistent with the earlier experimental work, Leung found that rare-earth elements do not exhibit a preference for binding with amines over water. However, they do show a preference for negatively charged chemicals like sulfate or phosphate compared to water. Leung found this preference is stronger for heavier rare-earth elements such as lutetium compared to lighter elements like cerium and neodymium.

The goal was to find a chemical that would allow them to select one metal, but unfortunately everything modeled had a uniform trend, Leung said. He hypothesized that combining a slightly positively charged surface chemical with a negatively charged surface chemical would be able to select for one metal. However, this approach has not yet been attempted.

X-ray illumination and next steps

To see precisely how the rare-earth metals interact with MOFs, Ilgen used X-ray spectroscopy to examine the chemical environment of three rare-earth elements in zirconium-based MOFs and chromium-based MOFs. Using synchrotron-based X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy at Argonne National Laboratory, Ilgen observed that the rare-earth element chemically bonded to the metal hub in both zirconium and chromium MOFs. In the MOF with a phosphonate surface group, the rare-earth metals bound to the phosphonate instead of the metal hub.

“My spectroscopy work is the first to identify the surface complexes formed by rare-earth elements in MOFs,” Ilgen said. “No one had done X-ray spectroscopy before. Previous studies inferred surface complexes based on adsorption trends, but no one had ‘seen’ them. I saw them with my X-ray eyes.”

Ilgen also saw that the rare-earth element bound to the metal hub in the same manner in MOFs with missing linkers as in MOFs with all the linkers. This is significant because MOFs without defects are more stable and potentially more reusable than MOFs with missing linkers.

In the paper, Ilgen proposed that metal hubs with a mixture of metals could create MOF sponges that prefer to adsorb one rare-earth element over others, but she said this approach has not been attempted yet.

Armed with their extensive knowledge of rare-earth elements’ interactions with MOFs, the team has numerous avenues to explore in designing selective sponges.

“There are several possible design strategies for ion-selective MOFs, specifically for separating individual rare-earth elements from one another,” Ilgen said. “One strategy involves tuning the chemistry of the metal hub, potentially incorporating multiple types of metals to optimize the binding site for a specific rare earth. Another strategy focuses on surface group chemistry, where strong surface groups outcompete the metal hubs, creating ion-specific pockets associated with the surface groups. Lastly, the pore dimensions of the MOF itself can be adjusted, as nanosized pores alter local chemistry to favor specific elements.”

The project was funded by Sandia’s Laboratory Directed Research and Development program.

Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration. Sandia Labs has major research and development responsibilities in nuclear deterrence, global security, defense, energy technologies and economic competitiveness, with main facilities in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Livermore, California.

Sandia National Laboratories intern Kadie Marie Mei Sanchez works on a mass spectrometer used for quantifying the concentration of metals, such as the rare-earth elements separated by the tailored MOFs.


Photo by Craig Fritz/Sandia National Laboratories


National Institutes of Health awards $2.4 million grant to cross-disciplinary team of researchers to study psychedelics for methamphetamine addiction

Research project led by Drs. John McCorvy, Adam Halberstadt, and Kevin Murnane selected by NIDA for first-ever funding opportunity to investigate the therapeutic potential of psychedelics to combat methamphetamine addiction.

Medical College of Wisconsin


Milwaukee, Wis., August 27, 2024 – John McCorvy, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Cell Biology, Neurobiology, and Anatomy at the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW); Adam Halberstadt, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) and Director of the UCSD Center for Psychedelic Research; and Kevin Murnane, PhD, Associate Professor of Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Neuroscience and Director of Basic Science Research for the Louisiana Addiction Research Center at LSU Health Shreveport, were recently awarded a five-year, $2.4 million research grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), to uncover critical insights into how psychedelics could be used as a therapeutic to treat methamphetamine addiction.

Stimulant use disorder and methamphetamine-related overdose deaths are escalating at an alarming rate. According to data from NIDA, the number of overdose deaths in the United States involving psychostimulants (primarily methamphetamine) has grown significantly since 2015 when there were 5,716 attributed deaths. In 2022, NIDA reported 34,022 overdose deaths involving psychostimulants – a nearly 500% increase from 2015 to 2022.

Psychedelic substances, like psilocybin, have shown promise in treating a wide range of behavioral health conditions, including anxiety, depression, alcoholism, and nicotine dependence. However, these substances interact with multiple receptors and are not specifically selective for the serotonin 5-HT2A receptor, which is vital for their psychoactive effects. The research spearheaded by Drs. McCorvy (MCW), Halberstadt (UCSD), and Murnane (LSU) seeks to understand the specific role of 5-HT2A receptor signaling in mitigating the effects of methamphetamine use.

“There are currently no pharmacological treatments for methamphetamine addiction. Our research aims to unravel the precise mechanisms through which psychedelics influence the 5-HT2A receptor – understanding that could lead to lessening their psychoactive effect and open the door to new treatments,” said Dr. McCorvy. “This project’s findings could ultimately pave the way for new therapeutic approaches to treat stimulant use disorder, impacting the lives of so many who are coping with addiction.”

The significance of this research extends beyond the immediate goal of finding new treatments for methamphetamine addiction. Understanding which serotonin receptors facilitate the beneficial effects of psychedelics can pave the way for developing targeted therapies that minimize psychedelic effects, potentially allowing for daily or regular use without impairing the patient’s daily life.

As Dr. Halberstadt noted, “Psychedelics appear to have significant therapeutic activity against different types of substance abuse and other psychiatric disorders. However, existing psychedelics induce intensive psychoactive effects and can also induce side-effects in some individuals, complicating the clinical use of these substances and restricting their widespread application. Our project seeks to understand the mechanism for the therapeutic effects of psychedelics against methamphetamine addition, potentially enabling development of a new generation of molecules with effects that are much more manageable and better tolerated.”

As Dr. Murnane noted, “For methamphetamine addiction, the current standard of care involves behavioral treatments with limited success rates over multiple cycles of therapy. This creates a public health imperative to research new and deliver effective therapies for methamphetamine addiction. This research project will advance psychedelics as a promising new treatment option based on reported data in initial clinical studies, as well as our own preliminary research. It will also unlock understanding into key physiological mechanisms that drive methamphetamine addiction, as well as therapeutic response mechanisms, allowing the development of second-generation serotonin agents with improved profiles.”

NIDA recently solicited grant applications for innovative research projects that employ psychedelics for drug addiction. This project – Investigations into 5-HT2A signaling mechanisms of psychedelic drugs for the treatment of stimulant use disorder – was one of only two non-clinical trial grant applications selected for funding by NIDA.

“We’re thrilled to receive this first-of-its-kind funding from NIDA to conduct such unique and innovative research. It not only validates our approach to studying psychedelics but highlights the urgent need for new treatments for methamphetamine addiction,” said Dr. McCorvy. “Our goal is to leverage cutting-edge chemical biology tools to unravel the specific mechanisms by which psychedelics exert their effects, potentially leading to novel therapies that can significantly impact public health.”

This research is timely and crucial given the alarming rates of methamphetamine overdoses, especially in the southern and western United States where methamphetamine was the most common drug in overdose deaths in 2017, surpassing those from opioid overdoses. The study’s findings could lead to novel, effective treatments for a problem that has long lacked viable medical solutions.


NOTE: Drs. McCorvy, Halberstadt, and Murnane are available for interviews. Please contact the press office for their respective institutions to schedule: MCW –; UCSD –; LSUHS –

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About the Medical College of Wisconsin

With a history dating back to 1893, the Medical College of Wisconsin is dedicated to leadership and excellence in education, patient care, research and community engagement. More than 1,600 students are enrolled in MCW’s medical, graduate and pharmacy schools at campuses in Milwaukee, Green Bay and Central Wisconsin. MCW’s School of Pharmacy opened in 2017. A major national research center, MCW ranks in the top 1% of U.S. research institutions (National Science Foundation), is the largest research institution in the Milwaukee metro area and is the largest private research institution in Wisconsin. Annually, our faculty direct or collaborate on more than 3,500 research studies, including clinical trials. In the last 10 years, MCW faculty have received nearly $2 billion in external support for research, teaching, training and related purposes. Additionally, our more than 1,700 physicians provide care in virtually every specialty of medicine, annually fulfilling more than 4 million patient visits.


About the University of California San Diego 

UC San Diego is recognized as one of the top 20 research universities in the world and received more than $460 million in NIH grants in 2023. UCSD includes six undergraduate residential colleges, two professional medical schools (UCSD School of Medicine and Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences), the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, the Qualcomm Institute, the San Diego Supercomputer Center, and the Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind. It offers over 200 undergraduate and graduate degree programs, enrolling more than 20,000 undergraduate students and more than 6,000 graduate and professional students.


About Louisiana State University Health Shreveport

LSU Health Shreveport is one of two health sciences centers of the Louisiana State University (LSU) System and home to the only academic medical center in a 150-mile radius. The primary mission of LSU Health Shreveport is to teach, heal, and discover in order to advance the well-being of the state, region and beyond. LSU Health Shreveport encompasses the School of MedicineSchool of Graduate Studies and School of Allied Health ProfessionsGraduate Medical Education (GME), and a robust research enterprise. For more information, visit


Darwin’s longstanding interest in biological rhythms

PNAS Nexus

Darwin and Biological Rhythms 


Watercolor illustration of Charles Darwin. Darwin studied biological rhythms in various organisms and across different time scales, from meticulous descriptions to speculative and experimental investigations.

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Credit: Mateus Andrade

A close reading of Darwin’s work suggests a deep interest in cyclical events. Rhythmic phenomena in nature—today the subjects of the field of chronobiology—have been studied since at least the 18th century. In a perspective, Tiago Gomes de Andrade and Andrew D. Beale examined the writings and work of Charles Darwin to explore and share the eminent naturalist’s deep fascination with biological rhythms. Darwin’s work on the “sleep movements” in plants, published in 1880 with his son Francis is well known. This work examined the daily cycle of opening and closing of leaves. But as far back as 1838, Darwin was taking notes on whether plants that close their leaves in response to touch might also show daily rhythms. Throughout his career, he took note of seasonal and daily biological rhythms, including diurnal and nocturnal habits in animals, seasonal migrations, cyclical changes associated with reproduction, hibernation patterns, and tidal rhythms, among other temporal patterns. Darwin recognized the heritability and adaptive nature of many of these rhythms, from the timing of mating seasons to correspond with peak vigor to the evening timing of plant perfume release to communicate with nocturnal pollinators. According to the authors, Darwin’s observations and experiments show a profound engagement in what is now termed chronobiology.


Exposure to aid early in life reduces the risk of chronic malnutrition

University of Gothenburg
Ann-Sofie Isaksson 


Ann-Sofie Isaksson

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Credit: Isac Lundmark

Children who are exposed to aid at an early age are at a lower risk of suffering from chronic malnutrition. The most notable effects come from broad initiatives that impact household income, rather than targeted interventions focused on child and maternal health. This is highlighted by a study from the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg, which analyzed over 700 aid projects in Malawi.

Chronic malnutrition causes children to be shorter than average for their age and affects their organ development, brain capacity, and immune system. To study how aid affects chronic malnutrition among children, researchers from the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg examined aid projects in Malawi in southeastern Africa. They used data on living conditions, weight, and height of 26,000 children and linked these to over 770 aid projects in the country.

The results show that children who had an active aid project near their home from birth until the age of two were less likely to suffer from chronic malnutrition compared to children who were not exposed during this critical period. The study also reveals that aid projects that impact household wealth seem to have a greater effect than targeted interventions focusing on the health of children and mothers.

"Even though aid projects in the form of nutritional supplements for young children can have positive effects, the results of targeted projects to combat chronic malnutrition are surprisingly weak. One reason for this is likely due to the many factors that affect children's nutrient absorption. For example, if a family cooks with wood indoors without proper ventilation, the risk of chronic malnutrition increases as children are exposed to toxic smoke. Other examples include poor hygiene due to lack of clean water and the risk of malaria if mosquito nets are not used", says Dick Durevall, senior professor of economics, who conducted the study along with Associate Professor Ann-Sofie Isaksson.

Instead, aid projects that improve the household economy as a whole and the educational level of mothers seem to have greater effects. This could involve creating marketplaces, schools, wells, improving agricultural methods, or providing financial support to families if their children attend school.

"Programs aimed at reducing the problem of chronic malnutrition should address all critical factors, which is probably easiest if households themselves influence how the resources are used", says Ann-Sofie Isaksson.

The study also shows that multilateral aid projects, which involve several countries or partners, have the greatest effect. A likely reason is that these projects are larger and can benefit from economies of scale. Another possible reason is that multilateral projects focus on relevant development areas, whereas bilateral aid – that is, aid from one state to another – can also be driven by strategic geopolitical interests.

"The results of the study still show that aid works, that is, aid can have a significant positive effect. They also show that chronic malnutrition is likely caused by many different factors. One conclusion is that aid projects should focus on impacting household income", says Dick Durevall.

The study: Dick Durevall and Ann-Sofie Isaksson. “Aid and child health A disaggregated analysis of the effects of aid on impaired growth”, forthcoming in World Development.


New photoacoustic probes enable deep brain tissue imaging, with the potential to report on neuronal activity and enable better understanding of brain function

Peer-Reviewed Publication

European Molecular Biology Laboratory

New photoacoustic probes enable deep brain tissue imaging 


New photoacoustic probes are allowing scientists to explore deeper into the brain as they can label and visualise neurons. Here, the scientific illustration features their novel photoacoustic dye that is used for labelling and  imaging deep inside a mouse’s brain.

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Credit: Credit: Isabel Romero Calvo/EMBL

To understand the brain better, we need new methods to observe its activity.

That is at the heart of a molecular engineering project, spearheaded by two research groups at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), that has resulted in a novel approach to create photoacoustic probes for neuroscience applications. The findings were published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

“Photoacoustics offer a way to capture imagery of an entire mouse brain, but we just lacked the right probes to visualise a neuron’s activity,” said Robert Prevedel, an EMBL group leader and a senior author on this paper. To overcome this technological challenge, he worked with Claire Deo, another EMBL group leader and also a senior author on the paper. She and her team specialise in chemical engineering.

“We have been able to show that we can actually label neurons in specific brain areas with probes bright enough to be detected by our customised photoacoustic microscope,” Prevedel said.

Scientists can learn more about biological processes by tracking certain chemicals, such as ions or biomolecules. Photoacoustic probes can act as 'reporters' for hard-to-detect chemicals by binding to them specifically. The probes can then absorb light when excited by lasers and emit sound waves that can be detected by specialised imaging equipment. For neuroscience applications, however, researchers have so far been unable to engineer targeted reporters that can visualise brain functions tailored for photoacoustics.

While researchers have experimented with using synthetic dyes as photoacoustic reporters of neuronal activity, controlling where the dye goes and what might be labelled has been challenging. Proteins have been particularly useful as probes for tagging specific molecules, but have not yet led to effective photoacoustic probes to monitor neural activity across the entire brain.

“In our case, we took the best of both of these sensors, combining a protein with a rationally designed synthetic dye, and we can now label and visualise neurons in specific regions of interest,” said Alexander Cook, first author of the study and a predoctoral fellow in the Deo group. In rational design approaches, researchers use existing knowledge and principles to build molecules with the desired properties, instead of blindly making and testing random compounds. “Also, we’re not just talking about a static observation, but instead this probe shows a reversible, dynamic response to calcium, which is a marker of neuron activity,” Cook added.

According to Deo, an important challenge stood in the way of this technological development. Because photoacoustic probes have not been extensively studied, the researchers lacked a way to evaluate the probes they were building.

Consequently, the project began with Nikita Kaydanov, co-author of the study and predoctoral fellow in the Prevedel Group, who custom-made a spectroscopy setup. “There is no commercial setup that can measure photoacoustic signals of a probe in test tubes or cuvettes, so we had to build one,” Kaydanov said. “We created our own photoacoustic spectrometer to assess and optimise the probes.”

“This allowed us to evaluate and characterise the different probes we made to assess a few things,” Deo said. “Did they produce a detectable photoacoustic signal? Are they sensitive enough? That’s how we inferred the next steps.”

But just producing probes that work in a vial wasn’t where the researchers wanted to stop. They then wanted to see how the probes worked in practice. They figured out a way to deliver the probes into a mouse brain and successfully detected photoacoustic signals from neurons inside the targeted brain regions.

“While we are excited about the progress, we need to be clear that this is just the first generation of these probes,” Deo said. “While they offer a very promising approach, we have a lot more work to do, but it’s a good first demonstration of what this system can enable and the potential it has in better understanding brain function.”

In fact, those next steps include improving the dye delivery system and confirming the ability to use them for dynamic imaging inside cells.

“It is really one of the advantages of EMBL that it brings together so many people with different kinds of expertise,” Prevedel said. “We’re both developers in our own way – my group works more on instrumentation, and Claire’s group does more molecular tools. And combining this with neuroscientists who then truly test the tools – this is a special and unique way of doing research, only possible at EMBL.”


Quantitative reconstruction of a “once-in-a-millennium” super rainstorm using daily resolved δ18O of land snail shells

Science China Press
Fig. 1. Local setting and the land snail shells. 


(a) Map showing Eastern Asia's prevailing monsoon climates and the sampling site location. The topographic map comes from, and the red-filled circle and the white-filled circle represent the sampling site and Beijing, respectively. Abbreviations: ISM, Indian Summer Monsoon; EASM, East Asia Summer Monsoon; EAWM, East Asia Winter Monsoon. (b) The multi-year average monthly TP, and Î´18Oprecipitation in Zhengzhou (IAEA, The grey bar represents the growing seasons for Cathaica fasciola at Zhengzhou. The monthly mean T > 10oC from April to October. (c) Land snail Cathaica fasciola and the schematic flow chart for the cutting and sampling of snail shells. The red lines represent the sampling path of the subsamples for GSMS determination; The yellow arrows represent the direction of sampling, which is opposite to the growth direction. The enlarged section shows the sampling spots of SIMS analysis.

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Credit: ©Science China Press

Extreme weather events, such as rainstorms, tropical cyclones, and heatwaves can occur across several days or even a few hours, and cause great damage to ecosystems and human settlements. An extreme rainstorm battered Zhengzhou, central China during July 17th to 22nd 2021 (then named “7.20” super rainstorm). Local daily precipitation was over 300mm and the region experienced nearly an entire year’s worth of precipitation within three days. This rainstorm has been regarded as an “once-in-a-millennium” weather event in meteorological statistics.

However, the “once-in-a-millennium” was so named from the instrumental data of the past hundred years. With rapid global warming, the climate background of extreme weather events is also changing rapidly. Therefore, whether “7.20” super rainstorm is an “once-in-a-millennium” disaster or a new normal event under a warmer world is still a pressing question to clarify. Given this uncertainty, obtaining extreme weather event variability under various climate conditions could greatly improve our understanding about mechanisms and dynamics of extreme weather events. However, due to the short time-span of most modern instrumental data (no more than 100 years) and coarse temporal resolution of most current paleoclimate records (ranging from years to millennia), it is fair to say that our knowledge about the intrinsic relationship between extreme weather variability and climate background is almost non-existent up to now.

Recently, the team of Dr. Hong Yan from Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, tried to reconstructed the “7.20” super rainstorm using local land snail shells. Four modern land snail shells (Cathaica fasciola) were collected in the Zhengzhou-Xingyang area, one of the centers hit by the “7.20” super rainstorm (Fig. 1). Weekly and daily resolved snail shell Î´18O records from June to September of 2021 were obtained by gas-source mass spectrometry (GSMS) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). The daily resolved records show a dramatic negative shift between June 18th and September 18th, which is very likely to be related to the “7.20” super rainstorm according to the established age framework. Furthermore, the theoretical precipitation amounts of “7.20” super rainstorm calculated by the amplitude of this Î´18O shift using flux balance model closely approaches to the precipitation amount observed at the local meteorological station (Fig. 2).

In fact, this study reveals, for the first time, that terrestrial synoptic scale extreme rainstorm events can be quantitively reconstructed by a natural paleoclimate archive. The application of current work on fossil snail shells in the older sedimentary strata may offer an opportunity to reveal the frequency and intensity of synoptic scale extreme rainstorms under different climate backgrounds (Fig. 3). These paleoweather information sources may prove to be essential sources to help understand the law and dynamics of regional extreme rainstorms, especially for calibrating numerical climatic models and predicting the future trend of extreme rainstorms.


New concept for the protection of marine biodiversity

The AGELESS Project will leverage long-term data series for the ocean of the future

MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen

The open ocean, which, for the most part, lies outside of national jurisdictions is just as severely impacted by climate change as are Nationally regulated coastal waters. With the new international Agreement on Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ), a framework for nature conservation and the regulation of interventions in the international waters of the open ocean has been under development since 2023. But how can anything be protected in areas outside of national jurisdiction? How can marine protected areas be managed in a rapidly changing ocean?

This is where the AGELESS project comes in, as a continuation and expansion of the already successful cooperation between MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen and the University of Oldenburg. Partners at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity at the University of Oldenburg (HIFMB) are also involved in the project. Researchers from Bremen and Oldenburg have already been engaged with the themes of the BBNJ agreement as part of the work of the German Research Foundation's Senate Commission on Fundamental Issues of Biological Diversity. They have also carried out fundamental research using palaeoecological data as part of the Cluster of Excellence “The Ocean Floor – Earth's Uncharted Interface”, thus contributing to our understanding of the current rapidly changing biodiversity in the sea.

Tiny fossils provide a glimpse into the history of the oceans

The study of tiny microfossils that are deposited on the ocean floor over decades and millennia allows a unique glimpse into the history of the oceans and their inhabitants. Based on the ways in which fossil communities have spread, the researchers are able to understand how individual species and even entire ecosystems have reacted to environmental changes in the past. AGELESS wants to use such data from the past to develop concepts for protecting the ocean of tomorrow. This makes the project complementary to the research of the Cluster of Excellence. In addition to paleoclimate research and paleoecology studies, scientists will incorporate aspects of theoretical ecology, nature-conservation planning, and governance research.

Geological knowledge can be applied in the cause of environmental protection

“Such a combination of professional disciplines is unique and forward-looking,” says the coordinator of the consortium, Professor Michal Kucera from Bremen. “Cooperation crossing the traditional boundaries of specialty fields will make it possible to directly apply insights from the geological past to our efforts toward environmental protection.”

The project is designed to be interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary. The resulting data and models that reflect how biodiversity has changed in response to climate change will be presented in such a way as to provide comprehensible information for political decision-makers.

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding the project with 2.5 million euros over a three-year period beginning in September 2024. During this time, the researchers will compile large datasets, involve experts and stakeholders, analyze time series of planktonic microfossils response to past ocean change and develop models based on this data. From this fundamental knowledge they will make concrete suggestions on how biodiversity in the high seas can be effectively protected in times of climate change.

“We are using a Co-design approach and have already contacted international and national interest groups,” explains Professor Helmut Hillebrand of the University of Oldenburg. Co-design is a participatory process in which stakeholders are involved in the project from the beginning in order to refine the research questions and define possible products in dialog workshops. “A total of four projects on this topic will be funded by the BMBF. Employing a joint dialog strategy, these will ensure that the results of the project can have an impact.”


Participating Institutions:

MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen

Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM), Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg

Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity at the University of Oldenburg (HIFMB)

Department of Economics and Law, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)