Friday, September 13, 2024

Project 2025 is a Blue Print for the End of the American Dream

 September 13, 2024

Photograph by Nathaniel St. Clair

Maybe you’ve heard some of the buzz about “Project 2025.” What is it — and what would it mean for you and your family?

Project 2025 is a proposed “transition plan for a new Republican administration” put together by the Heritage Foundation, a right-wing think tank. It’s an in-depth list of what conservative groups will push for in the event of a Trump victory in the fall.

And it poses serious dangers to families and the middle class. It would drastically defund social programs that millions rely on, including MedicaidMedicare, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). It would defund public schools, roll back housing assistance, and cut regulations that protect consumers and the environment.

It’s a dense document, but here are six key takeaways on this pending catastrophe for working people.

1. Millions of Americans will lose health care.

Project 2025 not only slashes Medicaid but would entirely eliminate the Affordable Care Act, the popular healthcare program that helps Americans afford care and guarantees coverage to customers with pre-existing medical conditions. This would cause millions to lose their coverage.

The plan also rolls back the Inflation Reduction Act provision allowing Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug prices. Currently, the law caps life-saving insulin at $35 per month and caps out-of-pocket Medicare costs at $2,000 annually. Care for seniors will get a lot more expensive if those protections are taken away.

2. Children will be sicker, poorer, and hungrier.

Children, especially those in low-income households, would be harmed the most. Their reduced access to health care could lead to higher rates of illnesses, developmental delays, long-term inequities in opportunities, and even preventable deaths.

Proposed cuts to food assistance programs, such as free school meals and SNAP, would increase food insecurity for millions of Americans — especially children. And children who experience hunger and malnutrition are at a greater risk of long-term cognitive and physical developmental challenges, which can poorly affect their life outcomes.

3. Public schools will suffer.

Project 2025 calls to eliminate the Department of Education, which funds programs for students with disabilities and meals for hungry kids, helps parents get before care and after care, enforces civil rights protections, and helps people pursue postsecondary education.

This extremist agenda would also eliminate Head Start. The subsidized preschool program, which has served over 40 million kids, promotes early childhood development and provides childcare to parents who are working or studying to escape poverty.

Instead, public funding would be funneled into wasteful private school vouchers and charter schools.

4. Millions of families will be criminalized.

Mixed-status families, which include both citizens and undocumented immigrants, face the unthinkable reality of a loved one being deported under Project 2025. And families that include LGBTQ+ members face the dystopian reality of discrimination and criminalization.

5. Food, water, and air will be poisoned.

Project 2025 also drastically reduces or eliminates regulations that protect our communities, workplaces, and environment. This is especially dangerous for people in low-income areas and communities of color, which are more often located near industrial areas and exposed to pollution and environmental hazards.

6. Only the wealthy win.

Project 2025’s other main goal is yet more tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, which would starve public investments and codify inequality by only helping those who need it the least.

This dangerous, sweeping takeover of a society that’s made huge strides toward equality over many decades threatens to take us back to a “Gilded Age,” where only the very wealthiest white families and corporations benefit from government policy.

Though we have yet to fully realize the dream of equality and justice for all, we can only achieve it by expanding the hard-won, effective social progress we’ve achieved so far. Project 2025 is a blueprint to end that American Dream.

Atavism in the American Mass Psyche

 September 13, 2024

Photograph by Nathaniel St. Clair

Donald Trump’s victory in 2016 was a surprise, I conjecture, to Trump himself. I think he was surprised earlier in the Primaries how easy it was to mock and upstage his challengers. He could break all the protocols of proper Primary behavior without check. Perhaps that was the first time he realized there was no one or anything to check him. He was like Sky Masterson in Guys and Dolls at play with the pushovers. But he’s a vainglorious sort and he didn’t let a “Damn, I’m the president!” moment stop him from taking command of, well, a whole lot of governmental stuff he didn’t know shite about. Kind of stop me if you can. Like The Gingerbread Man.

His is not an unusual type. We mass produce hucksters swollen on their own hype and con on the assembly line. What’s unusual is that this type has become president and is now in a wire finish race to become president again. I’ve seen photos of his Dad, the slum, racist landlord, and, once again I conjecture, that Trump got twisted in upbringing. Sad, but I don’t care. But the fact that he’s close to twisting the whole country into the same dark, aberrant pit his mind is in needs to be the focus of real concern.

In his debate with Kamala Harris, he exposed a really scary psyche, full tilt delusions and vile fixations bursting through a net of falsehoods. It was like the scene when the curtain drops in The Wizard of Oz and we see the Wizard is just an old guy with a megaphone. Whether Trump’s entrapped himself in his own net, I don’t care. But why and how are others entrapped? What’s going on within the American mass psyche that when the curtain is pulled, they still see a Wizard?

Trump is not a throwback but we are. We are not in the manner of a mass psychosis drawing us to him. I don’t care about that. We’re drawn to Taylor Swift. Is that a mass psychosis? Whatever is going on there far exceeds what is actually there, whether Donald Trump or Taylor Swift. There’s proper weirdness there.

We are atavistic in the ways in which we know the world. Or, more precisely, the ways in which since the end of magic and scholasticism we have adhered to methods of establishing truth and disclosing reality.

What’s going on when Trump denies all fact and evidence, like a Flat Earther or a Holocaust denier, and some 74 million people voted for him in 2020?

Clearly, the Portfolio class will dismiss the soft and fuzzy of the “human factor” and keep their eye on threats to their investments. Democrats will always be a threat to them as long as ”share the wealth” Bernie and Warren are around.

The Pope/Christian Fundamentalists/Evangelicals/Restorationists class will never vote for a party that “kills babies,” or threatens family values with LGBTQ+.

There’s also the “Anything But Liberals, Socialist, and Communist” block who equate diversity with criminal illegals, distrust what lurks behind the call for economic equity, and see Federal intrusion behind inclusion.

The fourth group are bonded to Trump like Jehovah Witnesses are bound to the End Time prophecy of 1870. That may be the Mass Psychosis written about.

Though the fourth group seems more attuned to ignoring rational/empirical cases made based on Enlightenment reasoning, the other three seem to easily handle dumping those “narratives.” They can do what Trump does, which is magisterially dismiss as fake, false and politically weaponized in a heartbeat whatever and whoever tries to put his craziness in check. Maybe the Western Tradition of Rationality and Realism was junked without a thought because it’s always been a peculiarly American style to be free in their thinking, to assert the autonomy of their own thoughts. Within that way of knowing true and false, real and illusion are personal choices. Here, a kind of pathological subjectivism.

Established: Trump’s a psychiatric case study. But what about the 74 million voters who voted for him in 2020 and who may show up again in the coming election?

Clearly, something has happened beyond the ken of political response. Long existing ways of knowing what truth may be and what reality is being confronted have been thrown overboard. I title this piece “Atavism” because it’s clear we’ve reverted to an irrational way of knowing, not confined to religious faith, but across the U.S. landscape. There’s a mass psyche pathology presenting itself here.

The Scientific Method and its practitioners during Covid received little respect and a lot of abuse and personal attacks. Individuals could out do science with a bottle of bleach. No, you didn’t personally believe in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report. This dissing of the Method is astounding. Quantum may turn classical physics on its head but what’s going on here is not a rejection of the Law of Non-Contradiction or Causality. This is whacko.

In a short period of time, established print journalism became just “fake news.” If you cite The New York Timesor The Washington Post you’re sneered at. Gratefully, journals of heterodoxy get a pass as to be heterodox suits the belligerent temper of the times. You get the “real truth” from some self-anointed Influencer online.. You didn’t believe a tornado was reported by the weather service because you had never seen one.

Thirty-four felony convictions rendered by due process trial by jury were crooked, weaponized attacks on Trump by Biden operatives. A jury of your peers is now just a big scam. So, the entire judicial system goes out the door. The electoral system is also rigged and needs to go out the door. Or, in Trump’s view, should be done away with. The House’s impeachments had no facts and was also politically conspired against him. He’s the most defamed man since Jesus.

Unless there was already present some aberration in the American mass psyche, the whole Western Tradition of Rationality and Realism would not so easily been vacated. I wrote much at the advent of postmodernity of its critique of that tradition. What I see now is not a deconstruction of that tradition but a reversion to a kind of subjectivism blind and deaf to conditions outside the limitations of our own perceptions. The mad personalize the world within the distorted dimensions of their own consciousness. It can be seen in the man who wants to be president again but it can also be seen so widespread that the common agreement and understanding that any society needs to survive has left us.

It’s the nature of capitalism, especially in its present financialized form to speculate on the movement of prices and gamble on their direction, no value resulting except fabulous riches to the winners, to be unconcerned with our atavism. The uninformed and the delusional are welcome clients of Wealth Management Advisers.

Those who believe that the facts of this world don’t matter and Armageddon is imminent, believe Truth is God’s to know and it’s written that humans are a miserable, hapless lot that can’t be expected to find Truth. It is in fact heretical to presume to know. Galileo was under house arrest and Giordano Bruno burned at the stake. And so, what humans say is always false. Trump points out those occasions.

I suspect that if Trump’s allegation that immigrants are eating dogs and cats in Springfield suits your view of diversity invasion, then he’s Truth telling.  A kind of virus in the mind is now preempting any search for what the facts may be. It might be the worm in RFK, Jr’s brain that’s gone pandemic, though it’s clearly not left him. This is bewildering, weird indeed but disastrous also.

Kamala Harris has an inquisitorial and not a deranged mind. How do I know this? If she didn’t respect the facts leading to a case based on evidence, wasn’t able to find the holes in such a case, wasn’t able to mount a countering case, she would not have had the career she has had. She seeks a common understanding of the evidence she presents.

Perhaps a return to such respect might be therapeutic for the country as a whole. Biden’s presidency, waylaid by inflation and immigration as Viet-nam was for LBJ, has deflected that movement of wealth from the bottom to the top launched by Reagan. However, the failure of many to be informed of what he has done on their behalf tells us once again that we do not seek to be informed nor do we know now how to do so. Trump spoke vilely about Biden at the debate but, to those informed as to what Biden has done not for the 1% but for the working and middle classes, Biden exceeded all expectations of what he could do in the presidency. Trump lampooned Biden because he, Trump, is of that wealth class Biden targeted.

This debility of mind that has crept into the American mass psyche will most likely find no cure in Trump’s departure. It was there before he arrived. It enabled his arrival, this loss of knowing above our own nave, this atavism of mind.


Joseph Phillip Natoli’s The New Utrecht Avenue novel trilogy is on sale at Amazon. Time is the Fire ended what began with Get Ready to Run and Between Dog & Wolf. Humour noire with counterpunches. .

Both Trump and Harris Agree, It’s Time to Stop Arresting People for Marijuana

 September 13, 2024

Indoor marijuana grow operation, southern Humboldt County, California. Photo: Jeffrey St. Clair.

At a time when voters and politicians are historically divided, there is one issue that Americans largely agree upon: It’s time to legalize marijuana.

Months ago, Vice President Kamala Harris tweeted that “Nobody should have to go to jail for weed.” Despite her past oppositionto marijuana legalization, she’s since become the first major presidential nominee to endorse it.

In a more recent social media post, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump opined, “We do not need to ruin lives and waste taxpayers’ dollars arresting adults with personal amounts of it (marijuana) on them.”

That’s significant coming from Trump, who as president was on record supporting violent drug war crackdowns abroad and who appointed longtime anti-marijuana zealot Jeff Sessions to be his first Attorney General.

One look at recent polling data and it’s clear why the two candidates are finding common ground on cannabis. According to Gallup, 70 percent of U.S. adults believe that “the use of marijuana should be legal.”

That’s an increase of 19 percentage points since 2014, when Colorado and Washington became the first states to implement adult-use cannabis legalization. Twenty-four states have now done so — and no state has ever repealed marijuana legalization.

The public’s support is bipartisan. Nationwide, 87 percent of Democrats, 70 percent of independents, and 55 percent of Republicans support legalization. In important swing states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, legalizing marijuana similarly enjoys majority support.

It’s easy to see why. The initial push for cannabis criminalization, which began in earnest in the early 1900s, had little to do with any legitimate concerns about public health or safety. Rather, the move to ban marijuana and to criminally prosecute those who consume it was based primarily upon myths and xenophobia.

Today, nearly half of all drug-related arrests nationwide are for marijuana. This is a tremendous waste of time and resourcesthat most Americans believe ought to be reprioritized toward targeting more serious crimes.

In addition, those arrested and prosecuted for violating marijuana laws face a litany of lifelong consequences — including a criminal record and the lost opportunities that come with it. Those arrested are disproportionately young people and socioeconomically disadvantaged.

Criminalization, despite its longevity, has failed to disrupt the illicit market or discourage marijuana use. By contrast, teens’ use of marijuana has plummeted since states have begun regulating marijuana sales. In addition, survey data finds that most cannabis consumers in legal states obtain their goods from licensed retailers, not from underground street dealers.

Legalization has also  provided notable economic benefits for state governments. Since 2014, retail sales of adult-use cannabis products have generated more than $15 billion in tax revenue, which has funded school construction, affordable housing, and other services.

Given the success of legalization and the overt failures of marijuana prohibition, it’s hardly surprising to see the presidential candidates weighing in.

It’s notable, however, that it’s taken this long for them to publicly tout the issue. Trump previously mused that statewide legalization resulted in “big problems” in states like Colorado, while Harris urged California voters to reject a 2010 legalization ballot question.

But times have changed, and politicians are adapting accordingly. In an election where every vote counts, both Trump and Harris wisely see advocating for marijuana policy reform as an opportunity to connect with a wide range of potential voters.

It’s just further proof that an issue once considered to be a political hot button has since gone mainstream.