Saturday, October 05, 2024


Nuclear rockets could travel to Mars in half the time − but designing the reactors that would power them isn’t easy

Dan Kotlyar, Georgia Institute of Technology
Fri, October 4, 2024 

Nuclear-powered rockets could one day enable faster space travel. NASA

NASA plans to send crewed missions to Mars over the next decade – but the 140 million-mile (225 million-kilometer) journey to the red planet could take several months to years round trip.

This relatively long transit time is a result of the use of traditional chemical rocket fuel. An alternative technology to the chemically propelled rockets the agency develops now is called nuclear thermal propulsion, which uses nuclear fission and could one day power a rocket that makes the trip in just half the time.

Nuclear fission involves harvesting the incredible amount of energy released when an atom is split by a neutron. This reaction is known as a fission reaction. Fission technology is well established in power generation and nuclear-powered submarines, and its application to drive or power a rocket could one day give NASA a faster, more powerful alternative to chemically driven rockets.

NASA and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency are jointly developing NTP technology. They plan to deploy and demonstrate the capabilities of a prototype system in space in 2027 – potentially making it one of the first of its kind to be built and operated by the U.S.

Nuclear thermal propulsion could also one day power maneuverable space platforms that would protect American satellites in and beyond Earth’s orbit. But the technology is still in development.

I am an associate professor of nuclear engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology whose research group builds models and simulations to improve and optimize designs for nuclear thermal propulsion systems. My hope and passion is to assist in designing the nuclear thermal propulsion engine that will take a crewed mission to Mars.
Nuclear versus chemical propulsion

Conventional chemical propulsion systems use a chemical reaction involving a light propellant, such as hydrogen, and an oxidizer. When mixed together, these two ignite, which results in propellant exiting the nozzle very quickly to propel the rocket.

Scientists and engineers are working on nuclear thermal propulsion systems that would take hydrogen propellant, pump it into a nuclear reactor to generate energy and expel propellant out the nozzle to lift the rocket. NASA Glenn Research Center

These systems do not require any sort of ignition system, so they’re reliable. But these rockets must carry oxygen with them into space, which can weigh them down. Unlike chemical propulsion systems, nuclear thermal propulsion systems rely on nuclear fission reactions to heat the propellant that is then expelled from the nozzle to create the driving force or thrust.

In many fission reactions, researchers send a neutron toward a lighter isotope of uranium, uranium-235. The uranium absorbs the neutron, creating uranium-236. The uranium-236 then splits into two fragments – the fission products – and the reaction emits some assorted particles.

More than 400 nuclear power reactors in operation around the world currently use nuclear fission technology. The majority of these nuclear power reactors in operation are light water reactors. These fission reactors use water to slow down the neutrons and to absorb and transfer heat. The water can create steam directly in the core or in a steam generator, which drives a turbine to produce electricity.

Nuclear thermal propulsion systems operate in a similar way, but they use a different nuclear fuel that has more uranium-235. They also operate at a much higher temperature, which makes them extremely powerful and compact. Nuclear thermal propulsion systems have about 10 times more power density than a traditional light water reactor.

Nuclear propulsion could have a leg up on chemical propulsion for a few reasons.

Nuclear propulsion would expel propellant from the engine’s nozzle very quickly, generating high thrust. This high thrust allows the rocket to accelerate faster.

These systems also have a high specific impulse. Specific impulse measures how efficiently the propellant is used to generate thrust. Nuclear thermal propulsion systems have roughly twice the specific impulse of chemical rockets, which means they could cut the travel time by a factor of 2.
Nuclear thermal propulsion history

For decades, the U.S. government has funded the development of nuclear thermal propulsion technology. Between 1955 and 1973, programs at NASAGeneral Electric and Argonne National Laboratories produced and ground-tested 20 nuclear thermal propulsion engines.

But these pre-1973 designs relied on highly enriched uranium fuel. This fuel is no longer used because of its proliferation dangers, or dangers that have to do with the spread of nuclear material and technology.

The Global Threat Reduction Initiative, launched by the Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration, aims to convert many of the research reactors employing highly enriched uranium fuel to high-assay, low-enriched uranium, or HALEU, fuel.

High-assay, low- enriched uranium fuel has less material capable of undergoing a fission reaction, compared with highly enriched uranium fuel. So, the rockets needs to have more HALEU fuel loaded on, which makes the engine heavier. To solve this issue, researchers are looking into special materials that would use fuel more efficiently in these reactors.

NASA and the DARPA’s Demonstration Rocket for Agile Cislunar Operations, or DRACO, program intends to use this high-assay, low-enriched uranium fuel in its nuclear thermal propulsion engine. The program plans to launch its rocket in 2027.

As part of the DRACO program, the aerospace company Lockheed Martin has partnered with BWX Technologies to develop the reactor and fuel designs.

The nuclear thermal propulsion engines in development by these groups will need to comply with specific performance and safety standards. They’ll need to have a core that can operate for the duration of the mission and perform the necessary maneuvers for a fast trip to Mars.

Ideally, the engine should be able to produce high specific impulse, while also satisfying the high thrust and low engine mass requirements.
Ongoing research

Before engineers can design an engine that satisfies all these standards, they need to start with models and simulations. These models help researchers, such as those in my group, understand how the engine would handle starting up and shutting down. These are operations that require quick, massive temperature and pressure changes.

The nuclear thermal propulsion engine will differ from all existing fission power systems, so engineers will need to build software tools that work with this new engine.

My group designs and analyzes nuclear thermal propulsion reactors using models. We model these complex reactor systems to see how things such as temperature changes may affect the reactor and the rocket’s safety. But simulating these effects can take a lot of expensive computing power.

We’ve been working to develop new computational tools that model how these reactors act while they’re starting up and operated without using as much computing power.

My colleagues and I hope this research can one day help develop models that could autonomously control the rocket.

This article is republished from The Conversation, a nonprofit, independent news organization bringing you facts and trustworthy analysis to help you make sense of our complex world. It was written by: Dan KotlyarGeorgia Institute of Technology

Read more:

Is Russia looking to put nukes in space? Doing so would undermine global stability and ignite an anti-satellite arms race

To safely explore the solar system and beyond, spaceships need to go faster – nuclear-powered rockets may be the answer

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Dan Kotlyar receives funding from Idaho National Laboratory and BWXT Inc. for research related to nuclear thermal propulsion.

Our Moon May Have Been Stolen, And It's Not The Only Example We Know of

Michelle Starr
Sat, October 5, 2024

There's nothing else like Earth and its Moon in the entire Solar System. Other planets either have multiple moons, or none at all, but the mass ratio of our world and its hefty satellite is quite unique.

The question of our unusual moon's origin, therefore, is one of planetary evolution, figuring out the pathways for various planet-moon configurations. Right now, the leading theory is that the Moon is either Earth's child or its sibling – born of the same material in the same region of the Solar System.

New research is posing a challenge to that notion, suggesting that the Moon could instead be adopted, born elsewhere in the Solar System only to be later embraced by the power of Earth's gravity.

Astronomers Darren Williams and Michael Zugger of Pennsylvania State University have crunched some numbers and found that the gravitational capture of moons is possible for terrestrial planets like Earth, and therefore a possible origin for the observed Earth-Moon system we have today.

We have a lot of evidence that Earth and its Moon are made out of the same basic material. The mineral composition of both bodies is as close to identical as you'd expect it to be if they formed from the same stuff.

The Giant Impact Hypothesis is the prevailing explanation for this similarity: Something large smacked into Earth and the resulting debris coalesced back into a planet and the Moon.

There are other ways that the two bodies could have wound up with the same composition. It may have formed in the cloud of a vaporized planet, known as a synestia, or perhaps it simultaneously formed from the same cloud of dust orbiting the Sun as Earth.

But there's more than one way to acquire a moon, as we've seen elsewhere in the Solar System. If two bodies pass each other at the correct angle and the velocity, they can become gravitationally bound together and end up in a stable, long-term orbit.

The particular scenario that might be relevant to Earth and the Moon is known as binary capture. In this scenario, two bodies that are already gravitationally bound together pass a third body. This third body snares a member of the binary pair, separating them and keeping the binary companion for itself.

We know there are lots of binary objects out there in the Solar System; we keep finding binary and even trinary asteroids, for example. There's even evidence that this three-body gravitational interaction has produced a binary capture, with Neptunian moon Triton. Triton orbits Neptune in the opposite direction from the rest of Neptune's moons, and at a different angle, suggesting it was yoinked out of the Kuiper Belt and into a wonky Neptune orbit.

The Moon, Williams and Zugger say, has an orbit around Earth that isn't as neatly aligned with the equator as you might expect from the debris cloud origin. So, they performed a bunch of mathematical modeling to determine whether something the size of the Moon could be captured by something the size of Earth.

According to their calculations, Earth could have captured something even bigger – a Mercury- or even Mars-sized object – although the orbit would not have been stable. But something the size of the Moon could have ended up in an elliptical orbit that became more circular over time, and eventually began to drift away at the same rate the Moon is receding now, at about 3.8 centimeters (1.5 inches) per year.

So, it's possible. But is it probable? There are still other properties – such as the mineral and isotope similarities – that are more consistent with a closer relationship between the two bodies than the capture scenario would allow for.

But it gives us an avenue for exploration and study that could help us understand not just our own planet, but how such systems can form in orbit around other stars, elsewhere. Since the Moon is thought to have played an important role in life's evolution on Earth, this may help us find habitable worlds elsewhere in the Milky Way galaxy.

"No one knows how the Moon was formed," Williams says. "For the last four decades, we have had one possibility for how it got there. Now, we have two. This opens a treasure trove of new questions and opportunities for further study."

The research has been published in The Planetary Science Journal.

Changes in The Moon's Gravity Hint at Unexpected Movement Deep Beneath Its Surface

David Nield
Fri, October 4, 2024 

Molten Moon

The presence of a partially-molten layer between the Moon's rocky mantle and solid metal core is looking more likely following a study on its changing shape and gravity.

Researchers from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and the University of Arizona analyzed new data describing the Moon's rigidity under the gravitational influence of Earth and the Sun, finding its mass is unlikely to be solid all the way through.

Rather, the Moon's mantle has a thick, goopy zone that rises and falls like our tides.

"Interior modeling indicates that these values can be matched only with a low-viscosity zone (LVZ) at the base of the lunar mantle," write the researchers in their published paper.

The idea of this non-solid layer has been floated by researchers for several decades, but up until now the available data hasn't been able to say definitively one way or the other whether this layer is actually there.

Under the influence of Earth's and the Sun's gravitational pull, the Moon experiences a tidal effect – not in terms of oceans, but of physical deformations of the Moon's shape and gravitational field.

For this study, the team used new readings taken by NASA's Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. Those measurements allowed the researchers to estimate the lunar tidal changes on a yearly basis for the first time.

Computer models describing the nature of the rock deep within the Moon's interior as it orbits Earth indicates a layer beneath the solid mantle needs to be at least somewhat viscous for the numbers to fit.

That brings up further questions: how did this zone get there? And what's keeping it hot? Further research is going to be needed to know for sure, but the team behind this study thinks the titanium-iron oxide mineral ilmenite might be involved.

"The presence of an LVZ at the lower base of the lunar mantle may be most readily explained by partial melt in an ilmenite-rich layer, which would make the Moon similar to Mars, where partial melt was recently inferred from the analysis of seismic data," write the researchers.

As with studies of Earth, some guesswork is required to judge what's hundreds and thousands of kilometers below the surface – but it's all very educated guesswork, based on what we know about moons and planets.

We know that the mantle above this LVZ is made largely from the mineral olivine, and that it's had quite a story to tell over several billion years. If we're able to establish a permanent base on the Moon in the coming years, seismic readings taken from the lunar surface itself should be able to tell us more about what's happening below the surface.

"The existence of this zone has profound implications for the Moon's thermal state and evolution," write the researchers.

The research has been published in AGU Advances.

JWST measures the rate of the universe expansion

October 5, 2024
Evrim Yazgin
Cosmos science journalist

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has discovered a unique supernova which has helped measure the Hubble constant – the rate at which the universe is expanding.

Several research papers have been published from the observations of the supernova, dubbed Supernova H0pe. These papers can be accessed from this NASA blog post announcing the discovery

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) image of the galaxy cluster with zoomed view of SN H0pe. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, B. Frye, R. Windhorst, S. Cohen, J. D’Silva, A. Koekemoer, J. Summers.

Supernovae are the bright, powerful explosions caused by the violent death of a massive star.

“It all started with one question by the team: ‘What are those 3 dots that weren’t there before? Could that be a supernova?’” says University of Arizona astronomer Brenda Frye.

The points of light were not visible when the Hubble telescope imaged the same cluster in 2015.

“Initial analyses confirmed that these dots corresponded to an exploding star, one with rare qualities,” Frye adds. “First, it’s a Type Ia supernova, an explosion of a white dwarf star. This type of supernova is generally called a ‘standard candle,’ meaning that the supernova had a known intrinsic brightness. Second, it is gravitationally lensed.”

Gravitational lensing is a consequence of the characteristics of the universe described by Einstein’s general theory of relativity. Massive objects – like galaxies – warp space-time around them, bending the trajectory of light.

When objects line up, this creates a lensing effect which can magnify more distant objects.

In this case, the lens consists of 3 galaxies sitting between us and the supernova, bending the supernova’s light into 3 images.

“This is similar to how a trifold vanity mirror presents 3 different images of a person sitting in front of it,” Frye explains. “Since each path had a different length, and light travelled at the same speed, the supernova was imaged in this Webb observation at 3 different times during its explosion.”

“Trifold supernova images are special: The time delays, supernova distance, and gravitational lensing properties yield a value for the Hubble constant. The supernova was named SN H0pe since it gives astronomers hope to better understand the universe’s changing expansion rate.

SN H0pe is tethered to a galaxy which existed about 3.5 billion years after the Big Bang. It is the most distant Type Ia supernovae observed.

Researchers around the world made independent observations of SN H0pe using models of how the galaxies might have lensed the light from the supernovae.

“Since the Type Ia supernova is a standard candle, each lens model was ‘graded’ by its ability to predict the time delays and supernova brightnesses relative to the true measured values,” Frye says.

“The team reports the value for the Hubble constant as 75.4 kilometres per second per megaparsec, plus 8.1 or minus 5.5. [One parsec is equivalent to 3.26 light-years of distance.] This is only the second measurement of the Hubble constant by this method, and the first time using a standard candle,” Frye adds.

“This is one of the great Webb discoveries, and is leading to a better understanding of this fundamental parameter of our universe.”

“Our team’s results are impactful: The Hubble constant value matches other measurements in the local universe, and is somewhat in tension with values obtained when the universe was young,” she adds.

China set for new manned mission as it unveils space suit

3-member Shenzhou-18 crew, currently aboard China’s Tiangong space station, to return in late October after 6-month mission

Serdar Dincel |05.10.2024 - TRT/AA


Space missions in China are gathering steam with a new manned mission set for later this month when the three-member crew of Shenzhou-18 returns home.

China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) released the exterior design of its red-and-white suit space suit last weekend, during a ceremony in southwestern Chongqing.

CMSA said the new Shenzhou-19 crew members will take control of space operations from the Shenzhou-18 taikonauts who are preparing to return home after conducting six months of research in space.

Ye Guangfu, teammates Li Cong and Li Guangsu of the Shenzhou-18 crew are currently aboard China's indigenously built Tiangong space station.

Ye is a fighter pilot and veteran astronaut who took part in the Shenzhou-13 mission in 2021.

The trio launched on April 25.

Shenzhou-18 is the 32nd mission of China's manned space program and the third manned mission during the operation and development stage of China's space station.

The Shenzhou 19 flight will mark China’s 14th crewed spaceflight and the 19th of the Shenzhou program.

The new crew that is set to be launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Inner Mongolia is composed of three People's Liberation Army Astronaut Corps, locally known as taikonauts, on the eighth flight to the Tianhe core module.

Tianhe core is the first module of the Tiangong space station.

China unveiled the name of its new spacecraft in February that will take astronauts on a lunar mission expected by the end of the decade.

The Mengzhou spacecraft and Lan Yue lunar lander will be China’s moon mission.

The white moon-landing spacesuit, expected to be ready before 2030, was showcased at the third Spacesuit Technology Forum held Sept. 28 by the China Astronaut Research and Training Center in Chongqing.

The red stripes on the upper limbs are inspired by the ribbons of the renowned flying apsaras from Dunhuang art, while the stripes on the lower limbs resemble the flames of a rocket launch.

It is designed to protect against the harsh thermal environment and lunar dust while the suit’s helmet features a panoramic, anti-glare visor, in addition to a separate long and short focal length camera.

The suit has a multi-functional integrated control console on the chest.

Chinese state media said the suit draws inspiration from traditional Chinese armor embodying "resilience, strength, and dignity, reflecting the courage and pioneering spirit of the Chinese people."

Adding more feathers to its cap, China's Chang'e-6 mission successfully returned in June, bringing 1,935.3 grams of soil and rocks, the first-ever from the far side of the moon.

In recent weeks, however, there have been a few rocket launch failures.

NASA releases photo of ocean world. It shows why NASA's going there.

Sat, October 5, 2024

A view of the icy, cracked surface of Jupiter's moon Europa.

NASA's about to launch a huge spacecraft to a world harboring voluminous seas.

Planetary scientists suspect Jupiter's moon Europa contains an ocean at least twice the size of Earth's. The Europa Clipper probe — which is the length of a basketball court and the largest craft the agency has sent on a planetary mission — is slated to blast to this distant realm on Oct. 10. Before the launch, NASA released a new detailed view of the moon's cracked surface, which shows why for decades researchers have been drawn to this tantalizing place.

"It's perhaps one of the best places beyond Earth to look for life in our solar system," Cynthia Phillips, a NASA planetary geologist and project staff scientist for the space agency's Europa Clipper mission, told Mashable.

SEE ALSO: NASA scientist viewed first Voyager images. What he saw gave him chills.

On Oct. 2, NASA shared the view below, which was taken from data gathered by the Galileo mission in 1998. It shows a close-up of Europa's chaotic landscape, which is evidence that something below the moon's thick icy crust — like an ocean — is stoking lots of change and deformity. Salty water may escape to the surface along fractures, leaving telltale reddish colors on Europa's ground. And irregular chunks of ice have likely been created by relatively recent surface movement.

"This region sports ice rafts that look like those at Earth's poles, where large chunks of ice break away and float freely on the ocean," the agency wrote. "Much of the region bears the reddish/brownish discoloration seen here — the same as seen along many of Europa's fractures. Scientists believe this material may contain clues about the composition of an ocean beneath the icy surface, if it is proven to exist."

A region on Europa called "Conamara," which demonstrates the icy moon's chaotic surface. Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / Orion Moon

An artist's conception of the Europa Clipper spacecraft flying by the ice-covered moon Europa. Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech

To prove whether an ocean exists and if it could host suitable conditions for life, Europa Clipper will make around 50 close flybys of the moon's surface. It's fitted with a number of high-resolution cameras, a ground-penetrating radar, and even a device (called SUDA) that will literally sample particles of Europa that have been ejected into space by tiny meteorites.

After looping through the solar system on a 1.8-billion-mile (2.9-billion-kilometer) journey, the craft will arrive at Europa in 2030, and spend 3.5 years collecting unprecedented data. To determine if the Jupiter moon is habitable, mission scientists need to answer some major questions. For example, all life needs energy: Does this ocean world provide an energy source? And does it harbor the basic chemical ingredients, like carbon, to form the building blocks of life as we know it?

And, if all those conditions are satisfied, is there evidence the ocean has been around for billions of years, providing a stable environment for life to evolve and sustain itself in Europa's dark sea?

We'll find out.

ULA nears second launch of Vulcan Centaur in pursuit of US Space Force approval

No spaceplane in the payload, but it won't be a wasted mission

Richard Speed
Fri 4 Oct 2024 

Updated United Launch Alliance's (ULA) Vulcan Centaur is ready to blast off from Florida this morning, the second flight to space for the rocket.

While the mission, dubbed Cert-2, was originally set to carry Sierra Space's Dream Chaser, delays with the spaceplane have meant that ULA opted to lift-off with an inert payload instead.

ULA needs to get that second attempt under its belt to certify the vehicle for lucrative US national security payloads.

The Vulcan Centaur is ULA's replacement for the Atlas V and Delta IV launchers. Its maiden voyage – which ran later than scheduled, in part due to the slower delivery of the Blue Origin BE-4 engines used to power the first stage – went ahead in January 2024. Named Cert-1, the rocket was carrying Astrobotic's Peregrine lunar lander.

After giving up the wait for Dream Chaser, which should arrive at some point in 2025, ULA is instead going to use a mass simulator along with some experiments and demonstrations to ease the vehicle's passage to US Space Force certification.

According to ULA boss Tory Bruno, ULA waited for Sierra Space until "the last minute," which meant the company was unable to integrate payloads from other customers keen on a ride to orbit.

The variant of the Vulcan Centaur being launched today features a pair of solid rocket boosters strapped onto the first stage, which is powered by two BE-4 engines, each producing 550,000 lbf (2.4 meganewtons) of sea level thrust. Each solid rocket booster contributes an additional 459,600 lbf (2.044 meganewtons) of thrust at lift-off.SpaceX's 

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According to Bruno, ULA decided on a heliocentric disposal of the upper stage – leaving it in an orbit around the Sun – after some "experimental maneuvers."

If all goes well, ULA aims to launch two more Vulcan Centaur rockets in 2024 before ramping up the cadence in 2025. ULA is planning for an ambitious 20 launches, split between the outgoing Atlas V and the Vulcan Centaur. These aren't SpaceX-level numbers, but considerably more than ULA has managed in the past.

The three-hour launch window opens at 1000 UTC, and there is currently an 80 percent chance that the weather will cooperate. A Wet Dress Rehearsal (WDR) earlier this week, where the rocket was fueled and a countdown performed to just before engine ignition, went well.

The next step will be to ignite the engines and stand back a few hours from now. ®
Updated to add at 1232 UTC, October 4

After a slight delay, the Vulcan Centaur successfully lifted off from Space Launch Complex-41 at 1125 UTC. Five minutes and 30 seconds later, the first stage was jettisoned, and the Centaur V upper stage took over to send itself and the inert payload into an initial parking orbit around the Earth.

Successful Vulcan launch early Friday would unlock lucrative future for ULA

Richard Tribou, Orlando Sentinel
Thu, October 3, 2024 

United Launch Alliance is footing the bill for the second ever launch of its Vulcan Centaur rocket, so it can finally see the payouts for the backlog of $3.1 billion worth of national security missions, something ULA cannot do until the Space Force signs off on it.

For that, Vulcan needs two successful flights.

The mission, dubbed Certifcation-2, follows the successful debut launch last January of the replacement for ULA’s family of Atlas and Delta rockets. It’s set to lift off from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station’s Space Launch Complex 41 during a three-hour window that opens at 6 a.m. Friday, and backup opportunities during the same window on Saturday.

“It has literally one primary objective, which is to go fly a second time and have another success,” said ULA CEO Tory Bruno on Wednesday.

Space Launch Delta 45’s weather squadron forecasts an 80% chance for good conditions, which drops to 75% in the event of a 24-hour delay.

After January’s flight, Bruno had said Cert-2 could fly as early as April, but it was awaiting its original targeted payload, the Sierra Space Dream Chaser spacecraft that was trying to make its debut flight to deliver cargo to the International Space Station.

“They just need a little bit more time, and they could not be ready to fly just quite yet,” Bruno said.

Instead, Vulcan is flying with a mass simulator within the rocket’s upper Centaur stage, that won’t be deployed, but will allow ULA to collect the data it needs to hand over to the Space Force so the rocket can be given to OK to begin the backlog of National Security Space Launch (NSSL) contracts that need to be flown by 2027.

“We do need to certify to support our national security space customer, who has missions that are relatively urgent,” Bruno said.

So without a paying customer, ULA is taking on the cost.

“Being as transparent as I can, it’s high double digit. It’s high tens of millions of dollars,” he said.

In addition to the 25 of 26 remaining missions (one flew on an Atlas V this summer) won during what’s known as the Phase 2 contract for NSSL missions, ULA is competing for the new Phase 3 contract alongside SpaceX and newcomer Blue Origin.

“Proposals are in, and they’re being evaluated, and questions are being asked, being answered and so on,” he said. “We feel we’re in a very good position for that.”

The government originally said the five years of missions to be assigned in the Phase 2 contracts would come out so 60% would go to ULA and 40% to SpaceX. Because of delays to Vulcan, though, as the missions were doled out, the final year of the Phase 2 awards that came in late 2023 made the mission assignments closer to 50/50, giving only 11 to ULA and 10 to SpaceX.

For all five years of the contract, 48 missions worth more than $5.6 billion were ordered, and the final tally was ULA getting 26, or just over 54% worth just over $3.1 billion, and SpaceX getting 22, which is just under 46%, worth just over $2.5 billion.

The contracts for the first of five years of Phase 3 awards are expected to be announced soon, with a portion of at least 30 missions over the five-year run to be doled out at the start of each fiscal year, which began Oct. 1.

Even without the Phase 3 contracts in hand, ULA has a heavy manifest with its remaining NSSL missions as well as commercial customers including Amazon and its Project Kuiper that needs to launch thousands of its internet satellites to form a constellation that can compete with the likes of SpaceX’s Starlink.

“The performance of that system promises to be pretty amazing,” Bruno said of Project Kuiper. “I’m planning to get it at my house, because I live out in the country. My internet’s not great.”

Amazon has eight of ULA’s remaining Atlas V rockets under contract to get the first of what’s planned to be 3,236 broadband satellites sent up across up to 92 launches over five years. The first of those is slated for early 2025, Bruno said.

Amazon also ordered 38 more launches of Vulcan, and ULA has other commercial customers lined up for Vulcan as well.

Vulcan, though, was originally supposed to fly as early as 2019, but faced design hurdles as well as delays in delivery of the new BE-4 engines created by Blue Origin.

Vulcan takes two BE-4 engines, which along with up to six solid rocket boosters provided by Northrop Grumman, give Vulcan more power than either Atlas V or the now retired Delta IV Heavy, with 3.6 million pounds of thrust on liftoff.

After a long delay in getting the first two engines from Blue Origin for Cert-1, ULA is in a better place with their supplier. Except Blue Origin also needs to crank out BE-4 engines for its own rocket New Glenn, which takes seven of them, and its debut flight is planned for as early as November.

“Before they began delivering to New Glenn, they completed all of their deliveries for 2024, to me, which was their CEO Dave Limp’s promise to us, and he kept his promise,” Bruno said. “They took a — I’ll call it a holiday — from delivering to us while they populated the New Glenn.”

Bruno said that Blue Origin, though, has switched back to producing for ULA.

“Within a few weeks, my deliveries will resume again, and they’ll begin delivering engines to me now this year that I need for next year,” he said. “They are going to stay ahead of my flight schedule.”

That schedule calls for up to 20 launches, half of which roughly will be Vulcan, in 2025, Bruno said. An additional 24 Vulcan rockets are already in the works at various points of construction at ULA’s factory in Decatur, Alabama.

That pace will continue to grow as ULA completes a second Vertical Integration Facility (VIF) so it can process two rockets at once at Space Launch Complex 41. That will allow ULA to perform up to 25 launches per year from the Space Coast while also bringing its California launch site at Va

A picture of CND Cymru activists marching in front of a red banner with the CND sign on it and the words "CND Cymru".

Wales says no to space wars

“We will show just how ferociously Cymru yearns to be a Nation of Peace. I hope you will join us” – Dylan Lewis-Rowlands

Dylan Lewis-Rowlands from CND Cymru explains why opposition is growing to a proposed military site in Wales.

When the Ministry of Defence announced Brawdy in Pembrokeshire as their preferred site for a deep space radar site, we were disappointed, but not surprised. Following centuries of Welsh land and air being militarised for the benefit of the state, the notion that the new frontier for war – space – will be fought partially from Wales probably came naturally to those over in the so-called MOD.

What might’ve been more surprising to us is where they chose to site this element of the Deep Space Advanced Radar Capability (DARC) programme – in a national park noted for its extraordinary natural beauty, where the economy is propped up by tourism and leisure. It is also a site that has seen opposition to development before. In the late 80s and early 90s, a campaign known as PARC – Pembrokeshire Against RADAR Campaign – forced the Thatcher government to very publicly cancel a RADAR development in Cawdor due to overwhelming public opposition. The stage is set therefore for a rematch: the UK government vs the new PARC against DARC

The DARC development poses many threats to Pembrokeshire and Cymru in addition to the political. Such a massive development could easily choke a local economy so reliant on tourism and leisure. A site like this, constantly broadcasting signals into the sky and space, lit up so brightly, could devastate local wildlife, including the endangered bird the Manx Shearwater. The development also creates a definitive military target – with DARC being the most advanced space tracking facility available to the Americans (yes- it’ll be run by America), it is a logical target for attack for the opponents of the dying imperial hegemon. 

I’ve only briefly outlined some of the threats DARC poses – there are many more. But we hope to stop the proposals in their tracks. At a local ‘PR’ event that could only be described as an unmitigated disaster for the MOD, local campaigners and activists turned out to demonstrate their opposition. At a packed event a few months prior, even more came to the launch of the PARC against DARC campaign.

This proposal, much like the proposal of the 80s, can be defeated. But it requires us to show up. It requires peace campaigners and local communities to unite as before. We will not lie down and accept this. We will turn up to future PR events, we will oppose the granting of planning permission, we will show just how ferociously Cymru yearns to be a Nation of Peace. I hope you will join us.

At T-plus 35 minutes and three seconds, the engines of the Centaur V upper stage were fired up again to take the upper stage and its inert payload to deep space and into an orbit around the Sun.

Mars Could Be the Key to Finally Spotting Dark Matter

Darren Orf
Tue, October 1, 2024

A Wobble in Mars’ Orbit Could Detect Dark MatterDigital Art - Getty Images

One theory surrounding dark matter is that it isn’t an exotic particle at all, but instead a collection of primordial black holes formed during the Big Bang that’ve been zipping around the cosmos ever since.

Now, a new study posits that scientists could potentially detect one of these hypothetical intergalactic travelers as it zoomed through the inner Solar System by measuring a “wobble” in Mars’ orbit.

Unfortunately, a primordial black hole would likely perform a flyby like that only once every decade, and sorting through the data to detect the influence of this passing microscopic black hole would be a herculean task.

Less than 20 percent of the matter in the known universe is the kind of stuff that we can see and interact with. The rest is made up of the perennial mystery of physics—the yet-to-be-detected dark matter. While many physicists theorized that dark matter is some form of exotic particle (like an axion, for example) other ideas look back to the Big Bang to explain dark matter’s origin story.

According to one theory, it was in the first moments of... well... everything that the universe formed microscopic black holes known as primordial black holes (PBHs). Instead of forming from collapsed stars like your typical, run-of-the-mill black hole, these structures would’ve formed from a collapse of gas and then spread throughout the cosmos as the universe expanded and cooled. If this is the case, a team of scientists from MIT and University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) argue that you should be able to detect near-flying PBHs by measuring the orbit of Mars. A study detailing this technique was published this week in the journal Physical Review D.

“Given decades of precision telemetry, scientists know the distance between Earth and Mars to an accuracy of about 10 centimeters,” MIT’s David Kaiser, a co-author of the study, said in a press statement. “We’re taking advantage of this highly instrumented region of space to try and look for a small effect. If we see it, that would count as a real reason to keep pursuing this delightful idea that all of dark matter consists of black holes that were spawned in less than a second after the Big Bang.”

The idea came from an innocent question: What would happen if a PBH passed through a human? If they exist (PBHs are still very much hypothetical objects), scientists estimate that these black holes could be as small as an atom, but as heavy as the largest asteroids. The team estimated that the force of these objects colliding with a person could push someone roughly 20 feet in about a second. While the odds of such a collision are unfathomably small, an interaction with a planetary system—or even the inner Solar System—could be a much bigger (and therefore much more likely) target.

The team crunched some numbers, and theorized that PBHs would likely pass through the inner Solar System at some point once a decade or so. Using detailed models of the Solar System, the researchers then analyzed whether an asteroid-mass black hole could have a detectable effect on Earth or the Moon. It turns out that noticing such an impact on our planet or its satellite would be too uncertain—but Mars, on the other hand, showed promise. If a primordial black hole passed within a few hundred million miles of the Red Planet, then a few years later, the planet’s orbit would have shifted by the small (but technically detectable) distance of about a meter.

Of course, even this planetary detection method comes with a few shortcomings.

“We need as much clarity as we can of the expected backgrounds, such as the typical speeds and distributions of boring space rocks, versus these primordial black holes,” Kaiser said in a press statement. “Luckily for us, astronomers have been tracking ordinary space rocks for decades as they have flown through our Solar System, so we could calculate typical properties of their trajectories and begin to compare them with the very different types of paths and speeds that primordial black holes should follow.”

This method would rely on quite a bit of luck, as a passing PBH would need to travel through a particular path, and hunting for that signal in real data could be a pretty daunting task.

For now, the team is calibrating their models to simulate more and more objects in order to test close encounter scenarios with more precision. Once that process is complete, they’ll be ready if (or when) a primordial remnant of the Big Bang decides to drop by our Solar System for a quick visit.

Hungarians protest state media 'propaganda factory' and demand unbiased press

Thousands of protesters have gathered outside the headquarters of Hungary’s public media corporation to demonstrate against what they say is an entrenched, taxpayer-funded propaganda network operated by the nationalist government

Justin Spike

Thousands of protesters gathered outside the headquarters of Hungary's public media corporation on Saturday to demonstrate against what they say is an entrenched propaganda network operated by the nationalist government at taxpayer expense.

The protest was organized by Hungary's most prominent opposition figure, Péter Magyar, and his upstart TISZA party, which has emerged in recent months as the most serious political challenge for Prime Minister Viktor Orbán since he took power nearly 15 years ago.

Magyar, whose party received nearly 30% of the vote in European Union elections this summer and is polling within a few points of the governing Fidesz party, has been outspoken about what he sees as the damage Orbán’s “propaganda factory” has done to Hungary’s democracy.

“What is happening here in Hungary in 2024, and calling itself ‘public service’ media, is a global scandal,” Magyar told the crowd in Budapest on Saturday. “Enough of the nastiness, enough of the lies, enough of the propaganda. Our patience has run out. The time for confrontation has come.”

Both Hungarian and international observers have long warned that press freedom in the Central European country was under threat, and that Orbán's party has used media buyouts by government-connected business tycoons to build a pro-government media empire.

Media watchdog Reporters Without Borders estimates that such buyouts have given Orbán’s party control of some 80% of Hungary’s media market resources. In 2021, the group put Orbán on its list of media “predators,” the first EU leader to earn the distinction.

On Saturday, Balázs Tömpe, a protester that traveled several hours to attend the demonstration, called the state media headquarters a “factory of lies.”

“The propaganda goes out at such a level and is so unbalanced that it’s blood boiling, and I think we need to raise our voices,” he said. "It’s nonsense that only government propaganda comes out in the media that is financed by the taxpayers.”

A retired teacher from southern Hungary, Ágnes Gera, said dissenting voices were censored from the public media, limiting Hungarians' access to information about political alternatives.

“It’s very burdensome and unfortunate that the system works this way where the public only hears from one side and don’t even know about the other side,” she said.

Magyar demanded the resignation of the public media director, and echoed complaints from many opposition politicians that they are not provided the opportunity to appear on public television to communicate with voters.

He called his supporters to another demonstration on Oct 23, a national holiday commemorating Hungary's failed revolution against Soviet domination in 1956.

What is the deadly Marburg virus and where has it spread?

World Health Organization warns outbreak risk is ‘very high at the national level’ in Rwanda, but low at the global level.

A scientist checks for Marburg virus antibodies in a bat near a lead and gold mine in Kitaka inside the Kitomi forest reserve, about 300km from Uganda's capital Kampala [Christopher Black/WHO/AFP]
Published On 5 Oct 2024

Rwanda is fighting its first outbreak of the “highly virulent” Marburg virus which was first reported in late September.

As of Thursday, 11 people were reported to have died of the virus in Rwanda. The health minister announced the country will begin clinical trials of experimental vaccines and treatments.

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What is the Marburg virus?

Marburg is from the same family as Ebola, namely the Filoviridae family (filovirus) of viruses. It has been described as more severe than Ebola.

It causes a haemorrhagic fever, which is a type of fever that can damage the walls of blood vessels, according to information from the Mayo Clinic. Other diseases which produce this type of fever include dengue and yellow fever.

According to the Mayo Clinic, a haemorrhagic fever causes internal bleeding, which can be fatal.

The virus was first identified in 1967 in a town in Germany called Marburg, from which it gained its name. Simultaneously, it was identified in Belgrade, Serbia.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates the case fatality rate to be between 24 and 88 percent. On average, about half of all those who contract the virus die from it.

After a person is exposed to the virus, it can take between two and 21 days for symptoms to show, according to the WHO.

“Fatal cases usually have some form of bleeding, often from multiple areas,” the website says, adding that the onset of bleeding can occur within five to seven days.

Bleeding in vomit or faeces is often accompanied by bleeding from the nose, gums and vagina, WHO’s website says.

In severe cases, death can occur eight or nine days after symptoms start to show.

“Those with weakened immune systems are more susceptible to severe illness and death from this virus,” infectious disease expert Amira Roess told Al Jazeera. Roess is a global health and epidemiology professor at George Mason University’s College of Public Health.

The Marburg virus has a ‘filamentous’ structure and is transmitted by fruit bats [Shutterstock]

What are the symptoms?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Marburg virus symptoms include fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, appetite loss, bleeding and gastrointestinal symptoms.
How does the Marburg virus spread?

Some people have contracted the Marburg virus after coming in contact with Rousettus bats, a type of fruit bat found in mines and caves, that carry the virus.

The source of the Rwanda outbreak remains unclear, however

Once an individual contracts the virus, they can transmit it to others through direct contact with bodily fluids via broken skin or mucous membranes. The WHO website says even surfaces contaminated with bodily fluids, such as bedsheets or clothing, can spread the virus.

According to information from the CDC, the virus is not airborne.
What is the situation in Rwanda?

There are currently 36 confirmed cases of Marburg in Rwanda, with 25 people being cared for in isolation, according to the government’s latest update.

According to the WHO, on September 30 when there were 26 confirmed cases, 70 percent of the cases were in healthcare workers in two of the country’s healthcare facilities, which were not named.

“It’s not uncommon to see outbreaks in healthcare facilities, especially in low-resourced healthcare facilities that may not have sufficient infection control,” Roess said.

Additionally, Rwanda is monitoring 300 people who have come into contact with known cases
A fruit bat hangs upside-down in its cage, on July 29, 2023 when the World Health Organization said Equatorial Guinea had confirmed its first outbreak of Marburg disease [Bob Child/AP]

Where has the Marburg virus spread?

On September 27, Rwanda’s Ministry of Health confirmed the latest outbreak of the Marburg virus.

The current outbreak has only been reported in Rwanda so far.

There were fears that the virus had reached Germany when two passengers on a train from Frankfurt to Hamburg contacted doctors, fearing they had the virus.

However, local authorities announced on Thursday that both had tested negative in a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, where a sample from the inner cheek, called a buccal swab, or blood is tested. It tests genetic material from a specific organism, which in this case is the virus.

Small outbreaks of the virus have occurred in recent years including West Africa’s first outbreak in Guinea in 2021, Ghana’s first outbreak in 2022 and the first outbreaks in Tanzania and Equatorial Guinea in 2023.

These were quickly contained. In Equatorial Guinea, 17 confirmed and 23 probable cases were reported. “12 of the 17 confirmed cases died and all of the probable cases were reported deaths,” according to WHO. In Tanzania, there were one probable and eight confirmed cases, of which five resulted in death.

According to the CDC, in Guinea, only one case was diagnosed after the death of the patient; in Ghana, three cases emerged leading to two deaths.

“We know that an infectious disease that emerges in one area has the potential to become a problem across the globe,” Roess said.

How dangerous is the latest Marburg outbreak?

WHO has assessed the risk of this outbreak to be “very high at the national level, high at the regional level, and low at the global level”.

Is there a vaccine or treatment?

There are no approved vaccines or treatments for the virus.

Rwanda’s Minister of Health Sabin Nsanzimana, announced on Thursday that the country is racing to develop a vaccine.

The WHO said some candidate vaccines are being manufactured. These include vaccines developed by the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) and by the Sabin Vaccine Institute which said it is collaborating with the Rwandan government.

The team at Oxford University which formulated the AstraZeneca vaccine for COVID-19 started a trial of its Marburg vaccine candidate this summer in the United Kingdom, employing similar technology to the COVID vaccine.

The WHO told Reuters that it has released funding for vaccine trials in collaboration with the Canadian government and the European Union’s Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA).

Diagnosed patients should promptly seek treatment of symptoms with painkiller medication and stay well hydrated.

How can you avoid catching Marburg?

Roess said: “The best thing to do is to practise good hygiene and to limit your exposure to individuals who are sick.”

She advised wearing masks when in contact with people who have symptoms of the virus, and not sharing food with people who may be infected.

“If you think that you’ve been exposed to the virus, then limit your contact with other individuals, monitor your symptoms and report to your local healthcare worker or health ministry official,” she said.

She added that the situation is difficult with most disease outbreaks because many healthcare facilities globally do not have the resources to properly monitor how many people are infected.

“It is very important for the global community to work together to fund preventative active surveillance and other programmes. If we don’t take the seriously, more human lives will be lost.”

Why are Marburg outbreaks becoming more frequent?

In the 50 years between 1967 and 2017, 13 outbreaks were recorded.

Since 2021, five outbreaks have been recorded, indicating that the outbreaks are becoming more frequent.

Roess said we will likely continue to see outbreaks and cases rise for multiple reasons.

“First, people are coming into closer contact with wildlife everywhere in the world,” she said, adding that wildlife are adapting to contact with humans and both wildlife and humans are becoming less scared of each other.

She added that cases are rising also because of the rise of chronic conditions and immunocompromising conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. These make people more susceptible to contracting the virus.

Due to technological advancements, people with such conditions are living longer “which is great but that also means that there are more people who are now susceptible to getting sick when they are exposed to pathogens”, Roess said.

She added that the spread of the virus is more likely in places with limited healthcare infrastructure. “People will show up to seek care when they are very sick. [At which point] they may be shedding a lot of virus.” This also increases the chance of transmission.

Source: Al Jazeera
Don’t trust Starmer and his carbon capture con

Some unions are pushing back against green policies to save jobs. They may support carbon capture, but it's a con to support fossil fuel use.

Ratcliffe-on-Soar coal plant has been closed (Picture: flickr/Phil McIver)

By Camilla Royle
Friday 04 October 2024

The Labour government announced last Friday that it would be investing £22 billion over the next 25 years in carbon capture and storage (CCS).

This is where carbon ­dioxide emissions from power plants and factories are collected and buried deep underground before they can reach the atmosphere.

The leadership of some trade unions will no doubt welcome the news. The Unite union has ­consistently argued that Britain needs to invest in CCS to tackle climate change and create thousands of jobs.

This, it says, will help save heavy industry in Wales, the Midlands and north England.

That sentiment is reflected in a motion passed narrowly at the recent TUC trade union federation conference.

It argued that we can’t abandon fossil fuels “until we know how we will replace them, and how the jobs and communities from the North Sea fields will be protected”.

However, CCS technology has not been tried at ­commercial scale before. And rolling out a new ­technology over 25 years is far from the urgent response we need to tackle climate breakdown.

More importantly, CCS allows the fossil fuel industry to continue its operations, locking us into the ­technologies of the past.

That’s why it’s supported by the biggest energy ­companies such as BP, Shell and ExxonMobil.

In some cases where CCS has been tried it has actually increased emissions. Pumping carbon dioxide into the ground has been used as a method to allow more oil to be extracted.

Doug Parr, from Greenpeace UK, has rightly said, “For a government that is committed to tackling the climate crisis, £22 billion is a lot of money to spend on something that is going to extend the life of planet‑­heating oil and gas production.”

Campaigner George Monbiot has speculated that “the only possible explanation is lobbying by fossil fuel companies”.

Continuing to burn fossil fuels risks the lives of ­working class people in this country and around the world. What is needed is a revolution in the way the energy system runs.

Rather than centralised coal, gas or nuclear power plants, electricity generation could be more efficient with decentralised renewables.

There could be a real shift in the use of energy with measures such as insulated homes and widespread free public transport.

These measures would create more jobs than are lost in the fossil fuel industry.

Rather than ­defending the status quo, workers and unions should be at the forefront of pushing for the system change we need.
Workers shouldn’t mourn the loss of coal power

Britain’s last coal‑fired power station, Ratcliffe on Soar in Nottinghamshire, was shut down last week.

Coal once accounted for nearly 100 percent of energy generation in Britain. At its peak in the 1920s, there were nearly 1.2 million people employed in the coal industry.

Scientists have warned that 90 percent of coal must be kept in the ground to give us even a 50 percent chance of avoiding global warming of 1.5 degrees Celsius. That was the target agreed after the Paris climate talks in 2015.

A report last year from Global Energy Monitor argued that all coal-fired plants should be shut down by 2040 to meet this target. Any delay now increases the risk of reaching irreversible and catastrophic climate tipping points.

Sadly, the report showed that coal power has continued to expand in China at a rate that more than offsets the reduction in capacity in the United States and European Union.

Renewable energy sources have become more important in Britain. But the other main beneficiary of the decline in coal has been natural gas. Although less carbon intensive, it still releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

The type of energy we use is determined by what is profitable, rather than what’s best for the environment.

The transition away from coal power is good news. But leaving it to the market risks letting gas and biofuels take its place.
‘A new generation understands what Israel is’—interview with Tariq Ali

Author Tariq Ali, a veteran of the anti-war movement, spoke to Judy Cox as the anniversary of 7 October approaches

Tariq Ali

Wednesday 02 October 2024  SOCIALIST WORKER Issue 2925

What was your reaction to 7 October?

The Palestinians were right to resist—sooner or later they were going to break out of Gaza. We can argue about the methods, but the methods used by Israel have gotten worse and worse.

This is a national liberation struggle against a colonial regime backed by the US and its gangmasters in Europe.

What is Israel trying to achieve in attacking Lebanon and Yemen now?

There is no restraint on Israel now.

Israel is trying to provoke Iran into a war so they can bomb Tehran and call it their final victory—and no US government is going to stop it.

Israel’s aim is to make any form of Palestinian state impossible and the US knows that to control the Middle East it needs Israel. Whether they succeed or not depends on whether there is an uprising in Egypt.

Friends in Jordan tell me people there are seething and bubbling with rage. People across the region are resigned, but they are also angry.

How do you think the Palestine movement has developed over the last year?

I think the Palestine movement in Britain and the US has been astonishing, very positive and encouraging for the future.

A new generation understands that Israel has launched an assault on Palestine with US support. They see Israel for what it is.

This is very important for a new generation, including lots of young Jewish people who see that Israel is a colonising settler state. Some 60 percent of Israelis tell opinion polls they support Binyamin Netanyahu.

This shows that no alternative will come from inside Israel. If they get rid of Netanyahu, there might be a different language, they might be less boastful, but Israel is not going to stop now.

Is there a political alternative in the US and Britain?

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris has already been appalling on Palestine. We know what she will be like in office.

Lots of Muslims are going to vote for the Green candidate Jill Stein. She stands with Palestine and defends the student encampments. The US left should not vote for Harris. Either don’t vote or vote for Stein.

Here, the Labour front benches are full of zombies. They are the living dead and they terrify me because they will vote for anything—war, genocide, privatisation, anything. That’s why Keir Starmer’s popularity ratings have slumped.

I would say to those few left wingers still in the Labour Party, what’s the point of staying in this wretched party? They would be better swelling the ranks of the independents.

We need the strongest possible movement because this can change how people see the world.

In the US, student encampments were brutally repressed, activists were arrested and deported and people can see that across the globe. In Britain, France, Germany and the Scandinavian countries, the cultural and political establishment is desperately trying to stop the Palestine movement breaching the dams they have erected.

Here, we had Suella Braverman and now Kemi Badenoch calling for Palestine demonstrations to be banned.

This Labour government is different from any other Labour government, even compared to Tony Blair before Iraq. It is an appalling government. We have five independent MPs, but they have to do something or they are useless.


Police boosting presence in Canadian cities ahead of anniversary of Israel-Hamas war

Monday marks one year since the Oct. 7, 2023, attack by Hamas on Israel, and police in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver have reported a sharp spike in protests and alleged hate crimes since the war began.
A Surete du Quebec police shoulder patch is seen in Montreal, Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Christinne Muschi

Police in Canada's largest cities are bracing for rising tensions and protests as the anniversary of the start of the Israel-Hamas war approaches.

Monday marks one year since the Oct. 7, 2023, attack by Hamas on Israel, and police in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver have reported a sharp spike in protests and alleged hate crimes since the war began.

"In the first 100 days following the Oct. 7 attacks, we saw a 62 per cent increase in reports of antisemitism," Vancouver police Chief Cont. Adam Palmer said on Friday as he announced the deployment of officers to a number of "strategic locations" in the days around Oct. 7.

Vancouver police say there have been 344 protests in the city related to the Israel-Hamas war since it began, leading to 47 criminal charges recommended to Crown counsel and amounting to more than 3,000 overtime shifts by police, costing $4.1 million.

"We do support lawful and peaceful protests," Palmer said. "What we will not put up with is violence and hatred or crimes against other people. There's no criminality, no violence, no unlawfulness allowed."

In Montreal, police say there have been more than 340 protests related to the war in Gaza over the past year and police have made more than 100 arrests.

Police in Montreal say they have recorded a total of 288 hate crime complaints since Oct. 7, 2023, with 213 targeting the Jewish community and 75 aimed at the Arab-Muslim community, while 41 people have been charged with hate crimes.

Earlier this week, police arrested five people in Montreal with incendiary devices in their possession, in separate incidents they say are linked to the conflict in the Middle East.

Deputy Chief Vincent Richer said police began putting more officers on the ground on Oct. 1 this year and will continue that approach for the next 24 days.

Richer told reporters that police have been in contact with the city’s Jewish and Arab-Muslim communities and will focus much of their attention on places of worship over the next few days.

“We want to make sure that people feel safe in Montreal," Richer said.

Numerous protests or vigils are planned for this weekend, including in front of McGill University, the site where students set up an encampment for several months demanding the school cut ties with Israel.

McGill has announced it will be restricting access to its campuses from Oct. 5 to 7, and moved some of its classes online in anticipation of potential tensions that may boil over.

In Toronto, police Chief Myron Demkiw said this week that command posts will be set up in Jewish neighbourhoods and near mosques, while more plain clothes and uniformed officers will be dispatched across the city in anticipation of the Oct. 7 date.

Demkiw said there will be three police command posts in Jewish neighbourhoods, and a fourth will move between various mosques across the city.

"We know emotions are intense, and as demonstrations continue, we must balance the right to assembly with the need to maintain public order and public safety," he said of the anticipated protests.

Toronto police say there have been more than 1,500 demonstrations across the city since last October, with 72 protest-related arrests.

To date, there have been 350 alleged hate crimes reported in Toronto this year, which Demkiw said is a 40 per cent increase from last year.

He said the greatest increase — 69 per cent — has been in alleged hate crimes against Jewish residents, and protesters have become "increasingly confrontational" against police, including the alleged use of weapons and assaults against officers.

In Vancouver, Palmer said planned and unplanned protests across the city are posing a "significant" risk of disorder, and officers trained specifically for large-scale events will be deployed for this weekend's rallies.

Among the groups planning events over the weekend and on Monday is pro-Palestinian group Samidoun, which is promoting its events on social media by referring to the Oct. 7 attacks as "Al-Aqsa Flood," the Hamas code name for the operation.

The "week of action" includes what Samidoun calls a "teach-in" about the operation and a rally at the Vancouver Art Gallery on Monday, as well as attending an Oct. 8 court appearance the group says will be made by Samidoun organizer Charlotte Kates.

Kates was arrested last year in a hate-crime investigation after praising the Oct. 7 attack as "heroic and brave" in a speech at a rally, and the BC Civil Liberties Association wrote to the Vancouver Police Department in June to express concern about her arrest.

"Most times, people are pretty co-operative," Palmer said of Vancouver police's proactive efforts to reach out to protest organizers before the rallies. "Not always. Sometimes they can be very unco-operative. But in many cases, we try to form a dialogue and we come to terms with them and try to work through it together.

"To be clear, we serve everyone in our community. And I'm committed to making sure everyone, regardless of their race, religion, language or culture, feel safe."

Vancouver police say uniformed school liaison officers will be highly visible during student pickup and drop-off at faith-based schools on Monday, and tactical response and uniformed officers will be placed at "key locations" in consultation with leaders of both the Jewish and Muslim communities.

The Oct. 7, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel killed more than 1,200 people, while another 250 were abducted, triggering an Israeli counter-offensive in Gaza that the health ministry there says has left more than 41,000 dead.

- By Chuck Chiang in Vancouver

- With files from Joe Bongiorno

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct. 4, 2024.

The Canadian Press

Anniversary of Gaza war draws thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters around the world

Sat 5 October 2024 at 10:49 am GMT-6·3-min read

Anniversary of Gaza war draws thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters around the world

PARIS (Reuters) - Thousands of protesters took to the streets in several major cities around the world on Saturday to demand an end to bloodshed in Gaza, as the conflict in the Palestinian enclave approaches its first anniversary and spreads in the wider region.

About 40,000 pro-Palestinian demonstrators marched through central London while thousands also gathered in Paris, Rome, Manila and Cape Town.

The war was triggered when militant Palestinian group Hamas attacked southern Israel on Oct. 7, 2023 in a raid that killed 1,200 people and in which about 250 were taken as hostages, according to Israeli tallies.

Israel's subsequent assault on Gaza has killed nearly 42,000 Palestinians, according to Gaza's health ministry, and displaced nearly all of the enclave's population of 2.3 million.

"Unfortunately, in spite of all our good will, the Israeli government does not take any notice, and they just go ahead and continue their atrocities in Gaza, now also in Lebanon and in Yemen, and also probably in Iran," said protestor Agnes Kory in London.

"And our government, our British government, unfortunately is just paying lip service and carries on supplying weapons to Israel," she added.

In Berlin, Israel supporters protested against rising antisemitism and scuffles broke out between police and pro-Palestinian counter-protestors.

Over the past year, the scale of the killing and destruction in Gaza has drawn some of the biggest global protests in years, in a wave of anger that defenders of Israel say has created an antisemitic climate in which protestors question Israel's right to exist as a nation.

The war in Gaza has spread to the region, drawing in Iran-backed groups in Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq. Israel has sharply escalated a campaign against Iran-backed Lebanese group Hezbollah in recent weeks and Iran launched a barrage of missiles against Israel this week.

In Paris, Lebanese-French protestor Houssam Houssein said:

"We fear a regional war, because there are tensions with Iran at the moment, and perhaps with Iraq and Yemen".

"We really need to stop the war because it’s now become unbearable," he added.

In Rome, around 6,000 protestors waved Palestinian and Lebanese flags, defying a ban to march in the city centre ahead of the Oct. 7 anniversary.

While its allies such as the United States support Israel's right to defend itself, Israel has faced wide international condemnation over its actions in Gaza, and now over its bombarding of Lebanon. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has resisted criticism and argued his government is acting to defend the country from a repeat of the Oct. 7 assault by Hamas.

International diplomacy led by the United States has so far failed to clinch a ceasefire deal in Gaza. Hamas wants an agreement that ends the war while Israel says fighting can end only when Hamas is eradicated.

In Manila, activists clashed with anti-riot police after they were blocked from holding a demonstration in front of the U.S. embassy in the Philippine capital in protest at the United States supplying Israel with weapons.

Demonstrations to mark the first anniversary were due to take place later on Saturday in other cities across the world, including the United States and Chile. Some demonstrations in support of Israel are also planned over the weekend. (This story has been corrected to fix the name to Agnes Kory, not Agmes Koury, in paragraph 5)

(Reporting by Reuters bureaus; Writing by Leigh Thomas; Editing by Frances Kerry)

Thousands march for Palestinians ahead of Oct 7 anniversary

Akshata Kapoor with AFP bureaus
Sat 5 October 2024 

Pro-ceasefire supporters from across the UK marched from Russell Square to Downing Street (JUSTIN TALLIS) (JUSTIN TALLIS/AFP/AFP)

Thousands of protesters marched in London and other cities on Saturday calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and Lebanon as the war in the Palestinian territory neared the one-year mark.

At the start of a planned wave of protests worldwide, pro-Palestinian supporters gathered in cities in the UK, France, South Africa, Ireland and Switzerland to demand an end to the conflict, which has killed nearly 42,000 people in Gaza.

Dozens of protests and commemorations are set to take place ahead of the anniversary Monday of Hamas's attack on Israel which resulted in the deaths of 1,205 people, mostly civilians, according to an AFP tally based on Israeli official figures.

Israel's retaliatory military offensive has killed at least 41,825 people in Gaza, most of them civilians, according to figures provided by the territory's health ministry and described as reliable by the United Nations.

At the "National March for Palestine" in London, familiar chants -- "ceasefire now", "stop bombing hospitals, stop bombing civilians" and "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" -- were joined by shouts of "hands off Lebanon".

- Global marches -

Zackerea Bakir, 28, said he has attended dozens of marches around the UK.

Large numbers continue to turn up because "everyone wants a change", Bakir told AFP.

"It's continuing to just get worse and worse, and yet nothing seems to be changing... I think it's tiring that we have to continue to come out," said Bakir, joined at the rally by his mother and brother.

In Cape Town in South Africa, hundreds walked to parliament, chanting: "Israel is a racist state" and "We are all Palestinian."

Pro-Gaza marches were also planned Saturday in Johannesburg and Durban.

In France, hundreds of people marched in Paris, Lyon, Toulouse and Strasbourg to express solidarity with the Palestinians, AFP journalists saw.

Several thousand people came together in the Swiss city of Basel for a pro-Palestinian demonstration, with marchers calling for a ceasefire, economic sanctions on Israel and an end to Swiss scientific collaboration with Israel, the Keystone-ATS news agency reported.

Other pro-Palestinian protests were planned over the weekend and on Monday in cities including New York, Sydney, Buenos Aires, Madrid, Manila, and Karachi.

- 'Not good enough' -

In the British capital, several protesters criticised the new Labour government, carrying posters reading: "Starmer has blood on his hands".

Prime Minister Keir Starmer has called for a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of hostages held by Hamas, as well as suspending some arms licences to Israel.

However, many at the rally said it was not enough.

Sophia Thomson, 27, found Starmer's stance "hypocritical".

According to Thomson, the size of the protests "goes to show the government doesn't speak for the people".

"As you can see here today, this is the true essence of what the sentiments of the UK are", she added.

"It's not good enough," said protester Zackerea Bakir, calling for the government to "stop giving a carte blanche of support to the Israeli government".

- Heavy policing -

London's Metropolitan police put in place a "significant" policing operation ahead of planned protests and memorial events.

While the rally in London was largely peaceful, at least 15 people were arrested, including three on suspicion of assaulting an emergency worker and one on suspicion of supporting a proscribed organisation.

Commemorations for victims of the October 7 attack are also scheduled internationally, including ceremonies in London, Washington, Paris, Geneva, Athens and Berlin.

An official anniversary ceremony will be held in Jerusalem on Monday.

Israeli President Isaac Herzog will lead a memorial service at Sderot, one of the cities hardest hit during the onslaught by Palestinian militants.


How Gaza sparked the biggest UK protest movement in recent history – and a headache for the police

Lizzie Dearden
Sat 5 October 2024 

Police officers intervene amid clashes during a demonstration in support of Palestinians in Gaza, ahead of the October 7 attack anniversary.Photograph: Chris J Ratcliffe/Reuters

When the Palestine Solidarity Campaign organised its first protest against Israel’s bombing campaign in Gaza, days after Hamas’ deadly terror attacks on 7 October 2023, leaders expected the conflict to be over within weeks.

“I remember saying to my staff ‘we are probably going to need to be responding to this through marches until potentially Christmas’,” recalls director Ben Jamal. “I didn’t see beyond that.”

His calculations were based on previous conflicts in the Gaza Strip. In 2021’s crisis, Israeli bombing and Hamas rocket fire lasted for 11 days, while the 2014 war continued for seven weeks, and 2012 saw eight days of bloodshed before a ceasefire was reached.

But after a year, the current war shows no sign of stopping and is instead spreading to Lebanon and threatening to escalate further following Iran’s ballistic missile attack on Israel.

Protests in Britain look set to expand in response: the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) march on 5 October in London incorporated the slogans “hands off Lebanon” and “no Middle East war”. It was attended by tens of thousands of people.

The Metropolitan police said it appeared to have a higher turnout than recent demonstrations demanding a ceasefire in Gaza, which have become smaller and less frequent since a peak last November.

But with thousands of people still attending PSC marches roughly every three weeks, both the campaign group and Scotland Yard agree that it is the biggest protest movement seen in recent British history – outstripping the historic 2010 student protests and 2003 anti-Iraq war demonstrations.

The Met assistant commissioner Matt Twist says the past year has been “the busiest period in terms of protests that we’ve ever had”, with major demonstrations “happening at a much higher tempo than we’ve ever seen before”.

Related: Tens of thousands join pro-Palestinian protest in London

“As well as the [pro-Palestinian] marches, we now see counter protests, and then we’ve had the growth in what I would call cultural nationalists, or some people characterise as the right wing, which have also been presenting an additional resourcing demand,” he adds.

“We’re concerned about the widening and deepening of the conflict and what the implications are for this country, and for London in particular, across a range of issues. Our planning assumption is that these protests will continue.”

The Met has organised its response to all protests related to the Israel-Gaza war under the codename “Operation Brocks”, which has so far cost £46.8m and involved 60,000 shifts by local officers and 9,600 by those loaned from forces outside London.

The bulk of resources have gone into the 20 national marches so far called by the PSC, although numerous smaller demonstrations have taken place across London, organised by a range of groups and figures supporting opposing sides in the conflict.

“The cost has been enormous,” Twist says. “The financial cost is one thing, but the opportunity cost for London is another, because those officers are pulled from local policing in the main – so it means they’re not doing other things.”

Police have counted more than 2,600 protests nationally linked to the Israel-Gaza war, and the National Police Chiefs’ Council called its response “one of the longest and most resource-intensive policing operations in recent history”.

In London, 404 arrests had been made at protests by the end of June but only 14% had resulted in a charge, analysis by the Observer shows, with 45% of cases remaining under investigation, while over a third resulted in no further action.

The largest number of arrests made in a single day was on 11 November 2023, when disorder broke out among far-right protesters claiming to protect war memorials against a regular PSC protest that fell on Armistice Day.

The majority of crimes recorded by police under Operation Brocks as a whole have been breach of the peace and public order offences, but there have also been numerous alleged assaults on officers and seven arrests on suspicion of inviting support for a terrorist group.

In February, two women were convicted of terror offences for wearing images of Hamas militants entering Israel on paragliders on 7 October during the PSC protest a week later.

By the end of June, more than 50 arrests had also been made for hate crimes at protests, including religiously aggravated public order offences and stirring up racial hatred.

Suella Braverman, then the Home Secretary, characterised the PSC’s protests as “hate marches” and was sacked by Rishi Sunak after writing an article accusing the Met of applying a “double standard”, claiming right-wing protesters were “rightly met with a stern response”, while “pro-Palestinian mobs” were “largely ignored”.

Twist rejects claims of two-tier policing as “nonsense”, adding: “It’s become a useful soundbite for those who seek to criticise and undermine without adding constructively to the debate. We police without fear or favour, according to the law as it is – not as people might wish it to be.”

He says the legal threshold for banning marches, which is serious disorder, has never been met and the Met is not pushing for any new laws or increased powers.
But he adds that while “the overwhelming majority of people who attend [PSC protests] do so peacefully and in a good-natured way, it is also true to say that the marches place the Jewish community in fear”.

“We have seen an unusually high incidence of offences linked to the Terrorism Act, in terms of supporting a proscribed organisation, and we have made arrests at almost every march linked to racial or religious hatred,” Twist says.

Jamal accuses critics of disproportionate focus on a “handful of placards” and “unacceptable” chants by small groups of people in thousands-strong crowds.
“The number of people being arrested on these demonstrations is very, very low,” he adds.

“With the individuals, of course we look at if we are seeing any patterns or something problematic. But what we get is a handful of things that happen that do not speak to the vast majority.”

The PSC has rejected criticism of contested slogans, such as “from the river to the sea”, and denies that its marches are making the Jewish community less safe.
“Every single march we’ve had hundreds, sometimes thousands, of Jewish people marching in an organised Jewish block to say ‘we do not agree with what the state of Israel is doing’,” Jamal says. “They have always been warmly welcomed.”

But Jewish safety charity the Community Security Trust, which has been monitoring an increase in antisemitic incidents since the start of the Israel-Gaza war, believes the number of arrests for hate crimes and terror offences indicate a “problematic pattern of behaviour”.

Dave Rich, the charity’s director of policy, says protests have been causing central London synagogues to cancel events and made Jewish people fear visiting the capital.
“If [Jewish] people want to go on these marches that’s fine, but the vast majority of Jewish people don’t fancy coming out of a synagogue and watch 10,000 people marching past calling Israel genocidal baby-killers,” he adds.

The charity is now concerned that as the conflict continues, protests could “spin off into smaller, hardline, direct action” that would be harder for police to control and “has more violent potential”.

While the CST has been advocating for greater restrictions on the timing and route of PSC demonstrations, Jamal says police have been imposing “torturous” conditions under the Public Order Act.

Meanwhile, Twist believes police are “getting it about right” to minimise disruption and balance competing rights.

“One side will say we’re doing too much, and the other side might say we’re not doing enough,” he adds. “It’s a difficult balance and it’s hotly contested. The protest picture has become more febrile, the world seems to be more polarised.”

Watch: Pro-Palestine supporters march through London to mark one year of Israel-Hamas conflict

Holly Patrick
Sat 5 October 2024

Watch live as pro-Palestine supporters marched through central London on Saturday, 5 October, to mark one year of the Israel-Hamas conflict that began with the October 7 attack in 2023.

A demonstration organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and other groups gathered at Russell Square to march to Whitehall where there will be speeches.

A counter-protest, organised by Stop The Hate, also took place.

On Sunday afternoon, a memorial event will be held in Hyde Park, organised by the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the Jewish Leadership Council and other groups.

The Metropolitan Police said it was unaware of any significant public events taking place on Monday, the anniversary of the attacks.

Thousands march in London in support of Palestinians, 1 year after Oct 7

Sat 5 October 2024 

Pro-ceasefire supporters from across the UK marched from Russell Square to Downing Street 

Thousands of protesters marched through central London on Saturday calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and Lebanon as the war in the Palestinian territory neared the one-year mark.

Pro-Palestinian supporters from across the country began the march from Russell Square to Downing Street demanding an end to the conflict, which has killed nearly 42,000 people in Gaza;

At Saturday's 20th "National March for Palestine" in London, familiar chants -- "ceasefire now", "stop bombing hospitals, stop bombing civilians" and "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" -- were joined by shouts of "hands off Lebanon".

The rally came ahead of the one-year anniversary of the October 7 attack in Israel by fighters from Palestinian group Hamas which resulted in the deaths of 1,205 people, mostly civilians, according to an AFP tally based on Israeli official figures.

Israel's retaliatory military offensive has killed at least 41,825 people in Gaza, most of them civilians, according to figures provided by the territory's health ministry and described as reliable by the United Nations.

Zackerea Bakir, 28, said he has attended dozens of marches around the Uk.

Large numbers continue to turn up because "everyone wants a change", Bakir told AFP.

"It's continuing to just get worse and worse, and yet nothing seems to be changing... I think it's tiring that we have to continue to come out," said Bakir, joined at the rally by his mother and brother.

- Policing operation -

Several protesters carried posters reading "Starmer has blood on his hands".

UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer has called for a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of hostages held by Hamas, as well as suspended some arms licences to Israel.

However, many at the rally said it was not enough.

Sophia Thomson, 27, found the Labour government's stance "hypocritical".

According to Thomson, the size of the protests "goes to show the government doesn't speak for the people".

"It's not good enough. It's not good enough," added Bakir, calling for the government to "stop giving a carte blanche of support to the Israeli government".

London's Metropolitan police put in place a "significant" policing operation ahead of planned protests and memorial events.

While the rally was largely peaceful, two were arrested for assaulting an emergency worker, according to the Met.

Three others were arrested as tensions rose between the main march and a counter protest.

While exact numbers at the demonstration were unclear, "it appears to be greater than other recent protests", the Met said on X.

Another rally also took place simultaneously in the Irish capital, Dublin.

A memorial for the October 7 attack will be held in London on Sunday.


Thousands attend pro-Palestine demonstration in Edinburgh

Sarah Ward, PA Scotland
Sat 5 October 2024 

Thousands of people have joined a pro-Palestine demonstration in Edinburgh ahead of the anniversary of the October 7 attacks in Israel.

The event was organised by Scottish Friends of Palestine and the Gaza Genocide Emergency Committee, with a silent march planned to commemorate all civilians killed.

Organisers called for a ceasefire and for the UK and Scottish governments to impose sanctions on Israel after a recent Oxfam report said 11,000 children have been killed in Gaza – more than any conflict in 18 years, based on UN data.

Activists showed support for one million people who fled southern Lebanon following an Israeli invasion and air strikes, according to Oxfam statistics.

Former first minister Humza Yousaf attended the rally.

The event was organised by Scottish Friends of Palestine and the Gaza Genocide Emergency Committee (Lesley Martin/PA)

Gerry Coutts, 60, a teacher from Glasgow, helped to organise the protest for Scottish Friends of Palestine and said he had never seen as many families attending as in the past year.

Mr Coutts said: “The number of children killed has been higher than any conflict in two decades according to Oxfam, with 6,000 women and 11,000 children killed in Gaza by the Israel Defence Force (IDF).

“Gaza is around the same size as the greater Glasgow area. The report doesn’t mention the number of children who have lost a limb, but about 25,000 children have been orphaned or lost a parent.

“The worrying thing is that the pattern the Israeli military has used in Gaza is now unfolding in Lebanon.

“Many of the civilians are Syrian refugees and Palestinian refugees born in Lebanon who do not have citizenship. Palestinians are not even second-class citizens, they do not have citizenship anywhere.

“Statistically, homes in Gaza are being bombed every four hours on average, tents are being bombed every 17 hours on average, schools and hospitals bombed every four days on average, and aid distribution points targeted.

“It is not a normal conflict. We don’t teach that there were ‘two sides’ to apartheid – we look at international law. With apartheid, we didn’t want the destruction of white people – we wanted a just society, for everybody.”

He said younger people were increasingly turning out to demonstrate.

A silent march was held to commemorate all civilians killed (Lesley Martin/PA)

Mr Coutts said: “I think young people are saying to their parents ‘I want to go’ – that’s been a new thing this year. You can see children are being bombed.

“Social media has changed it a lot – it’s the first time we’ve seen a genocide livestreamed. We are seeing it carried out by a sophisticated military with sophisticated weapons, and livestreamed.

“Even Bush and Regan, when Israel stepped over the line, stopped them – the same with the UK. Not any more.

“We all condemn all attacks on civilians.”

Maree Shepherd, of Show Israel the Red Card, called for the country to be “suspended from world forums” including world sport, and for hostages to be released.

Co-organiser David Myles, from Scottish Friends of Palestine, said: “Political leaders cannot claim to be working towards peace while they arm Israel, accused by the International Court of Justice of plausible genocide.

“Pro-Palestinian protests have continued to grow and show no sign of slowing down, because governments are out of step with the demands of the public.

“While we call for a ceasefire, governments have responded with increased funding and support for Israel and its military action. This must stop.”

300,000 rage against Israel’s genocide and warmongering in London

As the front of the march reached Downing Street, the back was still near the assembly point

Defiance on the London Palestine march (Picture: Guy Smallman)

By Socialist Worker journalists
Saturday 05 October 2024

At least 300,000 protesters streamed through central London on Saturday on the 20th national demonstration for Palestine in the past 12 months. Palestinian and Lebanese flags and chants filled the air as protesters raged at Israel’s ongoing genocide in Palestine and warmongering across the Middle East.

Israel has killed nearly 2,000 people in Lebanon over the past year. Mustapha from Lebanon said, “I’ve been protesting about this for decades since 2006 when Israel invaded Lebanon before.

“It’s been 76 years of occupation in Palestine but we can’t give up hope. The British government is the reason Israel exists and I want them to stop sending arms.”

Sheryl from Cardiff said, “If you look at it, of course the US is in the middle of it all. If anyone else other than Israel did the pagers attacks on Hezbollah and Lebanese citizens, there would be hell to pay. But not for Israel.

“The United States says that Iran shouldn’t escalate, but what about Binyamin Netanyahu? What about Israel, which started this whole conflict? Iran isn’t escalating—it’s retaliating,” she added.

“Israel is going into Lebanon to grab more land. In Lebanon, Hezbollah was doing such a good job at standing up to Israel. But the West labelled them as terrorists, and now people are standing up for Israel—it’s disgraceful.”

Sheryl stressed, “If you enclose someone and abuse them, then they have to resist. I’m pro-resistance.”

The demonstration came two days ahead of the anniversary of 7 October, marking one year of Israeli’s genocide, Palestinian resistance and international solidarity. Majid from Palestine said, “We have been on most of the protests—I’m here because I have family in Gaza.”

Ellie added, “We won’t stop until the genocide stops. We just want to say enough is enough. Stop killing children.

“We want the world to know what is going on. I don’t know that Israel is unstoppable—I think they are overreaching now.”

After a year of Israel’s genocide, some protesters had been consistently marching in solidarity with Palestine. Mary from Kent said that “the anniversary is important because we have to let people know history didn’t start on 7 October”.

“This has been happening for decades, and the encroachment into the West Bank is just the next phase,” she said.

“The movement in Britain is important because the United States is the main culprit, but we sell them arms too. I’m shocked that they only suspended 30 out of 350 arms contracts.

“I think Israel is ideologically defeated. It has proven it’s a terror state, and its reputation has been so harmed there’s no going back.”

Mary added that she had previously supported a “two state solution”, which would keep an Israeli settler colonial state in tact. “But now I think it doesn’t make sense,” she said. “I think there should be one secular state for everyone. Palestinians have the right to return and get their land back.”

Idris from Stoke has come to every national demonstration. “Every single time we have raised our voices to demand the government stops arming Israel,” he said. “Labour is the same as the Conservatives. Governments change, but the foreign policy stays the same.”

He added, “The war is spreading now, it’s all over the region—we have to keep up the pressure.”

Protester Kerry said, “I’ve been on a lot of protests and I’ve been to Hebron in Palestine and seen what it’s like.

“I keep marching, writing to my MP and going to talks to educate myself but I feel powerless. What can be done until the US stops arming Israel? Anything the British government does will only be symbolic.”

Palestine: one year on
Read More

Al from Romford in east London urged the movement to keep going, saying, “I can’t believe we are still marching after a year. But what else can we do but keep marching?”

Israel’s genocide and warmongering in the Middle East brought new people to the demonstration. One protester said, “I’ve never been on a demonstration before. I didn’t even really know what to do.

“I’ve always been political but never active. But with what Israel is doing, now is the time to do something. This movement is important and anyone who thinks what Israel is doing is wrong needs to get out to demonstrations.”

‘There’s no future for Zionism in our region’—interview with Ghada Karmi
Read More

Jorge from the United States said, “This is the first of these protests I’ve been on. I wanted to come here to support my friend who is from Lebanon. It’s scary. It looks like what is happening in the Middle East could break out into a proper war.”

There was a strong trade union presence on the London Palestine march. Chad Croom from the CWU communication workers’ union said, “This is a working class issue. If trade unionists can’t come out and raise their voice against injustice then we can’t communicate the same message to our members.

“We have to show we are on the same side as people facing injustice around the world. We need to put pressure on our governments to stop arming Israel.

“This also makes it a workers issue as trade unionists represent the workers making those arms.”

The demonstration rallied outside Downing Street to target the Labour government.

From the stage, Lindsey German from Stop The War said, “It is obscene that Joe Biden is discussing with Netanyahu whether to bomb nuclear facilities or oil refineries in Iran. They don’t care about Palestinian lives.”

She urged protesters to attend the 26 October Stand Up To Racism demonstration in London against fascist Tommy Robinson.

Former Scottish first minister Humza Yousaf said, “We’ve had 365 days of bloodshed. 365 days of children being killed. 365 days of babies deprived of hospital care. 365 days of the complete failure of the international community to uphold international law.

“Keir Starmer addressed the nation when Israel was attacked—where was the address for the children of Gaza? Where was the address for the people of Lebanon? Some say these double standards are hypocrisy. But it’s worse—it’s racism.”

Palestinian ambassador Husam Zomlot said, “I have a message for Israel. When you bomb a country, you lose. When you invade a country, you lose. Every time you attack a country, you lose.

“Israel has one strategy—violence. The message from Gaza, from Rafah, from Nablus, from Jenin and from Beirut is that we are not defeated. No bombs and assassinations can kill people’s desire to be free.”

Leanne Mohammed—who almost defeated Labour’s Wes Streeting in the general election—said, “Labour, Conservative, Democrat, Republican, they all support the military industrial complex.

“To those in the US—in the heart of the evil empire—I say vote for a third party. Send a message to Kamala Harris—don’t let them scare you into rubber stamping their support for genocide.”

The demonstration shows the immense vitality of the Palestine movement—and its determination to break the British government’s complicity with Israel’s genocide.

The next stop is the workplace day of action on Thursday, 10 October, to demand a ceasefire. The call was backed by the TUC union federation’s congress last month.

Everyone has to keep driving its roots deeper into the working class movement. Let’s keep up action on the streets, workplaces and campuses against Israel’s genocide and warmongering—and against its Western imperialist backers.
How many Palestine demonstrations have people been on?

Socialist Worker carried out a mass survey asking people how many national demonstrations they have been on:

1st demonstration: 9 percent

2nd demonstration: 7 percent

3rd demonstration: 6 percent

4th demonstration: 8 percent

5th demonstration: 7 percent

6th demonstration: 4 percent

7th demonstration: 4 percent

8th demonstration: 5 percent

9th demonstration: 4 percent

10th demonstration: 5 percent

11th demonstration: 3 percent

12th demonstration: 4 percent

13th demonstration: 3 percent

14th demonstration: 3 percent

15th demonstration: 5 percent

16th demonstration: 5 percent

17th demonstration: 4 percent

18th demonstration: 3 percent

19th demonstration: 4 percent

20th demonstration: 7 percent
Palestine: one year on

We are publishing analysis and interviews with Palestinians and people in the solidarity movement every day in the run-up to the one-year anniversary of 7 October: How Israel’s war on Gaza showed the West’s weakness Far from revealing superiority, the West’s backing for Israel’s genocidal war reflects its declining power and its loss of moral authority
‘Condemn Israel, not the Palestinians’: Ibitsam from Gaza
‘My back felt broken, I was buried under rubble’ Palestinian journalist Alaa Salamah spoke to two young people in Gaza
‘A new generation understands what Israel is’—interview with Tariq Ali
Don’t forget that Palestinians ‘humbled Israel’ Ramsis Kilani, a Palestinian activist and revolutionary socialist in Germany, on resistance in the Middle East—and the challenges facing the solidarity movement in Germany
‘We’ll keep marching as long as Israel’s genocide continues’ An interview with Lindsey German, convenor of the Stop The War Coalition, one of the organisers of the mass demonstrations for Palestine.
‘We can learn from South African struggle’—interview with Andrew Feinstein He spoke about his independent campaign against Keir Starmer in the general election and where next for the Palestine movement
Palestine: A history of horror and resistance Palestinians have maintained steadfast opposition to violence and repression for over a hundred years. Phil Marfleet tells their inspiring story
‘There’s no future for Zionism in our region’—interview with Ghada Karmi