Tuesday, May 07, 2019

“To Yemenis, rape is worse than death! We swear by Allah we will take revenge on Sudanese soldiers. They will not return alive to their country.” – Yemeni demonstrator in Hodeida
Rape in Coalition areas of control is a common worry among Yemen's men and women alike.

 Social Insecurity- The Phony Pension Crisis
The Social Security Trustees Consistently Agree: The Program is Well-Funded

Since the program is vital to so many Americans, there are also clear ways it could even be expanded.. This year’s Social Security and Medicare trustees’ report saw very few changes from last year’s report and showed that the Social Security retirement program’s (OASI) financial situation ha...

The deleted page puts to bed any claims of Guaido’s independence from Washington.
The US State Department published, then deleted, a factsheet boasting of wrecking the economy of Venezuela & destabilizing its military.

Even the CFR admits to participating in the destabilization process https://www.cfr.org/report/political-unrest-venezuela
Political Unrest in Venezuela
Political Unrest in Venezuela


EXCLUSIVE: According to Bolton’s statement, an attack launched by a “proxy” of Iran on not just assets but “interests” of the U.S. in the region or “interests” of a U.S. ally in the region, would now be sufficient to trigger a U.S. attack on Iran, even if Iran itself was not directly responsible.

In a press release, John Bolton announced the deployment of the Lincoln Carrier Strike Group as a “clear and unmistakable message to Iran.”

"There may be no graver danger to the world than John Bolton."
"The latest indication that this administration is running full speed directly into a major war with Iran."

Are you on Minds yet?
Mint Press News
Facebook is actively censoring our content and that of our partners in independent media. Facebook is not the future. Despite the good that has happened as a re...
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There was no election in January 2019.
The opposition boycotted the election in May 2018.
Maduro won with 67.8% of the vote.
Guaido did not participate at all.

In reality, the opposition boycotted Venezuela’s presidential election, Maduro won with 67.8% of the vote, while Guaido did not participate.


If Venezuela's current government is overthrown and Guaidó comes to power, it seems almost certain that the “People’s Seed Law” will be one of the first pieces of legislation on the chopping block.

How GMO Seeds and Monsanto/Bayer’s “RoundUp” are Driving US Policy in Venezuela

With Juan Guaidó’s parallel government attempting to take power with the backing of the U.S., it is telling that the top political donors of those in the U.S. most fervently pushing regime change in Venezuela have close ties to Monsanto and major financial stakes in Bayer.

No photo description available.

Media have published a number of reports on the recent violence that emphasize Israeli deaths, begin with Israeli victims, largely ignore the year-long killing of Gazans, and frame Israeli actions as strictly defensive.

Alison Weir on media coverage of the recent violence in Gaza and Israel, and the framing of Israelis as victims and Palestinians as aggressors

"Palestinian deaths are primarily viewed as 'retaliation' by international media outlets, while Israeli deaths would never receive that kind coverage."
"Palestinian deaths are primarily viewed as 'retaliation' by international media outlets, while Israeli deaths would never receive that kind coverage."

EXCLUSIVE: In what is the most extensive national plan published by a Yemeni government entity in the past three decades, the political wing of the Houthi movement, Ansar Allah, unveiled a comprehensive plan to rebuild war-torn Yemen through a manifesto offering 175 goals to rebuild the nation into a modern, stable and democratic state by 2030.
The political wing of the Houthi movement, Ansar Allah, unveiled a comprehensive "National Vision," a plan to rebuild war-torn Yemen by 2030.