Tuesday, May 07, 2019

An Inside Look at How US-Funded Fascists in Ukraine Mentor US White Supremacists

There is one likely explanation for the U.S. government’s hands-off approach to Azov recruitment: the extremist militia is fighting pro-Russian separatists as a front-line proxy of Washington.

A new FBI indictment shows how the Azov battalion in Ukraine transformed the country into an ideological base for U.S. white supremacists.

While working behind the scenes to shape the post-Maidan Ukrainian government to their liking, powerbrokers in Washington — Biden included — have done all they could to downplay the U.S. role.
Joe Biden launched his candidacy by railing against Neo-Nazis in Charlottesville but played an outsized role in supporting them in Ukraine.

Using your military to attack or invade another country because you don't like it's government is not just "meddling" or onerous, it's a violation of international law.
And while Democrats should make it clear that no military action in Venezuela would be acceptable without the Congressional authorization the U.S. Constitution demands, it is essential to point out that even such approval would not make a military assault permissible, legal under international norms, or -- importantly -- the right thing to do.
"Attacking [Venezuela] for any reason," warned one legal expert, "would violate the most fundamental of all international law."
"Why I'm tired of politicians who kick the can of equality down the road to subsequent generations while the people we know and love suffer today." Nina Turner
Why I'm tired of politicians who kick the can of equality down the road to subsequent generations while the people we know and love suffer today.. I was born to teenage parents who got married young and divorced early. My mother raised me herself, along with my six younger siblings, in Cleveland, an...

Fearful Democrats and the False Allure of Policy Centrism

"Nobody understands this better than Republicans, who manage to regularly win elections with a spectacularly unpopular policy agenda of tax cuts for the wealthy, outlawing abortion, taking health coverage from millions of people, and exacerbating climate change. If it was all about who could be more of a centrist, they’d never stand a chance."

In an era of hyper-partisanship, going moderate may not be a winning strategy.. ancy Pelosi is worried about 2020. As, of course, is every Democrat, but Pelosi has an analysis of the challenge the party faces that is striking in how tentative it sounds, even frightened. Here's what she told The New....

WASHINGTON — Speaker Nancy Pelosi does not believe President Trump can be removed through impeachment — the only way to do it, she said this week, is to defeat him in 2020 by a margin so “big” he cannot challenge the legitimacy of a Democratic victory."

" Speaker 's dream will be true if Bernie will be nomina
ted by fraud D N C . Without Bernie there is none to beat Trump . Speaker said for a big margin result against Trump . Is it possible by any corrupted corporate demo against Trump by a big margin ? Will it be possible by a perverted addicted sick candidate ? Totally D.N.C have no way . Speaker Nancy Pelosi should endorse for Bernie for the next . If she wants a big marginal victory . But her class character will do for perverted Biden or any one else of corrupted corporate demo without Bernie .

How much sick she is that she does not want to make hearing on single payer health for all. Does it not mean that she is against live supporting issue for the many ? Does it not meant that she is cruel by nature due to the part of a corporate demo. How much difference with GOP & with her ? This is their rotten & corrupted practice for the few from beginning to till now due to only money . At the end of the day her dream will not be true in any time of future with her corrupted corporate demo candidate Without Bernie . Bernie should be nominated . Pelosi should endorse for Bernie to make her dream true . " Md Maniruzzaman .https://www.nytimes.com/.../us/politics/nancy-pelosi.html...
Pelosi Warns Democrats: Stay in the Center or Trump May Contest Election Results
Pelosi Warns Democrats: Stay in the Center or Trump May Contest Election…
Omidyar is following in the footsteps of Soros.
Pierre Omidyar has become a politically sophisticated data monarch through his purchase of a media empire and national security state ties.

"Capitalists, throughout history, have backed fascism to thwart even the most tepid forms of socialism."

Capitalists, throughout history, have backed fascism to thwart even the most tepid forms of socialism.. The destruction of the rule of law, an action essential to establishing an authoritarian or totalitarian state, began long before the arrival of the Trump administration. The George W. Bush admini...

Juan Guaidó is the product of a decade-long project overseen by Washington’s elite regime change trainers.

How the United States National Endowment for Democracy crafted Juan Guaido as a tool for regime change in Venezuela.


Ben Norton looks at the sizable role the Pentagon played in the production of the hit Hollywood film Captain Marvel, and how the blockbuster film is being used spread recruitment propaganda.

The Pentagon was deeply involved in the production of the hit film Captain Marvel, and is using the movie to spread recruitment propaganda.

The government is involved in as wide a range of entertainment projects as you can imagine, from video games to chat shows to blockbusters to docudramas.
There is no doubt the Pentagon has encouraged war propaganda in popular culture and is pro-actively seeking further influence in film.

The findings confirm that the U.S.-led coalition has admitted to just a fraction of the civilian carnage it has caused in Syria, even as it has boasted of the care it’s taken in avoiding such casualties and the precision of the Raqqa offensive.
The findings confirm that the US-led coalition has admitted to just a fraction of the civilian carnage it has caused in Syria, even as it has boasted of the care it's taken.