Friday, May 10, 2019

White collar criminologist Bill Black explains how the administration's stance on Trump'’ taxes is illegal and what the possible consequences could be—or should be

White collar criminologist Bill Black explains how the administration's stance on Trump'’ taxes is illegal and what the possible consequences could be—or should be

The effort to sell security to the people of the US is based on stoking irrational fears, something Trump has taken to new extremes, but which Democrats are guilty of as well, explains Charles Derber, who discusses his new book
The effort to sell security to the people of the US is based on stoking irrational fears, something Trump has taken to new extremes, but which Democrats are guilty of as well, explains Charles Derber, who discusses his new book

Phyllis Bennis discusses the recent Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip and the real nature of Kushner's supposed "deal of the century"

Phyllis Bennis discusses the recent Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip and the real nature of Kushner's supposed "deal of the century"

"Mr. Trump ought to be very, very careful about saying he’s going to send Marines or soldiers to Venezuela because the Venezuelan military will be unified immediately... And we’ll be going home, and we will not be very successful there"

Col. Larry Wilkerson describes the limits of a 'gringo invasion' and warns of repeating the failures of Vietnam and Iraq

Wendell Potter, author of ‘Deadly Spin: How Corporate PR is Killing Healthcare and Deceiving Americans’, traces his life from growing up poor and Republican in Tennessee, to radicalization during the Vietnam War, to cynical journalist who just wanted to make money - on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay
Wendell Potter, author of ‘Deadly Spin: How Corporate PR is Killing Healthcare and Deceiving Americans’, traces his life from growing up poor and Republican in Tennessee, to radicalization during the Vietnam War, to cynical journalist who just wanted to make money - on Reality Asserts Itself wit...

The Sudanese military, which had turned against Omar al-Bashir’s government and protected the protesters from the presidential guard, has seized power, but they refused to relinquish this power for the sake of a civilian government
Khalid Medani speaks to Eddie Conway about Sudanese opposition to al-Bashir and the sit-in that continues through Ramadan

On Friday, author Douglas Rushkoff wrote in a post on Medium that President Donald Trump has mastered the art of creating a cult-like following among his base.

Can't fix stupid.

Earlier this year, thousands of Trump supporters donated their money to a GoFundMe page that promised to construct the president’s long-promised border wall if Congress refused to cough up the funds.

Paul Krugman just broke some REALLY bad news to Trump's most loyal voters
In a brutally blunt column in the New York Times, Nobel-prize winning economist Paul Krugman spelled out how President Donald Trump has sold out the very voters he needed to get elected — those living on farms or in rural communities — and that they may never recover from the financial beating t...

Holy crap! What the hell is wrong with these people?
South Carolina State Rep. Nancy Mace (R) said that weeks after sharing a personal story about being raped, she was attacked by her Republican colleague.


Some of the major issues faced by the handloom silk industry include scarcity and high price of raw material, GST, old technology, inadequate working capital, shortage of labourers and weak marketing.

Some of the major issues faced by the handloom silk ndustry include scarcity and high price of raw material, GST, old technology, inadequate working capital, shortage of labourers and weak marketing.

The patients sitting in the PHC, waiting for treatment, told this reporter that getting treated at the government hospital depends on the mood of the doctor as well as the “luck of the patient”.
The patients sitting in the PHC, waiting for treatment, told this reporter that getting treated at the government hospital depends on the mood of the doctor as well as the “luck of the patient”.