Saturday, June 08, 2019

 June 8, 2019 by Brett T. ... Gillibrand and Eric Swalwell, both members of the 0 percent club, are in a race to run the most embarrassing campaign. .... Journalism: Daily Beast reports Trump brothers skipped out on bar tab, except they didn't ... Tags: dancegay bariowaKirsten Gillibrand Pride Monthshot ...

The Democrats have given us so many cringe-worthy moments during this campaign season, but if you ask us, Kirsten Gillibrand and Eric Swalwell, both members of the 0 percent club, are in a race to run the most embarrassing campaign. Swalwell, who is a white man and apologizes sincerely for it, showed off his tender side by shooting a campaign video while changing a diaper, but now we have Gillibrand “dancing” in a gay bar while modeling some LGBT wear from her campaign store. Yes, she’s sticking with that stupid “Brave” campaign theme.
We’re trying to think of an equally cringe-worthy moment from Hillary Clinton’s campaign and having a tough time — maybe one of her speeches to an African-American audience where she suddenly lapsed into black English vernacular? The hot sauce in her purse?
Watch in horror as we did as this “young mom” gets her groove on.

A Lake County couple's rural paradise went bad when a corporate medical marijuana farm moved in next door

click to enlargeTed and Vickie Miller at home in Eustis
Photo by Rob Bartlett
Ted and Vickie Miller at home in Eustis

The noise started on an early morning in February, as Ted and Vickie Miller were sound asleep and snoring in the confines of their farm-style home off County Road 44A in Eustis. It sounded like an engine cranking up at first. Ted sat up in bed, confused and panicked, with that feeling of going from unconscious to incensed in a matter of seconds. "What are you doing?" Vickie asked him.

"I think somebody's stealing my tractor," Ted told her, leaping from between the sheets to grab one of his rifles and run outside to the back porch.

The backyard, however, was dark. Ted's equipment was undisturbed. But the noise hadn't stopped.

"What the hell?" Ted wondered aloud, as he peered into the dark, dense woods behind their five-acre plot of land, where they've lived for 29 years. He could smell the skunk-like aroma of cannabis wafting through the air.

That's when it struck him: The noise – the low-hum buzzing, like a gasoline-powered generator humming around the corner, like the sound of a jet engine that's idling on a taxiway – was coming from the weed farm next door.

That was four months ago. The noise hasn't stopped since.

The smell of cannabis coming from the facility is something they can deal with, the Millers say. Though they lean socially conservative in most respects and claim they're not recreational marijuana users, Ted and Vickie acknowledge the importance of the state's medical marijuana program for patients who need it. They also claim to have had no problem with the previous owners of the cannabis cultivation facility next door, the Treadwell Nursery, which used open-air greenhouses and fans – which aren't noisy – and was owned by family members.

That changed when California-based company MedMen bought the Treadwell Nursery in September. The company revamped the facility with massive climate-controlled Dutch-style greenhouses that reduce humidity levels and produce a higher-quality, healthier product. And when MedMen cranked up the dehumidifiers on that morning in February, that's when the trouble started.

It's not just the noise, either, the Millers say. Bright lights from the facility shine onto the front of their property and onto some of their neighbors' properties. Freight truck traffic on what used to be a quiet country road has increased significantly in recent months, which the Millers say worries their neighbors with children who ride the school bus.

Florida open-government advocates sue over Cabinet meeting held in Israel
May 29, 2019

Florida’s Governor just signed a bill that will censor criticism of Israel throughout the state’s public school
On May 31, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill that prohibits anti-Semitism in public schools and universities throughout the state. However, the legislation also equates criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism, effectively censoring the advocacy of Palestinian rights.

An ethics complaint claims NRA lobbyist Marion Hammer has been living high on the hog, breaking state lobbyist regulations in the process 

Carl Fredrik Reutersward

"The Knotted Gun"

click to enlarge

Hammer takes a blow
By Xander Peters
State Rep. Anna Eskamani and state Sen. Perry Thurston filed formal complaints with the state Senate and House oversight last week seeking an investigation into National Rifle Association lobbyist Marion Hammer. Eskamani and Thurston claim that Hammer broke state law by failing to disclose hundreds of thousands of dollars in payment for her services.

Under Florida law, lobbying firms and contractors are required to file reports that detail compensation received for their lobbying work. The complaints stem from reporting by a watchdog website, the Florida Bulldog, which found that Hammer has not filed a compensation report since at least 2007. Hammer is a former NRA president who's credited with influencing many of the state's gun laws, including the controversial 2005 Stand Your Ground law.

As the nation observed the loss of 17 lives in the weeks following the February 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Hammer, according to the complaints, got paid. She reportedly received $270,000 from the NRA last year for "consulting services and legislative lobbying in Florida." In 2017, she reportedly was paid an additional $134,000 "for legislative lobbyist services in Florida." Yet neither of those payments, described in internal documents obtained by the Bulldog, was disclosed in quarterly lobbyist compensation reports as required by the state Legislature.

The Bulldog found that Hammer also reportedly received $147,000 in 2014, $172,000 in 2015 and $206,000 in 2016 – a total of $929,000, none of which was ever reported according to state regulations, according to the report.

"It speaks to a lack of oversight where one of the largest organizations in the country, much less the state of Florida, is not being audited to the point where we don't know how much money is actually being involved in the legislative process," Eskamani, who filed her sworn complaint with the House Public Integrity and Ethics committee, told Orlando Weekly.

In a press release announcing the ethics complaint, Thurston, D-Fort Lauderdale, said the failure to comply year after year with the state's disclosure laws "calls into question what else might have been done to circumvent transparency in the legislative process."

In his complaint, filed with the Florida Senate and the state ethics commission, Thurston noted Hammer's influence in lobbying pro-gun reform legislation such as concealed-carry permits. He also pointed to state law mandating that since Hammer is not an in-house, salaried lobbyist for the NRA, she is required to submit a compensation report for each calendar year she was registered as a lobbyist for the organization.

Hammer is listed in the IRS filings as a registered lobbyist for the Unified Sportsmen of Florida, where she also serves as executive director, and the NRA, where she serves as a board member and consultant. Consultants are not employees, per Florida law.

However, Hammer is a contract lobbyist who's paid fees for her services, and state law requires her to register and disclose. So far, it seems, she's failed to do so.

The NRA did not return Orlando Weekly's request for comment.

Last September the Tampa Bay Times published hundreds of Hammer's emails to and from members of the state's Department of Agriculture. From 2014 to 2017, the emails show, Hammer involved herself at nearly every step of the legislative process, and received prompt responses to her questions and instructions – often within minutes.

In 2013, the state settled a whistle-blower lawsuit filed by a Department of Agriculture employee who claimed that when she questioned handling of gun permit applications, she was told she "worked for the NRA." That was during the tenure of former Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam, who famously called himself a "proud NRA sellout."

Just after she was elected to the post, new Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried sent out a letter saying her administration would "not be run by unelected special interests," a thinly veiled reference to the NRA lobby. Hammer hammered back with a statement calling Fried an "anti-gun extremist who will eliminate our freedoms."

Eskamani says she suspects the lack of regulation of Hammer's activities is grounded in fear of retribution against those who speak out against the powerful lobbyist and/or the NRA. In regards to this lack of oversight, Eskamani says, "I can't think of a moment where we've held Marion Hammer accountable."

The White House is said to be vetting Judy Shelton for a seat on the Fed board. She told us what she would bring to a central bank whose policies she has long criticized.

Shelton told Markets Insider she has been contacted by the Office of Presidential Personnel.

The potential nominee has been critical of the central bank and would like to change some of the core ways it operates.
We've always known the dangers of governing by fear and pride and impulsivity. Now we're living them

A week after her husband's assassination, on one of her last nights in the White House, Jackie Kennedy penned a remarkable letter to Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev. It was a fraught moment. The Russians were worried they'd be blamed for JFK's murder, and some in the CIA thought to do just that. Only a year removed from the Cuban Missile Crisis – the closest humanity has come to nuclear annihilation – the Cold War was a hair trigger from turning hot.
Jackie sent the letter, a succinct, elegant note of diplomacy, "because I know how much my husband cared about peace, and how the relation between you and him was central to this care in his mind. ... You and he were adversaries, but you were allied in a determination that the world should not be blown up."
So she implored Khrushchev to put aside impulsiveness and ego: "The danger which troubled my husband was that war might be started not so much by the big men as by the little ones. While big men know the needs for self-control and restraint – little men are sometimes moved more by fear and pride. If only in the future the big men can continue to make the little ones sit down and talk, before they start to fight."
Trump supports ‘Pride Month,’ again pledges to overturn laws criminalizing homosexuality worldwide
Trump tweeted about celebrating 'LGBT Pride Month.' 

Remember last week when @realDonaldTrump was pretending to celebrate #PrideMonth? 🤔

Maggie Haberman
Trump admin tells U.S. embassies they can't fly pride flag on flagpoles


Trump is banning U.S. embassies from flying rainbow flags during Pride month
He has said no to at least 4 U.S. embassies so far...

Trump Administration Denies U.S. Embassies Permission To Fly Pride Flag: Reports
Embassies had previously flown the rainbow flag in June in support of LGBTQ Pride Month.

The Trump administration is reportedly rejecting requests from US embassies to fly the rainbow flag on the flagpole for LGBTQ Pride Month
President Trump recognized LGBTQ Pride Month in a recent tweet, but his administration reportedly isn't allowing US embassies to fly the rainbow flag.

Some US embassies fly rainbow flag despite rejected requests from Trump admin | TheHill
Several U.S. embassies and diplomatic missions around the world are hoisting rainbow flags in honor of Pride Month, despite a slate of rejections from the ...

Trump Administration Denies U.S. Embassies Permission To Fly Pride Flag: Reports
Embassies had previously flown the rainbow flag in June in support of LGBTQ Pride Month.

The Trump administration is reportedly rejecting requests from US embassies to fly the rainbow flag on the flagpole for LGBTQ Pride Month
President Trump recognized LGBTQ Pride Month in a recent tweet, but his administration reportedly isn't allowing US embassies to fly the rainbow flag.

Trump admin tells U.S. embassies they can't fly pride flag on flagpoles
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is rejecting requests from U.S. embassies to fly the rainbow pride flag on embassy flagpoles during June, LGBTQ ...


Rainbow revolt: defying Washington, US embassies fly flags for Pride Month
The US State Department began rejecting all embassy requests to hoist rainbow flags outside the mission buildings during Gay Pride Month this year, but some ...

Some US embassies fly rainbow flag despite rejected requests from Trump admin | TheHill
Several U.S. embassies and diplomatic missions around the world are hoisting rainbow flags in honor of Pride Month, despite a slate of rejections from the ...

Told not to fly a rainbow flag during Pride Month, some US embassies revolt
Since the US State Department began rejecting all embassy requests to hoist rainbow flags outside the mission buildings during Gay Pride Month this year, ...

US Diplomats Find Creative Ways To Fly Pride Flags Despite State Dpt's Rejection
Though the State Department has rejected some embassy requests to fly rainbow flags in celebration of Pride month, diplomats are finding creative ways to… 

Some U.S. embassies still hoisting rainbow flags, despite advisory from Washington
This is a category one insurrection,” one diplomat says of displays celebrating Gay Pride Month. 




Harry and Meghan’s Instagram ignores Trump’s visit but celebrates Pride Month
During Donald Trump's visit to Buckingham Palace, Prince Harry, Prince William and Kate Middleton appeared they wanted to avoid photo-ops with the ...

LGBTQ Brits to Trump: Go away
Thousands of queer protesters–and allies–greeted a visit by Donald Trump to the United Kingdom this week, all with a singular message: We don't like you.

Thousands of LGBTI people and allies protested against Trump
It was the Donald Trump baby blimp's time to shine as thousands took to central London to demonstrate against US president Donald Trump's UK state trip.

Trump’s former deputy freaks over a fake Nintendo account tweeting Mario kissing Luigi
By Daniel Villarreal June 4, 2019

Sebastian Gorka left red-faced after accusing a parody Nintendo account of promoting incest
Donald Trump's former aide turned conservative radio host Sebastian Gorka is no stranger to getting wound up about LGBT+ inclusion in pop culture. Just a few ... 

Image via Twitter

Yesterday, a fake Nintendo account on Twitter celebrated Pride Month by posting an image of Mario and Luigi kissing. It was obviously fake because an international brand would never celebrate LGBTQ people by posting a picture of incest, but some people, like Sebastian Gorka, former Deputy Assistant to President Trump, fell for the fake tweet hook-line-and-sinker. Oh geez.


The account, which as of yesterday went by “Nintendo of America,” posted the image along with the message, “Happy #PrideMonth! Our staff is filled with people of all sexualities so we love supporting that.”

The phrasing is so horrid that it’s obvious a straight person wrote it. (The owner of the account claims he’s 16.) The account is also filled with offensive posts including a somewhat transphobic one claiming that Mario is female.

Connecting incest to LGBTQ identity is queerphobic, but let’s be clear: Gay men have made images of the Super Mario Brothers making out in the past, so it’s apparently a taboo bit of fanfic.

Happy #PrideMonth! Our staff is filled with people of all sexualities so we love supporting that.

— old Nintendo of America (@NlntedoAmerica) June 1, 2019

Anyway, in a now deleted tweet, Gorka — a man who recently freaked out over a children’s cartoon that showed a wedding between two male rats — wrote, “So @NintendoAmerica is promoting incest now?”

Admittedly, plenty of other Twitter users, both pro- and antigay, disapproved of the tweet too. All of the attention caused the account to come clean with its schtick.

Related: This artist turned Nintendo characters into sexy gay bears — and it’s perfect

In a public post (below), the Twitter account wrote:

“Sadly, Twitter has messaged me personally and said I need to either delete my account of change my name. However, doing this goes against the very reasoning for this account’s existence. If the name wasn’t ‘Nintendo of America’ then people would not believe that it is real. At that point, there is no reason for this Twitter account to exist.”

The profile owner then wrote that he initially made the account to fool friends but will soon change the account’s handle, name, profile pic and its content since he can’t use it to fool people anymore.

A Statement.

— old Nintendo of America (@NlntedoAmerica) June 4, 2019

Taylor Swift rebuffs Trump on LGBT rights, presses Senate to advance Equality Act
Taylor Swift marked the beginning of Pride month at midnight on Friday with a late-night social media post calling for passage of the Equality Act, which aims to ...

Speaker Nancy Pelosi on celebrating Pride, advancing LGBTQ rights, and why everything in Trump's life is a cover-up
Speaker Nancy Pelosi on her deep, longstanding ties to the LGBTQ community, and why passing the Equality Act is so important.

This Pride Month, make the push to pass the Equality Act
Thirty states still lack non-discrimination protections for the LGBTQ community, The Equality Act would mean nationwide protection for LGBTQ Americans.

Taylor Swift Posts Passionate Pride Letter Promoting the Equality Act
I personally reject this President's stance that his administration 'supports equal treatment of all.'

Taylor Swift Gets Behind Equality Act for Pride Month
On June 1, the first day of LGBTQ Pride Month, music superstar Taylor Swift penned an open letter in favor of the Equality Act, which protects lesbian, bisexual, ...

EXCLUSIVE: Trump comes out against Equality Act
With a vote on the Equality Act in the U.S. House expected on Friday, a senior administration official indicated exclusively to the Washington Blade that President ...



Trump's transgender ban is cruel, medically unethical and damaging to the US military
Transgender peope are part of human diversity. It's senseless and indefensible to deny them medical care and force them to suppress their identities.

Transgender soldiers fighting Trump's military ban
President Trump's ban on transgender Americans joining the military is now in effect. We meet a transgender military couple fighting to help transgender soldiers ...

Donald Trump Is Still Selling a LGBTQ Pride Shirt Despite Anti-Transgender Policy
Despite reports that Donald Trump's administration is working to roll back protections for transgender people, his online store still offers a LGBTQ "pride" shirt.

Dems replace POW/MIA flags with transgender pride flags to protest Trump military ban
Multiple Democratic lawmakers this week replaced POW/MIA flags outside their Capitol Hill offices with a Transgender Equality flag to commemorate “Trans ...

Meet the man who sued Trump over the transgender military ban
Ryan Karnoski is a transgender man who can't serve in the military because of Trump's ban.

Creep of the Week: Trump Administration
The Trump Administration has declared war on transgender people. This isn't a new revelation, but they have succeeded in dismantling every protection the ...



The man who Trump praised as Pride Month began
Dean Obeidallah writes that President Trump's decision to kick off Pride Month by praising one of his anti-LGBTQ supporters -- Franklin Graham -- proves he is ...

Kellyanne Conway: Trump first president to take office 'approving of gay marriage'
White House adviser Kellyanne Conway touted President Trump's record on gay rights Friday, telling journalists Trump was the first president to take office as a ...

Rob Smith: Trump has recognized Pride month. Here’s why the left is very, very unhappy about it
Last Friday, Donald Trump became the first Republican president in American history to acknowledge LGBT Pride Month.

Republicans don’t want to see the pride flag flying 
June is Pride Month. President Donald Trump and other Republican lawmakers do not want anyone to notice. While Trump tweeted out a perfunctory message, ... 

Making sense of evangelicals' support for Trump
If urban liberals can't learn to empathize with religious Americans, they will help secure Trump's second term.
The GuardianYesterdayOpinion

Religious right’s Day of Prayer for Trump will embolden him to do more un-Christian things
In Trump they trust. More than 250 religious right leaders are calling on their followers to make tomorrow, June 2, a “Special Day of Prayer” dedicated to asking ...

Trump’s former deputy freaks over a fake Nintendo account tweeting Mario kissing Luigi
Yesterday, a fake Nintendo account on Twitter celebrated Pride Month by posting an image of Mario and Luigi kissing. It was obviously fake because an ...


President Donald Trump first Republican to recognize Pride Month
President Donald Trump is the first Republican to officially recognize LGBTQ Pride Month since it was begun by President Bill Clinton 20 years ago.

Wanda Sykes on Trump Pride Tweet: 'Everything He Does Is Just Phony,' a 'Lie'
Tuesday on ABC's "The View," comedienne Wanda Sykes commented on President Donald Trump becoming the first Republican president to acknowledge ...

Donald Trump became the first Republican president to recognize June as Pride Month, while LGBTQ activists decry the administration's efforts to erode their ..

Trump Is The First Republican President To Acknowledge LGBT Pride Month, And Yet...
Trump made history Friday, but his administration has attacked the rights of the LGBT community. 

Time For Tea: Trump's Pride Tweets Are the Real Fake News
Last Friday, the day before the start of LGBTQ Pride month, President Trump tweeted about gay pride for the first time since running for or holding office

Trump Taken to Task for Congratulatory “LGBT Pride” Statement
President Trump is being criticized for his congratulatory statement acknowledging June as “LGBT Pride” month — the first Republican president to do so. 

Trump recognised LGBT+ Pride Month for the first time. The internet wasn't having it
Since Donald Trump was elected as president in 2016, he's been no friend to the LGBT+ community. Trump's trans military ban – which bans trans people from ... 

“Younger” Star Nico Tortorella Said They're Glad Donald Trump’s Pride Tweet Started A Conversation About His Anti-LGBT Policies
Nico Tortorella, who stars as Josh on TV Land's Younger, responded to President Donald Trump's controversial tweet about LGBT Pride Month, saying the tweet ...

RuPaul on Trump’s Pride Month tweet: 'Actions speak louder than tweets'
RuPaul “had one thing to say” about the president's call to “stand in solidarity with the many LGBT people” on Twitter: “Actions speak louder than tweets.
Joe Biden calls Trump administration 'disaster for human rights' at LGBT event
Former Vice President Joe Biden spoke to about 750 people at the annual Human Rights Campaign Columbus Dinner in Ohio Saturday night where he went ... 

Trump's Pride Tweets Explained: Be Grateful We Don't Execute You
The president acknowledged Pride season by pointing out other nations imprison and kill gays. Does that give him a pass for enshrining discrimination here? 

Federal workers plan Pride celebrations, despite Trump's anti-LGBT attacks
Amid continuing news of anti-LGBT attacks from the Trump administration, LGBT federal employees are still making plans to celebrate Pride in June with events ...

Pride and the president - Politics
WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump on May 31 became the first Republican president to voice his support for LGBT Pride Month, raising some skepticism ...
First thing's first: I apologize for all of the Trump tweets included in this Slog PM. But he is, after all, our president and his tweets are… sigh… news. More ghosts ...

Donald Trump is preparing for Pride month by revving up his attacks on us
Pride is just a week away, and what better way for the Trump administration to commemorate it than by unleashing a series of attacks on the LGBTQ community?

The difference between Obama and Trump's stance on LGBT+ people in two tweets

During his interview with Piers Morgan on  Piers Morgan on Good Morning Britain on Wednesday, Donald Trump attempted to defend his controversial position on transgender ...

Donald Trump Campaigned as a President for LGBTQ Americans. But He Keeps Rolling Back Protections for Them
But since becoming president, Trump and his administration have repeatedly rolled back existing protections, especially for transgender Americans.



Advocates Shred 'LGBTQ For Trump' T-Shirt Sale Ahead Of Pride Month 
The White House may not have issued a Pride Month proclamation for two years in a row, but that hasn't stopped President Donald Trump's campaign from ...

COLUMN: Trump pride shirt profits from LGBTQ pain 
Trump sells pride shirts despite consistently working to harm the LGBTQ community. 

Twitter Confused Over Trump Unveiling ‘LGBTQ for Trump’ T-Shirts for Pride Month
Pride Month is only days away and there will be no shortage of LGBTQ-positive apparel on display. But one particular Pride-targeted shirt sent a shockwave ... 

Trump's PRIDE T-shirt Faces LGBTQ Backlash 
President Donald Trump has released a new LGBTQ Pride t-shirt in time for Pride month – a decision that's got some Georgia LGBTQ advocates confused and ... 

May 28, 2019 - LGBTQ is not a noun. But 45 seems to think that it is. Because President Donald Trump's campaign is selling a Pride t-shirt that says “LGBTQ for ...
May 23, 2019 - The shirt, which allows you to “show your pride and your support for ... Campaign, ticked off a list of attacks on trans people from the Trump ...
Trump just released an LGBTQ2 shirt for Pride month. Here are eight others to wear instead
Over the past two years, US President Donald Trump has rolled back the rights of LGBTQ2 people, from threatening trans military members to trans students ...

Trump unveils LGBTQ t-shirts for Pride Month just hours after his government proposed removal of transgender h
President Donald Trump's latest merchandise is causing a backlash in the LGBTQ community. The Republican's website has reportedly added a "Trump Pride ...

Chicken Farmers Thought Trump Was Going to Help Them. Then His Administration Did the Opposite.
By late 2016, many of the nation's 25,000 chicken farmers said they had grown bitterly frustrated by the administration of President Barack Obama. 

Trump Didn't Deliver on Meatpacking Promises, Chicken Farmers Say
Donald Trump talked tough about supporting small farmers against corporations, some farmers say. But his administration has rolled back anti-trust rules Obama ...