Sunday, June 09, 2019


June is Pride month and AUPE's Human Rights Committee is celebrating at events province-wide. We encourage members and the public to join in. For more details, see below. 🏳️‍🌈
Democrats urge Trump administration to change ‘cruel’ policy that denies citizenship to children of same-sex couples
Nearly 20 Democratic senators and 80 members of the House of Representatives signed sharply-worded letters that were sent to secretary of state Mike ...

Bar Faces Boycott for Booking 'Homophobic' Acts During Pride Week
A Sacramento bar is stirring up controversy by booking two country rappers the weekend of June 8 and 9. The problem? The artists, Adam Calhoun and Demun ... THERE IS NO SUCH A CREATURE AS COUNTRY RAP ANY MORE THAN THERE IS HIP HOP YODELING

Melissa Etheridge on Weed, Women, and the End of Trump
The lesbian icon talks to The Advocate about her upcoming performance at WorldPride and much, much more.

Abrams to be grand marshal in Atlanta Pride Parade
ATLANTA - In 2018, Stacey Abrams was the first Georgia gubernatorial nominee to march the Atlanta Pride Parade. In 2019, she will be the grand marshal of the ...

Randy Rainbow Channels Ariana Grande, Begs Nancy Pelosi to Impeach Trump in New Parody Video: Watch
Randy Rainbow has released his latest video, titled “Just Impeach Him,” a parody of Ariana Grande's Sweetener single “Breathin."

Letters to the editor: Visalia Pride and Donald Trump
Times-Delta/Advance-Register readers share their views on the events of the day,

An Open Pride Month Letter to LGBTQ+ Allies — We Need You Now More Than Ever
June is typically reserved as a month of celebration for the queer community. Marchers in Pride parades 

Creep of the Week: Donald Trump
Donald Trump is the most anti-LGBTQ president in recent history. While past presidents might very well have hated LGBTQ people more, Trump has certainly ... '


Thousands of participants march in the Gay Pride Parade in Jerusalem on June 6, 2019. More than 15,000 attended the parade, while 2,500 security forces guarded the event. A total of 17 people were arrested for disrupting the parade.
Photos by Debbie Hill/UPI.

                                                    STONEWALL NOT THE WEEPING WALL 

                                         NOBODY KNOWS I AM ARAB 
                                      ISRAEL THE FIFTY FIRST STATE 

Métamorphoses is the 10th album by Jean Michel Jarre,

► Métamorphoses is an album by Jean Michel Jarre, released on Sony Music in 2000. It was released in the U.S. on Disques Dreyfus in 2004. It is his tenth overall studio album.
This album was, to fans, a surprising break from his previous works, as it makes extensive use of vocal elements, as well as house, techno, trance, dance-pop, breakbeat, and downtempo sounds. The vocal elements are not short, sampled pieces as highlighted in his album Zoolook, but longer, more integral parts of the work, and thus quite surprising for an artist known for his instrumental works. Métamorphoses is also Jarre's first album to contain actual songs with lyrics. Jarre's own voice is heard through a vocoder in many of the songs, but the album contains several other singers as well, mostly female singers. "Rendez-Vous à Paris" features Sharon Corr on violin. "Rendez-Vous à Paris" and "Bells" are the only largely instrumental tracks on the album; in the former only the track title is repeated in rhythm, the latter does not have intelligible lyrics. Although the album was generally not badly received by critics, and despite the collaborations and a number of single releases ("C'est la Vie" and "Tout Est Bleu"), Jarre did not achieve great mainstream success with this album.

► Track listing
1. "Je Me Souviens" 
2. "C'est la Vie"
3. "Rendez-Vous à Paris" 
4. "Hey Gagarin" 
5. "Millions of Stars" 
6. "Tout Est Bleu" 
7. "Love Love Love" 
8. "Bells"
9. "Miss Moon" 
10. "Give Me a Sign" 
11. "Gloria, Lonely Boy" 
12. "Silhouette"

Saturday, June 08, 2019

2019-06-04 Humans will perish in 31 years, warns latest climate change study
• Cities like Mumbai, Florida, Shanghai will be reduced to swamps, 90% of mankind will be annihilated, says report released ahead of World Environment Day…/world-environment-day-humans…/…
• Raj Aditya Chaudhuri
• PUBLISHED: JUN 04, 2019 | 13:11:17 IST
• Instances of extreme heatwaves could increase.
• We’ve got till 2050.
• That’s it—just another 31 years before 90% of mankind is annihilated by climate change, says Australia’s Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration.
• The BNCCR is an independent think-tank that aims to inform the conversation around climate emergency in Australia.
• Its recent report reinterprets existing data to arrive at this dire conclusion.

Should We Take This Report Seriously?
• The findings may seem alarmist, but the cause for alarm is genuine, the report says.
• It argues that though the data is there for all to see, bodies like the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are not projecting the doomsday scenario realistically enough—that they are “erring on the side of least drama”.

“We must never forget that we are in a unique situation with no precise historic analogue. The level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is now greater, and the Earth warmer than what human beings have ever experienced. And there are almost eight billion of us now living on this planet.”

• (This corroborates with the recent decision by a body of scientists to formally declare our era as the Anthropocene—a time when humans have a disproportionate impact on the environment)
• According to the study, we are marching towards an existential crisis at a much quicker trot than previously thought. It even questions the efficacy of the Paris Agreement that aims to cap global temperature rise to 3-5°C.
• That’s bad enough for disaster, the BNCCR says. “…3°C of warming already constitutes an existential risk,” says the study.

Mumbai, Shanghai And Other Cities At Risk
• A 3°C rise in temperatures would correspond to a 0.5m rise in sea levels endangering coastal areas around the world.

“If climate change was to reach 3°C, most of Bangladesh and Florida would drown, while major coastal cities — Shanghai, Lagos, Mumbai — would be swamped, likely creating large flows of climate refugees,” says the study.

• Besides, when temperatures rise more than 3°C, the domino effect that will be hard to roll back.
• Think no more polar ice caps to reflect the sun’s rays and heat, Arctic permafrost defrosting to release methane into the atmosphere and other such horrendous things that will only make the Earth hotter still.
• A 4°C rise could annihilate up to 80-90% of the global human population, say the study.
• The think-tank estimates that if nothing is done, by 2050 up to 1 billion people currently residing in West Africa and the Middle East will have to relocate because the climate conditions there will make these places unliveable.
• Other parts of the world will experience more than 20 days of “record-breaking heatwaves and wildfires, more intense flooding and more damaging hurricanes” every year. (Puts the recent heatwave that India is experiencing in perspective.)

“Climate change is now reaching the end-game, where very soon, humanity must choose between taking unprecedented action, or accepting that it has been left too late and bear the consequences.”

• On the eve of World Environment Day, that’s a chilling warning.


Humans will perish in 31 years, warns latest climate change study
Cities like Mumbai, Florida, Shanghai will be reduced to swamps, 90% of mankind will be annihilated, says report released ahead of World Environment Day
Jacinda Ardern turns down $12,000 pay rise as NZ government freezes MP pay

U.S. Sends Border Patrol Agents to Guatemala
>>...the U.S. has made plans to send dozens of Border Patrol agents to Guatemala in an attempt to curb the number of northbound Central American migrants who make it to Mexico. Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin McAleenan announced the plan as part of a larger scheme to offset Trump administration cuts to Central American assistance funds earlier this year. The plan also includes sending 80 Homeland Security agents to Guatemala to train local authorities on breaking up human trafficking rings.


US opens new mass facility in Texas for migrant children

Intel Vets Tell Trump Iran Is Not Top Terror Sponsor
Thirteen of the 14 Muslim Groups identified by the U.S. intelligence community as actively hostile to the US are Sunni, not Shia, and are not supported by Iran:

A group of U.S. intelligence veterans urges President Trump to stop his administration’s false claims about Iran being the leading state sponsor of terrorism when U.S. allies, such as Saudi Arabia, are clearly much guiltier.


FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity

SUBJECT: Is Iran the “World’s Leading Sponsor of Terrorism?”


We are concerned by recent strident and stark public statements from key members of your Administration that paint Iran in very alarmist terms. The average American, without the benefit of history, could easily be persuaded that Iran poses an imminent threat and that there is no alternative for us but military conflict.

President Donald Trump addresses the nation about his Iran policy on Oct. 13, 2017. (Screenshot from

We find this uncomfortably familiar territory. Ten years ago former President George W. Bush was contemplating a war with Iran when, in November of 2007, intelligence analysts issued a formal National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) debunking the prevailing conventional wisdom; namely, that Iran was on the verge of getting a nuclear weapon. The NIE concluded that Iran had stopped working on a nuclear weapon in 2003.

Recalling this moment in his memoir, Decision Points, President Bush noted that the NIE’s “eye-popping” intelligence findings stayed his hand. He added this rhetorical question: “How could I possibly explain using the military to destroy the nuclear facilities of a country the intelligence community said had no active nuclear weapons program?”

We believe that you are facing a similar situation today. But instead of an inaccurate claim that Iran has nuclear weapons, the new canard to justify war with Iran is the claim that Iran remains the “world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.” This is incorrect, as we explain below.

* * *

One of the recurring big bipartisan lies being pushed on the public with the enthusiastic help of a largely pliant media is that Iran is the prime sponsor of terrorism in the world today.

In the recent presentation of your administration’s National Security Strategy for 2018, the point is made that:

“Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, has taken advantage of instability to expand its influence through partners and proxies, weapon proliferation, and funding. . . . Iran continues to perpetuate the cycle of violence in the region, causing grievous harm to civilian populations.”

Those sentiments are echoed by several other countries of the Middle East. Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister, Adel al-Jubeir, for example, declared in October 2015 that: Iran “is the biggest sponsor of terrorism in the world, and it is working on destabilizing the region.”

The Saudi foreign minister conveniently declined to mention that 15 of the 19 terrorists who hijacked planes and attacked America on 11 September 2001 were Saudis, not Iranians. And, while Iran was an active promoter of terrorism two decades ago, it is no longer in the forefront of global terrorism. Ironically, that dubious distinction now goes to Iran’s accusers — first and foremost, Saudi Arabia.

The depiction of Iran as “the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism” is not supported by the facts. While Iran is guilty of having used terrorism as a national policy tool, the Iran of 2017 is not the Iran of 1981. In the early days of the Islamic Republic, Iranian operatives routinely carried out car bombings, kidnappings and assassinations of dissidents and of American citizens. That has not been the case for many years. Despite frequent claims by U.S. officials that Iran is engaged in terrorism, we simply note that the incidents recorded annually in the U.S. Department of State’s Patterns of Global Terrorism rarely identifies a terrorist incident as an act by or on behalf of Iran.

Iran’s relationship with Hezbollah also has evolved radically. In the early years of the Islamic Republic, Hezbollah was often a proxy and sub-contractor for Iran. But during the last 20 years Hezbollah has become an entity and political force in its own right. It fought Israel to a standstill in 2006 in southern Lebanon, which was a watershed moment in establishing Hezbollah’s transformation into a conventional army. In the intervening years, Hezbollah, which is now part of the Lebanese government, also has turned away from the radical, religious driven violence that is the hallmark of the Sunni extremists, like ISIS.

Iran’s Asymmetrical Response

After Iran fell under the rule of the Ayatollah in 1979 terrorism, its role in high profile terrorist attacks, such as the taking of U.S. hostages and the bombings of the U.S. Embassy and the Marine barracks in Lebanon, fed understandable U.S. animosity towards Iran. But Iran’s actions were not driven primarily by blind hatred or radical religious views. For Iran terrorism was a way to punch back against more powerful foes, principally the United States, which was providing military and intelligence support to Iran’s neighbor and enemy, Iraq.

Portrait of the late Ruhollah Khomeini by Mohammad Sayyid

The Iranians were also pragmatic and had direct dealings with Israel. During the early days of the Iranian revolution the Mullahs, despite publicly denouncing Israel, happily accepted secret military support from the Israelis. Israel was equally pragmatic. The Israeli leaders ignored the Mullahs and gave the support as a means of helping counter the threat posed by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. A classic case of the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The public image of Iran as a hotbed of fanatical terrorists has been usurped since the August 1998 bombings of the U.S. Embassies in east Africa by Al Qaeda and other radical Sunni entities. The U.S. Government’s own list of terrorist attacks since 2001 shows a dramatic drop in the violence carried out by Iran and an accompanying surge in horrific acts by radical Sunni Muslims who are not aligned with Iran. The latest edition of the Global Terrorism Index, a project of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, shows that four groups accounted for 74 percent of all fatalities from terrorism in 2015 — Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and ISIS.

Thirteen of the 14 Muslim Groups identified by the U.S. intelligence community as actively hostile to the US are Sunni, not Shia, and are not supported by Iran:

Comedian Yumi Nagashima's solution for dealing with Vancouver's creepy white men

U.N. Report: Vatican Policies Allowed Priests To Rape Children

In response, the Vatican said in a statement published on its website that some points made in the report were an "attempt to interfere with Catholic Church teaching."

Sebastian Gorka left red-faced after accusing a parody Nintendo account of promoting incest
Donald Trump's former aide turned conservative radio host Sebastian Gorka is no stranger to getting wound up about LGBT+ inclusion in pop culture. Just a few ...


Letter: Republican Party reeks of corruption

America has spent $5.9 trillion on wars in the Middle East and Asia since 2001, a new study says

The report, from Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs at Brown University, also finds that more than 480,000 people have died from the wars and more than 244,000 civilians have been killed as a result of fighting. Another 10 million people have been displaced due to violence.


The Department of Energy (DOE) plans to observe a new interpretation of which nuclear waste qualifies as "high-level waste," which must be disposed of deep underground to avoid contaminating the surrounding environment. Under the new standards, radioactive materials at three nuclear sites will be cl...

Florida Rep. Mike Hill is violating the constitution by blocking everyone who disagrees with him on Twitter

Posted By  on Fri, Jun 7, 2019 

Me and you and everyone we know, apparently.
  • Me and you and everyone we know, apparently.
Florida Rep. Mike Hill, a Confederate statue-loving Republican lawmaker who recently mustered up arguably the worst apology imaginable after he was caught laughing at the concept of murdering gay people, is apparently not taking online criticism very well.

Besides never passing a single bill into law, Hill has also been busy the last few weeks blocking everyone in existence on Twitter, notably critics, members of the media, his colleagues in the Florida House and even a Pulse survivor.

Two days ago, Hill blocked Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith, an Orlando Democrat who has been calling for his resignation and is also openly gay. “He mad at me,” tweeted Smith after learning he was blocked.

Brandon Wolf, a survivor of the mass shooting at the gay night club Pulse, also learned he was blocked after questioning how Hill would explain his actions to the Pulse community. “When I asked him how he’d explain his comments to the Pulse community, who’ve suffered the violence he giggled about, he blocked me too,” said Wolf in the same thread.

So far, Hill has also blocked Equality Florida, state Rep. Anna Eskamani, state Sen. Annette Taddeo, Miami New Times reporter Jerry Iannelli, Florida filmmaker Billy Corbenme (and I should mention that I’ve literally never tweeted at Hill) and probably anyone else who isn’t a Russian bot or the host of a QAnon web show

Can I can live my life without seeing him retweet bigoted garbage on my timeline? Yes. But not only does getting blocked on Twitter make it harder for Hill’s colleagues and members of the media to monitor his actions, like when he suggests we replace the term "LGBTQ" with a question mark to "cover the whole thing," it’s actually unconstitutional.

Last year, a federal judge in New York sided with plaintiffs who were blocked by President Donald Trump’s @realdonaldtrump Twitter account, calling it a “designated public forum.” “The suppression of critical commentary regarding elected officials is the quintessential form of viewpoint discrimination against which the First Amendment guards,” wrote the judge.

Obviously the plaintiffs in the case, which included members of the media, as well as the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, agreed with the ruling. “The First Amendment prohibits government officials from suppressing speech on the basis of viewpoint,” said Katie Fallow, a senior staff attorney at the institute. “The court’s application of that principle here should guide all of the public officials who are communicating with their constituents through social media.”

This includes Hill, who coincidentally sits on the House Public Integrity & Ethics Committee.

Elected officials can try to argue that their Twitter account is personal or that they’re just weeding out the trolls, but by preemptively blocking critics, they’re suppressing the right to petition to redress grievances. Also important: Taking criticism is part of the job, not just for elected officials but for members of the media too. The only difference is my account is not subject to First Amendment restrictions based on someone else's viewpoints, but Hill’s most definitely is.

To check if you, too, are blocked by Mike Hill, visit his Twitter page

Florida Sen. Rick Scott doesn't seem to care if Trump's citizenship census question royally screws his own state

Posted By  on Thu, Jun 6, 2019 

  • screengrab via Fox News on YouTube
Rather than have an accurate count of everyone that lives in his state, which is the whole point of a census, junior Sen. Rick Scott is now arguing that the Trump Administration’s controversial citizenship question should be included in the next census, a move that just about every expert says would result in less congressional representation and less federal funding to Florida.

The former Florida governor made this unfathomably dumb remark while speaking to Fox News host Dana Perino, when he was asked to respond to a recent op-ed by Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Sen. René García. In the op-ed, the two former Republicans lawmakers argue that Trump’s plan to include the citizenship question would undoubtedly result in undocumented immigrants not participating in the 2020 national census, which of course, would then cost Florida congressional seats and a massive loss of funding for programs like Medicare and food stamps.

“‘The state of Florida stands to lose out on millions of dollars in federal funding and as many as two additional congressional seats if the census question on citizenship moves forward and depresses response rates,'” said host Dana Perino, quoting from the op-ed. “Even an additional 1% undercount could greatly jeopardize the purse strings and power of the nation’s third most populous state.”

Scott responds by saying he’s totally fine with that. 

“That’s how we ought to be deciding how many additional congressmen and women Florida gets, it ought to be based on citizenship,” said Scott. “I understand their issue, we lose out some federal funding, but the truth is we should allocate the dollars based on citizenship. We should allocate congressmen and women based on citizenship, so it ought to be on the [census].”

Florida is expected to have 21.6 million residents counted on the 2020 census. However, right now it’s estimated that 900,000 of those residents are currently undocumented immigrants, and as many experts have pointed out, if they don’t participate in the census, the state will lose at least one congressional seat.

Rep. Val Demings, a Democrat from Orlando, recently told the Orlando Sentinel that this is the whole point.

“The administration is trying to suppress the power, funding, and political representation of states like Florida and transfer that power and money to more Republican areas in the center of the country,” said Demings. “An unbiased Supreme Court would reject it.”

A legal challenge to the citizenship question is currently awaiting a decision from the U.S. Supreme Court.

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Hillsborough schools take final steps to implement Stoneman Douglas Public Safety Act

Posted By  on Thu, Jun 6, 2019 

PHOTO BY MONIVETTE CORDEIROPhoto by Monivette Cordeiro

The Hillsborough County School Board has taken the final step in implementing the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act.

On Tuesday, the board unanimously voted to adopt a threat assessment teams policy, which helps administrators, teachers and students know what to do if there are any students who may be a threat to others or even themselves.

The end goal of the teams is to get the student help before anyone is harmed.

District spokesperson Tanya Arja told WTSP that the district already had procedures in place, but the vote now makes threat assessment teams part of official policy. Hillsborough schools Supervisor of Clinical Care Michael Kelleher told BN9 that help could come in the form of “mental health support, behavioral modifications or disciplinary actions, depending on the situation.”

The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act also requires at least one “Safe School Officer” at every school, but Hillsborough (and Pinellas) schools have already said armed teachers will not be part of the solution.

There will also be increased surveillance of data from public social media, the Department of Children and Families, the Department of Law Enforcement, the Department of Juvenile Justice and local law enforcement. Under the bill, the Florida Department of Education’s (DOE) Office of Safe Schools is supposed to work with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to create a "centralized integrated data repository and data analytics resources."

Improved mental health access has been lauded by some, but the ACLU says that such efforts must also “be supported to ensure full funding and commitment.” The nonprofit added that students’ privacy rights must be prioritized so that those struggling with mental health issues are not villanzied. Other concerns include increased youth arrests and the disparate treatment of minorities like youth of color, LGBTQ+ youth and youth with disabilities, who the organization says are more likely to be arrested.

Kelleher added that the threat assessment policy is not a crystal ball, but a proactive measure.

"We're really trying to hit this early on,” he said, “to hit the threat early on, to notice the threat early, to intervene early." 

This May in Florida was so appallingly hot that it broke state records