Monday, June 10, 2019

The 'Straight Pride' flag is just one endless meme

Andy Gregory in news

'The flag actually appeared in Canada in October 2018, where it was flown in a small New Brunswick town for one day before being taken down due to widespread public outrage.'

Tommy Wu/iStock/Twitter
The idea of a “Straight Pride” parade was widely mocked when it emerged that a group called Super Happy Fun America had applied for a licence to hold such an event in Boston this August.

Thousands of people took to the internet to deride the entire concept.
The group of thinly-veiled homophobes were then left without a celebrity mascot, after Brad Pitt threatened to sue, leaving their website looking like this.

But by far the funniest thing to stem from the whole debacle is the “straight pride flag”.

The flag actually appeared in Canada in October 2018, where it was flown in a small New Brunswick town for one day before being taken down due to widespread public outrage.
However, it raised its ugly head back into public consciousness as the news of Boston's "Straight Pride" event broke.
Almost iconic in its monochrome blandness, it invites comparisons both physical and metaphorical to all sorts of undesirable things, and now the memes are endless.

Trump’s former deputy freaks over a fake Nintendo account tweeting Mario kissing Luigi

Straight people are "oppressed," apparently. 🤔

Susanna Reid sarcastically thanked Piers Morgan for "mansplaining" women's football during a heated discussion about the Women's World Cup on Good Morning Britain.
During Monday morning's show, Morgan explained that on Sunday, he had tuned into the Women's World Cup and seen four female pundits discussing the tournament.
"All women! Funny that," Morgan stated. "Equality. Great thing until you actually have to do it yourself."
Reid then asked Morgan whether he was suggesting that the four pundits commentating on the England versus Scotland match weren't good.
"Doesn't matter. It's the optics, isn't it," Morgan replied. "If it was four blokes, you'd all be screaming."
The talk show host continued, explaining how – in his opinion – women aren't trying to create gender equality, but are trying to make it "unequal again", but in their favour.
Good Morning Britain newsreader Charlotte Hawkins then chimed in, stating that having four female football pundits is a case of "redressing the balance". "Swing the balance the other way, and then bring it to the middle," she said.
To back up his argument, Morgan presented a tweet that had been shared by Rebekah Vardy, wife of England footballer Jamie Vardy, about the four female pundits.
"Umm what happened to equality..." the tweet read, alongside a picture of the pundits on BBC Sport.
"Very good question," Morgan stated in response. "Because it's not about redressing the balance or being equal, it's about being just as unequal as the system you claim is so unfair for the last hundred years."
After Morgan added that he thinks having four female pundits commentating a match is "sexist", Reid said: "Thank you, for mansplaining women's football to us."
Several Twitter users criticised Vardy over her tweet.
"Congrats on having the worst take of #FIFAWWC," one person wrote.
"Understand your point – having an equal panel will allow male and female sports to integrate. However, a balancing of the scales is in order," another stated.
"It's been all men for a long time, and now is the time for the female pundits to be given the platform they deserve."

Armed with pepper spray and punches, gang members prey on anyone perceived to be engaging in ‘vice’
·       Oliver Carroll Moscow @olliecarroll

‘Leo against’ gang members are ‘cleansing Russia’ of all ‘immoral behavior’ ( )
Known locally as “the pit”, the amphitheatre at Khokhlovsky square is a jewel in Moscow’s regeneration crown. Built around a fragment of the old city wall, the contemporary space is everything that the capital usually isn’t – simple, generous, public and free. Ever since it appeared in 2017, it has acted as a magnet for Moscow’s trendiest to gather and make merry.
But last Friday, the capital’s hipsters came face to face with a very different side of contemporary Russia
At approximately 10pm local time, a group of shaven-head, thick-built and tracksuited young men arrived at Khokhlovsky square. They admonished the revellers for drinking alcohol in a public space. Then scuffles broke out, and bottles began to be thrown. Almost as quickly, the sportsmen produced pepper spray from their pockets. They targeted those who offered resistance, and then sprayed more generally. 
Social media footage from the incident shows victims holding their eyes and stamping the ground in agony. Some five people were treated for burns. 
When police arrived, they arrested at least one of the victims and led another dozen off to write witness statements. None of the tracksuited men were arrested.
Anti-Putin protests: hundreds of demonstrators arrested in Russia
Show all 22
Unbeknownst to the hipsters at the time, they had become the latest target of a group of “healthy living” vigilantes, going by the name of “Leo against”.  
The brainchild of a neo-Nazi called Maxim Lazutin – the name come’s from Lazutin’s Zodiac sign – the group’s idea is as primitive as it is ironic: protecting Russia’s public and moral order by attacking anyone they see smoking, drinking or using foul language. 
Their methodology is as well-worked as it is well-monetised. The group film their “public order” raids, which usually end in punches and pepper spray. Then, they post their videos on YouTube, earning significant advertising revenue from their nearly two million subscribers in the process. The group have been active at some level since 2014, but in recent months they have stepped up their operations. 
On Sunday, The Independent became an accidental witness to the latest of the group’s raids. The target this time was a gathering of homeless men and women drinking near Kazan station in central Moscow. 
With cameramen in tow, at least four tracksuited men attacked the gathering. Initially, the men tried to forcibly confiscate alcohol. Their victims offered tepid resistance, which was was followed by pepper spray, delivered directly into the eyes. Two of the homeless men retaliated using whatever weapons they could get hold of: a metal bin, then vodka bottles. 
When police eventually arrived, they showed no interest in arresting the attackers. 
“Leo against” is by far from the first vigilante project of its kind to hit Russian streets in recent years – or indeed the first to feature founder Maxim Lazutin.
For several years, Lazutin collaborated with Maxim Martsinkevich, a fellow neo-Nazi going by the name Tesak (“Hatchet”). Together, the two men carried out dozens of honeytrap operations, luring gay men into liaisons with teenagers. The videos Tesak and Lazutin produced under the banner of “anti-pedophilia” were shocking – as much for the extreme violence and humiliation they dished out to their victims. 
Around the time Tesak was arrested in Cuba on extremism charges in 2014, Lazutin switched to another vigilante operation with links to the Kremlin. Translating awkwardly as “Stop Rudeness”, Stopkham was inspired by former members of the defunct pro-government youth movement “Nashi”. Its activists played the role of vigilante traffic police, attaching difficult-to-remove stickers to cars parked illegally. They caught leading politicians and celebrities, and their videos, often accompanied with violence, were viral sensations. 

Now, as then, there is more than a hint that Lazutin and his fellow vigilantes enjoy the protection of at least part of Russian officialdom. No action has ever been taken against “Leo Against” activists, despite evidence of unprovoked attacks. Police officers have even accompanied their raids. On at least two occasions in 2014-15, the group received government grants totalling 12m roubles (roughly £150,000) for “social control” over Russia’s anti-smoking laws, according to official government records. Lazutin denies receiving this money. 
The Independent attempted to reach Lazutin and members of the group for comment via a number channels, but requests went unanswered.  
A former member of the group, Dmitry Udarov, told a local media station that the vigilante group had “hyped” itself out of control. An obsession with monetising YouTube advertising revenues, he said, had radicalised them to violence: “They’ve begun to behave outrageously, provoking people who just happen to be standing by.”
After initially agreeing to talk, Mr Udarov also turned down the offer to contribute to this article. 


Magic mushrooms could replace antidepressants within five years, says new psychedelic research centre

Exclusive: ‘People on antidepressants long-term say they feel blunted, with psychedelic therapy it’s the opposite, they talk about an emotional release, a reconnection’

Alex Matthews-King Health Correspondent

Hallucination-inducing drugs like magic mushrooms could be about to break big pharma’s stranglehold on the hugely lucrative market for antidepressants, according to the head of the world’s first centre for psychedelic research.

Antidepressant prescriptions have doubled in England in a decade with around seven million adults taking the drugs, and the global market is predicted to be worth $15.9bn (£12.5bn) by 2023.

At Imperial College London, Dr Robin Carhart-Harris is leading one of the first trials to test how therapy using psilocybin mushrooms, which are currently banned in the UK, compares to leading antidepressants.

While he won’t prejudge the results of the study, he says participants describe a cathartic emotional “release” with psilocybin therapy – the polar opposite of antidepressants, which patients complain leave their emotions, whether positive or negative, “blunted”.
It is the first of many studies planned under the banner of the new Centre for Psychedelic Research at London’s Imperial College.

Read more

The medicinal wonders of psychedelics are finally being recognised

A large empty floor of the university’s Hammersmith campus will house a bank of treatment rooms that make it the UK’s first psychedelic therapy research clinic, and a “prototype and inspiration” for licensed psychedelic medicine clinics of the future.

Trials of psilocybin in treating eating disorders, and a study of the effects of powerful hallucinogenic DMT on the brain, are already planned following Imperial’s commitment to the centre.

The future home of the Psychedelic Research Centre treatment rooms which could become the model for future clinics (The Independent)

But it is the work on depression where research is most advanced, and most promising.

On the current trial, around 60 participants with moderate to severe depression will receive psilocybin treatment accompanied by a therapy session with a clinical psychologist.

The participants will also be randomly allocated to receive either a placebo or the drug escitalopram, with neither researchers or patients knowing who is in each group.

Magic mushrooms could be bought in the UK until 2005 (Getty)

Escitalopram is a type of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), the drugs which account for the largest chunk of the antidepressant market.

“If you ask people who are taking SSRIs chronically, they often say ‘I feel blunted’,” Dr Carhart-Harris told The Independent, meaning both negative and positive emotions are suppressed.

“With psilocybin therapy they say the opposite, they talk about an emotional release, a reconnection, and this key emotional centre being more responsive.”

Patients will have MRI scans to test changes in their brains after

psilocybin therapy (Centre for Psychedelic Research)

The team use MRI scans to study psychedelics’ effects on the brain and the drug appears to reduce activity in the coordinating regions, releasing their grip and allowing the more primitive emotional centres to the fore.

Other early indications are that the list of side-effects is “twice as long” for escitalopram as it is for psilocybin therapy, and it is much faster acting than antidepressants – which can take months to work.

Treatment rooms are a soothing environment where participants are 

supported through their psychedelic experience (Centre for Psychedelic Research)

However, the treatment may not be suitable for everyone.

During the therapy sessions, patients are encouraged to follow the stream of the psychedelic experience which can be extremely vivid and may require them to confront past traumas or experiences.

“We don’t call it a ‘bad trip’,” Dr Carhart-Harris says. “We call it a ‘challenging psychological experience’ and we’re honest with people that it can be hellish.

“It can be nightmarish, but we’re prepared for this and this treatment model requires you literally face your demons.”

Psychedelic therapy is unlikely to be suitable for people with psychosis and regulators will need evidence of its effectiveness and safety from clinical trials.

But there is little evidence that they pose a risk of overdose or addiction and that could speed their route to approval.

Fresh magic mushrooms could be picked or bought in shops legally in the UK until 2005, when a change in law closed the loop hole and made them Class A drugs alongside crack cocaine.

“I would imagine if you had some bookmakers doing the odds, there would be strong odds on that [psychedelic therapy] will be licensed sometime in the next five to 10 years – maybe sooner,” Dr Carhart-Harris says.

That could put it on a collision course with powerful interests of the pharmaceutical industry, particularly if trials show psilocybin therapy to be superior to SSRIs

Psilocybin therapy may allow depressed people’s brains to rewire in 

a positive way, rather than suppressing good and bad emotion (Centre for Psychedelic Research)

“The implications of that are actually frightening to me, thinking of the power and influence of big pharma,” Carhart-Harris says. “What are they going to do with that if there’s this big public demand for the ‘mushroom therapy’, and not the Prozac?”

While there is a growing trend for “microdosing” psilocybin or LSD, the evidence to date suggests it is the combination of therapy and psychedelic experience that offers the best option of a lasting alternative to chronic antidepressants.

Psychedelics research has had to rely on philanthropic funding for years, 
but latest wave of trials show the field is set on not repeating the mistakes 
of the past (The Independent)

“If you strip the drug away from therapy you start seeing the adverse events that were being reported in the 1960s, when psychedelics left the clinic and became popularised,” Dr Carhart-Harris adds.

“None of us want those mistakes to be made again.”

Dr James Rucker is another of those researching the potential benefits of psychedelics, over at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at King’s College London.

The King’s team are launching two trials, one looking at whether psilocybin therapy can help people whose depression is resistant to treatment with conventional antidepressants.

He says it was “possible” the drug could be licensed in five years. “But only if everything goes to plan, and you know what they say about best-laid plans.”

In Dr Rucker’s mind the process is similar to the approval of ketamine, where the first trials in depression took place in the 1990s and the first ketamine-based medicines are only now being licensed.

Psilocybin has much lower potential for abuse and overdose, but watchdogs will still need stage three trials which haven’t even begun.

“Like all treatments, they will suit some people but not others,” he told The Independent. “The trick, as ever, is trying to work that out before administration. But that trick has proven to be remarkably difficult to pull off, particularly in psychiatry.

Psychedelics research has had to rely on philanthropic funding for years, but latest wave of trials show the field is set on not repeating the mistakes of the past (The Independent)

“If you strip the drug away from therapy you start seeing the adverse events that were being reported in the 1960s, when psychedelics left the clinic and became popularised,” Dr Carhart-Harris adds.

“None of us want those mistakes to be made again.”

Dr James Rucker is another of those researching the potential benefits of psychedelics, over at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at King’s College London.

The King’s team are launching two trials, one looking at whether psilocybin therapy can help people whose depression is resistant to treatment with conventional antidepressants.

He says it was “possible” the drug could be licensed in five years. “But only if everything goes to plan, and you know what they say about best-laid plans.”

In Dr Rucker’s mind the process is similar to the approval of ketamine, where the first trials in depression took place in the 1990s and the first ketamine-based medicines are only now being licensed.

Psilocybin has much lower potential for abuse and overdose, but watchdogs will still need stage three trials which haven’t even begun.

“Like all treatments, they will suit some people but not others,” he told The Independent. “The trick, as ever, is trying to work that out before administration. But that trick has proven to be remarkably difficult to pull off, particularly in psychiatry.”


Lock of Beethoven's hair up for auction at Sotheby's

Composer cut off the lock of hair himself and gave it to pianist Anton Halm the year before his death

Roisin O'Connor @Roisin_OConnor

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) ( )

A lock of Ludwig van Beethoven’s hair given to a pianist in 1826 will be sold at auction this week.

According to Sotheby’s auction house, which is selling the object on Tuesday 11 June, the lock of hair was cut off by the composer and given personally to Anton Halm the year before Beethoven’s death.

The “substantial” lock of his grey and brown hair is contained in an oval frame and has a pre-auction estimate of $15,000 to $19,000. It is the second time Beethoven’s hair has been sold at auction: in 1994 a lock cut from his head upon his death in March 1827, aged 56, was purchased by two enthusiasts who wanted to determine why he suffered from poor health.

“Halm told Beethoven’s great biographer AW Thayer that, while at work on the Grosse Fuge in 1826, he had asked Beethoven’s factotum Carl Holz to secure a lock of Beethoven’s hair for his wife Maria.  The hairs arrived a few days later, supposedly Beethoven’s, but in fact cut from a goat,” Sotheby’s said.

“When he had finished his arrangement of the fugue, Halm brought it and the hair to Beethoven. The composer was furious that his friend had been deceived, and promptly snipped off some hair and gave it to him, declaring it to be genuine.”


A president for change – how Zelensky’s election in Ukraine is a blow against antisemitism

Like much of central Europe, Ukraine has a dark and murky history in terms of its attitude to Jews. But things are beginning to change, argues Kim Sengupta

Ukraine may have made significant and welcome moves away from antisemitism but, as it seeks to take faltering steps away from a devastating conflict, a divided nation and a fractured economy, Volodymyr Zelensky, the new-style Jewish president, is likely to find he has a hard struggle ahead to deal with old style problems of vested interests, greed and graft – all of which have plagued his country for a very long time.

Tony Awards 2019: Bryan Cranston makes veiled attack at Trump during acceptance speech

Cranston plays newsman in Network
Upon taking the stage, Cranston jokingly shouted: “Finally, a straight, old, white man gets a break!” 
Bryan Cranston took a thinly veiled jab at Donald Trump in his Tony Award acceptance speech on Sunday night.
The actor picked up the award for best performance by an actor in a leading role in a play for his performance as newsman Howard Beale in a stage adaptation of Network.
He dedicated his award to “all the real journalists around the world” saying they are “in the line of fire”.
“The media is not the enemy of the people,” Cranston said, contradicting one of the president’s frequent claims.
“Demagoguery is the enemy of the people.”