Tuesday, June 11, 2019

D-Day: How the US Supported Hitler's Rise to Power
Historian Peter Kuznick joins Paul Jay to discuss the role of Ford, GM, and other industrialists in rearming Germany and supporting Hitler’s rise to power
A lot of those folks who we call the ‘Greatest Generation' were Nazi enablers, and many of them saw the Nazis as a bulwark against Bolshevism, as against communism, and were therefore happy and willing to support and allow and tolerate and turn a blind eye to the rearmament of Germany" - Author Peter Kuznick

Trading with the Enemy [Charles Higham] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Hardcover - some pages dog-eared; clean, dustcover not torn.

Trading With The Enemy - (Preface to the book) - Mae Brussell

A presidential edict, issued six days after December 7, 1941, actually set up the legislation whereby licensing arrangements for trading with the enemy could ...
excerpts from the book. Trading with the Enemy. The Nazi - American Money Plot 1933-1949. by Charles Higham. Delacorte Press, 1983 ...
Trading with the Enemy - war means business as usual for international capital. ... Preface to the book TRADING WITH THE ENEMY: An Exposé of The Nazi- ...

Has Indonesia Bucked the Global Rightward Trend?
The conflict between incumbent and winning president Jokowi and his conservative challenger Prabowo has led to violent protests, 8 deaths, and hundreds of injured, but Prabowo's challenge to the election result has largely failed. Does this mean that the rightward shift has been halted?


China-Russia Partnership Threatens US Global Hegemony
The U.S. expected China to integrate into global capitalism as a subordinate power, but recent deals with Russia show China is moving towards equality in economic and military power


Saudi King Calls on 'Despots' to Mecca for Emergency Meeting on Iran
Prof. As’ad AbuKhalil says Saudis attempts to create a united front against Iran has dismally failed. Summits categorically reject the `deal of the century' by Jared Kushner

Trump Targets Cuba's Tourism and Small Businesses
Trump administration sanctions that impose new travel restrictions on Cuba are aimed at Cuba's economy and will have no effect on Cuba's support for Venezuela, says Nefta Freeman of IPS


Venezuelan Families Build Solidarity Amid Crisis
Once a month, 181 families in Caracas, Venezuela, collectively buy tons of produce, directly from a cooperative in Lara state, five hours away. The project, known as Alpargata, shows how the economic crisis is also building solidarity. Mike Fox reports from Venezuela

  • Pedro Sánchez Organization, cooperation, solidarity, that's what the remote communities in Puerto Rico has done to survive after hurricane Maria struck us. The economic crises before and after Maria were contributing factors that led people to take initiatives that have been rewarding. Hope Venezuela can survive the onslaught.
  • Victor Webster (from Oz)...if Venezuela can survive this economic siege conducted by America Inc. in it's endless war on socialism - as Cuba has done for 60 years - it will be another nail in the coffin of US hegemony in not only the western hemisphere. but also in the world as a whole.
Colonial status, a financial oversight board with conflicts of interest, and unfavorable laws ensure that Puerto Rico remains mired in poverty.

Whiskey Pete Why does everyone think that America owes them?

“What they’re asking for now is that the situation, the government, has to be transferred into civilian hands, and those who are responsible for the massacres have to be held accountable” - Professor Khalid Ahmed
Sudan was suspended from the African Union following a military attack on peaceful demonstrators that killed over 100. But Saudi Arabia and UAE continue to support Sudan's military regime. We discuss the situation with Prof. Khalid Ahmed

Biden's Real Union & Labor Track Record
Biden has presented himself as a friend of unions. But does he have a record of showing up for workers? Kamau Franklin and Jeff Cohen discuss his record with host Jacqueline Luqman


Specious claims that Russians plan to use disaffected African Americans in a covert war against the U.S. reveals the long history of corporate media blaming “outside agitators," dismissing the Black freedom struggle
There’s a long history of the US media blaming “outside agitators,” especially Russia or communism, for black radical thought, movements, and efforts.

Newly unearthed documents about Martin Luther King make for uncomfortable reading
D Day: Mythology of America as Liberator Feeds Trump’s Militarism
It was the Soviet army that broke Hitler's back at Stalingrad, but the myth that the American army liberated Europe, serves aggressive U.S. policy, including Trump targeting Iran - historian Peter Kuznick joins Paul Jay
"At least the United States is intervening in an aggressive way to stop fascism. That’s a good thing. I wish the Americans would do more of that now rather than coddle many of the fascist forces around the globe today." - Peter Kuznick


Human Ancestors Invented Stone Tools Several Times

The excavation site, known as Bokol Dora 1 or BD 1, is close to the 2013 discovery of the oldest fossil attributed to our genus Homo discovered at Ledi-Geraru in the Afar region of northeastern Ethiopia. The fossil, a jaw bone, dates to about 2.78 million years ago, some 200,000 years before the then oldest flaked stone tools. The Ledi-Geraru team has been working for the last five years to find out if there is a connection between the origins of our genus and the origins of systematic stone tool manufacture.

Human ancestors invented stone tools several times
A large green artefact found in situ at the Bokol Dora site. Right: Image of the same artefact 
and a three dimensional model of the same artefact [Credit: David R. Braun]
A significant step forward in this search was uncovered when Arizona State University geologist Christopher Campisano saw sharp-edged stone tools sticking out of the sediments on a steep, eroded slope. "At first we found several artifacts lying on the surface, but we didn’t know what sediments they were coming from," says Campisano. "But when I peered over the edge of a small cliff, I saw rocks sticking out from the mudstone face. I scaled up from the bottom using my rock hammer and found two nice stone tools starting to weather out."

Sediment layer with animal bones and stone chips

It took several years to excavate through meters of sediments by hand before exposing an archaeological layer of animal bones and hundreds of small pieces of chipped stone representing the earliest evidence of our direct ancestors making and using stone knives. The site records a wealth of information about how and when humans began to use stone tools.

Human ancestors invented stone tools several times
Blade Engda of the University of Poitiers lifts an artefact from 2.6 million year old 
sediment exposing an imprint of the artefact on the ancient surface below 
[Credit: David R. Braun]
Preservation of the artifacts comes from originally being buried close to a water source. "Looking at the sediments under a microscope, we could see that the site was exposed only for a very short time. These tools were dropped by early humans at the edge of a water source and then quickly buried. The site then stayed that way for millions of years," noted geoarchaeologist Vera Aldeias of the Interdisciplinary Center for Archaeology and Behavioral Evolution at the University of Algarve, Portugal.

Habitat change

Kaye Reed, who studies the site’s ecology, is director of the Ledi-Geraru Research Project and a research associate with Arizona State University’s Institute of Human Origins along with Campisano, notes that the animals found with these tools were similar to those found only a few kilometers away with the earliest Homo fossils.

"The early humans that made these stone tools lived in a totally different habitat than 'Lucy' did," says Reed. Lucy is the nickname for an older species of hominin known as Australopithecus afarensis, which was discovered at the site of Hadar, Ethiopia, about 45 kilometers southwest of the new BD 1 site. "The habitat changed from one of shrubland with occasional trees and riverine forests to open grasslands with few trees. Even the fossil giraffes were eating grass!"

Human ancestors invented stone tools several times
Archaeologists from the Max Planck Institute, and the Ethiopian Authority for 
Research and the Conservation of Cultural Heritage as well as geologists from 
University of Algarve study the sediments at the Bokol Dora site. Stones were 
placed on the contact surface during the excavation to preserve the fragile 
stratigraphic contacts [Credit: Erin DiMaggio]
In addition to dating a volcanic ash several meters below the site, project geologists analyzed the magnetic signature of the site’s sediments. Over the Earth’s history, its magnetic polarity has reversed at intervals that can be identified. Other earlier archaeological sites near the age of BD 1 are in "reversed" polarity sediments. The BD 1 site is in "normal" polarity sediments. Because the reversal from "normal" to "reversed" happened at about 2.58 million years ago, the geologists knew that BD 1 was older than all the previously known sites.

The recent discovery of older hammering or "percussive" stone tools in Kenya dated to 3.3 million years ago, described as "Lomekwian", and butchered bones in Ethiopia shows the deep history of our ancestors making and using tools. However, recent discoveries of tools made by chimpanzees and monkeys have challenged "technological ape" ideas of human origins.

Archaeologists working at the BD 1 site wondered how their new stone tool discovery fit into this increasingly complex picture of hominin behavioural evolution. What they found was that not only were these new tools the oldest artifacts yet ascribed to the "Oldowan", a technology originally named after finds from Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, but also were distinct from tools made by chimpanzees, monkeys or even earlier human ancestors.

Little in common with other tools

"We expected to see some indication of an evolution from the Lomekwian to these earliest Oldowan tools. Yet when we looked closely at the statistical patterns in the stone artefacts, there was very little connection to what has been described from older archaeological sites or to the stone tools modern primates are making," said Will Archer of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig and the University of Cape Town, South Africa.

Human ancestors invented stone tools several times
An image of the Bokol Dora excavation during the 2015 excavation. Stones were placed on
 the contact surface during the excavation to preserve the fragile stratigraphic contacts 
[Credit: David Feary]
The major differences appear to be the ability for our ancestors to systematically chip off smaller sharp-edged tools from larger nodules of stone. Chimpanzees and monkeys generally use tools for percussive activities, to hammer and bash food items like nuts and shellfish, which seems to have been the case with the 3.3 million year old Lomekwian tools as well.

Something changed by 2.6 million years ago, and our ancestors became more accurate and skilled at striking the edge of stones to make tools. The BD 1 artifacts captures this shift. It appears that this shift in tool making occurred around the same time that our ancestor’s teeth began to change. This can be seen in the Homo jaw from Ledi-Geraru. As our ancestors began to process food prior to eating using stone tools, we start to see a reduction in the size of their teeth. Our technology and biology were intimately intertwined even as early as 2.6 million years ago.

New ways of manufacturing tools

The lack of clear connections with earlier stone tool technology suggests that tool use was invented multiple times in the past. David Braun, an archaeologist with George Washington University and the lead author on the paper, noted, "Given that primate species throughout the world routinely use stone hammers to forage for new resources, it seems very possible that throughout Africa many different human ancestors found new ways of using stone artifacts to extract resources from their environment. If our hypothesis is correct then we would expect to find some type of continuity in artifact form after 2.6 million years ago, but not prior to this time period. We need to find more sites."

Aerial photography around the Bokol Dora site [Credit: David Feary]

By 2.6 million years ago, there appears to be a long-term investment in tool use as part of the human condition. Continued field investigations at the Ledi-Geraru project area are already producing more insights into the patterns of behavior in our earliest ancestors. New sites have already been found, and the Ledi-Geraru team will begin excavating them this year.

The findings are published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Source: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft [June 03, 2019]