Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Eight charged, 100 dogs seized in massive Florida dogfighting, drug ring

“Philadelphia’s first openly gay deputy sheriff apparently died by suicide just before the city’s annual Pride parade and festival, authorities said.”
Studies have shown that decisions about suicide are often fleeting and impulsive. Because guns are the most lethal means of suicide these impulsive fleeting decisions end up leading to death more often with access to guns. Studies have shown that about 80% of people who attempt to kill themselves do not attempt again. Most gun deaths are suicides. Better laws and less access reduces gun suicides.

I am proud to have been born and raised in Alabama. My family’s roots run deep in the state and, for decades, we have been honored to celebrate that heritage by supporting the University of Alabama. It’s where my father learned to practice law, which gave him the tools to succeed in America along with a strong understanding of right and wrong. Over the past 30 years, we have chosen to repay that debt and make use of our good fortune by supporting the university financially. I’ve long believed that the school served the public good by training the next generation of leaders and, last year, I made the decision to donate $26.5 million so that those leaders could flourish just as my family has.
My love for Alabama is exactly why I was so horrified to watch its lawmakers trample over the Constitution last month. The ban on abortion they passed wasn’t just an attack against women, it was an affront to the rule of law itself. Part of being an American is engaging in public debate, and we can disagree over this issue. But the courts settled this matter a long time ago: Abortion is legal. So it was shocking to see legislators ignore this and pass a bill that turned women and health professionals into criminals, and it felt important to say so publicly.
I expected that speaking out would have consequences, but I never could have imagined the response from the University of Alabama, which on Friday said it would be returning my gift and removing my name from the law school. This decision will hurt future students. Less money will be available for scholarships, and there will be fewer resources for the school to use to educate young minds and help them grow....


The report is more than 1,200 pages long, with over 200 recommendations on how to prevent this tragedy from continuing. They range from asking that Canada create anti-racism and anti-sexism action plans and guaranteeing an annual income for all Canadians and indigenous people, to closing the sizable funding gaps between indigenous and non-indigenous services.
Of course, none of these recommendations are on the minds of the many Canadian pundits, journalists and editors who are opining on the report. Instead, they are focusing on rebutting the claim that murdered and missing women and girls are the result of an ongoing genocide against indigenous people in Canada, despite the commission’s inclusion of a 46-page supplementary report that lays out in detail how commission members reached their conclusion.
To see some of the arguments, one would wonder if they’ve read the report at all.


Michele Bachmann: Trump Is Most ‘Godly, Biblical’ President In Our Lifetime

Yoshiaki Matsuoka
If he's what's Godly and biblical, mayhaps the Devil was right all along ðŸ¤”🤔🤔

Delta workers seeking to unionize say they are 'under siege' by management

Southern Baptists are supposed to talk about sexual abuse. But right now they’re discussing whether one woman can preach.
Here is an accurate look into the world of nearly 15 million Americans. I think it is important for the rest of us to understand what their world is like.



Accusations in a Mirror: How the Radical Right Blames Rising Political Violence on the Left

"The specter of the 'violent left' has been one of the main animating forces in the radical right in recent years. But it’s just that – a specter. It’s not a rising campaign of terror, but a phantasm. To believe in the myth of the unhinged, violent left is to ignore the reality that the far right is responsible for the vast majority of political violence."



Philippines’ embrace of Huawei reflects China’s influence and the US' failure
The Philippines – one of the oldest US allies in Asia – is moving ahead with plans to use Huawei equipment in upcoming trials of 5G wireless systems and surveillance p...
The Philippines – one of the oldest US allies in Asia – has not signed on to Washington's ban, suggesting a further erosion of US influence in the region.