Thursday, April 16, 2020

Cotton demand plummets during coronavirus pandemic

Retail sales for clothing and clothing accessories in March were down more than 50 percent from the same month last year, according to a U.S. Census Bureau report.

Demand for clothing, textiles and raw cotton has fallen sharply
amid the coronavirus pandemic. Photo courtesy of Pixabay

EVANSVILLE, Ind., April 16 (UPI) -- As countries worldwide take measures to slow the spread of coronavirus by quarantining people and closing nonessential businesses, sales of cotton -- and the clothing and textiles made from it -- have declined sharply.

Demand for cotton is so low that even though prices hit their lowest levels in more than a decade, retailers and manufacturing facilities around the world are cancelling orders.

"Every stage of the supply chain is getting hit," said Jon Devine, senior economist for Cotton Incorporated, a nonprofit industry organization based in North Carolina.

"Retailers are suffering," he said. "In between, you've got all the manufacturers that are trying to get their orders cancelled. And then you get all the way back to the field. Farmers are entering their planting time. They have some difficult decisions to make."

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Retail sales for clothing and clothing accessories in March, many made with cotton, were down more than 50 percent compared with the same month last year, according to a U.S. Census Bureau report released Wednesday.

With roughly 95 percent of the cotton grown in the United States used for clothing and other textiles, such as towels and sheets, reduced sales have a significant impact on the cotton industry, Devine said.

Most of the manufacturing is performed in overseas facilities. And many of those facilities have closed to slow the spread of the virus, leaving exporters with nowhere to send their goods, Devine said.

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Cotton prices, as a result, have fallen sharply. Cotton was trading around 52 cents a pound Wednesday, down from about 70 cents a pound at the start of the year -- roughly a 26 percent drop, according to the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

That price is below the cost of production for most farmers, Devine said. That might prompt some farmers to plant a different crop, he said.

Most farmers have purchased their seed and the equipment for this year. And with roughly six months before the 2020 crop is harvested, a lot of time remains for prices to rebound, Devine said.

RELATED Dairy industry dumps milk as demand drops due to pandemic
BY FOOD BANKS AND FOOD PROGRAMS THIS WASTE IS NOT A PROTEST IT IS AND ATTEMPT TO RAISE THE PRICE OF DAIRY.But that will only occur if cotton sales pick up. And there is no sign of that anytime soon.

"Usually, a drop in price makes people start looking for bargains," said Mark Bagby, a spokesman for Calcot Ltd., a cotton cooperative in Bakersfield, Calif., that markets and sells cotton for growers in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.

"But that's just not happening. There's so much uncertainty. People are afraid to do anything."

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the worldwide economic slowdown "with little precedent" will, this month, most likely produce one of the largest reductions in American cotton exports ever recorded.

"Consumption is lower for every major country, with total world consumption down 7.6 million bales or 6.4 percent from March," according to the USDA's monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates released April 9.

"At 110.6 million bales, world consumption in 2019-20 is now projected to be 8.1 percent lower than in 2018-19. This would be one of the largest annual declines on record."

Meanwhile, overall stocks of stored cotton in the United States are hitting record highs. Concern is mounting that unless cotton starts moving again, sufficient storage for this fall's harvest will not be available.

"We can store about 60,000 bales in our warehouse," said Donna Lane, general manager for Decatur Gin Co. in Bainbridge, Ga. "We need to get our warehouse cleaned out before the new crop comes in this fall. Otherwise, we'll be in a mess. [We'll have] nowhere to put the new crop."

Lane said it's impossible to predict what the market will be like by then. That depends on how long quarantines last, how promptly factories reopen and how quickly consumers start to buy clothing again.

"People will still need to buy clothes. That's not going to change," Devine said. "But in the meantime, there could be a lot of economic hurt. A lot of companies may go out of business."

Capitalism and Slavery
Each generation seems condemned to have to prove the obvious anew: slavery created the modern world, and the modern world’s divisions are the product of slavery.

By Greg Grandin MAY 1, 2015

A daguerreotype of fugitive African-Americans fording the Rappahannock River, 186

Last week, Columbia University presented the Bancroft Award to two books that directly address the relationship of capitalism, slavery, expansion, and empire: my The Empire of Necessity: Slavery, Freedom, and Deception in the New World and Sven Beckert’s Empire of Cotton: A Global History. Both are part of a renewed scholarly attention to capitalism and slavery, carried out by historians such Walter JohnsonEdward BaptistCalvin SchermerhornBonnie MartinKathryn BoodrySeth RockmanAda FerrerAdam Rothman, and Caitlin Rosenthal (and keep an eye out for Ned Sublette and Constance Sublette’s forthcoming, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave Breeding Industry).

The argument that capitalism was dependent on slavery is, of course, not new. In 1944, Eric Williams, in Capitalism and Slavery, made the case. In 1968, the historian Lorenzo Greene wrote that slavery “formed the basis of the economic life of New England: about it revolved, and on it depended, most of her other industries.” Even before the expansion of slave labor in the South and into the West, slavery was already an important source of northern profit, as was the already exploding slave trade in the Caribbean and South America. Banks capitalized the slave trade and insurance companies underwrote it. Covering slave voyages helped start Rhode Island’s insurance industry, while in Connecticut, some of the first policies written by Aetna were on slave lives. In turn, profits made from loans and insurance policies were plowed into other northern businesses. Fathers who “made their fortunes outfitting ships for distant voyages” left their money to sons who “built factories, chartered banks, incorporated canal and railroad enterprises, invested in government securities, and speculated in new financial instruments” and donated to build libraries, lecture halls, universities and botanical gardens. Many of the millions of gallons of rum distilled annually in Massachusetts and Rhode Island were used to obtain slaves, who were then brought to the West Indies and traded for sugar and molasses, boiled to make more rum to be used to acquire more slaves. Haiti’s plantation’s purchased 63 percent of pickled fish from New England. In Massachusetts alone, David Brion Davis writes, the “West Indian trade employed some ten thousand seaman, to say nothing of the workers who built, outfitted, and supplied the ships.”

Starting in the early 1800s, Southerners in the United States began to defend slavery as their “peculiar institution” and northerners didn’t mind, since the phrase suggested that chattel bondage was quarantined from the rest of the nation, that it was, or soon would be, a relic of its past and would not define its future. But, for all the variation that distinguished the Catholic south from the Protestant north, for all the variance in regional intensity, the way the institution spread in different moments in different places, there was nothing peculiar or particular about it. Slavery was the western hemisphere’s universal institution. Centuries of buying and selling human beings, of moving them across oceans and continents, treating humans as property, paying taxes on them, putting them to labor, making profit off of their reproduction, and using them as collateral and capital, brought together the Western Hemisphere’s diverse parts, even those parts that didn’t seem to be directly implicated in the slave trade, into a greater whole. Slavery standardized maritime and commercial jurisprudence, including insurance. Slavery spurred individual regions to develop their comparative advantage—salting of fish in New England, curing of meat in Argentina, for examples (discussed in The Empire of Necessity). Defending slavery, opposing it, or attempting to reform and regulate it led to the transformation of Christianity, moral philosophy, and international law. Research into how to ameliorate the coerced transport of humans, or to make the transport more profitable, led to advances in medicine that today benefit us all. One of the things I tried to show in The Empire of Necessity was how, in Montevideo and Buenos Aires at least, the high mortality rate of the Middle Passage led to the secularization of medical knowledge: Every time a doctor threw back a hatch to reveal the horrors below, it became a little bit more difficult to blame mental illness on demons.

Despite all this scholarly work, each generation—from W.E.B. Du Bois to Robin Blackburn, from Eric Williams to Walter Johnson—seems condemned to have to prove the obvious anew: Slavery created the modern world, and the modern world’s divisions (both abstract and concrete) are the product of slavery. Slavery is both the thing that can’t be transcended but also what can never be remembered. That Catch-22—can’t forget, can’t remember—is the motor contradiction of public discourse, from exalted discussions of American Exceptionalism to the everyday idiocy found on cable, in its coverage, for example, of Baltimore and Ferguson.

In any case, for the award ceremony, the Bancroft folk asked for brief summations of our book. Here’s an excerpt from Sven’s:

Empire of Cotton explains the industrial take off of Europe and North America as a result of the emergence of peculiar kinds of uniquely powerful states, who built peculiar connections to capital owners who then, jointly, succeeded in integrating distant regions of the world into a European dominated world economy. They did so by engaging in violent trade with Asia, by transporting enslaved workers from Africa to the Americas, and by capturing huge expanses of land from native peoples in many regions of the world. In the story that follows from that account, the countryside matters as much as cities, slave labor as much as wage labor, violence as much as the rule of law, and coercion as much as contracts. The history of the United States is central to the ensuing story, because it was there that most of the cotton for world markets was grown, and, until 1865, almost exclusively grown by slaves. The United States matters to this story because it was one of the earliest examples of successful industrialization—in cotton textiles. And the United States matters because it helped pioneer new relations between industry and agriculture with the emergence of sharecropping regimes in the wake of the American Civil War. Just as much as the United States mattered to cotton, cotton mattered to the United States. Cotton reinvigorated slavery, established the young nation’s place in the global economy and eventually helped create the political and economic conflicts that resulted in civil war.

And here’s a bit from mine:

My first thought, when I learned that Sven’s Empire of Cotton and my book, The Empire of Necessity won the Bancroft Award, was to wonder whether cotton was a necessity or a freedom. And then I thought, of course, they are both, the wealth created from the trade and the labor needed to create the wealth. The two books complement each other well. Where The Empire of Cotton focuses on the material, institutional, and economic foundations and legacies of slavery, state formation, and market expansion, The Empire of Necessity (though describing in detail the labor and environmental processes associated with a range of free and unfree labor) is concerned more with the psychic and imaginative structure of slavery.… Capitalism is, among other things, a massive process of ego formation, the creation of modern selves, the illusion of individual autonomy, the cultivation of distinction and preference, the idea that individuals had their own moral conscience, based on individual reason and virtue. The wealth created by slavery generalized these ideals of self-creation, allowing more and more people, mostly men, to imagine themselves as autonomous and integral beings, with inherent rights and self-interests not subject to the jurisdiction of others. This process of individuation creates a schism between inner and outer, in which self-interest, self-cultivation, and personal moral authority drive a wedge between seeming and being. My point is that slavery was central to capitalist individuation, to the schism between inner and outer, which I believe accounts for the endurance of racism in American society, its quicksilver nature, as well as for its deniability. This is a dinner, not a conference. So I’ll end by cutting to the chase: I think the story at the center of The Empire of Necessity—revolving around the New Englander Amasa Delano’s complete and utter blindness to the social world around him—captures the power of a new kind of racism, based not on theological or philosophical doctrine but rather on the emotional need to measure one’s absolute freedom in inverse relation to another’s absolute slavishness. This was a racism that was born in chattel slavery but didn’t die with chattel slavery, instead evolving into today’s cult of individual supremacy, which, try as it might, can’t seem to shake off its white supremacist roots.

Greg Grandin, a Nation editorial board member, teaches history at Yale University. His most recent book, The End of the Myth: From the Frontier to the Border Wall, was just published in paperback.

Cotton, slavery, and the new history of capitalism - UCI Sites › capitalismandslavery › files › 2019/10

by AL Olmstead - ‎2018 - ‎Cited by 38 - ‎Related articles
Dec 19, 2017 - In Empire of Cotton, Sven Beckert relates how cotton capitalists and their willing political allies repeatedly reshaped the global cotton countryside ...

(PDF) Capitalism and Slavery - ResearchGate › publication › 283670502_Capi...

Nov 16, 2017 - (New York: Basic, 2014); Sven Beckert, Empire of Cotton: A Global History (New York: Knopf, 2014). 2. The new history of American capitalism ...

Cotton, Slavery, and the New History of Capitalism - Columbia ... › files › law-economics-studies

by AL Olmstead - ‎2016 - ‎Cited by 37 - ‎Related articlesOct 3, 2016 - Abstract: The "New History of Capitalism" grounds the rise of industrial capitalism on the production of raw cotton by American slaves. Recent ..

Capitalist slavery in the great Caribbean?
Charles Post
  Review of The reinvention of Atlantic slavery: technology, labor, race and capitalism in the Greater Caribbean. ROOD, Daniel B.
New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. xiii + 272 p. $74.00 cloth.

Aug 14, 2019 - Slavery helped turn America into a financial colossus. ... What made the cotton economy boom in the United States, and not in all the other ... Affleck's book was a one-stop-shop accounting manual, complete with rows and ...
Federal judge cancels Keystone pipeline permit

Demonstrators protest after President Donald Trump announced two executive orders to advance the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines. The protest, hosted by organizations, took place on the north side of the White House on January 24, 2017. File Photo by Leigh Vogel/UPI | License Photo
April 16 (UPI) -- A federal judge has canceled a key permit for the construction of the controversial Keystone pipeline, stating it was issued without proper assessment of the project's environmental impact.

U.S. Chief District Judge Brian Morris ruled Wednesday that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers failed to properly analyze the project's effects on endangered species when it approved a key water crossing permit for TC Energy's 1,210-mile tar sands pipeline that is to run from Steele City, Neb., into the Canadian province of Alberta.

When completed, the project is expected to deliver 830,000 barrels of crude oil a day from Hardisty, Alberta, to Steele City, where it will connect with TC Energy's existing infrastructure that will carry it to Gulf Coast refiners, the company said on its website.

However, Wednesday's ruling could block construction over hundreds of water crossings along the pipeline's projected route, the Sierra Club said in a statement.

"The Trump administration has repeatedly violated the law in their relentless pursuit of seeing this dirty tar sands pipeline built," Sierra Club attorney Doug Hayes said in a statement. "Today's ruling confirms, once again, that there's just no getting around the fact that Keystone XL would devastate communities, wildlife and clean drinking water."

The decision came in a legal challenge by a coalition of conservation and landowner groups against the U.S. Army Corps, TC Energy, the state of Montana and American Gas Association filed in November over the Trump administration's approval of the Nationwide Permit 12.

Wednesday's decision could also block similar pipelines that have been issued under this permit, the Sierra Club said.

"Whether they like it or not, the Corps cannot skirt foundational environmental laws," said Natural Resources Defense Council attorney Cecilia Segal. "And projects like the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline will remain stalled as long as the administration keeps trying to illegally fast-track them."

Terry Cunha, an official with TC Energy, told The Hill in a statement that the company will be reviewing the court's decision.

"We remain committed to building this important energy infrastructure project," Cunha said.
House bill would pay $2,000 per month per person until economy improves

Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, pictured, and Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., introduced 
legislation Tuesday to provide $2,000 per person over 16 until the economy improves. 
File Photo by Mike Theiler/UPI. | License Photo

April 15 (UPI) -- Two House Democrats introduced a bill calling for payments of $2,000 per month to Americans until unemployment falls to pre-pandemic levels.

Legislation sponsored by Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., and Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, would make Americans older than 16 and making less than $130,000 per year eligible for payments for at least six months. It also offers $500 per child per month to qualifying families.

The bill, introduced Tuesday, has 17 other co-sponsors. Called the "Emergency Money for the People Act," it is an expansion of one-time checks of up to $1,200 sent to people through the $2 trillion CARES Act, passed in March.

It also ensures that college students and adults with disabilities can receive payments even if claimed by parents or others as dependents, a feature not found in the CARES Act.

More than 6.6 million people filed for unemployment benefits in a week, the Labor Department said on April 9, as 43 states issued stay-at-home orders because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The figures came atop nearly 10 million unemployment claims in the final two weeks of March.

"A one-time, $1,200 check isn't going to cut it," Khanna said. "Americans need sustained cash infusions for the duration of this crisis in order to come out on the other side alive, healthy, and ready to get back to work. Members on both sides of the aisle are finally coming together around the idea of sending money out to people. Rep. Ryan and I are urging leadership to include this bill in the fourth COVID relief package to truly support the American working class."

The bill specifies that money would be transferred through checks, direct deposit or m

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"The economic impact of this virus is unprecedented for our country. As millions of Americans file for unemployment week over week, we have to work quickly to patch the dam -- and that means putting cash in the hands of hard-working families," Ryan said on his website. "Many Ohioans are just receiving, or about to receive, the first cash payment we passed in the CARES Act. Now it's time for Congress to get to work on the next step to provide relief for those who have been hardest hit in this pandemic."

Bronski Beat - Smalltown Boy ( Extreme Long Version)

Chinese economy contracts for first time in decades: AFP survey

AFP / STRChina's economy tanked in the first three months of the year
China's economy contracted for the first time in around three decades in the first quarter as the coronavirus crisis brought the country to a standstill, according to an AFP poll of economists.
The world's second-largest economy tanked in the first three months of the year as factories closed, consumers were compelled to stay home and the virus spread to other countries.
Analysts from 14 institutions expect China's economy to have shrunk 8.2 percent from a year ago in the first quarter -- the first contraction since quarterly data started to be reported in the early 1990s.
They also forecast that full-year gross domestic product (GDP) growth will come in at 1.7 percent, a dramatic drop from the 6.1 percent expansion logged last year and well below the pre-coronavirus prediction.
If the forecast is accurate, it would represent the worst annual growth since 1976, the year Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong died.
The International Monetary Fund on Tuesday gave an even more dire estimate of 1.2 percent growth in 2020.
While many businesses in China have resumed work, the coronavirus pandemic has brought other economies to their knees around the world with many key trading partners under lockdown.
The IMF said the pandemic will cut world output by three percent this year.
Economists differed on the impact of the coronavirus on China's economy, with first-quarter contraction estimates ranging from 4.6 percent to 15 percent.
- Larger fall than expected -
China's downturn is "more disappointing than anyone expected", said Moody's Analytics economist Xu Xiaochun.
AFP/File / STRA Chinese pork processing factory pictured last week. Experts predict China's GDP will be 1.7 percent -- a large drop from last year
He also noted that China's workforce returned to work slower than anticipated, pointing to a significant contraction in the first quarter.
While labour supply will not be an issue in April and greater fiscal and monetary support for the economy is expected, "it will not be enough to overcome the heavy drag from suppressed world demand for the remainder of the year", he added.
The slow return to work also bodes badly for jobs, and the unemployment rate has already risen from last December.
Economists at ANZ Research noted in a recent report that double-digit contractions in economic indicators for the first two months had not been followed by a strong bounce-back in March.
Labour flows were also not back to pre-virus levels, especially in major production bases, they said.
"This is despite the central government's efforts in encouraging workers to return to the cities where they work, such as the relaxation of travel restrictions," they added.
- Difficult recovery -
Although the virus situation in China has largely improved, JP Morgan chief China economist Zhu Haibin said: "External risks will likely restrain the expected second-quarter recovery in China's export-related manufacturing activity."
AFP/File / STRChina's workforce is back on the job slower than expected after the coronavirus outbreak
Lockdowns in other countries could disrupt global supply chains, while fears over imported cases will probably cause a slower return to normal life, delaying the recovery of China's service consumption and domestic demand, Zhu added.
Raphie Hayat, senior economist at Rabobank, added that the short-term impact of COVID-19 is expected to be "greater than the Great Financial Crisis of 2008/2009", with the fallout hurting China's growth.
HSBC chief China economist Qu Hongbin warned that the shock to external demand should not be seen as a mere trade contraction.
"US-China trade tensions last year showed us that an external demand shock can rapidly lead to a material deterioration in domestic demand growth," he said.
The hit to supply chains is "deeper and more sprawling" this time, he added.
"As we are now forecasting a contraction or very weak growth in almost all Asian countries this year, the impact of the headwinds this year for China could be much deeper and more broad-based compared with last year."

Japan's homeless 'net cafe refugees' seek shelter amid virus woe

Activists estimate there are around 6,000 homeless people and net cafe refugees in Tokyo

Thousands of homeless "net cafe refugees" in Japan risk being turfed out onto the streets as the coronavirus pandemic forces the sudden closure of their uniquely Japanese 24/7 comic book havens.
The ubiquitous all-night internet and "manga" comic cafes offer couches, computers, comics, soft drinks and shower facilities for an overnight stay typically priced around 2,000 yen ($18).
An estimated 4,000 people down on their luck make their home in such cafes in Tokyo alone, and activists worry that shutting them down could lead to suicides and a spike in rough sleepers.
Some local authorities are now opening shelters to accommodate "net cafe refugees" and keep them from sleeping out in the open.

One 58-year-old occasional construction-site worker told AFP his main aim was "avoiding getting wet", as he found a roof over his head at a shelter converted from a martial arts centre in Yokohama near Tokyo.

Some local authorities are now opening shelters to accommodate
 'net cafe refugees' and keep them from sleeping out in the open

"I thought of sleeping on a bench at a train station... or subway stairs going underground," said the grey-haired man, who declined to give his name.

His net cafe informed him at the weekend it would be closing due to state of emergency measures in Japan to stem the spread of the coronavirus.

"I used to go to work from net cafes... now I sometimes have a job, sometimes not, due to the coronavirus," he said, adding that it was nearly impossible to find a permanent job at his age.

Renting an apartment in Japan requires a very expensive deposit and presents tricky administrative hurdles, leaving net cafes a convenient option for many of the country's hidden poor.
"I have nowhere to go to, few acquaintances," said the man.

- 'Discreet and quiet' -

The temporary shelters at the judo hall in Yokohama, operated by the local Kanagawa authorities, have been designed by a team led by award-winning Japanese architect Shigeru Ban to offer privacy and prevent infections.

A team led by award-winning Japanese architect Shigeru Ban
 designed the beds and cubicles made from paper and cardboard

Residents sleep on camp-style cots or cardboard beds partitioned off by a frame of sturdy paper tubes with cloth hanging from the top of the cubicle to the floor.

Ban is famed for other emergency shelters and buildings, including the Cardboard Cathedral for Christchurch in New Zealand after the 2011 earthquake.

The aim is to provide a safe place to those driven out by the coronavirus crisis, said Yuji Miyakoshi, an official at the municipal government.

The free shelter has hosted nearly 40 people since opening on April 11 and one resident said it had been proved invaluable after his "capsule hotel" accommodation closed two days ago.

"I went to work, slept at the hotel and went back to work. I moved to this place but nothing has changed so much," said the man in his 30s who works in construction.

Miyakoshi said the people in the shelter were "quite discreet and quiet... My feeling is that many of them are obviously not good at asserting themselves."

- 'Unsafe housing conditions' -

On the surface, Japan appears a wealthy and prosperous society and visitors to Tokyo and other major cities are often struck by the relative lack of homeless people seen in other world capitals.

A judo hall in Yokohama has been repurposed as a shelter for
 homeless people whose usual net cafe refuges have been closed 
due to the coronavirus pandemic

The Japanese economy bounced back from a recession in the 1990s, creating millions of new jobs, but critics said many of them were temporary and created a new class of urban poverty.

The manga cafes were initially a haven for late-working -- or late-drinking -- business people from far-flung suburbs who missed the last train home, but eventually became a shelter for Japan's working poor.

Coronavirus has driven these people into a corner, said Tsuyoshi Inaba, who has long been involved in helping homeless people.
The Kanagawa Prefectural Budokan in Yokohama now hosts a shelter
 for people who cannot afford other accommodation after the internet 
cafes closed due to the pandemic

Inaba estimates there are already 2,000 homeless in Tokyo -- double the official figure -- as public surveys conducted during the day often miss people sleeping rough at night after a day's work.

Combined with 4,000 net cafe refugees, "some 6,000 people are in unstable, unsafe housing situations" in Tokyo alone, Inaba told AFP.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government, which ordered establishments such as net cafes closed amid a spike of coronavirus cases in the capital, is trying to find a solution for the hundreds abruptly made homeless.

Activists say authorities are not doing enough to provide accommodation
 for all those suddenly left homeless
But activists say not enough accommodation is being provided and that the conditions are too onerous -- such as requiring applicants to prove they have been in Tokyo for six months or longer.

Many kicked out of net cafes have no option but to sleep on the street if they can't find a proper shelter, Inaba said, adding: "This could cause social confusion and suicides are feared to increase."

If official aid remains inadequate, Inaba foresees a "big problem" that could even contribute to a further spreading of coronavirus.

Some people could move to provincial cities despite the possibility that they may have the virus," he warned.


Jacinda Ardern has taken a 20 per cent pay cut – and she’s showing up other world leaders

New Zealand’s popular prime minister clearly hasn’t read the guide on how to be a modern world leader in a time of crisis

James Moore,Wednesday 15 April 2020 THE INDEPENDENT.UK

Straight to the back of the class with you Jacinda Ardern – and see me afterwards to discuss your detention.

Taking a 20 per cent pay cut in “solidarity” with your people? And having all your ministers and top officials do the same? I’ve never heard the likes of it from this generation of World Leader School pupils and frankly I’m beyond outraged.

When your health minister took it upon himself to break your lockdown you duffed him up in front of everyone on the playground, didn’t you? Yes, we need to talk about that too

You need to re-read the syllabus we sent you when the people of New Zealand handed you the top job. It’s clear that we need to set you up with some private tutoring, like the kids of most of your peers while they’re in lockdown.

Now see young Michael Gove over there in Britain. Never heard of him? He’s the bloke with the specs and the smug grin. That’s right, the one who’s about to stick that carving knife into the boy in front of him. I know he’s not in the top job yet, but he got a place as the top wannabe and he’s an example you should follow. He did what today’s leaders do and put himself and his family first by getting his daughter a coronavirus test when Britain’s healthcare workers have to catch Harry Potter’s Golden Snitch after a 12-hour shift to get so much as a sniff of one.

But when Boris Johnson – I’m sorry he can’t be with us because he’s recuperating in comfort at his country pile, as he should – saw what Michael did, he had his people steam in to defend his pal’s indefensible conduct. It’s because he’s a world leader and that’s what world leaders are supposed to do!

I think I need to have you shadow Donald Trump here. No, no, no, I won’t hear another word about how embarrassing it is to be seen in public with someone who uses cosmetic treatments to make themselves look like a space hopper. See all those gold stars on his desk? They’re there because Donald knows how to do the leadership thing. They’re there because he blows his own trumpet until it sounds like a cat being strangled, throws the sort of hissy fits that even movie stars would find embarrassing, and then makes other people take the rap for all his cock-ups. Like dumping on the World Health Organisation and cutting its funding for issuing clear warnings and advice in plain English he and most of the other students ignored.

Because that’s what a modern world leader does. Calling Covid-19 a “Chinese virus”? That’s what a modern world leader does too.

You’re not supposed to be showing solidarity with your people, you’re supposed to be setting them against each other. You’re supposed to be having them beat up on each other, and especially you country’s minorities, now that everything’s going pear-shaped. For homework, I want you to read some of Boris’s old Daily Telegraph columns.

Now I know the planes aren’t flying at the moment, and America’s a long way to go. And you’d probably embarrass the school by doing something like flying economy class so you could talk to the real people your fellow pupils prefer to talk about.

So if we can’t get you to shadow Donald, you should at least be able to find a donor somewhere to lend you a private jet so you can get to Australia. Young Scott Morrison – he’s next to Donald there – could then show you all about the three Ds he made use of when the bushfires were burning his country. Deflect! Deceive! And if that fails: Dammit, run away from the angry little people and take a holiday in Hawaii!

Jacinda, if you carry on like this you’re going to be replacing Tom Hanks as the people’s top choice to be President of the World, and our training school just can’t have that. You’re letting the side down. Goodness me, you’re even succeeding where the other pupils have failed in the battle against the spread of coronavirus itself.

At this rate you’re going to have voters looking at what they’ve got and asking why they can’t find anything even half as good from among their much larger populations. You’re going to have them asking whether they can’t do better than electing people who behave like entitled flatulent arseholes.

New Zealand PM takes pay cut as virus hits economy
AFP/File / Marty MELVILLE 
New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern will take a 20 percent pay cut in an act of solidarity with people struggling financially during the COVID-19 pandemic

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced Wednesday she will take a 20 percent pay cut in a symbolic act of solidarity with people struggling financially during the coronavirus pandemic.

Ardern said her personal salary, those of her fellow ministers and of top public servants would be slashed by a fifth for six months.

The move will see Ardern's annual pay fall from around NZ$470,000 (US$285,000) to NZ$376,000, costing her about NZ$47,000 over the six-month period.

"While it in itself won't shift the government's overall fiscal position, it is about leadership," she told reporters.

"This was always just going to be an acknowledgement of the hit that many New Zealanders will be taking at the moment."


The centre-left leader said the cut would not be implemented across the public service.

"Many people in our public sector are frontline essential workers -- nurses, police, healthcare professionals," Ardern said.

"We are not suggesting pay cuts here, nor would New Zealanders find that appropriate."

New Zealand is in the midst of a four-week COVID-19 lockdown that has paralysed the economy, with thousands of jobs losses already announced.

Economic modelling released by the Treasury department this week predicted unemployment -- currently about 4.0 percent -- could soar to almost 26 percent in a worst-case scenario.

Ardern said her wage cut was a small contribution to easing pay inequalities in society.

"If ever there was a time to close the gap between different positions, it's now," she said.

"This is where we can take action which is why we have."

Opposition leader Simon Bridges said that he would also take a 20 percent pay cut.
IEA predicts 'worst year in the history' of oil sector

AFP/File / Fayez NureldineThe IEA said measures taken to bolster the global economy and to reduce oil supply should allow a "gradual" recovery in the second half of the year
The coronavirus outbreak will slash global oil demand in 2020 to erase a decade of growth and set up "the worst year in the history" of the sector, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said Wednesday.
Demand is projected to plummet by a record 9.3 million barrels per day (mbd) for the year as a whole, with 29 mbd in the month of April, and 26 mbd in May -- "staggering numbers", according to the agency's executive director Fatih Birol.
"I believe in a few years' time, when you look at 2020 we may well see that it was the worst year in the history of global oil markets," he told reporters on a teleconference.
"During this terrible year, the second quarter may very well be the worst of the lot and... April may very well be the worst month."
The projected figures for this month were last seen in 1995, said Birol, describing this as "Black April in the history of the oil industry."
The global economy has been hard hit by the coronavirus outbreak, with many industries brought to their knees and air, rail and road traffic slashed as non-essential businesses were closed and hundreds of millions of people around the world placed in lockdown.
The epidemic has killed more than 123,000 people since it first emerged in China in December.
The IEA said measures taken by the OPEC+ group and other oil producing nations to cut output should allow demand to start exceeding supply again by the second half of 2020, assuming population lockdowns to curb virus spread are lifted.
"Once the declines in oil demand start to reduce and once the impact of the production cuts from the OPEC+ agreement and non-OPEC producers start to bite, we start to see a recovery in the second half of the year," Neil Atkinson, head of the agency's oil division, told the briefing.
"But obviously there's still a long way to go before we reach that point."
- Decade of growth lost -
In total, producers have undertaken to cut supply by about 12 million barrels a day in May, Atkinson said, including 9.7 million mbd pledged by the OPEC+ group.
G20 countries have agreed to support the OPEC+ cuts.
The combined effort "takes us right back to below 90 mbd a day which is a level of production for the world which we haven't seen since back in 2011," said Atkinson.
On Tuesday, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said the coronavirus pandemic was pushing the world into its deepest recession in a century, with economic output expected to shrink three percent.
This means that "COVID-19 results in one year of growth lost of the global economy and almost a decade of growth lost in global oil markets," said Birol.
"The volatility we are seeing in oil markets is detrimental to the global economy at a time that we can least afford it."
Oil prices extended their slump Wednesday, with WTI hitting the lowest level since 2002 as the output cuts were deemed not enough.
The benchmark WTI contract tumbled to $19.20 per barrel, it lowest level in 18 years.
The IEA report said the OPEC+ and G20 actions "won't rebalance the market immediately.
"But by lowering the peak of the supply overhang and flattening the curve of the build-up in stocks, they help a complex system absorb the worst of this crisis, whose consequences for the oil market remain very uncertain in the short term."
- 'Economic meltdown' -
Birol said the oil price crash would likely to cause a "huge decline" in global emissions of planet-warming carbon emissions this year.
"But in my view this is not a reason to celebrate because this decline is happening because there is an economic meltdown, the energy industry is in many parts almost collapsing and many people are losing their lives.
"We shouldn't forget that if there is a rebound of the economy... we may well see a big rebound of emissions as well."
In 2009, after the global economic crisis, emissions declined by 0.4 gigatonnes only to rise again by 1.7 gigatonnes the following year -- the highest increase in the last 50 years, said Birol.
Hungry S.Africans clash with police over food aid in Cape Town
South African police clashed with Cape Town township residents protesting over access to food aid during a coronavirus lockdown

South African police on Tuesday fired rubber bullets and teargas in clashes with Cape Town township residents protesting over access to food aid during a coronavirus lockdown.

Hundreds of angry people fought running battles with the police, hurling rocks and setting up barricades on the streets with burning tyres in Mitchells Plain over undelivered food parcels.

"We have small children. We want to eat. They must also eat," said resident and mother Nazile Bobbs.

"They said we are going to get parcels, where (are) the parcels? How long are we (going to be) in the lockdown?"

South Africa is currently in the middle of a five-week lockdown to curb the spread of coronavirus which has so far infected more than 2,400 people.

President Cyril Ramaphosa has promised to provide basics such as water and food supplies to the poorest South Africans.

Many people, especially those working in the informal economy, are unable to ply their trade and have lost income due to the lockdown which came into effect on March 27.

Community leader Liezl Manual said people came out of their homes "frustrated wanting to know" where the food parcels were.

"I don't think Ramaphosa is doing something," said another resident Denise Martin, adding that people would "rather die of coronavirus than to die in our homes of hunger".

Some government officials were starting to become overwhelmed by the surging needs in a country ranked among one of the world's most unequal.

"People are so desperate for aid such that even those people that would not be provided by us think they can get support from us," Busisiwe Memela-Khambula CEO of SA Social Security Agency (Sassa), a government department responsible for distributing food aid.

The department normally helps people with disability, those who failed to access their social security grants or those generally experiencing hardships, she said.

"But unfortunately now everybody is experiencing hardships," she said on local television.

Women's football faces 'almost existential threat', report says 

AFP/File / Tobias SCHWARZLyon beat Barcelona in the final of last season's women's Champions League. The women's game faces an "almost existential threat" because of the coronavirus crisis, a new report has said
The coronavirus pandemic presents "an almost existential threat" to women's football, according to a report by global players' union FIFPro published Thursday.
Female players the world over, like their male counterparts, have been forced to stop playing with countries going into lockdown to try to halt the spread of the virus, which has claimed more than 134,000 lives according to an AFP tally.
Much attention has been given to the economic impact on the far richer men's game of the suspension, but FIFPro warns that women's football -- despite recent growth -- is particularly vulnerable, with less established professional leagues, lower salaries and less investment meaning "the fragility of the women's football eco-system is exposed by the current situation".
FIFPro has called for "special measures" to safeguard the women's game as it says its growth "is now at risk of receding. Without having secured solid structural foundations for long-term sustainability, some women's leagues and clubs are releasing players, cutting contracts and closing down."
Leagues across Europe are currently playing a waiting game to see if they will be able to complete their suspended seasons.
In England, the Women's Super League -- including some of the continent's wealthiest clubs -- have been hoping to finish their campaign by the end of August, but it depends on lockdown measures being eased.
According to French players' union the UNFP, only a third of female players in France wish to restart the season, with the rest insisting health matters should remain the priority.
Former Ballon d'Or winner Ada Hegerberg, who plays for leading French and European side Lyon, admitted in an interview with AFP last week that "everything is uncertain" for women's football.
"If you see how the biggest men's clubs are struggling, you can only imagine how this is going to affect women's teams," she warned.
FIFPro's report highlights the vulnerability of female players, with just 18 percent having professional contracts as recognised by world governing body FIFA in 2017. Over 60 percent of paid players took home less than $600 a month.
"We have to protect players as people and as workers and avoid mass unemployment and recession," the report concludes.
"The women's football industry will require innovation and intervention from across the private sector and public sectors, from policymakers and governing bodies, to broadcasting companies and sponsors."

Robots ride to rescue as delivery risks rise  

AFP / NICHOLAS KAMMKimmo Kartano uses his smartphone to open a food delivery robot from the Broad Branch Market grocery store as Audra Grant looks on in front of their house in the Chevy Chase neighborhood of Washington, DC
What looks like a rolling picnic cooler stops at the crosswalk, waits for a car to pass and then navigates its way at a leisurely pace down the sidewalk in suburban Washington.
Three blocks away, Jake Williams and his three-year-old daughter Emilia wait for the delivery robot and take out bags with pizza, fresh fruit and a loaf of French bread from the nearby Broad Branch Market.
"We can't go into the shops now," says Williams, among those locked down due to the virus pandemic. "And it's fun for her."
The Starship delivery robots have seen surging demand in dozens of cities around the world, with consumers staying home and virus risks growing for both shoppers and delivery workers.
Starship began working with the Broad Branch in early April, when the corner store was forced to close to shoppers because it was too small to ensure proper social distancing.
AFP / NICHOLAS KAMMA Starship delivery robot leaves the Broad Branch Market grocery store in Washington, DC, on its way to a home customer
Store owner Tracy Stannard said a fleet of up to 10 robots each day, managed by Starship, helps the market meet demands in the neighborhood. The store handles 60 to 70 deliveries daily, half by robot.
"Some people request the robot, they don't even care about the groceries," Stannard said. "It's cute to see them roaming the neighborhood and it makes people happy."
Robot deliveries from Starship and a handful of other companies meet only a tiny fraction of food deliveries, but highlight a need in a time of social distancing and pandemic fears.
The jump in demand comes as consumers see a trip to the grocery store as a perilous adventure, and retail employees are scrambling to keep safe.
More than 40 grocery store employees in the US have died from the virus, according to a Washington Post tally. And delivery workers around the US have staged protests to press safety demands.
- Expanding demand -
AFP/File / Chris DELMASA Postmates delivery robot is seen on its route to deliver food to customers in Los Angeles on March 24
San Francisco-based Starship Technologies, created by two Skype founders, is gearing up to operate in other areas around Washington and recently launched with retailers in Tempe, Arizona, and in cities in Britain and California.
The rolling devices operate autonomously at a speed of around six kilometers (four miles) per hour and can carry about three bags of goods.
"The demand for contactless delivery has expanded exponentially in recent weeks," said Ryan Tuohy, vice president of Starship.
"Our robots are doing autonomous deliveries in five countries and we're grateful that our robots can make life a little bit easier for everyone."
A handful of other companies also has been stepping up.
Courtesy of Nuro/AFP/File / Nathan LINDSTROMNuro's R2 self-driving vehicle has been making food deliveries in the Houston area in partnership with Kroger
Silicon Valley startup Nuro recently began delivering groceries in the Houston area in partnership with grocery giant Kroger with its R2 autonomous robot, which travels on streets at speeds up to 40 kilometers (25 miles) per hour and can transport some 190 kilos (400 pounds).
Nuro is moving to expand its service and has received approval in California to operate on public roads.
"We did not foresee our service helping to keep Americans safe from contagion. But the COVID-19 pandemic has expedited the public need for contactless delivery services," Nuro's David Estrada said in a blog post.
"Times like these reinforce the need for autonomous delivery services like Nuro, and how they can benefit communities."
Delivery robots from Postmates, a delivery startup, have also been seen on the streets in California. And similar autonomous robots are being tested by Amazon.
- Above the fray? -
AFP/File / Ruth McDowallA drone operated by California startup Zipline preapres for delivery of medical supplies in Ghana in 2019. The company sees an opprortunity to offer similar services in the US as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
Drone delivery is another area where interest is growing due to the pandemic.
Wing, the drone startup created by Google parent Alphabet, has seen a jump in demand in its pilot projects in rural southwestern Virginia -- where it delivers non-prescription medicines and other items from the Walgreens chain -- and in Australia and Finland, a company spokesman said.
"While we recognize that this service will be a small relief during this time, we hope it means one less trip to the store for items our customers may need, and provides an efficient way for local businesses to reach their customers in a time when limiting human-to-human contact is important." Wing CEO James Ryan Burgess said.
Amazon and others have continued testing drone deliveries, but these systems are subject to regulatory barriers which have prevented deployment.
Zipline, a California startup which has been delivering medical supplies by drone in Africa, has indicated it wants offer similar services in the US once it gets regulatory approval.
"Zipline is helping other countries mount their national response efforts to #COVID19," the company said in a tweet. "As an American company in a time of crisis, we want to help our country as well."


WWII veteran, 99, raises £12 mln for UK health workers

Moore originally planned to raise £1,000 for a National Health Service charity

A 99-year-old British World War II veteran on Thursday completed 100 laps of his garden in a fundraising challenge for healthcare staff that has captured the heart of the nation, raising more than £12 million ($15 million, 13.8 million euros).

"Incredible and now words fail me," said Tom Moore, a captain who served in India, after finishing the laps of his 25-metre (82-foot) garden with the help of his walking frame.

Moore initially set himself the goal of raising £1,000 for a National Health Service charity in time for his 100th birthday at the end of the month, after receiving treatment for a broken hip and cancer.

But his efforts -- a rare bit of good news during the global coronavirus pandemic that has killed almost 13,000 people in Britain alone -- have made him a star in his own country and abroad.

"Thank you all for your amazing support. It has been a memorable experience. Thank you so much," he wrote on Twitter.

The final lap of his garden in Bedfordshire, south England, was met with a guard of honour from the Yorkshire Regiment and broadcast live on British TV.

"I'm surrounded by the right kind of people," Moore told the BBC. "I'm feeling fine, I hope you are all feeling fine too."

Previously he has spoken of his admiration for medical staff.

"In the last war it was soldiers in uniform on the front line. This time our army are the doctors and nurses (in) uniforms," he told ITV's Good Morning Britain earlier this week.

"We will survive this."

- 'Inspiration' -

Health Secretary Matt Hancock called Moore "an inspiration to us all"

"This is an awful crisis, but there are some little shafts of light," he told BBC television.

"Captain Tom, he served his country in the past, and he's serving his country now, both by raising that money for the NHS... but also cheering us all up.

"We all need a bit of cheering up sometimes."

More than 645,000 people have contributed funds, with the rate of donations causing the JustGiving page to temporarily crash.

His efforts have been lauded around the world.

"Captain Moore, we are truly impressed on this side of the pond. I think you're remarkable, what you've done is an inspiration," said US TV star Judge Judy in a video message.

"Congratulations on your fantastic success," added Dutch violinist and conductor Andre Rieu. "I invite you and your whole family to one of my concerts."

England cricket icon Ben Stokes said the funds raised "for the real heroes today is simply sensational".

"I hope I'm moving just as well as you at 50, never mind 100," he joked.

The veteran has also received online support from former Manchester United and Arsenal football captains Rio Ferdinand and Tony Adams and Olympic gold medallist Kelly Holmes.