Friday, April 17, 2020

The New Imperialism of Globalized Monopoly-Finance Capital


The Imperialism of Monopoly-Finance Capital

A more realistic and thoroughgoing Marxian approach to the question of imperialism in our age, drawing on the fundamental parameters of classical imperialism theory while taking into consideration changing historical conditions, needs to center on capital accumulation. Here the crucial fact is the shift of manufacturing industry in recent decades from the global North to the global South. In 1980 the share of world industrial employment of developing countries had risen to 52 percent; by 2012 this had increased to 83 percent.33 In 2013, 61 percent of the total worldwide inward flow of foreign direct investment was in developing and transitional economies, up from 33 percent in 2006 and 51 percent in 2010.34
What needs to be explained, however, is that despite this tectonic shift of industry to the periphery, the basic conditions of center and periphery continue in most cases to hold. This is manifested in the seeming inability of countries in the global South, taken as a whole—and leaving out Greater China (including Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan Province)—to catch up economically with the nations at the center of the system. From 1970 to 1989 the average annual per capita GDP of the developing countries, excluding Greater China, was a mere 6.0 percent of the per capita GDP of the G7 countries (the United States, Japan, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Canada). For the period of 1990 to 2013, this had dropped to only 5.6 percent. Meanwhile, for the forty-eight Least Developed Countries, average annual per capita GDP as a share of that of the G7 declined over the same periods from 1.5 percent to a mere 1.1 percent. (China, the leading emerging economy, is the most important exception to this overall tendency. If Greater China is included among the developing countries, average annual per capita income of developing countries as a percentage of that of G7 countries rises from 4.7 percent in 1970–1989 to 5.5 percent in 1990–2013.)35
In 2014 The Economist magazine declared that the signs in the opening decade of this century that emerging economies, excluding China, were catching up with the rich countries of the developed capitalist world, turned out to be “an aberration.” Referring to a 1997 statement by World Bank senior economist Lant Pritchett, that the widening income gap between rich and poor nations was “the dominant feature of modern economic history,” The Economist announced that this trend has now reasserted itself. At the present rate of growth in the developing world, The Economist insisted, it would take developing/emerging countries as a group (outside of China) more than a century—and even possibly as long as three centuries—to catch up with the income levels of the rich countries of the center.36
The reasons for this seeming reversal of the fortunes of developing/emerging economies, which for a decade were widely thought to be making large gains, can be traced (apart from the effects of the Great Financial Crisis itself) to the contradictory effects of the growing outsourcing of industrial production by multinational corporations—aimed at exploiting inequalities in the world economy, particularly with respect to labor. This is known variously in corporate financial circles as “outsourcing” labor costs, the “global labor arbitrage,” “low-cost labor arbitrage,” or simply as the Low-Cost Country Strategy (LCCS). Lowell Bryan, director of the New York office of the investor’s publication McKinsey Quarterly, wrote in 2010 that:
Any company sourcing its production or service operations in a lower-wage emerging-market countrycan save enormously on labor costs. Even today, the cost of labor in China or India is still only a fraction (often less than a third) of the equivalent labor in the developed world. Yet the productivity of Chinese and Indian labor is rapidly rising and, in specialized areas (such as high-tech assembly in China or software development in India), may equal or exceed the productivity of workers in wealthier nations.37
This means that not only overall unit labor costs are far lower, but also that in areas of increasing productivity they can be expected to fall even further. Such cheap, high-productivity labor in emerging/developing countries, the McKinsey Quarterly told its investment clientele, is available in the hundreds of millions, even billions—while the entire U.S. labor force is 150 million.
Behind such dirt wages in the periphery lies the whole history of imperialism and the fact that in 2011 the global reserve army of labor (adding up the unemployed, vulnerably employed, and economically inactive population) numbered some 2.4 billion people, compared to a global active labor army of only 1.4 billion. It is this global reserve army—predominantly in the global South, but also growing in the global North—which holds down the labor income in both center and periphery, keeping wages in the periphery well below the average value of labor power worldwide.38
The analysis of management strategist Pankaj Ghemawat, in his 2007 book, Redefining Global Strategy, suggests that the wage savings to Walmart from labor-arbitrage in China may be well over 15 percent and conceivably on the order of 30–45 percent of Walmart’s total 2006 operating profit (also known as operating income—defined as revenue net of operating cost before interest charges and taxes). The Low-Cost Country Strategy is particularly important for the assembly stage of manufactured goods, which is the most labor-intensive phase of global production. Most production for export via multinational corporations in China is assembly work, with Chinese factories relying heavily on cheap migrant labor from the countryside (the “floating population”) to assemble products, the main technological components of which are manufactured elsewhere and imported into China for final assembly. The assembled products are then primarily exported to the countries in the capitalist core (although China has an expanding internal market for such goods).
Chinese companies get a cut from these exports; but the big winners are the multinational corporations. Apple subcontracts the production of the component parts of its iPhones in a number of countries with the final assembly in China subcontracted to Foxconn. Due in large part to low-end wages paid for labor-intensive assembly operations, Apple’s profits on its iPhone 4 in 2010 were found to be 59 percent of the final sales price. The share of the final sales price actually going to labor in mainland China itself, where production assembly takes place, is only a tiny fraction of the whole. For each iPhone 4 imported from China to the United States in 2010, retailing at $549, about $10 went to labor costs for production of components and assembly in China, amounting to 1.8 percent of the final sales price.39
As an expression of this general trend, subcontracting (also known in financial circles as Non-Equity Modes of International Production) is increasingly common among multinationals in such areas of production as toys and sporting goods, consumer electronics, automotive components, footwear, and garments. Such subcontracting on the terms and conditions set by multinational corporations also applies to services. Call centers that chose to move from Ireland to India in 2002 were reportedly in a position to reduce the wage rates paid to workers by 90 percent.40
In the international garment industry, in which production takes place almost exclusively in the global South, direct labor cost per garment is typically around 1–3 percent of the final retail price, according to senior World Bank economist Zahid Hussain. Wage costs for an embroidered logo sweatshirt produced in the Dominican Republic run at around 1.3 percent of the final retail price in the United States, while the labor cost (including the wages of floor supervisors) of a knit shirt produced in the Philippines is 1.6 percent. Labor costs in countries such as China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Bangladesh were considerably lower than in the above cases.41 The surplus value captured from such workers is thus enormous, while being disguised by the fact that the lion’s share of so-called “value added” is attributed to activities (marketing, distribution, corporate salaries) in the wealthy importing country, removed from direct production costs. In 2010, the Swedish retailer Hennes & Mauritz was purchasing T-shirts from subcontractors in Bangladesh, paying the workers on the order of 2–5 cents (euro) per shirt produced.42
Nike, a pioneer in Non-Equity Modes of International Production, outsources all of its production to subcontractors in countries such as South Korea, China, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam. In 1996, a single Nike shoe consisting of fifty-two components was manufactured by subcontractors in five different countries. The entire direct labor cost for the production of a pair of Nike basketball shoes retailing for $149.50 in the United States in the late 1990s was 1 percent, or $1.50.43
Imperialism also involves the race for resources, particularly strategic energy sources, such as hydrocarbons, but extending to all key minerals, as well as vital germplasm, foods, forests, land, and even water. For the core capitalist countries the issue of environmental limits has signaled—if anything—the need to control resources in the global South. The most extreme case of ecological imperialism is what Richard Haass (president for the past twelve years of the Council of Foreign Relations, and before that director of policy planning in the State Department under Colin Powell during the 2003 invasion of Iraq) is calling The New Thirty Years’ War in the Middle East, aimed at the control of a significant portion of world oil supplies. Moreover, this New Thirty Years’ War is only part of the U.S-led NATO alliance’s grand strategy to bring the whole vast geopolitical arc, now known as the “arc of instability,” from Eastern Europe and the Balkans to the Middle East and North Africa to Central Asia, within the triad’s sphere of influence—viewing it all as up for grabs following the Soviet Union’s departure from the historical stage in the early 1990s.44 So aggressive has this imperial advance been in the not quite quarter-century since the demise of the USSR that what is now being called a Second Cold War with Russia appears to be developing.
The growing race for resources behind the current geopolitical struggle is feeding a new extractivism, extending to every corner of the earth, and increasingly to the Arctic—where melting sea ice from climate change is opening up new realms for oil exploration. According to energy analyst Michael Klare this scramble for global resources can only point in one direction:
The accumulation of aggravations and resentments among the Great Powers stemming from the competitive pursuit of energy has not yet reached the point where a violent clash between any pair or group of them can be considered likely. Nevertheless, the conflation of two key trends—the rise of energy nationalism and accumulating ill will between the Sino-Russian and U.S.-Japanese proto-blocs—should be taken as a dangerous sign for the future. Each of these phenomena may have its own roots, but the way they are beginning to intertwine in competitive struggles over prime energy-producing areas in the Caspian Sea basin, the Persian Gulf, and the East China Sea is ominous. [I]f national leaders fear the loss of a major field to a rival state and are convinced that global energy supplies may be inadequate in a “tough oil” era, they may act irrationally and order a muscular show of force—setting in motion a chain of events whose ultimate course no one may be able to control.

Henryk Grossman on imperialism

Rick Kuhn

Grossman’s first published work, in 1905, was a contribution to the controversy in the European workers movement over the most effective strategy to counter national oppression, which was also an aspect of contemporary discussions of imperialism and colonialism. In an analysis heavily influenced by the Bund, he stressed the importance of the self-organisation of Jewish workers.

As a leader of the Jewish Social Democratic Party of Galicia, Grossman examined the
economic backwardness of Austria-Hungary’s Polish province. This analysis was an element in his higher doctoral thesis, completed in 1914, which dealt with an aspect of imperialism duringan early stage of the transition to capitalism in eastern Europe. He argued against the Polish nationalist orthodoxy that the Habsburg Empire was responsible for Galicia’s backwardness after its annexation. On the contrary, between 1772 and 1790 the mercantilist trade policies of Maria Theresia and Josef II for their new territory had promoted economic development.
Later he endorsed Lenin’s argument that the material basis of reformism was the emergence of a ‘labor aristocracy’, bought off with spoils from imperialism.
What follows, however, only deals with more strictly economic questions, particularly Grossman’s account of the relationship between economic crises and imperialism. It is a first sketch of a section of a larger project.

As US pulls back, China builds influence at UN

AFP/File / Fabrice COFFRINILe logo de l'Organisaiton mondiale de la santé (OMS) à son quartier-général de Genève.
As President Donald Trump announces a halt in World Health Organization funding, accusing it of kowtowing to China over the coronavirus outbreak, Beijing is building on a well-established strategy of leveraging its global standing wherever the US lets go of the wheel.
For years, Chinese nationals have been taking up positions at the head of and lower down UN agencies as the Asian powerhouse ploughs considerable resources into building on its international financial and military relationships.
China's long game on global influence is particularly apparent in Africa, where 10 years ago the continent's debt to the world's number two economy was minimal.
Today, a UN official said, it stands at some $140 billion as Beijing ramps up investments through the Belt and Road Initiative, President Xi Jinping's signature global infrastructure project.
Beijing's overtures have placed it in a powerful position to leverage African support on various issues and at international agencies.
Led by Ethiopian Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO is accused by Washington of uncritically accepting China's early assertions that the virus was not spread between humans and of wrongly praising Beijing's "transparency" over the magnitude of the crisis.
"What we have seen for more than 10 years, and especially since 2012 with Xi Jinping, is a real push from Chinese diplomacy to restructure global governance," Alice Ekman, the senior analyst in charge of the Asia portfolio at the European Union Institute for Security Studies, told AFP.
"It's a lofty ambition since China is talking about 'piloting' this restructuring."
The same phenomenon -- the US withdrawing and China making its mark, but never directly -- is notable at several UN agencies.
Along with its availability for an increasing number of peacekeeping missions, Beijing has become the second largest financial contributor to the UN, overtaking Japan but behind the US.
Away from the UN's activities directed from its New York headquarters, China has wielded its financial clout in the organization's many agencies worldwide, including UNESCO in Paris.
Washington's retreat since 2019 from the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, over alleged bias against Israel, came as China was increasing its influence to become the agency's largest compulsory net contributor.
Beijing has a strong presence in programs for the education of women and girls, and the second highest official at UNESCO, Xing Qu, is Chinese.
"They have succeeded in finding a balance -- being very present without imposing," an official told AFP, on condition of anonymity so that they could speak frankly.
- Void -
For many UN officials across the world, the void left by the withdrawal of some of the most influential players on the international stage spells danger ahead for the organization.
"With the US not leading internationally, with Europe disappearing into itself and China pursuing its own interests, we really are in trouble," Catia Batista, associate professor of economy at Nova University in Lisbon, told The Washington Post.
Chinese has also flexed its muscle at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) based in Montreal.
In 2019 Qu Dongyu, a former Chinese minister, became the head of the FAO, while ICAO has been co-managed since 2015 by another Chinese official, Fang Liu.
Beijing's influence is "real and growing" at ICAO, which governs global air transport, a specialist close to the agency said.
The source said Beijing is now the second-highest financial contributor to ICAO after Washington.
Since last year Washington has suspended financial contributions to ICAO in an attempt to accelerate reform.
But while US officials use their contributions for leverage, the tactic is not part of a broader attempt to abandon the UN as a whole, the source says.
At UNESCO a similar leverage of US cash for influence has not led to revolutionary reform -- but it remains to be seen how Trump's suspension of funding will affect the WHO.
AFP/File / MANDEL NGANReflet d'une image de Donald Trump dans un écran lors d'une conférence de presse sur le COVID-19 le 15 avril 2020 à Washington.
In Vienna, major Western powers have shown little interest in the UN Industrial Development Organization, a small agency which aims to promote inclusive and sustainable industrial development.
Eyeing an opportunity, China has used this apathy to use UNIDO as a stepping stone for its ascent in other UN agencies.
Another former Chinese minister, Li Yong, has been UNIDO's director general since its establishment 2013.
As for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Washington is the lead financial contributor, ahead of China.
The US says it has not lost influence despite the pullout by Trump from the 2015 accord reached between major powers and Iran over its nuclear program.
In reality, China is now in the driving seat, with Russia and the Europeans also taking up positions of influence.
"After the election of Donald Trump, China strengthened its position as a guarantor of multilateralism," Ekman said, adding that the COVID-19 pandemic was another chance for Beijing to "invest in global governance in all directions."
Ekman described China's approach as a "pragmatic and global" strategy in which the WHO is "just one institution among many."
"In the long run, China would like to see the advent of post-Western global governance, in which China would play a central role," she added.
Jul 1, 2015 - ... in Luxemburg's The Accumulation of Capital, as distinct from Lenin's Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism and Bukharin's Imperialism ...
Brazil's President Says Coronavirus Is Just ‘Hysteria’ and Went Ahead and Fired His Health Minister

Jair Bolsonaro has pushed unproven coronavirus 'cures' and claimed that his athletic prowess will protect him if he gets infected.
By Tim Hume Apr 17 2020, VICE

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has fired his health minister Luiz Henrique Mandetta, after the pair clashed publicly over the far-right leader’s dismissive response to the coronavirus pandemic.

The sacking of the popular health minister, who had criticized Bolsonaro for undermining social distancing measures, has deepened concerns among Brazilians about the president’s unscientific approach to the pandemic. In protest, Brazilians banged pots on their balconies, and a senior lawmaker resigned from the senate.

Meanwhile, former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva branded the populist leader a “troglodyte” who was “trying to lead society to the slaughterhouse” in an interview with The Guardian Friday.

In televised remarks discussing the health minister’s departure, Bolsonaro implicitly criticized Mandetta’s support for the continuation of lockdown restrictions that started last month, and renewed his calls for Brazilians to return to work to protect the economy.

“We need to return to normal, not as fast as possible, but we need to start having some flexibility,” he said. “The impoverished masses cannot stay stuck at home.”

With more than 30,000 confirmed cases and nearly 2,000 deaths, Brazil is battling the second biggest coronavirus outbreak in the Americas, one that’s not predicted to peak for weeks. Yet Bolsonaro, a brash populist known for his unscientific approach to climate and environmental issues, has consistently sought to downplay the threat of the virus, which he has described as “a little flu.”

READ: Bolsonaro is spreading conspiracy theories about the Amazon fires

He’s repeatedly denounced fears over the virus as “hysteria,” pushed unproven treatments like the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine, and claimed his athletic prowess would protect him if he were infected.

While state governors around the country have imposed social distancing measures, backed by the federal health ministry, Bolsonaro has called for an end to the lockdown, and even publicly breached the restrictions himself. During a visit to a clinic outside Brasilia last weekend, he walked into a crowd, took off his mask, and reached out his hand for a supporter to kiss.

“No one will hinder my right to come and go,” he said, shortly after shaking hands with a member of the public. “The virus is out there and we will have to face it, but like men, damn it, not kids.”

On Sunday, Mandetta gave a television interview in which he criticized Bolsonaro’s approach, saying: “Brazilians don’t know whether they should listen to their health minister or to their president.”

Christopher Sabatini, senior research fellow at the Chatham House international affairs think tank, told VICE News that Mandetta’s sacking was “inevitable,” as the tensions between the health minister’s science-led approach and Bolsonaro’s cavalier response became increasingly apparent.

“[Bolsonaro] has shown he has very little tolerance for dissent or criticism,” he said.

Mandetta’s departure had fuelled fears among Brazilians of a disastrous drift further away from a science-led response to the pandemic under Bolsonaro’s leadership, Sabatini said.

“The standard has been set that if you want to keep your job, you’ll either have to keep your mouth shut or parrot unscientific approaches.”

Mandetta’s replacement, Nelson Teich, said there would not be any “sudden changes” in policy, but stressed there is “complete alignment between me and the president.”

Right-wing Senator Major Olimpio predicted, in a video posted on social media, that Teich wouldn’t last long in the role if he continued to advocate for social distancing measures, in line with the prevailing public health opinion.

“Teich has defended social distancing. If he persists in this, he will have serious problems with President Bolsonaro and won’t last 30 days in office, or he will have to tear up his degree and contradict the entire global scientific community,” he said.

While Bolsonaro has claimed his anti-lockdown stance is to protect the country’s working poor, it hasn’t proved popular with ordinary Brazilians. A survey by polling company Datafolha found more than three-quarters rated the performance of the Healthy Ministry under Mandetta as good or great, while just a third gave Bolsonaro the same ratings.

His approach has alarmed state governors from across the political spectrum, and even sparked calls for his impeachment. On Friday, former Brazilian president Lula told The Guardian that impeachment was a possibility if Bolsonaro continued with his irresponsible approach to the pandemic.

“Unfortunately I fear Brazil is going to suffer a great deal because of Bolsonaro’s recklessness,” he said.

“If Bolsonaro continues to commit crimes of responsibility … [and] trying to lead society to the slaughterhouse — which is what he is doing — I think the institutions will need to find a way of sorting Bolsonaro out. And that will mean you’ll need to have an impeachment.”
Kamala Harris: President Trump's Failure to Lead On Coronavirus Has Resulted in ‘Body Bags’

“He’s abandoned the role of the president of the United States.”​

By Liz Landers Apr 17 2020, VICE

Sen. Kamala Harris thinks that President Trump’s failure to respond quickly to the coronavirus has made the crisis worse, causing economic destruction and costing American lives.

"There is no question that that had we a president in charge who actually took their responsibility seriously, that we would probably be looking at a lot less damage than we have incurred," she said in an interview with VICE News. "We watch every day of the number of people infected and the number of people who are dead. We are every day hearing and watching stories about body bags. So, look, the buck stops with the president."

This week the U.S. took the global lead in both confirmed coronavirus cases as well as deaths, surpassing Italy, Spain, and possibly China, though data from China is thought to be unreliable. At the same time, 22 million have claimed unemployment benefits in the past three weeks, and retail sales have plummeted as wide sectors of the economy have shut down.

The California Democrat laid much of the blame at the feet of the president.

“The fact is that he has abandoned his role of leadership and meaning the role of the president of the United States," she said. "He’s abandoned the role of the president of the United States.”

Harris ticked off what she sees as failures of the Trump administration in its response to the pandemic, which has now claimed more than 30,000 lives in the U.S.

“His failure to take this seriously, from the time of calling it a hoax, to getting rid of the Obama administration’s focus through the White House on pandemics, to him trivializing the issue including the importance of social distancing” has made the crisis in the United States worse than it needed to be, she said.

Harris spoke to VICE News through a video conference on Thursday to discuss legislation she has introduced to prioritize funding and tracking of racial health disparities from the pandemic. An Associated Press analysis of communities with racial impact data show that while African Americans made up 21% of the population studied, they accounted for 42% of the deaths to the coronavirus.

Harris, who dropped her own run for the White House earlier this year, is thought to be a potential vice presidential pick for presumed Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

In the interview, she accused the current White House of taking an ideological approach to fighting the virus, rather than using the best science and fact-based analysis..

“The thing about this moment and it also is a source, therefore, of frustration about who this president is and how he has been approaching this issue: this is science. These things just don’t lie. Science is based on empirical data. Science is based on peer review. Science is based on analysis, objective analysis.”
Costco Is Thriving During The Coronavirus Pandemic. Its Workers Say They’ve Paid The Price.

Ben Kothe / BuzzFeed News; Getty Images

Costco has long been beloved by employees, some of whom have worked there for decades. But the retailer’s decision-making during the coronavirus pandemic has tested their loyalty and compromised their health.

 April 17, 2020

The last day Regina Lee was in the office, she was coughing so badly it rattled her whole body. The Costco Travel agent didn’t often work on Saturdays, but she’d picked up an extra shift on March 14 to help field the barrage of calls from customers trying to cancel cruises amid the coronavirus pandemic. Beloved in the office, the 59-year-old rarely missed a day of work in her 20 years at the company. That day, though, her coworkers kept wondering why she was there.

Ten days earlier on March 4, officials in King County, Washington — home to Costco’s headquarters and the initial epicenter of the US outbreak — called on businesses to let their employees work from home during a “critical moment in the growing outbreak.” Major Seattle-area companies like Microsoft and Boeing heeded that warning, shuttering their corporate operations and shifting employees to remote work. Costco did not. That same day, Costco CEO Craig Jelinek emailed thousands of workers at the company’s sprawling corporate campus in Issaquah, Washington, to say that allowing corporate employees to work remotely wouldn’t be fair to the “great number of Costco employees locally and across the country” in its stores who could not. “Our jobs here are to support our retail business, and we’re not prepared at this point to have corporate employees work from home,” he wrote.

“‘We take care of employees.’ Bullshit.”

Throughout her Saturday shift, Lee, who had diabetes, struggled to control her dry, hacking cough while processing refunds for some of the hundreds of customers calling Costco’s 20-year-old travel business. “She should go home,” Lee’s concerned colleagues whispered among themselves as she struggled to catch her breath. A supervisor eventually checked on her, but the agent remained at her desk until the end of her shift at 3 p.m. By Monday morning, she was dead.

Courtesy Raymond Lee
From left: Regina Lee, Willa Lee, and Susie Lee in 2004.

Lee was the first known Costco employee in the US to die of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, after she collapsed at the Everett, Washington, home she shared with her sister, Willa, and their mother, Susie. Two weeks later, they were dead too. The Lees are now three of the more than 31,000 people who have died in the US — and nearly 140,000 people globally — from the novel coronavirus.

With 547 retail warehouses across the US, Costco has become a lifeline for millions of people during the pandemic. However, more than 100 employees and contractors told BuzzFeed News that the $140 billion global retailer placed thousands of workers at its corporate offices and stores at risk through its lack of transparency on confirmed cases, disregard for warnings, and inability to adjust long-standing policies during a critical period. These people, most of whom asked for anonymity for fear of losing their jobs, said Costco left its workers unprotected and uninformed on the front lines of the worst global health crisis of their lifetimes.

“Is business that much more important?” Regina’s brother Raymond Lee told BuzzFeed News. “Shame on Costco. They say, ‘We take care of employees.’ Bullshit.”

Grant Hindsley for BuzzFeed News
Raymond Lee poses for a portrait at his mother and sisters’ home while holding a picture of the three of them, in Everett, Washington, April 10.
“No higher priority than your own well-being”

Costco employees said the company should have seen this coming.

In conversations with BuzzFeed News, both corporate and warehouse workers wondered why Costco management was so slow to enact firm coronavirus protocols at its North American locations, given what the global retail giant had seen in its stores in Asia, where the pandemic first spread.

And that hesitation may have let the virus spread further than it otherwise would have.

According to interviews and internal memos obtained by BuzzFeed News, at least 21 people at Costco’s corporate offices and at least 54 at warehouses across the US have tested positive for COVID-19. According to employees, at least two have died after contracting the disease.

Meanwhile, workers at Costco’s warehouses — what the company calls its stores — said the retailer didn’t do enough to prepare or protect them from thousands of customers who flooded in to stock up on toilet paper, cleaning supplies, and bulk groceries as coronavirus fears ramped up in March. Some employees who spoke to BuzzFeed News said warehouse managers failed to properly inform them of confirmed coronavirus cases among their colleagues and were slow to shut down or professionally sanitize their stores — leaving them and their members at risk.

“Working for Costco during this devastating point of time has become a living nightmare,” a Los Angeles–based warehouse employee told BuzzFeed News, noting that the company’s coronavirus response has disillusioned workers. “They will continue to prioritize the needs of the business over their employees’ well-being, even when we are in a state of emergency. We were never prepared for this.”

"Working for Costco during this devastating point of time has become a living nightmare.”

Costco, its CEO, and members of its leadership team did not respond to repeated requests for comment on a detailed list of questions regarding its response to the coronavirus pandemic. In a March 21 memo obtained by BuzzFeed News, Jelinek suggested he would not be responding to press inquiries. “As we’re dealing with this unprecedented situation we aren’t spending a lot of time engaging with the media and other occasional critics,” he wrote.

While many companies in the US, including Starbucks, Trader Joe’s, and Amazon, were slow to respond, in part because their leaders followed the federal government’s haphazard messaging and response, Costco’s management had plenty of warning. On an earnings call 11 days before Lee died, the company’s chief financial officer touted its response to the spread of the coronavirus in China and South Korea, both countries where it has stores. Costco has also weathered previous health crises, including the 2002–03 SARS outbreak.

In conversations with BuzzFeed News, Costco workers from an array of positions across the US detailed circumstances they deemed irresponsible. Two pregnant women in Texas were so concerned about their working conditions they took extended, unpaid leaves, their manager said. In Ohio, a manager described the “carelessness” of ignoring social distancing protocols by keeping every checkout register open. Employees in Las Vegas wondered why their stores were letting customers mill around and touch nonessential items like clothes and patio furniture. A manager in Michigan said elderly hourly workers were made to sanitize an area of the store where an infected employee had been without being told what and why they were cleaning.
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“I do think Costco has implemented some good practices now, but it just took too long,” the Michigan manager said. “They were reactionary the entire time instead of taking the opportunity to be a leader in the industry.”

Since BuzzFeed News first reported on working conditions at Costco facilities during the outbreak, the company has strengthened its response. More than a week after Lee’s death, it enabled most of its corporate employees to work remotely. It also confirmed it would temporarily boost warehouse pay by $2 an hour, promised to provide masks and gloves, shortened store hours, required plexiglass shields on registers, and limited how many customers were allowed in a store at a time, though some employees say those aren’t being followed. BuzzFeed News obtained an internal memo sent earlier this month that shows that Costco now monitors employees’ temperatures in accordance with federal guidelines. The company has also ramped up its messaging to employees and its CEO has visited multiple warehouses to thank his workers.

Coronavirus In The Workplace: BuzzFeed News looks at how companies and employees are handling the coronavirus pandemic.

Costco Made Corporate Staff Come To The Office. An Employee Died Of COVID-19. The Office Is Still Open.

These Retailers Have Been Staying Open. Employees Say They’re Afraid For Themselves And Others.

They Work Inside Target Stores — With Fewer Coronavirus Protections Than Target Employees.

As More Amazon Employees Contract The Coronavirus, Workers Are Walking Off The Job.
Amazon Said That During The Pandemic, Sales Are Soaring. Workers Say They Feel Unsafe.

“While we should be very proud of serving our communities, at the same time I know Costco employees have personal concerns and anxiety as well,” CEO Craig Jelinek said during a rare company-wide video address on March 30. “So I want to be clear about this: The business of Costco is important, and our communities and coworkers depend on us. But there’s no higher priority than your own well-being and the well-being of your families.”

“We are all expendable.”

For some workers, Jelinek’s message seemed like damage control. Many people worked at Costco for years, citing the company’s health care benefits, retirement plans, and relatively high pay as reasons why it was a good place to work. The company’s delayed and deficient handling of the coronavirus pandemic, however, has dampened those sentiments, making employees feel as if they had to choose between their health and their livelihoods. Without accumulated holiday or sick pay, some employees living paycheck to paycheck said they were told they had to come to work or take unpaid leave — even if they thought they had been exposed to the disease.

“We are all expendable,” said one Costco shift supervisor in Oregon. “Who talks about protecting us? I am not hearing anyone stand up for us.”

Anadolu Agency / Getty Images
An employee gives a wet towel to the customers who arrive to buy supplies at a Costco Warehouse in New Jersey, March 7.

“Everyone is sharing gloves”

Detailing potential risk factors in its 2019 annual earnings report, Costco warned of potential “public health issues” that “could disrupt our operations ... or have an adverse impact on consumer spending and confidence levels." But the coronavirus pandemic, at least in its early weeks, seems to have had the opposite effect.

As people flocked to warehouses to stock up for weeks of self-isolation, Costco’s sales jumped more than $1.6 billion, or 11.7%, in the five weeks leading up to April 5, according to a recent financial report. E-commerce sales were up nearly 50%. Those numbers were “strong,” said CFRA Research analyst Garrett Nelson, who noted that the pandemic was an “opportunity for them to pick up customers” and build upon its membership count of some 100 million cardholders.

Costco had seen crisis-inspired sales booms before. In 2003, as SARS wreaked havoc on Asia, its stores in Taiwan — where it now has 13 locations — not only weathered the storm but thrived. “People would come to Costco to buy food because they trusted it,” Richard Chang, Costco’s senior vice president of Asia, said in a 2018 interview.

So as the coronavirus outbreak gained momentum in China and South Korea, company leaders who’d been through the SARS crisis temporarily closed and cleaned affected locations while implementing strict daily disinfecting and social distancing regimens.

“Our warehouses have overall remained open with only a few total days of closures at a couple of locations in Korea, as well our Shanghai location, [and] there has been some limitations required on the number of people in the facility at a given time,” Costco Chief Financial Officer Richard Galanti said on a March 5 earnings call.

In the US, Costco’s workers aware of the measures taken to protect their foreign colleagues wondered why the same wasn’t being done for them. In private Facebook groups for employees and in interviews with BuzzFeed News, they fumed about the disparity between the precautions taken abroad and what was happening in the US.

“When you look at the Costcos in [South] Korea, they shut down the entire store and cleaned it,” one employee at the company’s Hayward, California, warehouse told BuzzFeed News in mid-March. “We only shut down to control how many people were in the store. There hasn’t been one deep cleaning. The employees there are decked out with masks. [There’s a] commitment to protection.”

“We were having 3,500 people allowed to come in at a time and no masks have been required.”

Meanwhile, as wave after wave of customers clamored for paper towels and pasta at US locations, employees at a number of Costco warehouses said managers floundered amid a lack of clear direction from higher-ups about social distancing and customer limits.

At the store in Culver City, California, on March 13, two days after Gov. Gavin Newsom advised citizens to avoid large crowds, door count sheets provided to BuzzFeed News illustrated the chaos. From 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., employees at the door checked in 4,015 Costco cardholders. The total door count for that day was 10,371 members, which does not account for the fact that multiple people can enter the store on the same membership card.

“We were having 3,500 people allowed to come in at a time and no masks have been required,” a supervisor at that location told BuzzFeed News on March 19. “Everyone is sharing gloves. We’re bringing our own, and if we have enough we give them to each other.”

At one point, as Costco stores racked up banner days, with some regularly exceeding sales of $1 million every 24 hours, employees struggled to buy supplies for their own families. They’d often find that crucial items like baby formula and disinfecting wipes were sold out by the time their shifts ended. Multiple warehouse workers told BuzzFeed News they felt expendable.

“I feel like we weren’t considered and we are like little guinea pigs looking at sales,” said one Culver City warehouse employee, adding that management took nearly a day to tell them about a colleague’s positive COVID-19 test, after cleaners in hazmat suits wiped down the areas where they worked. “The store will manage $600,000 to $1 million on a normal day. The other day we were at $1.4 million.”

At the end of March, Costco mandated that every location let employees shop from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. every Friday, according to internal documents seen by BuzzFeed News.

Provided to BuzzFeed News
A man in a hazmat suit is seen cleaning the Costco location in Norwalk, Connecticut, after Gregory Ulrich's death.
“Business as usual”

Gregory Ulrich had just acclimated to his new warehouse in Norwalk, Connecticut, when he abruptly called in sick around mid-March. His colleagues immediately worried that the manager, an esteemed Costco veteran of nearly 20 years, had contracted the virus. The affable 57-year-old had been “coughing up a storm” for a few days, an employee told BuzzFeed News, explaining that “Norwalk had a huge outbreak, so people were getting a bit on edge.”

On Friday, March 27, Ulrich was rushed to the hospital, a friend told BuzzFeed News. He died the following Monday from complications associated with the novel coronavirus. Alicia Ramnarine, a former Costco colleague, told BuzzFeed News that Ulrich was always cheerful, kind, and “a gentle man in a place full of chaos.” Ulrich’s family declined to comment.

According to two employees, warehouse leaders held two “emergency meetings” addressing the coronavirus panic. At the first, around March 16, management told staff that no one at the store had the virus and that people who spread rumors to the contrary could be fired because of the “severity of the misinformation,” a worker in attendance said. At the second meeting, about a week later, management said they “did not know about his positive results” and that they were going to enact more safety measures. Norwalk, Connecticut, had 17 confirmed COVID-19 cases at the time. That number has since swelled to 747 cases and 32 deaths.

In a note posted in the warehouse break room the day Ulrich died, management called his death “a great loss” and said that the longtime employee would be “profoundly missed.” As the store closed for the night, workers watched as a hazmat crew came in and disinfected the store’s cash registers.

Provided to BuzzFeed News
Gregory Ulrich

The following day, the Norwalk store’s general manager posted a second letter in the break room, saying he did not know Ulrich had the coronavirus because “his doctors did not feel he had it, nor would they test him.” The store leader told staff in bold letters to “DEMAND” to be tested if they were feeling symptoms as “doctors are waiting far too long to test people on their assumption that their patients don’t have it.”

A spokesperson for Greenwich Hospital of the Yale New Haven Health System declined to comment on Ulrich’s case, citing patient privacy laws.

At the time, his Norwalk colleagues had been hearing about coronavirus cases at other warehouses and saw every cough as a potential danger. Two employees who worried Ulrich had the virus feel that management should have been more vigilant in monitoring for early warning signs and done a better job enforcing social distancing rules.

“I remember posts in our employees group page about measures some warehouses were taking, and many of us did wonder what we were waiting for. It was like business as usual,” one employee told BuzzFeed News, adding that his colleagues were “scared” to come into work.

However, another worker there said he was “happy” with the warehouse’s response. Costco did not respond to requests for comment on safety protocols at the Norwalk location.

As of April 6, three other workers have tested positive for COVID-19, according to documents obtained by BuzzFeed News, bringing the Norwalk warehouse’s total case count to at least four.

“His doctors did not feel he had it, nor would they test him.”

The experience of the employees in Norwalk is not unique. At more than a dozen warehouses across the country, workers told BuzzFeed News that management at their locations was often slow to implement safety measures and failed to adequately inform them of new or suspected coronavirus cases among their colleagues. Some workers have taken it upon themselves to tally the cases, using a private, employee-only Facebook group to share information about coworkers who have reportedly contracted or died from COVID-19.

Labor advocates said the federal government’s own dismissiveness of the virus, blundered response, and weak guidelines set the tone for Costco and other major retailers. Protocols from the CDC and FDA offer “very minimal guidance” on how to protect workers and could enable businesses to pressure employees to return to work even if they’re sick, Peter Dooley, senior project coordinator for the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health, told BuzzFeed News, calling essential workers the “most at-risk and the most neglected.”

“The messaging from the top was of total denial for action or precaution, and the shame of it is that we had examples of what had been put in place in other countries,” Dooley said. “The real problem is the deception for people to think that they're not at risk, or in the low-risk category, and now we have grocery workers dying from the virus. If a worker gets sick with the illness it should be a presumption it was work exposure.”

Costco’s corporate leaders have been issuing new temporary operational guidelines for all its US warehouses. On March 27, they told managers that they’re required to provide masks, gloves, and plexiglass screens at checkout stands, sanitize registers every 15 minutes, and limit common contact points like silverware dispensers in break rooms. Some changes are happening, workers said, but many feel it’s too late. In New York, the Westbury warehouse on Long Island has at least eight infected workers, according to company notices provided to BuzzFeed News.

Amanda Rosado, a deli worker at Costco’s Port Chester, New York, location told BuzzFeed News that by this month four of her coworkers had tested positive for COVID-19, a situation she described as “a holy fucking clusterfuck.”

The 31-year-old told BuzzFeed News that during a recent Saturday shift, she noticed that a supervisor overseeing the registers was coughing and had red eyes, but he continued to work without gloves, handling cash that was later touched by dozens of employees. Later, he went home sick. Another colleague she worked with recently in the meat department had tested positive for the coronavirus, according to letters sent by another employee to BuzzFeed News.

And she couldn’t help but wonder: “How many people might have gotten sick because they walked into my warehouse?”

“How many people might have gotten sick because they walked into my warehouse?”

Rosado has worked for Costco since she was 19. Now a single mom with three kids who also cares for a brother with HIV, she said she felt vulnerable because of her managers’ lax approach to safety. She told BuzzFeed News that one person she’s worked closely with in the small deli room has been sick, and that another coworker went home with a terrible cough, only to come back a week later. The warehouse where Rosado works is just 15 minutes away from New Rochelle, New York, an early coronavirus hot spot and containment zone, but it only started giving employees masks at the beginning of April, she said.

Fearful of contracting the virus and bringing it home to her kids and immunocompromised brother, Rosado decided to take a leave of absence, using some of her vacation days to cushion the financial blow. At first, she said she was told she did not “fall under the criteria” to apply for a coronavirus-related break, where employees could request unpaid time off if they’re high-risk, concerned about working, or have symptoms — though she said she’d been in contact with an infected coworker and has chronic asthma.

“I want to do what I feel is right for me and my family,” she said. “Working at Costco is like fighting an invisible enemy with a blindfold and no weapons.” Costco did not respond to requests for comment on the exchange.

Among the most marginalized workers at Costco are its contractors, some of whom were thrown into difficult roles to keep up with demand, from packaging to loading supplies in crowded distribution centers. After Costco shuttered its famous food sample stations in early March, it placed the sample servers, who were employed by a third-party company named Club Demonstration Services, on sanitization teams to keep them on the payroll.

It was a tough spot to be in, several former CDS sample servers told BuzzFeed News. They needed the money — but some of the tasks, including walking the length of warehouses to clean where a potentially sick person had been, were difficult for the workers, many of whom were over 65 and had preexisting health problems. Less than a month later, CDS abruptly fired all 30,000 workers, as BuzzFeed News first reported, without warning or severance. In an announcement, Costco said it would be using its own employees to clean.

Mike Stewart / AP
An employee of Costco sprays a disinfectant on shopping carts in Kennesaw, Georgia, April 3.


Employees out, seasonal workers in

Costco’s response to the coronavirus pandemic varied across its 547 locations in the US. Employees at some warehouses told BuzzFeed News their managers have been proactive, strictly enforcing limits on customers allowed in stores and mandating social distancing in the break rooms.

But for every story of the company’s success, there seems to be another of its failures. In Hayward, California, home to the second-largest Costco warehouse in the Bay Area, employees continue to complain of lax safety measures. Minutes after management announced its fifth COVID-19 case at the end of March, half of one manager’s employees walked off the floor. Most haven’t come back, and the manager told BuzzFeed News he doesn’t blame them. Over the past few weeks, he has logged and photographed what he believes to be at least 10 sanitization and safety failures at the 154,000-square-foot warehouse.

The manager told BuzzFeed News that Costco’s decision to expand open hours at an already overworked store has made things worse. Hayward, which used to open its doors at 10 a.m., now officially opens at 7:30 a.m. and closes at 6:30 p.m. But hours before that, at 3 a.m., it welcomes health care workers and first responders who are unable to shop during normal business hours. At 6 a.m., seniors and Instacart workers can begin shopping. It’s a grueling schedule that makes coronavirus safety protocols tougher to manage.

“We’re not taking care of the community if none of the employees are protected.”

Since the end of March, about 100 of the Hayward store’s 330 employees have taken leave, the manager said, some forgoing pay after exhausting their sick days and paid time off. To supplement the loss of full-time employees, the warehouse, like many others across the US, has hired scores of seasonal hourly workers who require training. These temporary employees said they, too, have become essential parts of the workforce but have remained largely invisible, with no hazard pay or sick time. Some contractors said they were given scant protections for working in crowded environments and handling supplies.

“The aggressiveness is not there. You hear it from [the governor], but it's not trickling down to the businesses and their essential workers,” the manager in California said. “I do like Costco — in dire times we take care of the community — but we're not taking care of the community if none of the employees are protected.”

Grant Hindsley for BuzzFeed News
Costco’s Travel office, where Regina Lee worked before passing from COVID-19, in Issaquah, Washington, April 11.
“Costco … won’t close for anything”
By early February, Regina Lee and her Costco Travel colleagues were already feeling the impact of the coronavirus on their work. As news filtered to the US that hundreds of passengers on the Diamond Princess cruise liner had been quarantined in Japan, customers began flooding the phone lines, asking if they should cancel trips or if there were any deals to be had.

Agents told BuzzFeed News that, at times, more than 850 people would be waiting on lines for up to three hours, overrunning their systems. To manage the volume, some travel employees worked 12-hour shifts, while others came in seven days a week, even as the state of Washington received early signs of what lay ahead.

“Here we are in a very close working environment amid the outbreak, and we’re right up the road from Kirkland, [Washington,] and that retirement home where all the first deaths came from,” one travel employee told BuzzFeed News, referencing Life Care Center, a nursing home that accounted for the nation’s earliest coronavirus cases and fatalities. “I pass it every day on my way to work [and] wondered what happens when it hits here at Costco Travel. It would be like a bomb going off.”

“What happens when it hits here at Costco Travel. It would be like a bomb going off.”

By Friday, March 13, Washington had recorded 694 cases of COVID-19 and more than 100 deaths, the majority of which were in King County. The news deeply unsettled employees at Costco Travel and the company’s corporate offices, who told BuzzFeed News of their mounting anxiety as coworkers developed coughs or flulike symptoms. The risk for contagion was high, they said, pointing to their open floor plans with close-quartered pods, crowded shuttles that ran between parking lots and other buildings, and shared eating areas.

Many employees wanted to work from home but were forbidden from doing so. Some told BuzzFeed News that Costco’s resistance to remote working stemmed from its “old-school” culture, where long-serving executives didn’t understand its merits. Employees said management refused to give them laptops and often cited solidarity with their warehouse colleagues as justification for forbidding remote work. The stores were renowned for staying open in harsh weather, and if warehouse workers could brave snowstorms, management said, so should office employees. If you got snowed in, that counted as a sick day.

“Costco thinks it is the USPS and won't close for anything,” one former employee of 15 years said. “You have to bring your butt into work, despite the conditions.”

As the coronavirus spread across King County, executives stuck to the same logic, sending emails that they were monitoring the outbreak, telling sick employees to stay home, and suggesting that those people who were considered “high-risk” use paid time off. The majority of office workers, though, were expected to come in if they wanted to collect a paycheck, and those without vacation time were left in difficult positions.

Costco did not respond to repeated requests for comment about these policies.

The death of Lee shocked her coworkers. She was a favorite among colleagues, who remembered her smile and knack for leaving chocolates on people’s keyboards. On the Monday she died, Lee’s fellow agents had been answering the onslaught of calls when at around 11:30 a.m., management cut off their phone lines. The office became abruptly, eerily quiet. Then an email arrived in their inboxes.

“I was so mortified that they didn’t close the office when my friend died.”

“As soon as I read her name, I leaped out of my chair,” one agent who sat near Lee for years said. “My headset was still on my head, and I pointed to her nameplate, which was still on her cubicle.”

In announcing her death, Costco Travel Vice President Peter Gruening said Lee died “unexpectedly” and that the company had “no information that this was related to COVID-19.” As a precaution, the company would close the building for a cleaning, he wrote, adding, “As of now, we expect to open tomorrow as usual.”

Shortly after the announcement, supervisors came to the floor and ushered everyone out. Agents remembered checking their phones all night for a message, wondering if they’d be quarantined at home. “The next morning, they said, ‘We are open just as usual,’” a current employee told BuzzFeed News. “There was so much confusion and anxiety. So many people didn’t show up.”

Those who did come back on Tuesday furiously wiped down their desks while wondering aloud if they should have stayed home. Later that afternoon, corporate leadership confirmed in an email that Lee had tested positive for the novel coronavirus, acknowledging that the news “causes a great deal of concern and anxiety among employees.” The building, though, remained open.

Tuesday 3/17/20
To: All Home Office employees
From: Ron Vachris and Peter Gruening
Subj: Important Update on Costco Travel Employee

We are following up on yesterday’s notice about the Costco Travel employee who passed away at home Sunday night. We received confirmation this afternoon that the employee tested positive for COVID-19. In the interests of privacy, we are not disclosing the employee’s name here.

We understand this new causes a great deal of concern and anxiety among employees, particularly those at Costco Travel.

Yesterday and last night, we took the precaution of bringing in a professional cleaning crew to perform a thorough cleaning and sanitation of the Costco Travel building (LP-2). Following the cleaning, the building reopened today. Additional sanitation will continue daily.

“I was so mortified that they didn’t close the office when my friend died,” said one travel employee who has been with the company for more than a decade. “Costco is my family, and I love them — but that really tore it for me right there.”

The morning after Lee’s death, CEO Craig Jelinek said in an email that company leadership was “now encouraging more employees at the Home and Regional office to work remotely.” Later that evening, the retailer posted a message from Jelinek on Facebook addressed to Costco members, noting that it “is firmly committed to the health and safety of our members and employees” and was “complying with public health guidance.” At the time, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee had closed schools and banned gatherings of more than 250 people in certain counties but had yet to issue a stay-at-home order.

According to corporate employees, Costco began disclosing confirmed COVID-19 cases in company-wide emails three days after Lee's death, sometimes sending multiple notes in a day. It kept employees at its corporate offices until March 25 — long after its corporate peers had shuttered theirs and two days after Inslee’s executive order mandating residents stay home. The campus, though, has remained open and some employees have told BuzzFeed News that they’ve seen colleagues and their managers taking conference calls from the offices.

On March 25, Gruening congratulated his team on the shift to working from home. By the end of that workday, Costco corporate had confirmed that at least nine of its employees, including a worker at a campus deli, had tested positive for COVID-19.

“Frankly, it is absolutely amazing that we’ve been able to transition from 100% onsite to a fully functioning remote-work program in under two weeks,” the Costco Travel vice president wrote in an email to staff. “It is a testament to the hard work, quick thinking and resourcefulness of many.”

Wednesday 3/25/20
From: Peter Gruening
Subj: Costco Travel Update - March 25

Please also continue to be patient and understanding as we work through this new world of remote work. We are all navigating this for the first time. Frankly, it is absolutely amazing that we’ve been able to transition from 100% onsite to a fully functioning remote-work program in under two weeks. It is a testament to the hard work, quick thinking and resourcefulness of many. The support, patience and understanding by all has been phenomenal thus far and it is definitely appreciated.

As of April 9, at least 21 corporate and travel employees have tested positive for COVID-19, according to internal emails obtained by BuzzFeed News. Ten of those people work in the travel department, and four of them sit on the same floor as Lee. One of those agents, who was officially diagnosed March 19, had been complaining on Facebook about her high fever and loss of taste two weeks earlier. "This is what happens when people are so afraid and they can’t afford to stay home and they come in,” an employee told BuzzFeed News.

Workers said they’re infuriated and frustrated that their leaders did not enact stronger precautionary measures. Some, like an IT employee who worked in another building down the road from Lee and contracted the virus, wondered what would have happened if management had simply listened.

The first week of March, when the total of coronavirus cases in King County surpassed 70, the IT employee had come down with aches and a fever but couldn’t get tested due to the scarcity of kits. Reading headlines about hospitals rationing masks and infected Washington residents quarantined in motels, the employee sent multiple emails to several leaders notifying them about their coronavirus-like symptoms, expressing fear for the worker's close-quartered colleagues, and asking to work from home. It was going to get bad, the employee warned in emails, and no one was taking it seriously.

In response, this employee said, they were reprimanded for overreacting. It took nearly four days, but they were approved to work from home right before Lee died.

Shortly after, the employee tested positive for COVID-19. Now their entire family is sick too. So far, according to internal emails, eight people who work in the same building have told Costco they have the virus.

“I was sick and trying to shout from the rooftops: ‘This is serious!’” the employee said, voice breaking. “I was sitting there, absolutely helpless.”

Grant Hindsley for BuzzFeed News
Raymond Lee

The Costco family

It’s been nearly a month since the pandemic brought the country to a tumultuous halt, forcing millions of Americans out of work and to stay at home. As the initial panic subsided, so too has the early chaos at Costco’s warehouses. Though stores often see significant lines, the people who work at them are better protected and better compensated. There are fewer shoppers in stores and more masks, and temperature checks.

In certain states, lawmakers have heard and acted upon food service workers’ fears and concerns. Washington state passed new protections on April 13, prohibiting companies from forcing high-risk employees into unsafe conditions or penalizing or firing them for refusing to work in them. The governor’s proclamation came just days after the Trump administration announced that employers do not have to officially document coronavirus cases.

Back in Issaquah, Costco’s corporate employees have settled into their new remote working routines. Travel staffers are still fielding calls, occasionally from people inquiring about deals on cruise packages.

On April 3, agents received a message about Regina Lee. Kathy Robinson, Costco Travel’s associate vice president of operations, sent an email to employees noting that the “rapid transition to work from home did not allow us to fully digest the news of Regina’s passing.” In her note, the executive called the 59-year-old a “quiet and beautiful person” who “always included your name when she walked by and said hi.” She included a link to her obituary page for people to share their thoughts.

They did. Although Lee was soft-spoken, she lit up the office with her giggle, kind gestures, and giant cookie trays. She will be greatly missed, they wrote. They’re in shock that she’s dead.

Raymond Lee is too. He continues to struggle with the idea that most of his immediate family is dead. His sisters, Regina and Willa, were getting ready to retire, he told BuzzFeed News, and they had just paid off the mortgage on the home they shared with their mother.

“I’ve lost a total of two younger sisters and my mother in two weeks,” he said. “The week before, I buried my baby sister. And the following Friday, I buried my mother and my other baby sister.”

Some of his sister’s colleagues have called him to offer condolences. It’s been nice, he said, but it’s not the call he’s been waiting for.

“No one from Costco has made one call to say that they’re sorry for the loss of Regina,” he said. “Isn’t that something? Costco says they treat their employees like family.” ●

A Costco Corporate Employee Died From COVID-19, But Staff Still Need Approval To Work From Home
Brianna Sacks · March 18, 2020
Brianna Sacks · March 19, 2020
Brianna Sacks · March 20, 2020
Brianna Sacks · April 1, 2020

Brianna Sacks is a reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in Los Angeles.

Ryan Mac is a senior tech reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in San Francisco.
A Doctor Who Honed His Skills In Gaza Is 3D-Printing Face Shields In His Basement For Canadian Hospitals

ER doctor Tarek Loubani has printed around 1,000 face shields during the coronavirus crisis, working in his spare time from his basement.

Megha Rajagopalan BuzzFeed News Reporter
Reporting From London Posted on April 17, 2020

Silvio Avila / Getty Images
Doctors wear face shields in the ICU of the Hospital de Clinicas in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

LONDON — Tarek Loubani has spent years 3D-printing simple medical devices with a team of engineers to help patients in the Gaza Strip, one of the toughest places in the world to source medical equipment.

But now the coronavirus pandemic has left hospitals around the world short of the most basic medical supplies, and Loubani, an ER doctor, is printing face shields back home in Canada.

Loubani has so far printed 1,000 face shields in two weeks, working mostly by himself from the basement of his house in London, Ontario.

The 39-year-old describes himself as “one of your friends who was a geek in his basement in high school.”

“I always really enjoyed technology, and I always would look at it and try to imagine what I could do with it,” he said.

If you're someone who is seeing the impact of the coronavirus firsthand, we’d like to hear from you. Reach out to us via one of our tip line channels.

The Glia Project
An employee at the Glia Project wearing a 3D-printed face shield.

Loubani, along with a group of engineers and other doctors, started an organization in 2013 called the Glia Project that 3D-prints medical supplies. He came up with the idea while working in Gaza — a place where hospitals frequently lack basic medical and surgical supplies in part because of an Israeli and Egyptian blockade. (Loubani has worked in the region on and off since 2011.)

Hospitals around the world, including in North America, are currently grappling with shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE), including face shields, which medical personnel depend on during the pandemic. While 3D printing doesn’t represent a scalable solution to the problem, Loubani’s efforts to make face shields — along with other individuals and organizations using 3D printing to address shortages — underscores the desperate need.

The face shields he has made have been sold to a local hospital, and also online to customers in Canada and elsewhere, all for a nominal fee. (His organization is licensed to produce the shields under Canadian regulatory standards.) He produces them in his downtime, when he is not working long shifts at the hospital.

Loubani was working at a hospital in Gaza when he came up against a problem he’d never encountered before: Though the doctors he worked with were highly trained, they simply could not access basic medical equipment. Hospitals would try to order even something as simple as a stethoscope, but found they would take months to arrive, or never show up at all.

“The stethoscope is such a simple piece of equipment,” he said. “But you lose a few pieces and suddenly you have just doubled the cost.” In Gaza, where UN authorities have said the health care system is close to collapse, it was unsustainable.

Lillian Suwanrumpha / Getty Images
A nurse holds a newborn baby wearing a face shield at Praram 9 Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand.

Loubani said hospital officials in Gaza tried offering bribes and even smuggling equipment, but this proved expensive and unreliable.

“We just couldn’t get medical equipment in,” he said. “I learned if you can’t make it, you can’t depend upon it.”

Loubani had bought a 3D printer to tinker with before he first went to Gaza in 2011 to train doctors and practice medicine.

“Open-source 3D printers had just hit the market and they were terrible,” he recalled. “I remember when we started trying to print, it took a lot of time for the tech to catch up with the ideas.”

“I found engineers who were really interested in the work,” he said. “There were a few of us who were into this, and we started working on it.” Some of his collaborators were Palestinian; others were from Canada and Europe.

He wondered if 3D printing — back then a far less sophisticated technology — could help produce stethoscopes and other tools for hospitals in Gaza.

Together they founded the Glia Project, which publishes open-source plans for printing medical hardware. Their goal is to expand access to these tools for everyone in need.

The Glia Project

Loubani sees 3D-printing face shields as a way to contribute to the fight against COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.

3D printing isn’t a catchall solution. Martin Culpepper, a professor of mechanical engineering at MIT, pointed out in a recent interview that masks and face shields would have to be made from materials that are compatible with sterilization techniques and the medical devices that hospitals use, meaning that the person making the items would need a degree of expertise or medical contacts.
“The sheer volume of the need is another reason we are discouraging the use of 3D printing to produce PPE on MIT’s campus,” said Culpepper. “Some hospitals need thousands of pieces of PPE each day, 3D printing just cannot keep up with that demand.”

But 3D printing has already saved lives in the fight against the coronavirus. When a hospital in Italy ran out of respirator valves needed to connect patients to breathing machines, a company stepped in and printed 100 of them within 24 hours.

Loubani said 3D printing is too slow and energy-intensive to be good for mass manufacturing face shields. But he said that it could fill in holes where big manufacturers have lagged.

“People with 3D printers can fill this immediate change in need and lack of supply until the big boys and girls can retool and start the supply.”


These Nurses Were Suspended For Refusing To Work With Coronavirus Patients Without N95 Masks 
Emmanuel Felton · April 16, 2020
Hannah Al-Othman · April 16, 2020

Megha Rajagopalan is a world correspondent for BuzzFeed News and is based in the Middle East.