Monday, April 20, 2020

Amazon reportedly tried to shut down a virtual event for workers to speak out about the company's coronavirus response by deleting employees' calendar invites

Tyler Sonnemaker Business Insider•April 20, 2020

Amazon attempted to shut down a virtual event where workers spoke out about warehouse conditions by deleting employees' calendar invites to the event, according to The Seattle Times.

Two organizers of the event, which took place Thursday, were fired by Amazon last week after publicly criticizing the company's coronavirus response.

Amazon has now fired five workers since the pandemic began who were involved in protests or criticized the company's treatment of workers.

A spokesperson told Business Insider that Amazon supports employees' right to criticize working conditions, "but that does not come with blanket immunity against any and all internal policies."

Amazon attempted to shut down a virtual event where workers spoke out about working conditions at the company's warehouses by deleting employees' calendar invites, organizers told The Seattle Times.

Emily Cunningham and Maren Costa, two of the event's organizers who were fired by Amazon last week after publicly criticizing its coronavirus response, told The Seattle Times that the company deleted the invites from its internal calendar, though several hundred employees had already seen and accepted it.

"Amazon has shown they will not allow us to share details for how to join the meeting internally, so we are forced to gather externally," Amazon Employees for Climate Justice, the group behind the event, wrote in a Google form announcing the event.

"We want to tell Amazon that we are sick of all this – sick of the firings, sick of the silencing, sick of pollution, sick of racism, and sick of the climate crisis," Costa said Thursday during the event, which was attended by around 400 Amazon employees, according to Computer Weekly.

Amazon refused to comment on claims by Cunningham and Costa that it deleted calendar invites, but said in a statement to Business Insider: "We support every employee's right to criticize their employer's working conditions, but that does not come with blanket immunity against any and all internal policies. We terminated these employees for repeatedly violating internal policies."

The company has come under fire in recent weeks from workers who say Amazon hasn't done enough to protect them from COVID-19, with people testing positive for the disease in at least 74 of the company's facilities.

An Amazon spokesperson told Business Insider it has implemented a variety of safety measures, such as additional cleaning, social distancing measures, and temperature checks. The company also announced earlier in April that it's building its own lab to begin testing a small number of employees for the coronavirus.

However, workers have said those don't go far enough, citing everything from conditions that make social distancing impossible to the company's limited paid sick leave policies, and have organized strikes in New York, Chicago, and Italy in addition to Thursday's virtual event, where employees called for a "sick out" on April 24.

Amazon has also faced scrutiny from lawmakers over its response to its workers speaking out. In at least four cases since the pandemic began, the company fired workers almost immediately after their involvement in organizing protests. A fifth told The New York Times he was terminated after giving the company notice that he would be resigning because he objected to the company's treatment of warehouse workers.

After Amazon fired warehouse worker Christian Smalls the same day he organized a walkout, New York City's human-rights commissioner opened an investigation into the termination. Later that week, a leaked memo obtained by Vice showed Amazon executives discussing efforts to mount a PR campaign against Smalls, calling him "not smart or articulate." Following news of the memo, Amazon told employees it may fire those who "intentionally violate" social distancing rules at work.

Amazon has been trying to balance the safety of its workers with increased demand for its services as coronavirus lockdowns worldwide fuel a surge in online shopping. The company said last week it will add 75,000 more jobs on top of the 100,000 roles it added last month, which it said are now filled.

She's a doctor on the front lines of the coronavirus. At home, she has no running water.

Chiara Sottile and Erik Ortiz,NBC News•April 19, 2020

Every third day, someone from Dr. Michelle Tom's family navigates their pickup truck 14 miles over the pothole-pocked dirt roads of the Navajo Nation to a community center. There, for about $95 a week, her family fills their water tank and hauls it back home to the double-wide trailer she shares with seven relatives in northeastern Arizona.

Or at least that's how Tom was getting water before she had to cut off physical contact with her family because of the coronavirus pandemic that has raged across tribal communities. For now, she is living with a co-worker to maintain her distance and prevent spread.

Full coverage of the coronavirus outbreak

"I haven't hugged anyone in weeks," said Tom, who spends her days treating COVID-19 patients at the Winslow Indian Health Care Center urgent care facility in Winslow, Arizona, as well as on the Navajo reservation.

IMAGE: Dr. Michelle Tom (Courtesy Dr. Michelle Tom)

Tom is one of the few doctors in her Navajo community on the front lines of the pandemic, and she has taken every precaution to try to stay healthy, including buying her own protective suit, goggles and face shield. But long before the virus started threatening her people, she was already facing a different sort of crisis: limited access to running water, a severely understaffed and underfunded health care system and underlying health conditions among her patients.

Now, a month after the tribe's first confirmed case of the coronavirus, the Navajo Nation, which stretches across parts of Arizona, New Mexico and Utah, has reached a grim milestone. At least 1,197 Navajo residents have tested positive for the coronavirus, while 44 have died, officials said.

With a steady increase in cases, people on the Navajo Nation are testing positive for the coronavirus at a rate more than nine times higher than people in the entire state of Arizona, based on reported cases and 2010 census data.

The coronavirus is exposing underlying fractures in the infrastructure of Indian Country, including health care and basic needs, like water, that have long been underfunded and, some say, ignored by the federal government.

For more on the Navajo Nation, watch "TODAY" on Monday morning.

"You're saying 20 seconds of wash your hands with water," Tom said recently. "We have to haul our water. ... We do not have plumbing. And that's how I grew up."

An estimated 30 percent of homes on the Navajo reservation, which has roughly 175,000 residents, don't have access to clean, reliable drinking water and have to haul it from local utilities, according to the Navajo Nation Department of Water Resources.

"There are times when it is closed for three days," Tom said.

When that happens, her family has to make another trip on another day. That is no small task, as the Navajo Nation is under curfew orders to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

"I feel fortunate that my family can do that," Tom said. "There are some families who don't have a water truck."
IMAGE: Public tap in Thoreau, N.M. (Spencer Platt / Getty Images)

Tom, who practices family medicine, says that even without the strain of the pandemic, she doesn't have the resources she needs to provide adequate medical care and has access to only two ventilators.

"We cater to 17,000 Navajo, and people come from Apache, Hopi, as far as three hours away," Tom said. "Our resources are limited. Rural medicine is hard enough. We've always been short-staffed in general."

As stipulated in treaties with Indian tribes, the U.S. government has an obligation to provide health care to all Native Americans.

"Because of the land that the tribes ceded to the United States, the United States has a trust responsibility to Indian tribes, and health care is one of those," said Rep. Deb Haaland, D-N.M., who fought to include Native American tribes in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, a $2 trillion stimulus package passed in March.

The legislation provides $8 billion for Native American and Alaska Native tribes, although the National Congress of American Indians, a public education and advocacy group, estimated that tribes would need $20 billion. Initially, Haaland said, the White House allocated no direct relief for tribes.

Despite the United States' obligation, a 2018 report by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights found that health care spending per person by the Indian Health Service was $3,332 — only a little over one-third of federal health care spending per person nationwide.

"The scarcity of the things that a lot of people take for granted, like water and electricity, is a true struggle for many, many people here," said Dr. Jarred McAteer, who practices internal medicine at Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation in Arizona.

McAteer said his hospital has been running at capacity for weeks and has had to repurpose parts of the facility to care for coronavirus patients, many from the Navajo Nation.

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"It's really hard to follow [the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's] recommendations of washing your hands if access to water is a challenge and that water is supposed to be used for drinking, for cooking, for livestock," McAteer said, noting that many Navajo families would typically have to reuse water in a wash basin at home.

Tom and McAteer agree that the lack of infrastructure — from water to electricity to paved roads — coupled with high incidences of underlying health conditions are partly why Indian Country is being hit so hard by the coronavirus.

Moreover, Native Americans require treatment for alcohol and drug use at a rate almost twice the national average, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Last week, after a request from the Navajo Nation government, New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham suspended alcohol sales at gas stations, convenience stores and grocery stores near the reservation to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. (Even before the pandemic, alcohol sales were banned on the Navajo Nation itself.)

Navajo officials have been inundated with calls and emails from concerned family members who say their loved ones who battle alcoholism have been drinking during the pandemic, sharing bottles and not practicing social distancing, Navajo Nation Vice President Myron Lizer said in a statement.

It's a struggle Navajo tribe member Allie Young, 30, knows all too well.

After her younger brother died by suicide 11 years ago, her older brother started drinking and now suffers from alcoholism, she said.

"We're constantly on the phone with my brother and uncles who struggle with alcoholism and about why they have to stay away," said Young, standing beside her grandfather's horse pasture. "They have to think about the elders."

Young, who had left the Southwest for Los Angeles to work in the film and entertainment industry, returned home to her family when the coronavirus outbreak worsened. She started a Facebook group called "Protect the Sacred," hosting livestreams and leveraging her network of celebrities, such as actors Paul Rudd and Mark Ruffalo, to share recommendations for staying safe at home and away from tribal elders.

"They carry a lot of the knowledge and ceremonies that we, the young people, are still learning," Young said with her hand on her heart, adding, "Our cultures are in jeopardy right now if we lose our elders."

A big shout out to these amazing Navajo Youth, putting a great spin to the #DontRushChallenge 💚
— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) April 7, 2020

Growing up, Young spent her summers at her grandparents' home on the reservation in Arizona, where there was no running water or electricity.

Like many Navajo families, many of Young's relatives live together in a multigenerational home, which makes elders even more vulnerable during the pandemic as people are told to shelter in place and practice social distancing.

"When you have family members struggling with alcoholism and then they come home to a packed household, and then you go to a health facility that doesn't have enough resources, [personal protective equipment] or ventilators to help," Young said, "it's just a recipe for disaster."

Nurses protest coronavirus working conditions, say hospitals aren't protecting them
Janelle Griffith,NBC News•April 20, 2020

A nurse at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles said she was sent home after refusing to wear a surgical mask instead of a protective respirator to treat COVID-19 patients — and that she was denied a coronavirus test even after she began displaying symptoms.

A nurse at a hospital in Kentucky said she was reprimanded for insubordination and reassigned for refusing to treat COVID-19 patients when the hospital would not supply her with an N95 mask.

A nurse in New Jersey said he was fired after speaking out publicly about the lack of proper protective gear during the pandemic.

All three nurses said they believe they are being persecuted for simply trying to protect themselves and others, and some experts agree.

"I think it's important to speak up if you see inadequate conditions for patients or yourself," said Arthur Caplan, head of the division of medical ethics at the New York University Grossman School of Medicine. "I think we would expect people to do almost as whistleblowers and get protected — not punished."

The nurses in Los Angeles and Kentucky both said they spoke directly to managers, not publicly on social media, but were reprimanded for raising concerns. Caplan said that was simply "absurd."

"It's even more ridiculous if you're going up the chain of command," he said. "We expect people in health care to take some risk. And the reason is it's in their codes of ethics. Medicine and nursing say, 'Put the patient first, not your own interest,'" he said, referring specifically to the American Nurses Association code of ethics. "That's where it comes from. It's not legal. It's ethical.

"So if I say, 'I'm not going to work here unless you give me an N95 mask and an adequate gown and gloves, you can't make me go in there,' I think you're right," Caplan said. "You cannot be forced to take very dangerous risks."
Image: Nurses at UCI Medical Center protest the lack of personal protective equipment available in Orange, Calif., on April 3, 2020. (Chris Carlson / AP file)

'I don't have a choice. Otherwise I won't have any income.'

In a phone interview with her attorney on the line, the nurse in Kentucky, who requested anonymity out of fear of retribution, said she has asthma and needs the protection of an N95 mask, which provides a higher level of protection than a surgical mask and has been in short supply. At the start of a shift in late March, she said, she was reprimanded for not wanting to go into a COVID-19 patient's room at Norton Women's and Children's Hospital in Louisville without an N95 mask.

"My reprimand was insubordination for not following policy," she said. "They sent me home on the spot."

Less than a week before, she said, N95 masks were in abundance on a supply cart with other personal protective equipment, or PPE, that she and her colleagues wore while treating patients battling COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.

But the hospital's policy now reserves N95 masks for certain procedures in which the virus could be airborne, such as a respiratory treatment.

Kate Eller, a spokeswoman for Norton Healthcare, denied that the nurse was subjected to any disciplinary action, saying, "We found her a position that meets her needs."

The new position she has undertaken does not involve caring for patients, however, which the nurse said has left her feeling hopeless.

"I don't have a choice. Otherwise I won't have any income," she said. Her attorney said his client was told that "if she doesn't report to this job, they will assume this is a voluntary resignation." She has not taken any formal legal action.

Norton Healthcare said it is operating under the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"Since the beginning of this pandemic, we have followed CDC guidelines regarding the use of PPE," Eller said.

The nurse is welcome to return to a clinical position, Eller said, "as long as she agrees to wear the right mask for the right task per CDC guidelines, which is not always an N95 mask."
Image: Nurses and health care workers protest outside of Jacboi Medical Center in the Bronx, N.Y., on April 17, 2020. (Angela Weiss / AFP - Getty Images)

'The CDC policy is built on shortage. It's not built on proven evidence.'
The CDC's guidance is a large part of the problem, nurses and experts say.

"We know that the CDC policy is built on shortage. It's not built on proven evidence," said Caplan, who has built a career advising doctors on moral issues. "Reusing things, it's a policy that is trying to adapt to the reality of shortage. And so, to say you have to follow CDC guidelines isn't enough in a pandemic."

Caplan said that Washington and the CDC are partly to blame for inadequate numbers of tests and amounts of equipment and that he can understand why some health care workers "would be leery of trusting messages about protective gear that come from Washington."

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, chairman of the Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy at the University of Pennsylvania, said, "It's not like management has control of all the variables."

"So I think it's important to recognize that, too," Emanuel said. "You know, if you're a good manager, you say to people: 'Look, here's my situation. How are we going to handle this together?'"

Sometimes CDC guidelines aren't even met, N.J. nurse says

Adam Witt was fired from Jersey Shore University Medical Center after he said it did not have proper protective gear in a public post on his Facebook page. New Jersey has the second-highest number of coronavirus cases, behind New York.

"The CDC has continued to water down the standards of what is appropriate protection to meet supplies versus supporting the science," the post said. "Sometimes we don't even meet their reduced standards."

Witt, president of the local nurses' union, said his problems began when he learned that a nurse at the hospital had been disciplined for raising concerns about coronavirus exposure in a post in a private Facebook group. Witt said he told his manager last month that he would be taking a day off to defend the nurse at a disciplinary hearing, a customary responsibility for a union leader. "I've used a union day numerous times for exactly this type of scenario without issue in the past," Witt told NBC News.

A week later, on March 31, the hospital said he was being suspended because he took an unauthorized day off. Witt was fired after a disciplinary hearing April 6.

The hospital, where he worked in the emergency department, said he was terminated because he abandoned his shift on March 24, "not for the 'reasons' now being suggested by him or his surrogates."

"At all times — but especially during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis — his first responsibility should have been to the JSUMC patients," said Mary Jo Layton, a spokeswoman for Hackensack Meridian Health, which operates the facility. Layton said Witt gave less than 24 hours' notice when he requested off "for what amounted to a 35-minute telephone conference call."

"Under these circumstances, Adam's refusal to comply with his leaders' instructions and his refusal to report to work disregarded his responsibility to his patients," Layton said. "As a direct result, his fellow nurses and other dedicated health care workers had to shoulder an additional burden in an extremely challenging situation."

Witt said he told his managers verbally and via email that he was using a "union day" and was never denied. "They did not respond to my email, nor did they call or text me on the day they alleged I didn't show up," he said. The hospital said that Witt was advised that his request was denied because of the surge of pandemic patients in the emergency department and that he was directed to report to work as scheduled.

He is appealing his firing.

Nurses being told not to wear masks to avoid 'paranoia'

The nurse at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, who asked not to be named for fear of having her nursing license revoked, said that after she raised concerns with her bosses about potential COVID-19 exposure from patients she had treated, she asked whether she should wear an N95 mask in the hospital.

She said she was instructed not to, "as it could cause paranoia," and was told to keep the supply shortage in mind. She said that in a follow-up conversation with her managers in which she questioned whether doctors were being given priority over nurses in the distribution of protective respirators, she received a similar response as the nurse in Kentucky, who was referred to CDC guidance. When she expressed discontent with having to wear a surgical mask to treat COVID-19 patients, a protocol that has been authorized by the CDC but that has come under scrutiny, she said, she was sent home.

The nurse also said she was denied a COVID-19 test this month even after she began exhibiting symptoms.

She said: "I asked my administrator if I could get a test. And she said: 'What would change? If you got a test, how would your behavior change?' And I said, 'Well, it wouldn't, really.'" The nurse had already been self-isolating outside work.

She said her administrator responded: "'So all it would change is, if you were positive, it would prevent you from coming in to work? At this point, we presume all the nurses are positive.'"

Cedars-Sinai had also sent nurses guidance on extended use and reuse of N95 masks. In an email dated April 15, provided to NBC News by the nurse, Cedars-Sinai acknowledged that while the "reuse and extended use of PPE is a departure from previous infection control guidance," the process is safe if done properly and "has been endorsed by the CDC" and other health agencies. The email noted that the safety of health care providers was the "top priority."

But, as Caplan said, the CDC's policy is not necessarily built on proven evidence.

The CDC's website notes that "there is no way of determining the maximum possible number of safe reuses for an N95 respirator as a generic number to be applied in all cases." It says safe reuse is "affected by a number of variables."

The website also acknowledges that risks may be involved with the extended use and reuse of respirator masks.

"Although extended use and reuse of respirators have the potential benefit of conserving limited supplies of disposable N95 respirators, concerns about these practices have been raised," the website says.

Sally Stewart, a spokeswoman for Cedars-Sinai, said April 10 it is following current national and state guidelines, which "call for N95 masks to be used only in aerosol-generating procedures," such as CPR and intubation.

"We offer the same standard of protection for doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, environmental health personnel, chaplains and other staff who work in patient areas," Stewart said.

In a statement April 17, a spokesman said the hospital currently has an adequate supply of N95 masks to make them available for staff when caring for suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients. "To ensure that we maintain supplies amid a potential surge of patients in the weeks ahead, we are collecting N95 masks for reprocessing," the spokesman said. "However, we are not distributing reprocessed masks at this time."

The role of management and of administrators is to protect a very stressed, heroic, sometimes burnt-out workforce, Caplan said.

"If people want nurses and doctors ... and first responders to be heroic, then you've got to cut them some slack," he said.

"Remember, the CDC guideline is minimal, not the most. Can we pull this boat with the oars going in the same direction, or are we really going to have labor standoffs in the middle of a plague?"
Image: Nurses protest in Santa Monica, Calif. (California Nurses Association / National Nurses United)
Concerns could push nurses to unionize as protests erupt

Nurses across the country have already begun organizing protests.

Nurses at DMC Sinai-Grace Hospital in Detroit staged an hourslong sit-in at the hospital this month. Salah Hadwan, a registered nurse in the emergency department at Sinai-Grace, posted a Facebook Live video on April 5 shortly before midnight. Hadwan said the nurses were eventually asked to leave. "We basically were told to leave because we refuse to accept unsafe patient loads," Hadwan said in the video.

Brian Taylor, a spokesman for the Detroit Medical Center, acknowledged in a statement that this is "a very challenging time for caregivers."

"Our doctors and nurses continue to demonstrate their commitment and dedication to our patients," he said. "We are disappointed that one evening earlier this month a very small number of nurses at Sinai Grace Hospital staged a work stoppage in the hospital refusing to care for patients. Despite this, our patients continued to receive the care they needed as other dedicated nurses stepped in to provide care."

And in California, nurses at Providence St. John's Health Center in Santa Monica held a rally Friday to protest management's putting 10 nurses on paid leave for refusing to treat COVID-19 patients without what they consider proper protective gear.

Since April 9, the hospital has suspended 10 nurses, according to the California Nurses Association, a statewide union that represents them. Hospital management announced last week that it had changed the policy and that health care workers throughout the Providence system will be issued N95 masks to wear when treating confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients, the union said. Eight St. John's nurses have tested positive for the coronavirus, including two who worked in the hospital's COVID-19 unit, according to the union. The hospital did not return requests for comment.

Caplan predicted that as more friction arises between the workforce and management, one of the fallouts is likely to be more unionization of doctors and nurses.

"If you make people feel like they're censored or being pushed around for expressing concern, you are driving them to unionize to protect themselves," he said. "And I don't think that's what management really wants."

Nurses union sues New York state, claims 'grossly inadequate' coronavirus protections

David K. Li, NBC News•April 20, 2020

A union representing New York nurses filed multiple lawsuits on Monday, accusing the state and two hospitals of allegedly "compromising the health and safety of" members fighting the coronavirus pandemic.

The New York State Nurses Association launched state civil complaints against the New York State Department of Health and Westchester Medical Center and a federal lawsuit against Montefiore Medical Center.

Nurse Pat Kane, the union's executive director, said 70 percent of her members are exposed to coronavirus and most "are still untested."

In addition to more testing, the union is demanding that nurses be better equipped with enough protective N95 masks as they treat patients with COVID-19, the disease associated with coronavirus.

"These lawsuits were filed to protect our nurses, our patients and our communities from grossly inadequate and negligent protections,” Kane said in a statement. “We cannot allow these dangerous practices to continue.”

The union represents 3,000 nurses at Montefiore and 1,600 more at Westchester.

Jonah Bruno, director of communications for the state health department, declined comment on the lawsuit but thanked nurses for all of their efforts.

"We are deeply grateful for the ongoing efforts of New York’s health care workers to reduce the spread of COVID-19 by testing people who may be infected and treating those who are most in need," said Bruno.

Meanwhile, a Westchester Medical Center spokesman insisted his hospital is properly caring for staff and patients.

"While we cannot comment on pending litigation, we know, and our care providers know, that the allegations in NYSNA’s lawsuit are wrong," according to a statement by the hospital. "NYSNA’s lawsuit is irresponsible and a distraction from this work, and a disservice to all who are valiantly caring for these patients every day."

Montefiore Medical Center released a statement saying the union's leadership "has chosen to attack a system, and the commitment of thousands of their colleagues, who have followed the Governor’s emergency orders and are selflessly doing all they can to fight COVID-19 and save lives."

Coronavirus: Disney stops paying 100,000 workers during crisis

Edmund Heaphy Finance and news reporter,Yahoo Finance UK•April 20, 2020

Disney (DIS) will this week stop paying 100,000 employees, almost half of its global workforce, as it seeks to weather the economic storm created by the coronavirus pandemic.

The move by the world’s largest entertainment company will save as much as $500m (£400m) in salary costs, according to the Financial Times.

While staff placed on unpaid leave will receive full healthcare benefits, those based in the US have been encouraged to apply for government benefits.
The move comes as more than 20 million Americans have filed for unemployment benefits since the coronavirus crisis began.

Staff based in Paris will be placed on France's “partial activity scheme,” which allows companies to furlough workers and covers up to 84% of salary costs

The company’s revenue-driving theme parks, including Disneyland Paris, have been closed for several weeks.

Last year, Disney made almost $7bn from its parks, experiences, and associated products business, accounting for nearly half of its operating profits.

Earlier this month, Disney said that it would furlough tens of thousands of workers, pointing to widespread shutdowns across the world.

“The COVID-19 pandemic is having a devastating impact on our world with untold suffering and loss, and has required all of us to make sacrifices,” the company said in a statement.

“Over the last few weeks, mandatory decrees from government officials have shut down a majority of our businesses.”

By the end of last month, Disney had raised more $20bn in fresh cash through debt raises and the signing of new credit facilities with lenders.

The company still expects to pay a dividend of $1.5bn to shareholders in July, and has thus far protected its executive bonus scheme, according to the Financial Times.

But Bob Iger, the company’s executive chairman, and Bob Chapek, its chief executive, last month announced they would take a 50% pay cut.

Iger, who had planned to retire from the company last year, made almost $48m from Disney last year, making him one of the highest-paid bosses in the entertainment industry.

On Jan. 7th, 1942, a month after the Pearl Harbor Attacks, the owner of Sun Rubber Company, T.W. Smith Jr, along with his assistant, Dietrich Rempel, presented the sketch of the Mickey Mouse gas mask to the Chief of Chemical Warfare Service, Major General William N. Porter, and was approved. The mask was made for children and was given the look of the famous Mickey Mouse to reduce children's fear of wearing a gas mask. Walt Disney himself was very fond of the idea and approved of the production of the gas mask.

Sun Rubber Company went to produce a little over 1,000 of the Mickey Mouse gas masks, and was given the Army-Navy "E" for excellence in 1944.

No chemical attack was laid onto the United States, and the desire for the Mickey Mouse gas mask vanished. The gas masks were handed to senior officials and others as mere keepsakes.

The gas mask features what appears to be 6-point head harness, two small glass eye lenses, a large filter with a thread smaller than 40mm, and an exhale valve/voicemitter, with a bright red guard over it. The face piece appears to be made of rubber. On top of the two temple straps, it is very apparent that the mask features "Mickey Mouse" ears.

Now, today in the market, the Disney Mickey Mouse gas mask is without a doubt, the rarest and most-wanted gas mask to American collectors. Very few of them are still around. The US Army Chemical Museum in Fort McClellan, Alabama has a hand-made prototype of the mask on display. The 45th Infantry Division Museum in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma has a finalised version of the Mickey Mouse mask, the Walt Disney Archives in Burbank, California has an unfinished face piece of the mask, featuring no eye lenses, no exhale valve, no voicemitter, and no filter. It is rumoured a woman with a huge Mickey Mouse collection in Japan has one.

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 Added by Firebirdjp Posted in Disney Mickey Mouse Gas Mask
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Coronavirus: Counterprotesters in scrubs block Denver lockdown protest
Health care workers stand in the street in counter-protest to hundreds of people who gathered at the State Capitol to demand the stay-at-home order be lifted in Denver, Colo., on Sunday, April 19, 2020. Photos by Alyson McClaran 

People in health care garb  blocked a parade of protesters who gathered outside of Colorado’s Capitol on Sunday against the state’s stay-at-home orders to combat the spread of the coronavirus.
Viral photos showed the counterprotesters in teal scrubs and matching masks with crossed arms standing in front of motorists lined up for several blocks on an avenue leading to the Capitol building.
The photographs were taken by photojournalist Alyson McClaran and posted on Facebook.
Horn-honking motorists lined up for several blocks on an avenue leading to the Capitol building, then circled it as pedestrians, some not wearing masks, congregated closely outside the building. Many waved American flags and held signs that read “End the Virus, Not the Economy” and “We need stability to stay healthy,” The Denver Post reported.
Other signs expressed support for President Donald Trump, who has called for a rapid economic reopening, and against Gov. Jared Polis, whose orders shuttered thousands of "nonessential businesses." Police officers wearing masks and gloves kept tabs on the protest.
At least 422 people have died in Colorado and 9,730 have tested positive for the coronavirus, according to the state health department.
Denver’s protesters joined others in the West, including Utah, Idaho and Washington state, in staging rallies demanding immediate action to reopen states for business. Eastern states begin to join the movement as thousands of protesters in Pennsylvania promise to show up in Harrisburg on Monday.
While residents protest their states’ decision to retain stay-at-home orders, other states have started gradually reopening while others are outlining plans to do so.
On Friday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis gave some municipalities the green light to reopen beaches with restricted hours. In Jacksonville, social media showed people enthusiastically flocking to beaches as they reopened.
Texas, Vermont and Ohio are among those who are taking steps toward a gradual opening as President Donald Trump pushes to relax the U.S. lockdown by May 1.
Several states announced plans to coordinate their response with neighbors including California, Washington and Oregon; and New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware and Rhode Island.
Contributing: Joel Shannon, USA TODAY; Associated Press. Follow Adrianna Rodriguez on Twitter: @AdriannaUSAT.
This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Coronavirus: Counterprotesters in scrubs block Denver lockdown protest
 OIL DROPS TO -$37.63 





Oil crashes 305% to -$36.73 a barrel

Jonathan Garber,
Fox Business•April 20, 2020
U.S. oil futures trade negative for first time in history

And as we see it flirt with the negative territory, 

U.S. oil prices plummeted in historic fashion Monday, crashing below zero as traders unloaded positions ahead of the May contract's Tuesday expiration.

West Texas Intermediate crude oil futures for May delivery cratered by 305 percent to -$36.73 a barrel. At a price below zero, buyers would be paid to take delivery as there are costs associated with transportation and storage. The selling had WTI on track to close at its lowest level since recordkeeping began in March 1983, according to Dow Jones Market Data.

The June contract was trading lower by 18 percent at $20.43 a barrel.

The May contract is a “horror show” and “heading into the worst delivery situation in history,” Phil Flynn, senior market analyst at Price Group Futures, told FOX Business. “With demand still dead and OPEC+ cuts not hitting fast enough, the market looks like it has no bottom.”

Demand for crude oil is projected to fall by 29 million barrels per day this month, according to the International Energy Administration, as COVID-19 has forced countries around the world to issue “stay-at-home” orders to slow the spread of the disease. Lower economic activity means weaker demand for crude oil and its byproducts, including gasoline and jet fuel.

The sharp drop in demand has storage tanks in Cushing, Oklahoma, a key U.S. oil hub, filling up at an astounding rate. Inventories have ballooned by 48 percent to about 55 million barrels, according to a recent report from the Energy Information Administration. Capacity at the hub is about 76 million barrels, according to the EIA.

Oil supplies were swelling even before Saudi Arabia launched a price war against Russia on March 8 after the latter refused to join OPEC in slashing production, causing oil prices to post their largest single-day drop on record.

After more than a month of pumping out oil at elevated production levels, the world’s largest producers agreed on April 12 to historic cuts that will reduce output by 20 million barrels per day beginning May 1.

However, the production deal still won’t be able to offset the big drop in demand.

“To prevent inventories reaching capacity limits, lower prices are needed to trigger further production shut-ins in North and South America,” wrote the chief investment office of the global wealth management arm of Zurich-based investment bank UBS.

WTI has lost 82 percent of its value this year.

Yahoo News/YouGov coronavirus poll: Most Americans reject anti-lockdown protests... because they are rational critical thinkers

Andrew Romano West Coast Correspondent Yahoo News April 20, 2020

An overwhelming majority of Americans, Republicans included, are rejecting right-wing protests — encouraged by President Trump — to immediately “reopen” the country in the midst of the world’s largest and deadliest coronavirus outbreak, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

The survey, conducted April 17 to April 19, found that a full 60 percent of the public opposes the largely pro-Trump protesters whose calls for governors to “liberate” their states by lifting lockdown measures have attracted intense media attention in recent days — and whose message the president amplified Friday in a series of all-caps “LIBERATE” tweets about three swing states: Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia.

Only 22 percent of Americans say they support the protesters. Despite Trump’s messaging, even Republicans oppose the protests 47 percent to 36 percent. Asked whether they agree or disagree with Trump’s “LIBERATE” tweets, only a quarter of Americans say they agree.

The total number of protesters may be small. But the public’s dismissive attitude toward them reflects a deeper sentiment: Americans strongly disagree with those who claim the country is ready to reopen for business.

The margins aren’t close. Seventy-one percent of Americans — and 56 percent of Republicans — say they are more concerned about lifting the coronavirus restrictions too quickly than lifting them too slowly. Only 29 percent of Americans say the opposite. The same number (71 percent) say they want public health officials “to be fully able to test and trace new cases and outbreaks” before reopening; only 29 percent say they want the country to reopen “as soon as possible to prevent further economic damage.” And more than twice as many Americans say the U.S. is not conducting enough coronavirus testing to track future outbreaks of the virus (52 percent) than say it is (22 percent).

As a result, a mere 13 percent of Americans think their own community will be ready to reopen by May 1, the date Trump has been pushing for weeks. Only 7 percent say the U.S. as a whole will be ready to reopen by then. Eighty-one percent of all adults (and 74 percent of Republicans) believe that the virus will be a “serious problem” for them and their community for two months or more, and three-quarters of Americans (77 percent) say the entire country will not be ready to reopen until at least June. Nearly half (48 percent) say the U.S. will not be ready to reopen until July 1 or later.

The reason, according to the poll, is that nearly 90 percent of Americans think a resurgence of coronavirus cases would be either “very” (51 percent) or “somewhat” likely (36 percent) if lockdown ended today. Overall, 79 percent continue to say that stay-at-home orders are “the only way to stop the spread of COVID-19”; only 21 percent say “the cure is worse than the disease.” Trump has tweeted about the lockdowns: “THE CURE CANNOT BE WORSE (by far) THAN THE PROBLEM!” In deciding when to reopen, far more Americans say the U.S. should pay attention to doctors and public health officials (56 percent) than to economists and business leaders (7 percent); 37 percent want both consulted equally. Health, not the economy, comes first.

Trump did not fare well in the poll. A plurality of Americans — 49 percent to 45 percent — disapprove of the way the president has handled the pandemic. But that’s consistent with previous Yahoo News/YouGov polls. More telling were the specific questions about responsibility and trust. Fifty-nine percent of Americans rate their state and local government’s coronavirus response as “excellent” or “good”; only 48 percent of those who’ve heard from Trump in the last week say the same about him. Nearly half of Americans (49 percent) say they trust their governor more than the president to handle the pandemic; only a quarter (26 percent) say the opposite. Nearly three out of four Americans (74 percent) say their governor should decide when their state should reopen. Just 13 percent want Trump to make that decision. And even though Trump has argued otherwise, more than half of Americans (52 percent) say the federal government — rather than individual states (31 percent) — should be responsible for ramping up testing in the weeks ahead.

Overall, 65 percent of Americans say that Trump could have reduced the damage done by the coronavirus — either “a lot” (41 percent) or “somewhat” (24 percent) — if he had acted sooner.

In keeping with that finding, most Americans seem to take the long view in terms of transitioning out of lockdown. Two-thirds of Americans (67 percent), including 66 percent of independents and 64 percent of Republicans, say they will continue to practice social distancing even after official restrictions are lifted; just 13 percent of Americans say they will not.

Asked about specific social distancing measures, a large majority (72 percent) supports continuing to stay 6 feet away from other people whenever possible. Roughly half also support wearing cloth masks in public (50 percent), requiring restaurant waiters to wear masks and gloves (47 percent) and suspending large events like concerts and conferences (54 percent).

Meanwhile, a full 57 percent of Americans say they would support being repeatedly and regularly tested for the coronavirus in order to limit its spread after lockdown ends, and a plurality (39 percent) say they would install a smartphone app (like the one floated by Apple and Google) that would allow them to anonymously alert people who’ve been near them if they test positive for the virus — while also allowing them to be alerted if they’ve been close to someone else who tests positive. Both measures are key elements of the “test-trace-isolate” strategy that experts and epidemiologists have proposed for containing future coronavirus outbreaks.
Colorado health care workers block anti-quarantine protesters amidst coronavirus pandemic
Kayla Jardine Producer,Yahoo News•April 20, 2020

Standing in the middle of a busy road in Denver, a man in teal scrub
 and a respirator mask faced down protesters demanding an end to the state’s quarantine guidelines
Anti-quarantine protesters clashed with health care workers in Denver on Sunday. (Alyson McClaran/Reuters)

Across the country, in states such as Texas, Indiana, Nevada and Wisconsin, demonstrators are disobeying social distancing orders and gathering to call for a reopening of their states and the economy.

When protesters tried to do the same in Denver on Sunday, they were met with health care workers blocking their path. 

Photojournalist Alyson McClaran was there for the event and captured images of the clash that have now gone viral. McClaran told the New York Times the counterprotesters “were blocking the roads until the police force stepped in.” The people calling for an end to the quarantine “were putting their cars right up against them.”

In a video posted to Twitter, a protester holding a sign that reads “Land of the Free” shouts at a health care worker: “Go to China if you want Communism.”

Colorado, which currently has at least 9,700 coronavirus cases, is on stay-at-home orders until April 26, mandating that only essential personnel go to work.

On Sunday, President Trump sympathized with anti-quarantine protesters. “They have got cabin fever. They want their life back,” he said. “Their life was taken away from them.” But a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll released Monday found that most Americans, including Republicans, are concerned about lifting COVID-19 restrictions too early.
Trump says US investigating whether coronavirus spread after China lab mishap but cites no evidence

David Jackson and Kim Hjelmgaard, USA TODAY•April 20, 2020

President Donald Trump said Friday that U.S. intelligence officials are investigating whether the novel coronavirus began spreading after an accident at a Chinese high-security biomedical laboratory in Wuhan.

Trump offered no evidence supporting that scenario. And aides stressed there have been no conclusions from the ongoing investigation, which ultimately may never resolve questions that have surfaced.

"We’re looking at it," Trump told reporters Friday during a COVID-19 briefing at the White House. "A lot of people are looking at it – it seems to make sense."

Since January, theories about a possible leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology have circulated largely among right-wing bloggers, some conservative media pundits and pro-Trump hawks on China.

One scenario in circulation claims the virus was man-made and was linked to a Chinese biowarfare program, but that idea has been widely dismissed by experts and critics as a conspiracy theory. Another scenario maintains that the virus, while being kept in the lab in a natural state, accidentally escaped due to poor safety protocols.

Anthony Fauci, the U.S.'s top infectious disease expert, was dismissive of the theory of an accidental escape.

"A group of highly qualified evolutionary virologists looked at the sequences in bats as they evolve. The mutations that it took to get to the point where it is now are totally consistent with a jump of a species from an animal to a human," he said Friday in the White House press briefing in response to a reporter's question on the theory.

But two administration officials with knowledge of the investigation, speaking to USA TODAY on condition of anonymity because it is classified and sensitive, said they have always questioned China's account of how the virus originated and have taken seriously suggestions that it may have resulted from a lab accident that the Chinese are covering up.

"There's a high level of suspicion," one official said.

But the officials emphasized that no conclusions have been drawn from the investigation and that it is not a primary focus right now for Trump and his top aides, whose concern, they said, is to stop the spread of the virus in the U.S., re-open the economy and government and try to return to some semblance of normalcy.

There will be plenty of time to review China's actions down the line, the two officials said. Diplomacy, with trade relationships at stake, is one reason the probe requires delicate handling, they said.

Chinese officials and scientists have repeatedly dismissed the allegations

“China believes the origin of the virus is a scientific issue that has to be seriously handled," Foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said Thursday. “The World Health Organization said there is no evidence proving that it is made in a lab. And many renowned medical experts have also said that the claim that the virus leaked from a lab has no scientific basis.

“China will continue to work with other nations and support each other."

In an interview Saturday with the state-run China Global Television Network, Yuan Zhiming, the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s Communist Party chief, said: "There is absolutely no way the virus originated from our institute."

But China's lack of transparency over its COVID-19 outbreak has helped give oxygen to theories about the origin of the virus.

"Until the Chinese government convinces me otherwise I'll continue to argue that the most likely explanation is that this virus was one of thousands of viruses that were being kept in bio labs in Wuhan and that a lab worker got infected," said Steven Mosher, a China expert and president of Population Research Institute, a Virginia-based pro-life advocate whose blog posts and opinion columns in the New York Post and elsewhere were among the first to float uncorroborated theories about an accidental leak.

"It's also possible an infected animal was sold from the lab – a horseshoe bat, probably – to the nearby wet market for a very good price. It was then butchered on the spot, bloody and dripping, and wound up on someone's dinner table and the virus infected somebody in that process," Mosher said, describing a purely theoretical scenario.

Mosher conceded he can't prove anything and that his ideas are based on conjectural factors such as Wuhan being a center for coronavirus research in bats, China's reported dangerous lab safety record and Beijing's obfuscation on the pandemic.

Beijing has clouded and revised information about its infections and deaths and detained medical workers who blew the whistle over concerns about China's handling of its response. An Associated Press investigation found China didn't inform the public about the virus for nearly a week, enabling it to spread undetected at a vital moment. China's foreign ministry spokesman Lijian Zhao has also pushed a false counter-narrative that coronavirus originated with the U.S. military.

In late January, Dany Shalom, a former Israeli military intelligence officer, said in a Washington Times newspaper article that the Wuhan Institute of Virology is linked to a Chinese covert bio-weapons program. He did not provide any evidence. He noted the relative proximity – about 20 miles – of the institute to Wuhan's seafood market, which China originally pinpointed as the possible origin of the virus. 

Shalom did not want to comment further on his claims when contacted by USA TODAY.

On March 25, the Washington Times appended an editor's note to its story in which Shalom appears saying scientists outside of China concluded that COVID-19 "does not show signs of having been manufactured or purposefully manipulated in a lab."

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But the exact origins of the virus remain murky.

In a March 11 interview with Scientific American, Shi Zhengli, one of China's leading experts on bat coronaviruses and deputy director of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, said that when her team sequenced the genome of the new coronavirus in Wuhan it did not match any of the bat coronaviruses her laboratory had previously collected and studied.

A research paper by a group of Chinese scientists published in January by The Lancet, a well-respected British medical journal, revealed the first COVID-19 patient, identified on Dec. 1, had no apparent connection to Wuhan's wet market. Nor did about a third of the initial large cluster of confirmed cases, a revelation that's raised eyebrows.

Further muddying the picture, Nobel Prize laureate Luc Montagnier, co-discoverer of HIV, released a statement Friday claiming that according to his analysis COVID-19 was the result of an attempt to manufacture an AIDS vaccine that escaped a lab. Montagnier's analysis has not been peer-reviewed. In recent years the Frenchman has been involved with controversial research that's been shunned by mainstream scientists.

Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin reported this week that two years before the coronavirus pandemic, U.S. embassy officials visited a Wuhan lab and sent cables back to Washington about inadequate safety standards at the research facility, which was studying coronaviruses from bats. Rogin said that while the cables have prompted discussion within the administration, "conclusive proof has yet to emerge."

US Sen. Tom Cotton, a Republican from Arkansas who is a staunch China hawk, has floated claims about a "cover up" by Beijing.

"The Chinese Communist Party has continued to lie about this from the very beginning, as if they have something to cover up," Cotton said in an interview on the Fox & Friends television program on Friday morning. "If that's the case, it really is the biggest, the costliest, the most deadly cover up in the history of mankind," he said.

Former White House advisor Steve Bannon, another strident China critic, has repeatedly validated unproven claims and theories about the covert biological weapons program origins of coronavirus in "War Room: Pandemic," his daily radio broadcast.

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U.S. military planners have been non-committal about the coronavirus investigation.

"There's a lot of rumor and speculation in a wide variety of media, the blog sites, etc. It should be no surprise to you that we've taken a keen interest in that and we've had a lot of intelligence take a hard look at that," Army General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in a Tuesday briefing at the Pentagon.

"And I would just say, at this point, it's inconclusive, although the weight of evidence seems to indicate natural. But we don't know for certain," said.

At Friday's coronavirus briefing,Trump also appeared to take a more circumspect stance.

"A lot of strange things are happening," he said. "We’re going to find out."

Contributing: David Heath

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Trump says US investigating if coronavirus spread from China lab