Friday, April 24, 2020

Trump skips questions at coronavirus briefing after disinfectant debacle

Friday's coronavirus task force briefing, which have sometimes gone as long as two hours, lasted just over 20 minutes.

April 24, 2020, By Dareh Gregorian

A day after he floated the idea of using disinfectants and light to treat COVID-19, President Donald Trump declined to take any questions at his daily coronavirus briefing at the White House.

The briefing — which can sometimes last about two hours — was over in just over 20 minutes, following remarks from Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and FDA head Stephen Hahn. The two top government doctors charged with combating the coronavirus crisis, Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx, were not in attendance.

On Thursday, Trump drew widespread criticism for suggesting light, heat and injecting disinfectants could be used to treat coronavirus patients.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting," Trump said then, addressing a Homeland Security official who'd said tests show the virus dies on surfaces more quickly in the heat.

"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds, it sounds interesting to me.”

Doctors called the idea dangerous and irresponsible, while state and local government agencies and disinfectant manufacturers warned the products should not be ingested or injected.

Trump tried walking back the comments earlier Friday, claiming his suggestions had been "sarcastic."

"I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters just like you, just to see what would happen," Trump said during a bill signing for the coronavirus aid package.

But asked some more about the comments, he again suggested light could be used to kill the virus in the body.

"I'd like them now to look as it pertains to the human body, not just sitting on a railing or sitting on a wall. I'd like them to look as it pertains — because maybe there's something there. They have to work with the doc — I’m not a doctor. They have to work with the doctors. But maybe there is something to light and the human body and helping people that are dying," Trump said.

Asked if he was encouraging people to ingest disinfectant, he said, "No, of course — no."

Dareh Gregorian is a politics reporter for NBC News

Facebook ads, conspiracy theorists pushed bleach consumption and UV ray cures

UV rays or disinfectants as treatments have been rejected by health and science communities — and embraced by conspiracy theorists and extreme alternative medicine communities.

President Trump suggested Thursday that beaming ultraviolet light “inside the body” should be tested as a coronavirus treatment. Health experts says UV radiation can cause skin irritation.Jonathan Ernst / Reuters

April 24, 2020,  By Ben Collins and Brandy Zadrozny

Unfounded and harmful coronavirus treatments — including those that were floated by President Donald Trump — continue to spread online, evading efforts to crack down on misinformation.

Trump suggested at a White House news briefing Thursday that scientists should test beaming ultraviolet light “inside the body” and injecting disinfectants in an effort to find new coronavirus remedies.

“Supposing you hit the body with ultraviolet or just very powerful light," Trump said. "And I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it? Then I said supposing that you brought the light inside the body, either through the skin or some other way. And I think you said, you’re going to test that, too."

Download the NBC News app for full coverage of the coronavirus outbreak

A recent Homeland Security study found that the coronavirus on surfaces may be killed by humidity and high exposure to UV rays through sunlight, indicating that the outbreak may subside in the coming summer months. The study was featured during Thursday's news briefing.

But the use of UV rays or disinfectants for human treatment has been roundly rejected by the health and science communities — and embraced by conspiracy theorists and extreme alternative medicine communities. Bleach and most household disinfectants are highly toxic, and exposure to UV light has been linked to skin cancer.

Trump suggests disinfectant to kill virus inside the body APRIL 24, 2020

Advocating for the consumption of disinfectants like bleach and the use of ultraviolet beams as medical treatments has been commonplace for years on fringe parts of the internet, and false viral rumors about curing COVID-19 by drinking industrial alcohol have proven deadly across the world in recent weeks.

Trump's comments come as health policy experts continue to warn about the spread of coronavirus misinformation — an "infodemic," as the World Health Organization has warned.

Around that misinformation, a cottage industry of fake coronavirus treatments has emerged.

Facebook pages created in late March sold UV “sanitizer” lights, promising “a proven impact on COVID-19” and to be the “most effective way to kill viruses.” The companies, which had names like “Beam Sanitizer,” ran ads on Instagram and Facebook in March, according to Facebook's ad library. Some ads, including ones from companies including UV Sanitizers, and Uvlizer, were still active as of Friday morning. The products apparently evaded the company’s ban of ads for coronavirus miracle cures instituted last month.

In an effort to quell the impact of viral social media posts, the World Health Organization released a warning in March stating that “UV lamps should not be used to sterilize hands or other areas of skin as UV radiation can cause skin irritation.”

Conspiracy theorists, including those that center around the QAnon conspiracy, have also advocated for drinking a diluted form of bleach called Medical Mineral Solution, or MMS.

QAnon adherents falsely believe Donald Trump is secretly running a military operation to rid the government of satanic, child-eating cannibals, and many QAnon followers believe those same people are responsible for the virus. Prominent QAnon accounts celebrated Trump’s apparent nod to bleach consumption or injection, with one prominent QAnon YouTuber and MMS reseller calling it “a good ‘lung cleaner’” on Thursday night.

CORONAVIRUSTrump suggests 'injection' of disinfectant to beat coronavirus and 'clean' the lungs

VIDEOWatch: Dr. Birx reacts as Trump suggests ‘injection’ of disinfectant to beat coronavirus

Last week, the Department of Justice announced a crackdown on the online sale of MMS, which it said “is a chemical product which, when combined with the included activator, creates a powerful bleach product that the defendants market for oral ingestion.”

“The Department of Justice will take swift action to protect consumers from illegal and potentially harmful products being offered to treat COVID-19,” Assistant Attorney General Jody Hunt said in a press release for the DOJ’s injunction against Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, which was selling the product online.

Viral misinformation claiming isopropyl alcohol cures coronavirus led to the deaths of hundreds and sickened thousands of Iranians in March alone. Text messages, forwarded on messaging services like WhatsApp, pushed an urban legend that some people had cured themselves of the virus with whiskey or industrial-strength alcohol.

Full coverage of the coronavirus outbreak

In the U.S., some pro-Trump media sources began noting a section about isopropyl alcohol in a Department of Homeland Security memo that was leaked to Yahoo News last week. One day after the memo was leaked, The Epoch Times, a pro-Trump media outlet, highlighted a section of the PDF about isopropyl alcohol and bleach’s effect on the virus in saliva.

The leaked document does not recommend ingesting or injecting bleach at any point.

Five days later, Trump referred to disinfectants and ultraviolet light in his news briefing, citing “the way it kills it in one minute.”

Dr. Vin Gupta, a pulmonologist and global health policy expert who is an NBC News and MSNBC contributor, told NBC News on Thursday that “injecting or ingesting any type of cleansing product into the body is irresponsible, and it's dangerous.”

"It's a common method that people utilize when they want to kill themselves," Gupta said.

Ben Collins covers disinformation, extremism and the internet for NBC News.

Brandy Zadrozny is an investigative reporter for NBC News.

Lysol maker warns against internal use of disinfectants after Trump comments

A spokesperson for the cleaning product company said it had a responsibility to give accurate information to the public.

Lysol makers warns it's not safe to treat coronavirus with disinfectant APRIL 24, 2020

By Lauren Egan

WASHINGTON — The manufacturer of Lysol, a disinfectant spray and cleaning product, issued a statement warning against any internal use after President Donald Trump suggested that people could get an "injection" of "the disinfectant that knocks (coronavirus) out in a minute."

"As a global leader in health and hygiene products, we must be clear that under no circumstance should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body (through injection, ingestion or any other route)," a spokesperson for Reckitt Benckiser, the United Kingdom-based owner of Lysol, said in a statement to NBC News.

"As with all products, our disinfectant and hygiene products should only be used as intended and in line with usage guidelines. Please read the label and safety information," the statement continued, adding that the company believes it has a "responsibility in providing consumers with access to accurate, up-to-date information as advised by leading public health experts."

Watch: Dr. Birx reacts as Trump suggests ‘injection’ of disinfectant to beat coronavirus APRIL 24, 2020 


The Environmental Protection Agency also is reminding people to only use disinfectant on surfaces.

In a statement issued several hours before Trump spoke, the EPA said, "Never apply the product to yourself or others. Do not ingest disinfectant products."

The Trump administration's Surgeon General, Jerome Adams, also warned Americans, urging people to "always talk to your health provider first before administering any treatment/ medication to yourself or a loved one.

A reminder to all Americans- PLEASE always talk to your health provider first before administering any treatment/ medication to yourself or a loved one.

Your safety is paramount, and doctors and nurses are have years of training to recommend what’s safe and effective.— U.S. Surgeon General (@Surgeon_General) April 24, 2020

William Bryan of the Department of Homeland Security said at a White House briefing Thursday that "emerging results" from new research suggest solar light has a powerful effect in killing the virus on surfaces and in the air.

But, he said, there was no consideration of internal use of disinfectants.

Top Democrats slammed Trump for the comment.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said the president and other Republicans "reject science" and said Trump must be disregarding the advice of his medical experts.

And Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., a member of House Democratic leadership, tweeted Friday morning that "something is very wrong" with the president.

Please don’t poison yourself because Donald Trump thinks it could be a good idea.— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) April 24, 2020

The President suggested injecting Lysol into the human body to treat #COVID19.

Something is very wrong with this guy.

No really.

We should be very concerned.

Intervention?— Hakeem Jeffries (@RepJeffries) April 24, 2020

At the briefing, Trump also suggested that people could be treated with "ultraviolet or just a very powerful light" to kill the virus after Bryan's presentation showed that the virus might not live as long in warmer and more humid temperatures.

Trump then also mentioned an "injection" of "disinfectant" to deter the virus.

"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute," the president said. "And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."

Trump did not specify the kind of disinfectant.

Medical professionals were quick to dispute Trump's claims as "irresponsible" and "dangerous."

“This notion of injecting or ingesting any type of cleansing product into the body is irresponsible and it’s dangerous," said Dr. Vin Gupta, a pulmonologist, global health policy expert and an NBC News and MSNBC contributor.

"It’s a common method that people utilize when they want to kill themselves," he added.

Maryland's Emergency Management Agency tweeted a warning Friday not to administer disinfectants into the body, saying it had received several calls about use of the products and COVID-19.

ALERT🚨: We have received several calls regarding questions about disinfectant use and #COVID19.

This is a reminder that under no circumstances should any disinfectant product be administered into the body through injection, ingestion or any other route.— Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MDMEMA) (@MDMEMA) April 24, 2020

The White House claimed Friday morning that the media was mischaracterizing Trump's comments regarding coronavirus treatment.

"President Trump has repeatedly said that Americans should consult with medical doctors regarding coronavirus treatment, a point that he emphasized again during yesterday’s briefing," White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said in a statement. "Leave it to the media to irresponsibly take President Trump out of context and run with negative headlines."

Lauren Egan is a reporter for NBC News based in Washington.

The EPA is reminding people to use disinfectant only on surfaces

The agency issued the update shortly before the president suggested Thursday that it might be helpful to inject disinfectant to combat the coronavirus.
Disinfectant products on a store shelf. (Photo by: Jeffrey Greenberg/Education Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

April 24, 2020, By Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The Environmental Protection Agency is reminding people to only use disinfectant on surfaces.

The agency issued the update shortly before President Donald Trump suggested Thursday that it might be helpful to inject disinfectant to combat the coronavirus.

The EPA says, “Never apply the product to yourself or others. Do not ingest disinfectant products.”

William Bryan of the Department of Homeland Security said at a White House briefing on Thursday that “emerging results” from new research suggest solar light has a powerful effect in killing the virus on surfaces and in the air.

But he said there was no consideration of internal use of disinfectants

VIDEO Trump suggests light and disinfectant treatments for coronavirus 
APRIL 24, 2020 02:34

Without specifying the kind of disinfectant, Trump said after Bryan's presentation, "I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."

Medical professionals, including Dr. Vin Gupta, a pulmonologist, global health policy expert and an NBC News and MSNBC contributor. were quick to challenge the president's "improper health messaging."

VIDEOU.K. announces human trials of potential coronavirus vaccine

VIDEOGermany starts easing coronavirus restrictions as infection rate slows

“This notion of injecting or ingesting any type of cleansing product into the body is irresponsible and it’s dangerous," said Gupta. "It’s a common method that people utilize when they want to kill themselves."

The maker of Lysol also issued a statement warning against any internal use of the cleaning product.

"As a global leader in health and hygiene products, we must be clear that under no circumstance should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body (through injection, ingestion or any other route)," said a spokesperson for Reckitt Benckiser, the United Kingdom-based owner of Lysol, in a statement to NBC News.

The president has repeatedly touted unproven treatments during the daily briefings on COVID-19, the disease associated with the coronavirus. For instance, he has touted hydroxychloroquine as a potential "game changer," but health officials have strongly cautioned against it.
Associated Press
OONI: An app for detecting Internet censorship

Developers have done a lot to ensure that we can use the Internet freely. Now the programmers need our help: If as many users as possible install the app OONI, it will come to light who is censoring where.

Free Internet is not a given. Many undemocratic governments block unwanted websites or control what their citizens do online. The fear of being discovered, in turn, slows down the creativity of Internet users and their will to express themselves freely.

To make detection more difficult for authorities, resourceful hackers have developed systems such as the Tor network, or search engines that allow users to use the Internet largely anonymously.

Services such as Psiphon or VPN connections are available to enable users in censored media markets to have free access to blocked information.

Read more: Tor, Psiphon, Signal and Co.: How to move unrecognized on the internet

Watch video01:44

How does the great firewall of China work?

Making Internet censorship public with OONI

However, the fight against Internet censorship is a constant game of hide and seek and software developers sometimes need the help of the users, for whom they program the software.

On April 21, the Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) therefore launched the OONI Probe App.

The app allows users to discover various forms of Internet censorship and at the same time, to control network speed and performance as well as video streaming performance.

"The goal is to detect website blocking worldwide," says DW IT-expert Oliver Linow.

"So far, this has been available as an Android app. Now it's available as a desktop app for Windows and Mac OS."

OONI automatically makes the results public, unless the user doesn't want that, and changes the settings of the device accordingly.

Publicity creates pressure

The creators of OONI want to collect and publish as much data as possible on internet censorship in the hope of generating political pressure.

In concrete terms, the app checks whether someone is blocking websites or access to social media and similar communication tools such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or Telegram. OONI does the same for the Tor network and Psiphon.

Read more: DW defies tighter Internet censorship in China

"Sovereign internet" - a euphemism for an intranet controlled by the government. Cartoon by Sergey Elkin.

In addition, the app detects whether telecommunication providers or governments have installed so-called middleboxes. These are mechanisms that control Internet traffic. Middleboxes are an important tool for internet censors to find out which websites should be blocked.

Besides English, the OONI app is also available in Chinese, Russian, Spanish, French, Turkish, Thai, Italian, Greek, Catalan, Slovak, Portuguese and German.

Many participants, great impact

"Anyone can download the app and run scans with it. Then the app checks whether the services can be accessed from the respective computer," says DW expert Linow. So OONI needs as many volunteers as possible to participate. "The data is then collected and processed by OONI."

If you run a website yourself and suspect that someone is blocking your site, you can register your site with OONI. Then the app will check if this suspicion is true. "This is a very long list, which is processed by the app. You will find your desired URL somewhere in the list, and then it will be checked", says Linow.

But users should always be careful. Using the app is not completely risk-free. Dictatorial regimes could possibly react with punishment and persecution.

Read more: Iran blocks use of tool to get around online filter

Ugandan journalists 'assaulted by security forces' amid coronavirus lockdowns

A media rights body says Ugandan security personnel have attacked several journalists covering coronavirus lockdown measures. Journalists in other parts of Africa are also facing similar predicaments.

Ugandan security officers "slapped, punched, and kicked" prominent journalist Julius Ocungi as he was taking photos of police officers shutting down a local bar in the northern district of Kitgum, according to the New York-based media rights body Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ).

The incident, one of several such assaults being reported throughout Africa, occurred on March 19, CPJ said. It said police refused to take any formal complaints from Ocungi, who is a bureau chief at the Uganda Radio Network news agency.

"It's incredibly worrying to see security personnel, police officers, military officers cracking down on journalists in this manner," Muthoki Mumo, CPJ's sub-Saharan Africa representative, told DW.

'Outbreak of attacks'

Another journalist, Kenneth Okuru, told DW that police officers beat him after he had taken photos of the officers "manhandling people."

"Three of the local defense unit members followed me and ordered me to delete the photos that I had taken. Actually, one of them beat me with a baton on my leg, and up to now I still feel the pain," Okuru said.

A local rights body, the Ugandan Human Rights Network for Journalists (HRNJ-Uganda), tells DW it has recorded 12 cases of assaults against journalists since the lockdown measures began on March 19.

"We have witnessed an outbreak of attacks on journalists like ... the coronavirus epidemic," Robert Sempala, national coordinator of the group, told DW. "We have only been able to have one of the perpetrators arrested; the rest are still at large."

The reported assaults come despite the fact that Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni has declared the work of journalists to be an essential service in the fight to curb the coronavirus outbreak.

Security forces more dangerous than COVID-19?

Cases of police brutality are on the rise in African countries that imposed lockdowns, according to several local and international rights bodies. The mistreatment has been meted out not only to journalists, but also to civilians.

Kenya: Police patrolling streets after curfew in Kibera slum

Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda and Kenya are some of the countries in which security agencies have used brutal means to keep people off the streets. "There are so many reported cases of human rights abuses, including outright murder and killing of Nigerians in the name of keeping them at home," said Auwal Musa Rafsanjani from the Abuja Civil Society Legislative Advocacy.

"We think this is a shame and outrageous that coronavirus didn't kill Nigerians, but security agents are killing Nigerians," a visibly angry Rafsanjani told DW.

Assaults to delete photos

Media rights groups worry that security agents are making it a common practice to assault journalists who refuse to delete photos and footage of officers caught in the act of beating civilians.

"One of the challenges journalists have been reporting to us is that when they try to interact with authorities at the local level to seek justice for what has happened to them, they are getting frustrated," CPJ's Mumo said.

According to the body, the assaults against journalists continue unabated. "In our most recent report, we spoke to six journalists who, between the period of March 19 and early April, were beaten, were intimidated by security personnel. It's worrying that these cases we documented seem to be the tip of the iceberg," Mumo said.

Read more: HRW: Police brutality thrives under Kenya coronavirus curfew

In Kenya, a cameraman for NTV, Peter Wainaina, was also beaten as he was filming police officers in the coastal town of Mombasa chasing civilians to enforce the nationwide nighttime curfew. Wainaina told the website that he had been surprised by the "brutality" of the policeman, as he had been doing nothing but what he was supposed to do as a journalist.

Group beatings

Zimbabwean journalist Terence Sipuma also told the southern African regional media watchdog MISA that police officers assaulted him while he was on his way to report on Zimbabwe's 21-day lockdown.

"They asked where I was going, and the moment I showed them my journalism accreditation, I was asked to lie down and was beaten. They accused me of exposing them. They took my phone away and promised to beat me more if they found videos or pictures of that operation," Sipuma told MISA Zimbabwe.

The media watchdog also reported another police assault on journalist Panashe Makufa in a suburb of the Zimbabwean capital, Harare, earlier this month.

Read more: COVID-19: Security forces in Africa brutalizing civilians under lockdown

"He was taking pictures of a police operation to disperse people in Kuwadzana as part of their enforcement of the national lockdown. When the police approached him, Makufa produced his accreditation card, but they disregarded it as expired. The four police officers instructed Makufa to get into their police vehicle, where he was assaulted by two officers and forced to delete pictures before being dropped off at Kuwadzana 2 shops," MISA Zimbabwe reported.

Journalists' safety 'fragile'

Back in Uganda, President Museveni urged security personnel not to use excessive force to implement his COVID-19 guidelines. Police spokesperson Fred Enanga told DW that individual police officers found guilty of assault would be prosecuted.

"We have said that there is no police officer who is above the law; journalists should always thoroughly document actions against them by police officers," Enanga said. "We have not seen any direct video showing a police officer directly manhandling a journalist that we can authenticate."

However, CPJ's Mumo says out of the six journalists assaulted, "four of them suffered injuries severe enough that they had to go to hospital and at least two of them were hospitalized for several days."

There are several videos published on Twitter of Ugandan police officers and army personnel beating journalists, some made even before the COVID-19 outbreak. Only a few of the officers involved have faced disciplinary action, according to HRNJ-Uganda.

In the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak, "journalists' safety has become really fragile," HRNJ-Uganda's national coordinator, Robert Sempala, says.

Alex Gitta in Kampala, Uganda, contributed to this report

Climate strikers get inventive during the COVID-19 crisis

Fridays for Future warn the COVID-19 pandemic must not interrupt the fight against the climate crisis. The youth-led movement has called for an online global climate strike on April 24. But it's easier said than done.

Her laptop open in front of her, Finja Rausch sits on her bed, talking on the phone. She's wearing a "There is no Planet B" t-shirt, and the walls of her bedroom are covered in posters bearing slogans like "Hambach Forest Stays," and "Grandpa, what's a snowman?" The 14-year-old student from the town of Hürth near Cologe is a member of the local faction of the climate protection movement, Fridays for Future, and has been helping to organize this Friday's digital global climate strike from her family's home.
"Since we don't have to go to school at the moment, it's easier to divide up my time," she says. "I do my schoolwork in the morning and spend the rest of the day preparing for the online demonstration."
The original global climate strike planned for April 24 would have seen hundreds of thousands of people take to the streets all over the world calling for climate action. Preparations for the demonstration in Cologne began back in mid-January. 

Climate activist Finja Rausch sits on her bed, her laptop open in front of her
"We had already laid out a route for the protest march in Cologne, ordered the stage to be used in the rally and organized bands that would play between the speeches," says Finja. But then the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and all public meetings were banned.
COVID-19 crisis overshadows climate crisis
"We quickly realized that we had to do something, because the issue of climate change seems to have been forgotten as a result of the coronavirus crisis," says Pauline Brünger, a high school student from Cologne. As she's in charge of the social media accounts for the German branch of Friday's for Future she's been busy online, coordinating the upcoming digital strike.
"A lot of people are online at the moment, so we decided to take our strike there. It means we can make our presence felt without putting others in danger, while stilll making it clear that the fight against climate change has to continue." 
Like other climate activists, Brünger is also worried about the broader impact the COVID-19 crisis will have on climate policy. She is concerned that some measures currently under review as ways to mitigate the impact of the pandemic, may worsen the climate crisis in the long run. 
"If a scrapping bonus is introduced now so that people can buy new cars, then we can probably forget about a transport transition," says Brünger, adding that this is the ideal time to consider what is really important and to ask what kind of world we want to live in.
Fridays for Future is asking politcians to kickstart the economy with sustainability in mind, so society will also benefit, Brünger explains. She says it would be a better use of taxpayers' money to invest in renewable energy sources or improved healthcare systems than subsidies for the coal industry
Calling for change — online
Fridays for Future are joined by environmental organizations, trade unions, the Protestant Church and political parties like the Greens in their calls for a digital strike for the climate. 

CO2 neutral transport: Lena Müllhäuser from Parents for Future Cologne collects posters for the digital protest
Part of the online demonstration will involve as many people as possible posting their climate protection demands on social media under the hashtags #FightEveryCrisis and #ClimateStrikeOnline. Fridays for Future is also planning to host a live stream on YouTube. In Germany, the online strike will run for 2 hours from 12.30 p.m. until 2.30 p.m. Hosting duties will be switched between different cities and will include video discussions with scientists and politicians, as well as performances by artists and musicians.
"When the normal demonstration was cancelled, I felt a bit depressed at first because I'd invested so much time in it," says Finja. "But then I saw it as an opportunity to do something even cooler."
Striking under lockdown
To really capture the atmosphere of an on-the-streets rally, a few activities are also being planned for the real world. In some cities, activists from Fridays for Future will be chalk painting slogans in public places, while elsewhere, posters are being hung where people can still see them.
"It's a way for people to make their presence felt in cities, even if they can't actually be there," explains Brünger, adding that they coordinated their actions with city authorities and that everyone strictly observed social distancing measures. None of the posters were touched for 48 hours before being put out in public places, and the activists wear gloves and face masks and only work in pairs.  
Biking for the climate 
The group from Cologne has also planned bicycle protests. Demonstrators will ride in twos at a safe distance from one another through the city using microphones or sound systems to make themselves heard. Those who live along the bike route received flyers in their mailboxes informing them of the protest — and also inviting them to hang posters in their windows or on their doors.
Finja Rausch spent three hours dropping off information flyers along one of the routes, and says the digital strike is "the most stressful" thing she has ever organized. "We only started these new plans at the beginning of April, so we had to teach ourselves a lot of new things, like how to stream something live," she says.

Pauline Bünger carries her poster to a collection point
What the COVID-19 crisis and the climate crisis have in common
Holding their meetings online or over the phone has also been a learning curve for the young activists. "We used to go out for a falafel after our planning meetings and talk about things other than Fridays for Future," says Finja. "Of course, that's all totally gone now."
She says that's why it is sometimes harder to stay motivated these days. But whenever she needs a break, she meets up with a friend who is not involved in the climate protection movement for a safe distance walk around a nearby lake.
Pauline Bünger says there are more misunderstandings as a result of communicating online. She says she is often asked the same questions over and over again and needs to explain things in much more detail than usual. When asked about what keeps her motivated, she is quite clear.
"Like with any political protest, my motivation comes from my inner conviction. But above all, it comes from the fear of what will happen if we don't do anything about climate change. Because in a way, the coronavirus crisis and the climate crisis are quite similar. If you respond too late, it will be impossible to stop their impacts."
'Burn borders...not coal'
In October last year, activists marched together in the direction of the Hambach open-pit coal mine in Germany's Rhineland region, where coal mining threatens a pristine forest. Despite Berlin agreeing to phase out coal by 2038, this protest banner linked the core anti-coal message with a broader political, social and economic meaning.

'MeToo said Mother Earth
This slogan, seen in Berlin at an anti-coal rally in 2017, links the #MeToo hashtag that represents sexual harassment and abuse of women with the abuse of Mother Earth and the planet's natural environment. It was created by activists gathered in the German capital to demand an end to power plants fueled by coal, the world's most carbon-heavy, climate change-inducing fossil fuel
'We can't eat money'
Climate crisis activists blocked traffic in the London financial district during environmental protests by the Extinction Rebellion campaign in April 2019. In addition to signs reiterating the climate emergency, "We can't eat money" has become a popular slogan for Extinction Rebellion, which correlates unfettered capitalism and climate change.
 'There are Co2nsequences'
As the "Fridays for Future" protests moved to Aachen near the German-Belgian border in late June, one banner highlighted the inevitable repercussions of burning carbon dioxide at a time when atmospheric carbon levels have reached their highest point in recorded human history.

'Denial is not a policy'
Students in Cape Town, South Africa also took part in the global March 15 protest — one of some 200 around the world — as part of a worldwide student strike against government inaction on climate change. In addition to holding up placards against ongoing climate change denial, the students chanted slogans such as "Stop denying! Our earth is dying.

Revealed: How the US gun lobby exploits the coronavirus pandemic to further its aims

An investigation into protests against coronavirus restrictions in the US revealed a tale of coordinated political action by gun lobbies, and one Florida man who was trying to get ahead of the curve.

A DW investigation has found that protest groups in various US states against recent coronavirus lockdown measures were set up by conservative gun lobbyists. The coordinated effort seems to be driven by the apparent long-term aim of building a larger base of support for gun law relaxation.

This comes after thousands of people across the US organized online and started to demand an end to stay-at-home orders. Protest organizers claim on their Facebook pages that the lockdown restrictions are a result of "politicians on a power trip," who they allege are "destroying our businesses, passing laws behind the cover of darkness, and forcing us to hand over our freedoms and livelihood."

"Reopen America" has become the common name for these protests. Between April 8 and 16, at least 34 website addresses, such as or for the state of Pennsylvania, were purchased.

These web addresses automatically redirect to pages on pro-gun sites. The gun lobby pages incorrectly claim that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and its resulting disease, COVID-19, are "far less deadly than the flu" and say, in text littered with typos, "President [Donald] Trump has been very clear that we must get America back to work very quickly or the 'cure' to this terrible disease may be worse that the disease itself!"

Protesters outside a government building in Pennsylvania on April 20

The registration of so many reopen website addresses in a short period of time led social media users to conclude that the campaign was "astroturfing" — the practice of making a campaign appear grassroots while withholding that it was organized by a single entity.

Of the 34 website addresses registered, only 16 are linked to active pages, with five tracing back to one family in the American Midwest, the Dorrs. These reopen websites were for Iowa, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Ohio, each of which has laws allowing open carry of firearms with a permit.

These laws are not loose enough for the Dorrs, who are ultra-conservative pro-gun political campaigners active in a number of US states. Three Dorr brothers — Ben, Aaron and Chris — are especially involved in political campaigns criticizing the Republican Party for not being conservative enough on gun laws and on abortion laws. However, they are strong supporters of Trump.

Earlier this year, the Republican Party of Minnesota described them as "scam artists" who are "actually just building their own brand and raising money."

One of the brothers, Ben Dorr, told The Philadelphia Inquirer that these claims are "fake news," adding that his group, the Pennsylvania Firearms Association, would ramp up efforts in 2021. He said he set up the websites for the anti-lockdown protests from a "constitutional approach." This originalist approach strictly interprets the US constitution as it was understood in its 18th-century context, and remains a theme in the Dorrs' politics, with the anti-lockdown protests adding to their ultra-conservative messaging.

By flouting state lockdown rules and gathering in crowds, health experts worry that these protests could contribute to the skyrocketing cases of infection across the US.

There were nearly 870,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the US and just short of 50,000 deaths as of early April 24, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Trump demonstrated support for the "Reopen America" campaign in three separate tweets on April 17, which read: "LIBERATE MICHIGAN!," "LIBERATE MINNESOTA!," and "LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!"

The Second Amendment — the constitutional right allowing private individuals to bear arms — is strongly supported by Trump. His administration allowed gun stores to remain open as "essential" businesses during the coronavirus pandemic.

In a White House coronavirus task force briefing on the same day as the tweets, Trump offered further support for the anti-lockdown protesters: "These are people expressing their views," he said. "I see where they are and I see the way they're working. They seem to be very responsible people to me, but they've been treated a little bit rough," suggesting that Stay At Home orders in some states were too restrictive.

When asked about why he singled out Virginia later in the press conference, Trump said, "In Virginia, I'm going above and beyond what we're talking about with this horrible plague. They want to take their guns away."

Armed veterans demonstrate in Topeka in Kansas on April 23

Anti-lockdown, gun activist takes partial credit for Trump election

One of the Dorr family members, Aaron, is a pro-gun activist, who has been politically active for over 10 years across a broad range of political campaigns.

His firearms website, Second Amendment Politics, describes his work as "fighting for the Second Amendment in state legislatures including Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, Wyoming, Wisconsin and more."

In an open letter to Trump in February 2018, his and eight other gun rights organizations took partial credit for Trump's election, writing "President Trump was elected, thanks in no small measure to the tireless efforts of grassroots gun owners." This letter was also signed by Ben and Chris Dorr.

Aaron Dorr is also linked to two websites targeting Republican Iowa State Senators Amy Sinclair and Dan Dawson. These websites use Trump-style name-calling, claiming that "Ragin' Amy Sinclair" and "Lyin' Dan Dawson" did not keep their campaign promises of supporting the state's controversial legislation on unrestricted carry for firearms, for which the Dorrs demonstrate strong support. A video on one of these websites states that the current legal situation means prospective gun owners have to "beg" the state for a license.

This legislation allows the legal carrying of a handgun, either openly or concealed, without any license or permit.

Trump declared his support for new concealed carry legislation in January 2018. The bill would make concealed carry of handguns available nationwide in every state, and each state would have to recognize the others' permits. Currently, this is regulated at state and local levels, rather than at the national level.

Unrestricted carry (sometimes referred to as permitless carry or constitutional carry) is already law in a number of US states, but not in any of the states for which the Dorrs have bought "Reopen America" domains. Based on the locations of these political campaigns and their previous political activity, it would appear that the Dorrs have a long-term goal of building a bigger supporter base for the gun lobby, using the coronavirus pandemic unrest as a vehicle.

The Dorrs did not respond to DW's request for comment.

Links to Facebook groups

Over 200,000 people are now part of Facebook groups supporting anti-lockdown protests run by the Dorrs across a number of US states.

Two groups in particular, "Reopen Minnesota" (previously named "Minnesotans Against Excessive Quarantine") and "Pennsylvanians Against Excessive Quarantine" shared near-identical descriptions on Facebook.

Their web addresses were registered two minutes apart on April 8.

The Dorrs remain active in both groups, where two of them — Ben and Matt, who keeps his online life relatively private — are listed as administrators. They, alongside Chris Dorr, also are administrators of other related groups.

Chris Dorr, one of the most active members in the groups, shared links to articles about the protests, posts asking users how the lockdown was affecting them and Facebook Live videos from the protests. His personal Facebook page bills him as "Political Director at Pennsylvania Firearms Association."

On his personal page, he shared memes and updates calling the coronavirus pandemic "a hoax." He also posted conspiracy theories alleging the US government is trying to take away people's freedom and claims that if "abortion mills" were closed for two weeks, the virus would have "saved more lives than it has taken." A picture post about him attending a Trump rally in 2018 was captioned with "[I] went on a Pilgrimage."
Commenters on his posts respond with sentiments such as "I just want to warm my SKS up," referring to a semi-automatic rifle. Another comment from April 21 read "I own a gunshop and business is better than ever!"

Protesters in Kansas demand that businesses be allowed to open up, people be allowed to work, and lives return to normal

Other Facebook comments on his profile incite violence against politicians and use language associated with the racist hate group the Ku Klux Klan, including the term "ride on knight [Eds. note: a colloquial name for a Klan member]." One comment specifically mentioned "tarring and feathering" politicians, a reference associated with the US Revolutionary War.

Facebook declined to comment on these specific points but said it continues to review content related to the lockdown protests.

"Unless government prohibits the event during this time, we allow it to be organized on Facebook. For this same reason, events that defy government's guidance on social distancing aren't allowed on Facebook," a company spokesperson told DW.

The Dorrs' digital empire

Links on these Facebook pages, and in the groups the Dorrs administer, left an entry point into investigating the sheer volume of websites they operate.

The connection between many of the Dorrs' websites is evidenced through information in public registration files, which includes the date and time they were purchased.

These files act as a digital equivalent of land registry paperwork for house ownership, ensuring a person or company with ownership of a web address are the only ones allowed to use it for a period of time before renewing, usually a minimum of one year.

For example, the "reopen" websites for Ohio, Pennsylvania and Minnesota were registered in quick succession, indicating that they were bought in the same transaction. They also all share the same Google Analytics tracking ID, which is a unique code used to track webpage visits.

Websites for Iowa and Wisconsin also use this code, in addition to having been set up on the same day.

The active "reopen" websites owned by the Dorrs redirect to anti-lockdown protest pages, mostly on the Dorrs' pro-gun websites. On top of this, they look the same and contain similar, often identical text. Analyzing the inner workings of the website, namely the HTML code files, helps identify more connections to other pages and groups the Dorrs manage or people they collaborate with.

As such, the true scale of the Dorrs' political influence is difficult to measure. DW has found links to more pro-gun websites, anti-abortion websites and campaigns against state senators who do not loosen gun control measures.

This widespread online activity has contributed toward the impression that there is large-scale opposition to the lockdown measures. In contrast, nearly 70% of Republican voters and 95 percent of Democratic voters supported a national stay-at-home order, according to recent research by Quinnipiac, a nationwide independent public opinion poll.

Florida man buys website registrations to slow protests

After reading an article about the anti-quarantine protests on April 17, a man in Florida decided to take action.

Michael Murphy, a small business owner, made the snap decision to purchase over 200 website addresses, including other available "reopen" domains, as well as ones beginning with related terms, such as "liberate."

When Murphy realized they were being used to organize the anti-lockdown protests, he wanted to prevent more from being set up. "I ran into my study, and I bought all of the iterations of them," he told DW.

Michael Murphy: "My phone started ringing. First it was a trickle, and then it was a torrent."

Murphy spent $4,000 (€3,678) of his own money to buy the web addresses. "I found out later that they were linked to all of these gun sites," he said.

While purchasing them, he messaged a friend who suggested offering the website addresses to progressive political groups. One message, shown to DW, read "I know they are going to be used for evil if you don't sell them to someone besides gun-toting idiots." Murphy also provided DW with a list of all of the website addresses he bought.

Discovery of the purchases sparked viral social media posts incorrectly accusing Murphy of astroturfing. Progressives started contacting him, blaming him for setting the protests up and accusing him of being a Russian spy.

"My phone started ringing. First it was a trickle, and then it was a torrent. As soon as I hung up, it started ringing again."

"I was accused of all kinds of different things, having a Nazi son, having a father who was a Republican lobbyist — my father's been dead for 20 years. I got a lot of really, really threatening phone calls, so I basically just unplugged the phone."

The domains registered under Michael Murphy's name remain inactive. "I have no desire to own them. My whole point of this was trying to do something good," he said.

"These are really powerful [website] names. This is a really powerful tool we've got here. When you've got every permutation in every state, you've basically got the keys to the kingdom."

Speaking of the protests, he told DW. "This is pure insanity. These people in the hospitals are in really bad shape, and the hospitals, they don't know what to do. The last thing we need is to reopen the country."

Protests against the lockdown in New Hampshire on April 18

A tense mood in the US

The coronavirus crisis continues to ravage the US, with the country's leading infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, predicting more than 200,000 deaths and over 1 million infections over the course of the pandemic.

In a country where a majority of voters agree that stay-at-home measures should be in place, a small number of loud pro-gun activists give the impression that the country is even further divided.

As the US 2020 election season begins to ramp up, political actions like this could see a huge impact on the political landscape and outcome of the vote. With pressure from the vocal far-right political minorities for which Trump continues to show support, the question is whether this fringe support is enough to keep him in office.

With a president so connected to pro-gun activism and the increasing influence of far-right lobbies on White House policy, the Dorrs could achieve exactly the kind of loosened gun laws for which they have long campaigned - and for which they are now trying to exploit the coronavirus pandemic.

DW's Sandra Petersmann and Kyra Levine contributed to this report, as well as WJCT News reporter Brendan Rivers.

Date 24.04.2020

Russian journalists defy boss over censorship

Reporters at the Vedomosti newspaper have said their new editor-in-chief is taking cues from the Kremlin. Anyone who flouts pro-government rules is fired, they said.

Under its old leadership, Vedemosti was one of the papers to run the headline 'I am Ivan Golunov' when the investigative reporter from a different media outlet was detained on questionable drugs charges

Journalists at Russia's prominent business newspaper Vedomosti rebelled against their newly appointed editor on Thursday, accusing Acting Editor-in-Chief Andrei Shmarov of pro-Kremlin censorship.

In a searing op-ed and public statements, the staff said Shmarov had banned them from reporting on data from a pollster that had angered President Vladimir Putin, and from publishing stories critical of Putin's constitutional changes that would allow him to stay in power until 2036.

According to media reporter Kseniya Boletskaya, anyone who tried to resist these polices would be fired.

In their op-ed, the journalists said they were determined to maintain the newspaper's values, such as neutrality, even in the face of pressure from Shmarov.

"Having lost its reputation, Vedomosti will become another dependent and managed media outlet whose aim is not to satisfy readers' needs with news that has been verified and quality analysis, but to serve the interests and ambitions of its official and secret owners," they added.

Staff said that they were punished last month ­for publishing a poll from the company Levada, which was classed as a "foreign agent" by the Russian government in 2016. In the poll, 38% of Russians said they believed Putin represented only the interests of bankers, oligarchs, and big businesses.

Editor contradicts Shmarov denial

Speaking with Reuters news agency on Friday, Shmarov denied threatening to fire anyone, and said his editorial decisions were made completely independently and without instruction from any officials.

Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov also denied that the Kremlin had anything to do with Vedomosti's journalistic output.

However, Vedomosti chief editor Dmitry Simakov contradicted his boss when speaking to Reuters, saying that the editor-in-chief "yesterday said that he went to the presidential administration for an interview before being appointed and that they drew him red lines [not to cross] and that the most serious one was Levada," he said.

"Yesterday…he told me not to mention Levada anymore. Otherwise, he said they [the Kremlin] would remove him and everyone else and that the publication didn't have any money," Simakov added.

EU slams threats to journalists

The EU also spoke out against Russian restrictions to press freedom on Friday. The bloc's top diplomat Peter Stano said that "over recent years, we have seen that the space for independent journalism and civil society in the Russian Federation has decreased. Incidents of intimidation, threats and violence against journalists are frequently reported."

Stano highlighted one particular case, in which Checn leader Ramzan Kadyrov publicly threatened award-winning journalist Elena Milashina.

Read more: Death threats against Russian journalist Milashina

"The EU condemns unequivocally all threats, verbal attacks or violence against journalists in pursuit of their work," Stano said.

es/msh (dpa, Reuters)

Austrians discover farm work in coronavirus labour crunch

AFP / ALEX HALADAAustria's farms have suddenly found themselves short of foreign labour due to the coronavirus pandemic
As in many Western countries, one of the shocks of the coronavirus crisis in Austria was how vulnerable farms were when suddenly deprived of foreign labour -- but the country is having some success in getting Austrians to plug the gap.
The Schreiber family farm in the village of Steinebrunn in Lower Austria is a stone's throw from the Czech border and normally relies on the free flow of workers across it.
When that border closed as the novel coronavirus spread through Europe, "we were helpless," owner Gabriela Schreiber said.
"We can't make it alone without help," she said, adding that they feared losing this year's harvest.
But while some Austrian farms are flying in workers from eastern Europe -- a pattern being repeated in several parts of the continent -- smaller farms in particular are turning to a scheme set up by the agriculture ministry that matches people who are out of work with newly vacant jobs on the land.
Some 20,000 people are looking for employment through the portal, called ("the food helpers").
Of these, around 2,000 -- mostly with prior experience and willing to work full-time -- are in the process of being matched to vacancies.
Around 450 mainly small and medium-sized farms looking for some 4,000 workers have signed up so far.
According to Austria's Farmers' Association, the sector is "characterised by its small structure", which has been helpful in facing the crisis.
The country seems to also have had more success in attracting younger generations to farming: according to the European Commission, Austria has the highest proportion of farmers under 40 in the EU, at 22 percent.
- Eye-opening reality -
Schreiber said that the agriculture ministry's scheme had run relatively smoothly for her.
AFP/File / ALEX HALADAThe work is harder than many Austrians would expect
After signing up, she was contacted within days to meet two applicants now busy on the farm planting vegetables, flowers and herbs and getting to grips with the weeds.
One of them is food wholesale buyer Jan Simka, who has had more time on his hands since hours were cut back at his job.
"I wanted to use this time sensibly and help our farmers," the 43-year-old told AFP, admitting the work was in some ways harder and more monotonous than expected.
He and student Kerstin Krueckl, 23, start at 8 am and work through until evening -- staying distanced all the while.
Krueckl is from a farming family and her studies in agronomics are currently on hold.
Seeing the reality of farm work outside the lecture hall has been an eye-opener.
"The work seems very hard on the first day," she admitted, but added: "You learn to cope with the pain."
Both said they wanted to do their bit to ensure Austria's food supply chain keeps running.
- Lasting change? -
While some farmers hope the platform will continue matching up workers with vacancies even after the crisis, others such as strawberry farm owner Alexandra Ramhofer in the Burgenland region say they expect many Austrians will find the work too hard.
It is up to the farms and the workers to negotiate their wages, but minimum monthly salaries for harvest workers are set at less than 1,500 euros ($1,600) before taxes.
Austria's average household net-adjusted disposable income per capita is around 2,500 euros, according to OECD data.
AFP/File / ALEX HALADAJan Simka hopes to return to his normal job once the lockdown is lifted
Ramhofer is looking for up to 10 workers to replace those who usually come from Croatia and Poland for the harvest from mid-May through June.
While she does not expect a lasting rise in the number of Austrians who want to work the land, she hoped that people might come to appreciate farm work better.
"What people realise is that we need farmers, so more and more people are buying from farmers directly," Ramhofer told AFP.
As for Schreiber, she also thinks the scheme is unlikely to survive post-crisis and is eager for her experienced Czech workers, who have become "like family", to return.
The Alpine nation, with its close to nine million people, has been spared the brunt of the health crisis so far, with some 15,000 reported infections and more than 500 deaths.
Krueckl for her part plans to stop work with the Schreibers in the summer to re-focus on her studies, while Simka also says he will return to his full-time job once the hours are ramped up again, which could happen next month.
"But I will take away from here that whatever I sell is not produced so easily," he said.
Coronavirus Updates Canada: 
Trudeau Slams Racism After Tory MP Calls for Firing of Top Doctor
Conservative leader Andrew Scheer has repeatedly refused to denounce the comments; Canadians believe in COVID-19 conspiracies; death tolls hits 2,000.

By Anya Zoledziowski Apr 24 2020


Updated at 11:30 a.m. (EDT): Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has strongly denounced “intolerance and racism” after a Conservative MP made racist comments about Canada’s top medical doctor leading the country’s fight against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

Tory MP for Hastings-Lennox Derek Sloan called for Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tam’s resignation earlier this week and tweeted a video about Tam’s pandemic response to his supporters and asked: “Does (Tam) work for Canada or China?”

"Millions of Canadians of all different backgrounds who are working together—many, many of them on the front lines to help their fellow Canadians—deserve better than this,” Trudeau said in his daily briefing on Thursday.

Tam also responded to the comments on Thursday. "I’m a pretty focused person and I work really, really hard probably over 20 hours a day,” Tam said.

“My singular focus is to work with all of my colleagues to get this epidemic wave under control. I don’t let noise sort of detract me from that," said Tam.

Some Conservative Party officials are also calling for the party to reprimand Sloan.

“Derek, with everything else going on in my community that I need to fight for, I can't believe I have to use my platform to explain to you why what you so profoundly wrong,” said Michelle Rempel Garner, an MP from Calgary.

An Edmonton-based Conservative MP, Tim Uppal, (A SIKH) said, “Personal attacks against Dr. Tam are unacceptable and do not represent our party.”

A group that represents more than half of Sloan’s constituents is asking outgoing party leader Andrew Scheer to denounce Sloan’s comments—or expel Sloan from the party, if necessary, according to CTV.

In a letter to Scheer, Warden Rick Phillips and Chief Administrative Officer Jim Pine of Hastings County, which is in Sloan’s constituency, asked Scheer to demonstrate that the problematic comments don’t reflect the Conservative Party as a whole.

Scheer has repeatedly refused to condemn Sloan’s comments.

Trudeau announces rent relief for small businesses

On Friday, Trudeau announced more details about the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance, which will support small businesses struggling to pay rent.

They will cover 50 percent of the rent and commercial property owners will cover 25 percent, leaving businesses on the hook for the remaining 25 percent.

Small businesses that have been hit hard by COVID-19 and pay less than $50,000 in rent per month are eligible.

Trudeau said he will announce more support for large businesses in the coming days.
Ten percent of Canadians believe in COVID-19 conspiracies

Preliminary research from the University of Sherbrooke suggests that one in 10 Canadians believes in a conspiracy theory related to the virus, CBC News reported.

The university presented six false theories to 600 Canadians: the coronavirus and 5G technology are connected; coronavirus medication already exists; the pharmaceutical industry contributed to the spread of the virus; coronavirus was borne in a lab, by mistake; the government is hiding information about the virus; a lab made the virus on purpose.

Nearly a third of Canadians said they believe the virus was made in a lab, despite the fact that virologists have already denounced that theory. Researchers have found that the virus causing COVID-19 almost certainly originated in bats.

About 15 percent of respondents believe pharmaceuticals contributed to COVID-19.
Canada Post slammed

Canada Post delivered more packages on Monday than it typically does during the days leading up to winter holidays.

The unprecedented volume in deliveries, while good news, is producing delivery delays of about a day or two.

That’s because the Crown corporation is operating at reduced capacity, so that staff can maintain physical distancing.

COVID-19 deaths pass 2,000

As of Friday morning, Canada had 42,110 COVID-19 cases and 2,146 deaths.

Here’s a breakdown of confirmed or probable COVID-19 cases across the country:

British Columbia: 1,824

Alberta: 3,720

Saskatchewan: 331

Manitoba: 262

Ontario: 12,879

Quebec: 21,838

Newfoundland and Labrador: 256

New Brunswick: 118

Nova Scotia: 827

Prince Edward Island: 26

Yukon: 11

Northwest Territories: 5

Nunavut: 0

Late Thursday, the global total of confirmed COVID-19 neared 2.5 million, with more than 175,000 deaths.

Follow Anya Zoledziowski on Twitter.