Sunday, April 26, 2020

Perfect storm: Lombardy's virus disaster is lesson for world

by Nicole Winfield  
APRIL 26, 2020
In this April 16, 2020 file photo, medical staff tend to a patient in the emergency COVID-19 ward at the San Carlo Hospital in Milan, Italy. As Italy prepares to emerge from the West's first and most extensive coronavirus lockdown, it is increasingly clear that something went terribly wrong in Lombardy, the hardest-hit region in Europe's hardest-hit country. By contrast, Lombardy's front-line doctors and nurses are being hailed as heroes for risking their lives to treat the sick under extraordinary levels of stress, exhaustion, isolation and fear. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni, file)
As Italy prepares to emerge from the West's first and most extensive coronavirus lockdown, it is increasingly clear that something went terribly wrong in Lombardy, the hardest-hit region in Europe's hardest-hit country.

Italy had the bad luck of being the first Western nation to be slammed by the outbreak, and its official total of 26,000 fatalities lags behind only the U.S. in the global death toll. Italy's first homegrown case was recorded Feb. 21, at a time when the World Health Organization was still insisting the virus was "containable" and not nearly as infectious as the flu.

But there is also evidence that demographics and health care deficiencies collided with political and business interests to expose Lombardy's 10 million people to COVID-19 in ways unseen anywhere else, particularly the most vulnerable in nursing homes.

Virologists and epidemiologists say what went wrong there will be studied for years, given how the outbreak overwhelmed a medical system long considered one of Europe's best, while in neighboring Veneto, the impact was significantly more controlled.

Prosecutors, meanwhile, are deciding whether to lay any criminal blame for the hundreds of dead in nursing homes, many of whom don't even figure into Lombardy's official death toll of 13,269, half of Italy's total.

By contrast, Lombardy's front-line doctors and nurses are being hailed as heroes for risking their lives to treat the sick under extraordinary levels of stress, exhaustion, isolation and fear. One WHO official said it was a "miracle" they saved as many as they did.

Here's a look at the perfect storm of what went wrong in Lombardy, based on interviews and briefings with doctors, union representatives, mayors and virologists, as well as reports from Italy's Superior Institute of Health, national statistics agency ISTAT and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which advises developed economies on policy.
In this Feb. 28, 2020 file photo, a sunny day is reflected in a restaurant window where a sign with a hashtag reads "Milan doesn't stop" as a pizza maker puts a pizza in an oven, in Milan, Italy, As Italy prepares to emerge from the West's first and most extensive coronavirus lockdown, it is increasingly becoming apparent that something went terribly wrong in Lombardy, the hardest-hit region in Europe's hardest-hit country. Unions and mayors of some of Lombardy's hardest hit cities say the country's main industrial lobby group, Confindustria, exerted enormous pressure on authorities to resist lockdowns and production shutdowns on the grounds that the economic cost would be too great in a region responsible for 21% of Italy's GDP. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno, file)


Italy was the first European country to halt all air traffic with China on Jan. 31, and even put scanners in airports to check arrivals for fever. But by Jan. 31, it was already too late. Epidemiologists now say the virus had been circulating widely in Lombardy since early January, if not before.

Doctors treating pneumonia in January and February didn't know it was the coronavirus, since the symptoms were so similar and the virus was still believed to be largely confined to China. Even after Italy registered its Feb. 21 case, doctors didn't understand the unusual way COVID-19 could present itself, with some patients experiencing a rapid decline in their ability to breathe.

"After a phase of stabilization, many deteriorated quickly. This was clinical information we didn't have," said Dr. Maurizio Marvisi, a pneumologist at a private clinic in hard-hit Cremona. "There was practically nothing in the medical literature."

Because Lombardy's intensive care units were already filling up within days of Italy's first cases, many primary care physicians tried to treat and monitor patients at home. Some put them on supplemental oxygen, commonly used for home cases in Italy.

That strategy proved deadly, and many died at home or soon after hospitalization, having waited too long to call an ambulance.

Reliance on home care "will probably be the determining factor of why we have such a high mortality rate in Italy," Marivi said.
In this Thursday, March 12, 2020 file photo, a worker wearing a mask and protective clothing walks between the emergency structures that were set up to ease procedures at the Brescia hospital in northern Italy. As Italy prepares to emerge from the West's first and most extensive coronavirus lockdown, it is increasingly clear that something went terribly wrong in Lombardy, the hardest-hit region in Europe's hardest-hit country. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)

Italy was forced to use home care in part because of its low ICU capacity: After years of budget cuts, Italy entered the crisis with 8.6 ICU beds per 100,000 people, well below the OECD average of 15.9 and a fraction of Germany's 33.9, the group said.

As a result, primary care physicians became the front-line filter of virus patients, an army of mostly self-employed practitioners who work within the public health system but outside Italy's regional hospital network.

Since only those with strong symptoms were being tested because Lombardy's labs couldn't process more, these family doctors didn't know if they themselves were infected, much less their patients.

With so little clinical information available, doctors also had no guidelines on when to admit patients or refer them to specialists. And being outside the hospital system, they didn't have the same access to protective masks and equipment.

"The region was extremely behind in giving us protective equipment and it was inadequate, because the first time, they gave us 10 surgical masks and gloves," said Dr. Laura Turetta in the city of Varese. "Obviously for our close contact with patients, it wasn't the correct way to protect ourselves."

The Lombardy doctors' association issued a blistering letter April 7 to regional authorities listing seven "errors" in their handling of the crisis, key among them the lack of testing for medical personnel, the lack of protective equipment and the lack of data about the contagion.

The regional government and civil protection agency defended their efforts, but acknowledged that Italy was dependent on imports and donations of protective equipment and simply didn't have enough to go around.

In this Feb. 28, 2020 file photo, people enjoy a sunny day while sitting at a cafe, in Milan, Italy. As Italy prepares to emerge from the West's first and most extensive coronavirus lockdown, it is increasingly becoming apparent that something went terribly wrong in Lombardy, the hardest-hit region in Europe's hardest-hit country. Unions and mayors of some of Lombardy's hardest hit cities say the country's main industrial lobby group, Confindustria, exerted enormous pressure on authorities to resist lockdowns and production shutdowns on the grounds that the economic cost would be too great in a region responsible for 21% of Italy's GDP. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno, file)Some 20,000 Italian medical personnel have been infected and 150 doctors have died.


Two days after registering Italy's first case in the Lombardy province of Lodi, sparking a quarantine in 10 towns, another positive case was registered more than an hour's drive away in Alzano in Bergamo province. Whereas the emergency room of the Lodi-area hospital was closed, the Alzano ER reopened after a few hours of cleaning, becoming a main source of contagion.

Internal documents cited by Italian newspapers indicate the handful of serious pneumonia cases the Alzano hospital saw as early as Feb. 12 were likely COVID-19. At the time, Italy's health ministry recommended tests only for people who had been to China or been in contact with a suspected or confirmed positive case.

By March 2, the Superior Institute of Health recommended Alzano and nearby Nembro be sealed off as the towns in Lodi had been. But political authorities never implemented the quarantine recommendation there, allowing the infection to spread for a second week until all the Lombardy region was locked down March 7.

"The army was there, prepared to do a total closure, and if it had been done immediately maybe they could have stopped the contagion in the rest of Lombardy," said Dr. Guido Marinoni, head of the association of doctors in Bergamo province. "This wasn't done, and they took softer measures in all of Lombardy, and this allowed for the spread."

Asked why he didn't seal off Bergamo sooner, Premier Giuseppe Conte argued the regional government could have done so on its own. Lombardy's governor, Attilio Fontana, shot back that any mistake "was made by both. I don't think that there was blame in this situation.''
In this April 14, 2020 file photo, a car gets out of the Pio Albergo Trivulzio eldercare facility, in Milan, Italy. As Italy prepares to emerge from the West's first and most extensive coronavirus lockdown, it is increasingly becoming apparent that something went terribly gistered more dead in nursing homes than any other region, nearly half of the 6,773 dead registered from Feb. 1-April 15, 40% of whom were either positive or had COVID-19 symwrong in Lombardy, the hardest-hit region in Europe's hardest-hit country. Lombardy reptoms, according to a survey of the Superior Institutes of Health. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno, file)

Lombardy has one-sixth of Italy's 60 million people and is the most densely populated region, home to the business capital in Milan and the country's industrial heartland. Lombardy also has more people over 65 than any other Italian region, as well as 20% of Italy's nursing homes, a demographic time bomb for COVID-19 infections.

"Clearly, with the benefit of hindsight, we should have done a total shutdown in Lombardy, everyone at home and no one moves," said Andrea Crisanti, a microbiologist and virologist advising the Veneto regional government. But he acknowledged how hard that was, given Lombardy's outsize role in the Italian economy, which even before the pandemic was heading toward a recession.

"Probably for political reasons, it wasn't done," he told reporters.


Unions and mayors of some of Lombardy's hardest hit cities now say the country's main industrial lobby group, Confindustria, exerted enormous pressure to resist lockdowns and production shutdowns because the economic cost would be too great in a region responsible for 21% of Italy's GDP.

On Feb. 28, a week into the outbreak and well after more than 100 cases were registered in Bergamo, the province's branch of Confindustria launched an English-language social media campaign, #Bergamoisrunning, to reassure clients. It insisted the outbreak was no worse than elsewhere, that the "misleading sensation" of its high number of infections was due to aggressive testing, and that production in steel mills and other industries was unaffected.

Confindustria launched its own campaign in the larger Lombardy region, echoing that message, #Yeswework. Milan's mayor proclaimed that "Milan doesn't stop."
Giulio Gallera, Health Counselor for the Lombardy Region attends a news conference presenting a new hospital Ospedalefieramilano to treat coronavirus patients in Milan, Italy, Tuesday, March 31, 2020. As Italy prepares to emerge from the West's first and most extensive coronavirus lockdown, it is increasingly becoming apparent that something went terribly wrong in Lombardy, the hardest-hit region in Europe's hardest-hit country. The intensive care hospital was unveiled to great fanfare on March 31, the fruit of a 21 million euro fundraising campaign spearheaded by Lombardy's Fontana, of the right-wing League party, to try to relieve pressure on the region's overtaxed ICUs which on that date were near capacity at 1,324 patients. In the end, the Milan field hospital was barely used, treating only a few dozen patients. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)

At the time, Confindustria Lombardy chief Marco Bonometti acknowledged the "drastic measures" needed in Lodi but sought to lower the sense of alarm.

"We have to let people know they can go back to life as it was, while safeguarding their health," he said.

Even after the Rome-based national government locked down all of Lombardy March 7, it allowed factories to stay open, sparking strikes from workers worried their health was being sacrificed to keep Italy's industrial engine rolling.

"It was a huge error. They should have taken the example where the first cluster was found," said Giambattista Morali of the metalworkers' union in the Bergamo town of Dalmine. "Keeping factories open didn't help the situation; obviously it worsened it."

Eventually, all but essential production was shut down nationwide March 26. Confindustria's national president, Carlo Bonomi, has been urging that industry be reopened, but in a safe way.

"The paradigm has changed," Bonomi told RAI state television. "We can't make Italians secure if we don't reopen factories. But how do we make factories safe to secure Italians?"

It's a tough sell, given Lombardy is still adding an average of 950 infections daily, while other regions add from a few dozen to 500 apiece, with most new cases registered in nursing homes. Italy is set to begin a gradual reopening May 4, leading with regions farther south where the outbreak is more under control.
In this Tuesday, March 17, 2020 file photo, a woman walks outside the Pesenti Fenaroli hospital, in Alzano Lombardo, near Bergamo, the heart of the hardest-hit province in Italy's hardest-hit region of Lombardy, Italy. As Italy prepares to emerge from the West's first and most extensive coronavirus lockdown, it is increasingly becoming apparent that something went terribly wrong in Lombardy, the hardest-hit region in Europe's hardest-hit country. Two days after Italy registered its first positive case in the Lombard town of Codogno, sparking a lockdown of Codogno and nine nearby towns, another positive case was registered Feb. 23 more than an hour's drive away in the hospital of Alzano Lombardo in the province of Bergamo. Whereas the emergency room of Codogno's hospital was shuttered after its first positive case, the ER of Alzano's hospital reopened after a few hours of cleaning, fast becoming one of Bergamo's main sources of contagion. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno, File)

Lombardy probably will be last to fully open, with its 72,000 confirmed cases, 70% of Italy's total, and estimates that the real number could be 10 times that.


Perhaps no initiative better illustrates Italy's confused coronavirus response than the 200-bed field hospital built in less than two weeks on the grounds of Milan's convention center.

The hospital was unveiled to great fanfare on March 31, the fruit of a 21 million euro ($23 million) fundraising campaign headed by Lombardy's governor, a member of the right-wing League party, to try to ease pressure on regional ICUs, which on that date were near capacity at 1,324 patients.

The national civil protection agency opposed the plan, arguing it could never equip it with ventilators or personnel in time. Instead, the agency, which reports to the rival 5-Star-Democratic government in Rome, preferred smaller field units set up outside hospitals and a program to move critical patients elsewhere.

In the end, the Milan field hospital was barely used, treating only a few dozen patients. Since it opened, Lombardy has seen pressure on its ICUs fall considerably, with just over 700 people needing intensive care today.

Fontana, the governor, defended the decision and said he would do it again, telling Radio 24: "We had to ... prepare a dam in case the epidemic overcame the embankment."
Lombardy region president Attilio Fontana arrives to attend a news conference presenting a new hospital Ospedalefieramilano to treat coronavirus patients in Milan, Italy, Tuesday, March 31, 2020. As Italy prepares to emerge from the West's first and most extensive coronavirus lockdown, it is increasingly becoming apparent that something went terribly wrong in Lombardy, the hardest-hit region in Europe's hardest-hit country. The intensive care hospital was unveiled to great fanfare on March 31, the fruit of a 21 million euro fundraising campaign spearheaded by Lombardy's Fontana, of the right-wing League party, to try to relieve pressure on the region's overtaxed ICUs which on that date were near capacity at 1,324 patients. In the end, the Milan field hospital was barely used, treating only a few dozen patients. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)

While the regional government was focused on building the field hospital and scrambling to find ICU beds, its testing capacity lagged and Lombardy's nursing homes were in many ways left to fend for themselves.

Hundreds of elderly have died in Lombardy and across Italy in what one WHO official has termed a "massacre" of those most vulnerable to the virus. Prosecutors are investigating dozens of nursing homes, as well as measures taken by local health authorities and the regional governments that may have worsened the problem.

Lombardy has more nursing homes than any other region, housing at least 24,000 elderly, and it registered more dead at those facilities than others too. Of the 3,045 dead from Feb. 1 to April 15 in the region, 1,625 were either positive for the virus or showed its symptoms, according to preliminary results from a survey by the Superior Institute of Health.

Of particular attention to prosecutors was the March 8 decision by the regional government to allow recovering COVID-19 patients to be put in nursing homes to free up hospital beds. The region says it required the homes guarantee the patients would be isolated, but it's not clear who was responsible to ensure that or whether anyone checked.

Even before that, staff at some homes said management prevented them from wearing masks for fear of scaring residents.

A March 30 regional decree, again aimed at easing pressure on Lombardy's ICUs, told nursing home directors to not hospitalize sick residents over 75 if they had other health problems. The decree said it was "opportune to treat them in the same facility to avoid further risks of decline in transport or during the wait in the emergency room."
In this Tuesday, March 17, 2020 filer, death notices are seen on a board along an empty road in Alzano Lombardo, near Bergamo, the heart of the hardest-hit province in Italy's hardest-hit region of Lombardy, Italy, Tuesday, March 17, 2020. As Italy prepares to emerge from the West's first and most extensive coronavirus lockdown, it is increasingly becoming apparent that something went terribly wrong in Lombardy, the hardest-hit region in Europe's hardest-hit country. Two days after Italy registered its first positive case in the Lombard town of Codogno, sparking a lockdown of Codogno and nine nearby towns, another positive case was registered Feb. 23 more than an hour's drive away in the hospital of Alzano Lombardo in the province of Bergamo. Whereas the emergency room of Codogno's hospital was shuttered after its first positive case, the ER of Alzano's hospital reopened after a few hours of cleaning, fast becoming one of Bergamo's main sources of contagion. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno, File)

For the elderly at a nursing home in Nembro, one of the hardest-hit towns in Bergamo province, the decree amounted to a death warrant. But it wasn't the first or only one that gave the home's managers the sense that they were being abandoned.

When management proactively barred visitors on Feb. 24 to try to protect residents and staff from infection, local health authorities responded by threatening sanctions and a loss of accreditation for cutting off family visits, said the facility's new director, Valerio Poloni.

In the end, 37 of the 87 residents died in February and March. Its doctor, as well as Poloni's predecessor as director, also tested positive, were hospitalized and died. A nursing home resident couldn't get admitted to the hospital in late February because the ER was too crowded.

The facility's health director, Barbara Codalli, said she was told to use her existing resources to treat the sick. "The patient returned a few hours later, and a few days later the patient died," she told La7 television.

To date, none of the surviving residents has been tested. Poloni said tests were expected to begin in a few days. Two more residents died so far in April, but the situation seems under control.

''We are tranquil,'' he said.
© 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved..

Colleen Barry in Soave, Italy, contributed to this report.

Italy's far-right League hurt by response to coronavirus in heartland

Sara Rossi, Emilio Parodi  APRIL 25, 2020

MILAN (Reuters) - The coronavirus crisis has left Italy’s northern economic powerhouse a disaster zone and raised awkward questions for far-right opposition leader Matteo Salvini’s League party, which has dominated the region’s politics for years.

Ever since its creation as a separatist movement in the 1980s, the League’s heartland has been in the prosperous small towns of Lombardy around the financial capital Milan, the area that has now borne the brunt of the COVID-19 crisis.

Under Salvini’s leadership, the League has become Italy’s strongest party, mixing nativist and anti-immigration policies with harsh criticism of the European Union that has at times included threats to quit the euro.

But the crisis in his home region has dented Salvini’s once all-conquering image, making it harder to land attacks on Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte’s coalition government in Rome, which Salvini quit spectacularly last year in a failed attempt to force a new election.

Two months after the first outbreak of COVID-19 in a small town outside Milan, Lombardy remains one of the world’s worst-hit regions, accounting for half of Italy’s 26,000 dead.

As local families have seen elderly relatives dying alone in overflowing hospitals or nursing homes, the League-led regional government, which runs the health system, has faced increasing criticism from its own supporters.

“For us seeing the hospitals full and the ambulances that didn’t arrive was unthinkable,” said Ivan Dallagrassa, who runs a building company in Gorno near Bergamo and lost an uncle and probably an aunt to COVID-19. “At the last elections I voted for the League because I liked Salvini but I wouldn’t do it again.”

The troubles in Lombardy have started to undermine national support for the party, which had already been losing ground to parties like the right-wing Brothers of Italy group, while Conte has enjoyed sky-high approval ratings of over 60 percent.

A poll on Sunday by the Ipsos institute for the Corriere della Sera newspaper put the League on 25.4 percent, down from 31.1 a month ago, accelerating a steady slide since it took 34.3 to become the largest party in European elections a year ago.


The regional government has been criticised for communication missteps, policy zig-zags, lack of early testing and failing to procure enough protective equipment. Magistrates have begun investigating a wave of deaths in the region’s nursing homes.

Salvini’s own position, like those of many politicians on all sides, has shifted during the crisis. Early on he blamed foreigners, demanding to close Italy’s borders; he was then a sceptic of shutting down business, before ultimately joining calls for a strict lockdown.

Whatever stance he has taken on the national level, his fortunes are tied to the performance of his party in administering the region it dominates.

Local officials point to actions they have taken, including setting up a huge emergency hospital, bringing in millions of protective masks and setting aside billions of euros to boost the economy.

“There’s no justification for these attacks,” regional governor Attilio Fontana, a close Salvini ally, told local TV station ETV last week, saying much of the criticism was motivated by “political speculation”.

But while criticism from opponents may be predictable, many normally sympathetic voices have also expressed deep misgivings.

“The main criticism I would make of the management of this crisis by the region of Lombardy is organisational failure,” said Roberto Francese, who heads a centre-right administration as mayor of Robbio, 50 kilometres southwest of Milan.

Lombardy officials have also had to defend pre-crisis health reforms, which favoured big hospitals and private sector providers and stripped down local services now seen as vital to treating patients before they end up in intensive care.

“Local medical services have gone backwards, it’s true,” said Lorenzo Demartini, a hospital radiologist and a former League mayor of Mede, near Milan. “They have been dismantled, I can confirm it.”

By contrast, the League governor in neighbouring Veneto, Luca Zaia, has emerged strengthened from the crisis, widely praised for decisive action backed by a strong local health system that kept hospital admissions down.

While the League has weathered previous storms, Lorenzo Pregliasco, head of political analysis firm Youtrend, said the “mishandling of a huge crisis affecting ordinary people” was a very different problem from the financial scandals that regularly blight Italian politics.

“The party’s appeal is based on Salvini’s charismatic leadership but also on a reputation for pragmatic and effective government at local level,” he said. “That has been damaged.”
Coronavirus Killed The Mass Protest So They've Gone Online. But They’ll Be Back.

Lockdown measures have stopped many protesters from going outside. So they're getting creative.

Christopher Miller BuzzFeed News Contributor Posted on April 25, 2020

Miguel Schincariol / Getty Images

Images of the president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, projected onto a wall in protest at his handling of the pandemic.

How do you protest against the government if coronavirus lockdown measures mean you can’t go outside?

Drop a pin.

By sticking thousands of pins embedded with protest messages onto online maps, Russians who are angry about lost jobs and lack of financial aid from the government were able to make themselves be heard by authorities and each other.

Using Yandex.Maps and Yandex.Navigator mobile apps — the Russian version of Google Maps — the virtual protesters dropped their first pins in front of government buildings in the southwestern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don on Monday. But it wasn’t long before more appeared outside government buildings and politically symbolic locations in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod, and even in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk, according to local media reports. Their numbers quickly grew from hundreds to thousands protesting together across Russia.

Their beef? The impact of sweeping safety measures imposed in an attempt to stop the novel coronavirus outbreak in Russia, which as of Friday evening had recorded 68,622 cases and 615 deaths, according to government data. (The death toll remains low compared to other countries with a similar number of cases.) Because of those measures, which include orders to self-isolate at home — and, in the case of Moscow and Rostov on Don, the need to apply for special permits to leave home or else face a hefty fine and possible arrest — the demonstrators did not physically gather on the cities’ streets and squares, so they did it virtually.

Most of the participants demanded that Russian authorities introduce an official state of emergency, which would provide citizens with social assistance from the government, or else lift restrictions preventing people from going to work. Thousands of comments appeared on the apps over the course of the sprawling digital protests.

“No money to pay off loans! What are we supposed to do?” read one protest message posted in Rostov on Don that was seen by Global Voices, which covered the digital demonstrations and aggregated local media reports. “OK, so cancel taxes, loans, and so on,” and “declare a state of emergency or stop restrictions on people,” read others.

#ростов В Ростове устроили виртуальный митинг из-за введения новых пропусков PM - 20 Apr 2020
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A virtual protest is being held in Rostov due to the introduction of new restrictions.

Watching as the protests spread, Alexander Plushchev, a popular blogger, asked followers on his Telegram channel, “I feel that by this evening, digital rallies will have taken over the whole country. Don’t those in the Kremlin get that?”

If 2019 was the year of the street protest, of tear gas and rubber bullets, 2020 might be the year the street protest died, or perhaps fell into a deep sleep, and went online.

“Before the coronavirus, there were quite dynamic public protests in so many different places, especially in the past six months, in Iran and in Hong Kong, in Moscow last summer … All over the world,” said Rachel Denber, deputy director of the Europe and Central Asia division at Human Rights Watch (HRW).

The deadly coronavirus pandemic has disrupted months-long protest movements across the world. Streets and squares in cities have gone eerily quiet.

Yet, as with the Russian protesters, some civil society activists and protest movement leaders are coming up with creative solutions to voice their discontent in this new era of social distancing and national lockdown orders.

Amnesty Hungary@AmnestyHungary
In #Poland the parliament will soon vote on two new laws - one to restrict #abortion, the other to ban #SexEducation We cannot take the streets, so we'll #ProtestAtHome @amnestyPL #NieSkladamyParasolek #StrajkKobiet @elzbietawitek @MorawieckiM @RyszardTerlecki08:37 AM - 15 Apr 2020

In neighboring Ukraine, for example, protesters held a Zoom conference call against the government’s decision to cut state funding to cultural programs. In Poland, protesters published photographs and posters on social media in support of women’s rights and against proposed laws to restrict abortion and ban sex education. Activists in Chile projected videos of demonstrations and of victims of state repression on public buildings.

There are some who push the physical boundaries of protesting in this moment of limits. In Brazil people expressed their anger at President Jair Bolsonaro’s controversial handling of the pandemic by banging pots and pans together while hanging out of their windows and stepping out onto their balconies. In Sao Paolo some protesters projected a picture of him laughing onto buildings to show their disgust. And in Hong Kong, a newly formed union born out of the pro-democracy movement that has been interrupted by the coronavirus went on strike to demand a ban on entries from mainland China to stop the spread of the virus.

Iavor Rangelov, an assistant professorial research fellow focused on human rights and security, transitional justice and civil society at the London School of Economics and Political Science, told BuzzFeed News that in many ways the current lockdown is accelerating trends that first appeared before the coronavirus

“The push by governments of different stripes to restrict the space for protest and social mobilization is one example,” he said. Another, he added, had forced activists to start doing more campaigning and organizing online.

Whether these protest methods can be effective and will sustain the larger movements remains to be seen and likely depends on how long governments keep measures restricting access to public spaces in place.

If the new, pandemic-inspired protest methods do turn out to be effective, Rangelov said it may lead governments to further restrict digital spaces. But this could have unforeseen consequences too.

“That carries more risks for activists but also for governments, when all ‘valves’ for protest get closed down the pressure builds up and may trigger much more disruptive and destabilizing forms of protests,” he said.

“Social movements that have been mobilizing around inequalities and injustices feel vindicated as the pandemic has exacerbated many of them and made them more visible. They are also frustrated that they can’t take full advantage of the opening to mobilize around these issues as much as they feel they should, especially offline.”

He added: “What will be important to watch is how broader society responds to some of their ideas and agendas that until recently were seen as marginal and utopian, but now seem possible.”

Amir Levy / Getty Images
Israelis protest under coronavirus restrictions on April 19, 2020.

Alexander Clarkson, a lecturer in European and international studies at King’s College London, said that we tend to overestimate the extent to which any single event leads to some radical change in protest movements.

“Lockdowns may in the long term ... change the way in which social movements think about things. Or, I actually think public health will become a dimension of protest movements established in preexisting causes in which it wasn’t,” he said. “I have more doubts about it being fundamentally transformative in the way social movements operate. As the lockdowns loosen, movements will come out into the streets increasingly and they’ll just go back to using these old tools they always did.”

Perhaps a sign of that came last weekend, when thousands of Israelis stood six feet apart in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square to protest what they felt was the erosion of democracy under the current government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In several US cities, people unhappy with state-ordered shutdowns have also flouted federal recommendations and opted for the more traditional method of protest: gathering in public. And they have done so with support from President Donald Trump, who urged supporters to “liberate” states that have imposed public safety measures.

Meanwhile, two dozen nurses from National Nurses United stood at a safe distance from each other in protest outside the White House on Tuesday. They demanded more personal protective equipment for themselves and others on the front line of the pandemic.

“The digital protest is just a means of expressing yourself at a moment in time because other means are not there,” Clarkson said.

If serious change in the context of protests is to emerge from the pandemic, Clarkson thinks it will come from the side of law enforcement. “People are talking about social movements changing, I think it will be policing that could change.”

“In an environment where, if the state is trying to do track-and-tracing, trying to maintain social distancing, trying to police and monitor a whole range of new potential infractions, and then on top of that deal with [protesters] … we may see states becoming even more brutal,” Clarkson said.

In a sign that Russia is unlikely to tolerate either, Yandex — which has come under increasing influence from the government — began digitally dispersing the online protesters by deleting their protest messages almost as quickly as they appeared.

Олег Степанов@olsnov
Прямо сейчас Яндекс разгоняет «несогласованный митинг» против Путина на Красной площади! Москвичи оставляют сотни комментариев, но администраторы их мгновенно удаляют. Попробуйте сами PM - 20 Apr 2020

Right now Yandex is dispersing an “unsanctioned protest” against Putin on Red Square! Muscovites are posting hundreds of comments, but administrators are instantly deleting them. Try for yourself.

Christopher Miller is a Kyiv-based American journalist and editor.
Contact Christopher Miller at
Native American Tribes Say They’re At Risk Of Losing Out On Potentially Millions Of Coronavirus Stimulus Dollars

Tribal governments are challenging the Treasury Department’s decision to make certain for-profit Native corporations eligible for stimulus funds intended to help tribes respond to the pandemic.

Zoe Tillman BuzzFeed News Reporter
Reporting From Washington, DC April 24, 2020

Kristin Murphy / The Deseret News via
Vehicles line up for COVID-19 testing outside of the Monument Valley Health Center in Oljato-Monument Valley in Utah, April 17.

WASHINGTON — Dozens of Native American tribal governments have raced to court in the past week to try to stop the Treasury Department from allowing for-profit Native corporations to access a special pool of $8 billion in federal coronavirus relief money.

The tribes argue that if Alaska Native corporations, or ANCs, are eligible for the funds, it could cost federally recognized tribal governments millions of dollars in aid. In court papers, the tribal governments said they needed the money to provide immediate relief to communities hit by the pandemic, including buying personal protective equipment, expanding testing for COVID-19 (the disease caused by the novel coronavirus), and delivering meals to the elderly and children.

Congress intended the money for “desperate tribal governments,” Nicole Ducheneaux, a lawyer for the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, told a judge on Friday afternoon.

“COVID-19 is causing devastating harm in Indian country,” lawyers for a group of tribal governments wrote in one of three lawsuits filed in the past week. “By way of just a few examples, as of April 15, 2020, the Navajo Nation alone has reported 921 cases and 38 deaths related to COVID-19. The Pueblo of Zuni has reported 33 cases. And the Cherokee Nation has reported 28 cases with one fatality as of April 9. Native Americans suffer from disproportionately high rates of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, asthma, which subject them to greater risk of fatal complications from COVID-19.”

As part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) that became law in late March, Congress designated $8 billion in funding for “Tribal governments.” What exactly qualifies as a “tribal government” is at the heart of the legal fight that’s quickly bubbled up in a federal district court in Washington, DC.

ANCs were established by a 1971 law governing how Alaska Natives manage and benefit from their land. In court papers, one ANC argued that these corporations are in a position to help tribe members during the pandemic and that their for-profit status shouldn’t get in the way of accessing stimulus funds. The ANCs and the Treasury Department argue Congress used language in the stimulus package that allowed these corporations, which serve as holding companies for a variety of business interests, to apply for the money.

US District Judge Amit Mehta heard arguments on Friday via video and telephone. The tribal governments that sued want the judge to issue an immediate order to stop money from going to the corporations. Justice Department lawyer Jason Lynch told Mehta that the Treasury Department would hold off distributing the money until at least April 28. Mehta said he’d rule by April 27.

There are 574 federally recognized tribal governments that have a government-to-government relationship with the United States, and 237 ANCs throughout Alaska, according to court filings. The ANCs have shareholders — primarily members of Native American tribes — and boards of directors, and they serve as holding companies for businesses that range from construction and pipeline maintenance to janitorial and food services.

The tribal governments argue that allowing the ANCs to apply for coronavirus relief money could reduce the amount available to all the tribes. They offered two hypothetical scenarios in court papers: If the money were divided equally among 811 entities instead of 574, it would mean the tribal governments would get approximately $10 million instead of $14 million. And if the money were divided up proportionally based on a combination of factors that included land, they said, the ANCs would disproportionately benefit given the millions of acres that they cover across Alaska.

The tribal government said in court papers that the money they’d normally get from businesses that operate on tribal lands and fund health care, law enforcement, and other services for tribal members had “evaporated overnight” due to the pandemic.

The Treasury Department contends that the language of the CARES Act didn’t exclude ANCs from being eligible for the money, and that the court should not second-guess the executive branch’s “time-pressed determination” about how to distribute the funds. Congress used a definition of “Indian tribe” in the CARES Act from another law, the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, which covers ANCs, and the Treasury Department is arguing that a board of directors is a type of governing body.

During arguments on Friday, Mehta asked Riyaz Kanji, a lawyer for one set of tribal governments, if they’d be satisfied if the Treasury Department said it would only give money to ANCs that were delivering the kind of health care and other public services that tribal governments were delivering. Kanji said the best option would be for the money to go to the tribal governments, who could then decide how best to spend it.

Mehta also questioned why Congress used a definition of “Indian tribe” that included ANCs if it meant to exclude the corporations from the stimulus money. Kanji said it was Congress’s “habit” and “pattern” to use that definition when legislating issues related to Native American affairs.

According to Lynch, the Treasury Department is still deciding how to divide the money. Mehta asked if he knew the agency’s algorithm or methodology. Lynch said he didn’t, and that even if he did he wouldn’t be able to share it because it was part of the nonpublic “predecisional” process.

A lawyer for one of the ANCs that filed a "friend of the court" (or amicus) brief asked Mehta for time to argue at the end of the hearing, saying there had been “misinformation” about ANCs she wanted to address. Mehta denied the request, saying he wasn’t giving argument time to any of the groups that filed briefs but weren’t part of the lawsuit.

Zoe Tillman is a senior legal reporter with BuzzFeed News and is based in Washington, DC.


U.S. Labor Department issues new guidance for meatpacking workers

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Labor Department issued new guidelines on Sunday for U.S. meatpacking and meat-processing plants that have seen a rash of coronavirus outbreaks, saying employees should be spaced at least 6 feet (1.8 m) apart and screened before they start working.

The interim guidance from the Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration also recommended temperature checks and the wearing of cloth face coverings as a protective measure.

The guidance was issued jointly with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“As essential workers, those in the meatpacking and processing industries need to be protected from coronavirus for their own safety and health,” OSHA’s deputy assistant secretary, Loren Sweatt, said in a news release.

COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus, has spread widely through U.S. slaughterhouses where large groups of employees often work shoulder to shoulder.

More than 5,000 U.S. meat- and food-processing workers have been infected with or exposed to the new coronavirus, and 13 have died, the country’s largest meatpacking union said on Thursday.

Meat suppliers including Tyson Foods Inc, Brazilian-owned JBS USA, and WH Group Ltd’s Smithfield Foods have all closed pork plants.

Many labor unions, Democrats and worker advocates have criticized OSHA for what they say has been an inadequate response to the pandemic. OSHA had recommended employers take various steps, rather than adopting emergency standards requiring them.

The slaughterhouse shutdowns are disrupting the U.S. food supply chain, crimping the availability of meat at retail stores and leaving farmers without outlets for their livestock.
New Brunswick
Harvey woman turns old fur coats into fashionable new accessories

Jessie McFadyen has collected thousands of fur coats from across Canada and the U.S. to make into new products


Elizabeth Fraser · CBC News · Posted: Feb 23, 2020 

Jessie McFadyen takes old fur coats and turning them into hats, purses and scarves. (John McFadyen/Submitted)
Jessie McFadyen keeps a collection of old fur coats hanging inside a small wooden shop beside her home in southwestern New Brunswick.
The 55-year-old buys them from Kijiji and Value Village. If she's lucky, some people donate their old coats made from coyote, raccoon and fox fur. 
"Just fur everywhere," she said.

McFadyen makes numerous hats every year out of old coats she finds online or in second-hand shops. (Jessie McFadyen/Submitted)

McFadyen refashions the thousands of coats she's kept over the years into headbands, earmuffs, scarves, purses, mittens and hats.
"I'm using something that a woman years ago … wore to make herself feel good," the seamstress said. "And now I make things from your mother's coat or your grandmother's coat. It's a cherished keepsake."
Fur coats have become unpopular in recent years, but sometimes the old coats just don't fit anymore. 

At first, the Harvey woman made the products on a regular Singer sewing machine. She has since upgraded to a fur sewing machine. (John McFadyen/Submitted)

"We have these things called shrinking closets," McFadyen said with a laugh at her home in Harvey, a village about 42 kilometres southwest of Fredericton. 
The New Brunswick crafter came up with the idea after her husband, John, came home with a muskrat coat he bought at a yard sale for $10 about 30 years ago.
"I said quote — unquote, 'What the hell are you going to do with that?'" 

From old to new

McFadyen has been sewing since she was a little girl, making doll outfits, aprons and pairs of shorts.
"I've always sewn, whether it was hemming a pair of pants or shortening a pair of sleeves."
But she'd never worked with fur. 
"I didn't know what he was going to do with it."  

People use the fur accessories for snowmobiling, snowshoeing and other outdoor activities. (Jessie McFadyen/Submitted)

The muskrat coat sat inside her closet for a few years until John made her a pair of slippers to keep her feet warm in winter.
From there, the duo kept going. 

"We made slipper after slipper after slipper," said McFadyen, who is also the owner of Fur 'N' Things.
Then the couple moved on to making different winter accessories from muskrat, beaver and raccoon. 
The accessories are so warm, people use them for skiing, snowmobiling, snowshoeing and dog sledding. 

Good for the environment 

McFadyen learned to sew the fur products from video, books — and with a lot of support from her husband.
"The rest is all self-taught and trial and error,"
McFadyen, who graduated top of her class in Grade 12 home economics, started sewing products together with her metal Singer sewing machine and a leather needle.

Over the years, she upgraded to an industrial sewing machine and from there, she to a fur machine.
"Fur is slippery to work with."

McFadyen also makes Christmas ornaments out of old fur coats. (Jessie McFadyen/Submitted)

Although she's been sewing for more than 30 years, McFadyen was forced to slow down after doctors removed a benign tumour from her brain a few years ago.
But she's still a perfectionist. 
"If I don't like the look of something, it could be one stitch or a whole item, if I don't like the look of it I take it apart and redo it.
McFadyen said repurposing old fur is important for the environment because the old coats can be turned into something new, rather than being sent to the landfill. 

"It's environmentally friendly," she said. "I'm recycling, that's a good thing." 

Fur 'makes environmental sense'

Alan Herscovici, former director of the Fur Council of Canada, said fur clothing is an example of durable and long-lasting material.
"We've got to get away from this fast-fashion throwaway culture, where things look nice, but they don't last too long," he said. "They're not too expensive, so you buy new things all the time. Throw the rest away and don't think of the mountains of garbage that build up.
Rather than synthetic clothing that come from petrochemicals that aren't biodegradable, he said, people should consider buying clothing made of natural materials that are better quality and can be reused.
"Fur coats are one of the few clothing articles that can be taken apart, totally remodelled and restyled," he said.
"That makes environmental sense."
Then if people don't want to wear these items, the fur can be taken to the back garden compost ,where it can biodegrade and return to the soil. 
"It's a long-lasting recyclable, natural clothing material that's produced sustainably," he said. 


Elizabeth Fraser
Elizabeth Fraser is a reporter/editor with CBC New Brunswick based in Fredericton. She's originally from Manitoba. Story tip?
Mink found to have coronavirus on two Dutch farms: ministry

FILE PHOTO: Mink coats are displayed in a shopping mall in Shanghai, April 4, 2013. Picture taken April 4, 2013. REUTERS/Aly Song/File Photo

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Two mink farms in the Netherlands have been put into quarantine after animals were found to be infected with the new coronavirus, the agriculture ministry said on Sunday, urging people to report any other likely cases in the animals.

The mink, which were tested after showing signs of having trouble breathing, were believed to have been infected by employees who had the virus, the ministry said in a statement.

The possibility that they could further spread the virus to humans or other animals on the farms was “minimal”, the ministry said, citing advice from national health authorities.

However movement of the ferret-like mammals and their manure was banned and the ministry said it was studying the outbreak carefully, including testing the air and soil. People were advised not to travel within 400 meters of the farms.

They were the first reported cases in animals in the Netherlands of the disease, which has been found in some pets and zoo animals around the world after spreading among people. [nL3N2CA4PU]

The towns where the farms are located, Germert-Bakel and Laarbeek, are both in the southern Noord Brabant province of the Netherlands which has seen the country’s worst coronavirus outbreak.

The mink are bred for their fur, which is sold in China, Korea, Greece and Turkey. After pressure from animal rights activists, the Dutch government banned new mink farms in 2013 and said existing ones would have to close by 2024.
The World Health Organization has said bats in China, where the new coronavirus emerged last year, were a likely reservoir of COVID-19 and that an intermediate animal host that is yet to be identified had then infected humans. [nL5N2C901F]

Israeli firm raises $5 million for tech to recognize mask-covered faces

TEL AVIV (Reuters) - Israel’s Corsight AI, which has developed technology to recognize faces concealed by masks, goggles and plastic shields, raised $5 million from Awz Ventures, a Canadian fund focused on intelligence and security technologies.

Corsight said on Sunday it will use the funds to market the platform and to continue development.

In March, China’s Hanwang Technology Ltd said it has come up with technology that can recognize people when they are wearing masks, as many are today because of the coronavirus.

Corsight said it offers a facial recognition system able to process information captured on video cameras and can address difficulties resulting from the outbreak, where a large portion of the population is moving about with faces partially covered.

The technology can be used to issue alerts of people who are in violation of quarantine and have gone outside to public areas while covering their faces with masks, Corsight said.

If a person is found to have COVID-19 within an organization the system can quickly produce a report of people who were near the sick individual, the company said.

Corsight said it has permanent systems installed in European airports and hospitals, Asian cities, South American police departments and border crossings, and African mines and banks.

Tel Aviv-based Corsight was founded in late 2019 and has 15 employees. It is a subsidiary of Cortica Group, which has raised over $70 million to develop artificial intelligence technology.

Reporting by Tova Cohen; Editing by Steven Scheer

Israel's Elbit Systems gets $103 million electronic warfare contract

Logo of Israeli defence electronics firm Elbit Systems is seen at their offices in Haifa, Israel February 26, 2017. REUTERS/Baz Ratner

TEL AVIV (Reuters) - Israeli defense contractor Elbit Systems said on Sunday it won a contract worth about $103 million to supply electronic warfare (EW) suites for an air force of an Asian country.

The contract will be carried out over three years and includes long-term integrated logistic support. Elbit did not name the Asian country.

Under the contract, Elbit Systems will fit the customer’s helicopters with complete EW suites, including countermeasure systems.

“Demand for combat-proven EW systems is getting stronger as the electro-magnetic spectrum becomes increasingly contested and the threat to aircraft gets more acute,” said Edgar Maimon, general manager of Elbit Systems EW.


Cuba sends doctors to South Africa to combat coronavirus

HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuba sent 216 healthcare workers to South Africa on Saturday, the latest of more than 20 medical brigades it has sent worldwide to combat the coronavirus pandemic, in what some call socialist solidarity and others medical diplomacy.

The Communist-run  SOCIALIST country has sent around 1,200 healthcare workers largely to vulnerable African and Caribbean nations but also to rich European countries such as Italy that have been particularly hard hit by the novel coronavirus.

The administration of U.S. President Donald Trump has urged nations not to accept Cuba’s medical missions on charges it exploits its workers, which Havana denies. But the calls have largely gone unheeded as overwhelmed healthcare systems have welcomed the help.

Cuba, which has confirmed ,1337 cases of the virus at home and 51 deaths, has one of the world’s highest number of doctors per capita and is renowned for its focus on prevention, community-oriented primary health care and preparedness to fight epidemics.

“The advantage of Cuba is that they are a community health model, one that we would like to use,” South African Health Minister Zweli Mkhize told a news briefing earlier this month.

South Africa has recorded 4,361 cases, including 86 deaths, with 161,004 people tested for the virus as of Saturday.

The country has a special relationship with Cuba, which supported the fight against apartheid - a conflict that included Cuban troops who fought and died in southern Angola. After Nelson Mandela was freed from prison in 1990, he repeatedly thanked revolutionary leader Fidel Castro.

South Africa sent medical supplies to Cuba to assist in the fight against coronavirus in the plane that is now returning with the Cuban medical brigade, Cuba’s embassy there wrote on Twitter.

“These are times of solidarity and cooperation. If we act together, we can halt the spread of coronavirus in a faster and more cost effective manner,” Cuba’s ambassador to South Africa, Rodolfo Benítez Verson, said in a statement.

Cuba has sent its “armies of white robes” to disaster sites and disease outbreaks around the world largely in poor countries since its 1959 leftist revolution. Its doctors were in the front lines in the fight against cholera in Haiti and against ebola in West Africa in the 2010s.Cuba also exports doctors in exchange for cash, often sending them to remote, impoverished locations where local doctors do not want to work.

Medical services exports are its top source of hard currency, ahead of tourism or sugar, despite the governments of Brazil, Bolivia and Ecuador sending their Cuban doctors packing in recent years after shifting to the right.

Cuba has more than 37,000 health care workers in 67 countries worldwide, according to the foreign ministry.

Reporting by Sarah Marsh; Additional Reporting by Olivia Kumwenda in Johannesburg; Editing by Kim Coghill

A brigade of health professionals, who volunteered to travel to South Africa to assist local authorities with an upsurge of coronavirus cases, attend the farewell ceremony in Havana, Cuba
Havana, Cuba
A brigade of health professionals, who volunteered to travel to South Africa to assist local authorities with an upsurge of coronavirus cases, attend the farewell ceremony in their home city

Photograph: Ramón Espinosa/AP

German labour minister wants to put right to home working in law

BERLIN (Reuters) - German Labour Minister Hubertus Heil is working on legislation to give employees the right to work from home even when the coronavirus crisis is over, he told a newspaper on Sunday.

“Everyone who wants to and whose workplace allows it should be able to work in a home office - even when the coronavirus pandemic is over,” Heil told the Bild am Sonntag newspaper.

With schools closed and many companies encouraging their employees to work from home to try to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, about 25% of Germans are now estimated to be working from home, up from about 12% normally.

Heil, a Social Democrat (SPD), said he would present legislation later in the year to anchor a right to home working in law, with employees allowed to work from home the whole time or for one or two days a week.

Finance Minister Olaf Scholz, also from the SPD, supported the idea, telling the paper: “The past weeks have shown how much is possible in the home office - this is a real achievement that we should not just abandon.”

However, the German Employers’ Association rejected it, telling the Funke media group that the last thing the battered economy needed at this time was more rules.

Katrin Goering-Eckardt, parliamentary leader of the opposition Greens, supported a right to home work but said it would only work if the government also guaranteed high-speed internet for all.

“A home office or mobile working must always be voluntary and needs binding rules. Nobody should be forced to do it, and a home office should not lead to work becoming limitless,” she said in a statement.
Netanyahu 'confident' U.S. will allow West Bank annexation in two months

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu voiced confidence on Sunday that Washington would give Israel the nod within two months to move ahead with de facto annexation of parts of the occupied West Bank.

FILE PHOTO: Birds fly as the Israeli settlement of Ramat Givat Zeev is seen, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank March 19, 2020. REUTERS/Ammar Awad

Palestinians have expressed outrage at Israel’s plans to cement its hold further on land it seized in the 1967 Middle East war, territory they are seeking for a state.

Netanyahu, in announcing a deal with his centrist rival Benny Gantz last week to form a unity government, set July 1 for the start of cabinet discussions on extending Israeli sovereignty to Jewish settlements in the West Bank and annexing outright the area’s Jordan Valley.

Such a move would need to be agreed with Washington, according to the Netanyahu-Gantz agreement.

In a video address on Sunday to a pro-Israeli Christian group in Europe, Netanyahu described a U.S. peace proposal announced by President Donald Trump in January as a promise to recognise Israel’s authority over West Bank settlement land.

“A couple of months from now I am confident that that pledge will be honoured,” Netanyahu told the European Commission for Israel.

Palestinian officials offered no immediate comment on Netanyahu’s remarks.

Palestinians have flatly rejected the Trump peace proposal, partly because it awards Israel most of what it has sought during decades of conflict, including nearly all the occupied land on which it has built settlements.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday it was up to Israel whether to annex parts of the West Bank and said that Washington would offer its views privately to its new government.

The Palestinians and many countries regard Israel’s settlements in the West Bank as illegal under the Geneva Conventions that bar settling on land captured in war.

Israel disputes this, citing security needs and biblical, historical and political connections to the land.

Abbas says Palestinian accords with Israel, U.S. null if Israel annexes West Bank land

RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said in remarks aired on Wednesday that his administration would regard agreements with Israel and the United States “completely cancelled” if Israel annexes land in the occupied West Bank.

“We have informed the relevant international parties, including the American and the Israeli governments, that we will not stand hand-cuffed if Israel announces the annexation of any part of our land,” Abbas said on Palestine TV.

 Pompeo says annexation of West Bank is Israeli decision to make

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday it was up to Israel whether to annex parts of the West Bank and said that Washington would offer its views privately to Israel’s new government, drawing a warning from Palestinians who vowed not to “stand handcuffed” if Israel formally took their land.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks at a press briefing at the State Department in Washington, U.S., April 22, 2020. Nicholas Kamm/Pool via REUTERS

“As for the annexation of the West Bank, the Israelis will ultimately make those decisions,” Pompeo told reporters. “That’s an Israeli decision. And we will work closely with them to share with them our views of this in (a) private setting.”


Abbas says Palestinian accords with Israel, U.S. null if Israel annexes West Bank land

Pompeo also said he was “happy” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and centrist rival Benny Gantz signed a deal on Monday to form a national emergency government, saying he did not think a fourth Israeli election was in Israel’s interest.

The coalition agreement says that while the new government will strive for peace and regional stability, plans to extend Israeli sovereignty to Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank - land the Palestinians seek for a state - could advance.

The move would mean a de-facto annexation of territory that Israel seized in a 1967 war and that is presently under Israeli military control. It would have to be greenlighted by the United States, after which Netanyahu would be permitted to advance the plans from July 1, the agreement says.

Pompeo’s comment drew condemnation from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who said his administration would view agreements with Israel and the United States as “completely canceled” if Israel annexes land in the West Bank.

“We have informed the relevant international parties, including the American and the Israeli governments, that we will not stand hand-cuffed if Israel announces the annexation of any part of our land,” Abbas said on Palestine TV.

According to Abbas’ office, the televised remarks were recorded shortly before Pompeo made his statement. However, in the wake of that statement, Abbas reviewed his own recorded remarks and approved them for broadcast, Abbas’ office said.

The Palestinians and many countries regard settlements as illegal under the Geneva Conventions that bar settling on land captured in war. Israel disputes this, citing security needs and biblical, historical and political connections to the land.

A U.S. President Donald Trump’s peace proposal unveiled in January was embraced by Israel and rejected by the Palestinians, partly because it awards Israel most of what it has sought during decades of conflict, including nearly all the occupied land on which it has built settlements.

Reporting By Humeyra Pamuk, David Brunnstrom and Arshad Mohammed; Additional reporting by Ali Sawafta in Ramallah and by Nidal al-Mughrabi in Gaza; Writing by Arshad Mohammed; Editing by Chris Reese and Alistair Bell
Glad to be helping: refugee Syrian film-maker turns London hospital cleaner


LONDON (Reuters) - On a coronavirus ward in an east London hospital, award-winning film-maker Hassan Akkad, a refugee from Syria, is working as a cleaner, joining the fight against the pandemic in his adopted home.

“I’m so glad to be helping,” Akkad said in an interview on Zoom.

The 32-year old refugee has lived in London for four years. His footage of the journey he made surviving a sinking dinghy from Turkey into Europe and on to the UK, was part of a documentary series which in 2017 won BAFTA and International Emmy awards.

With the outbreak of the disease, he saw a way to thank the community that had welcomed him and become “like home” by becoming a hospital cleaner at Whipps Cross Hospital.

Akkad has been working there for four weeks, five days a week, and says it is one of his toughest challenges yet.

“It’s a stressful job. It’s physically and mentally demanding,” he said, adding that disinfecting every inch of the ward while wearing personal protective equipment leaves him sweating and out of breath.

And there was an emotional toll. “It’s really difficult to see patients suffering, especially that they cannot be visited by their loved ones because of the rules. You see them on their beds, talking to their loved ones, crying. It’s hard to witness that,” he added.

But he says the experience will be worth it.

It will enable him to be able to tell the story of this pandemic, as well as to promote causes he is passionate about, such as better treatment for immigrants and refugees, and higher pay for workers at the “bottom of the pyramid”.
Sounding like a true native of his new country, Akkad bemoaned the lack of funding for the state-run National Health Service, and sang the praises of the multiculturalism of its nurses, cleaners and porters and their ability to work together.

His colleagues on the coronavirus ward are from Nigeria, Jamaica, Ghana, Syria, Spain, Thailand and Poland, he said.

When British Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke of his recent treatment in another London hospital for coronavirus, he thanked two nurses from Portugal and New Zealand for their care.

Noting that not all migrants and refugees have such a positive experience as he had when he first came to the UK, Akkad said he hoped that the coronavirus pandemic would bring a sense of unity and put an end to the hostility sometimes felt by new arrivals.

“Now that we see immigrants and refugees on the front line, I hope that will urge people again internationally to have a discussion about the value of immigrants and refugees to their host communities,” he said.


African nations to get ventilators from Jack Ma foundation, stress need for WHO help

Giulia Paravicini

ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - African nations that lack ventilators to treat COVID-19 patients will receive some from the Jack Ma Foundation, an African Union official said on Thursday, as Nigeria stressed Africa’s dependence on a properly-funded World Health Organization (WHO)to help it fight the pandemic.

FILE PHOTO: A health worker checks the temperature of a traveller as part of the coronavirus screening procedure at the Kotoka International Airport in Accra, Ghana January 30, 2020. REUTERS/Francis Kokoroko
Africa’s 54 countries have so far reported fewer than 26,000 confirmed cases of the disease, just a fraction of the more than two million cases reported globally. But the WHO has warned that the continent could see as many as 10 million cases in three to six months, according to its tentative model.

With the pandemic driving up demand for protective equipment and medical supplies across the world, the African Union said it was working to set up its own joint procurement system.

Meanwhile, the Jack Ma Foundation has donated 300 ventilators, which will arrive in coming weeks. John Nkengasong, head of the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said states without any ventilators would be prioritized as they are distributed.

Ten unidentified African nations were facing the new coronavirus without a single ventilator, he said last week.

Ma, the Chinese billionaire founder of Alibaba Group, has donated thousands of tests kits, masks and protective gear to all African nations.

Nkengasong described the testing situation across Africa as “very disappointing.”
“As of this week in a continent of 1.3 billion people, just about 415 thousands tests have been conducted,” he said, urging governments to scale up testing. The goal is to test 10 million people across the continent, he added.


Nigeria, the continent’s most populous nation, said it began the pandemic with roughly 350 ventilators for its 200 million citizens. It has since received around 100 additional units.

Dr Chikwe Ihekweazu, head of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control, warned of dire consequences should the WHO not receive full funding.

President Donald Trump said last week that U.S. would halt funding to the WHO over its handling of the pandemic, potentially cutting off roughly 15% of its budget.

“We rely on them for guidance, lives are saved because of the work that they do... we don’t have the luxury on the continent to build up all the infrastructure on our own,” Ihekweazu said of Africa’s situation, calling the WHO “critical to our collective survival.”

“If the funding to WHO is affected in the way it may be, then there will be a huge price for humanity to pay.”

With much of the continent in lockdown, Africa’s CDC is working with governments on plans to safely ease the restrictions.

Two West African countries, Burkina Faso and Ghana, lifted some coronavirus-related restrictions this week, after the shutdowns hobbled both their economies.