Sunday, December 20, 2020



The Long Shadow of Racial Fascism

Recent debates have centered on whether it’s appropriate to compare Trump to European fascists. But radical Black thinkers have long argued that racial slavery created its own unique form of American fascism.


In the wake of the 2016 election, public intellectuals latched onto the new administration’s organic and ideological links with the alt- and far right. But a mass civic insurgency against racial terror—and the federal government’s authoritarian response—has pushed hitherto cloistered academic debates about fascism into the mainstream, with Peter E. GordonSamuel Moyn, and Sarah Churchwell taking to the pages of the New York Review of Books to hash out whether it is historically apt or politically useful to call Trump a fascist. The F-word has also been making unusual forays into CNN, the New York Times, and mainstream discourse. The increasing prospect that any transfer of power will be fraught—Trump has hinted he will not accept the results if he loses—has further intensified the stakes, with even the dependable neoliberal cheerleader Thomas Friedman conjuring up specters of civil war.

Is it historically apt or politically useful to call Trump a fascist? The long history of Black radical thinking about fascism and anti-fascist resistance provides direction in this debate.

Notwithstanding the changing terrain, talk of fascism has generally stuck to the same groove, namely asking whether present phenomena are analogous to those familiar from interwar European dictatorships. Sceptics of comparison underscore the way in which the analogy of fascism can either treat the present moment as exceptional, papering over the history of distinctly American forms of authoritarianism, or, alternatively, be so broad as to fail to define what is unique about our current predicament. Analogy’s advocates point to the need to detect family resemblances with past despotisms before it’s too late, often making their case by advancing some ideal-typical checklist, whether in terms of the elements of or the steps toward fascism. But what if our talk of fascism were not dominated by the question of analogy?

Attending to the long history of Black radical thinking about fascism and anti-fascist resistance—to what Cedric Robinson called a “Black construction of fascism” alternative to the “historical manufacture of fascism as a negation of Western Geist”—could serve to dislodge the debate about fascism from the deadlock of analogy, providing the resources to confront our volatile interregnum.

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Long before Nazi violence came to be conceived of as beyond analogy, Black radical thinkers sought to expand the historical and political imagination of an anti-fascist left. They detailed how what could seem, from a European or white vantage point, to be a radically new form of ideology and violence was, in fact, continuous with the history of colonial dispossession and racial slavery.

Black radical thinkers have long sought to expand the historical and political imagination of an anti-fascist left, revealing fascism as a continuation of colonial dispossession and racial slavery. 

Pan-Africanist George Padmore, breaking with the Communist International over its failure to see the likenesses between “democratic” imperialism and fascism, would write in How Britain Rules Africa (1936) of settler-colonial racism as “the breeding-ground for the type of fascist mentality which is being let loose in Europe today.” He would go on to see in South Africa “the world’s classic Fascist state,” grounded on the “unity of race as against class.” Padmore’s “Colonial Fascism” thus anticipated Aimé Césaire’s memorable description of fascism as the boomerang effect of European imperialist violence.

African American anti-fascists shared the anti-colonial analysis that the Atlantic world’s history of racial violence belied the novelty of intra-European fascism. Speaking in Paris at the Second International Writers Congress in 1937, Langston Hughes declared: “We Negroes in America do not have to be told what fascism is in action. We know. Its theories of Nordic supremacy and economic suppression have long been realities to us.” It was an insight that certainly would not have surprised any reader of W. E. B. Du Bois’s monumental reckoning with the history of U.S. racial capitalism, Black Reconstruction in America (1935). As Amiri Baraka would suggest much later, building on Du Bois’s passing mentions of fascism, the overthrow of Reconstruction enacted a “racial fascism” that long predated Hitlerism in its use of racial terror, conscription of poor whites, and manipulation of (to quote the famous definition of fascism by Georgi Dimitrov) “the most reactionary, most chauvinistic, and most imperialist sector of finance capital.”

In this view, a U.S. racial fascism could go unremarked because it operated on the other side of the color line, just as colonial fascism took place far from the imperial metropole. As Bill V. Mullen and Christopher Vials have suggested in their vital The US Antifascism Reader (2020):

For people of color at various historical moments, the experience of racialization within a liberal democracy could have the valence of fascism. That is to say, while a fascist state and a white supremacist democracy have very different mechanisms of power, the experience of racialized rightlessness within a liberal democracy can make the distinction between it and fascism murky at the level of lived experience. For those racially cast aside outside of liberal democracy’s system of rights, the word ‘fascism’ does not always conjure up a distant and alien social order.

Or, as French writer Jean Genet observed on May 1, 1970, at a rally in New Haven for the liberation of Black Panther Party chairman Bobby Seale: “Another thing worries me: fascism. We often hear the Black Panther Party speak of fascism, and whites have difficulty accepting the word. That’s because whites have to make a great effort of imagination to understand that blacks live under an oppressive fascist regime.”

It was largely thanks to the Panthers that the term “fascism” returned to the forefront of radical discourse and activism in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The United Front Against Fascism conference held in Oakland in 1969 brought together a wide swathe of the Old and New Lefts, as well as Asian American, Chicano, Puerto Rican (Young Lords), and white Appalachian (Young Patriots Organization) activists who had developed their own perspectives on U.S. fascism—for instance, by foregrounding the experience of Japanese internment during World War II. In a striking indication of the peculiarities and continuities of U.S. anti-fascist traditions, among the chief planks of the conference was the notionally reformist demand for community or decentralized policing—to remove racist white officers from Black neighborhoods and exert local checks on law enforcement.

Political prisoners close to the Panthers theorized specifically about what we could call “late fascism” (by analogy with “late capitalism”) in the United States. At the same time that debates about “new fascisms” were polarizing radical debate across Europe, the writing and correspondence of Angela Y. Davis and George Jackson generated a theory of fascism from the lived experience of the violent nexus between the carceral state and racial capitalism. Davis, the Black Marxist and feminist scholar, needs little introduction, her 1970 imprisonment on trumped-up conspiracy charges having rocketed her to the status of household name in the United States and an icon of solidarity worldwide. Fewer remember that the conspiracy charge against Davis arose from an armed courtroom attack by her seventeen-year-old bodyguard, Jonathan Jackson, with the goal of forcing the release of the Soledad Brothers, three African American prisoners facing the death penalty for the killing of a white prison guard. Among them was Jonathan’s older brother, the incarcerated Black revolutionary George Jackson, with whom Davis corresponded extensively. Jackson was killed by a prison sniper during an escape attempt on August, 21, 1971, a few days before the Soledad Brothers were to be tried.

In one of his prison letters on fascism, posthumously collected in Blood in My Eye (1972), Jackson offered the following reflection:

When I am being interviewed by a member of the old guard and point to the concrete and steel, the tiny electronic listening device concealed in the vent, the phalanx of goons peeping in at us, his barely functional plastic tape-recorder that cost him a week’s labor, and point out that these are all manifestations of fascism, he will invariably attempt to refute me by defining fascism simply as an economic geo-political affair where only one party is allowed to exist aboveground and no opposition political activity is allowed.

Jackson encourages us to consider what happens to our conceptions of fascism if we take our bearings not from analogies with the European interwar scene, but instead from the materiality of the prison-industrial complex, from the “concrete and steel,” from the devices and personnel of surveillance and repression.

In their writing and correspondence, marked by interpretive differences alongside profound comradeship, Davis and Jackson identify the U.S. state as the site for a recombinant or even consummate form of fascism. Much of their writing is threaded through Marxist debates on the nature of monopoly capitalism, imperialism and capitalist crises, as well as, in Jackson’s case, an effort to revisit the classical historiography on fascism. On these grounds, Jackson and Davis stress the disanalogies between present forms of domination and European exemplars, but both assert the privileged vantage point provided by the view from within a prison-judicial system that could accurately be described as a racial state of terror.

Angela Y. Davis and George Jackson saw the U.S. state—the carceral state and racial capitalism—as the site of fascism. This fascism originated from liberal democracy itself. 

This both echoes and departs from the Black radical theories of fascism, such as Padmore’s or Césaire’s, which emerged from the experience of the colonized. The new, U.S. fascism that Jackson and Davis strive to delineate is not an unwanted return from the “other scene” of colonial violence, but originates from liberal democracy itself. Indeed, it was a sense of the disavowed bonds between liberal and fascist forms of the state which, for Davis, was one of the great lessons passed on by Herbert Marcuse, whose grasp of this nexus in 1930s Germany allowed him to discern the fascist tendencies in the United States of his exile.

Both Davis and Jackson also stress the necessity to grasp fascism not as a static form but as a process, inflected by its political and economic contexts and conjunctures. Checklists, analogies, or ideal-types cannot do justice to the concrete history of fascism. Jackson writes of “the defects of trying to analyze a movement outside of its process and its sequential relationships. You gain only a discolored glimpse of a dead past.” He remarks that fascism “developed from nation to nation out of differing levels of traditionalist capitalism’s dilapidation.”

Where Jackson and Davis echo their European counterparts is in the idea that “new” fascisms cannot be understood without seeing them as responses to the insurgencies of the 1960s and early 1970s. For Jackson, fascism is fundamentally a counterrevolutionary form, as evidenced by the violence with which it represses any consequential threat to the state. But fascism does not react immediately against an ascendant revolutionary force; it is a kind of delayed counterrevolution, parasitic on the weakness or defeat of the anti-capitalist left, “the result of a revolutionary thrust that was weak and miscarried—a consciousness that was compromised.” Jackson argues that U.S.-style fascism is a kind of perfected form—all the more insidiously hegemonic because of the marriage of monopoly capital with the (racialized) trappings of liberal democracy. As he declared:

Fascism has established itself in a most disguised and efficient manner in this country. It feels so secure that the leaders allow us the luxury of a faint protest. Take protest too far, however, and they will show their other face. Doors will be kicked down in the night and machine-gun fire and buckshot will become the medium of exchange.

In Davis’s concurrent theorizing, the carceral, liberationist perspective on fascism has a different inflection. For Davis, fascism in the United States takes a preventive and incipient form. The terminology is adapted from Marcuse, who remarked, in an interview from 1970, “In the last ten to twenty years we’ve experienced a preventative counterrevolution to defend us against a feared revolution, which, however, has not taken place and doesn’t stand on the agenda at the moment.” Some of the elements of Marcuse’s analysis still resonate (particularly poignant, in the wake of Breonna Taylor’s murder by police, is his mention of no-knock warrants):

The question is whether fascism is taking over in the United States. If by that we understand the gradual or rapid abolition of the remnants of the constitutional state, the organization of paramilitary troops such as the Minutemen, and granting the police extraordinary legal powers such as the notorious no-knock law which does away with the inviolability of the home; if one looks at the court decisions of recent years; if one knows that special troops—so-called counterinsurgency corps—are being trained in the United States for possible civil war; if one looks at the almost direct censorship of the press, television and radio: then, as far as I’m concerned, one can speak with complete justification of an incipient fascism. . . . American fascism will probably be the first which comes to power by democratic means and with democratic support.

Davis was drawn to Marcuse’s contention that “fascism is the preventive counter-revolution to the socialist transformation of society” because of how it resonated with racialized communities and activists. In the experience of many Black radicals, the aspect of their revolutionary politics that most threatened the state was not the endorsement of armed struggle, but rather the “survival programs,” those enclaves of autonomous social reproduction facilitated by the Panthers and more broadly practiced by Black movements. While nominally mobilized against the threat of armed insurrection, the ultimate target of counterinsurgency were these experiments with social life outside and against the racial state—especially when they edged toward what Huey P. Newton named “revolutionary intercommunalism.”

Race, gender, and class determine how fascist the country might seem to any given individual.

What can be gleaned from Davis’s account is the way that fascism and democracy can be experienced very differently by different segments of the population. In this regard, Davis is attuned to the ways in which race and gender, alongside class, can determine how fascist the country seems to any given individual. As Davis puts it, fascism is “primarily restricted to the use of the law-enforcement-judicial-penal apparatus to arrest the overt and latent revolutionary trends among nationally oppressed people, tomorrow it may attack the working class en masse and eventually even moderate democrats.” But the latter are unlikely to fully perceive this phenomenon because of the manufactured invisibility of the site of the state’s maximally fascist presentation, namely, prisons with their “totalitarian aspirations.”

The kind of fascism diagnosed by Davis is a “protracted social process,” whose “growth and development are cancerous in nature.” We thus have the correlation in Davis’s analysis between, on the one hand, the prison as a racialized enclave or laboratory and, on the other, the fascist strategy of counterrevolution, which flow through society at large but are not experienced equally by everyone everywhere. As Davis has written more recently:

The dangerous and indeed fascistic trend toward progressively greater numbers of hidden, incarcerated human populations is itself rendered invisible. All that matters is the elimination of crime—and you get rid of crime by getting rid of people who, according to the prevailing racial common sense, are the most likely people to whom criminal acts will be attributed.


Caste Does Not Explain Race


Charisse Burden-Stelly in Boston Review:

In the late 1940s, the Cold War was heating up. In the United States, anticommunism had reached a fever pitch at the same time that antiblack violence had forcefully re-emerged in the form of lynching and race riots. At this auspicious moment, Lincoln University historical sociologist Oliver Cromwell Cox published his 624-page tour de force, Caste, Class, and Race: A Study in Social Dynamics (1948). Cox’s book put class struggle, racial violence, and relentless political-class competition at the founding of the capitalist world-system in 1492, though it argued that these constitutive features had existed in nascent form since much earlier. Cox contended that economic exploitation was at the root of U.S. racial hierarchy. In particular, it was responsible for structuring relations among the white ruling class, the white masses, and Black people as a racialized class of workers.

Cox’s book refuted the “caste school” of race relations. For nearly a decade, Cox had challenged scholars who compared U.S. race relations to the caste system in India—caste being a religious-social structure that preceded the rise of capitalism. In a 1942 article, “The Modern Caste School of Race Relations,” Cox noted that, despite their claims to originality, researchers such as W. Lloyd Warner, Allison Davis, and John Dollard were simply recapitulating a caste hypothesis that had been “quite popular” in the latter half of the nineteenth century. Cox did not speculate why—in the context of the Great Depression, ascending fascism, and increased racial violence—the caste hypothesis had been “made fashionable” again. However, he noted that the resurgence of caste as a model for explaining the racial order in the United States separated race relations from class politics just when a racialized struggle over resources was intensifying.

More here.

Women aren’t objects to be examined, tested and selected by men’ – calls to outlaw ‘medieval’ virginity testing

“How is this medieval practice still taking place in modern Britain?”

 by Joe Mellor December 15, 2020 in News


One might assume that this barbaric practice was already banned in Britain, but that is not the case.

Now proposals to outlaw “medieval” virginity testing in the UK have cleared their first parliamentary hurdle.

Conservative Richard Holden cited the World Health Organisation and said there is “no scientific evidence at all” to support the testing.

He added 21 clinics have been identified in the UK and charge between £150 and £300 for the procedure.

MPs allowed Mr Holden to introduce his Virginity Testing (Prohibition) Bill for further consideration in the Commons.

Addressing the chamber, Mr Holden (North West Durham) said: “When I have mentioned to MPs and constituents that so-called virginity testing is still taking place, their reaction has been universally the same – how?

Modern Britain

“How is this medieval practice still taking place in modern Britain?”


Mr Holden praised a BBC investigation for highlighting the issue, adding: “How are we in a position where virginity testing is still taking place in the UK when Britain has clearly shown a strong lead on other issues internationally, like on female genital mutilation?”

After he highlighted the lack of evidence to support the procedure, he went on: “This should be banned on the basis of fraud alone.

“But there is a second bigger question about what it says about us as a society if we allow this practice to continue.

“What does it say about our attitudes towards what is acceptable towards women.

“Women aren’t objects to be examined, tested and selected by men.”

Mr Holden warned there are also physical and psychological effects from the “harmful” procedure.

He asked for his Bill to return for further consideration on January 8, although it will struggle to become law in its current form if it does not receive Government support due to a lack of parliamentary time.

Brazilian Supreme Court Rules Anti-Vaxxers 
Will Be Banned From Public Spaces

Bolsonaro said: ‘Nobody can force anybody to take the vaccine. 
We’re dealing with lives, where is our freedom?’


BY : EMMA ROSEMURGEY ON : 18 DEC 2020 18:22
PA Images

The Brazilian Supreme Court has ruled that anyone who refuses to be vaccinated against COVID-19 could face being banned from public services and places.

10 out of the 11 justices that make up the court agreed that all Brazilians should be vaccinated, despite President Jair Bolsonaro proclaiming he will not be vaccinated and no one else should be forced to.

Bolsonaro has promised to make all of the COVID-19 vaccinations available to citizens living in Brazil, however he has also publicly spoken out against having it, discouraging many others from doing so in the process.

PA Images

However, a statement put out by the government following the ruling suggests that anyone who refuses to be vaccinated could face having certain rights revoked, such as welfare payments, public school enrolment or even entry to certain public spaces.

One of the judges who voted in favour of the measures, Justice Ricardo Lewaandowski, said that while forcing members of the public to be vaccinated without consent was ‘flagrantly unconstitutional’, ‘the collective health cannot be harmed by those who deliberately refuse to be vaccinated,’ according to G1, via WA Today.

A number of vaccinations against potentially fatal illnesses such as measles and meningitis are already mandatory for children living in Brazil, and the Supreme Court has already dismissed a case from parents requesting to opt out of the vaccinations on religious grounds.

PA Images

Following on from the ruling, Bolsonaro said: ‘Nobody can force anybody to take the vaccine. We’re dealing with lives, where is our freedom?’

So far, more than 184,000 Brazilians have lost their lives to coronavirus, with more than 7.1 million cases recorded in the South American country since the pandemic began. As many as 1,000 Brazilians are reported to have died on Thursday, December 17, when the Supreme Court’s ruling was announced.

On Wednesday, the country’s health minister Eduardo Pazuello announced plans to roll out the vaccine in four different phases, based on priority groups, despite none of the vaccines being officially authorised yet.

PA Images

Meanwhile, it seems as though the government might have a big job on its hands trying to get people through the doors to be vaccinated, with just 73% of the population saying it’s open to being vaccinated. This is down from 89% who said they would be willingly vaccinated back in August.

According to a Datafolha survey, 22% of people in Brazil are firmly against being vaccinated, up from 9%.

Naked Man Wearing Only A Panda Head Filmed Rollerblading On Highway
BY : SAMAN JAVED ON : 19 DEC 2020 

A naked man wearing nothing but a giant panda head has been filmed rollerblading down a highway in Ohio.

The bizarre incident, which occurred on December 15, was caught on video. The footage shows him zooming down the eight-lane highway at an impressive speed.

Adding to his outlandish appearance, he also seemed to be clutching what at first looks like a golf club.

A closer look reveals that he is holding a selfie stick to capture himself on the highway, because if you’re going to rollerblade naked down a highway, you’re going to need a selfie…

DASH CAM Check out the bizarre incident here:

One motorist, Dijon Revels, who captured the scene, can be heard saying: ‘This motherf*cker’s on the freeway naked!’

The panda head-wearing man is honked at by several drivers on the road concerned for his safety as he races alongside the vehicles.

Keeping to the hard shoulder, he continues to glide down the road.

The man’s identity is not yet known, according to authorities. An official from the Ohio Department of Transportation told WTRF-TV that they were most concerned by his choice of transport.


‘Pedestrians are not permitted on interstate highways. There are signs posted at all the entrance ramps. This is a safety issue,’ the department said.

The video has since been reposted to social media, where users are both amused and shocked by the footage: ‘Sometimes you gotta do crazy sh*t to stay sane,’ one person said.

Another was impressed by the man’s speed, commenting: ‘So we just gone ignore the fact that he is keeping up with the pace of traffic?’

Another said: ‘I’m surprised it’s Ohio, that screams Florida man.’

Another Mysterious Monolith Appears At Adventure Park In New Zealand

BY : EMILY BROWN ON : 20 DEC 2020 
Christchurch Adventure Park/Facebook/PA Images

After a relatively quiet week on the monolith front, another of the mysterious structures has popped up at an adventure park in New Zealand.

It all started in the desert in Utah, and since then we’ve heard reports about monoliths appearing in Romania, California and Hungary, to name a few.

The latest monolith was discovered this weekend, December 19, in Christchurch Adventure Park, near Canterbury on New Zealand’s South Island.
Christchurch Adventure Park/Facebook

The official Facebook page for the park shared a picture of the metal object standing tall on a grassy patch near its 1.8km chair lift.

Alongside the image, staff wrote: ‘Mysterious monolith appears in the Park. Does anyone know what this is or where it has come from? As we genuinely don’t…’

While most of the other monoliths have popped up in relatively remote places, the Christchurch Adventure Park appears to be an exception. It is located on 358 hectares of privately owned land and is home to New Zealand’s longest chairlift, as well as mountain bike trails and New Zealand’s highest and longest ziplines.

Christchurch Adventure Park/Facebook

Hundreds of social media users were quick to comment on the Facebook post, offering advice and speculation about how it came to be in the park.

One person expressed belief that the structure was ‘either a ploy or a piece of art’, while another suggested: ‘Kick it and see if aliens come out.’

Earlier this month, a group of artists known as The Most Famous Artist claimed responsibility for the monoliths, with founder Matty Mo saying the group was ‘well known for stunts of this nature’.

Keep your eyes peeled, folks – who knows where the next one might turn up.

54 Million Americans Will Lack Access To Adequate Food By End Of Year

BY : JULIA BANIM ON : 20 DEC 2020 

A new analysis from Feeding America, a US based anti-hunger organisation, has found that 54 million Americans will lack access to adequate food by the end of the year.

The organisation distributed 4.2 billion meals up and down the country between March and October this year. A 60% average increase in food bank users has also been noted over the course of the pandemic, with around four in 10 users being first-timers.

Those who are at highest risk for serious coronavirus-associated illnesses include seniors, individuals with chronic illness and people of colour. In many cases, Feeding America has found that the same individuals will be the ones who are hardest hit by the economic ramifications of the pandemic.

According to the report from Feeding America, unemployment in the US has ‘soared’, resulting in increased demand for food banks and pantries:

Before the COVID-19 crisis began, more than 37 million people, including more than 11 million children, lived in a foodinsecure household.

Pre-pandemic data reflects the lowest food insecurity rates seen since before the Great Recession, but the current crisis is likely to reverse the improvements that have occurred over the past decade.

The four states with the highest projected food insecurity rates for 2020 are Mississippi (24.1%), Arkansas (22.5%), Alabama (22.2%) and Louisiana (21.7%).

Within these four worst hit states, it’s expected that over one in five residents will be food insecure by the end of the year, meaning they won’t have the money or resources required to put food on the table, AP News reports.

It’s estimated that the rates of those facing hunger will be as high as one in six people, escalating from 35 million in 2019 to more than 50 million by the end of 2020. Among children, this rises to an alarming one in four.

Low-wage workers, many of whom were employed in the service industry, have felt the economic impact of the virus the most. However, many of those on higher wages have also been affected.

A September report from the anti-hunger organization, the Food Research & Action Center, found that one in four of those reporting they didn’t have enough food to eat usually had incomes which exceeded $50,000 per year prior to the outbreak.


‘I thought I was evil’: Call to ban gay conversion therapy

Justin Beck tells his story as 5000 people sign petition calling on ministers to end controversial practice.

By Sasha Spratt

Faith leaders from around the world are calling for an end to the criminalisation of the LGBT+ community and a ban on conversion practices.

A recent petition to the Scottish Parliament calling on ministers to end the practice in Scotland has gathered more than 5000 signatures and is due to be heard by the Equalities and Human Rights Committee

The charity Stonewall defines “conversion therapy” or “gay cure treatments” as “any form of treatment that aims to change a person’s sexual orientation or to suppress a person’s gender identity” – meaning it can happen anywhere and by anyone.

Justin Beck, 36, realised he was gay as a teenager.

Having grown up in a religious family he attended bible study several times a week, as well as regular Sunday services. At the age of 17, he decided to move churches; he wanted to stop being gay.

“I would put myself forward for healing every Sunday, then that would ramp up to things like exorcisms to have demons cast out of me,” said Justin.

Asked if at any point people in the church looked to speak to him about the options available to him and how he may be able to live his life he said: “Everyone knew what it was and the line that I was given all the time is that ‘you just have to have faith’.”
Justin and his partner Paul Hardie.

After six years Justin stopped the therapy. He said being told that he simply didn’t have enough faith “was a slap in the face”.

“I had absolutely zero self-esteem, I hated myself. I wouldn’t look in mirrors or windows, I hated everything about myself,” he said. “I thought I was evil.

“It was a lot to then try and pull myself back together and rebuild my life.”

In 2018, the UK Government pledged to ban the practice, but two years on there’s been little movement.

Wendy Morton MP, Minister for European Neighbourhood and the Americas, said: “The Global Interfaith Commission’s declaration on LGBT+ lives is an important step towards equality and we fully support its call to end violence, discrimination and the ongoing criminalisation of same-sex conduct in 69 countries.

“The British government is firmly committed to protecting the rights of all individuals and have been clear that conversion therapy, wherever it occurs, is an abhorrent practice and should be stopped.”

Campaigners say it comes in many forms and can cause lasting damage to people’s mental health. Psychology and psychiatry bodies say there is no science to support its effectiveness, but the controversial treatments are still made available through religious and cultural groups.

“[Current UK Government plans] are seeking an approach that covers public health providers and psychologists and a clampdown on regulations on how they go about the practice,” said Tristian Gray, one of the lead petitioners to the Scottish Parliament.

“This would leave out most cases of conversion therapy.” 

Blair Anderson

Blair Anderson, 22, is a law student in Glasgow and is now estranged from his family after they couldn’t accept his sexuality due to their faith.

“When someone in a position of authority with a duty of care is actively trying to suppress someone’s sexuality or gender identity for their own ends – that is the same thing that conversion therapists are trying to achieve.”

The petition calling on Scottish authorities to ban conversion therapy will be heard by the Equalities and Human Rights Committee in the coming weeks.

Extinction crisis or nature at work? Sides still at odds over demise of desert plant species

Botanist Naomi Fraga examines a Tiehm’s buckwheat plant at Silver Peak Range in Esmeralda County, Monday, Dec. 14, 2020.

By John Sadler (contact)

Sunday, Dec. 20, 2020 | 2 a.m.

Tiehm's Buckwheat

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The wildflowers, dusted in fresh snow on the isolated ridge in the west-central Nevada, were dead.

Botanist Naomi Fraga picked up the dried remains of two of the plants, placing them in her bag and slinging it back over her shoulder.

The specimens — of the rare Tiehm’s buckwheat — were leftovers from an event earlier this year that decimated somewhere around half of the global population of the plant.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service determined the destruction was the work of small mammals, possibly ground squirrels; some environmentalists aren’t convinced.

“When you talk about the extinction crisis, we’re here,” Fraga said. “We’re on the front lines of the extinction crisis right here with this plant.”

Tiehm’s buckwheat grows exclusively on 21 acres in a remote area of the Rhyolite ridge in Esmeralda County, the third least-populated county in the United States.

Much of the flower’s range sits on a site that Australian mining company Ioneer has proposed to turn into a lithium mine. According to the company, the ridge holds North America’s largest deposits of lithium and boron, the former of which is a key ingredient in the batteries used in most electric cars.

The plant has triggered a battle over the future use of the site, with the Center for Biological Diversity, which Fraga works alongside, filing a suit in U.S. District Court in Las Vegas to push the Bureau of Land Management to take action to protect the plant and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to list the plant as an endangered species.

“Basically what we’re asking U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to do here is to recognize the urgent nature of the situation and list the buckwheat as an endangered species under its emergency listing authority,” said Scott Lake, a Nevada legal advocate with the Center for Biological Diversity.

Patrick Donnelly, Nevada state director at the Center for Biological Diversity, has said listing the plant and thereby requiring certain protections was the goal.

“It does not matter if it was a squirrel or a kangaroo or aliens or (Ioneer executive chairman) James Calaway himself,” Donnelly said. “The plant needs to be listed under the Endangered Species Act. It should have been listed when we discovered this damage.”

Protecting Tiehm’s buckwheat, or any species, for that matter, is important because extinction could cause an ecological domino effect on other plants and animals, environmentalists say. A 2016 study in the journal Nature Communications showed that plant extinctions could have more effect on potential animal extinctions than vice versa.

The center’s lawsuit seeks emergency protections for Tiehm’s buckwheat under the federal Endangered Species Act. Monday, the center will file its final briefing in the lawsuit, which is being heard by U.S. District Judge James Mahan. Lake said the case was being considered on an expedited schedule but he couldn’t anticipate how quickly Mahan would make a ruling.

In September, 40% to 60% of the entire population of the Tiehm’s buckwheat was wiped out. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Bureau of Land Management linked the destruction to mammals in search of a water source during an extended drought.

The agencies determined that ground squirrels likely were behind the destruction. The squirrels, the agencies theorized, dug up the plants to get to the moisture in their roots. The findings contradicted what the Center for Biological Diversity suspected: that the damage appeared to be caused by humans.

Calaway, in a news conference earlier this month, called the center’s early assertions of human-caused damages “irresponsible.”

“The fine work by the responsible federal agency, which we supported in any way we could, provides important information that will help Ioneer develop and implement practical and prudent measures to support the protection and propagation of Tiehm’s buckwheat moving forward,” Calaway said.

He also took exception to the center’s revelation that Ioneer had promised a reward to anyone who finds another population of the flower, Endangered species protections for Tiehm’s buckwheat, which the lawsuit seeks, would trigger barriers to Ioneer’s ability to mine in the plant’s environs.

Though the center has softened that rhetoric somewhat, both Fraga and Donnelly have expressed skepticism at the report’s conclusions.

“It was widespread, incredible damage,” Fraga said. “It was a shock to the system. I couldn’t process it or understand what was happening.”

In a report, three researchers from UNR noted that the taproots’ cuts were “not straight and clean as if they had been mechanically clipped, but were uneven, with ragged edges and bark missing near the ends, suggesting that they had been gnawed off.”

In a news release, the Fish and Wildlife Service said genetic signatures found in scat at the site had a 96.9-99.8 match to ground squirrels. The white-tailed antelope ground squirrel is known to populate the area.

“This is the first time herbivory was documented on Tiehm’s buckwheat and its significance depends not only on its frequency and intensity, but whether damaged plants can recover and survive,” the release read.

Donnelly has said the documentation had meant that a ground squirrel had eaten one of the plants at some point. Fraga, pointing to the gnaw marks on some of the uprooted plants, said that chewing on available roots didn’t necessarily mean a rodent did the initial damage.

Fraga, who visited the site Monday to collect additional samples of the destroyed plants, said it was important to determine how the damage occurred because protections would be deployed differently depending on if humans or animals were the cause.

She also expressed some skepticism about the rodents doing such significant damage over a large area. The destruction occurred throughout the plant’s individual populations, even though those populations are not all in contiguous areas. Scattered populations of the buckwheat of various sizes grow over the range. There are other plants around the site, Fraga said, that could offer similar levels of moisture.

“I just would like to know how the animals are communicating, to be like, ‘Hey we discovered this water source over here. Y’all should check it out over there,’ ” Fraga said.

A few plants, including another buckwheat species, saw some damage, Fraga aid, but the vast majority was focused on the Tiehm’s buckwheat. Entire species of plants lost to development is not an isolated phenomena, Fraga said. Her recent research found around 65 plants in North America have gone extinct, most due to development.

“Some of them have similar life forms, with deep taproots and whatnot, but they weren’t systematically targeted,” Fraga said. “So that seems very unusual, for the damage to be so specific across the entirety of the global range, all within a span of weeks.”

No new damage, she said, has been documented since the onset of winter, with the vast majority damage having occurred in a July-to-August stretch in which no one had been documented at the site. The flowers look rather innocuous and are somewhat difficult to find when they’re dormant, especially when covered with snow.

“It would be hard, I think, for anything, animal, human or whatever, to find the buckwheat and kind of get to work,” Fraga said.

Ioneer has embarked on attempts to expand the range for the Tiehm’s buckwheat. The company funded a UNR research project that studied whether Tiehm’s could be transplanted or whether seeds of the plant germinated in a greenhouse would take elsewhere in the desert to bolster the native population. Those attempts failed and the research has been seemingly abandoned, though Calaway said the mining company was still working to protect the plant.

“Ioneer is actively working with the appropriate agencies on establishing effective measures to mitigate this latest threat from natural causes to both support Tiehm’s, and at the same time ensure America has the critical resources it must have to transition away from fossil fuels,” he said.

Successfully transplanting rare plants into new areas is difficult, Fraga said, due to potential unforeseen elements such as pollinators and the plant’s relationship with local microbes that can prove difficult to reproduce.

“You would need those plants to grow to maturity, flower, make seeds, reproduce and make a new generation to say that what you’ve done is actually successful,” Fraga said. “We’re not trying to establish a garden of plants that we just water and care for every year. What you’re trying to establish is a viable population that persists.”

The already-existing Tiehm’s buckwheat species, Fraga said, benefits from a vast seed deposit under the soil, which helps to propagate new generations. Even so, she said, if every plant was destroyed, it could take centuries for the species to return, and that’s if the seed bank itself isn’t damaged.

Fraga said that it was important to determine what happened to the buckwheat in order to responsibly manage the site. After all, it’s hard to defend against attacks when they’re not known. Ultimately, it may come down to the unthinkable: more damage.

“It depends, I think it depends if it happens again. What’s going to happen next year during the summer?,” Fraga said.

Why the US still has mask and glove shortages

By Doyle McManus
Sunday, Dec. 20, 2020 

There’s been some good news about the pandemic this week along with all the bad: A first vaccine is being rolled out, and another is on the way.

But a long, hard winter still lies ahead, and we’re facing a serious — and completely avoidable — problem: Health care workers once again don’t have enough of the masks, gloves and hospital gowns they need to protect them while they treat COVID-19 patients.

Demand for those mundane but essential items is soaring because of the surge in COVID-19 cases, and it will grow again as the vaccination campaign escalates. But 11 months into the pandemic, the world’s greatest industrial power still hasn’t found a way to meet the need.

In a survey last month, more than half of hospitals’ infection prevention specialists reported that they were wearing their N95 protective masks designed for one-time use five times or more.

A charitable group that distributes supplies to struggling health facilities, Get Us PPE, reports that incoming requests for help are 200% higher than in mid-November.

And in an AARP survey of nursing homes, 19% of facilities reported last month that they were down to less than a one-week supply of PPE.

“The U.S. continues to face shortages of personal protective equipment, testing supplies and other medical supplies needed for the COVID-19 pandemic,” the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office reported Nov. 30.

“Big hospitals, well-funded facilities with buying power, are doing OK,” said Dr. Shikha Gupta, Get Us PPE’s executive director. “The problem is worst in non-hospital facilities — independent clinics, rural providers, nursing homes, homeless shelters. Those are the groups that are struggling. There’s no central place for them to find suppliers and supplies that have been vetted.”

When the pandemic arrived in the United States in January, President Donald Trump called for an “industrial mobilization” to meet the country’s medical needs.

At first, the effort was impressive. Congress quickly provided more than $2 trillion in funding. The Trump administration launched a crash program to manufacture ventilators and deliver them to states.

Private industry responded, too. When the pandemic hit, the United States produced about 20 million N95 masks a month; now production is running at about 150 million a month.

But that still isn’t enough to meet demand in a surge, and industry leaders say they can’t get there — not without government funding to pay for production lines that might turn out to be unnecessary if the pandemic ebbs next year.

“We have more demand than we can supply,” the CEO of 3M, the country’s biggest N95 maker, told the Wall Street Journal last month.

How has this happened? Blame the Trump administration.

The administration could have used the Defense Production Act, a law that allows the president to grant or loan money to industries to build factories for critically needed goods.

But the U.S. Chamber of Commerce lobbied against the idea, and Trump agreed, saying that it would amount to “nationalizing our businesses.”

So after a handful of initial investments in PPE production in April, the administration’s attention turned elsewhere — to vaccines, a more exciting crash project that captured the president’s imagination.

Besides, why invest in more protection for doctors and nurses when the crisis would soon be behind us? Trump and his aides spent most of the presidential campaign assuring voters that the pandemic would soon be over.

Another GAO report last month found that by the end of September, the administration had used less than half of the $1.5 billion initially allocated for PPE and other medical equipment.

The administration hasn’t even met its own targets for replenishing the Strategic National Stockpile of medical equipment, the GAO found. In May, the White House said it planned to increase its reserve of N95 masks to 300 million, but by mid-November the stockpile had only 107 million of the masks.

During his presidential campaign, Joe Biden said he wouldn’t hesitate to use the Defense Production Act to provide more medical gear. But the time for investing in production and supply chains was last summer, when the pandemic briefly slowed down.

Trump and his aides deserve credit for getting ventilators to hospitals last spring, for pushing for vaccine research, and for organizing a massive operation to distribute the antiviral shots.

But the rest of their response to the pandemic — their failure to organize the national testing program Trump promised, the abandonment of any effort toward contact tracing and, most painfully, the failure to ensure a reliable supply of simple items like masks and gloves — will be remembered as studies in public mismanagement.

Doyle McManus is a columnist for the Los Angeles Times.


Nirav Modi’s brother Nehal charged with USD 2.6 million diamond fraud in NY

He has been charged with Grand Larceny in the First Degree

By PTI December 20, 2020 13:42 IST
Representational Image | Pixabay

Nehal Modi, the younger brother of fugitive diamantaire Nirav Modi, has been indicted in New York for fraudulently obtaining diamonds worth over USD 2.6 million from one of the world’s biggest diamond companies in Manhattan.

Nehal, 41, is charged in a New York Supreme Court indictment with Grand Larceny in the First Degree, Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance Jr said.

“While diamonds maybe forever, this flawed scheme was not, and now Modi will face the clarity of a New York Supreme Court indictment. My Office will not allow individuals who have the privilege of soliciting business in Manhattan’s iconic diamond industry to defraud our businesses or consumers,” Vance said in a statement on Friday.

According to the indictment, court filings, and statements made on the record in court, between March 2015 and August 2015, Nehal, a former member of Noble Titan Holdings, made false representations to obtain over USD 2.6 million worth of diamonds from LLD Diamonds USA on favourable credit terms and consignment, and then liquidated the diamonds for his own ends.

The statement said that Nehal, “who comes from a well-known family in the diamond industry”, was initially introduced to the president of LLD Diamonds through industry associates.

In March 2015, he approached LLD, claimed that he was pursuing a relationship with Costco Wholesale Corporation and asked the New York-based diamond company to provide several diamonds, worth nearly USD 800,000, to present to Costco for a potential sale.

After LLD provided the diamonds, Nehal falsely informed the company that Costco had agreed to purchase them. Subsequently, LLD allowed him to purchase the diamonds on credit, with full payment required within 90 days. He then pawned the diamonds at Modell Collateral Loans to secure a short-term loan, the Manhattan District Attorney’s office said.

Between April and May 2015, Nehal returned to LLD three additional times and took more than USD 1 million worth of diamonds for purported sales to Costco. He made a series of payments to LLD, but used the majority of the proceeds for personal use and other business expenses.

To cover his fraud, Nehal falsely claimed that he was encountering payment issues due to a “Costco fulfillment error” and made repeated promises to satisfy the balance, the statement noted.

In August 2015, Nehal returned to LLD again and falsely claimed that Costco wanted to purchase additional diamonds. This time, LLD permitted him to take the additional diamonds on consignment, with terms explicitly stating that he did not have the authority to sell the diamonds without authorisation by LLD.

LLD also required a partial payment upfront in the event of a sale, as Nehal’s outstanding balance was nearly USD 1 million at that time.

Nehal had already contacted Modell to arrange an additional loan. After picking up the diamonds from LLD, he pawned the majority of the diamonds at Modell to secure two separate loans and sold the remainder of the diamonds to various retailers at a steep discount from the listed consignment price.

LLD ultimately uncovered the fraud and demanded that he immediately pay his outstanding balance or return the diamonds. However, he had already sold or pawned all of the diamonds and spent most of those proceeds. LLD subsequently reported the fraud to the Manhattan DA’s Office.

Nehal’s brother Nirav, 49, is wanted in India on charges of fraud and money laundering in the estimated USD 2-billion Punjab National Bank (PNB) scam case. He remains at Wandsworth Prison in south-west London where he has been lodged since his arrest in March last year.

The Interpol has issued a Red Corner Notice (RCN) against Nehal on charges of alleged money laundering that is being probed by the Enforcement Directorate. Nehal was born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1979, and he knows languages such as English, Gujarati and Hindi, according to the RCN issued by Interpol.

The New York Post quoted Nehal’s defense lawyer Roger Bernstein as saying: “This is a commercial dispute” and that “Nehal is not guilty”.

A video on The Post website shows Nehal walking with Bernstein, who said “we are not discussing anything about the case” when asked about the Interpol notice.

£122m of PPE supplied by PPE Medpro to the NHS
has never been used

That's 25 million kilos of haddock in today's money.

 by Jack Peat December 14, 2020 in News

Hundreds of millions of pounds-worth of Personal Protective Equipment supplied by a newly incorporated firm with links to a Conservative peer has never been used, a BBC investigation has revealed.

PPE Medpro was started up by Anthony Page on the day he quit as the secretary of the company that deals with Baroness Mone’s brand.

Just 44 days later it had won a Department of Health contract – not advertised to other bidders – to supply 25 million gowns for health workers.

As Jolyon Maugham of The Good Law Project noted at the time it was an example of “another hugely lucrative PPE contract awarded to a firm with no obvious qualification beyond links to very substantial donors to the Conservative Party.”

But the real kicker seems to have come a few months later after it was revealed £122 million of its stock has never been used.

The DHSC told the BBC that contracts for the gowns must meet the British Standard for the sterilisation of medical devices or a “technical equivalent”.

PPE Medpro followed this second route. This required the DHSC to seek approval from the health regulator, the MHRA, for them to be used in the NHS.

The DHSC and MHRA declined to comment when asked for details of the approval application made for the Medpro products. There is as yet no record of PPE Medpro or either of its two Chinese suppliers on the regulator’s exemptions list, although it is understood the evaluation process is now under way.

PPE Medpro say they delivered 100 per cent of the contract to the terms specified.

The company said it supplied the equipment “fully in accordance with the agreed contract, which included clear terms as to technical specification and performance criteria of the products”.

“We did so in very challenging circumstances earlier this year and are very pleased to have been able to assist DHSC fully and properly at a time of national crisis,” it added.

Rupert Murdoch receives the Covid-19 vaccine in the UK


“I strongly encourage people around the world to get the vaccine
as it becomes available," Murdoch said.

by Henry Goodwin December 19, 2020 in News
Rupert Murdoch, the 89-year-old News Corp boss, has become the latest 
public figure to have the coronavirus vaccine, visiting his local GP’s surgery 
on Wednesday evening to receive his first jab.
The controversial media mogul was delivered to a specialist vaccine centre 
in Henley, Oxfordshire by a convoy of Range Rovers – with the practice reportedly
 extending its normal hours at the last minute.
It sent an email out, saying: “Just a reminder – we have been advised 
‘no media coverage’ due to security issues. 
Please note that photography and video are strictly forbidden.”
A statement issued on Murdoch’s behalf said he “had the vaccine at his
 local GP’s surgery after he received a call saying he was eligible.”
“I would like to thank the keyworkers and the NHS staff who have worked 
so hard throughout the pandemic, and the amazing scientists who have made
 this vaccine possible,” he said. “I strongly encourage people around the world
 to get the vaccine as it becomes available.”
People aged over 80 are in the second tier of priority for receiving the vaccine
 – alongside frontline health and social care workers.
Murdoch – an Australian-born US citizen – has been isolating at his Oxfordshire home 
for much of the year. His endorsement of the jab echoes his British newspapers’ 
strong support of vaccination – but there have been different views in more 
extreme corners of his media empire.
On Thursday, Tucker Carlson – the rightwing Fox News host – highlighted a rare
 “bad vaccine reaction” on his programme and suggested people should view the
 “marketing campaign” “nervously”. “It feels false because it is,” Carlson said. “It’s too slick.”
Others were quick to point out the irony of Murdoch receiving the vaccine on the NHS,
 for which his papers have not always been full-throated in its support.

Pay gap between workers and executives is ‘shocking’, report finds

Ocado's chief executive was paid £58.7 million last year - 2,605 times the £22,500 paid to the average staff member.

 by Henry Goodwin December 16, 2020 in News

The pay gap between companies and their chief executives is “shocking”, unions have said, calling on ministers to end the “runaway train” of inequality in British firms.

A report by the High Pay Centre think-tank revealed that online supermarket Ocado had the biggest pay gulf between those at the top of the company and those on the shop floor.

The company’s chief executive, Tim Steiner, was paid £58.7 million last year – 2,605 times the £22,500 paid to the average staff member. Steiner was therefore paid as much as the average Ocado worker’s yearly salary for just one day of work.

JD Sports was in second place, with its chief executive Peter Cowgill paid £5.6 million – but staff an average of just £18,300. Tesco meanwhile paid its outgoing chief executive 305 times the median pay at the supermarket chain.

Laurence Turner, head of research and policy at the GMB union, said: “This shocking and important report provides a vivid snapshot of the staggering inequalities and exploitation in the world of work on the eve of the coronavirus outbreak.

“There is no business or moral justification for paying an executive an obscene ratio of more than 2,000 times the average worker.

“Action is needed, especially at a time when hundreds of thousands of jobs are under threat and households are struggling to make ends meet. Ministers, employers, and shareholders must all put an end to this runaway train.”

‘Improve fairness at work’

The report found that, across the UK’s 100 biggest stock market listed companies, chief executives earn 73 times the amount paid to workers on average.

Luke Hildyard, director of the High Pay Centre, said the findings provided “valuable new insight into the corporate cultures and working practices of some of the UK’s biggest employers”.

“These findings show that quite low levels of pay are commonplace for large numbers of workers at many of our major companies,” he added.

“Hopefully the disclosures can help investors, policymakers and of course the companies themselves think more deeply about how to improve fairness at work, and pay for low-paid workers in particular.”

An Ocado spokesperson said: “The pay ratio is particularly high for 2019 due to the inclusion of the growth incentive plan (GIP), which was a five-year award granted in 2014 and vested in 2019.

“The level of the GIP payment recognises the extraordinary performance of Ocado during this period when the business grew from a circa £1.5bn business to the multibillion pound technology-led global business we are today.”

Health gap between rich and poor is widening, 
Prof Chris Whitty says

“Ill health and disease concentrating in areas of deprivation is long-standing and needs to be tackled," Whitty said.

The Chief Medical Officer’s Annual Report showed that poorer populations spend a greater proportion of their life in ill health; that women are having children later in life, and cases of dementia and mental illness are on the rise.

by Henry Goodwin December 18, 2020 in News

A gulf in life expectancy between the most and least deprived areas in England is widening, according to Professor Chris Witty.

The Chief Medical Officer’s Annual Report showed that poorer populations spend a greater proportion of their life in ill health; that women are having children later in life, and cases of dementia and mental illness are on the rise.

Life expectancy was the lowest for people living in north Cumbria, County Durham, and in areas of Lancashire and Yorkshire in 2019, where the average age of death was between 74 and 79, compared with southern areas where it was between 81 and 85.

On average, people in England spend 20 per cent of their life in poor health, and people in deprived areas of the North spend an even larger proportion of their life in ill health.
‘We have to improve it’

The report also showed that babies are more likely to die at birth in the most deprived areas of the UK, and among some ethnic minority groups.

Pakistani and black-Caribbean babies were more than twice as likely to die at birth compared with white babies, according to the latest data available – though the infant mortality rate for all ethnicities is lower than seven infant deaths per 1,000 live births.

Professor Whitty also described it as “striking” that “extraordinary improvements in life expectancy everywhere stalled relatively recently” – though this trend is also echoed in other developed countries.

He said in the report: “Ill health and disease concentrating in areas of deprivation is long-standing and needs to be tackled. Describing and deploring it is not enough, we need to have actionable plans to improve it.”

Speaking about the findings, Prof Whitty added: “Although Covid-19 has dominated the news, and remains an urgent priority, other diseases and health problems such as cancer and cardiovascular disease continue to take a major toll.

“There is wide variation in ill health across the country, and much of this is avoidable. It is possible to raise the health outcomes of the least healthy closer to the outcomes of the healthiest – we should be aiming for that.”

More people are also suffering from multiple chronic conditions, which particularly affects rural parts of the country that have large elderly populations and less accessible health facilities, according to the report.

Heart disease and dementia

The report also showed that women are having less children than in previous years, and parenthood is being delayed as women are increasingly becoming mothers over the age of 30.

It said that heart disease is the leading cause of death in men, while dementia is the leading cause of death in women, and dementia deaths have risen while mortality caused by heart disease and strokes has fallen.

Prof Whitty’s report also showed that suicide rates increased sharply among men and women in 2019, following decades of gradual decline, and highlighted how cases of severe mental illness such as schizophrenia and other psychoses are most concentrated in some coastal and urban areas including London.

Cases of self-harm among young people also increased between 2016 and 2019, with up to 1 per cent of people aged under 24 having been hospitalised due to this in some regions of the South West and the north of the country.


Use your household savings to bail out the economy, Rishi Sunak says

Some noted that Sunak - believed to be one of the richest members of the Cabinet - has more money to spend than most.

 by Henry Goodwin
December 20, 2020
in Politics

Workers who have saved heavily during coronavirus lockdowns must start spending next year to rre the British economy, Rishi Sunak has said.

Parliament warned that nearly three million people could have been excluded from the Treasury’s various support schemes throughout the pandemic.

But, speaking at an online event for Tory party members last weekend, the Chancellor said he “felt good” about the prospects of the UK economy recovering once the pandemic eased.

“I feel good about the bounceback – I think people have been sitting at home, building up some savings hopefully and we would like to go and spend them when we get back,” Sunak said.

His remarks drew swift rebukes – with some criticising the Chancellor for seeking to use household savings to do the Treasury’s job.

Others were quick to point out that Sunak – believed to be one of the richest members of the Cabinet – has more money to spend than most.

It emerged recently that his wife and her family hold a multimillion-pound portfolio of shareholdings that are not declared in the register of ministers’ interests.

Akshata Murty – who married the chancellor in 2009 – is the daughter of one of India’s richest men. Her father co-founded tech giant Infosys, and she has shares in the company worth £430 million – making her richer than the Queen.

The ministerial code complex Sunak to declare any financial interests “relevant” to his job that might constitute a conflict of interests. Ministers are also supposed to declare the interests of close family members.

A report earlier this month, from the Centre for Business and Economic Research, found that households might have saved as much as 19 per cent of their disposable incomes in 2020.

That could equate to as much as £7,100 per households – or £197bn across all households, the Telegraph reported.

The CEBR said: “The £197 billion question, therefore, is what will households do with this money that they have accumulated in 2020 when restrictions ease.

”Of course, a large chunk of these savings will have gone into pensions, which will not be available for spending for some time.”

Related: Richer than the Queen: Sunak family’s huge wealth not declared by chancellor