Thursday, June 13, 2019

More research labs are retiring monkeys when studies finish


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In this May 13, 2019, photo, Bella the vervet monkey looks at the camera at Primates Inc., in Westfield, Wis. Besides Bella, previously a pet, the sanctuary has five rhesus macaque monkeys that were previously used in medical research. More research labs are retiring primates to sanctuaries like Primates Inc., a 17-acre rural compound in central Wisconsin, where they can live their remaining years after research studies are done, according to sanctuaries and researchers. (AP Photo/Carrie Antlfinger)

WESTFIELD, Wis. (AP) — Izzle, Timon, Batman, River and Mars spent years confined inside a lab, their lives devoted to being tested for the benefit of human health.

But these rhesus macaques have paid their dues and are now living in retirement — in larger enclosures that let them venture outside, eat lettuce and carrots, dip their fingers in colorful plastic pools, paint, and hang from pipes and tires — in relative quiet.

More research labs are retiring primates to sanctuaries like Primates Inc., a 17-acre (7-hectare) rural compound in central Wisconsin, where they can live their remaining years, according to the sanctuaries and researchers. For some monkeys, it’s their first time hanging out in the fresh air.

“Just to see them look around in amazement. You know it was all very calm and peaceful,” said Amy Kerwin, who worked for 15 years to get the Westfield, Wisconsin, sanctuary off the ground after being employed in a University of Wisconsin research lab.

There were approximately 110,000 primates in research facilities in 2017, according to the most recent data available from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

While most research facilities need primates to be euthanized to examine their tissues, technological advances, such as brain scans, mean fewer monkeys need to be put down. Plus, researchers who become close with the animals are making more efforts to give the ones who can survive a retirement, rather than euthanization.

In 2015, a group of researchers, graduate students and an ethicist created the Research Animal Retirement Foundation. It raises funds for labs to pay the sanctuaries to retire them. So far they have given $33,000 in funding for three monkeys who went to the Wisconsin sanctuary.

A visit to the Peaceable Primate Sanctuary in Indiana helped convince Rep. Jackie Walorski, R-Ind., to author a bill introduced last month, along with Rep. Brendan Boyle, D-Penn., that requires federal agencies to develop a policy allowing animals no longer needed for research to be adopted out or put in sanctuaries. Currently, no federal regulations dictate what happens to them. Some are sold to other studies when one study is done.

The bill doesn’t address funding, one of the main hurdles to get primates into retirement sanctuaries.

Currently, grants through the National Institutes of Health, which is the largest public funder of biomedical research in the world, don’t include money for retirement. That leaves the labs and sanctuaries to find the tens of thousands of dollars per monkey, per year needed to care for them.

Monkeys are finished with studies at different ages and some can live for decades. Some can also leave with lingering issues, like compulsive behaviors caused by boredom.

That’s why many sanctuaries require the labs to send some funding, often between $10,000 and $20,000, to help care and create space for monkeys. Since many of the primates have only lived in labs, they don’t have the skills needed to live in the wild.

Most primates in accredited sanctuaries are chimpanzees, capuchins, and squirrel monkeys, according to Erika Fleury, program director for the North American Primate Sanctuary Alliance, or NAPSA, an advocacy group for captive primates. They come from research, the entertainment industry or private homes.

Chimpanzees are no longer used in most research. The NIH announced in 2013 it would stop supporting them in research and that they should be moved to sanctuaries, with funding. It pointed to a report from the Institute of Medicine in 2011 that concluded the use of chimpanzees in biomedical research was unnecessary.

Cindy Buckmaster, chair of the Americans for Medical Progress, which represents research universities and medical research companies, said that besides funding, researchers are concerned about sanctuaries standards, their financial viability and whether some sanctuaries’ ties to animal rights groups will cause them to badmouth the institution.

“We really feel very grateful to them and we want them to have wonderful lives after,” Buckmaster said. “They certainly deserve it. But it has to be done well and it has to be done properly because we’re not going to put our animals in harm’s way.”

Some animal rights groups, including People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, don’t support research but do agree with retiring monkeys to sanctuaries rather than having them euthanized.

Sanctuaries have been around for decades but, in 2010, more than a half-dozen came together to create NAPSA.

Currently, there are eight member sanctuaries, with about 775 primates. Membership requires the sanctuaries be USDA licensed, accredited by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries or certified by the Association of Zoos & Aquariums, among many guidelines. There are 31 other, nonmember sanctuaries in the U.S. and Canada that have primates but have a variety of standards, according to NAPSA.

Besides requiring high standards for sanctuaries, NAPSA is also upping efforts with researchers to encourage them to ask for retirement funding upfront.

An NIH spokeswoman wouldn’t respond to whether the agency would consider adding money to grants for monkey retirement care, only saying in a statement that the animals’ owners are responsible for ongoing care.

Kerwin, who started the Wisconsin sanctuary, said she’s seen monkeys become calmer in retirement. Her goal is to have 100 monkeys over the next 20 years.

“Just knowing that these little individual personalities are in the thousands and largely no one knows about them and even the need to help them. That’s why I feel it’s important,” she said.

In this May 13, 2019, photo, Amy Kerwin holds a mirror up to Izzle, a rhesus macaque at Primates Inc., in Westfield, Wis. Izzle loves to watch people in mirrors, according to Kerwin. The sanctuary now has five rhesus macaque monkeys that were previously used in medical research and one vervet monkey that used to be a pet. (AP Photo/Carrie Antlfinger)

In this May 13, 2019, photo, River, left, and Timon, both rhesus macaques, sit in an outdoor enclosure at Primates Inc., in Westfield, Wis. It's a sanctuary that so far has five rhesus macaque monkeys that were previously used in medical research and one vervet monkey that used to be a pet. More research labs are retiring primates to sanctuaries like Primates Inc., a 17-acre rural compound in central Wisconsin, where they can live their remaining years when their studies are done, according to sanctuaries and researchers. (AP Photo/Carrie Antlfinger)
Langley rose honouring Bette Midler not for sale in B.C.

Though Langley bred, The Divine Miss M will be used for fundraising to restore New York City

Brad Jalbert of Select Roses developed The Divine Miss M. He has gained international recognition his Langley roses over the past 30 years.

By Bob Groeneveld/Langley Advance Times

Although created in Langley, The Divine Miss M won’t be available for B.C. rose gardens for “a few years,” according to the rose’s creator, Brad Jalbert of Select Roses.

The Divine Miss M is named for singer, songwriter, actress, comedian, film producer Bette Midler, in honour of her founding and work with the New York Restoration Society.

Internationally recognized rose breeder Jalbert was approached by the New York Botanical Gardens to see if he had a rose suitable for honouring “someone special.”

The rose would have to be “bawdy, brass, and bold, but it also had to be divine,” Jalbert was told.

They liked the rose he picked for them – “a big white rose that looks like it has a dollop of whipped cream on top,” said Jalbert.

“When they saw the rose,” said Jalbert, “it was everything they hoped it to be.”

And so they acquired the naming rights for the creamy white rose with a light vanilla scent, and it became The Divine Miss M.

READ ALSO: Langley rose The Divine Miss M named in honour of Bette Midler

Jalbert said that, because of the time and cost involved in developing a new rose, groups and organizations that want to name a special rose, usually to honour a person or a place, are normally charged anywhere from $7,500 to $15,000 for the naming rights.

Buying the naming rights in this case included the right to use it for fundraising, to further Midler’s work in developing green spaces and better environment in New York for people across the social and economic spectra.

So Jalbert won’t be marketing the rose at least until Midler’s people have met their fundraising goal with it.

“It will be a few years before The Divine Miss M will be available locally,” Jalbert said.

This is our generation’s opportunity to create an industry for B.C.: LNG Alliance

CEO says much of the work has already been awarded to First Nations
  • Jun. 13, 2019  
  • Bryan Cox is the President and CEO of BC LNG Alliance
In 1867 an entrepreneur named John “Gassy Jack” Deighton opened a saloon near a newly built sawmill on Burrard Inlet. In doing so, he started “Gastown,” the small village that would grow up around the lumber industry to become Vancouver.

This was a few years after gold was discovered on the Fraser River, sparking a gold rush and boom towns throughout B.C., and as coal mining was beginning on Vancouver Island.

The arrival of the first train in Vancouver in 1887 allowed the city to emerge as a global shipping port, cementing our province’s position as a resource developer and exporter.

From the very beginning, primary industries built the growth and prosperity of B.C., and importantly, they continue to provide significant employment and revenues.

Now, our generation has the opportunity to build a new natural resource industry in B.C. from the ground up. By cooling B.C. natural gas until it becomes a liquid, we are able to add value to our resource before exporting it as liquefied natural gas (LNG).

We are the generation that learned to reduce, reuse and recycle, and to be conscious of the state of our environment. We were raised to care about our planet.

LNG is our generation’s opportunity to build a modern industry that provides the world with a resource it needs, with the fewest emissions possible.

We have the knowledge and values to build a sustainable resource that benefits all British Columbians.

For example, First Nations are partners in two natural gas pipelines that would deliver natural gas that will be cooled into LNG in Kitimat. Much of the contract work that has been awarded so far for those pipelines has gone to First Nations businesses or joint-ventures. Through consultation, the Haisla Nation negotiated benefit agreements to allow the LNG Canada project and Kitimat LNG project in their traditional territory. The Squamish Nation developed its own environmental review process – the first of its kind anywhere in Canada – for the Woodfibre LNG project.

Our generation is tackling challenging social problems, like poverty and affordability. The well-paying jobs and careers in the LNG industry have the potential to transform many lives, and the revenue the industry contributes to government will be invested in schools, hospitals, roads, and services across the province.

We are developing the LNG industry to help address some of the world’s greatest challenges. According to the World Health Organization, there are seven million deaths each year attributed to breathing polluted air. With a fraction of the particulate matter of fuels such as coal and biomass, LNG can help the world breathe cleaner air.

ALSO READ: New power line needed for LNG project

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Our LNG facilities are designed to produce the lowest emission LNG anywhere in the world in order to meet strong provincial regulations. This means that B.C. LNG will have at least half and for some facilities – far less than half – of the emissions compared to LNG produced in other countries.

For example, when used to displace coal-fired electricity in China, B.C.’s LNG could reduce global emissions equal to British Columbia’s annual emissions. LNG helps countries electrify by providing firm, reliable backup power for renewables. It is also displacing marine bunker oil in the global shipping industry improving both the marine environment and safety.

Our generation is changing how natural gas is developed. B.C.’s natural gas industry has been recognized for having far fewer emissions than natural gas produced in the U.S, and we are constantly looking for ways to reduce emissions even further.

We have a huge opportunity to build an industry our way, benefitting British Columbians, Canadians and the world. We can share our knowledge with the world to help build a better industry globally. It is clear that if we do not produce LNG in B.C., it will be produced by other jurisdictions, with more lenient regulatory standards and much higher greenhouse gas emissions. British Columbians and Canadians would also miss out on the prosperity these projects could bring. For the sake of our citizens, and the health of the world, we cannot let this happen.

With LNG, our generation can help build sustainable prosperity for B.C.

The petrochemical tankers, including a Japanese-owned ship, were attacked in broad daylight in the Gulf of Oman as Japan’s prime minister wrapped up a high-stakes visit to Tehran to help cool hostilities in the region.


US Navy assisting 2 tankers targeted in Gulf of Oman
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman, near the strategic Strait of Hormuz, were reportedly attacked on Thursday, the U.S. Navy said, with one adrift and on fire...

Two oil tankers evacuated after reported attack in Gulf of Oman
The crews of two oil tankers were evacuated off the coast of Iran on Thursday after they were reportedly attacked and caught fire in the Gulf of Oman, sending world oil prices soaring. The mystery incident, the second involving shipping in the strategic sea lane in only a few weeks, came amid spiral...




First School Board in Canada to officially acknowledge the global climate emergency:


Parents, teachers and citizens alike united to march from Uptown shopping centre to the Greater Victoria School Board office on Boleskine Road on Monday to support trustee Jordan Watters’ climate emergency motion. (Parents 4 Climate/Facebook)
Victoria School Board latest to recognize climate emergency

‘Kids are hungry for adults to show action,’ trustee says

Jun. 11, 2019 12:15 p.m.

Members of the Parents 4 Climate group walked from Uptown shopping centre to the Greater Victoria School Board head office on Boleskine Road to support Monday night’s climate emergency motion.

The Parents 4 Climate group emerged earlier this year in support of the youth climate strikes happening in front of the legislature. They’ve also supported SD61 board chair Jordan Watters’ advance motion that the district develop a Climate Action Plan. That motion came before the district’s Operations Policy and Planning committee on Monday and will next come before the school board for final approval at the June 24 meeting.

The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recently found limiting global warming to 1.5 C is still possible if there is a 45 per cent reduction of human-caused carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and net zero by 2050.

SD61 is believed to be the first school district in the province to adopt a climate emergency recognition and in doing so, will join the Capital Regional District, Victoria, View Royal, Esquimalt, Saanich, Sidney, Highlands, Oak Bay, Sooke and Colwood.

READ MORE: Victoria youth head to B.C. legislature for climate strike

“Kids are hungry for adults to show leadership around this,” Watters said. “It can’t just be lip service, it has to be action. We are truly called to act. It’s an emergency and the youth know that.”

Watters’ comment is also a claim that the Climate Action Plan needs to “have teeth” to ensure it is effective.

“We’re asking for an action plan, with targets, so that there can be some accountability built in.”

Once approved, SD61’s facilities department would be directed to create a plan with targets and strategies to see the line of greenhouse gas emissions decline, Watters said. SD61’s facilities department already files a carbon neutrality report with the province. This would take it one step further, though Watters’ can’t speculate on exactly what types of changes could be implemented. As an organization most of SD61’s emissions are from buildings and transportation.

READ ALSO: CRD endorses climate emergency declaratio

Examples of similar efforts made in this area are Saanich’s installation of low-emission boilers at Saanich Commonwealth Place, reducing its carbon footprint by 90 per cent. The district could also develop an expedited plan to electrify its fleet of vehicles and buses.

However, it’s more than just physical options, Watters said.

“Any action is better than no action,” Watters said. “We already are taking steps towards this but not communicating it out, need to add to the conversation. The climate crisis has a communications problem.

“We need climate literacy. For how significant its impact is, [humans] don’t fully understand the climate crisis.”

SD61 already has champions, Watters pointed out, with teachers at every school engaging students about climate action.

“I would hope the plan amplifies these ways of sharing climate literacy, Watters said. “I hope it will have strategies big and small.”

Chinese cyberattack hits messaging app during Hong Kong protest

Telegram app
In this July 15, 2017 file photo, the messaging app Telegram is displayed on a smartphone in Bangkok, Thailand. (AP Photo, file)

    Yanan Wang, The Associated Press
    Published Thursday, June 13, 2019 4:30AM EDT 
    Last Updated Thursday, June 13, 2019 6:42AM EDT
    BEIJING -- An encrypted messaging app said Thursday that it was hit by a powerful cyberattack from China as a major protest unfolded in Hong Kong.
    The attack on the Telegram app, which slowed connectivity but did not compromise user data, came as thousands surrounded Hong Kong government headquarters on Wednesday to protest legislation that would allow people to be extradited to mainland China to stand trial. They protesters were forcibly dispersed by police using tear gas, pepper spray and rubber bullets. They did not assemble again on Thursday and debate over the legislation was delayed.
    Telegram CEO Pavel Durov tweeted that most of the attackers had IP addresses from China.
    "Historically, all state actor-sized (attacks) we experienced coincided in time with protests in Hong Kong," Durov said. "This case was not an exception."
    Activists in both Hong Kong and mainland China often use Telegram to organize protests in hopes the encryption will allow them to evade the government surveillance of Chinese social networking apps such as WeChat.
    Whereas WeChat users reported this week that photos of the protests could not be viewed, apps like Telegram offer more privacy and independence. Telegram is blocked in mainland China, but users can access it using software to circumvent the firewall, which also blocks apps and websites ranging from Facebook to The New York Times.
    Encrypted messaging apps such as Telegram say that messages sent on their systems cannot be decoded by third parties during the delivery from sender to recipient. "We can ensure that no single government or block of like-minded countries can intrude on people's privacy and freedom of expression," Telegram says on its website.
    Telegram said that the latest attack was a distributed denial of service in which "your servers get GADZILLIONS of garbage requests which stop them from processing legitimate requests."
    The messaging app said on Wednesday evening that the system had stabilized.
    The protest in Hong Kong forced the legislature to cancel its sessions Wednesday and Thursday, putting off debate on the extradition legislation.
    Opponents say the bill would severely compromise their freedoms and erode Hong Kong's legal independence. Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam maintains the legislation is necessary and would have safeguards to ensure human rights are protected.
    Hong Kong, a semi-autonomous Chinese territory, enjoys greater freedoms than mainland China under a "one country, two systems" framework put in place when the former British colony was returned to China in 1997. Hong Kong residents can freely surf the Internet and participate in public protests, unlike in the mainland.
    The U.S. government has complained for years about data breaches by China to steal high-tech information and other trade secrets -- a key factor in the current trade dispute between China and the United States. Pentagon leaders told a congressional committee this month that cyberattacks from China are increasingly sophisticated.
    When asked about the Telegram issue at a daily news briefing, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said he was not aware of the case but that "China always opposes any form of cyberattack."
    "China is also a victim of cyberattacks," Geng said.

    Trump-bashing exhibit gets booted from China tech show

    trump bashing exhibit
    A man hits a bobble head in the likeness of U.S. President Donald Trump as part of a "stress relief station" from a Japanese company during the Consumer Electronics Show in Shanghai. (HECTOR RETAMAL / AFP)
    Published Thursday, June 13, 2019 4:36AM EDT 
    A Shanghai tech fair exhibit that allowed visitors to clobber a bobble-head likeness of Donald Trump has been shut down for encouraging the "violent disrespect" of a public figure, organizers said Thursday.
    The kiosk at this week's Consumer Electronics Show Asia (CES Asia) was set up by Japanese tech firm Soliton Systems as a "stress-relief" station.
    Visitors were given a hammer to smash a life-sized likeness of the U.S. president, who has angered many Chinese by launching a tariff war with China.
    A curtain was seen drawn across the display site on Thursday, and the Trump likenesses had been removed.The U.S. Consumer Technology Association (CTA) -- which stages the show each year -- told AFP it issued a "warning" to Soliton Systems on Tuesday.
    The association told AFP that exhibitors sign contracts making clear that displays cannot be "offensive."
    "We will not tolerate violent disrespect of any public figure."
    Soliton Systems officials could not immediately be reached for comment.
    The three-day trade show opened on Tuesday under the shadow of the escalating trade war.
    China and the United States have hit each other with steep tariffs on more than $360 billion in bilateral trade, rattling financial markets and business confidence.
    Technology is a key battleground, with the United States pressing governments across the world to drop Chinese telecom giant Huawei from their 5G network development plans, saying it could be used by Beijing for espionage.
    Huawei denies the charge.
    MPs unanimously agree to approve a new and first-ever parental leave program for MPs.



    House approves year-long, fully paid parental leave from the Commons for MPs
    The House of Commons has just unanimously agreed to pass a first-ever parental leave program for members of Parliament that allows them to be absent from the chamber for up to a year after giving birth or welcoming home a new child without penalty.

    Vote on parental leave program for MPs

    MPs unanimously agree to approve a new and first-ever parental leave program for MPs.
    Rachel Aiello, Ottawa News Bureau Online Producer@rachaiello
    Published Wednesday, June 12, 2019 3:20PM EDT

    OTTAWA – The House of Commons has just unanimously agreed to pass a first-ever parental leave program for members of Parliament that allows them to be absent from the chamber for up to a year after giving birth or welcoming home a new child without penalty.

    The program allows for pregnant MPs to take leave starting four weeks before their due date, and then for up to 12 months after the day their child was born to be away from their House duties, with the understanding that an MP’s work in their riding continues. It also applies to MPs who are caring for a newborn or newly-adopted child, meaning male MPs can claim this time as well.

    Gould says parental leave for MPs should be a priority, after promise stalled
    Karina Gould applauded for breastfeeding son in House of Commons
    Parental leave for MPs a first, to be seen how it addresses reality of political life


    Liberal MP David Graham speaks with Parliamentary Guards in the House of Commons before the start of the first session in West Block Monday January 28, 2019 in Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

    This move comes on the recommendation of the Procedure and House Affairs Committee (PROC).

    Government House Leader Bardish Chagger asked the House to approve the committee’s recommendation after question period on Wednesday. It passed unanimously and given that it was a recommendation from this somewhat unique House committee, it does not need to go through any further legislative steps to be implemented.

    With a slowly growing contingent of female MPs of childbearing age and MPs with young families, there has been an increasing push to think seriously about revamping the rules to reflect the changing demographics.

    Democratic Institutions Minister Karina Gould, who made history as the first federal cabinet minister to give birth while in office, has been pushing for this policy for years, after she personally experienced administrative issues as the result of not having the Liberal-promised policy in place.

    “I think it’s really important that we have a parental leave policy for members of Parliament. I think that in the absence of having a parental leave policy, it doesn’t give people permission to think that they can take leave,” Gould told reporters on Tuesday. She said that while she’s not sure how many elected officials would want to be absent from the House for the full year, having the option provides some flexibility.

    “As many new parents can attest, you don’t always know what going to happen,” Gould said.

    As the parental leave rules currently stand, MPs are not provided parental leave, because they don’t pay into Employment Insurance. They are allowed 21 days of medical leave before being docked $120 pay per day they are absent. Under the current rules MPs have no formal way to report with the House of Commons that their absence is because of a maternity or paternity leave, leaving it up to the MP to work out case-by-case leave scenarios with their parties.

    The new policy will be effective as soon as it passes, meaning that any MP or candidate running to win a seat will know that should they get elected, they will have new support should they want to start or grow their family during the next Parliament.

    This program remains different than the EI parental benefit program available to Canadians, in that MPs who take this parental leave time still maintain their full pay and benefits, because they are technically not leaving their jobs during this time.

    The creation of an MP parental leave policy has been in the works for years.

    PROC first studied the matter in 2017 and recommended that Canada take steps to catch up to other Parliaments. Then, in the 2018 federal budget, the Liberals promised to pursue a parental leave program for parliamentarians as part of a bigger promise to take steps to make Parliament more family friendly.

    Following the budget, the government amended the Parliament of Canada Act to allow the House and Senate to create new regulations for maternity and parental leave, though the legislation didn't actually create any new rules and several months passed with no action.

    Then this spring Chagger—the minister responsible for the change—took the issue to the Board of Internal Economy Committee and asked for a policy to be drafted and proposed.

    The Board is a historically secretive panel of MPs that oversees the workings of the House of Commons. On May 30, House of Commons Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel Philippe Dufresne presented the proposed plan and the Board recommended PROC look it over. It did on June 6 and then reported back to the House earlier this week.

    “There's no mythical MP who doesn't do work in the constituency, because somebody who doesn't do work in their constituency doesn't get re-elected. Members of Parliament are still working during this period. These parental obligations have to be balanced with that constituency work. All that's being suggested by this policy is that we stop penalizing them in the second workplace. The first workplace continues,” said NDP House Leader Peter Julian at the May meeting.