Sunday, May 03, 2020

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Flight of a Tartar tribe
by De Quincey, Thomas, 1785-1859
Publication date 1896
Publisher New York, Maynard, Merrill & co

item image #1
Revolt of the Tartars;
by De Quincey, Thomas, 1785-1859
Publication date 1895
Publisher New York, Cincinnati [etc.] American book company

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Recollections of Tartar steppes and their inhabitants
by Atkinson, Lucy, 1820-1863?

A history of Persian literature under Tartar dominion : (A.D.1265-1502)
by Browne, Edward Granville, 1862-1926
Publication date 1920
Topics Persian literature -- History and criticism, Persian literature -- Translations into English, Manuscripts, Persian -- Facsimiles, Illumination of books and manuscripts -- Specimens, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Manuscripts, Persian, Persian literature
Publisher Cambridge : The University Press

Constitutes the third volume of the author's Literary history of Persia, v.I-II of which were published at London by T. F. Unwin, 1902-06. The fourth and last volume, A history of Persian literature in modern times (A.D.1500-1924) appeared at Cambridge in 1924. The sequence of the volumes is indicated only by asterisks on the spine. cf. Prefaces to 3d and 4th vols

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Psychrolousia, or, The history of cold bathing : both ancient and modern : in two parts
by Floyer, John, Sir, 1649-1734; Baynard, Edward, b. 1641
Publication date 1732
Topics Baths, Cold, Hydrotherapy, Hydrotherapy, Cryotherapy
Publisher London : Printed for W. Innys and R. Manby


The Sibylline Oracles Translated from the Best Greek Copies: And Compar'd ...
by John Floyer
Publication date 1713
Publisher printed by R. Bruges , for J. Nicholson


The Sibylline oracles

by Terry, Milton Spenser, 1840-1914, tr
Publication date 1890

The Jewish Sibylline Oracles

by Hirsch, S. A.
Publication date 1890-07-01
Publisher The Jewish Quarterly Review
Collection jstor_jewiquarrevi; jstor_ejc
Contributor JSTOR
Language English
"The Jewish Sibylline Oracles" is an article from The Jewish Quarterly Review, Volume 2.

"As David and the Sibyls Say": A Sketch of the Sibyls and the Sibylline Oracles
by Mariana Monteiro , Alfred White
Publication date 1905

The sibylline oracles, books III-V
by Bate, Herbert, 1871-1941
Publication date 1918
Topics Oracles

Publisher London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; New York, Macmillan

The mysteries of opium reveal'd
by Jones, John, 1645-1709
Publication date 1701
Topics Opium, Opium
Publisher London : R. Smith


The opium habit, and "opium-mania cures"
by Chaillé, Stanford E. (Stanford Emerson), 1830-1911
Publication date 1876
Topics Opioid-Related Disorders, Opium

Publisher [New Orleans? : s.n.]

Opium smoking and opium eating, their treatment and cure
by Shearer, George, d. 1892; Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Publication date 1881

Opiophagism, or, Psychology of opium eating
by Royal College of Surgeons of England
Publication date 1875
Psychological Consultant, Crichton Institution, Dumfries;
Recently Medical Commissioner in Lunacy, Scotland.
“ This wonderful drug.”— Sir Robert Christison.

Opium eating : an autobiographical sketch
Publication date 1876

The treatment of spasmodic croup with opium
by Royal College of Surgeons of England
Publication date 1889

Topics Opium, therapeutic use

Immanuel Velikovsky books - Worlds in Collision (1950), Earth in Upheaval (1955), Stargazers and Gravediggers (1983)

Immanuel Velikovsky: Reconsidered. 
An Inquiry Unit Into Velikovsky's Revision of Ancient History.
ERIC ED084215
Publication date 1973-10
Language English

The ideas and theories of Immanuel Velikovsky are introduced to social studies teachers and a nine-week minicourse designed to investigate his theories is reported. The contradictions and inconsistencies that Velikovsky found between the events as recorded in original records of the ancient Middle East and the chronological timetable of this historical period as it is presently constructed, form the basis of this inquiry unit for high school students. Four general course objectives listed and discussed are: to familiarize students with the basic works and theories of Velikovsky; to examine some of his theories in light of historical, scientific, cultural, and religious evidence and cources; to review the chronology of ancient history as presently constructed and compare it with the revisions suggested by Velikovsky; and to review the reaction of scientific and literary critics to his published works and theories. Through use of both the expository and inquiry modes of learning, the unit emphasizes the students' efforts to identify and articulate the inconsistencies which present themselves, and to make decisions to reconcile these discrepancies. Learning activities and instructional materials are suggested; materials distributed in class are reproduced. (KSM)




Foreword by Colin Wilson
A Note on Measurements
1 The Sacred Constant: The “Jewel in the Crown”
2 A Different Way of Seeing
3 Music over Matter
4 The Electron and the Holy Ghost
5 Further Light
6 Live Music
7 Extraterrestrial DNA
8 Interstellar Genes and the Galactic Double Helix
9 The Hermetic Universe of Ancient Times
10 The Hierarchy of Dimensions
11 The Fate of the Universe
12 Inner Octaves
13 The Holographic Principle
14 Quantum Psychology: The “Nonlocal” Brain
15 QP2: The Universal Paradigm
16 The Shapeshifters
17 “Al-Chem”—the Egyptian Way

Geologists Work To Piece Together Earth’s Missing Memories
A team of geologists led by the University of Colorado Boulder is digging into what may be Earth's most famous case of geologic amnesia. Researchers have spotted that phenomenon, called the "Great Unconformity," at sites around North America, including in the Grand Canyon and at the base of Pikes Peak in Colorado.

A hiker walks along a road near Manitou Springs, Colorado, where an exposed outcrop shows a feature known as the "Great Unconformity" [Credit: Rebecca Flowers]

There lie sites of missing time, where relatively young rocks dating back about 550 million years sit right on top of much more ancient stone—in some cases more than 3 billion years old. In other words, a huge chunk of geologic history has vanished from in between.

"Researchers have long seen this as a fundamental boundary in geologic history," said Rebecca Flowers, an associate professor in the Department of Geological Sciences.

For a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, she and her colleagues drew on a technique known as "thermochronology" to take a fresh look at that fundamental boundary. They found that the Great Unconformity might not be the result of a single, catastrophic event in the planet's past like many scientists thought. Instead, a series of smaller calamities may have triggered many different unconformities around the world.

The results could help scientists better understand the flourishing of complex life that occurred not long after that tumult settled down, about 540 million years ago in an era called the "Cambrian Explosion." "There is a lot of the geological record that is missing," Flowers said. "But just because it's missing doesn't mean that this history is simple."

Pike's Peak

To study that less-than-simple history, Flowers and her colleagues turned to Pikes Peak. In a granite outcrop near the mountain town of Manitou Springs, geologists can find one of the clearest cases of the Great Unconformity.

Follow the strata down, and you will see young rocks—less than 510 million years old—and older "basement" rocks—dating back about 1 billion years. But you won't find anything in between.

Geologists know that something must have happened in the past to erase all that history, Flowers said. What that was and when exactly it happened, however, are still a mystery. "Only recently have we had the ability to reach far enough back in time to start filling in that gap," she said.

Rebecca Flowers stands near an outcrop on Pikes Peak in Colorado
[Credit: Rebecca Flowers]

Rocks, Flowers said, carry a kind of memory. By probing the particular atoms that have been locked up inside geologic samples, savvy scientists can create a heat-based history of those rocks—essentially, how hot or cold the sample was at various points in its lifetime.

Using that method, the researchers discovered that the Pikes Peak basement rocks were brought to the surface of the planet about 700 million years ago. For Flowers' team, that finding was key.

When all that rock rose to the surface, she explained, it would have suddenly been at the mercy of wind, snow and other extremes. And those elements could have led to erosion—a lot of erosion—essentially wiping the geologic history of the region clean. Imagine shaking an Etch-a-Sketch but on a monumental level.

"Earth is an active place," Flowers said. "There used to be a lot more rocks sitting on top of Mount Everest, for example. But they've been eroded away and transported elsewhere by streams."

Blame Rodinia

But what lifted those rocks up in the first place? Flowers and her colleagues think it has something to do with Rodinia. That's the name of a massive supercontinent—think Pangea, only much older—that formed at Earth's surface roughly 1 billion years ago.

"At the edges of Rodinia, where you have continents colliding, you'd see these mountain belts like the Himalayas begin to form," Flowers said. "That could have caused large amounts of erosion."
The researchers also realized something else: The Great Unconformity might not have been so great in the first place. As Rodinia crashed together then pulled apart over hundreds of millions of years, all that geologic activity may have caused many separate cases of memory loss around the world—not just one.

"We're left with a feature that looks similar across the world when, in fact, there may have been multiple great unconformities, plural," Flowers said. "We may need to change our language if we want to think about the Great Unconformity as being more complicated, forming at different times in different locations and for different reasons."

It's something to ponder the next time you go for a hike on Pikes Peak.

Author: Daniel Strain | Source: University of Colorado at Boulder [April 27, 2020]
New Findings Suggest Laws Of Nature Not As Constant As Previously Thought

Those looking forward to a day when science's Grand Unifying Theory of Everything could be worn on a t-shirt may have to wait a little longer as astrophysicists continue to find hints that one of the cosmological constants is not so constant after all.

Scientists examining the light from one of the furthermost quasars in the universe were astonished to find fluctuations in the electromagnetic force [Credit: Shutterstock]

In a paper published in prestigious journal Science Advances, scientists from UNSW Sydney reported that four new measurements of light emitted from a quasar 13 billion light years away reaffirm past studies that have measured tiny variations in the fine structure constant.

UNSW Science's Professor John Webb says the fine structure constant is a measure of electromagnetism - one of the four fundamental forces in nature (the others are gravity, weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force).

"The fine structure constant is the quantity that physicists use as a measure of the strength of the electromagnetic force," Professor Webb says. "It's a dimensionless number and it involves the speed of light, something called Planck's constant and the electron charge, and it's a ratio of those things. And it's the number that physicists use to measure the strength of the electromagnetic force."

The electromagnetic force keeps electrons whizzing around a nucleus in every atom of the universe - without it, all matter would fly apart. Up until recently, it was believed to be an unchanging force throughout time and space. But over the last two decades, Professor Webb has noticed anomalies in the fine structure constant whereby electromagnetic force measured in one particular direction of the universe seems ever so slightly different.

"We found a hint that that number of the fine structure constant was different in certain regions of the universe. Not just as a function of time, but actually also in direction in the universe, which is really quite odd if it's correct...but that's what we found."

Looking for Clues

Ever the sceptic, when Professor Webb first came across these early signs of slightly weaker and stronger measurements of the electromagnetic force, he thought it could be a fault of the equipment, or of his calculations or some other error that had led to the unusual readings. It was while looking at some of the most distant quasars - massive celestial bodies emitting exceptionally high energy - at the edges of the universe that these anomalies were first observed using the world's most powerful telescopes.

"The most distant quasars that we know of are about 12 to 13 billion light years from us," Professor Webb says. "So if you can study the light in detail from distant quasars, you're studying the properties of the universe as it was when it was in its infancy, only a billion years old. The universe then was very, very different. No galaxies existed, the early stars had formed but there was certainly not the same population of stars that we see today. And there were no planets."

He says that in the current study, the team looked at one such quasar that enabled them to probe back to when the universe was only a billion years old which had never been done before. The team made four measurements of the fine constant along the one line of sight to this quasar. Individually, the four measurements didn't provide any conclusive answer as to whether or not there were perceptible changes in the electromagnetic force. However, when combined with lots of other measurements between us and distant quasars made by other scientists and unrelated to this study, the differences in the fine structure constant became evident.

A weird Universe

"And it seems to be supporting this idea that there could be a directionality in the universe, which is very weird indeed," Professor Webb says. "So the universe may not be isotropic in its laws of physics - one that is the same, statistically, in all directions. But in fact, there could be some direction or preferred direction in the universe where the laws of physics change, but not in the perpendicular direction. In other words, the universe in some sense, has a dipole structure to it.

"In one particular direction, we can look back 12 billion light years and measure electromagnetism when the universe was very young. Putting all the data together, electromagnetism seems to gradually increase the further we look, while towards the opposite direction, it gradually decreases. In other directions in the cosmos, the fine structure constant remains just that - constant. These new very distant measurements have pushed our observations further than has ever been reached before."

In other words, in what was thought to be an arbitrarily random spread of galaxies, quasars, black holes, stars, gas clouds and planets - with life flourishing in at least one tiny niche of it - the universe suddenly appears to have the equivalent of a north and a south. Professor Webb is still open to the idea that somehow these measurements made at different stages using different technologies and from different locations on Earth are actually a massive coincidence.

"This is something that is taken very seriously and is regarded, quite correctly with scepticism, even by me, even though I did the first work on it with my students. But it's something you've got to test because it's possible we do live in a weird universe."

But adding to the side of the argument that says these findings are more than just coincidence, a team in the US working completely independently and unknown to Professor Webb's, made observations about X-rays that seemed to align with the idea that the universe has some sort of directionality.

"I didn't know anything about this paper until it appeared in the literature," he says. "And they're not testing the laws of physics, they're testing the properties, the X-ray properties of galaxies and clusters of galaxies and cosmological distances from Earth. They also found that the properties of the universe in this sense are not isotropic and there's a preferred direction. And lo and behold, their direction coincides with ours."

Life, the Universe and Everything

While still wanting to see more rigorous testing of ideas that electromagnetism may fluctuate in certain areas of the universe to give it a form of directionality, Professor Webb says if these findings continue to be confirmed, they may help explain why our universe is the way it is, and why there is life in it at all.

"For a long time, it has been thought that the laws of nature appear perfectly tuned to set the conditions for life to flourish. The strength of the electromagnetic force is one of those quantities. If it were only a few per cent different to the value we measure on Earth, the chemical evolution of the universe would be completely different and life may never have got going. It raises a tantalising question: does this 'Goldilocks' situation, where fundamental physical quantities like the fine structure constant are 'just right' to favour our existence, apply throughout the entire universe?"


If there is a directionality in the universe, Professor Webb argues, and if electromagnetism is shown to be very slightly different in certain regions of the cosmos, the most fundamental concepts underpinning much of modern physics will need revision.
"Our standard model of cosmology is based on an isotropic universe, one that is the same, statistically, in all directions," he says. "That standard model itself is built upon Einstein's theory of gravity, which itself explicitly assumes constancy of the laws of Nature. If such fundamental principles turn out to be only good approximations, the doors are open to some very exciting, new ideas in physics."
Professor Webb's team believe this is the first step towards a far larger study exploring many directions in the universe, using data coming from new instruments on the world's largest telescopes. New technologies are now emerging to provide higher quality data, and new artificial intelligence analysis methods will help to automate measurements and carry them out more rapidly and with greater precision.

Author: Lachlan Gilbert | Source: University of New South Wales [April 27, 2020]

Theory of Electromagnetism and Gravity Modeling Earth as a Rotating Solenoid Coil 
Greg Poole
 Electrical Power Engineer 
Pilot Hill, CA USA 1
Presented in this manuscript are conventional electrical engineering tools to model the earth as a rotating electrical  machine. Calculations using known parameters of the earth and measured field data has resulted in new understanding of the earths  electrical system and gyroscopic rotation. The material makeup of the inner earth is better understood based on derived permeability  and permittivity constants. The planet has been modeled as simple coils and then as a parallel impedance circuit which has led to fundamental insight into planetary speed control and RLC combination for Schumann Resonance of 7.83Hz. Torque and Voltage  Constants and the inverse Speed Constant are calculated using three methods and all compare favorably with Newtons Gravitational  Constant. A helical resonator is referenced and Schumann’s Resonant ideal frequency calculated and compared with others idealism. A new theory of gravity based on particle velocity selector at the poles is postulated. Two equations are presented as the needed links  between Faraday’s electromagnetism and Newtonian physics. Acceleration and Speed Control of earth is explained as a centripetal  governor. A new equation for planetary attraction and the attraction of atomic matter is theorized. Rotation of the earths electrical coil is explained in terms of the Richardson effect. Electric power transfer from the sun to the planets is proposed via Flux Transfer Events. The impact of this evolving science of electromagnetic modeling of planets will be magnified as the theory is proven; and found  to be useful for future generations of engineers and scientists who seek to discover our world and other planets. 
Disappearance Of Animal Species Takes Mental, Cultural, SPIRITUAL And Material Toll On Humans

For thousands of years, indigenous hunting societies have subsisted on specific animals for their survival. How have these hunter-gatherers been affected when these animals migrate or go extinct?

Hunter-gatherer societies have had profoundly deep relationships with the animals they hunted, TAU researchers say. In this photo Bushman hunters in the Kalahari desert
[Credit: GettyImages]

To answer this and other questions, Tel Aviv University (TAU) researchers conducted a broad survey of several hunter-gatherer societies across history in a retrospective study published in Time and Mind. The study, led by Eyal Halfon and Prof. Ran Barkai of TAU's Department of Archeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures, sheds new light on the deep, multidimensional connection between humans and animals.

"There has been much discussion of the impact of people on the disappearance of animal species, mostly through hunting," explains Halfon. "But we flipped the issue to discover how the disappearance of animals -- either through extinction or migration -- has affected people."

The research reveals that these societies expressed a deep emotional and psychological connection with the animal species they hunted, especially after their disappearance. The study will help anthropologists and others understand the profound environmental changes taking place in our own lifetimes.

Halfon and Prof. Barkai conducted a survey of different historical periods and geographical locations, focusing on hunter-gatherer societies that hunted animals as the basis for their subsistence. They also investigated situations in which these animals became extinct or moved to more hospitable regions as a result of climate change.

"We found that humans reacted to the loss of the animal they hunted -- a significant partner in deep, varied and fundamental ways," Halfon says.
The new research explores hunter-gatherer societies throughout human history, from those dating back hundreds of thousands of years to modern-day societies that still function much the way prehistoric groups did. Ten case studies illustrate the deep connection -- existential, physical, spiritual and emotional -- between humans and animals they hunted.

"Many hunter-gatherer populations were based on one type of animal that provided many necessities such as food, clothing, tools and fuel," Prof. Barkai says. "For example, until 400,000 years ago prehistoric humans in Israel hunted elephants. Up to 40,000 years ago, residents of Northern Siberia hunted the woolly mammoth. When these animals disappeared from those areas, this had major ramifications for humans, who needed to respond and adapt to a new situation. Some had to completely change their way of life to survive."
According to the study, human groups adapted in different ways. Siberian residents seeking sustenance after the disappearance of mammoths migrated east and became the first settlers of Alaska and northern Canada. Cave dwellers in central Israel's Qesem Cave (excavated by Prof. Barkai) hunted fallow deer, far smaller than elephants, which required agility and social connections instead of robust physical strength. This necessitated far-reaching changes in their material and social culture and, subsequently, physical structure.

Halfon stresses the emotional reaction to an animal group's disappearance. "Humans felt deeply connected to the animals they hunted, considering them partners in nature, and appreciating them for the livelihood and sustenance they provided," he says. "We believe they never forgot these animals -- even long after they disappeared from the landscape."

An intriguing example of this kind of memory can be found in engravings from the Late Paleolithic period in Europe, which feature animals like mammoths and seals. Studies show that most of these depictions were created long after these two animals disappeared from the vicinity.

"These depictions reflect a simple human emotion we all know very well: longing," says Halfon. "Early humans remembered the animals that disappeared and perpetuated them, just like a poet who writes a song about his beloved who left him."

According to Prof. Barkai, another emotional response was a sense of responsibility -- even guilt. "Indigenous hunter-gatherer societies have been very careful to maintain clear rules about hunting. As a result, when an animal disappears, they ask: 'Did we behave properly? Is it angry and punishing us? What can we do to convince it to come back?'" he concludes. "Such a reaction has been exhibited by modern-day hunter-gatherer societies as well."

Source: American Friends of Tel Aviv University [April 27, 2020]
A New Explanation For The Origins Of Human Fatherhood

Humans differ from other primates in the types and amounts of care that males provide for their offspring. The precise timing of the emergence of human "fatherhood" is unknown, but a new theory proposes that it emerged from a need for partnership in response to changing ecological conditions, U.S. and French researchers report today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The famous statue of Hermes holding the infant Dionysus by the sculptor Praxiteles is often interpreted as a celebration of fatherhood [Credit: © Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports/Ephorate of Antiquities of Ilia/Olympia Museum]

The new theory was developed using tools of economists and knowledge of the economic and reproductive behavior of human foragers. The theory focuses on the benefits of a "fit" between exclusive partners that enabled the strengths of males and females to provide for one another and their offspring, according to researchers from Boston College, Chapman University, University of New Mexico, and the University of Toulouse in France.

Scientists have long tried to explain how human fatherhood emerged. Paternal care - those investments in offspring made by a biological father - is rare among mammals but widespread across modern human subsistence societies. Much of men's parental investment consists of provisioning relatively helpless children with food for prolonged periods of time - for as long as two decades among modern hunter-gatherers. This is a sharp break with other great apes, whose observed mating systems do not encourage paternal provisioning.
That paternal provisioning arose in humans seems remarkable and puzzling and has revolved around a discussion about two groups of males dubbed "Dads" and "Cads".

With promiscuous mating, a would-be Dad who provides food for a mate and their joint offspring without seeking additional mates risks being outcompeted in terms of biological fitness by a Cad, who focuses only on promiscuous mating instead of investing in offspring. Such a competitive disadvantage creates a formidable barrier for Dads to emerge when Cads abound.

An oft-invoked explanation for the evolution of paternal provisioning in humans is that ancestral females started mating preferentially with males who provided them with food, in exchange for female sexual fidelity. This explanation is insufficient for several reasons, the researchers write.

Instead, the team of anthropologists and economists argues that ecological change would have sufficed to trigger the spread of Dads, even in the face of female sexual infidelity, according to the report, "Paternal provisioning results from ecological change."

The key force in the theory of paternal provisioning is complementarities - in essence the cooperation between females and males, as well as between males. Complementarities are synergistic effects that increase per-capita benefits, which may arise from dividing labor and/or pooling resources. The path to complementarities began roughly five to eight million years ago, with a gradual drying in Africa, and a progressively greater need to rely on nutritious, diverse, spatially dispersed and relatively hard-to-obtain foods, including animal products.

In response to ecological change, ancestral hominins adapted in various ways, including efficient bipedal locomotion, dietary flexibility, and an ability to thrive in diverse environments, facilitated by tool use. Complementarities between males and females would have resulted from the nutrients that each sex specialized in acquiring: protein and fat acquired by males paired well with carbohydrates acquired by females.

Complementarities between males would have resulted from higher returns from hunting in groups instead of in isolation, and from food sharing to lower starvation risk. Dietary reliance on animal products is thus a key feature underlying these complementarities between and within sexes.

These complementarities would have led to a substantial increase in the impact of food provided by a Dad on the survival of his mate's offspring.

Using evolutionary game theory, the authors show that this impact can lead Dads to gain a fitness advantage over Cads, although Cads may still co-exist with Dads under certain conditions. If sons inherit their biological father's traits, then over time Dads will increase in number in a population. Theoretically connecting the evolution of paternal provisioning to ecological change allows the authors to make novel predictions about the paleontological and archeological record.

Bronze Age Swords Bear The Marks Of Skilled Fighters

Warriors during the Bronze Age used their weapons in skillful ways that would have required lots of training in specific techniques, researchers say.

An example of the damage caused by one of the replica swords
[Credit: Bronze Age Combat Team/Hotspur School of Defence]

A team led by Newcastle University examined thousands of marks on Bronze Age swords and staged experimental fights using replica weapons to better understand how they might have been used in the Bronze Age and the combat techniques that were needed.

Bronze—cast by mixing copper and tin—is softer than steel, meaning that it can be easily damaged. Until now, much speculation has focused on the possibility that because they are easy to damage, the ancient weapons were ceremonial rather than intended for battle.

However, the research findings, published in the Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, indicate that not only were they used in active combat, but would have required fighters to use lots of skill and very particular techniques to minimize the amount of damage.

The work came out of the Bronze Age Combat Project (BACP), led by Dr. Andrea Dolfini at Newcastle University, and involving colleagues from Leicester and Durham universities, the British Museum and Great North Museum: Hancock.

Dr. Dolfini said: "The Bronze Age was the first time people used metal specifically to create weapons they could use against other people. People understood that these weapons could be very easily marked so sought to use them in ways that would limit the amount of damage received. It is likely that these specialized techniques would have to be learned from someone with more experience, and would have required a certain amount of training to be mastered."

Bronze Age sword types: 
a Group IV rapier (658 mm, 565.0 g).
 b Kemenczei type S Vollgriffschwert (595 mm, 938.2 g).
c Wilburton type sword (562 mm, 511.5 g). 
d Carp’s Tongue type sword (745 mm, 761.5 g). 
e Ewart Park type sword,
the two nearest the bottom were used for the actualistic tests (top 658 mm, 701.4 g; middle 696 mm, 753.0g; bottom 695 mm, 752.1 g) [Credit: Hermann et al. 2020]

The research team worked with members of Newcastle-based Hotspur School of Defence, a club dedicated to medieval European combat, to stage realistic sword fighting sequences, using specially commissioned replica weapons.

Wearing protective clothing, and using moves found in a combat manual from the Middle Ages, the trained volunteers tried a wide variety of sword, shield and spear strikes delivered to different body parts as researchers recorded the types of damage inflicted by different blows.

This revealed more about how swords and shields could have been used, and the type of damage that different strikes made to the weapons.

Armed with this knowledge, the researchers then used sophisticated use-wear analysis techniques to examine 2,500 wear marks on 110 ancient swords from Great Britain and Italy, comparing the damage marks on both the ancient weapons and the replicas.

The research involved staging experimental fights using replica weapons
[Credit: Bronze Age Combat Team/Hotspur School of Defence]

This detailed two-part analysis allowed the research team to assign certain wear marks to specific sword moves and combinations. This indicated that fighters used their weapons to control and dominate the blade of their opponent, suggesting that much combat took place at close quarters.

Distinct styles

The sword combat and use-wear analysis elements of the research were led by Raphael Hermann while working towards his Ph.D. at Newcastle University. Talking to Science magazine, Dr. Hermann, who is now at the University of Gottingen, said: "In order to fight the way the marks show, there has to be a lot of training involved, and because the marks are so consistent from sword to sword, they suggest that different warriors weren't swinging at random, but were using well-practiced techniques. We also saw that wear patterns were linked to geography and time, suggesting distinct fighting styles developed over centuries."

It is the first time that anyone has used such an approach to get a better understanding of ancient combat and the research team anticipate that their work provides a new model for conducting research into ancient warfare.

Dr. Dolfini added: "You can't just give two people replicas of ancient weapons, tell them to fight and then say 'we know how they were used." What we did with the Bronze Age Combat Project is creating a meaningful blueprint for carrying out future experimental research into prehistoric combat, building a much greater understanding of how ancient weapons were used and the role of warriors in Bronze Age societies."

Study Places The Origin Of A Group Of Trees Growing In Africa 50 Million Years Ago

In the Eocene, some of the world's most important mountain ranges emerged and large climate changes took place that affected the future of the planet. In this era, about 50 million years ago, large groups of mammals and other animals also came , as did Daniellia clade, an array of legume plants which carry environmental relevance.

A tropical forest of Equatorial Guinea, one of the places where these trees grow
[Credit: University of Córdoba]

This is one of the main conclusions of a research project on which the University of Cordoba collaborated. This project places the origins of these trees in North Africa. As the only Spanish researcher on the study, Manuel de la Estrella, pointed out, this kind of legume boasts interest from the scientific community due to systematic and environmental reasons. Though most grow in humid rainforests, some have been able to adapt to dry areas that are completely different, such as savannahs and hearty forests of Madagascar, known for their emblematic baobabs. What is more, in contrast to what happens with other tropical plants, the diversity of these species is greater in Africa than in other tropical regions of Asia or the Americas.

The study, that was tracking these plants from the beginning, unlocked some of the mysteries about the plant group's distribution and diversity. As the research shows, this group emerged in North Africa when tropical rainforests flooded the northern part of the continent and even Europe, with the Paris basin being the location where the oldest fossil of this group was found. The emergence of a drier climate afforded a new lineage that spread to Madagascar, where nowadays species adapted to little rainfall grow. Several climate changes that occurred later brought about diversifications that led to the 10 species described in Africa.

In order to trace this evolution, explains Manuel de la Estrella, the fossil record was studied and they used a dating technique known as "molecular clock", a phylogenetic method that deduces the timeline of events using DNA sequences from different species.

Endangered species

The study also assessed the state of conservation of these legumes in accordance with IUCN categories with the aim of establishing conservation priorities. Even if these trees have demonstrated their enormous ability to adapt for 50 million years, eight of the fourteen species in Africa and Madagascar are currently endangered, due to climate change, among other reasons. "Although many of these species arose precisely as a consequence of previous climate changes, those changes happened gradually over millions of years, and so they were given time to adapt", explains the sole Spanish author of the article.

Furthermore, overexploitation by mankind is another main factor threatening the future of these species. Deforestation and dependence upon wood for use in construction and as fuel exerts heavy pressure, especially in areas in the savannah where trees are few and far between.

This research, says Manuel de la Estrella "allows us to understand how these plants emerged and understand how threatened their diversity is, which will help us to make better decisions". Conservation measures such as storing seeds and reintroducing genetically diverse plants in appropriate, protected habitats could help to guarantee the long-term survival of these species.

The findings are published in Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.

Source: University of Córdoba [April 29, 2020]

Extinction Of Threatened Marine Megafauna Would Lead To Huge Loss In Functional Diversity

In a paper published in Science Advances, an international team of researchers have examined traits of marine megafauna species to better understand the potential ecological consequences of their extinction under different future scenarios.

Sharks are predicted to be the most affected, with losses of functional richness far beyond those expected under random extinctions [Credit: Terry Goss/WikiCommons]

Defined as the largest animals in the oceans, with a body mass that exceeds 45kg, examples include sharks, whales, seals and sea turtles. These species serve key roles in ecosystems, including the consumption of large amounts of biomass, transporting nutrients across habitats, connecting ocean ecosystems, and physically modifying habitats.

Traits, such as how large they are, what they eat, and how far they move, determine species' ecological functions. As a result, measuring the diversity of traits allows scientists to quantify the contributions of marine megafauna to ecosystems and assess the potential consequences of their extinction.

The team of researchers - led by Swansea University's Dr Catalina Pimiento - first compiled a species-level trait dataset for all known marina megafauna to understand the extent of ecological functions they perform in marine systems. Then, after simulating future extinction scenarios and quantifying the potential impact of species loss on functional diversity, they introduced a new index (FUSE) to inform conservation priorities.

The results showed a diverse range of functional traits held by marine megafauna, as well as how the current extinction crisis might affect their functional diversity. If current trajectories are maintained, in the next 100 years we could lose, on average, 18% of marine megafauna species, which will translate in the loss of 11% of the extent of ecological functions. Nevertheless, if all currently threatened species were to go extinct, we could lose 40% of species and 48% of the extent of ecological functions.

An infographic displaying how the extinction of threatened marine megafauna species could result in larger than expected losses in functional diversity [Credit: Swansea University]

Sharks are predicted to be the most affected, with losses of functional richness far beyond those expected under random extinctions.
Dr Catalina Pimiento, who led the research from Swansea University said: "Our previous work showed that marine megafauna had suffered an unusually intense period of extinction as sea levels oscillated several million years ago. Our new work shows that, today, their unique and varied ecological roles are facing an even larger threat from human pressures."

Given the global extinction crisis, a crucial question is to what extent nature holds a back-up system. In the event of extinction, will there be remaining species that can perform a similar ecological role?

Dr John Griffin, a co-author on the study from Swansea University adds: "Our results show that, among the largest animals in the oceans, this so-called "redundancy" is very limited - even when you roll in groups from mammals to molluscs. If we lose species, we lose unique ecological functions. This is a warning that we need to act now to reduce growing human pressures on marine megafauna, including climate change, while nurturing population recoveries."

Source: Swansea University [April 17, 2020]