Friday, October 02, 2020

Put animals on the agenda in the upcoming B.C. election

by V. Victoria Shroff on October 1st, 2020 

B.C. prides itself on being "super, natural", thanks in large part to our animals. Animals matter more than tourism slogans; they also matter in the upcoming election.

Though they can't vote, animals should have a voice in the upcoming B.C. provincial election. As an animal-law lawyer and adjunct professor of animal law, I believe that wild- and domestic-animal issues should be on the political agenda because making the lives of companion animals better and ensuring dedicated laws for wildlife and habitat is essential for everyone.

During the last federal election, I wrote in the Georgia Straight: "If you were a Canadian animal, who would you vote for in the federal election?" B.C.'s official bird is the blue-and-black Steller's jay (Cyanacitta stelleri). If the cheeky Stellar's jays could vote in the upcoming election, I am quite certain that they'd flock toward a pro-animal party.


My questions on behalf of the Stellar's jay and other B.C. animals are as follows: NDP, Green, and Liberal candidates, will you please let citizens know how animals matter to your party during this election? Will they be accounted for in provincial laws to make their lives better? How will those laws be enforced?

It would be useful to see where the parties vying for election stand in relation to animal issues. Climate change and housing are keystone issues, but what about keystone animals and wildlife protection?

When I refer to animals, I don't mean only cats and dogs but also B.C.'s "super, natural" wildlife. It's antiquated, but, legally speaking, animals are classified as property. Under the Constitution, laws relating to personal property, including animals, are the jurisdiction of provincial legislatures.

How we treat animals is a yardstick for how we're doing as a province, and a country. Covid-19 has proven that the sociopolitical health of humans is intertwined with animals. My career as an animal lawyer spanning more than 20 years has made it clear to me that vulnerable animals need a voice, even if they can't vote.

Political parties could outline what their policies are when it comes to our animals so voters will be able to cast their ballots knowing where parties stand in relation to conservation, dangerous-dog legislation, euthanasia, use of force against or the killing of animals, hunting, and access to justice involving animals.

These and many more issues are within the provincial purview and important to the electorate, not just to animal lovers.

Animal issues should be nonpartisan. I have seen every party do something helpful. In the early days of Covid-19, I wrote to Mike Farnworth, minister of public safety and solicitor general of B.C., on behalf of animals. I requested that his ministry please consider the needs of animals when determining essential services, and I was heartened to see the decision to keep pet stores, veterinary clinics, and shelters open, thereby showing understanding and willingness to protect animals and backing it with political will.

A provincial prohibition on barbaric leghold and body-gripping traps is sorely needed. At a recent animal-law presentation for a B.C. rescue group where we discussed banning leghold traps (which cause lingering deaths for raccoons and other animals), Green Party MP Elizabeth May attended with a provincial representative, demonstrating the Greens' commitment to animal issues. And not long ago, the Liberal's highlighted the need to rethink provincial plans for a hunt/cull of moose calves and their mothers as part of a scheme involving wolves and endangered caribou.

It would be good to see parties at all levels of government cooperating on a range of animal issues, from species at risk to pets in housing (the list is long). An example of much-needed change would be a provincial ban on retail sales of animals at pet stores and online. If the province could do that, it would help shut down cruel puppy and kitten mills, the unethical suppliers that churn out animals for pet stores as if they were mere commodities.

We should also have emergency-preparedness legislation that specifically includes animal protection in our provincial laws. Many animal-law issues—including transportation of animals, animal destruction, animals used in research, farmed animals, breeding, hunting, and cruelty—interface with federal and municipal laws, so there is scope for multilevel nonpartisan collaboration.

It's also imperative to have UNDRIP (United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples) principles—which would include prior and informed consent of Indigenous people on whose territories large projects are planned—and pan-Indigenous views of animals and the environment honoured.

There are numerous ways to make a pawsitive impact if politicians decide to make animal welfare and protection an election issue. On election night, B.C. can celebrate—but not with fireworks, please, because they're bad for animals.

Whichever party tops the polls, I want it to be a win for animals too.

V. Victoria Shroff is credited as one of the first and longest serving animal-law lawyers in Canada. She has been practising animal law for more than 20 years in downtown Vancouver at Shroff and Associates. She's also an adjunct professor of animal law at UBC's Allard School of Law (erstwhile) and teaches animal law at Capilano University.

Thursday, October 01, 2020

Letter From Trump Praising Trump Added to Food Aid Recipients' Boxes


Stephen A. Crockett Jr.

Content of a food box is seen during a tour at the distribution center of Coastal Sunbelt Produce May 15, 2020 in Laurel, Maryland. Photo: Alex Wong (Getty Images)

In the latest episode of “Make sure everyone knows that I did this for them,” the Department of Agriculture (surely at President Trump’s behest) is demanding that letters from the president be included in millions of food assistance boxes.

According to Politico, the Families to Farmers Food Box Program, which delivers surplus goods normally intended for restaurants to families in need, are now forced to add these trash-ass propaganda letters, which are a thinly veiled attempt to boost the president’s image in an election year.

“In my 30 years of doing this work, I’ve never seen something this egregious,” Lisa Hamler-Fugitt, executive director of the Ohio Association of Food Banks, told Politico. “These are federally purchased boxes.”

Remember when the president of people who believe the Proud Boys are actually just grown Boy Scouts demanded that his name be put on the stimulus checks because he wanted to make sure that America knew he did this for them? At this point, Trump is the uncle who buys you some fake Yeezys with glowing soles and then tells everyone to come into the room and turn off the lights so they can look at your soles.

“Yeezys!” he will proclaim, proudly. “I got them for a steal!”

“Feezys,” your brother will say.

Republican Porn Hub, aka Fox News, first reported the masturbatory practices of the presidential letter being included in some boxes back in July. “On Wednesday the White House posted a campaign-style video on Twitter touting the food boxes with remarks Trump made in North Carolina in August before a crowd of a few hundred people,” the Hill reports.

The letter, which is written in both English and Spanish says, “As President, safeguarding the health and well-being of our citizens is one of my highest priorities. As part of our response to coronavirus, I prioritized sending nutritious food from our farmers to families in need throughout America.”

If this motherfucker doesn’t shut his anus-shaped mouth with all this bullshit. He can’t be serious, can he? How is this not the most fascist regime that has ever fascist-ed?

Some lawmakers believe that this could be a violation of the Hatch Act because everything this administration does is a violation of the Hatch Act.

“Using a federal relief program to distribute a self-promoting letter from the President to American families just three months before the presidential election is inappropriate and a violation of federal law,” a group of 49 House Democrats, led by Rep. Marcia Fudge of Ohio, wrote in an Aug. 14 letter to Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue, the Hill reports.

“A public health crisis is not an opportunity for the administration to promote its own political interests. Likewise, a federal food assistance program should not be used as a tool for the President to exploit taxpayer dollars for his re-election campaign,” ho!

The Agriculture Department, of course, pushed back, claiming “politics has played zero role in the Farmers to Families food box program — it is purely about helping farmers and distributors get food to Americans in need during this unprecedented time.”

Then why include a letter from the president talking about how good the “Feezys” he got you look when the lights are off and how he got them for a steal?!

Stephen A. Crockett Jr. Senior Editor @ The Root, boxes outside my weight class, when they go low, you go lower.
"You will be proud of us": Romanian villagers re-elect dead mayor by landslide

Reuters•September 28, 2020

Funeral wreaths near the grave of late mayor Ion Aliman, in Deveselu

BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Romanian villagers have re-elected their mayor by a landslide even though he died two weeks ago from COVID-19 complications, saying he had done a good job and deserved his posthumous victory.

A video shared on social media showed dozens of villagers visiting the grave of Ion Aliman, a Social Democrat, to light candles after voting had ended in Sunday's local elections.

"It is your victory," one man can be heard saying. "Know that you will be proud of us. Rest in peace."

Aliman won his third term as mayor of Deveselu, a village of around 3,000 people in southern Romania, with 64% of the vote, electoral bureau data showed on Monday.

"He was a real mayor to us," one unnamed woman who wore a surgical mask told private television station ProTV in Deveselu. "He took the side of the village, respected all the laws. I don't think we will see a mayor like him again."

Aliman, a former navy officer who would have turned 57 on Monday, died on Sept. 17 in a hospital in Bucharest. His name was already on the printed voting ballots and could not be removed, officials said. A new election will be held.

In 2008, a village in eastern Romania also knowingly re-elected their mayor who had died just after voting began.

Despite Aliman's victory, his Social Democrat Party lost key cities and county councils across Romania on Sunday to the centrist minority Liberal government and USR-Plus, an alliance of two centre-right groupings.

Romania has reported 123,944 COVID-19 infections since late February, with 4,748 deaths, the highest fatality rate in the European Union's eastern wing.

(Reporting by Luiza Ilie; Editing by Gareth Jones)

Tow company sold vehicles of Texas military members while they were on duty, feds say

Chacour Koop,
Miami Herald•September 28, 2020

A Dallas towing company is accused of selling vehicles owned by members of the military while they served, federal officials say.

A lawsuit filed Monday by the U.S. Department of Justice says United Tows unlawfully auctioned five vehicles owned by service members, including an airman who had told the business he was in basic training before his car was sold. Under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, tow companies must obtain a court order to sell vehicles owned by military members.

“When members of our military answer the call to serve our country, they should be able to do so without having to worry that their vehicles or property will be auctioned off while they are on duty,” Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband said in a news release.

In the case of the Air Force member, he received permission to park his Toyota Corolla at a Tae Kwon Do studio where he taught classes while away at basic training in San Antonio, according to the lawsuit. With no apartment or family in the area, he didn’t have anywhere else to park the car. He also stored personal belonging in the vehicle, including a laptop, gym bag and personal documents.

United Tows is accused of towing the car in September 2017. After learning through a friend that his car was towed, the airman called the company to explain he was unable to collect the vehicle during basic training, but the owner didn’t believe he was in the military, the lawsuit says.

The friend went to retrieve the laptop, but it was missing and the gym bag was cut open, the lawsuit says.

The vehicle was auctioned without a court order after the airman was ordered immediately from basic training to another military base, the lawsuit says.

The lawsuit says the tow company unlawfully auctioned four other vehicles owned by members of the Air Force, Army and Coast Guard between 2014 and 2019.

“The men and women who serve in the armed forces make immense personal sacrifices to keep our country safe,” U.S. Attorney Erin Nealy Cox for the Northern District of Texas said in the news release. “This lawsuit is a powerful reminder that we will aggressively hold those institutions and businesses accountable who are required to comply with the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. Our military deserves no less.”


Armenia-Azerbaijan clashes rage as Macron denounces 'jihadist' deployment

AFP•October 1, 2020

Armenia-Azerbaijan clashes rage as Macron denounces 'jihadist' deployment
Shelling in Nagorny Karabakh intensified on Thursday

Armenian and Azerbaijani forces intensified their shelling Thursday as French President Emmanuel Macron said jihadist militants had been deployed to Nagorny Karabakh in a "serious new" development.

The West and Russia renewed calls to halt several days of fighting over the disputed Nagorny Karabakh region that has left more than 130 dead.

In a joint appeal, Russian President Vladimir Putin, US President Donald Trump and Macron urged the two sides to return to negotiations aimed at resolving their longstanding territorial dispute.

The French leader said in a separate statement that Syrian jihadist militants had joined the fighting in Karabakh via Turkey, describing the deployment as a "serious new fact, which changes the situation".

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Azerbaijani leader Ilham Aliyev have both rejected the idea of holding talks.

Russia suggested it was making progress in diplomatic efforts with Turkey, a firm supporter of Azerbaijan in the conflict.

It said Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu had confirmed readiness for "close coordination" to stabilise the situation.

In Martuni, a small town in Karabakh around 25 kilometres (15.5 miles) from the front line, residents took refuge in cellars as heavy shelling by Azerbaijan killed four civilians and wounded 11.

Artak Aloyan, a 54-year-old construction worker sheltering in his basement with an elderly neighbour, vowed to stay in Karabakh despite the worst clashes the contested region has seen for years.

"I built this house with my own hands. I will not go anywhere, that's that," he told AFP after a Grad rocket attack. "I will die here in the last battle."

Journalists including a team from AFP were interviewing local residents when the shelling in Martuni occurred, seriously injuring a reporter and photographer working for the French daily Le Monde.

The French journalists underwent surgery in the town's hospital and Macron said France was ready to airlift them out.

- 'Crushing strikes' -

The rival Caucasus nations have been locked in a bitter stalemate over Karabakh since the collapse of the Soviet Union when the ethnic Armenian region broke away from Azerbaijan.

The fiercest clashes between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces in years ignited Sunday and confirmed deaths reached 136 as fighting raged for a fifth day.

The Armenian defence ministry said fighting had "intensified" and its troops had repelled Azerbaijani attacks, downing helicopters and destroying drones and armoured vehicles.

It said Thursday evening that Azerbaijani forces had fired on two villages inside Armenia, close to Karabakh, killing one civilian.

Armenian Deputy Prime Minister Tigran Avinyan said on Facebook that 1,280 Azerbaijani troops had been killed and 2,700 wounded since Sunday, as both sides have made claims of heavy casualties inflicted on their opponent.

In turn, Azerbaijan's defence ministry said its forces had carried out "crushing artillery strikes" on Armenian forces.

Azerbaijan denied claims by Yerevan that one of its helicopters was shot down and had crashed in Iran.

The two sides have accused each other of shelling civilian areas and ignored repeated calls from international leaders to halt the conflict that threatens to draw in regional powers Turkey and Russia.

Putin, Macron and Trump called for an "immediate cessation of hostilities" in their statement Thursday and urged the warring sides to commit to talks to resolve the fighting.

"We also call on the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan to commit without delay to resuming substantive negotiations," said the leaders, whose countries are the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk group that has sought a solution to the conflict since the 1990s.

- 'Foreign fighters'-

Yerevan is in a military alliance of ex-Soviet countries led by Moscow and has accused Turkey of dispatching mercenaries from northern Syria to bolster Azerbaijan's forces in the Karabakh conflict.

It also claimed earlier this week that a Turkish F-16 flying in support of Baku's forces had downed an Armenian SU-25 warplane, but Ankara and Baku denied the claim.

Pashinyan reiterated claims that mercenaries had joined the conflict, saying Azerbaijan and Turkey were fighting "with the help and involvement of foreign terrorist fighters."

"This terrorism equally threatens the United States, Iran, Russia, and France," he added.

Azerbaijan's ally, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, has signalled his country's full backing for Baku's military and on Thursday called for Armenian troops to leave Karabakh.

"The way for a lasting ceasefire in this region depends on Armenians' withdrawal from every span of Azerbaijani territory," Erdogan said.

A Turkish diplomatic source told Anadolu state news agency that Turkish foreign minister Cavusoglu told Russia's Lavrov there was no point in having a ceasefire without Armenia ending its "occupation".

- Civilian casualties -

Armenia has recorded the deaths of 104 soldiers and 13 civilians. Azerbaijan has not reported any military casualties but said 19 civilians were killed after Armenian shelling.

Though Azerbaijan has not admitted to any deaths, an AFP journalist in the country's south witnessed the funeral of a soldier killed in the clashes.

Karabakh's declaration of independence from Azerbaijan sparked a war in the early 1990s that claimed 30,000 lives, but it is still not recognised as independent by any country, including Armenia.

Armenia and Karabakh declared martial law and military mobilisation Sunday, while Azerbaijan imposed military rule and a curfew in large cities.

Talks to resolve the conflict have largely stalled since a 1994 ceasefire agreement.

In a separate development, Israel said it regretted Armenia's decision to recall the Armenian ambassador to Israel for consultations. Israel is accused by Armenia of selling arms to Azerbaijan which are used in the conflict.
Armenians Fear Turkey Is Back to Finish Off the Genocide

Anna Nemtsova,
The Daily Beast•September 29, 2020

MOSCOW—The fighting in a mountain enclave in the Caucasus escalated Tuesday when Turkish-backed forces shelled five villages including the capital of Stepanakert, according to Armenian officials.

Skirmishes broke out on the border of Azerbaijan and Armenia over the weekend and the official death toll is over 100 as a decades-old dispute over the Nagorno-Karabakh or the Republic of Artsakh erupted into violence.

Artsakh is an ethnic Armenian pocket that was once part of Azerbaijan’s territory but now hews closely to Armenia against the wishes of Turkey, which has lucrative oil and gas deals with Azerbaijan and a long-standing enmity with Armenia.

Turkey Sends ISIS Warlord to Azerbaijan to Face Off Against Putin’s Armenian Allies

“We fight not only with Azerbaijan, with Turkey and thousands of its mercenary soldiers from the Middle East,” Masis Mailyan, foreign minister of the self-proclaimed Republic of Artsakh, told The Daily Beast in a phone interview on Tuesday. “This morning the attackers shelled an Armenian town of Vardenis. This is the continuation of the Turkish genocide against Armenian people. The genocide, that the U.S. Congress officially recognized in a resolution last year, affirming that the Turkey exterminated 1.5 million Armenians.”

Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan has fueled the war between Azerbaijan and Armenia, but he blames mediators for failing to solve the territorial dispute since a ceasefire in 1994. “The United States, Russia and France have not been able to resolve the conflict for almost 30 years. On the contrary, they are doing everything they can to prolong the problem,” Erdogan said in half an hour speech on Tuesday. “Azerbaijan has already listened to you for 30 years! But whose lands are occupied? Azerbaijan’s!”

Civilians, including women and children, were reported killed on both sides. Tanks burned, armed drones and helicopters were shot out of the sky. The Armenian defense ministry reported that a Turkish warplane took off from Ganja airbase in Azerbaijan and shot down an Armenian jet aircraft Su-25 on Tuesday.

“Turkey has never expressed any regret for the massacre in 1915,” Mailyan said. “Ankara criticized the Western countries for recognizing the Armenian Genocide.”

The foreign minister said there was a chance that major powers would be drawn into the growing conflict. “Azerbaijan and Turkey have a program called ‘Great Turan’: Erdogan aims to take control over the South Caucasus, which will weaken Russia’s geopolitical positions,” he said.

While it’s already bad, the worry is the conflict could easily escalate. The fighting threatens to involve Turkey, a NATO country, on the side of Azerbaijan while Russia’s forces back Armenia. “If Armenia officially asks Russia for help, the Kremlin would have to deploy the army, in accordance with the Collective Security Treaty between the two countries,” Mailyan told The Daily Beast, suggesting that even those consumed by domestic politics in the U.S. need to focus to prevent an even more disastrous war.

The nation of Armenia with 2.9 million at home and millions in a diaspora in the United States, France, Russia, and elsewhere, feels very much united. In the first hours of the war, Kim Kardashian Tweeted her support for breakaway Artsakh: “We are praying for brave men and women risking their lives to protect Artsakh and Armenia. The news is misleading, these are not ‘clashes,’” Kardashian, whose family fell victim to the Armenian genocide, warned.

The breakaway region is roughly the size of Connecticut. It is backed by Armenia and its diaspora in the West: at least ten American states, including California, Michigan and Massachusetts, have passed bills recognizing the independence of Artsakh, the Armenian name for the region.

Both Azerbaijan and Armenia declared states of emergency on Sunday, for the first time after an escalation four years ago. Erdogan accused Armenia of being “the biggest threat to regional peace,” demanding its capital Yerevan give Nagorno-Karabakh territories back to Azerbaijan.

Russia’s leader, Vladimir Putin, discussed the conflict with his ally in Armenia, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. While Turkey has almost brotherly relations with Azerbaijan, Orthodox Russia feels very close to Christian Armenia. There are Russian military bases on Armenian territory close to the borders with Turkey and Iran.

While Turkey has an almost pathological hatred of one side in this dispute, Russia has tried to maintain good relations with both sides. It has strong business and political ties with Azerbaijan, a country that borders the often unstable Russian region of Dagestan. To keep Azerbaijan happy, Moscow sold weapons to Azerbaijan for $4 billion in 2016, a move that was widely criticized in Armenia.

Last week Armenia joined Russia, China, Iran, and several other Kremlin allies taking part in military exercises called Caucasus 2020, which featured up to 80,000 soldiers.

The violence which erupted over the weekend has been brewing for an age. Azeri opposition activists have been talking about the coming war for months.

“Families, kids woke up to a real war on Sunday. We have thousands of refugees displaced from their homes, hiding in shelters,” Anahit Musheghyan, who lives in Yerevan, told The Daily Beast.

None of the compromises Russia has suggested over the past two decades has worked. And peace talks failed in the midst of the pandemic, in July, after several clashes on the Armenia-Azerbaijani border that killed 15 people.

More than 100,000 Azeri activists joined the pro-war rallies in Baku, pushing Aliyev to take action. “There is something important to understand about this war: every single Azeri person, without any exclusion, agrees the war is necessary–the war is the only point President Ilham Aliyev gets right: we all want back the territories occupied by Armenians in 1994,” Azeri journalist, Khadija Ismailova, explained to The Daily Beast.

Ismailova, a fearless critic of Aliyev’s authoritarian regime, has spent a year in prison on unjust charges, but when it comes to this attack, she sounds supportive. “I am not militaristic, but it is clear to me that we need to fight,” she said. “The only concern we have is that Vladimir Putin might call Aliyev and tell him to stop advancing. If our forces occupy just a few villages and stop, that would be a huge disappointment. Putin must be talking with Erdogan a lot at the moment, negotiating their issues in Syria,” Ismayilova suggested.

The feeling in Yerevan is equally passionate. “Our country has mobilized 10,000 volunteer soldiers,” photographer Karen Mirzoyan told The Daily Beast on Monday. “As soon as our people heard about Azeri shells killing a grandmother with her granddaughter, many men in reserve joined the forces.”

Armenians have controlled what is internationally regarded as Azerbaijani territory since 1994, so why did Azerbaijan choose this month to advance? Thomas De Waal, the author of Black Garden: Armenia and Azerbaijan Through Peace and War, said he thought Aliyev was trying to take advantage of election season in Washington. “Azerbaijan thinks that currently the U.S. is preoccupied with the presidential elections,” he said.
Mike Pompeo Denied Audience With Pope 

Nick Visser
Senior Reporter, HuffPost
HuffPostOctober 1, 2020

The Vatican denied U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s request for an audience with Pope Francis this week, saying the pope would not see Pompeo in the midst of the American presidential campaign.

“Yes, he asked,” Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin told The Associated Press as Pompeo is in Europe for a weeklong visit. “But the pope had already said clearly that political figures are not received in election periods. That is the reason.”

Pompeo will still meet with Parolin and other top Vatican officials during the visit, but the pope’s rebuff was seen by some as the latest example of a political rift between the United States and the Vatican. During a religious freedom conference this week, Pompeo issued a strong denouncement of a deal the Catholic Church signed two years ago with China related to the appointment of bishops, which it is considering extending.

President Donald Trump has taken a hard line against China, as has Pompeo, in the leadup to the U.S. election in November. The secretary of state has also taken unusual efforts to use his political authority to promote religious freedom.

“Nowhere is religious freedom under assault more than in China,” Pompeo said at the event Wednesday. He later added that Beijing’s Community Party was working “day and night to snuff out the lamp of freedom, especially religious freedom, on a horrifying scale.”

Pompeo rejected claims that he was using his visit to the Vatican to drum up support for Trump ahead of the election, telling The New York Times the assertion was “just crazy.”

“We’ve been working on human rights in China the entire time I’ve been part of this administration,” he told the newspaper.

Reuters notes that Parolin and Foreign Minister Archbishop Paul Gallagher said they were “surprised” at Pompeo’s public statements, saying he had violated “one of the rules of diplomacy.”

“Normally when you’re preparing these visits between high-level officials, you negotiate the agenda for what you are going to talk about privately, confidentially,” Gallagher told the publication.

Pompeo wrote an article about the issue earlier this month, chastising the Vatican for signing the deal and saying Catholics were under assault in China. The AP notes the statements irked the Catholic Church and that the Vatican saw the effort as an attempt to win political points back in the U.S.

“Two years ago, the Holy See reached an agreement with the Chinese Communist Party, hoping to help China’s Catholics,” Pompeo wrote on Twitter. “Yet the CCP’s abuse of the faithful has only gotten worse. The Vatican endangers its moral authority, should it renew the deal.”

The Vatican has defended the deal with China. Parolin told Reuters that while it’s not perfect, it “is a matter that has nothing to do with American politics.”

“This is a matter between churches and should not be used for this type of ends,” Parolin said.

Exxon's role in Guyana deepens as the government approves a massive $9 billion oil-drilling project

Benji Jones Business Insider•October 1, 2020
Ships carrying supplies for an offshore oil platform in Guyana operated by Exxon
Luc Cohen/Reuters

The small South American country of Guyana is home to immense offshore oil reserves that Exxon is planning to extract.

The company already has two drilling projects, and on Wednesday the government approved a third, further cementing the oil giant's role in the country's economic future.

Exxon, the largest oil company in the West, strengthened its grip on Guyana's oil riches on Wednesday as it received government approval for a third oil-drilling project, set to produce crude by 2024.

The small South American country is a critical piece of the oil giant's future as it looks to extract oil cheaply. On Thursday, the price of crude was down about 38% relative to the start of the year, following a historic price collapse this past spring wrought by the coronavirus pandemic.

The new development, known as Payara, is Exxon's third offshore drilling project in Guyana, a country set to transform into an oil powerhouse over the coming decades. The company estimates that the Stabroek block — where it operates through a partnership with Hess Corp and China's CNOOC — is home to more than 8 billion barrels of recoverable oil.

Headquartered in Irving, Texas, Exxon plans to invest $9 billion into Payara. One Exxon oil-drilling project in Guyana, known as Liza Phase 1, is currently producing oil, and another (Liza Phase 2) is on track to pump crude by early 2022, the company said.


Exxon's controversial role in Guyana

Since Exxon first discovered oil in Guyana, back in 2015, the company's presence has faced controversy and political turmoil.

In February, the global advocacy group Global Witness published a detailed report that alleged Exxon is taking advantage of the small country by striking an inequitable profit-sharing deal under suspect circumstances.

Then this summer, after a months-long vote recount, a new government stepped in that had criticized the Exxon deal as too generous, according to Reuters. Guyana's new president, Irfaan Ali, promised that there'd be a comprehensive review of Exxon's latest project — Payara.

On Wednesday, the government approved the project, an Exxon representative confirmed.

"ExxonMobil is committed to building on the capabilities from our Liza Phase 1 and 2 offshore oil developments as we sanction the Payara field and responsibly develop Guyana's natural resources," Liam Mallon, president of Exxon upstream oil and gas, said in a statement Wednesday. "We continue to prioritize high-potential prospects in close proximity to discoveries and maximize value for our partners, which includes the people of Guyana."

The approval comes after Exxon reported steep financial losses and deployed various tactics to cut costs in response to the oil-price downturn.

As Business Insider previously reported, Exxon is weighing job cuts in high-cost regions. On Wednesday, the company said it was growing its Guyanese workforce with the Payara investment.

Unredacted FBI Document Reveals Long-Standing Effort by White Supremacists to Infiltrate Law Enforcement

A recently unredacted FBI report revealed a long standing effort to infiltrate law enforcement by white supremacists.

Joe Jurado Yesterday 7:00PM

According to the Intercept, the report was released by Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin, chair of the House Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, before a Tuesday hearing on the efforts of white supremacists to infiltrate local law enforcement agencies. An extensively redacted version of the document was publicly released in 2006 and is among a series of bureau documents that display a growing concern about white supremacists in law enforcement. The committee invited the FBI to attend the hearing but the agency declined.

“Having personnel within law enforcement agencies has historically been and will continue to be a desired asset for white supremacist groups seeking to anticipate law enforcement interest in and actions against them,” a previously redacted section read.

From the Intercept:

Another previously redacted section warned of “factors that might generate sympathies among existing law enforcement personnel and cause them to volunteer their support to white supremacist causes,” which could include hostility toward developments in U.S. domestic and foreign policies “that conflict with white supremacist ideologies,” the report warns.

Some redactions do not seem to be justified, for instance, the FBI’s conclusion that “white supremacist infiltration of law enforcement can result in other abuses of authority and passive tolerance of racism within communities served” — an apparent recognition of the potential harm to the public posed by white supremacist individuals embedded in police departments.

Other redactions relate to incidents of compromised intelligence. The unredacted document notes that “a white supremacist leader is known to have acquired a sensitive FBI Intelligence Bulletin on the white supremacist movement that had been posted on Law Enforcement Online and had inadvertently become publicly accessible through a law enforcement Web site. In addition to identifying the FBI personnel who prepared the bulletin, the document identified the FBI’s targeting interests within the white supremacist movement.”

The redacted material also broke down “strategic infiltration and recruitment campaigns” carried out by white supremacists. The document notes that the National Alliance (NA), a white nationalist group founded by William Pierce, was key to much of the information regarding white supremacists attempting to infiltrate law enforcement.

“White supremacist infiltration of the federal government, including the FBI, plays a prominent role in Pierce’s novels, The Turner Diaries (1978) and Hunter (1989), both widely read works that are sometimes interpreted as practical guidance within white supremacist circles,” the document reads.

The document notes that several retired and active members of law enforcement were known to be members of the NA, with some actually holding leadership positions. Their success at infiltrating law enforcement led to concerns that it would lead other white supremacist groups to try similar tactics.

Another previously redacted section goes into examples that the FBI found of “white supremacist sympathizers,” in law enforcement.

From the Intercept:

In one, the memo mentions that “in July 2006, a former police officer with possible ties to the KKK was charged with civil rights violations involving alleged death threats made against black schoolchildren and a black city council member.”

In another, the report mentions the case of Shayne Allyn Ziska, a state correctional officer at the California Institution for Men in Chino, California, who was sentenced to 17 1/2 years in federal prison. “Ziska was convicted on federal racketeering charges for helping the Nazi Low Riders white supremacist prison gang distribute drugs and assault other inmates, and reportedly providing white supremacist indoctrination to an inmate,” the report notes. “Ziska advised he considered himself a government infiltrator consistent with National Socialism’s strategy for revolution.”

There isn’t an exact explanation on why some of the material was redacted. While notes in the document express concerns about certain investigative techniques being revealed, certain redacted sections were about events that were already public knowledge. Calls for the FBI to increase transparency in its efforts to fight white supremacy have long been rebuffed by the organization.

“The public deserves to see the truth reflected in this finally unredacted report. The FBI saw long ago the multiple potential dangers associated with violent white supremacy and its efforts to infiltrate local law enforcement with ideas, attitudes, and personnel,” Raskin wrote in a statement to the Intercept.

“The FBI’s continuing refusal to acknowledge and combat this threat, just like its refusal to appear today, constitutes a serious dereliction of duty,” Raskin added. “These newly revealed passages underscore the seriousness of the threat posed by white supremacists to law enforcement personnel and the public at large.”

The thing I find most concerning is that this report was written 14 years ago. So they’ve known this could be a serious problem but it’s unclear what, if any, actions the FBI took to combat white supremacists in law enforcement. Within the document itself, there is a lot of talk about how bad this could potentially be, but there are no actionable steps outlined on how to stop it in its tracks.

Former FBI Agent Mike German published a report last month outlining the dangers of explicit racism in law enforcement and the failures of law enforcement agencies to actively prevent those with white nationalist beliefs from infiltrating their ranks.

Over the last 20 years, multiple law enforcement personnel with potential connections to white supremacist groups have been exposed. In recent years, there have been multiple examples of state reps, lawmakers, and countless law enforcement officials making racist and nativist social media posts, “which demonstrates that overt bias is far too common,” German writes.

“Efforts to address systemic and implicit biases in law enforcement are unlikely to be effective in reducing the racial disparities in the criminal justice system as long as explicit racism in law enforcement continues to endure,” German wrote. “There is ample evidence to demonstrate that it does.”

Joe Jurado Jr Staff Writer @TheRoot. Watcher of wrestling, player of video games. Mr. Steal Your Disney+ Password.

Trump Officials Told to Make Sympathetic Comments About Accused Killer Kyle Rittenhouse

Stephen A. Crockett Jr.
Today 1:00PM

Filed to:THUG

In this Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2020 file photo, Kyle Rittenhouse carries a weapon as he walks along Sheridan Road in Kenosha, Wis., during a night of unrest following the weekend police shooting of Jacob Blake.Photo: Adam Rogan/The Journal Times (AP)

A 17-year-old boy arrived at a Black Lives Matter protest in Kenosha, Wisc., armed with an AR-15-style rifle. Those who support Trump will tell you that the armed, pale-faced teen was there to keep the peace and nothing helps keep the peace like an assault weapon. During the protest, the armed thug opened fire, allegedly killing two protesters, and since the shooting, the Trump administration and Fox News pundits have bent over backward to call the killings anything other than what they are.

And here is why: Kyle Rittenhouse is a Trump supporter.

He apparently posted his support for the president on Twitter. Oh, and he helped wipe graffiti from a building. I wish I was joking about the graffiti part but Fox News won’t stop pointing out that Rittenhouse was recorded on video cleaning graffiti from a building some time before allegedly killing two people.

And now leaked documents show the levels with which the Trump administration was willing to go to support their own. According to NBC News, federal law enforcement officials were told that when speaking about Rittenhouse, they needed to make comments that are sympathetic to the shooter.

Internal Department of Homeland Security talking points obtained by NBC News found that Homeland Security officials were told to claim that Rittenhouse “took his rifle to the scene of the rioting to help defend small business owners.”

“Another set of talking points distributed to Homeland Security officials said the media were incorrectly labeling the group Patriot Prayer as racists after clashes erupted between the group and protesters in Portland, Oregon,” NBC News notes.

It remains unclear whether the directives originated at the White House or within Homeland Security’s own press office, but my money’s on the fat orange man who sits at the Resolute desk.

To earn Trump’s gaze, you only need to do one thing: support his dumb-ass moves wholeheartedly and that’s what Rittenhouse had done. He reportedly supported Trump and the police on his social media before leaving his Antioch, Ill., home on Aug. 25 armed with an AR-15-style rifle, authorities said. Rittenhouse, after attempting to flag cops down to say he was the man they were looking for only for police to ignore him because...white boy, was arrested and charged with first-degree murder and is currently fighting extradition to Wisconsin. His attorneys claim that he was acting in self-defense.

Three former Homeland Security officials told NBC News that “it was unusual for law enforcement officials to be instructed to weigh in on a case involving a particular group or individual before investigations had concluded.”

“It is as unprecedented as it is wrong,” Peter Boogaard, who was a spokesperson for Homeland Security during the Obama administration, told NBC News.

From NBC News:

The Rittenhouse talking points also say, “Kyle was seen being chased and attacked by rioters before allegedly shooting three of them, killing two.”

“Subsequent video has emerged reportedly showing that there were ‘multiple gunmen’ involved, which would lend more credence to the self-defense claims.”

The document instructs officials, if they are asked about Rittenhouse, to say they are not going to comment on an ongoing investigation and to say that “what I will say is that Rittenhouse, just like everyone else in America, is innocent until proven guilty and deserves a fair trial based on all the facts, not just the ones that support a certain narrative. This is why we try the accused in the court of law, not the star chamber of public opinion.”

Officials were instructed to bring conversations back to the need to preserve law and order: “This is also why we need to stop the violence in our cities. Chaotic and violent situations lead to chaotic, violent and tragic outcomes. Everyone needs law and order.”

Trump has already come out asking if Rittenhouse is doing OK in jail and whether he needs an extra blanket or reading materials claiming that Rittenhouse was “trying to get away from them,” referring to the young men he shot and killed. Allegedly.

I would say that this is bizarre for a president and the Department of Homeland Security to be so invested in a shooting, but nothing we’ve seen so far in 2020 has remotely made any sense, and did I mention that the boy was white and that he’s a Trump supporter?

Stephen A. Crockett Jr.
Senior Editor @ The Root, boxes outside my weight class, when they go low, you go lower.

Judge Finds That Trump’s Federal Law Enforcement Commission Is Fugazi Since It Only Includes Police

Stephen A. Crockett Jr.,
The Root•October 1, 2020

Only the president and America’s most crooked top cop could’ve thought that it was legal to launch a law enforcement commission that only included police and wasn’t open to the public.

Well, all that’s going to have to change as Senior U.S. District Court Judge John D. Bates in Washington, D.C., found that President Trump and Attorney General William P. Barr “violated federal law by failing to have a diverse membership and failing to provide public access to its meetings,” the Washington Post reports.

According to the Post, the judge ordered the commission to stop work, Thursday, although the commission had already sent a draft of the report and recommendations on improving American policing to Barr for release next month. Apparently, Trump and Evil Fred Flintstone believe that the police are the only ones who can help fix the police.

The stop work order was a response to a lawsuit from the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund (LDF), “which sought an injunction against the Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice for violating laws on how federal advisory committees must work,” the Post reports.

“Especially in 2020,” Bates wrote, “when racial justice and civil rights issues involving law enforcement have erupted across the nation, one may legitimately question whether it is sound policy to have a group with little diversity of experience examine, behind closed doors, the sensitive issues facing law enforcement and the criminal justice system in America today,” the Post reports.

From the Post:

The 18-member commission was composed entirely of state and federal law enforcement officials, with no one from the civil rights, criminal defense, social work, religious or academic fields. Members were sworn in on Jan. 22, and then heard months of testimony by teleconference from experts in a variety of police, prosecutorial and social fields. The commission also formed 15 working groups, with more than 100 members, to draft sections of the report focusing on topics such as “Reduction of Crime,” “Respect for Law Enforcement,” “Data and Reporting” and “Homeland Security.”

The Federal Advisory Committee Act requires that a committee’s membership be “fairly balanced in terms of the points of view represented and the functions to be performed,” so that its recommendations “will not be inappropriately influenced by the appointing authority.” The working groups were also largely tied to policing, with only five of the 112 members not from law enforcement. After the suit was filed, the speakers who testified before the commission were more diverse in professional backgrounds.

Police groups lobbied Congress for years to form a commission that would take a comprehensive look at improving American policing, as a similar panel did in the 1960s, to devise new ways to fight crime and use technology to improve policing. When various bills stalled in Congress, Trump signed an executive order last October creating the group, with the president acknowledging the assistance of the Fraternal Order of Police and the International Association of Chiefs of Police in launching the project.

The law also requires that advisory committee meetings be open to the public, with notice posted in the Federal Register, along with a charter for the committee. The commission did not post a charter or meeting notices in the register, but did send out news releases announcing the virtual meetings as well as posting transcripts and recordings of the meetings. Reporters and others could dial in and listen to the teleconferences. A meeting which Barr held in June with the commission, on the same day Trump signed an executive order on police reform, was not announced and the Justice Department declined to release a transcript or recording.

Trump’s order called for the commission to submit its report and recommendations to the attorney general, who was then required to send his final report to the president by Oct. 28. The Justice Department planned to release it at the International Association of Chiefs of Police convention in late October, according to an email in the court file. Now, the report and the commission’s months of work are in limbo.

And it should be, but Natasha Merle, one of the LDF lawyers who argued the case, told the Post that she doesn’t think it is too late to have opposing viewpoints added to the report.

“We would say a seat at the table is allowing substantive comments, hearings and a new report, Merle said. “For there to be any real relief, to really get at the crux of the issue, you would have to incorporate these members’ viewpoints and put them into the report.”

The Post notes that the LDF sued Barr and the commission in April to stop them from compiling or submitting their report. The LDF argued in itsr lawsuit that the commission’s “recommendations will give more power and protection to law enforcement, reinvigorate tough-on-crime measures, and cut down on the rights of citizens.”

And what would give Merle that impression? Was it because the Justice Department had already sent out a detailed outline, before the lawsuit was filed to all of its members titled: “Respect for Law Enforcement and the Rule of Law”?

The outline recommends that the Justice Department “should work to correct the myth of excessive use of force by law enforcement officers” and “should play a leading role in correcting the narrative regarding the number of individuals incarcerated in the United States,” the Post reports.

The commission “had no intention of engaging in a thoughtful and open analysis” of the American justice system, “but was intent on providing cover for a predetermined agenda that ignores the lessons of the past,” John J. Choi, the Ramsey County, Minn., prosecutor where St. Paul is located, said after resigning from the commission last month.

Federal judge halts work of Trump's national law enforcement commission after NAACP complaint

Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY•October 1, 2020

A federal judge Thursday halted the work of a national law enforcement advisory commission authorized by President Donald Trump as part of a legal challenge to the group's composition and claims that it lacked representation from police reform and civil rights groups.

The order issued by U.S. District Judge John Bates comes weeks before the Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice was due to deliver to Attorney General William Barr its findings on challenges facing local police.

While the The commission was directed to produce a "fresh evaluation of the salient issues affecting American law enforcement and the communities they protect," civil rights advocates claimed that it has served to support "unfounded yet repeated public assertions" by the president and the attorney general that there is lack of respect for police.

"That purpose is evident in the composition of the commission, which is stacked with members that are exclusively from a law enforcement background," the NAACP Defense & Educational Fund Inc. claimed in its initial complaint. "Not a single member of the commission is a defense attorney, criminologist or other relevant academic, public-health practitioner, mental health or addiction-recovery treatment provider, offender reentry coordinator, social worker, or formerly incarcerated individual."
Attorney General William Barr stands by President Trump as he speaks to Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth and Kenosha Police Chief Daniel Miskinis Sept. 1, 2020 in Kenosha, Wis.

Bates, in a 45-page opinion, concluded that the government had not met its obligation to "ensure transparency and fairly balanced (committee) membership ... during this time of great turmoil over racial injustice and allegations of police misconduct."

"The attorney general stressed the need to hear from a diversity of backgrounds and perspectives such as “community organizations, civic leadership, civil rights and victim’s rights organizations, criminal defense attorneys, academia, social service organizations, and other entities that regularly interact with American law enforcement," Bates wrote. "Despite these stated goals, however, the commission’s membership consists entirely of current and former law enforcement officials."

The judge also took issue with the commission's proceedings, describing them as "far from transparent."

"Especially in 2020, when racial justice and civil rights issues involving law enforcement have erupted across the nation, one may legitimately question whether it is sound policy to have a group with little diversity of experience examine, behind closed doors, the sensitive issues facing law enforcement and the criminal justice system in America today," Bates wrote.
Protesters hold signs outside the Minneapolis 1st Police precinct during a demonstration against police brutality and racism on August 24, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. - It was the second day of demonstrations in Kenosha after video circulated Sunday showing the shooting of Jacob Blake -- multiple times, in the back, as he tried to get in his car, with his three children watching. (Photo by Kerem Yucel / AFP) (Photo by KEREM YUCEL/AFP via Getty Images)More

Siding with the NAACP, the judge said the commission's operations are governed by the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), which requires a "fairly balanced" array of viewpoints to be aired in publicly-noticed, open meetings.

The government has argued that the law does not apply to the commission, but on Thursday the court rejected that position.

Until the provisions of the FACA are satisfied, the court ordered that all "commission proceedings be halted and no work product released..."

The Justice Department had no immediate comment Thursday.

The NAACP lauded the ruling as an "important step in the right direction."

"The country has been demanding accountability for police misconduct and violence, and clamoring for a re-imagined notion of public safety for many months following the police killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and countless other Black people," said Sherrilyn Ifill, the group's president and director-counsel. "Any federal committee designed to make recommendations about law enforcement must include representation from people and communities impacted by police violence, civil rights organizations, the criminal defense bar, and other stakeholders.”

Exclusive: Trump policing panel was warned about secretive process before court ruling

Sarah N. Lynch, Reuters•October 1, 2020

President Donald Trump Delivers Remarks At Ny Police Event In Bedminster, New Jersey

By Sarah N. Lynch

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Before a U.S. federal judge on Thursday halted the work of a Trump administration law enforcement commission - saying it had violated public meetings laws - the panel had been warned about shutting out public input by several of its own participants, internal records reviewed by Reuters show.

The commission had planned to deliver a slate of proposals recommending sweeping new powers for police shortly before the November presidential election, the documents show. It also called for bolstering due-process protections for officers accused of wrongdoing, according to draft proposals reviewed by Reuters.

But the secretive process to produce the planned report drew criticism from some law enforcement representatives helping draft the document, internal emails among the participants show. The order to halt the commission's work, from U.S. District Judge John Bates, came in response to a lawsuit filed by the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (NAACP LDF) alleging the commission failed to give notice of public hearings and allowed law enforcement groups to have undue influence.

The panel's 18 commissioners include federal, state and local law enforcement representatives, but no civil rights advocates, defense attorneys or big-city police officials.

Among the participants who warned the panel about its closed process was Fayetteville, North Carolina Police Chief Gina Hawkins, a commission member. In an May 11 email reviewed by Reuters, she told commission chairman Phil Keith that drafting recommendations without hearing from all sides created the appearance of a predetermined conclusion.

Then on Aug. 13, she complained the draft contained too many quotes from Trump and Barr, rather than experts who provided input to the commission, saying the work "should never be political."

Hawkins declined to comment. Keith did not respond to a request for comment.

Two local prosecutors assigned to smaller working groups that support the commission - John Choi of Ramsey County, Minnesota, and Mark Dupree of Wyandotte County, Kansas - wrote to the panel on May 29 expressing concern its recommendations would not sufficiently address "racial disparities in policing" and would "erode local prosecutorial discretion."

Choi has since asked for his name to be removed from the final report. He told Reuters the commission declined to give him access to recommendations being crafted by other working groups. Dupree did not respond to a request for comment.

The White House declined to comment on the panel's work or the court ruling, referring questions to the Justice Department.

Prior to Judge Bates' ruling on Thursday, Justice Department spokeswoman Kristina Mastropasqua declined to comment on the commission's work or the draft proposals reviewed by Reuters. Department spokeswoman Kerri Kupec declined to comment on the ruling after it was issued.

In unveiling the panel last year, Trump foreshadowed that it would produce a report that would be applauded by law enforcement. He told a conference of the International Association of Police Chiefs (IACP) in that the administration would begin immediately implementing the commission's best recommendations once it issued them.

"They'll have them soon," he said, "because most of them already know many of the answers before they begin; you understand that."


Concerns about systemic racism in policing were not addressed in any of the draft sections of the document seen by Reuters.

The lack of diverse viewpoints prompted the NAACP LDF to sue the commission, Barr and top commission members, accusing them of violating the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) by not providing notice of public hearings and stacking it with only law enforcement officials.

The government denied the civil rights group access to "a representative voice on the Commission," Bates wrote in his ruling on Thursday. The court ordered the panel to halt work and provide timely notice of meetings, and ordered Barr to appoint a federal official to ensure that the commission has a "fairly balanced membership." Bates barred the commission from publishing a report until it had complied with federal open meetings and transparency laws.

Amid complaints about a lack of diverse input, the commission actively sought the opinions of law enforcement insiders, commission records reviewed by Reuters show.

Tim Richardson, the lobbyist for the Fraternal Order of Police, the largest organization of sworn law enforcement, is not publicly named as a member of any group working on the draft. But an April 10 email reveals he was introduced as a member of a group developing the "Respect for Law Enforcement" chapter to others working on the chapter. His comments are cited in the footnote of an August draft to support a recommendation urging Congress to craft "a uniform minimal level of procedural due process" for police.

Richardson did not respond to requests for comment. The Justice Department said in court papers Richardson was not a member of the working group but was retained as an expert.


Draft proposals from the commission, obtained by Reuters through public records requests, offer a window into how Trump's Justice Department views the role of the law enforcement amid a national upheaval over police killings of Black men and women.

The commission started its work before the May killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, which sparked nationwide protests against racism and police brutality. Attorney General William Barr in January said the commission would recommend best practices at a time when "criminal threats and social conditions have changed the responsibilities and roles of police officers."

The proposals included allowing officers accused of wrongdoing to view body camera footage before speaking to internal investigators; increasing funding for controversial facial recognition technologies; giving police access to encrypted cell phones; and increasing penalties for illegal immigration.

The draft recommendations also take aim at "progressive prosecutors" who advocate for eliminating cash bail and not charging low-level drug offenses.

Other recommendations urged Congress to bolster due process protections for police officers accused of wrongdoing and call on the Justice Department to regularly affirm support for "qualified immunity," a Supreme Court precedent that protects officers accused of injuring or killing suspects in civil lawsuits.

Many of the proposals calling for legislative action likely would not win support from a House of Representatives controlled by Democrats.


An August chapter draft made multiple recommendations reflecting the administration's concerns that some locally elected prosecutors are going too easy on low-level offenders, such as those accused of marijuana possession. Among the proposed reforms including calling on states to establish oversight committees to review charging decisions.

"When a prosecutor unilaterally decides to not prosecute an entire category of crimes ... that prosecutor is usurping legislative authority," it says.

A draft chapter on technology calls for increased funding for facial recognition technologies, though a government-funded study last year found had higher rates of error in identifying African-American and Asian faces.

The draft also recommends a legislative fix to address recent concerns by the FBI, after it struggled to access the encrypted iPhone of a Royal Saudi Air Force trainee who killed three American sailors in a December attack at a U.S. naval base.

"Companies are building electronic devices and platforms that apply 'warrant-proof' encryption," a June draft chapter reads. "Those companies are blinding the nation to preventable attacks."

(Reporting by Sarah N. Lynch; Editing by Scott Malone and Brian Thevenot)
Protester Handcuffed After Flipping the Bird at Portland Police
Storyful•September 28, 2020

Protester Handcuffed After Flipping the Bird at Portland Police

The Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office said 30 arrests were made by combined law enforcement agencies in Portland during various protests on September 26.

One protester was seen taken down and cuffed by several police officers, when he gave an offensive gesture. Orlando Edwards, who posted this video, wrote, “Portland protestor is arrested for apparently giving an expletive message to the police?”

Edwards said he recorded this incident near the Justice Center in Portland. Streets near the center were blocked when crowds gathered on Saturday evening, police said, and several arrests were made. Credit: Orlando Edwards via Storyful

Ex Homeland Security official describes how Trump suppressed efforts to fight white supremacist terrorism

September 30, 2020  By Matthew Chapman RAW STORY

On CNN Wednesday, former Trump administration national security staffer Miles Taylor outlined how the president’s soft spot for white supremacy — put on full display at the previous night’s presidential debate — carried over into federal policy.

“You previously told me President Trump didn’t prioritize white supremacist violence or domestic threats in general,” said anchor Wolf Blitzer. “How did that become clear in your meetings with him and your work deep inside the Trump administration?”

“I’ll tell you this,” said Taylor. “From the beginning of the Trump administration, we had a sense that the numbers were going in the wrong direction. By the numbers, I mean, the number of terrorist plots we were tracking in the United States. When we first came in, ISIS was the big threat. That was obvious to everyone. There was a surging threat from violent extremist groups here domestically, primarily focused on white supremacy. And that was a big concern for us. The FBI and our own DHS analyst came to us and said this is worrying.”

“We went to the White House and said the numbers are heading in the wrong direction,” said Taylor. “The response we got was the president put his head in the sand. The president and his senior advisers did not want to pay attention to the threat. They didn’t want to talk about the threat. They told us to not use certain terms having to do with the threat, such as ‘right-wing extremism’ and at the end of the day they refused to actually include this in any meaningful way in the national counterterrorism strategy. The message from the white house to us could not have been clearer. It was, do not focus on this, do not prioritize this.”

“I’m glad to say the secretaries that I served … didn’t listen to that. They did prioritize the threat,” added Taylor. “But it’s important that the White House care because the White House can muster a whole of government response against a threat like this. The White House never did, and as a result, we have named cities that remind us how bad the threat actually got. Charlottesville. El Paso. We could go on down the list. Those events happened in part because our government wasn’t as focused as it should have been on the threat.”

The array of far-right groups "standing by" after Trump's call

Illustration: Aïda Amer/Axios

President Trump's refusal to condemn white nationalists during Tuesday night's debate drew a lot of attention — including from the Proud Boys, the far-right group he asked to "stand back and stand by."

Why it matters: The Proud Boys remain relatively small — a Portland rally this past weekend billed as the group's largest-ever gathering drew just a few hundred people. But Trump's failure to condemn extremist groups has been welcomed as an endorsement by a wide constellation of people on the fringes.

Driving the news: After Tuesday's debate, the Proud Boys — described by the Anti-Defamation League as "misogynistic, Islamophobic, transphobic and anti-immigration" — turned Trump's words into a logo and a T-shirt.

The big picture: The Proud Boys are part of a growing set of relatively new, often heavily armed far-right groups with ideologies and memberships that often overlap. The groups have pledged to violently oppose the left and do much of their organizing online.

  • The Proud Boys are among the most overtly gang-like of the major groups, sporting uniforms (black Fred Perry polo shirts with gold piping, which the designer recently stopped producing due to the association) and tattoos, and maintaining initiation rites, including requiring members to get into a physical fight for the cause of promoting the supremacy of western culture.

Other groups include:

  • Three percenters, named for the myth that only 3% of colonists were willing to take up arms in the Revolutionary War. The militia group has threatened force against Democratic politicians.
  • Oath keepers, who seek to serve as private back-up for police forces around the country. Many members are themselves former police or military.
  • Boogaloo bois, identifiable by the Hawaiian shirts they typically wear in concert with body armor and, often, Make America Great Again hats. Like the Proud Boys, they bring the winking irony common to online extremism into the physical world. Even the name "boogaloo bois" is a joke — but their call for a second civil war, drawn along ideological lines, appears very real.
  • Atomwaffen, the most nihilist of all the major groups, which openly calls for mass murder of lefists, ethnic and religious minorities, LGBTQ individuals and others. It's been linked to killings and terrorist threats in the U.S. and abroad.

That's on top of:

  • Local groups like Patriot Prayer, which organizes rallies and disrupts left-wing protests, chiefly in the Pacific Northwest;
  • Longstanding hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan; and
  • Groups like American Renaissance that seek to put the gloss of academic legitimacy to far-right, racist views.

One key feature common to many of the newer crop of far-right groups: a slipperiness that helps them avoid being pinned down on their extremist beliefs.

  • Proud Boys, for instance, will often point to non-white members as proof they're not racist, despite their explicitly racist views.
  • Their evasiveness also lets them disclaim members who run afoul of the law. That's just what the Proud Boys did Wednesday, per conservative provocateur Andy Ngo, after a prominent Portland Proud Boys member was arrested on assault and weapons charges.

The bottom line: Any one of these groups on its own represents a small sliver of the far-right fringe. But together they constitute a potential paramilitary force that has an increasingly explicit endorsement from the president and that's hungry for violent clashes with their political opponents.