Sunday, November 29, 2020

Forget about ‘moving on’ — the nation can’t heal without holding Trump accountable

By Amanda Marcotte, Salon- Commentary
November 29, 2020 

Donald Trump’s coup was still ongoing when the takes preaching the value of forgiveness and letting bygones be bygones started to come out.

“We would remain bitterly divided,” law professor Randall Eliason wrote in a Washington Post op-ed arguing against prosecuting Trump for his many likely crimes. “[C]riminal prosecutions can’t bind up this country’s deep political and social wounds.”

“There is an opportunity to rediscover our common ground with one another — and the way forward does not involve relitigating the last four years in federal criminal court,” argues Michael Conway, former counsel to the House Judiciary Committee, in an NBC News opinion piece arguing that Joe Biden should actually pardon Donald Trump, for the love of heaven — the incumbent president who’s still sending his minions to court, trying to steal the election.

Unfortunately, Biden is living up to every stereotype of the quisling Democrat and taking this advice seriously. Reports suggest that in the interest of national “unity,” Biden is discouraging the idea of prosecuting Trump.

This is a serious mistake. Words like “unity” and “forgiveness” sound great in the abstract, but are utterly meaningless in the current political context for one reason: The sole responsibility for all this healing is being foisted, once again, on the backs of liberals. Conservatives can’t be bothered. They’re too busy working on their next moves to undermine democracy, sow division and create chaos.

This pattern — Republicans screw everything up and are allowed to get away with it in the name of “unity,” and take that as permission to go even further the next time — has been playing out since Richard Nixon first snagged his post-Watergate pardon. In a recent feature in the New York Times Magazine, Jonathan Mahler laid out the frustrating pattern in teeth-grinding detail:

When President George H.W. Bush pardoned six Reagan White House officials who were involved in the Iran-contra affair, he warned of “a profoundly troubling development in the political and legal climate of our country: the criminalization of policy differences.” Bush was sparing members of his own party. President Obama created what is perhaps an even more relevant precedent for Biden by choosing not to prosecute members of the George W. Bush administration who had authorized the unlawful torture of detainees; his nominee for attorney general, Eric Holder, used the very same phrase — the criminalization of policy differences — when the issue came up during a 2009 congressional hearing.

Mahler also notes that this goes back to Gerald Ford’s pardon of Richard Nixon, which was justified in the name of “healing.”

But can a wound really heal when one party is busy applying bandages, while the other lurks in waiting, ready to stab the victim again? Of course not. And that’s the problem we’re facing. The “unity” isn’t unity at all. It’s a fake unity in which one side — the side that did not cause the damage wrought by Trump or Bush or Reagan or Nixon — does all the work, while the other side keeps looking for new opportunities to cause trouble. If anything, conservatives grows ever bolder in their corruption, realizing they will never face consequences for their actions, and in fact can count on the left to clean up all their messes for them.

This is all very reminiscent of the mentality around domestic violence in the bad old pre-feminist days, when wives whose husbands beat them were told to suck it up, walk on eggshells and take the abuse in silence. Only when feminists started setting up domestic violence shelters and pressuring the justice system to start holding abusers accountable did things finally start to change.

Biden himself should understand this, as he was the original sponsor of the Violence Against Women Act, which codified and mainstreamed this notion that abusers should face consequences and victims should be allowed to walk away. Biden’s legislation worked: Domestic violence decreased by 67% and murders by men of their female partners declined by 35%. It turns out turning the other cheek was just an invitation to abusers to continue the violence. But introducing consequences for abuse — lost marriages, jail time — saved lives.

It’s time to employ the same logic here. Democrats have tried reconciling with Republicans again and again, but since the work was wholly one-sided and the responsibility for “unity” held only by those who had done the least to destroy it, the result was failure. Instead, Republicans doubled down and doubled down again, escalating from Watergate to Iran-Contra to the Iraq War to now, with a president who is literally trying to steal an election.

All this anxiety around the question of what to do with Trump has little to do with Trump himself. Even those who are waxing poetic about healing and unity are forced to admit Trump is a monster who deserves absolutely nothing. But the fear is that by holding Trump accountable, Biden’s administration would be implicitly passing judgment on the millions of Americans who voted for him.

To which I say, good. Consider, for instance, this year’s Republican National Convention, a lengthy whine session about “cancel culture” from the various speakers. These were people so unused to facing consequences for their actions that the idea of lost dinner-party invitations seems like a painful price to pay for trying to to end democracy. Trump’s voters thrilled to this, enraptured by the idea that they are entitled to lash out at anyone they like, and should never pay even the slightest price — not even a disapproving look from a liberal — in response. They’ve grown soft and childish in this environment of no consequences, unwilling to take on even the slightest responsibility to their neighbors in the midst of a pandemic.

It’s time to stop coddling the easily hurt feelings of conservatives and instead turn our attention toward the nearly 80 million people who turned out — despite extensive efforts at disenfranchisement — to bring the Trump presidency to an end. What do we owe those Americans, the ones who actually did their part to save this country? Instead of demanding that they do more to pander to conservatives’ injured feelings, why not, for once, repay them for their hard work with justice? After all Trump has put this country through, that’s the least those who stood up and resisted him deserve.
Corona virus mutates rapidly in mink and ferrets. Should we be afraid?

By Matthew Rozsa, Salon- Commentary
November 29, 2020
Ferret outdoors. (Shutterstock)

2020 has been an unpredictable year, but it’s safe to say that even the most cynical doomsday preppers didn’t anticipate checking off “dead, coronavirus-infected mink rising from their graves” from their figurative 2020 bingo cards.

This article first appeared in Salon.

Yet that is precisely what has happened in Denmark, as thousands of mink have been killed and buried in shallow graves to halt the spread of SARS-CoV-2, according to The Guardian. Thankfully the mink did not rise up because they had been resurrected; the more innocuous, though still disgusting, explanation is that their bodies were bloated with decomposition gases and rose to the surface naturally because they had been buried en masse just below the surface.

This is not to say that the deceased mink — or their living counterparts — are not potentially disease vectors. Earlier this month Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was compelled to announce the mass killing of mink, and an end to mink farming for the foreseeable future, after health officials in that country discovered a cluster of SARS-CoV-2 mutations among both farmed mink and people. Scientists have long held concerns that mutations in the virus could limit the effectiveness of any potential coronavirus vaccine.

Less than two weeks later, Danish scientists revealed that they had taken genetic and experimental data on the mutations and found no evidence that they enabled the virus to be transmitted more easily among human beings. They also said that the data also did not indicate that the virus would be more deadly.

Despite these findings, however, scientists still determined that a mass culling of mink was necessary because the virus has been so prevalent among mink farms, with a resulting increase in the number of COVID-19 diagnoses in regions with mink farms.

Denmark is the world’s largest producer of mink pelts, but mink and other mustelidae like ferrets are renowned for their abilities as virus mutation factories. Because ferrets are the animals most like humans in terms of how their immune systems respond to influenza, scientists have experimented with them to make existing viruses more deadly, a biowarfare concept known as “gain of function” research. As The New York Times reported in 2012, “Working with ferrets, the animal that is most like humans in responding to influenza, researchers found that a mere five genetic mutations allowed the virus to spread through the air from one ferret to another while maintaining its lethality.”

It added, “A separate study at the University of Wisconsin, about which little is known publicly, produced a virus that is thought to be less virulent.”

Specifically, virologist Ron Fouchier of the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, revealed in 2011 that he was able to take an influenza virus that did not seem to be transmitted by air, and infected enough ferrets with it that it mutated to the point where it could be airborne. As Science Magazine reported at the time, “The virus is an H5N1 avian influenza strain that has been genetically altered and is now easily transmissible between ferrets, the animals that most closely mimic the human response to flu. Scientists believe it’s likely that the pathogen, if it emerged in nature or were released, would trigger an influenza pandemic, quite possibly with many millions of deaths.”

There was some less ominous news this week involving a study led by University College London researchers of virus genomes from more than 46,000 people with COVID-19 from 99 countries. As revealed in the scientific journal Nature Communications, scientists found that the mutations which have occurred so far in the novel coronavirus have not made COVID-19 spread more rapidly.

A weasel / ˈwiːzəl / is a mammal of the genus Mustela of the family Mustelidae. The genus Mustela includes the least weasels, polecats, stoats, ferrets and mink. Members of this genus are small, active predators, with long and slender bodies and short legs.

‘We will exterminate you’: Proud Boys and other right-wing Trump diehards confront counter-protesters at Raleigh rally

November 29, 2020
By Jordan Green, Special to Raw Story
Screenshot/ Jordan Greene

A band of COVID deniers, neo-Confederates and pro-Trump diehards, augmented by a 50-strong Proud Boy security detail, marched around the Governor’s Mansion in downtown Raleigh on Saturday, firing up a far-right coalition to carry on the fight as their president faces the reality of leaving office.

The post-Thanksgiving rally was co-organized by Joshua Flores of Stop the Steal NC and Latinos for Freedom, who brought in Reopen NC to help him promote it on Facebook. But the Proud Boys — referenced by Flores as his “private security” in a Facebook Live video two days prior to the event — took the most prominent position in the rally as they spread out along a block of East Jones Street and taunted antifascist counter-protesters.

Flores had promoted the Thanksgiving potluck as a family-friendly event, and urged attendees to not engage with counter-protesters, warning that they would be asked to leave if they failed to honor the request, and adding that “the Proud Boys” would also “have the authority to kick you out.” He also suggested, “Try not to use major cuss words, if you don’t mind.”

The request was almost farcical considering the Proud Boys’ history of inciting conflict through profanity-laced taunts that are often barbed with misogyny and homophobia.

True to form, a Proud Boy named Jeremy Bertino picked up a bullhorn a couple minutes after the official 11:30 a.m. start time and addressed the counter-protesters across the street.

“America will never be a communist nation — never!” Bertino said as fellow Proud Boys lined the sidewalk wearing tactical vests and trademark yellow and black gear. “Your side will lose. We will exterminate you like the rats you are…. Exterminate you!”

Bertino kicked off a chant of, “Fuck antifa.”

Another Proud Boy wore a patch with the letters “S-B-S-B,” a reference to Trump’s infamous election-debate directive: “Proud Boys — stand back and stand by.”

Bertino wore a patch with the letters “R-W-D-S” — short for “right-wing death squads.” Mass killing of political opponents is a theme widely promoted by Proud Boys and other far-right extremists who celebrate Chilean dictator Augosto Pinochet’s grisly practice during the 1970s of disappearing opposition activists by dropping them out of helicopters.

Previewing the in-real-life showdown on Saturday, Bertino posted a photo of North Carolina antifascist Lindsay Ayling on the Parler social media platform, encouraging followers to make a contest out of Photoshopping her image, while making a violent and misogynistic claim that “she has an affinity for alpha males and helicopters” and hash-tagging the post #antifawhore.

Bertino told Raw Story he was merely “trolling” Ayling, but the Proud Boys’ goofball presentation — naming cereals during their initation rite, for example — conveniently provides plausible deniability for any expressed fantasies of violence.

Bertino also denied that his “extermination” remarks were personally directed at the counter-protesters, although his own words say otherwise.

Throughout the four-hour event, unidentified men with bullhorns stood behind the Proud Boys and excoriated the counter-protesters.

“You guys are making lists,” one of the men said. “We’re making lists, too.” He added a reference to “9mm” ammunition that was otherwise inaudible. Another time, the man addressed the counter-protesters, saying, “You are in a very dangerous position. You are in the vast minority.” Bertino told Raw Story he did not hear the comment and could not identify the speaker.

Another unidentified man told the counter-protesters: “Donald Trump has stirred the pot. You think you’ve captured him. But all you’ve done is woken us up. You think this is gonna end? No!” The speaker also called the counter-protesters lazy and accused them of not understanding Christianity.

The right-wing group, which broadly expressed defiance of COVID restrictions and loyalty to Donald Trump, out-numbered counter-protesters almost two to one.

Drawn from Raleigh activists who have been protesting against police brutality since late May, along with antiracists and antifascists who are veterans of efforts to remove Confederate monuments, the counter-protesters responded in kind with taunts toward the Proud Boys. One sign held by a counter-protester read, “Proud Boy Thugs: 21st Century Nazi Brown Shirts.” Another showed a depiction of a Confederate flag, a swastika and the name “Trump,” concluding, “3 generations of losers.”

“For individuals to still be conducting ‘Stop the Steal’ protest/rallies essentially 25 days after Election Day even after Gov. [Roy] Cooper has been declared the winner is in the same vein as the Confederate supporters still showing up places waving Confederate flags,” Kerwin Pittman, a field organizer with Emancipate NC, told Raw Story. “They just can’t accept the fact they lost. They must be called out on their denial and confronted when they attempt to sow seeds of intimidation in any community.”

Pittman was appointed by Cooper, a Democrat, to serve on the North Carolina Task Force for Racial Equity in Criminal Justice. Pittman served time in prison on conspiracy to commit murder, and he has been open about his past. All the same, North Carolina neo-Confederates never miss an opportunity to loudly confront him about his record, and on Saturday a detractor from Alamance County jeered Pittman, daring him to say the name of the man murdered in the case.

Around 1 p.m., Tara LaRosa, an MMA fighter, led an advance team of Proud Boys into the street, with Bertino and others acting as marshals as the larger group of right-wing activists marched around the governor’s residence. It’s unclear whether they had a permit for the march.

The marchers chanted “Reopen NC,” “No more masks,” “We are the republic,” and “Silent no more.”

Reopen NC leader Ashley Smith and her husband, Adam Smith, addressed the crowd with a bullhorn at the entrance of the Governor’s Mansion as the right-wing activists held the street, with tight security from the Proud Boys. At the direction of one of the co-organizers, the Proud Boys ejected two reporters, from Raw Story and INDY Week.

The right-wing activists staked out an alternate reality, with one woman insisting to reporters: “Donald Trump won the election.”

Jay Thaxton, a North Carolina Proud Boy, blocked a reporter’s camera. He said, “When you guys start writing real news, we won’t have a problem with you.”

A couple wearing shirts promoting QAnon — a conspiracy theory that posits Trump as a hero working beyond the scenes to vanquish an elite global cabal of pedophiles — strolled through the cordon of Proud Boys to join the rally. The man, who declined to give his name, told a reporter: “I pray that God would help you see both sides of the issue, not being right or left. We have a Bill of Rights.”

Earlier in the rally, before the right-wing activists broke out covered dishes for their defiant potluck, Reopen NC leader Ashley Smith addressed them.

“I’m just so thankful to see so many patriots and people who love freedom and love America,” she said. “Yes, we are here once again to stand in the face of tyranny and all that would destroy everything that we hold dear and love. And I’m here again to say, ‘No, you cannot have my America. You cannot have my North Carolina.’

“Right now, we’re going to have some food,” Smith continued. “We’re gonna hug our neighbors and say the Pledge [of Allegiance].”

In anticipation of Thanksgiving, on Nov. 10, Gov. Cooper issued an executive order limiting the number of people at indoor gatherings to no more than 10. On Nov. 23, he followed up with another executive order requiring masks in all public indoor settings.

As justification for the restrictions, the most recent executive order cited record high COVID-19 daily case counts and hospitalizations in North Carolina.

“We are at a critical point, and I am writing to update you on the worsening surge of COVID cases in our community and health system, and to share the actions we are taking,” wrote Cone Health Chief Operating Officer Mary Jo Cagle in a memo to staff on Nov. 20.

Cone Health serves Greensboro, North Carolina’s third largest city. Cagle said that during the previous week, the number of COVID patients in the hospital system leapt by almost 50 percent, from 95 to 142. She warned that the Green Valley facility, Cone’s special COVID hospital, was nearing capacity.

Like the Proud Boys, Adam Smith, the husband of the Reopen leader, has expressed a willingness to resort to violence to uphold his belief system.

In May, he carried a rifle through downtown Raleigh while marching alongside a boogaloo-inspired group that flouted North Carolina’s law against carrying dangerous weapons during a demonstration. The politically varied group included an array of Second Amendment hardliners, including a neo-Nazi, an avowed anarchist and self-described constitutionalists. One of the armed men who participated in the walks, Benjamin Ryan Teeter, is now facing federal charges of attempting to provide material support to Hamas.

In May, Adam Smith posted a Facebook Live video saying that people must be willing to kill, if necessary, to resist emergency orders — or what he described as “tyranny.”

“But are we willing to kill people? Are we willing to lay down our lives?” he asked. “We have to say, ‘Yes.’ We have to say, ‘Yes.’ Is that violence. Is that terrorism? I’m not trying to strike fear in people by saying, ‘I’m going to kill you.’ I’m gonna say, ‘If you bring guns, I’m gonna bring guns. If you’re armed with this, we’re going to be armed with this.’”

On Saturday, Lindsay Ayling, the antifascist activist, said she observed a Proud Boy point her out to Smith. Then, she said, Smith said, “Lindsay, I’m going to kill you.”

Smith responded by text to Raw Story: “Of course I didn’t say that!… That’s ridiculous.”

Ayling insisted that she heard the statement clearly and confirmed with another person that they heard it, too. She posted a video on Twitter showing Smith pointing in her direction and then wiggling his fingers in a motion that suggests pulling a trigger. Smith was standing next to Bertino at the time, and just before making the gesture, Smith yelled, “We are the people. We are the power.”

As Trump’s political and legal options for hanging onto the presidency evaporate, the Raleigh event and other rallies at state capitols are helping to maintain the tenuous alliance of violent nationalists, Christian-right extremists and conspiracy-mongers that are intent on preventing a left turn as Biden takes office. At the moment, much of that energy is focused on a planned pro-Trump rally on Dec. 12, two days before Biden’s election is made official as states cast their electoral votes. The Proud Boys have promoted the event through their Telegram account, and the gathering is expected to be a reprise of the chaotic Millions for MAGA march on Nov. 14, which Proud Boys and other far-right groups treated as a moment of triumph.

Bertino stood at the side of Proud Boys Chairman Enrique Tarrio at the Washington Monument that night as Tarrio exulted after a clash with left-wing opponents.

“I mean, we practically cleaned the streets right there where they’re sitting at BLM Plaza,” Tarrio said. “They’re corralled in, and there’s like a hundred of ’em, when usually there’s thousands of ’em. And you know who we have to thank for that?

“All of us,” he continued. “And this right here shows you the power when we the right-wing unite, and we get together. And we don’t bicker about stupid shit.”

Replying to @AylingLindsay
Several members of neo-Confederate hate group ACTBAC rallied with the Proud Boys today, including Steve Marley and Thomas May (2nd pic). May is the racist who was caught on video screaming "white power" during a Trump caravan through Alamance County earlier this fall.
Upon reviewing some footage, I noticed that Adam Smith (who later threatened to kill me) made a hand gesture miming shooting me. You can also see that Proud Boy Jeremy Bertino was once again wearing an RWDS (right wing death squad) patch.
Could a green future spell the end of international sport?

Coreen Grant takes a reflective outlook on the opportunities the pandemic has presented us with in changing the impact sport has on the environment

'Looking forward, 2021 holds an unusually high number of major international sporting events.

by Coreen Grant

Sunday November 29 2020, 

As England enters the second national lockdown of 2020, elite sport shows no signs of slowing down. International fixtures continue to be played, with teams like England Netball travelling as far as New Zealand to begin a three-match series. Looking forward, 2021 holds an unusually high number of major international sporting events. With some events postponed from 2020, the sporting calendar promises to be particularly packed. England Netball will be joined in New Zealand by rugby teams from across the globe for the Rugby World Cup (women’s), while the Rugby League World Cup (men’s, women’s and wheelchair) will take place closer to home, in venues across England. Other major events in the calendar include the Euro 2020 Championship, the Invictus Games, and, of course, the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. With global audiences having endured tight restrictions throughout the pandemic, a stimulating series of gripping international sport seems just the ticket.

Or does it? Since the beginning of lockdown measures, voices across the political spectrum have been drawing attention to the unique opportunity the pandemic presents to change the way that society operates, for the better. A ‘green recovery’ from COVID-19 is near the top of national priorities, but how does a schedule of mega sporting events sit within a greener future? From the new infrastructure required for an Olympic Games, to the footprint of flying entire squads and fan-bases across the globe, it is clear that large-scale sporting events are at odds with efforts to decarbonise the economy and tackle climate change. CO2 emissions are not the only problem, either; mega sporting events generate tonnes of garbage and food waste and consume colossal amounts of energy in powering stadiums and their water usage.

“A ‘green recovery’ from COVID-19 is near the top of national priorities, but how does a schedule of mega sporting events sit within a greener future?”

Although the environmental sustainability of sport is not widely discussed in the mainstream nor in academic literature, the question is not a new one. Recognition of the importance of the relationship between sport and the natural environment dates back at least to the 1994 Winter Olympics in Lillehammer, Norway. Concerns around the negative environmental impacts of the Games were addressed by carefully planned construction of facilities and initiation of more than twenty sustainability projects. As a result, the 1994 Olympics became widely regarded as the first ‘Green Games’. Since 1994, the sport industry has developed critical strategies to mitigate environmental impact via two main types of initiatives: reducing the ecological footprint of sport, and using sport as a means to raise environmental awareness. The former is not a simple goal, as this Forbes article shows. It is difficult enough to assess the global environmental impact of sporting events, let alone create strategies to address them. And the sporting industry, like many others where environmental measures can be at odds with profit, has not always wanted to address these issues. Host cities, attracted to mega sporting events by the lure of funding and boost in tourism, often encounter unforeseen – or at least unaccounted for – consequences. One problem is the tendency for host cities to relax rules around urban development and restructuring. This happened in the run-up to the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil; politicians in Rio executed ‘flash-votes’ to pass emergency bills, annulling the laws protecting historical architecture in order to develop the desired infrastructure. In such cases, physical goals such as state-of-the-art stadiums are prioritised to the neglect of their social and environmental impact. Likewise, the cost of mega sporting events is frequently borne out by public funding, even though local residents often cannot afford to attend such events, which are targeted towards the elite foreign traveller – another contributor to pollution. The legacy of the 1994 ‘Green Games’ seems to have gotten lost somewhere along the way. But is this still the case today, when the environment is increasingly at the forefront of development considerations?
Tokyo's sustainability concept TOKYO 2020

Among the world’s largest sporting events, the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games (Tokyo 2020) provides an ideal case study. The pandemic forced the Games to reschedule to summer 2021, but from their conception Tokyo 2020 has aimed to be the most sustainable Games yet. This focus is summed up by the motto, ‘Be better, together – For the planet and the people’. Tokyo’s Governor, Yuriko Koike, wrote that, “unlike many past Olympic hosts, the city is also committed to embedding long-term economic, social, and environmental needs into all planning processes”. To do so, Tokyo 2020 has shaped its approach around the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The UN specifies: “sport is also an important enabler of sustainable development”. Tokyo 2020 made an early and well-publicised statement in this regard by announcing that the iconic Olympic medals would be made from recycled metals, and the award ceremony podiums from household plastic waste – an emblematic signal of things to come. But how do the plans for Tokyo 2020 go beyond symbolic gestures?

Tokyo’s website has an entire section dedicated to their sustainability concept, goals and policies. It is clearly designed to be accessible to a wide range of readers. A page specifically aimed at people attending the Games lists possible actions to reduce their environmental impact, including: offsetting the carbon of their flights, using public transport, segregating waste at venues for recycling, reducing single-use plastic, saving energy during hotel stays, and reducing food waste. Although Tokyo’s wider sustainability approach includes themes such as biodiversity and co-operation, the reduction of emissions to tackle climate change is at the forefront of its campaign. The Carbon Offset Programme, ‘Towards Zero Carbon’, aims to encourage energy-saving measures and the use of renewable energy in both the preparation phase and during the actual games. But as any environmental activist will point out, carbon offsetting is little comfort in a time when the world needs to drastically reduce its overall emissions, not just offset extra. In this regard, the current trajectory for international sport hardly tallies with a green future. Yet, with its incredible cultural and social significance, it is difficult to imagine international sport is going anywhere soon.
'A Village Plaza Built by All'.TOKYO 2020

This brings us back to the second strategy adopted by the sporting industry to mitigate environmental impact: using sport as a means to raise environmental awareness. This strategy is clearly a cornerstone in Tokyo 2020’s concept of a sustainable Games. They state that spreading efforts to reduce and absorb emissions worldwide, including encouraging citizens to adopt both individual and collective actions, is equally as important as reducing their own emissions. A vivid visual example is the concept design for the Athlete’s Village Plaza – ‘A Village Plaza Built by All’. Involving a ‘Japanese lumber relay’, the Plaza will be constructed from lumber borrowed from local governments across Japan, to symbolise communities uniting under the Games. After the Plaza is dismantled, the lumber will be returned to the original governments to be used as a legacy in public facilities and elsewhere. It is hoped that concepts such as these will help to realise an environmentally responsible Games, while also inspiring sustainable action throughout society.

Perhaps initiatives like these, which capitalise on the global reach of mega sporting events to promote more sustainable ways of living, are at least a partial answer to how international sport can reconcile its place within a greener future. But are the benefits of awareness initiatives enough to offset the industry’s own emissions? Even with rigorous efforts to make Tokyo the greenest Games ever, this remains to be seen. 2021 is set to be a crucial year when the sports industry will need to demonstrate that large-scale, international sport is environmentally viable in the long-term – or risk that it will be relegated as a fundamentally energy-wasteful industry.

Varsity is the independent newspaper for the University of Cambridge, established in its current form in 1947. In order to maintain our editorial independence, our print newspaper and news website receives no funding from the University of Cambridge or its constituent Colleges.
Swiss firms narrowly avoid 'Responsible Business' liability as vote divides nation

By Brenna Hughes Neghaiwi

ZURICH (Reuters) - Swiss firms narrowly avoided facing greater liability for human rights and environmental abuses on Sunday after a national vote rejected the proposal due to regional differences despite it winning majority popular support.

FILE PHOTO: A small banner reading: "Responsible Business Initiative - Yes on November 29" is fixed to the frame of a bicycle in Zurich, Switzerland November 23, 2020. REUTERS/Arnd Wiegmann/File Photo

In a divisive referendum, 50.7% of Swiss voters supported proposals by the Responsible Business Initiative (RBI) to extend liability over international human rights abuses and environmental harm caused by major Swiss companies and the firms they control abroad.

But the initiative failed to win support in a majority of cantons, a necessary condition for a public initiative to be enacted in Switzerland, paving the way for a milder government counter-proposal to come into force.

It is the first time in over 60 years a Swiss vote has failed on regional grounds after winning popular support.

“The Federal Council is pleased with the result, but is also aware that many who have fought for years for the initiative are disappointed today,” Justice Minister Karin Keller-Sutter said at a press conference.

She said the enactment of new government measures meant supporters would not leave the campaign with empty hands. “The Federal Council is convinced that this is a good way to achieve the common and undisputed goal of better protecting human rights and the environment.”

The government proposal will require firms to step up and publicly report checks on their overseas operations and supply chains, hitherto voluntary measures, but stops short of extending liability to Swiss courts.

Proponents of the initiative said its broad public support - a rare, if symbolic, victory for a politically and economically progressive issue in the traditionally staid country - remained cause for sharper scrutiny of multinationals and commodities firms in one of the world’s leading commercial centres.

“Human rights is such a fundamental issue. People understand you can’t justify human rights violations by economic considerations,” Florian Wettstein, a professor for business ethics at the University of St. Gallen and co-organiser of the initiative, told Reuters.

In a polarizing campaign, the government and multinationals denounced the negative economic consequences of the proposal, while activists, religious groups and various political factions argued Switzerland risked falling behind other countries in tackling progressive social and economic issues without it.

“It was the most aggressive campaign I’ve ever experienced in my 20 years in politics,” parliamentarian Christa Markwalder told Swiss broadcaster SRF.

Meanwhile, voters more clearly rejected a proposal seeking to impose a ban on funding arms makers, the latest anti-military referendum in a nation that has not fought an external war for 200 years.

The vote, which held implications for major Swiss banks and investors including the country’s central bank and pension funds, as well as Swiss industry, received 57.5% rejection.

Organisers said the more than 40% approval gained by the initiative, spanning beyond the country’s most left-leaning political camps, nonetheless put pressure on arms financing and showed the need for further action.

Reporting by Brenna Hughes Neghaiwi; Editing by Kirsten Donovan and Jan Harvey