Tuesday, May 07, 2019

"Fundamental change in America's agricultural and rural policies is no longer just an option; it's an absolute necessity." —Sen. Bernie Sanders

With a major speech on Sunday, 2020 candidate will set forth policy vision to save small farmers and rural communities

"Big ag companies killed family farms and polluted our water, while politicians blamed our immigrant neighbors. Let’s not turn on each other again."

Big ag companies killed family farms and polluted our water, while politicians blamed our immigrant neighbors. Let’s not turn on each other again.. I’m a retired public school teacher living in Des Moines. I grew up here close to the city limits, with an easy escape to the countryside that was o...

  • Brenda Funk Same thing happened here in Manitoba Canada. We used to be one of those small farms. But companies like Maple Leaf have taken over. First the price of hogs dropped to the point we were losing $50 for each live animal we sold. Didn't matter to Maple Leaf because they also own processing and retail. No worries for them. Just more profits. So now there are giant hog factories, no more small producers.
  • Kevin Cheesman Logarithms showed decades ago that Americans spend the lowest percentage of their income on food in the world. Therefore if you can control the market there is plenty of room for increased profits. Big investors ruthlessly pursued this.

"The idea that you can identify a single physiological trait that neatly separates two binary sexes is simply false and serves the very structures of patriarchy and white supremacy that are used to attack powerful Black women." #CasterSemenya

The courts decided that discriminating against some women is required for athletic competitions to be “fair” to other women.. Discrimination against some women is “necessary” to protect other women, according to the Court of Arbitration for Sport’s ruling in the Caster Semenya case.

"They can change their name, but they can't hide from the power of our movement." --Sara Shor, 350.org
"They can change their name, but they can't hide from the power of our movement that has successfully blocked Keystone XL for a decade."


What did the CBO say about #MedicareforAll in a new report?
Contrary to some press reports, the CBO study should be seen as useful and encouraging to advocates of Medicare for All.. The Congressional Budget Office issued a report on May 1, 2019 titled "Key Design Components and Considerations for Establishing a Single-Payer Health Care System." This report r...

While Israel’s government often touts itself as the “only democracy” in the Middle East, it is also the only government in the entire world that detains children through military courts with a near 100% conviction rate, something that even Saudi Arabia does not do.

While Israel touts itself as the only democracy in the ME, it is the only government in the world that detains children in military courts with a near 100% conviction rate.

Leaders throughout Latin America and the world quickly rejected last week's coup attempt against Nicolas Maduro.

Leaders throughout Latin America and the world have rejected Tuesday’s coup attempt against Nicolas Maduro.

It tells you everything you need to know about what the Trump administration cares about in Venezuela. (Hint: not the health and security of Venezuelans).

"What this administration has demonstrated again and again over the last several years is that crises and vulnerability … have not been the factors that have moved them."


"I grew up in Palo Alto, and it’s just embarrassing to have this company in my hometown," Druzin explained. "We should all be embarrassed. I mean, if we have a neighbor who helped kill tens of thousands of people, I wouldn't want them in our neighborhood."
Bryce Druzin wants the defense contractor, which has benefitted greatly from Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen, out of his neighborhood.
Biden wasn’t alone among top Democrats. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and others also expressed support for the military uprising launched by Guaidó.

Biden isn't alone among top Democrats expressing support for the military uprising launched by Guaidó.

In public testimony, Marco Rubio has continued to call on the U.S. to promote “widespread unrest” in order to bring down the Maduro government in Venezuela.

Marco Rubio called on the U.S. to promote “widespread unrest” in order to eventually bring down the Maduro government in Venezuela.

Why does Venezuelan opposition only claim fraud when they lose? |...
Why does Venezuelan opposition only claim fraud when they lose? |...
Why does Venezuelan opposition only claim fraud when they lose? |...