Thursday, December 30, 2021

Long Before QAnon Conspiracies, The U.S. Was Swept By 'Satanic Panic'

May 18, 2021
LISTEN· 13:42

April 19, 1989 - A developer purchased the McMartin Pre-School in Manhattan Beach, Calif., following lawsuits that alleged staff had performed satanic rituals. The case resulted in no convictions.Lacy Atkins/Los Angeles Times via Getty Imag

Over the past year, QAnon conspiracies have migrated from obscure corners of the internet into national headlines. The false belief that left-wing Satanists are controlling the government helped fuel the U.S. Capitol insurrection on Jan. 6.

These theories didn't come from nowhere. Back in the 1980s a similar "satanic panic" swept through the country and led to lawsuits that alleged preschool teachers were performing evil rituals with children. These claims were debunked but the accusations themselves had staying power.

NPR's Ari Shapiro reports on what factors contributed to the original "satanic panic" and what it can teach us about the conspiracy theories that attract followers today.

This episode was produced by Lee Hale, Noah Caldwell, Mia Venkat, Brianna Scott and Brent Baughman. It was edited by Patrick Jarenwattananon with help from Wynne Davis. Our executive producer is Cara Tallo.

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